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    The Sands of Time


    Lineage : Star of Bellum
    Position : None
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 12
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    The Sands of Time Empty The Sands of Time

    Post by mari20 7th June 2022, 10:57 am

    TW;; Suicide

    OOC permission is needed to just any of this magic on players, player-owned NPCS and/or Event NPCs.


    Magic Name: Curse of the Emperor: the Sands of Time
    Magic Type: Solitary Curse Magic
    Description: Long ago, before Hideki was even born, his great-great-grandfather Jun was a mage from Bellum who was born with immense magical ability. Unfortunately, his ego got to the better of him, and he believed himself to be untouchable. Despite the best efforts of those around him, Jun failed to lower his pride and eventually disparaged the life's work of another talented spellcaster who had revered him. He was so struck with heartbreak that he took his own life by jumping off a magic tower in Memoria, Bellum's largest city. When his blood soaked into the marble, it interacted unexpectedly with the magic of the tower that had rested in the city for decades. From his last dying wish was borne a curse upon Jun, which would later be inherited by his descendants. Jun was doomed to be an "emperor," a ruler of his own ego who would cause catastrophic failure to all countries or nations under his jurisdiction. This would eventually translate to all of his allies and friends leaving him. Worn down and unwilling to perform magic lest it be recognized as his own and he be shunned once more, Jun left the country. Even though Bellum was his homeland and such a nucleus of magic, he felt weighed down by the guilt but more so his inability to succeed due to the heavy repercussions the curse was rendering on his life.

    In Desierto, Jun found himself at peace despite the scorching heat of the rolling sands and the lack of other mages. In fact, the lack of magic and acceptance of it made him feel more secure in a strange way. If barely anyone revered magic in Desierto, he would never feel compelled to use his immense magic power. Eventually, Jun found a wonderful partner. They were never wealthy and always barely subsisted. However, as nomads they roamed across the sand dunes and concealed themselves from others' sight. This would not be enough for his partner, as they eventually convinced Jun to find some way to make more money when their newborn daughter fell ill and needed treatment. It was a disease commonly known but only happened to poorer individuals who were unable to afford fresh fruit. Jun's partner felt compelled to try to protect their daughter, and Jun agreed that he needed to make a change.

    He tinkered with the curse that the other mage had unknowingly afflicted upon him. Truly, it was a testament to his own ego and the other's magical power fueling that ego which allowed him to mess with another mage's dying will. Jun eventually discovered that as long as he believed himself to be the best essentially and also allowed his ego to wreak havoc upon at least someone else, then he could achieve incredible success. With this power of the "sands of time," Jun learned to control the flow of time and space in order to manufacture gold, jewels, and power at the expense of other people as long as those people were considered to be under his jurisdiction or mini "country" affiliation. Having turned this curse around, his narcissistic tendencies were fueled even more, leading to his partner eventually leaving him along with their daughter. Jun could never realize what he had lost. Remaining alive, he gambled the black markets and made a wealthy profit by sacrificing others' well-being and safety. Despite the years droning on and on, Jun stole away the lifespan of others using a hidden technique that banked on the effects of his own curse. Eventually, he met his own descendant later on.

    Hideki had lived in Desierto his whole life and was only one inheritor of a line of mages who had lived with the bloodline of Jun's original curse. However, up until him, none of them had been born with enough of a capacity for egocentricism to be affected by the prideful and catastrophic full effects of the curse. The majority of them were only born with the inherited magical power which was something of a rarity in Desierto. Hideki, on the other hand, was even a bit more unordinary. His magical potential was greater than his siblings, his father and aunts, his grandfather, and his great-grandmother. Fueled by his ego and lust for great power and wealth, he neglected his physical prowess to the point where the curse leeched onto him, stealing away his bodily efficiency and manipulating him into becoming obsessed with becoming wealthier and magically stronger. His hunt for magical power eventually took him away from the nomad sand dunes of the nation and to the largest city, Alwarda. There he found his great-great-grandfather by something like coincidence. The two both were like flies to honey the way they scrambled for any money. Naturally, that ended up with Hideki involved in the black market that his great-great-grandfather still had heavy control of. Once Jun recognized his descendant, he felt threatened by the broiling power within the young man and cast him out of Desierto using connections and pure magical superiority. He also stole much of Hideki's era and left his magic and body feeble.

    Though he found himself in the poor country of Joya, Hideki did not spend much time there aside from becoming a bit acclimated to the culture and flow of money. He originally aimed to travel to Minstrel, but found himself instead moving through Stella and Bosco on journeys that he undertook at the request of his father. He wanted Hideki to do a bit of soul searching and also believed that it might do his son some good to understand other cultures with firsthand knowledge and experience. Hideki was never a filial son, but he also knew that returning to Desierto without first finding a way of concealment or at least becoming magically stronger would probably mean death at the hands of his own ancestor. He spent some years in other nations, even Iceberg, and developed his magic more. It was the same inherited power, the sands of time under the emperor curse, that his ancestor had first loop holed into existence. However, Hideki focused on era, a type of spatial currency that was essentially time itself. Era could be manipulated into threads, which could be clipped, tied, and used in numerous ways.

    Even if Hideki was not always an impassioned individual, he set himself certain goals that would dictate the future flow of his magic. First, he would be able to return to Desierto freely and needed a magic that would allow for this. His powers focus on manipulating time and space in order to allow for flexibility, so that was achieved. Second, he was determined to never be poor and suffer worldly diseases. Despite his trauma from the past and certain mental fallibilities, he needed to be able to undergo a lot more stress without breaking down. This magic would do that for him as well as permit him to manufacture money and certain forms of wealth. Third, although he is not a huge proponent of revenge as a past time that begs efficiency, Hideki is human. He desires to find satisfaction in regaining some of his previous power and demolishing his ancestor. In his eyes, this would also be somewhat efficient as he can become stronger and gain a lot of wealth and power. However, that event and confrontation is a long distance away. This brings up the fourth goal: immortality. Hideki's magic allows him to regenerate in a sense and also heal allies that might be important to bring along. Of course, another important factor is the power he can wield in combat both offensively and defensively, but to Hideki, those are natural points he should consider and not things to focus on when he utilizes his magic.

    Unique Abilities:
    • Era Eternal Generation: With the flow of time, some things are inevitable. Hideki has led with a manipulation of era a certain type of additional inevitability that applies to specific aspects of his life. Mostly, money. He has ensured that he will never be lacking currency or valuable but not priceless or unique objects that can be exchanged for money. While he can replicate antique objects and generate them out of era, a golden magical power that is similar to a woven strands of time, they will not last forever. Only common in the sense of not being totally unique or historically significant objects can be replicated and sold without worrying about them disappearing later on. This includes money, even if it has a stamp, serial number, or similar effect.

      There is a limit to how much he can generate at once, especially varying depending on the climate and amount of era he can pull from the environment. When era is pulled from his surroundings, any objects and organisms will lose their flow of era. This may cause them to die or be held in stasis. Living organisms with a will dictating their actions and existence cannot be altered or have era pulled from them. Including humans, creatures with a consciousness, and anything that is being controlled or manipulated by a creature with a consciousness, basically. However, if a living organism is willing to donate their era or temporarily have it pulled from them, they can enter stasis through a voluntary process. There are also ways to make bargains on Hideki's side which is something akin to an equal exchange wherein he receives era and the person is placed into a hibernative state that prevents them from aging and natural erosive causes.

      With this generation he also gains the competence to instigate a counter-generation using era. It is a reverse of the process of pulling era from something or someone. In counter-generation, also known by Hideki as "era healing" he can use generated era to speed up physiological and biological processes that are part of a natural healing cycle. This can be used to heal others. However, it cannot be used to heal himself just as he cannot pull natural era from his own body he cannot input it. His body functions only as a type of storage container for era and a vessel for development and usage.

    • Era Auric Space: Internally, Hideki has an auric space that allows him to realize different compartments of his mental capacity. He can also store objects and even people inside. Unfortunately, people can experience debilitating effects of the era method of power. This can be something like rapid aging or rapid onset symptoms of certain diseases and conditions. The space speeds up many organic processes. This can be offset in some ways with magic input and foci that allow him to create mini pockets within the pocket that are unaffected by the natural increased flow of era, time. This doesn't usually tend to be useful in fights because of the mental energy needed to extend era to another person or creature. A target with a consciousness also has to stay very still, generally not perform any taxing magic even if mentally, and consent unless certain alternative qualifications are met like having a strong magical or trust bond with the target or ownership of it.

      However he can store some weapons and other useful things inside and pull them out after a short delay. Over time, he hopes to become more adept at manipulating era. Even though he thinks of it as a space that exists inside of his mind, this auric dimension is an alternate flow of era that ebbs, flows, and loops in a similar way to normal time. The key differences are that it is subject to control of magic for the contents to be in stasis. Majority of real-world objects do not undergo time at a rapid enough pace for stasis to be necessary, even if stasis is also not normally possible in the real-world.

    • Era Twilight Cycle: Every time a course or a strand of era has successfully finished its entire length, that will be a twilight duration. Hideki has the ability to reset a cycle to its last twilight period. This depends on the surroundings and follows similar rules of nature such as relying upon consent of willful organisms. Also, in roleplay, this ability uses a duration in posts rather than a time of minutes and hours. For actual purposes of a twilight duration of time, it can vary from a minute to a day to a year to something else. It would just depend on the length of time that progressed during from one post that this ability was first used in to the next where it took effect. The duration is calculated with a max twilight length that is the same as a spell length.

      However, even if the twilight is not able to be decided by Hideki in roleplay, I can decide the length up to the spell length. So if I want it to be 2 posts, then it could be 2 posts instead of 3 that is reset. Of course the reset does not have to include other characters and can only guaranteed apply to Hideki. It would be better to discuss how a twilight cycle reset will affect the topic in question. This ability is not in usage in a way that would affect another character, controlled organism, or similar player mechanic, without permission or prior discussion and understanding.


    Name: Passage of Time
    Rank: D
    Duration: Signature
    Description: Hideki's method of extending the flow of time as it applies to his lifespan. Passage of Time, or as Hideki calls it, just "Passage Control" allows him to passively make deals with other people in exchange for their "Passage". This basically means taking others' lifespan by making bargains with them for something that they desire. In Hideki's eyes, this is not evil or even a bad thing because they are making the choice and not having it stolen against their will. He can also use Passage to heal himself at an increased rate, although it means the Passage will be taken from his current lifespan, even if that lifespan is the extended version from other individuals. Alongside Passage Control, understanding how Passage works has given Hideki the ability to see others' Passage. In order to gain this information in combat I have to have the permission of people controlling the target person or object in roleplay. However, if it is my own NPC or something along those lines, Hideki could simply glean that information freely. In practice, this can come across in roleplay as some people having mental or magical barriers that protect their personal information, or sufficiently strong will to forgo having their Passage read. There is also another part to Passage Control which he rarely uses, and that is to exchange his Passage for someone else. In this way he can save a dying individual to some extent, though this also is not very applicable in combat because it does not heal anyone's wounds so if they are gravely injured Passage cannot be exchanged. It is mostly used to bargain.

    Name: Continuance
    Rank: D
    Duration: Signature
    Description: Although Hideki has a sort of magical signature like most mages, his is indistinct and deeply affected by the continuance of time. In order to hide from prying eyes, his presence is concealed in a way. It is still distinguishable as a mage but the power level is decreased and any identifying factors are blurred away so that individuals who hold enmity towards him have more trouble sensing that it is him who is the mage in question. The rapid power of continuance also allows him to manipulate his physical appearance in a way like a mirage. This can fall away when he is put under a lot of magical stress of resources, because it does require input of era or magic. Continuance also has the benefit of keeping Hideki mentally stable and allowing him some control over his fragmented personality. It also passively keeps his body healthier and ongoing.

    Name: Epoch Control
    Rank: D
    Duration: Signature
    Description: Utilizing a mastery over era, Hideki manipulates the divisions of specific epochs in the flow of time. He can place down points that mark the beginning and ends of epochs which allow him to essentially teleport between them. Although these epochs exist in the timeline, they are immovable despite the extension or retraction of time. Instead, they are permanent factors in the space and location they are placed. Hideki can place down one epoch marker per post and can teleport to any previously placed epoch marker also once per post. In order to teleport, he cannot place an epoch marker and then also teleport at the same time. Furthermore, these can be placed quite a distance away from a current point, but is limited by his magical talent. They can always be placed at a location then he may freely return despite the distance between the two.

    In order to bring someone along, they have to consent to travel and may experience negative effects of epoch control such as memory loss, nausea, headaches, and pain. Not all travelers experience these symptoms, and the greater amount of epoch traveling one undergoes the less likely they are to continue experiencing symptoms. When he moves to an epoch, it pulls a slight amount of era from the surrounding area that is not converted to era within Hideki's body storage. This era is used to fuel the epoch travel. If there is no era within the surrounding area, then Hideki must inject era into an epoch marker before traveling to the location. Once at the location of the "dead epoch marker", he can henceforth inject era directly into the environment, which will remain nearby the marker until used for future epoch travel.

    Name: Erosion Surge
    Rank: D Rank
    Duration: 3
    Description: Extending his hand, Hideki causes a surge in the erosion of a unit that he is touching. This translates to a golden particle effect spreading over the surface of whatever he is touching and eroding underneath, causing damage and breaking down bonds. It can also be used from a range, in which case the golden particle effect will extend through the air in a volatile, surging fashion until it has contact with the target. If the target escapes to a far enough location, then it will be unable to chase them. Otherwise, even if it is slower than the target in question, the erosion surge will tirelessly go after the target as long as it remains within the vicinity of this spell's usage. When a target is fully eroded, it will dissipate into dust if it has no more vitality or durability.

    Name: Dust Vortex
    Rank: D Rank
    Requip Type: Weapon
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment: No
    Duration: 3
    Description: A spear that Hideki retrieved from Desierto on one of his visits. Has a golden blade that appears more ornate than battle ready. The shaft of the spear is dark brown, with trails of lighter brown approaching the head of the spear. A glowing gem is implanted on the head and on the end of the shaft for balance. Originally, this spear belonged to a dust dragon and was a part of its hoard. When Hideki made a bargain with the dragon, this was representative of the dragon's trust and their mutual promise. Should Hideki ever decide to break his promise, the spear will shatter and alert the dragon of Hideki's betrayal. Though he tends to be secretive about the origins of the spear, it is mostly because he does not want others to spend time thinking about visiting the dragon in order to acquire similar treasures. Not only does he believe that would be a waste of time on their part but also lack efficiency because it will be a lot of effort for nothing gained. He also does not wish to bother that dragon with small troubles that will end only with a person being eaten or blown to smithereens.


    Name: Arise
    Rank: D Rank
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment: No
    Duration: 3
    Description: Calling out either mentally or physically "Arise," Hideki summons a sculpture of sand that can breathe together life when complete. This sculpture takes a bit to create but has the added benefit that it has a physical form and is not an illusion. Regardless of the environment, Hideki is able to create sand and harden it using his magical power. This sculpture can take any form and only relies upon Hideki's will for its physical shell. The actions it takes can be fueled by a miniscule type of free will, only to the regard that Hideki does not have to control every small bit of its actions and can instead dictate orders mentally or physically with his voice. Should Hideki be incapacitated mentally, then he would be unable to dictate new orders or summon a new sand statue.

    Memory Remnant:

    Name: Dust Saga
    Rank: D+Rank
    Duration: 5
    Description: Calling forth a fearsome sandstorm, Hideki intensifies the results of any friendly magic within the storm. The dust winds ravage the area around him the caster as the center. However, should he relocate himself, this dust saga will not continue to rotate around him and will remain with the eye of the storm as his first location. This eye point is a safe spot in which allies will be healed by the dust including himself. Otherwise, the dust will do damage to enemies anywhere inside the storm, regardless of if they are in the center. The eye of the storm is rather small, only about five meters in diameter. Allies who also have their magic augmented will only experience the boost in a lesser extent than Hideki himself or his sand statue. Unfortunately, the allies who are in the center being healed will lose the bonus intensity the storm can provide to friendly magic. This does not apply to Hideki or his sand statue, but other friendly units would have to choose whether to benefit from healing protection or magical magnification.

    Last edited by mari20 on 18th June 2022, 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Star of Bellum
    Position : None
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 12
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    The Sands of Time Empty Re: The Sands of Time

    Post by mari20 14th June 2022, 6:33 pm

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    The Sands of Time Empty Re: The Sands of Time

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 18th June 2022, 5:45 pm


    The Sands of Time 6IxsfT8

    Just so you're aware, this magic is statless magic and would follow the rules regarding as such. Also if you could put that OOC permission is needed to just any of the magic on players, player-owned NPCS and/or Event NPCs and you're golden after that!


    The Sands of Time YvWNyTL

    Lineage : Star of Bellum
    Position : None
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 12
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    The Sands of Time Empty Re: The Sands of Time

    Post by mari20 18th June 2022, 8:39 pm

    Thanks for the heads up! I also put a note at the beginning now
    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
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    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    The Sands of Time Empty Re: The Sands of Time

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 26th June 2022, 12:24 am

    mari20 wrote:

    There we go! Sorry, I never got the quote!

    The Sands of Time CXDNP1Y


    The Sands of Time YvWNyTL

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:51 pm