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    Job Hunting


    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Job Hunting

    Post by Rodadnuf 29th January 2022, 4:49 am

    Tim Watt

    6C Schwartz Yard Buildings
    66th Street, Hargeon Town

    Career Overview:

    Committed with an 8-year experience in the shipping industry. Direct and a get-it-done attitude. Experienced in handling and operating magic fueled SE-plug vehicles and equipment. Proficient in warehouse management, inventory and cargo distribution.

    Professional Experience:

    Equipment Operator (4 years ago to present)
    Rollins & Schwartz Shipping
    Warehouse 3, Hargeon Wharf Road, Hargeon Town
    warehouse driver (SE-plug vehicles), SE-plug hoist and crane operator, SE-plug Forklift operator

    Volunteer Work (6 years ago to 5 years ago)
    Rollins & Schwartz Research
    Schwartz Yard Buildings, 66th Street, Hargeon Town
    Lacrima research (for further inquiry; refer to Dr. Arthur C. Schwartz to avoid breach of non-disclosure agreement)

    Warehouse Worker (6 years ago to 4 years ago)
    Rollins & Schwartz Shipping
    Warehouse 3, Hargeon Wharf Road, Hargeon Town
    Inventory counting, cargo hauling, truck loading

    Warehouse Worker (8 years ago to 6 years ago)
    Hargeon Seaport
    Cargo Terminal 1, Hargeon Wharf Road, Hargeon Town
    Inventory counting, cargo hauling, truck loading

    Education and Training:

    Magnolia Technical-Magical Training Center (6 years ago to 4 years ago)
    Self-Energy plug type Vehicle Training Course
    Self-Energy plug type Heavy Equipment Operations Course
    Self-Energy plug type Forklift-truck Certification Program

    Professional References:

    • Edna Faulkner-Rollins
      chief executive officer, co-founder
      Rollins & Schwartz Company
      66th Street, Hargeon Town

    • Dr. Arthur C. Schwartz
      researcher, co-founder
      Rollins & Schwartz Company
      66th Street, Hargeon Town

    There were three phonograph lacrima present. One was sent alongside the resumé, the other two were given to the guild via courier. The first was from Edna Faulkner-Rollins.

    “Oh? Is this functioning properly? Tim, dear, would you kindly ask for Thatch—? Oh, never mind. I think it’s recording. Tim? Oh my, he took off already… no matter.
    I, Edna Faulkner-Rollins, am recording this to be sent as supplement to Tim Watt’s resumé. Mister Watt has served my company for… how long was it now? Close to a decade? Seven or so odd years if I remember correctly. In those years he has been nothing but cooperative to me and his fellow employees, but not without his share of initiative. I remember there was one instance he used a hoist to stop a crate from falling into another worker. It was a stroke of creativity, I tell you! But I digress.
    Mister Watt also has a knack for those magical equipment Arthur, er— Dr. Schwartz acquired for the company. Let’s see, what else…
    Quite frankly, I don’t think I can tell you anything more that wasn’t already written in his resumé.

    No. I have one more piece to say.
    Dr. Schwartz, that man has driven the company close to ruin these past years. His personal research has taken our finances a good blow. We even resorted to using our own workers as test subjects for— I digressed again. Ahem.
    What I’m trying to convey is Mister Watt has a very bright future ahead of him. The direction the company has taken was something out of my control and for once I wanted something go my way! This is a selfish request from a dying old crone. Don’t give Arthur Schwartz what he wants.”

    The second does not have an address.

    “If you are listening to this recording, you have a young man with you who goes by the name of Tim Watt. I have a simple request: Reject his application.
    Now, this is by no means a threat. I am only a concerned party. In fact, I will reveal to you some information which may dissuade you from taking him in: First, his real name is Tim T. Timson the forty second. Ask him about this name, if you still doubt my intentions. Second, ask him about his tendencies to participate in illegal cage matches. My final information, or advice, is conduct his interview at night.
    If the first two information doesn’t dissuade you enough, this will.”

    The third was from a man named Tim T. Timson XLI.

    “Hello. If I am mistaken, please disregard this message. I am a town-council member of— no.
    My name is Tim T. Timson. My son has left home for a decade now. We have not heard news of him till a month ago. My wife and I, well… we were told he was going to apply for a well-earning job in a remote facility in the Phoenix Mountains. If you could send a message back telling whether or not he truly is, we would be eternally grateful! And… if you could make sure he does not get the job, we can give you remuneration for the trouble. My son’s name is Tim T. Timson the forty second.”

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 692
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 30th January 2022, 8:53 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.

    The Ace glanced over at the sound of her name, halting her trek through the entry foyer as she made her way from the spas to the living quarters of the guild. To say the last few days – honestly the last few weeks – had been rough would be an understatement. Between her recent kidnapping and subsequent rescue, the freeing of her people, and the disappearance of her fiance shortly after his near death, it was a wonder that she wasn’t losing her hair with anxiety. So much had happened in such a short period of time, and while Vandrad had returned safe and sound his enemies had sought to strike her fiance while he was down, attacking not just him but also his family, his allies, and Mercury herself. Thankfully nearly everyone they were close to had survived, but the assassins had completely destroyed the entire du Wolff estate, including Mercury’s home that Vandrad’s mother had gifted to her the first time they’d met.

    Not all of her possessions had been demolished, of course. Truthfully, Mercury owned very little by way of personal affects, and a lot of what she did have had been split between her house in Bellum and her suite in Silver Wolf. And thankfully, she had taken great care to install protective measures around her basement where her personal lab was at her house, so everything in the lab that she had been working on survived. Still, the house was the first home she had ever really had, and it had been difficult to accept and process that it was gone. It was one of many things that would require time to adjust to and heal from… But she still had Vandrad and Silver Wolf, and at the end of the day that was all she truly needed.

    Well, that and a nice hot soak to wash all the stress away.

    So she’d gone to take a dip in the famous spas at the Silver Wolf guild before starting her work day, and that was when the receptionist at the front desk had flagged her down. Adjusting her course, she approached the woman. “What’s up, Lyvia?”

    The receptionist moved a few papers around until she found what she was looking for, handing Mercury a small package. “We got the mail a bit ago. Most of it I can take care of, but this seemed like it should go to either you or Leona. I think it’s a resume.”

    Mercury blinked. “A resume..?” That was odd. Most people wishing to join Silver Wolf, or any guild for that matter, didn’t send resumes. They just walked in and expressed their interest in joining, had a quick chat with herself or the guildmaster, and that was it. Curious, she slipped the papers out of the package along with the lacrimas and took a quick glance over the document. There was a picture with it that showed a young man around her own age, with dark hair and eyes and tanned skin, with a few healed scars on his face. He was actually quite attractive; not the most important thing, of course, but Mercury hardly ever let silly things like “priorities” stop her in the past, so there was no point in starting now. “Thanks, Lyv. I’ll follow up on this.” Sliding everything back into the package, she took it with her to her room to review the lacrimas in private.

    His references were… certainly something. There was clearly an entire backstory of workplace drama happening with his current employer that Mercury couldn’t help but be both intrigued and amused by, her insatiable curiosity practically demanding that she get her hands on more details. It was more than enough for her to want to meet the applicant in person, so she took the time to reach out to him by whatever method of contact he’d supplied inviting him to come meet with her at the Silver Wolf guild hall for an interview, with instructions to ask for her at the front desk when he arrived.

    WORDS: 0678 | @Rodadnuf
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Rodadnuf 31st January 2022, 9:44 am

    Tim had never heard of anything about the Silver Wolf guild save for the things Edna had told him. The first thing she told him was it had a very relaxing hot spring and it had one of the largest reliquaries among the guilds in the region. In fact, Edna had found a recruitment poster and filled Tim in. She knew about his skillset in handling self-energy plugged equipment and badgered Tim to send in his resumé. She even recorded a recommendation message in a lacrima for his sake. The young man had not much interest in the guild initially, to be brutally honest, Tim had other companies in mind. They were very reputable ones too! But out of ten companies Tim had submitted his resumé not a single one replied, not even a rejection letter. Only Silver Wolf had given him a letter about an interview.

    ‘Even with the number of years I have under my belt, guess it wasn’t enough.’ Tim waved the thought off after a moment. Dwelling on it won’t pay the bills; taking the job that took interest in him will. Tim jumped at the earlier opportunity and, with Edna’s blessing, had set out a trip to a mage’s guild in the Phoenix Mountains. This was literally an opportunity of a lifetime!
    The ride towards the mountains wasn’t too terrible. It took a few hours by train from Hargeon station towards Era, from there it was another few hours until he reached the mountain village where he was told to wait till the next schedule of caravans set to travel through the Phoenix Mountains into the guild house itself. The local townsfolk told Tim the guild house doubled as a tourist spot famous for its hot springs’ bathing facilities and expansive library. At least Edna wasn’t too far off with her information.

    Dawn broke as the first trip towards the mountains set off. It looked like there were a lot of regulars to this guild house. The first trip consisted of a three-sleigh convoy. The sleighs were pulled by a formation of ten large wolves each bigger than Tim and gained speed which could rival horses! And considering the sleigh was big enough to house around twenty passengers on the inside of each sleigh and ten grabbing on for dear life on the outside, these wolves weren’t push overs. Tim was one of the people who couldn’t reserve a seat on the inside of the sleigh and not because of its price, each of the seats were already reserved a few days beforehand.
    As the convoy hit the upper parts of the mountains, a snowstorm hit them.

    “You know the reason the Phoenix Mountains got its name?!” One of the passengers holding on shouted at Tim.

    It was far from the time to ask pub quiz questions, but it was better than letting the cold dull their minds. Tim humored the man and asked why.

    “It’s because of the cold so frigid it burns like a phoenix’s pulsing flames!” Tim wasn’t inclined to disagree.

    Even with the extra layer of clothing on top of his usual work-clothes, the cold was still piercing. He had two layers of overcoats: one very thick belted coat that ran down towards his thighs and the other his company jacket which adorned an R&S stitched badge on its side. His thick trousers and steel toed shoes were also issued by the company. Only the coat and the valenki over his shoes were bought from one of the local shops. Even with all of the preparation Tim did the visible foggy breath escaping from his lips as he huffed was proof the cold was getting to him.

    Tim did not want to rely on this power, but since when did he ever get to decide what he wanted to do? The young man’s thick gloves gripped the sides of the sleigh tighter as he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, coughing from the frigid air that went into his lungs. ‘Slowly.’ Tim chanted to himself. ‘With light, comes heat.’ Taking deep slow breaths evenly but consistently. A few seconds later his body started to warm up, the breaths Tim was taking didn’t hurt anymore.

    “Is he dead?” “No clue… that glow is definitely magic though.” “Poke him!”

    Tim opened his eyes a few hours later when the convoy stopped and found the scenery completely changed. There was a very expansive yet exotic looking facility. The young man’s hands gave up on him and he fell down into a snow-covered ground.

    “Hey, you alright?” It was the voice of the noisier passengers that was outside the sleigh earlier. The passenger helped Tim up and knocked some snow off the back of his coat.

    ‘Thanks.’ Tim waved him off and tightened the cloth over his face. The other passengers had already been disembarking with their luggage. The wolves from the convoy were playing with glowing ones- what? Tim wasn’t seeing things. There were a pack of translucent glowing wolves even bigger than the ones mushing the sleigh earlier. One of the wolves was actually pretty close to Tim, earning a step back from the young man. It didn’t look like it had any bad intentions, it looked pretty curious. It reminded Tim of one of the strays around the docks.

    “These here are called guardian wolves.” One of the mushers walked towards him, but stopped a meter away. “They don’t usually do that, they’re good at keeping to themselves.”

    While the musher was talking one of the wolves stopped a good inch away from him and sniffed his clothes. Tim breathed deep, feeling a little nervous. But he noticed the wolf wasn’t interested in him, per se, but it was basking in the light emanated from him.

    “I noticed you using magic to turn bright earlier. The wolves were like moths, it actually looked a little funny.”

    Tim took off one of his gloves and a dim light draped over his bare hand and, true enough, the wolf nudged its head over his hand like a vice. It rubbed its head uncontrollably till Tim undid his hand’s glow. When the glow disappeared, the wolf sniffed the hand again nudged it as if it would glow again if it did so.

    “That wasn’t just some light magic, was it, son?” The musher asked.

    “Pretty much the same sort you see everywhere, chief.”

    The inside of the exotic looking building was even more impressive. The dim golden glow of the wooden interior emphasized the place, even if Tim was still at the entrance. He bet the rest of the place would look just as expensive, if not more, than the lobby he was in. The people were too busy checking in the front desk to notice Tim walk with one of the translucent wolves. It was still staring at Tim’s bare hand. The young man ignored the wolf and asked one of the staff.

    “Hello. My name’s Tim Watt, here for an interview?”

    “Ah! One of our guild members is expecting you, Mister Watt. Would you mind waiting while we call for her?”

    Tim nodded and took a seat in one of the lounges where he humored the wolf with his glowing bear hand, playing with it till this guild member would come to give him the interview.

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 692
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 31st January 2022, 8:18 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Passing the time had been easy enough, as there was always plenty for Mercury to do somewhere or another between the guild and dealing with the aftermath of what had happened in Bellum. Granted, she had to be more careful now with where she showed her face, given that she needed to maintain a low profile for the time, but there were very few places more secure than Silver Wolf so it was easy enough for her to teleport back and forth from the guild to the other locations she needed to go to while remaining out of sight. There was never an end to the work at the guild, so it was easy enough to keep herself busy by checking on her Scholars and seeing how they were faring with their respective projects.

    Before she knew it, the day for the interview had arrived. She busied herself with one of her own experiments in the meantime. One of the things she had managed to save from the wreckage of her home was the new weapon she had been working on for Vandrad’s father, the giant oversized hammer that Gren had commissioned from her a number of months back. Mercury was in the middle of testing it in the labs when the intercom turned on and Lyvia’s voice sounded through the speakers. “Your appointment is here, miss.”

    “Thanks, Lyv! I’ll be right out. Come on, Bandit!”

    The bird gave her a shrill caw before flapping down from his perch in the rafters to land on her shoulder. Putting the hammer back in its case and locking it, she secured the box in her room before heading out into the foyer. A caravan had recently brought a number of guests for the spa, and a number of guild members were already busy getting them set up with their accommodations. Mercury’s gaze panned the room until it landed on an individual who matched the picture that had accompanied his resume. Apparently, one of the spirit wolves had taken an interest in him as the ethereal creature was sniffing his hand and lingering by his side. Judging by the readings from the radars in her internal HUD, he was utilizing some kind of light spell that had caught the wolf’s attention, but the color of the light was different in a familiar way; it glowed, but it was a purple-ish black, much like Mercury’s own magic used to be before it had evolved. Was he a god slayer of some kind? That would be interesting…

    With a small smirk, Mercury wandered in his direction. “I see you made a friend already.” He would find himself being greeted by a rather small woman dressed in a gray-green engineering jumpsuit that sported a few grease spots, complete with leather boots, gloves, and a pouch strapped to her thigh that presumably held tools. Her short lavender colored hair was pushed away from her face by a pair of work goggles, and she had bright emerald colored eyes that carried an unmistakable glint of mischief behind them. She was about half a foot shorter than him, with a thin lithe frame. Sat upon her shoulder was a large black crow, the creature tilting its head to study the man with a beady black eye as it shifted back and forth.

    Taking off one of her gloves, she offered him a petite, well manicured hand to shake. “You must be Tim. I’m Mercury. The jackass on my shoulder is Bandit. Don’t take it personally if he screams at you, he just likes to listen to himself complain.” Normally this process wasn’t this formal, and to a point it still wasn’t considering that Mercury was dressed in more practical garments that betrayed she spent most of her time getting her hands dirty rather than sitting at a desk pushing papers without breaking a sweat. However, considering the content of some of the references he’d sent it, she figured it was best that she conduct this meeting in a more private setting rather than out in the foyer where most new members were inducted into the fold.

    Tilting her head to invite him to follow her, she led him into a small office where there was a sturdy wooden desk that was free of clutter. It was obvious the space wasn’t used by any one particular person in the guild as there weren’t any personal items in the room outside of the standard office supplies. There was also a small fridge in the corner. As Bandit flew off her shoulder to pick a new roosting spot up in the rafters, Mercury gestured for him to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk while she quietly shut the door behind them. “You thirsty? I know the road up can be a bit killer your first time. Gotta watch out for dehydration. It sneaks up on you fast in the cold and snow. We got some water, juice, soda..?” She’d grab whatever he expressed an interest in, if anything at all, and would hand him the bottle while taking a bottle of water for herself.

    Then, she sat on the other side of the desk and made herself comfortable. As she took off her remaining glove, he might notice the small ring of gold with an emerald stone on the finger that typically indicated one was engaged to be married. Mercury set her gloves off to the side and  took the envelope with his resume and the lacrimas out of one of the drawers. “I have to say, you’ve got quite the rep sheet here. I’m looking forward to exploring the possibility of your membership with the guild. Though, I suppose I should introduce myself a little better first.” Screwing the cap off her water, she took a quick swig to wet her pallet. “My official role with Silver Wolf is an Ace, and essentially what that means is that I’m in charge of the guild when our guildmaster, Leona, isn’t around. Primarily I focus on overseeing our Scholar branch, but at this time the Ace positions that command the other two branches are vacant, so I’m basically running all three branches for Leona on an interim basis until we can find the right people to fill the other two roles. And yes, it’s exactly as exhausting as it sounds. I use the spas a lot.”

    Mercury grinned at her teasing comment at her own expense, slipping in a little candid humor to hopefully help him feel more at ease. “So I’ve obviously read what was on your resume, but I’d like to know a little more about you on a personal level. The man behind the application, so to speak. Is there anything you’d be comfortable sharing about yourself? Maybe some of your hobbies or interests, or a bit about where you grew up, any kind of magic abilities you may or may not possess… whatever you feel is appropriate or interesting, really.”

    WORDS: 1166/1844 | @Rodadnuf
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Rodadnuf 1st February 2022, 10:35 am

    “I see you made a friend already.” A pair of well used work goggles glinted Tim’s way as the young man looked for the voice’s source.

    Tim stood up to greet a short woman about his age. He presumed she was either the one who will guide him to where the interview will take place or the one who will conduct it. And given the rough outfit composing of a faded green jumpsuit, boots, gloves and harness combination, Tim was inclined to believe the latter. She carried a very grandiose air around her, and had the looks to back the attitude up too! Now, giving a prospective employer a once-over was bottom of things a worker should do but there was a degree of spunk in her that charmed Tim. She raked her lavender hair back with her goggles revealing a pair of gleaming emeralds locking Tim’s gaze.

    The underlying curiosity in the woman’s look hadn’t been left unnoticed by him, but he then realized she saw him playing with the guardian wolf! Is she going to ask about my weird magic? The young man hoped she wouldn’t.

    His thoughts had suddenly been distracted by a black bird which cawed at Tim. The young man raised a brow at the crow. Did it react to me checking her out-? That’d make it a corax, then. They’re a pretty smart bunch.

    Before Tim could give any more blind guesses about the bird the woman took her well-worn gloves and extended a very well-manicured hand. Tim took both of his thick gloves off, revealing his rough calloused hand, and gave her a firm handshake as she continued. “You must be Tim. I’m Mercury. The jackass on my shoulder is Bandit. Don’t take it personally if he screams at you, he just likes to listen to himself complain.”

    Mercury, as she called herself, wasn’t much on decorum despite her air of grandiose. Given her choice of outfit she either doesn’t see Tim as someone important enough to warrant dressing up properly or just doesn’t give a toss about dressing up altogether.

    She reminds me of Edna. Tim thought.

    Mercury led Tim into a small office, prompting Tim to leave his translucent friend behind. The office she led him into looked like it hasn’t found much use besides being a glorified paperwork store room. Besides the typical office paraphernalia there wasn’t much ways of it being personalized and Tim, with his years of working under a very pedantic researcher, knew from experience how there would always be a hint of identity in a workspace if it had been claimed; even ones self-proclaimed claims had it. The woman gestured for Tim to take a seat over a chair by a wooden desk while she moved over a refrigerator.

    “You thirsty? I know the road up can be a bit killer your first time. Gotta watch out for dehydration. It sneaks up on you fast in the cold and snow. We got some water, juice, soda…?”

    Tim fought the urge to say Rhum, he could feel the judgmental eyes of the crow perching up top. He really didn’t need anything, not for a while. Since the time of that incident with the self-proclaimed daughter of Nyx, Tim could literally survive off sunlight alone like some sea slug-like monster. But telling a prospective employer that was a sure-fire way of not getting the job, so Tim settled for some water. She had a bottle for each of them as she sat comfortably over the other side of the desk.

    Mercury took of her remaining glove and set the pair aside. It was hard not to notice the shining emerald-gold ring adorned over her finger. Though Tim had been careful not to give a distinct reaction to the implication of the ring; the young man couldn’t help give a slight exhale from his nose. What did old man Thatch say again? The best and worst parts of dreams are that they’re fleeting?

    Tim quickly shook off the idle thought as he saw Mercury take a familiar looking envelope and lacrima- wait, why were there three of them? The young man wanted to ask, but letting Mercury say her piece first would be prudent.

    “I have to say, you’ve got quite the rep sheet here. I’m looking forward to exploring the possibility of your membership with the guild.” What membership? Tim knew this was a mage’s guild, but he was applying for the exact opposite of a mage! “Though, I suppose I should introduce myself a little better first.”

    Mercury began a lengthy talk about the hierarchal structure of the Silver Wolf’s members. How she was quite high up, being a guild ace, which is basically the chief mate among the guild’s mages.

    “And yes, it’s exactly as exhausting as it sounds. I use the spas a lot.” There was a bit of the woman’s sass seeping through, but Tim noticed the underlying pride in it. Her spunky grin accompanying her words caught Tim’s eye. In Tim’s time working as a dock worker, he’d see mages from all over the kingdom come and go through the port town. But this had been the first time he’d given a figurative step back and saw a mage not just as a passenger in between voyages. Here was a woman who loved what she was doing. He thought to himself solemnly, letting out a soft. “Wow.”

    Tim failed to listen to the rest of her talk. “…I’d like to know a little more about you on a personal level. The man behind the application, so to speak…” Was the line that caught back his attention. He muttered a faint Huh? Wait a sec- as Mercury gave a piercing question, “…any kind of magic abilities you may or may not possess…? Whatever you feel is appropriate or interesting, really.”

    “Wait a second, Ma’am.” Tim could finally say what was on his mind after Mercury had given him the floor. “I know you already have me on mind for hiring- and I appreciate that sentiment, I really do. But I honestly feel like we have a slight misunderstanding on the sort of job I would end up doing if you do end up taking me in.”

    Since Tim’s arrival in the guild house a couple of hours had passed. Add to it the additional few hours playing with the wolf while waiting for Mercury ‘and’ the time for the interview proper; dusk had already crawled. With the dusk’s arrive came the little curse courtesy of Tim’s lineage. The ugly ink-like pitch-black blotches swam out of the surface Tim’s skin like a perpetual ink stain, as it passed his eyes the irises turn to purple. He looked like an inky lava lamp.

    Tim continued without knowing. “I know this guild has one of the larges reliquaries in the kingdom and I really hoped to give my warehouse experience in sorting something that big of an operation out. Yeah, I have the company magic Dr. Schwartz implanted on me a while back, but this hardly qualifies as a mage’s magic. Other than that? There really shouldn’t be anything notable about… me…”

    The young man noticed Mercury paying slightly more attention to him; way more attentively than earlier. Even the crow flapped its wings, as if adjusting in his direction. Just as he was about to ask, a familiar color was swimming around his arm Tim saw on the corner of his eye. Oh, no-!

    Startling himself, Tim subconsciously activated his nightlike skin! The bird cawed threateningly, it sounded him at least, prompting Tim to shoot out of chair standing as he inched himself back slowly away from his interviewer.

    “Ma’am, I can explain! Please, this doesn’t do anything! It looks demonic, I know. But aside form making me look even uglier this doesn’t harm anyone else…”

    Tim stumbled in his own words. He tripped over the chair that fell as he stood up! The young man felt his opportunity slipping away as badly as his composure. Of all the times for this to happen-!


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 692
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,126,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 2nd February 2022, 6:15 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Well, he certainly wasn’t much of a talker. Or at the very least he liked to observe people before speaking too much. Aside from agreeing to a water, he didn’t really say anything while Mercury introduced herself and got him settled in the office for their scheduled one on one. Perhaps he was just shy? He did seem a little nervous as she approached, though his handshake had been firm and confident enough. Whatever it was, Tim was becoming more and more curious by the minute, and those were Mercury’s favorite kind of people.

    In fact, it was only after she invited him to open up about himself a bit that he finally started stringing a couple sentences together, but his answer wasn’t quite what she was expecting. He stopped her almost in her tracks by admitting that he felt there was some kind of mixup in what exactly kind of work he was looking to do for them. Mercury raised a single brow in surprise, her interest piqued as he avoided answering her rather general question and chose instead to change the topic a bit. Thankfully for him, Mercury was a bundle of patience that simply let him do so, if only because she wanted to see exactly where he planned on going with all this.

    So she listened without interruption as he explained that his interest in the guild was due to knowing that they held one of the largest vaults of relics and artifacts in the country, and his hope was to apply his years of experience in warehousing to helping to keep them organized and inventoried. It wasn’t until he spoke about magic being imprinted upon him and the particular emphasis he used on the word “mage” that her computerized brain started putting the pieces together. He clearly had magic; she’d seen him use a small amount of it only a few minutes ago. But just as clear was the fact that he wasn’t comfortable with that fact and the mere implication that he might be associated as being a mage was making him fidget and panic.

    As he continued to try and brush off any kind of discussion that might equate him with magical abilities, something strange began to happen. While she kept an even expression and maintained her easy, casual composure, her eyes couldn’t help but drift to take in the sight of his skin changing color, taking on a hue as dark as night. He didn’t seem to notice right away, but it didn’t take more than a second or two for him to realize that her gaze had wandered, and as Bandit squawked some loud, untranslated commentary, Tim practically leapt out of his chair and backed away from her in fear, all but begging her to remain calm and frantically assuring her that what was happening to him wasn’t dangerous. All that before tripping over the chair he had been sitting in only a moment ago.

    The room was quiet for a moment as Mercury calmly stood to her feet and came around to the other side of the desk where he laid prone, tangled up with the chair and presumably a fair bit of embarrassment. “You good there?” she asked, a small note of amusement in her tone but nothing malicious, and overall she would seem genuine in wanting to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself. She offered him a hand to help him get back onto his feet, and if he accepted it he would find that she was able to pull him up with very little effort, hinting at a physical strength that didn’t seem to match her petite build. Then, just as casually, she took the chair and set it right side up again in front of the desk and gestured to it. “Have another seat,” was the gentle invitation.

    Walking around the desk once more, Mercury sat across from him again. She leaned back comfortably in the chair, her emerald gaze studying him kindly for a moment as she pulled her thoughts together and formulated a plan of approach. This kid needed a soak in the hot springs even more than she did, and that was saying something. When she did finally speak up, her tone was patient and lacking any hint of judgment toward him. “I’m going to assume that you’ve had more than a few negative reactions to whatever this is,” the ace said, nodding her head toward him and his changed skin. “A shame, really. It’s pretty neat. Not sure who’s been feeding you this idea that you’re ugly, cause that’s a bold faced lie if I’ve ever heard one, and as far as I’m concerned this makes you even more attractive, not less.”

    She shot him a playful, somewhat flirty look before her expression sobered into something a bit more serious. “But my unprofessionalism aside, it’s obvious that whatever is going on is new to you, possibly even scares you a bit. If that’s true, it’s understandable. I myself have only been able to use magic for a little over two years, now, and I can recall how alarming and exciting the first couple months of that adventure were. Anyway, my point is this.” Mercury looked in right in the eyes, holding his gaze evenly and without reproach. “We’ve all got weird shit. If I told you even a quarter of my weird shit, you’d probably assume I was either making things up or look at me like I suddenly sprouted two extra heads.”

    “I know you’re not dangerous to me, or anyone else here. If you were, you wouldn’t have made it this far. The wolves wouldn’t have allowed it. They would have either taken you out or run you off the mountain before you got anywhere near the guild hall. They certainly wouldn’t have been begging for your attention like love starved puppies, like your ethereal buddy out there was.” She chuckled lightly. “Here at Silver Wolf, we’ve made it our mission to seek knowledge pertaining to all things science and magic, to understand and preserve artifacts and history and culture exactly how they are, without bias. If we were to approach the unknown with fear or prejudice, it would defeat the whole purpose of what we do. So relax; no one here is going to fly off the handle just because your skin changes color. If anything, it would probably make you a lot of friends here, myself included.”

    Giving him a small but friendly smirk, she shifted a bit in her seat to get a little more comfortable, leaning forward and taking on a more engaging posture. “As to why we are here having this conversation, I don’t believe there’s been any misunderstanding at all as to what kind of work you’d do here, mostly because I didn’t have any assumptions at all about what kind of work you were interested in. All I wanted to do was get to know you a little. Establish a rapport and familiarity with one another, as it were. Making small talk. There’s a lot of opportunities for work with Silver Wolf, and not all of them revolve around being a mage. In fact, we have plenty of members that don’t use magic at all.”

    “However, if you’ll humor me in making a small observation… I am starting to think you may not be very familiar with guilds and how they operate. Most people that want to join a guild don’t typically send in a resume.” She tapped on his paperwork lightly with the pad of her finger. “They just show up and express an interest, and as long as they seem like a good fit, they’re in. It’s not really a formal process that requires a full fledged interview or contacting a list of references. We just have a chat and get to know each other, and at the end if we like you and you like us, then you become a member. It’s that easy. You don’t need to try to impress me, here. I just want you to be yourself.”

    “Most people that are truly interested in being part of a guild generally know how it works. If I may say so, and I mean this kindly, it’s clear that you’re unfamiliar enough with all this that you haven’t really looked too far into it, which leads me to believe that we weren’t your first choice for putting your resume toward. And that’s fine, I’m earnestly not saying that to call you out or make you uncomfortable or anything. It just makes me wonder…” Her voice trailed off for a moment as she sought for the right way to word what she wanted to say. Finally, she nodded toward the lacrimas on the table. “Your references. Did you happen to listen to them before you sent them off with your applications?”

    WORDS: 1481/3325 | @Rodadnuf
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Rodadnuf 4th February 2022, 9:44 am

    The silence was deafening. Tim wasn’t looking forward to what was coming next, and he knew it wouldn’t just end there. There was a feeling of resignation that overcame him. He should’ve just stayed back in Hargeon. The pay was atrocious but his co-workers knew him, Dr. Schwartz wasn’t the best company but he taught Tim the limits of his nightlike skin beyond legends and superstition. This was a mistake; he should bail before they—

    Nothing was happening. Tim blinked.

    Mercury was looking at him as she walked closer same way Edna would look at him when he visited her office blind drunk after winning at Hargeon’s nightly fight cages; it was that amused look Tim had seen her do a lot. The way she walked was confident too. If there was fear in the back of her mind, Tim didn’t see it. The atmosphere morphed from tense to just plain silly. She asked Tim if he was alright and offered a hand. Tim took it and, to his surprise, was pulled up without trouble. This lass was built like a rock!

    She pulled up the chair and gestured to him and said to take the seat again. Tim was too dumbfounded to comment on her lack of fear and just nodded, obediently taking the seat. Mercury didn’t say a word as she took her seat as well. She looked deep in thought. But for what, only the eternal mother would know. Tim was too busy trying to say something to save the conversation they just had, anything.

    What was he supposed to say? She wasn’t afraid, she pulled him up without trouble even with his nightlike skin in full display. Even back in Hargeon Tim’s old co-workers took time to adjust. Edna would still be surprised when he would pop up all inklike. Tim didn’t know how to approach this woman all of a sudden.

    More importantly, what would happen with his job?

    The first thing Mercury talked about was how she could tell Tim’s nightlike skin had given him some trouble. It was true, and it was life for the young man. But he gave a doubletake when she mentioned his little condition looked neat and made him even more attractive. Her playful tone didn’t help. He knew he should take the compliment but Tim instead let out a flat "What?" to her ridiculous assessment. Are all mages this odd or is this just an isolated case? Before Tim could speak Mercury began a longwinded speech about her experiences. Her playful tone dropped completely and spoke evenly. This was turning into a purview about this odd woman and Tim was all too eager to pay attention.

    Apparently, she had been able to use magic not less than two years ago and it had given her a taste of how potentially weird the world could become. She classified her experiences as an adventure. She even said with a straight face how if she narrated less of a quarter of the things she experienced Tim would think she’d be either straight up lying or to take it with more salt than the fishy fish sea.

    She is a mage so she’s probably telling some nugget of truth. Tim thought. But unless she’s met more than one deity trying to kill her while on her free time, I think mine were weirder.

    “Okay…?” Answering her long speech with a single word could’ve been misconstrued as disbelief, but Tim didn’t know what to say! Unless talking about the company SE-plug equipment counted as magical talk, Tim was out of his league.

    Tim, however, took note of her reassuring him. She told him if the new things he had been experiencing scared him, she wanted him to know she understood. Mercury continued, talking if he had been any threat to the guild and its members the guardian wolves wouldn’t let anyone come close enough to do anything ill-willed.

    So, she knew for the get go how harmless Tim was from the way that spirit wolf was playing around with him? He should thank it later then.

    Mercury’s talk went into other tangents. From her guild as an entity, telling Tim the least of the things they would do is feel any prejudice to someone just from a single trait. There was a hint of pride in her words and Tim, for once, hoped in the back of his mind that wasn’t just an empty statement.

    Finally, she moved to telling Tim about hiring him.

    It didn’t take the direction Tim expected. She talked about being a member of the guild. She emphasized on the ‘member’ part. They weren’t a company, not like the one Tim had been a part of anyway.

    Silver Wolf was loosely organized, hierarchy-wise. But there was a chain of command and a hint of comradery. They were, for a lack of a better word, an officially recognized independent mercenary-slash-research group with a dash of kleptomania. The fact there were other members who weren’t mages were a surprise to the young man. There was a charm to how she described it, however, and Tim was getting more and more interested.

    Her long speed concluded with a little question: had Tim listened to the references sent to them?

    “References? There was more than one?” Tim knew about Edna’s reference; she had given it to him before he sent his applications. Was this the reason there were three phonograph lacrimas on the table? Tim took it as permission and played the audio recorded.

    The first was Edna’s recording. It was a little rough around the edges. In the first part she even recorded herself talking to Tim before making the actual recording. Tim gave a light laugh when the recording finished, muttering "Dying old crone, huh? Speak formally for once, Edna." But the part where she talked about not giving Dr. Schwartz what he wanted alarmed Tim.

    It felt like the other two recordings would answer what she meant.

    Not even waiting for Mercury’s permission, Tim played the second. The recording was shorter, but each sentence uttered by the man who Tim treated as his mentor were gut wrenching. Dr. Arthur C. Schwartz’s voice was as cold as ever. The sheer lacklusterness of his tone even as he nonchalantly listed Tim’s shortcomings and secrets felt like he was twisting a knife over Tim’s chest. They weren’t friends, but he taught Tim everything the young man knew. It hurt.

    Finally, the final recording. Tim starting listening to it. It didn’t even take two seconds of it playing Tim stopped the phonograph lacrima. He knew who that voice belonged to, even if it had been some time since they spoke.

    “Damn, lady. You knew?”

    This woman, Mercury, knew everything from the start! Was she toying with him? Trying to get a rise out of him? A thousand thoughts swam across Tim’s mind, and some of them whispered to get the hell away from her. Was this the way how mages operate, playing coy and slyly keep all the cards while their hapless victim was bumping embarrassingly in the dark?

    But her words not a moment earlier popped in the young man’s mind: She wanted to have a chat and get to know each other. And, at the end of it, they would find mutuality and common ground, then he could become a member.

    She didn’t want to be impressed by him, why should she? She already knew about him. If that was the case…

    “You don’t, by any chance, just wanted me to tell everything like my heart was on my sleeves, do you?”

    Tim was darting his gaze away the entire time he was speaking. From the lacrimas, to the resumé, even to the empty edges of the table. He didn’t need to look at her to know that was exactly what she wanted.

    “The one who was recording this?” Tim moved the lacrima he last listened forward like a chess piece. “He is my father. And his name is Tim T. Timson the 41st. Me, meanwhile, isn’t Tim Watt. I’m Tim T. Timson the 42nd.”

    As he spoke, somewhere in Tim’s mind was telling him it was alright. She wasn’t going to judge. This place wasn’t going to spit him back out of spite.

    “I don’t know if you’ve heard of the legend but Nyx spread her legs for a mortal man once upon a time and one of their little tykes ended up inheriting her essence. He was called the special son of Nyx. We call the ones in our lineage, people who inherited this inklike skin, in honor of this special child. I’m the forty second in our direct line who has this little curse and I’ve been trying my very best to get away from it all.” Tim told his story in a single breath and the act winded him out despite his sturdy build.

    Mercury was the only one besides Edna and Dr. Schwartz who knew about this story. If Tim had misjudged this woman, there wasn’t anyway to recover from this. But the very voice in Tim’s mind who told him not to worry, it was also telling him to trust her.

    “I was working around the Hargeon docks for a pretty penny after running away from home.” Tim moved Edna’s lacrima forward beside his father’s. “Then I was taken in by Mrs. Rollins. I worked for her company for the past few years. She was old, but kind. She was everything a parent should’ve been. But I think I’m too old to think of her as such.”

    Finally, it was Dr. Schwartz’s lacrima’s turn to slide along with the other two. “Dr. Schwartz… he was a very smart man. And, considering I haven’t really realized how much of an underhanded bastard he really is till now, he was a very manipulative one too.”

    Tim cursed under his breath before continuing.

    “He taught me everything I know. Of course, I already knew how to read and write. Hell, my family back home hired tutors for me like some noble. But Dr. Schwartz had given me not even my family could’ve even if they tried: he taught me not to fear my lineage. Of course, letting people see it was a different matter entirely!” Tim scratched his chin, a hint of embarrassment made him shake his head.

    He moved the hand he scratched his face with and moved it palm-down to the table, its inky blotches slowly clamping together. “Anyway, he made me understand how it worked. How there was no randomness to it, and how there was even a talent hidden behind the curse—”

    Tim pulled out his old worn wooden-handled pocket knife with his free hand and stabbed the one palm-down on the table!

    But even as the knife buried blade deep into the table Tim’s pitch-black hand was unharmed. The blade passed through the nightlike covered hand as if it was from a ghost’s limb. Tim moved his nightlike covered hand across the table through the blade. Tim’s hand’s nightlike hue scattered back into its blotchy form.

    “I owed him a great debt for that, and he made me pay through the experiments we conducted. Him being the modern Prometheus and me his monster.” Tim finished his demonstration with him tapping the tip of the wooden handle and, with the Grav-à-tête spell activated, made the pocket knife levitate and folded itself safely back into his pocket. “We made something called a company-brand lacrima resulting in a few efficient spells being born from it. But mostly its use was to make the common worker into a magically attuned one.”

    Tim let out a long breath. “That… was everything, I guess. That was my story in a dysfunctional nutshell. Emphasis on the ‘was’. I don’t think I could go back there anymore. Father is hounding for me, Dr. Schwartz snitched on me. And Edna? She wanted me to be anywhere but back in Hargeon.”

    “I…” Tim choked up slightly, but pushed on. “I don’t have anything to offer than just the skills of some worker with almost a decade’s worth of work experience and a few SE-plug equipment qualifications. But…”

    He leaned closer.

    “Mercury.” He looked her in the eye, a newfound confidence brewing in him. It made him smile. “Would you mind hiring me? I won’t make you regret it.”

    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 7th February 2022, 8:23 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Mercury truly was not one for speeches. In fact, she was much more prone to being quiet and letting others do the talking while she listened and absorbed everything going on around her while she went unnoticed in the background; habits from a lifetime of espionage and trickery. However, there were times where speaking up and doing a little talking was beneficial, particularly when she was trying to help the man across the desk from her feel more at ease. He didn’t really seem to know how to take her words, but that didn’t mean his attention or interest was lacking. She was simply throwing a lot of information at him, and Mercury had been in this position more than enough times at this point to know how overwhelming that could be.

    At the end of it all, she finally just opened right up with what she was getting at: his references. She did not stop him from listening to him, though her expression did sober quite a bit as she waited, knowing that he was not going to be happy about the contents of at least two of the lacrimas. As he got started, Bandit flapped softly down from his perch to land on Mercury’s shoulder once more where he eyed Tim briefly before gently preening the Ace’s hair with his beak. Without taking her eyes off the starry skinned man before her, she reached up a hand to softly pet the large crow as she waited.

    The first recording was the good one from Edna, though as he soon found out the ending of her recording was some cause for concern. It spurred him to move on to the next one, and it was obvious the recording hit Tim a lot harder. The last one he didn’t listen to for more than a second or two before he stopped the recording. He sought confirmation that she had listened to the recording fully and she shrugged lightly. “I knew what they had to say,” she told him simply while he took a moment to gather his thoughts and emotions. “There were obvious inconsistencies between their words and your resume, but I highly doubted that you would knowingly send references that didn’t speak in your favor. Mix that with my suspicion that Silver Wolf wasn’t your first choice for employment, and well… As far as I could tell, at least two of these people are trying to control you. I would have offered to meet with you no matter what, but as far as I’m concerned you have a right to know what steps people are taking against you, whether or not you join my guild.”

    Mercury wasn’t the most altruistic of individuals, and she would almost always be the first to admit that, but she had grown and matured a lot as a person since coming to Earthland and finding an unexpected home here among the planet’s people. While she couldn’t say that her intentions for bringing Tim to Silver Wolf were completely selfless – after all, she was an exceptionally curious woman that loved getting the scoop on all the latest drama – the man’s odd predicament had struck her and left a sour taste in her mouth. Mercury knew what it was like to be controlled, more than most people understood. Up until only a few weeks ago she had still technically been a slave to the people that had nearly eradicated her entire race, that raised her to be an unquestioning, emotionless tool, and as such she knew how much she loathed being treated like an object for everyone else’s convenience. In her mind, this was what was happening to Tim now, albeit to a less severe and violent degree than she’d grown up with… but still. This Arthur Schwartz and Tim Timson the fucking-millionth were showing their arrogance in these lacrimas.

    And Mercury hated very few things more than people like that.

    Whether it was her explanation for her actions or his own retrospection of their interaction thus far that swayed him, Tim found enough grounding to inquire if what she wanted was for him to just open up and talk to her. And truthfully, yes, Mercury very much wanted to know every little detail of all the histrionics that had presented themselves, but there really was more to it than just that. “I just wanted to give you a chance to speak on your own behalf, to prove these dipshits wrong.” She nodded meaningfully at the lacrimas from Dr. Schwartz and his father. “However much you want to tell me of yourself in the process is entirely up to you.” Mercury would not press him for more information than he felt comfortable giving.

    And it seemed he was open to sharing quite a bit of it. Mercury listened in rapt silence as he went into the history of his family, claiming his true legal name rather than his alias of Watt. As he explained it, his family was blessed by being direct descendants of the goddess Nyx, who had once mated with a mortal, and from it a member of his family every generation since had inherited what he described as “inklike” skin. Though, by his own admittance, he very much wished he was not cursed with it. For his own reasons he had run away from home, which was where he had met Edna. She had taken care of him, employed him even, and despite his age he viewed her as a parent figure.

    However, it seems he had been conned by a man that was slippery and charismatic enough to convince Tim that he was trustworthy. And to the man’s credit, it seemed that he had helped Tim grow past many insecurities over the years, but it seemed now that most of that was merely to Arthur’s own benefit. Mercury made no reaction when Tim materialized a knife in his hand, nor did she panic or flinch as he attempted to stab himself before her. Her emerald eyes only narrowed in study and curiosity as he demonstrated his ability to avoid taking damage as a result of his curse, the limb moving through the knife in much the same manner that Mercury had seen Serilda avoid injury with her Void magic.

    And that life had been beneficial for a time, but especially now that he knew what his former employer had been saying behind Tim’s back, the young man knew he couldn’t go back to where he had been before. By his own words he had very little to offer, but as he finally looked her in the eyes and gave her what one could only describe as a hopeful smile, he asked if she would take him on, promising not to let her down. It was only then that her own stoic expression from the last several minutes finally broke, her playful smirk shining through once more. “I regret very few of my choices,” the younger woman humored.

    “I’ll tell you what, nightlight: I think I can do better than just hiring you, so here is what I’m going to offer: Membership of the Silver Wolf guild, and all the benefits that entails, which includes twenty four hour access to the cafe, the spas, as well as your own private room here at the guildhall for you to live in, should you choose. You will have access to steady work, whether that’s here within the hall helping us manage our inventory and business or taking jobs beyond the guild’s walls, as a mage or otherwise. On top of that, you’ll also have access to our labs and libraries, and to top it all off you’ll have a one of a kind opportunity for education the likes of which you’ve never had; a true chance to not just understand your abilities…”

    Raising a hand, she summoned a small orb of light into her hand. It would look exactly like the light he had summoned for the spirit wolf not long ago, a purple glow that was so dark it was nearly black, and there would be no mistaking that she was capable of controlling the same energy that he had. “...but perhaps how to control and expand them as well.” Giving him a knowing smirk, she waved off her light spell, the orb disappearing as she reached into a drawer and pulled out what appeared to be an enchanted stamp with the symbol of Silver Wolf on it. “If that sounds good to you, then all I need to know is where you want your guild mark and what color you want it to be. Then I can give you a tour of the guild and get you squared away. How does all that sound?”

    WORDS: 1463/4788 | @Rodadnuf
    Serilda Sinclair



    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
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    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Job Hunting Empty Re: Job Hunting

    Post by Rodadnuf 16th February 2022, 10:22 am

    “Nightlight?” Tim gave an involuntary snort at the nickname. There were worse ways of newbie hazing, that’s for sure. Name-calling was definitely nowhere near the top of that list. “Right.”

    Tim was busy trying to hide his smile to even give a smart retort to his new employer. Mercury laid out the benefits to being a member, not employee, of the Silver Wolf guild. Considering the place was a remote facility food and lodging should’ve been a given. But a whole room all to himself? The place was sounding better and better every word that escaped the woman’s lips.

    Café? The staff get to eat on the same place as the patrons? That sounded a little too relaxed, but there must be some timetable for that. The spa part glossed over his head. The young man never set foot in one, there was nothing to expect. He might get tasked to clean it sometime in the future though, so another one to the inquiry pile after he settled down.

    The jobs were a little vague to Tim. The inventory management wasn’t a surprise, he can definitely do that with confidence. But the jobs beyond the guild’s walls as a mage or otherwise was something that made Tim quirk a brow. If there was something Tim took from listening to mages that come and go around Hargeon was the fact they fight, a lot. Tim knew his way around a fist fight, a non-magical one. But if his opponent’s fist turns into iron, catch fire or something to that fashion? That would be trouble. Better to stay away from that, forever, if possible.

    His employer was breezing along her offer. Casually boasting about the guild’s laboratories and libraries (yes, plural) further imploring for him to try and learn more about his abilities and, without even skipping a beat manifested an orb of light with a purplish hue strikingly similar to Tim’s. The young man was left slack jawed.


    The smirk she threw his way as she made the light ball disappear was telling. Tim was wrong. Saying mages like to act coy would be a radical simplification. In the very short time he met this woman, he just knew. This is just how she is, isn’t she? Tim let a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

    She was already holding a stamp when Tim managed to gain back his attention. She asked where he’d get marked and what color it’d be. This was something he knew. If there was something mages would be universally proud about, it was the mark of their guild.

    Tim stood up. “Over here would be good…”

    The young man rain checked Mercury’s offer for a tour of the guild. Everything was a concentrated shot of shock, anger and confusion for the young man. In a span of a day, his life had completely flipped upside down! His old mentor was apparently a snake. The bastard. His father had made his move in trying to get Tim get back into his fold. And Edna? Tim had never heard her so vulnerable in all her life. It was painful to hear.

    Tim asked for nothing special to the staff who led him into his room. He must’ve said it wrong because this unspecial room was completely Midi furnished like an exotic hotel room, much like the guild hall. It had the same golden light tinting the dark wood furnishings. Tim had set all of his belongings, that is to say, his overly large belted coat. It contained his extra clothing, hygiene kit and penknife in its baggy pockets.

    “…proving them wrong…” Tim was laying on the unrolled bed of his new room. It was already ways better than the room he had back in his old job. Instead of steel double-deck beds on each side of an unpainted concrete wall, there was actual furnishings for him. And him alone.

    “Well, that’d be true if you weren’t here.” Tim muttered. His hand was draped with a dim purplish light and was stroking the ethereal wolf’s head which was resting on top of his torso trying to lick his hand.

    But now that, for the first time in a decade, Tim was left alone in his thoughts. Mercury’s voice rang again. Tim muttered. “…proving them wrong…”

    She expected him to do something about his circumstance. Other than just bail, she took his plea to be employed as some move for getting back at the people who wronged him. Was it the difference in experience? Or were mages’ thoughts wired differently? Tim wasn’t planning on doing anything. He would do what he had always done: run away. He survived a decade doing so and next one coming wouldn’t be any different. He sold a part of himself being under Dr. Schwartz and, in a way, he was doing the same to the Silver Wolf. Only time will tell if history would repeat itself once more.

    Tim closed his eyes, but as the sands of sleep took over, he muttered one last time. “…proving…them wrong.”


      Current date/time is 6th December 2024, 9:50 am