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    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓


    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ Empty ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓

    Post by Faulkner 2nd December 2021, 10:33 pm

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ TkxtyVZ
    Guns and Songs and Arcane Magics

    The little short, red haired person was looking at a book that they found in a library in a village close to the guild hall. They were honestly so engrossed in the book that they didn’t notice their older siblings had come into their housing within the Stronghold of Roses. Words that they may have been saying were absolutely not getting through to them.

    “My, Myyyyy. HEY MYSIE!” Blair, the fashionable middle sister of the Faulkner siblings cried as she got the attention of her little sibling. Mysie had been shocked enough by the songlike shout that they threw the book up in the air and had a hand on their chest. A grin was on the slightly taller sound slayer’s lips as she put her hands on her hips. “Thank you for hearing me finally! What are you up to? Whatcha reading?” She asks as she clearly ignored the glares that Jamie was giving her from the other end of the room. Blair picked up the book that landed half across the room and raised an eyebrow. “You’re reading about the land?”

    Mysie raised their hands and began to flick their fingers and wrists a bit as they signed to their sister in Stellan Sign Language.

    “Why would you need to know more about arcane magic? You’re already strong as is with your fancy books.”

    Vicious hand waving came as Mysie glared at their sister now.

    Jamie quickly stood up and ran over to her youngest sister. “My! Your magic is feeling off? Why didn’t you say something about it! You should have let me know about this!” She says as she grabs their shoulders and rubs them a little bit.

    The signing slowed a little, but the short haired sibling’s shoulders slumped slowly.

    “You think these towers could help…?” Jamie was in disbelief at these thoughts coursing out of her youngest siblings fingers. But they had been searching so much lately about it. “I trust you have been looking into this extensively?” Mysie nodded to their oldest sister. That nod got the oldest to sit back and pinch the bridge of her nose before she stood up. “Lets gear up and head to wherever this place is.” Mysie signed once more. “Right, the Unknown Lands… Sounds great...”

    || Words: 379 || Thread Total: 379/11000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Jamie - #a4a2a3 || Blair - #7cc6e4 || Mysie - #8ae47c ||
    Tag: @tag
    Enemies: ???



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ Empty Re: ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓

    Post by Faulkner 29th August 2022, 7:43 pm

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ TkxtyVZ
    Guns and Songs and Arcane Magics

    It wouldn’t take too long for the siblings to all ready themselves, especially since their magics were all easy to carry and the only one who really needed to bring anything was Mysie. The siblings stuck a note on their door saying that they were out on a personal mission for the time being and would be back… eventually. Who knew when they’d actually be back? Only time would tell for them when they would be back.

    It took all that Jamie had to get Blair to dress in something more suitable for fighting other than a dress. They were going to the Unknown Lands… she couldn’t be fashionable as all get out there. Not this time. Blair settled for a bodysuit that had a matching tailcoat jacket over it. It was fashionable enough for Blair. Mysie wore something similar, with their red overcoat instead. Jamie, of course, wore her usual attire, being able to summon better armor if need be. Her favorite sniper rifle was hanging on her back as the trio were on a boat to the Unknown Lands.

    Mysie was standing near the front of the boat, pissing off a couple that wanted to do an iconic pose from a lacMovie they saw recently. They stood with their arms crossed over their chest as they glared over the water ahead while they made it to the area closest to the Unknown Lands that was safe for people. As soon as they docked, the short redhead person spared no seconds getting off the boat. Blair had to be dragged by Jamie to follow after their younger sibling and not lose them in the crowd. There, of course, were others who wanted in on this tower because they got the information through means they shouldn’t have. They were mages that wanted to prove themselves to be something.

    One of the towers that were nothing but mystery was close to the dock in the Unknown Lands, and Mysie was making a beeline right to it, speed walking past the other mages. “Mysie! Hold up!” A voice a distance away was barely caught by the arcanist before they stopped and looked back to their siblings. Blair and Jamie ran the rest of the way, weaving around other mages before they got caught up next to Mysie. “Sorry, other mages cut us off and I had to hold her mouth shut so she wouldn’t blast them…” Jamie pinched the bridge of her nose as Mysie snorted and raised their hands to sign to their sibling. The two girls watch their youngests hands before Jamie grabs their hands, stopping them from signing. “We won’t waste any time. And according to what I heard on the boat, people are dying in those towers. We have to slow down to make sure we get out of here safe and sound along with your objective. It does us no good if you’re dead… or any of us.” She pulled Mysie into a hug, making sure to make it tight so the arcanist would understand the severity of her worries.

    After a moment, Mysie pulled back and smiled at their older sister before signing to her. “You’re damn right that Jamie’s right! You should have seen this coming. Jams a mother hen!” Blair had her hands on her hips as she smirked to Mysie. “Now let's go fix us some of your magic, eh? We’re right by the towers. Near meters away!” She says as she points behind Mysie, making them turn to look at how close the tower was. It seemed like it was farther before when Jamie called out to them. But here it was, right before the trio with a few adrenaline junkies filing in.

    || Words: 621 || Thread Total: 1000/11000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Jamie - #a4a2a3 || Blair - #7cc6e4 || Mysie - #8ae47c ||
    Tag: @tag
    Enemies: ???



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ Empty Re: ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓

    Post by Faulkner 12th September 2022, 9:00 pm

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ TkxtyVZ
    Guns and Songs and Arcane Magics

    “Remember to be careful…” Jamie mutters as she looks to Mysie, who nodded their head and made their way forward. Their older sisters followed behind on their flanks. No way would the sisters leave their youngest sibling alone in this place.

    Blair pulled out her iLac and got up next to Mysie as they neared the door. “I think I know all the hype for this place…” She showed the iLac pictures of the thirty-three lacrima, and then lookalikes that were inverted versions of the mage group that had been there. She glanced towards her sister and younger sibling. “I know I don’t say this often, and we’ve been saying it since the get go… but we should be careful while in there…”

    Mysie nods as they look at Jamie. Of course the oldest of the Faulkner siblings did not want to go in there, but there was the possibility of the key to Mysie’s magic that they needed. Who was she to stop her youngest sibling from a mission that they desired to be on? Absolutely not her. She had to fight to get her requip magic, and Blair had to keep her voice quiet for so long till they escaped Stella and were free to do as they pleased with themselves. Mysie was no different from them. They needed to grow as well. Jamie gave her sibling a nod of approval before they let themselves be swept by the crowd and into the tower.

    The crowd of people were filled with absolute excitement and of people's voices roaring that they would be the ones to conquer this tower. The siblings just silently watched as they observed the surroundings. They found it odd that nothing was happening when so many people came into this tower. Would it be a bit before they came across the lacrima…?

    It seemed that there were some people present who weren’t here for the secrets of the Unknown Lands tower, they were here for clout. They had their iLacs out and were taking pictures and videos. Some were even live streaming this on social media. They wanted to show that they were at the place that was dangerous with all the adrenaline junkies. Blair had walked over to one of these influencers who was live streaming and put her chin on his left shoulder while putting up a peace sign on his right shoulder before flipping her hand around to show off her guild symbol on the back of it.

    “Hi hi! I’m Blair Faulkner! I’m going to say this for all of this lovely beings followers out there, please don’t try this at home. This place is very dangerous and people have died here! Mages, like myself and my siblings can’t fully protect people like you all the time if you can’t protect yourself, so please stay back to not get yourself killed or injured. Also, don’t forget to buy my next single! It’s coming out soon! Okay byeeee!” She quickly skips away and is right next to her siblings before the guy can get onto her or anything, flashing him a quick wink before she let herself be pulled away by her siblings. “First up, the lacrimas? How can these things actually fight though…? Are they shields?” She asks and tilts her head in confusion.

    Jamie shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Blair. “Possibly, we’ll figure that out soon enough… just listen for screams, especially you since you have the ‘best’ hearing out of us.” She snorts as she teased her sister over her hearing, or lack of.

    Mysie wasn’t bothering with their shenanigans, not that they were really having much of it as they were mostly on focus anyways, especially Jamie. The redhead was keeping their eyes out for things that could potentially look like those lacrima in hiding. So far, nothing seemed suspicious though. But that could change in the matter of literal seconds here.

    || Words: 656 || Thread Total: 1656/11000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Jamie - #a4a2a3 || Blair - #7cc6e4 || Mysie - #8ae47c ||
    Tag: @tag
    Enemies: ???



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ Empty Re: ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓

    Post by Faulkner 29th September 2022, 5:46 pm

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ TkxtyVZ
    Guns and Songs and Arcane Magics

    The trio walked on through the crowds of people till they got to the edge of it. The people near the edge seemed a little hesitant and nervous, with others breaking through and heading down the hallway. Blair looked around to see that there were less people using their iLacs and such. Some people were even starting to rethink their little adventure and want to go back home. The sound slayer didn’t blame them. Even if she felt it was smooth sailing most days for her, there were struggles for her and her siblings. This would be an absolute nightmare for a lot of people present if this tower was as troublesome as the pictures sent to the world showed.

    Mysie looked to Blair, snapping their fingers to get her attention, then began to sign to her once her attention was on them. Blair takes a deep breath as Mysie asks for her to listen for others ahead of the group. Not much was being heard, but a buzz was heard down the hallways. She frowns as she puts her hands on her hips. “Something is going on down there… and I’m not too comfortable with the sounds.” She says as she glances at the two. “Still make our way there?”

    Jamie takes a deep breath as Mysie nodded and started to walk down the hallway. She pulled her shotgun out from behind her back and the trio let their heels clomp on the ground as they made their way to the noises. Blair kept everyone updated on the kinds of noises she was hearing down the hallway, especially when other groups ran ahead of them. When the noises started sounding more like strangles squeals of pain, Blair stopped and pulled the other two back as she was worried about what was up ahead. “Are you sure we should go…?” She asks nervously. The squeals were faint to them, but they were able to be heard now to the others. Mysie raised only one of their hands and made a knocking sign with the hand. Yes. They were absolutely determined to be doing this. There could be others who needed help anyways.

    They continued to walk down the hall, the screams dying down and rising up again as groups seemed to go and fail in the waves that they went in after passing the Faulkner siblings. Blair had gone next to Jamie and held onto her arm a little bit while listening to the noises clearer than the other two. They were obviously upsetting the sound slayer, and she wasn’t even trying to listen to them anymore. She looked down the hall and took a deep breath. “I see the lacrimas down the hallway… but no one with them right now.” She murmurs as she looks between her older sister and younger sibling. They both nod and prepare for fights again.

    || Words: 481 || Thread Total: 2137/11000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Jamie - #a4a2a3 || Blair - #7cc6e4 || Mysie - #8ae47c ||
    Tag: @tag
    Enemies: ???



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 332,183

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ Empty Re: ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓

    Post by Faulkner 26th October 2022, 8:06 pm

    ⋓ Towers of Arcane Powers ⋓ TkxtyVZ
    Guns and Songs and Arcane Magics

    “Proceed with caution.” Jamie said as they continued on, not that she needed to say that. All three of them had heard the screams that last time, and the eerie silence did nothing to help their nervousness of the whole ordeal. But, they were still going to go through with this. This mission wasn’t being abandoned unless they were getting injured big time. Mysie decided that they wanted to take the lead and was walking ahead again, Blair almost stopped them, but kept her hand back and away as she followed after their youngest.

    As they neared the location of the lacrimas, they started to see pieces of body parts laying about the corridors. The pieces seemed to increase the closer they got to these floating crystal-like things that were visible to all of them now. The crystals were softly humming as they were slowly shifting from green to blue to red in hues. There were a lot of them, and they were blocking the path forward…

    Jamie looked at the mass of lacrimas, frowning as she counted them. “There’s thirty-three lacrima crystals…” She looked to Blair, who nodded as she steps forward, inhaling air before letting up a deafening scream that shook everything around them. Soundwaves made the lacrimas vibrate as well. Some of them shattered, but as soon as five of them shattered from the scream, three puffs of smoke rose up from the ground of where the last one had been, and three fairly dark skinned, green haired, and red eyed versions of the siblings appeared. They had sinister grins upon their faces as they looked towards the siblings.

    “What the hell?!” Blair cries out before jumping back towards her siblings. “Is that supposed to be me?! She looks ugly!” She screeches. Of course she would care about the looks of her ‘doppleganger’ before anything else. Mysie grits their teeth as they hold up their hands. No way were they going to let their family be beat up by doubles of them.

    Before they could do anything else, the darker Jamie snickered and held up her sniper rifle and started firing it off towards the group. Jamie gasped and quickly pulled something off of her beld and threw it at the ground. A shield lifted up just as it hit the ground, barely keeping out of range of the sniper rifles bullets. The look on Jamie’s face was one of pure horror as she knew those bullets that were raining down on them with seemingly no end. The siblings also realized too. This would be some trouble it seemed.

    || Words: 432 || Thread Total: 2569/11000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    || Jamie - #a4a2a3 || Blair - #7cc6e4 || Mysie - #8ae47c ||
    Tag: @tag
    Enemies: ???


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:06 pm