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    Reaching New Heights (Amber)


    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 10th July 2021, 5:30 am

    Having handled the return of Kyra, Medeia was swiftly back to stalking the corridors of the guild again, heading towards the quarters of one member in particular. The angel had heard a great deal about Amber Stone, due to her climbing of the ranks, aiding the witch with finding her student and also the blonde’s successful completion of a mission that Medeia herself had sent her out on. It appeared that the angel had quite a plethora of matters to discuss with the lovely guild member and so, she had seen to it that she would take the time to seek her out. They had met once although it was some time ago, at a festival if Medeia’s memory was accurate but had never spoken in depth. Something to be put right today, she mused to herself. Members came and went, a little too often for the Ace’s taste and so she had taken it upon herself to take a more active interest in those who were doing especially well.

    The angel had to admit that she was in a pretty good mood. Things were coming along nicely and she was already beginning to plan her next steps. With both her angelic and human kin disposed of, there was no longer any trace of her past left to bother her, a thought that never failed to bring a smile to her face. The chains that had held her back for so long had been destroyed and she could now focus on wrapping them around other people instead. Perhaps she could start with Kyra, who was still owed a punishment for running away. Her student did look lovely when she was snugly wrapped with nowhere to go, after all. Yes, everything was going along swimmingly.

    Returning her mind back to the task at hand, Medeia would approach Amber’s guild quarters and rap her knuckles against the door. “Amber? It is Medeia. Do you have a few minutes for us to chat?” Her tone was soft and gentle, not seeing any reason to come across as aggressive or overpowering. Yes, she was an Ace of course but Medeia had learned long ago that coming across too strongly did not always get the best results. Besides, it was not as if she was scolding the blonde or anything like that. In fact, as she waited by the door, an idea was starting to form in Medeia’s mind.

    (405 Words)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 10th July 2021, 8:52 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 360 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber Stone, the Lioness of Errings Rising, blinked blearily as she heard a knock on her door, accompanied by a soft feminine voice announcing itself to be Medeia, the ace of the guild. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she rose from her bed and headed to  the door, pausing to throw on a dark gold silk robe and belt it loosely around her waist. Her head throbbed a little as she moved, a product of her late and somewhat rowdy night before. It was nothing very serious, so she willed herself to focus on what was in front of her instead of the headache and the rumbling in her belly that declared that she hadn't had anything to eat in quite some time.

    The Lioness opened the door, supporting a little bit of her weight against it to maintain her balance, and blinked at the lovely woman outside her quarters. Long, dark hair, a buxom figure, and enchanting eyes. The two had met before, at a street festival in Reinford, but they hadn't interacted all that much. Both had been invited by their mutual interest Kyra, who had just recently been returned to the guild. And yet, both had had other things to ruminate about, or so it had seemed. The dark-haired woman had said little to anyone during that event, and Amber had been content to leave her be, as she'd had her own problems at that time.

    Shaking her head slightly to refocus her thoughts, her golden mane of hair waving behind her and her balance wavering a little, she nodded to the Ace. "Um... Hello there, Lady Medeia. What can I do for you?" she asked, as politely as she could manage. She refrained from asking what time it was, though she wasn't sure. If the Ace had come all this way to talk just to her, it was sure to be something important, and she wanted to present herself as professional as she could in her state. Fortunately, she could already feel her hangover beginning to recede as the enhanced healing granted by her heritage asserted itself. She would be fine in a few minutes.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 10th July 2021, 11:06 am

    “I was hoping that we could discuss a few things but if you would rather return to bed, I can always come back later.” Medeia replied, amused by the gorgeous sight in front of her. There was the slightest odour of alcohol coming from the Lioness, a scent that Medeia pickles up fairly easily due to her slayer powers. She was not overly surprised though, remembering Amber’s fondness for drinking from the last time they encountered each other. Medeia had to try rather hard to prevent her eyes from gazing over the blonde’s lovely body but it was only a momentary temptation, her attention remaining fixed on Amber’s face. “I had thought that you would already be up by now, being early afternoon and all.” Her tone was rather light and playful, with no real malice behind her teasing.

    Entering the room without any real invitation to do so, the angel found herself gravitating towards a chair and perching down on it. “It seems that you have done me more than one favour lately and I felt that it would be rude of me not to show my appreciation. Your help in finding Kyra was invaluable and I am truly grateful for your help in finding her. It took quite a lot of gall to be willing to risk her family's wrath by doing so and you have my sincere thanks. I hope that she will not attempt the same trick again but if she does, I hope that I can count on your help again.” Medeia was fully aware of the strength of some of Kyra’s siblings and a full on fight would have been somewhat of a struggle, had things come down to it. Of course, the angel herself was more than a match for any of them solo but all together? A challenge for sure.

    Pausing for a second, she would briefly ponder to herself and then continue. “It was your success with that task, as well as your wonderful handling of the situation in Lycan Woods that attracted my attention, my dear. You have been doing incredibly well with your work recently and I am most curious to see just how advanced your abilities have become. You have reached a level of power that few in the guild possess and with that being said, I would like to take a more active role in your development. It is time for you to take on more dangerous missions and to truly show just how dedicated you are to the guild.”

    Another moment of silence followed, before her gaze returned to Amber’s face. “Just what are you prepared to do in order to prove that? How far are you willing to go? What if those wolves were innocent people? Could you have wiped them out then?”

    (469 Words)
    (874 Medeia WC)
    (1234 TWC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 13th July 2021, 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 10th July 2021, 11:41 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 710 || TWC: 1070 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber blinked bemusedly as the Ace spoke. It was already afternoon? She had slept in later than she'd expected. That wasn't a big deal, however. What was a big deal was what Medeia was talking about. The Lioness closed the door behind the raven-haired woman and took a seat across from her, crossing her legs and unconsciously baring a generous swath of bare thigh beneath her robe. She propped her elbow on the arm of the chair and rested her chin on her palm as she listened fully to the Ace, her lion-like ears swiveling to better catch the woman's words.

    When Medeia was done speaking, Amber remained silent for a moment as she digested both what the woman appeared to be offering and her question. After a short pause, she leaned back in her chair and folded her arms just underneath her chest. "To be perfectly honest... I don't think I could have. I realize that I am now a member of Errings Rising, one of the most notorious dark guilds in Fiore, but in my heart of hearts I am still a Rune Knight. A protector of the people. For so long I did what I did because I believed in it, believed that I was doing good in the world and that the world was worthy of it. That people deserved protecting."

    She fell silent for another moment as she thought of what else she wanted to say. Something had prompted her to be perfectly honest with her guild's Ace, even though she was talking about something that potentially betrayed what that guild stood for. "Though my methods have changed, I still believe in what I'm doing. I didn't come to Errings Rising just because I sought retribution for what was done to me. I don't want just vengeance, or justice, or whatever it may be called. I want to make the world a better place. At the moment, I believe that that means tearing down the government and the laws it upholds, returning the power to the people so no one else has to go through what I did. So no, if the wolves were completely innocent, I don't think I could have slaughtered them as I did. That would not be serving the greater good, only spreading more chaos and misery than is necessary."

    She finished speaking and fell silent again, regarding the dark-haired woman in front of her, wondering what her purpose was in asking her all this. It wasn't just appreciation for what she had done in tracking down Kyra, which she would have done regardless. The cannibal belonged in Errings Rising, not locked away in her family's home where they mistreated her. She had been prepared to make a fight of it if she'd had to, but was glad it hadn't come to that. She may be strong, and getting stronger, but she wasn't that strong. Some of Kyra's siblings made even her power look like a joke. But... If what she thought about what Medeia was talking about was true, that may soon change. To her, it almost sounded like the Ace was offering to train her.

    As she waited for the Ace's reply, she contemplated what such an offer would mean, and if she would accept. She knew that Medeia was extraordinarily powerful. In fact, the witch was one of the strongest mages she had ever come across. She wouldn't be altogether surprised if the Ace wasn't the strongest dark wizard in Fiore. Such immense power undoubtedly came with, or stemmed from, enormous wisdom and knowledge. The older woman surely put Amber to shame with how much she had seen and experience. To have such a woman offer to mentor her... It was humbling, to say the least. A mage of incalculable power and wisdom thought she was worth training. The Lioness reached her decision in an instant. If Medeia were to indeed offer to teach her, she would wholeheartedly accept in a heartbeat. Such training would allow her to reach heights of power she would have thought impossible. Maybe eventually enough strength to go toe-to-toe against the likes of Kyra's older brother and the couple that currently headed the Rune Knights. It would be well worth it either way.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 10th July 2021, 1:58 pm

    “Do you honestly believe that a world without law will be all sunshine and butterflies? I must say that I find that to be a rather naive view. A world without law will be chaos and that is precisely the world that those who reside in this guild desire. We seek to free ourselves from the chains that bind us, those chains being wrapped around us by those who try to rule. If you despise causing chaos now then I shudder to think what it will be like for you when everyone around you is causing it, for that is what the result will be, both within this guild and those outside. Errings Rising is not doing all of this to make the world a better place, we are doing it to allow people to unleash their true nature and you can take it from me. Humanity's true nature is anything but good.”

    Medeia’s tone was even but she was genuinely frustrated by Amber’s seeming lack of understanding towards the guild’s goals. It gave her pause for thought and the angel remained silent for quite some time. Thinking back, she recalled Amber’s report regarding the mission with the wolves, where she had built a monument for the creature that had been killed. A touching act, a comment that the Ace had made herself but was it truly what a dark mage would do? What a member of Errings Rising would do? What Medeia herself would do? No. No she would not. The wolves were just animals and should have been treated as such, simply beasts to slaughter.

    “I think you need to take a good look in the mirror and decide whether you truly agree with the guild's aims, Amber. Would you even be able to fight the Rune Knights, when the time comes? From the sounds of it, you still revere them and I promise you now that they will be the first organisation to go, for they stand for everything that Errings Rising despises. There will be no place for hesitation or hero worship when the time comes. The Queen will demand annihilation and that order will need to be followed to the letter, innocents be damned. That applies to all who get in the way. You want to succeed? Embrace chaos because that is all you are going to be seeing from this point forward, should you wish to continue down this path.”

    The angel fell silent then, allowing the blonde time to consider her words. This had not been how she had thought their little chat would go but it seemed that it had definitely been justified of her to seek Amber out. The blonde had put her in an incredibly tough spot and Medeia could only imagine the reaction of the Queen if it had been her who had listened to this.

    (478 Words)
    (1352 Medeia WC)
    (2422 TWC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 13th July 2021, 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 10th July 2021, 2:34 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 591 || TWC: 1661 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber was silent for a time as she digested the Ace's words. Everything Medeia said made sense... From Medeia's point of view. Amber didn't exactly agree with everything. Perhaps she was risking her position in the guild, risking the wrath of the Queen and her Ace, but she couldn't go without letting her thoughts be known. She leaned forward and laced her fingers together under her chin, propping her elbows up on her knees as she looked the Ace directly in the eyes, her golden, orbs showing no hint of hesitation, fear or anger, just determination and resolve. All signs of her hangover had now since disappeared.

    "I believe that without the law, there would be no one who will use it to abuse those below them. The law is not perfect, and gives those who are corrupt too much power. Without it, there will be chaos, yes. There will be suffering, yes. But those suffering under the yoke of the law will be freed, and the yoke will be broken so that it will never cause another to suffer again. I know what this guild aims to do. I stand behind it, even though I do not agree with all of its methods." she said evenly.

    "Furthermore, I disagree with your assessment that humanity as a whole is fundamentally evil. Yes, there are evil people out there. I suffered injustice at the hands of some. But I believe that there are some that are inherently good. Protectors who will rise up in the wake of the destruction we cause and help those around them. I believe that humanity imposes order upon chaos, and that what we wreak will not last for long. It will therefore be our responsibility to ensure that no one seeks to create yet another system in which they can abuse their power over others. If this does not align with the guild's goals, I will leave Errings Rising and seek to fulfill my beliefs on my own."

    After that, she leaned back again and adjusted her robe to reveal more of her chest, gesturing at the Rune Knight mark on the left side of her ribs, crossed by a thick scar. "In regards to your question about the Rune Knights, let this serve as your answer. In my quest for retribution, I have killed half a dozen Rune Knights. While each individual Knight may not be inherently evil, the system itself is flawed. I will tear it down so that no one has to endure what I did. And anyone who stands in my way, who defends the corrupt system that does not defend them, I will crush. Including the Gods who stand at their head." she said, her voice and eyes hardening. "That being said, I will not willfully and wantonly murder innocent people. I seek to free them, not destroy them. I do not despise chaos. But I do despise those that kill innocent people and claim that it is 'for the greater good'. Those are the same kind of people who ruined my life. Those are the kind of people I will never follow the orders of again. If that means I must leave the guild, or that my life is forfeit and you must kill me, so be it. I refuse to compromise my morals, such as they are, ever again." she said, her eyes blazing. It took a great deal of self control to keep her magic from causing the earth to shake underneath their feet in response to her passion.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 10th July 2021, 3:57 pm

    Finally, Medeia’s expression changed but it was not to one of anger or rage. No, it was a smile. It had taken a little prodding on her part but there it was. Passion. That wonderful emotion that could cause a being to do the most beautiful but also terrible acts. Amber now spoke with the resolve that the angel had been looking for and that had now sparked her interest anew. It would seem that the two were just not going to agree on certain aspects of life but at least the blonde was now sounding more like a member of the guild and less like the rather naive individual that she had appeared as before. It was enough to work with and she could almost feel the strength of Amber’s resolve from where she was sitting, wave after wave.

    “As I said before, you will have your chance to tear down everything that the Rune Knights are sworn to protect. Keep that passion close when times get tough and you will achieve all that you desire and more. I will say again that, we do not truly believe in a greater good as such, we simply wish for people to embrace their true nature, which is what the fall of the governments will accomplish. We seem to disagree on just what effect that will have on the world but I am willing to agree to disagree with you on that. Regardless, the world will never be the same again. You can be assured though that there will not be another corrupt group ruling the roost, as neither myself nor Queen Saraphina desire to bow to anyone. Those who attempt to do so will face an incredibly swift end. I cannot speak for her but I for one have suffered a great deal under the foot of others and it is not an experience that I wish to repeat.”

    She paused for a moment, pondering over Amber’s words for a few moments more, before continuing.

    “Do not expect anyone in this guild to have your sense of morality, Amber. Most lost theirs years ago and some never had one to begin with. They will assault, torture, kill without any mercy or cause and that is something that you will have to get used to. We attract the darkest of mages, the darkest of souls and they will do whatever they wish to fulfill their desires, subtle and gross. Chaos for chaos’s sake is the name of the game around here.”

    Her tone lightened at this point, any tension seeming to leave the angel at this point, with a playfulness entering her voice.

    “You know something? There is a part of me that would like nothing better than to strike you in the mouth for talking to me like that. It is not often that someone would dare try a stunt like that and walk away in one piece...”

    Medeia would stand up, move across to where Amber was perched and sit down on her lap.

    “Luckily for you, I can think of something else that I would like to do with your mouth.”

    Leaning forwards, she would hopefully capture Amber’s lips with her own.

    (535 Words)
    (1887 Medeia WC)
    (3548 TWC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 13th July 2021, 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 12th July 2021, 8:55 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 369 || TWC: 2030 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber calmed herself in response to the angel's words, forcing herself reign in her emotions and think critically about what Medeia had said. Of course she knew that her guild mates did not look upon things the same way she did. She hadn't interacted with any of them much, save for Kyra and Medeia, but she had heard rumors of things Errings Rising had done. It was hard not to lose faith in what she believed in sight of such atrocities. It was hard not to lose herself, giving in to her base desires, just as the guild wished for the rest of humanity, and just destroy. But she had decided a long time ago that she would be better than that. That she would use her powers for good; to help people instead of wreak havoc. It was part of the reason she kept her Rune Knight tattoo when she could easily rid herself of it. Though she had lost faith in the organization that had turned its back on her, the mark reminded her of what she stood for, what she had fought for.

    When the Ace mentioned striking her in the mouth, the Lioness bristled. When she'd been a child she'd vowed to never let another person hit her like that again. She knew she stood a snowball's chance in hell against the raven-haired witch, but she would stand up for herself regardless. She had just opened her mouth to say something along those lines when suddenly she found Medeia sliding into her lap, a warm weight that was soft in all the right places and slim everywhere else, a perfect feminine form. She stared at the Ace in shock, a dumbfounded expression on her face and a soft 'Uhhhhh' slipping from her open mouth. Then the angel's lips hit hers, and everything else melted away. It had been a long time since she'd kissed someone, especially a woman as lovely as Medeia. To say she gave in to the kiss was an understatement. Her arms found their way around the Ace's waist without checking with her brain first, pulling the witch just a little closer, pressing their bodies together even as their lips pressed together.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 13th July 2021, 4:51 am

    There was not the slightest hint of a flinch or any other form of discomfort from the angel as Amber’s arms wrapped around her waist. On the contrary, Medeia took it as a positive sign and her arms were soon wrapping around the lioness as well. Oh, it was a heavenly feeling and as the kiss deepened, she did her utmost to encourage the beautiful blonde to explore her lips and body. There was no need for timidity and hesitation which judging from how strongly Amber had defended her morals, Medeia suspected that to be a familiar theme when it came to close contact too. If she was honest with herself, she had been attracted to the blonde since they had met at the festival and although they had not spoken much then, the angel had certainly not forgotten her, even when Amber had disappeared. Medeia had an incredibly long memory and she most certainly never forgot a beautiful face, no matter how much time passed. If the witch had not already been sure that teaching the lioness was the right move, she most definitely was now. She did not believe in the distance between mentor and student, knowing first hand that so much more was gained when the bond was explored fully, not only for the student but for the teacher as well. Medeia had learned something from everyone she had taught because of how willing she was to engage with them, psychologically, emotionally and physically.

    The witch would have quite happily kept the kiss going forever and by the time she finally felt the time had come to end it, a noticeable sigh could be heard from her, as she pulled her head back. “Perhaps we should have started with that instead of an argument, hmm?” She joked, her eyes freely wandering now, admiring Amber’s lovely form, having to fight the temptation to have her hands explore the depths of the blonde’s robe. “There was a good reason behind my cynical questioning, Amber. I truly did need to know that just how far you were willing to go in order to achieve your desires and your passion spoke volumes, both in your words and aura, as well as our kiss. I do not make these visits often, my dear and you have clearly proven that my time is being well spent this afternoon. My true purpose is to offer you the chance to increase your skills even further by becoming my student for a time.There are beings out there which make the wolves I sent you out to defeat look like toothless pups and it is only by battling such individuals that you will continue to grow. If you truly wish to defeat the couple who lead the Rune Knights then you will need to reach a level that very few ever dream of, let alone achieve. By testing yourself against the mightiest creatures and beings, both mortal and immortal, you may just discover that level of strength within you. This road is not one for the faint of heart but if you come out the other side, you will be stronger for it.”

    The witch would then proceed to place her right hand gently over Amber’s robe, where she could feel the lionesses heart beat. “I believe that you can accomplish this. I would not have come here if I did not.”

    (566 Words)
    (2453 Medeia WC)
    (4483 TWC)

    Last edited by Medeia on 13th July 2021, 11:56 am; edited 1 time in total
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 13th July 2021, 10:26 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 191 || TWC: 2221 || Job Info || Job Approval

    To say that Amber enjoyed the kiss was again an understatement. Her last kiss had to have been... Five or six years or so ago now. And she had never kissed a woman as lovely as Medeia before. Not that she could remember now, anyway. For a long time, she didn't know how long, the connection between herself and the angel was the only thing that mattered. She fully gave in to her Ace's silent urgings, her careful and skilled hands roaming the witch's form with abandon.

    When the kiss ended, she gave an almost-silent groan of disappointment, just barely managing not to voice it out loud. Her bountiful chest rose and fell as she panted, rose-colored lips still parted slightly as she gazed at her new mentor. When Medeia was finished speaking, the Lioness licked her lips and took a deep breath, steadying herself a moment before nodding. "I accept. Please teach me everything, so I can grow strong enough to challenge the Gods themselves and cast them down so they can't ever abuse those below them again." she said, her voice low and husky and just a bit breathless.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 13th July 2021, 11:53 am

    The temptation to seal their partnership with another kiss was mightily strong indeed but for the moment at least, Medeia was able to control her urges. What the two women had just shared was pure bliss and the angel was truly hoping that it was not a one time deal. Amber was a fantastic kisser and the raven haired woman was more than eager to experience the lionesses lips upon hers again or perhaps more than that? The tension was well and truly gone at this point or at least it was from Medeia’s end and the look in her eyes was one of admiration and just the slightest hint of lust. There had been no lie in the angel’s words. She fully believed that Amber was capable of whatever she set her mind to and the witch had no qualms about doing what she could in order to help the blonde achieve her desires. The passion that Amber spoke with now was rather infectious and the mention of destroying Gods actually sent a shiver of pleasure down Medeia’s spine. That was most definitely a pleasant thought for the dark haired woman and she certainly hoped that she would be there to see that happen. Her heart would probably burst with sadistic joy and pleasure at the sight.

    “By the time your training is complete, you will be able to defeat anyone who dares to stand in your path. Gods, Beasts, Mortals, they will all quiver as you approach and will fall with just a wave of your hand. There is no greater sensation than being able to cause fear in someone through your presence alone. It is an incredibly intoxicating feeling and one that I hope you will experience soon enough.”
    Medeia paused for a few moments and then added in a lighter tone, “Well, I say there is no greater sensation but being in your arms ranks pretty highly too.”

    Now that the proposal had been offered and accepted, Medeia believed that it was time to try and delve a little further into the history of her newest student. She had of course picked up on Amber’s past with the Rune Knights but the raven haired woman’s inquiring mind now once more returned to that although this time, there was no scrutiny in her voice. The angel was no longer asking as the Ace of Errings Rising but simply as Amber’s mentor.

    Her tone softened as she spoke again, “You spoke before of your previous life as a Rune Knight and how poorly they treated you. What did they do to you, Amber? What caused you to start seeing them as the corrupted and delusional fools that they truly are? I know that it may be a painful topic for me to bring up but I always wish to learn the stories of my students. I would like to know how this all began and what brought you to the doors of this castle. There is no need to worry about saying the wrong thing at this point. Just tell me straight, nothing you say here will leave this room.”

    (523 Words)
    (2976 Medeia WC)
    (5197 Total Combined WC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 13th July 2021, 2:03 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 1,444 || TWC: 3,665 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber shivered a little at Medeia's words, a thrill of pleasure at the thought of being so powerful running down her spine. At that height of strength, nothing would be able to stand against her. A mere thought would be able to rend the earth asunder, cause even the sturdiest of castles and cities to collapse, and even move mountains. The entire earth would be at her beck and call. The Lioness then blushed slightly as Medeia mentioned being in her arms, which made her realize that they were still wrapped in each other's embraces, the angel perched in the demoness's lap. And yet, Amber made no move to pull away or end the intimacy of the moment. In fact, a flex of her strong arms pulled the witch a fraction closer. Amber would welcome the warmth and love she felt as she spoke about her past. Freely, this time. She had never unveiled the entirety of her past to anyone, but she was about to now.

    "Really, it began with my father." she started, her voice soft and hushed. "He was a Rune Knight, as upright and just as one could be. And powerful. So powerful, he attracted the interest of my mother, a succubus from the reaches of Hell. She seduced him, even though he had a wife he loved and kids he adored. A family man. They had a night of passion together, then a few more encounters over the next couple of months. Then... I was born. Half demon, half human. My mother didn't want to be saddled with caring for me, so she dumped me off on my dad. Just left me on his doorstep one night." She sighed softly and shook her head, taking a deep breath. "He was kind to me at first, but he began to resent me after a while. I was... born different, to say the least. The ears and tail you see I had when I was born, as well as... other things. His wife especially hated me. I was a sign of his infidelity, that he had cheated on her. And I didn't look like her kids so she couldn't even pass me off as hers. When I was five, they took me to an orphanage and just... left me there. Abandoned me. I never saw them again, even though I went looking when I was older. I joined the Rune Knights because I remembered him being one of them, and I thought if I was a member too I could find him in their system. But... I found out that he had been killed in the line of duty two years before I joined." By this point, Amber's head was resting against Medeia's shoulder, speaking into her collarbone. Her voice was subdued but she knew the witch would be able to hear her.

    "After the Rune Knight Academy, I joined up with the Demolition Corps. I had already discovered my earth magic by then, after I accidentally destroyed one of my foster homes. I thought if I could use my power for good, I could at least make my father proud of me, wherever he was. I did my job well, and I loved it. I rose quickly within the ranks due to my skill until I lead a squad of my own. They called me 'Breaker' because of my geomancy. And a little bit because I broke the jaw of a cadet who tried to grope me one day. The jaw and the hand. I was... happy, for a while. I was helping people, and I enjoyed it. Then everything went wrong." Her voice shook a little at the end of the last sentence, and the earth beneath their feet trembled in response.

    "My squad and I were sent to a small village just outside the Neutral Zone, in the southeast of Fiore. We were ordered to demolish it completely, as it had been abandoned. After we destroyed it, they would have specialists come in to determine what had happened, why it had been abandoned. If it was a disease or curse or something, they would have another crew come in and burn it or something. Our job was just to make sure no one else settled there in the meantime, just in case. So my team and I went and found a fault line just outside the village, and tapped into it to destroy the village in an earthquake. We were so good at our job, when we were done there was nothing left but rubble. Even the headman's house, which had been made of stone, had no stone left atop another. Nothing but rubble... And bodies. As it turned out, the village hadn't been abandoned at all. It was still occupied. We didn't see anyone in the streets because they had a mandatory rest period in the middle of the day, and everyone was inside. The quake was so loud, not even I could hear the screams as their world fell apart around them. There were no... no survivors. They had had no warning whatsoever before the quake struck. It was only after that my team discovered what had happened. Men, women and children alike. All dead. And it was my fault." Her voice broke, and the earth rumbled again. She took a deep breath and forced herself back under control. She would do herself no favors if she accidentally destroyed the guild hall they were in.

    "I went to my superiors to ask what happened, why we had been ordered to destroy an occupied village. The only answer I got was a slap in the face. They branded me a criminal, a terrorist, a loose cannon who'd destroyed the village on her own. They kicked me out of the Knights and put a bounty on my head. Five hundred thousand Jewels, dead or alive. I was forced to hide underground for a few years... I don't even know how many. When I came back up, I went looking for my squad, only to find out that they had all been executed. Every single one of them." The Lioness sniffled a little, turning her head to wipe her eyes instead of wetting Medeia's dress.

    "After I came here, I dedicated myself to hunting down the person responsible for the tragedy. Not just for vengeance. I wanted to know why. Why my life had been ruined, my friends murdered, comrades and bounty hunters sent to kill me. It took me a long time to find out, but finally I did. A man named Leonarde Clement, a political officer in Crocus, had signed the order and paid two and a half million Jewels to cover it all up. And the reason he did it all? A political rival of his had been visiting the town. In one fell swoop Leo had rid himself of a rival and garnered support for his platform. All by throwing me under the bus and executing my closest friends. Well, I made sure to repay him for that. I told the whole world the truth, right before I crushed his head like a melon with my hammer." The demi-demon sniffled again and shook her head. "My vengeance was complete, but I wasn't. I still feel... Hollow. Empty. Everything I had dedicated my life to was revealed to be a sham. The glorious Rune Knights, defenders of the peace and protectors of the people, are corrupt to the core. The leaders had taken a bribe and ordered the deaths of one hundred and fifty seven people. The officers looked the other way as my team was executed. The rank and file members were sent after my head. After that day when I murdered that bastard Clement, I knew that I would not be able to rest until the Rune Knights themselves and everything they stood for is destroyed, turned into so much rubble just like the village they had ordered me to demolish."

    After her speech was done, Amber pulled back a little and dried her eyes again. "That is why I'm here." she said, her voice regaining strength and resolve, where it had been subdued, even broken, during her story. "Those so-called Gods of Ishgar that stand at the head of the Rune Knights rule over a den of corruption. I will destroy them and tear down everything they've built, everything they stand for. Everything I stood for. Never again will I allow corruption of those in power ruin the lives of those under them. Everyone that stands in my way will be crushed." she said firmly, her golden eyes blazing with determination and passion.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?

    Last edited by Amber Stone on 14th July 2021, 8:42 am; edited 3 times in total



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 14th July 2021, 5:34 am

    There was not a single moment during Amber’s story that the angels’ attention was not fully upon her, her gaze never flinching. It was a tale that contained such sadness and Medeia would freely admit that she was not wholly unaffected by it. Unhappy tales always struck a chord with her and they seemed to be a common occurrence among the members of the guild. Pretty much everyone she had met appeared to have one and they never failed to touch her. So, she naturally moved to comfort the lioness during the most depressing parts of her story, the angel’s arms tightening just a little around Amber’s form, in order to give her the comfort and support she needed. She could have acted cold and unfeeling but what would that have achieved? Nothing and would have gone against the entire point of why she had asked the blonde to reveal her past in the first place. It was so important for Medeia that she had the trust of her students and she had long since learned that the exchanging of stories was paramount to earning that.

    She did not say anything for quite some time, recognising once again the passion and determination that was exuding from Amber as her story ended. Medeia did not have to be a mind reader to notice that and it spoke volumes about her newest students' resolve. The witch did not doubt that Amber had the inner strength to do what was necessary although she knew that the lionesses morals would most definitely be pushed to the limits. To spend so much time surrounded by those without them would be a painful experience for Amber and in a way, that would probably be just as taxing as any mission or task that Medeia could send the blonde on but that was just another part of her training.

    Finally, she would pull herself forward so that the two were pretty much face to face, the angel still in the lionesses lap, her arms rising up so that a hand could be gently placed on either side of Amber’s face. “You will not be alone in this fight, Amber. When you face those two in battle, know that you will have the guild backing you up as there is not a member among us who does not wish to do exactly the same to them. I will personally take the greatest amount of pleasure in seeing those two begging for their lives, in a pool of their own blood. The key thing to remember though, when that time comes, is that they are not gods. They are just another pair of mortals that need to be removed. Do not be in awe of them and do not fear them. Falling for either of these traps will only lead to defeat. Instead, remember those feelings that brought you here. All of the pain, the anger, the sadness, use them as your weapons, fuelled by the passion that I see in your eyes now. Show them what it means to anger a demon of Hell and make them suffer, like they have never suffered before.”

    Leaning forward, the angel would softly place her lips against the blonde’s again for a moment, a sign that she fully believed every word that Amber had said, fully cementing the bond that had been forming between them. It would only be a short kiss this time but as Medeia pulled away, it would be impossible to miss the desire that she felt for the blonde.

    “I know how it feels to be betrayed by those closest to you, Amber. My past was not all that different to yours. My father despised me because I refused to conform to his narrow minded view of how beings of our kind were supposed to live their lives. We quarreled endlessly, until he became so obsessed with his vision of what we were supposed to be, that he cast me out, in an attempt to silence me. Yet, what he failed to realise was that by becoming so hate filled and obsessive, he had become corrupted by the very emotions that he had spent so long preaching were sinful. They would soon spread to the rest of my sect, warping and changing them to the point that they were barely recognisable. Now, the halls of my former home are empty, the walls of the building oozing with a horrible purple liquid, a representation of the corruption that now rules the place. My father? He and my brother fell by my own hand, the fate that they had chosen for themselves by casting me out in the first place. My father for doing it and my brother for choosing him over me.”

    (795 Words)
    (3771 Medeia's WC)
    (7435 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 14th July 2021, 8:42 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 322 || TWC: 3987 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber shuddered a little at the angel's touch, looking up into her eyes, enjoying the warmth of Medeia's body. She had felt her mentor's arms tighten around her at key points of her story, and appreciated the support more than she could express. She closed her eyes and accepted the kiss, returning it with just as much passion. Inside, she could feel something break, nearly causing her to sob. She had never felt this warm, loved and accepted in all her life. Even when she'd been with her squad, there had been a level of separation between her and her comrades. It had been necessary to maintain such a distance as their commander, but she had always felt like they had never been her true friends because of it. Now, she had found true acceptance in the most unlikely place, and it hurt.

    When Medeia pulled away, the Lioness rested her forehead against the angel's, wanting to maintain the closeness she felt. She listened to her mentor's story, which almost mirrored her own. Not finding acceptance from one's own family and being thrown out from one's own home. The only true difference was that Medeia had come to hate her father, while Amber had never been able to. Even after all this time, she still loved her father, and wished they could have met again.

    Once Medeia's story was finished, Amber gave the angel yet another kiss, reciprocating the feeling contained within their second. She accepted the witch, just as the witch accepted her. There would be no more distance between them, and they would be bonded as mentor and student. And perhaps... Something more, eventually? Amber could only hope.

    "Thank you." she said simply. Not just for the acceptance and support, but the trust Medeia was showing her in revealing her own history. "After being alone for so long... I feel like I've finally found my home. And my true family."
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 14th July 2021, 10:49 am

    She felt the luscious lips of the lioness against hers again and Medeia made no effort to stop her, enjoying every moment that she spent tasting them. The angel could feel the same sense of acceptance stemming from the blonde, which only caused the bond between them to tighten and become one. This was how it should be and the raven haired woman only encouraged her student as the kiss continued. Amber would never have to worry herself about being in the angel’s presence nor saying or doing the wrong thing. All the blonde would receive from her mentor would be hopefully sage guidance and if needed, perhaps a prod in the right direction if Amber lost her way. There was no hidden motive, some scheme that Medeia was trying to pull. No, all she desired was to see Amber grow into the mage that she was born to be. As the kiss continued for just a few moments longer, Medeia pondered to herself that perhaps it was that she was simply drawn to those who had suffered as she had suffered. She found herself gravitating to those who had shared the same pain and that caused her to feel so strongly about them becoming successful. The angel had managed to overcome her own past and to see others do the same brought her no shortage of joy.

    “You will always have a home here, Amber, where you will find only encouragement to fulfill your potential and achieve your dreams. The guild may be dark but freedom is of course the goal, one that I am certain we will one day grant the peoples of this world. You will never hear a negative word from me regarding your methods and as long as you are successful in your endeavors then that will be more than enough to satisfy me. I do not ask you to sell your soul to darkness or anything of that nature, I simply ask you to embrace your feelings and emotions, allowing them to drive you forwards. They will serve you well and give you the grit that you will need when things get tough.”

    She fell silent for a short time, allowing her words to sink in for a moment. Even though they had only been speaking for a short time, it truly did feel to Medeia that she had learned a great deal about the beautiful blonde. When she had knocked on the door of the room, Amber had been little more than an acquaintance and now? It felt as though Medeia had known her for years. Such was the depth of their conversation and how quickly things had developed. Not that the angel minded of course. Every relationship developed at different speeds, after all, something that Medeia had come to appreciate.

    Speaking of feeling and emotions, it was at around this point that Medeia could start to feel her own coming to the surface. The kisses that Amber and herself had shared were moving to the forefront of her mind and her desire for more was becoming stronger. She wanted to experience the closeness once more and that was what caused her to take the initiative. The angel would pull Amber into a more passionate kiss, her eyes blazing powerfully with lust.

    (550 Words)
    (4321 Medeia WC)
    (8307 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 14th July 2021, 12:01 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 218 || TWC: 4205 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Once again Amber gave a soft groan of disappointment as the kiss ended, resting her head against the angel's shoulder and taking a few deep breaths to get herself back under control. She could feel herself right on the edge of letting her succubus nature out. If that happened, the results wouldn't be pretty. Or, actually, they would be. But probably not desirable at the moment.

    The Lioness listened to Medeia's speech, smiling softly to herself. She knew now that she was not mistaken. This is where she was meant to be. Errings Rising was both her new home and her new family. "Thank you." she whispered again.

    She pulled back slightly to look Medeia in the eyes, only for her own to widen as she found herself locked in a devouring kiss, far more intense and passionate than the ones that came before. Just prior to their lips meeting, she'd caught a glimpse of the angel's eyes, and had seen that they were filled with lust. Inside her, there was a brief moment of struggle before her succubus blood took over. With a noise that was halfway between a snarl and a purr, she threw herself into the kiss, hands ripping at clothes without care of whose body they were on. Things would only devolve from there.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: And thus we Fade to Black... Oh my



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 15th July 2021, 3:49 am

    It had been a long time since she had experienced something even close to what the two had just done together and there was little chance that Medeia would ever forget it. How could she? Being with a kindred spirit, another being of lust, had magnified every sensation, every touch of their bodies, every moment of glorious intimacy. It had been a complete whirlwind of pleasure and as Medeia lay on Amber once it was over, her head resting against the lionesses lovely chest, there was a wicked grin on the angel’s face. The blonde had not been exaggerating in the slightest about her succubus blood and now that the angel had seen her work first hand, she could not help but wonder just what other tricks Amber had up her sleeve. There was still so much to learn about her newest student and there was an extra buzz that Medeia now felt when she considered that. She wanted to know everything about the blonde, every line, every curve, every thought that crossed her mind. The obsession. It was there once more, the trait that probably defined Medeia more than any other. That drive which caused her to move heaven and earth to discover the secrets of those who she became possessive about and what caused her to use all of her power in order to protect them. Amber would never be alone again, not now. Medeia would always be there when she was needed and god help anyone who tried to prevent her from doing so.

    “I knew I should have kissed you at the festival,”
    she finally said softly, leaning up and gently capturing the blonde’s lips with hers for a moment. Had Medeia been in her right mind back then, she probably would have but that encounter had unfortunately come at a rather unhappy period of the angel’s life. She had been betrayed, by someone who had managed to do the almost unthinkable and actually capture the angel’s heart. What did that woman do with it? Throw it aside and disappear. It had left a hole that Medeia had spent a great deal trying to fill but in the end, she had simply come to terms with it. The experience had caused her to change her philosophy regarding such things and had actually been an important lesson for her. Now, she simply made the most of the time she had with those she cared for. Lovers would come and go but she would cherish them all. “You were not joking about that succubus blood of yours either.”Her tone was light and playful, her desire and passion having been satiated for the time being.

    (446 Words)
    (4767 Medeia's WC)
    (8971 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 15th July 2021, 9:54 am

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 522 || TWC: 4727 || Job Info || Job Approval

    To say that Amber was satisfied would have been an understatement. It had been so long since the last time she'd experienced something like that, she could barely even remember it. But if she had to guess, this time had been even better than that. Medeia had a stamina that far outlasted any human woman, and lifetimes of experience. The Lioness had never had it so good before. Things had eventually migrated to her bed, which now lay in complete disarray, golden silk sheets rumpled and mussed. The comforter and all but one pillow had somehow ended up on the floor, with the remaining pillow being under Amber's head. Medeia lay atop her, all smooth curves and feminine grace, possibly the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

    She smiled at the comment about the festival, but thinking about it brought up some painful memories. She'd been going through something of a rough time back then too. An unexpected meeting with her mother had shaken up her entire world. Amber accepted the loving kiss, but only frowned faintly as it ended. It had occurred to her that she'd left something out of her story, some things her mom had told her about. Some things that had to do with the succubus blood Medeia mentioned.

    "About that..." she started quietly, then hesitated. Should she go through with this? In a moment, she decided. Yes, she should. She could already feel the emotions welling inside her, telling her that she wanted to stay by Medeia's side as long as possible. Not just as a student. As a lover, if she would take her. "I forgot to mention something. My mother.... found me just before the festival. I don't even know how, but she just showed up one day. Told me everything about my heritage, my past. Turns out, she's the daughter of Lucifer himself, the Lord of Hell. Making her the first succubus. And one of the most powerful. She said... Since I share her blood, I share her powers. Not just... You know... Succubus stuff. My earth magic comes from my demon blood, straight from Lucifer, the Demon Lord of Earth and Fire. And my shapeshifting comes from her too. According to her, succubi can shift their appearance to match the desires of their lover. Not only that, but... I'm effectively immortal. I can be killed, yes, but other than that... I will not age any further." she said, then sighed. "That kind of put a damper on me enjoying the festival as I should have. Knowing I would outlive any person I fall in love with... That was hard to come to terms with. And now... There's you." she finished quietly. She knew, of course, that Medeia was an angel fallen from Heaven. Sort of the opposite of her, a demi-demon who had been raised from Hell. What she was unsure of was what Medeia had sacrificed to leave Heaven behind. Was she, like Amber, truly immortal? She knew that the witch was far older than her, lifetimes older judging by her knowledge and power, but she didn't know if that would last.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 15th July 2021, 1:48 pm

    Medeia remained silent as Amber spoke, listening intently to every word she said. Words that seemed to strike at the angel’s heart, ones that she could have quite easily have uttered herself. She knew all too well of the price that came with immortality, a curse as well as a blessing. To see those around you all turn to dust due to war, illness or simply the passage of time. It was a horrible thought when dwelled upon and it had often come to her in her darkest moments. How had she tried to escape from it earlier in her life? By bedding every beautiful woman she had met in a naive hope that she could forget about it. For a time, it had worked but as the long years had gone by, she had eventually found that it all became rather hollow. It was only when she finally stopped worrying about it and instead focused on the positives that she had finally moved on. To live an immortal life was truly a gift and as Medeia finally replied to Amber, she would move up so that she could look the blonde in the eyes.

    “It is the same for me, Amber. When I was cast out, my father could have stripped my immortality from me but he decided to take a crueller option. He had me imprisoned in a magically protected cell, buried beneath the sands of Desierto. Deafened, muted, blinded, I was left there to suffer for eternity, unable to die and driven mad with despair and loneliness. I was there for decades, centuries, millenia, I do not even know how long it was but I still remember that sense of helplessness to this day. It was only when the cell was opened, by the mage whose body you see before you, that I was finally free. I will be walking the lands of this world long after the civilisation we live in has all turned to dust, as you will be. I cannot be killed, I simply burst into a pillar of light and regenerate later. I understand the pain that comes from immortality, my dear Amber and it is that understanding which now causes me to appreciate every moment that I spend with those I care for. I remember them all.”

    She paused for a few moments, considering the possibilities as to why Amber would bring the topic up now but in truth, perhaps the simplest answer was the right one. The angel could feel her own pulse racing, her heart beating faster than normal and she just could not keep her eyes off of the blonde. Medeia had felt this before but only once and the pain that it had caused her was enough to briefly cause her to second guess herself. Did she want to experience that a second time? Yes, the pain had taught her the most valuable of lessons but was she just asking for trouble by going down that road again?

    “Love?” She questioned softly, her expression gentle. “Is that truly how you feel about me? I confess that I am drawn to you, more than I have to anyone in a long, long time but you must understand. I have been burned by the fires of love before, by one who I thought I had found true happiness with.”

    For just a few moments, her eyes seemed to dim slightly, revealing the deep seated loneliness that always dwelled within the ancient being. A rare moment where her shields seemed to come down, revealing the tortured soul within.

    (598 Words)
    (5365 Medeia's WC)
    (10091 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 15th July 2021, 2:16 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 261 || TWC: 4988 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber listened to Medeia's story, her heart wrenching in her chest at the tale of suffering and woe. As she had thought, Medeia had experienced a lot in her lifetime, both good and bad. At the conclusion of the angel's story, she smiled a little and reached up, gently brushing her mentor's hair away from her face before cupping her cheek tenderly.

    "I understand, Medeia, I truly do. I've had my ups and downs in the world of love before as well, though surely not as many as you. And yes, I do believe this is love. I've never met someone like you before, and I've never felt like this about someone before. You... Understand me far better than anyone else I've ever met. And what's more, you accept me for who I am, which I have never truly experienced before. That is... simply incredible. And I have decided that even when we transcend the relationship of mentor and student, I wish to remain by your side. As your lover, or perhaps even more than that, if you'll have me. As your friend if nothing else." she said, then leaned down and gently kissed Medeia on the forehead for a brief moment before pulling away once more. "I understand that it will be difficult. You've had your heart broken before, and it will take time for that to heal, for you to love the same as you did before. The fortunate thing is... We have eternity to figure things out, if you so desire." she said with a warm, loving smile.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 16th July 2021, 11:12 am

    It was such a relief to hear Amber say that she understood the angel’s plight. There was a part of her that had thought maybe her tale of woe would push the blonde away from her and yet, it had only pulled them closer together. It was in those moments that she began to truly understand how wonderful it was to be with someone who completely accepted you, precisely as Amber had just described it. That same sense of unbridled joy began to flood Medeia’s heart and soul, pushing out the hesitance that had been there previously. Had she finally found the one who she could truly enjoy her immortal life with? One with whom the overhanging axe of death would never fall upon? The thought was one that caused her immense pleasure but doubt at the same time. Could she truly let go of the pain that had filled her heart? These were such vital questions, ones which she craved to know the answer too but for once, they did not come to her. There were no concrete answers to them, they were matters of choice, not facts. So, she instead took her own advice and focused inwards, on her own feelings and emotions, allowing them to lead her to make the choice that was right for her. The truth was that in her heart, she already knew what she wanted.

    Her gaze focusing once more upon the face of her beautiful lover, yes, lover, she would speak, a smile forming across her own features, one that truly reached her eyes. “I am willing to try and let go of my past but I beg you to be patient with me. I feel exactly the same way about you, Amber. I feel completely at ease when I am with you and I know that I can let my shields down and never have to worry about looking weak. The thought of not having you in my life makes me feel sick to my stomach and I want nothing more than to be with you. I love you too, Amber and I promise that I will never let you forget that. There will come a time where you will grow beyond my teachings but that will not be the end for us. You are stuck with me now, whether you like it or not.”

    Wrapping her arms around her beautiful lover, Medeia would kiss Amber’s neck, adding with a chuckle. “An angel and a demon falling in love. Who would ever have thought that to be possible?”

    (428 Words)
    (5793 Medeia's WC)
    (10780 twc)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
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    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 16th July 2021, 2:14 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 311 || TWC: 5299 || Job Info || Job Approval

    Amber smiled and kissed her love's forehead again, relishing everything that was happening in that moment. She certainly did not expect this day to go as it had. It had started with her waking up to Medeia's knocking in the middle of the afternoon, then the Ace had confronted her about her values, offered to mentor her, and spoken to her about her past. Then the angel had revealed some about her own past, then the two had kissed. And now here they were, in bed together and in love. It was like a whirlwind had moved through Amber's life and turned it all upside-down. Not that she was complaining, not at all.

    "I can be patient, my love." she said warmly. "As I said, we have eternity together." Even as she said so, her heart lurched in her chest. Even though they were both immortal, there was a difference between the two of them. According to Medeia, if the angel's mortal form were to be killed, she would be reborn. Amber, on the other hand, could be killed. Permanently. Or so her mother had said. Even among the demons of hell, Amber was unique. The only child her mother, the first succubus, had ever had with a mortal man. Even her mother had been unsure if Amber was killable or not. In her heart of hearts, the Lioness resolved to never find out. She would do everything in her power to avoid being killed, so that her love would never have to suffer another heartbreak.

    "I certainly never thought it was possible, but I'm not upset about it." she said, trying to keep the mood light. "I feel just as comfortable with you as you do with me, which is almost a little odd considering the short time we've known each other. I guess... It was just meant to be."
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 17th July 2021, 2:01 pm

    A chuckle escaped the lips of the angel as Amber commented about just how quickly the situation had changed. Yes, it might have seemed that way but Medeia did not dwell on that all too much. She had learned from her previous relationships that every couple had their own speed. Some took years of getting to know each other while others just seemed to connect straight away. Medeia had never truly cared much for the mortal concept of dating, finding it rather restrictive. She and her previous lover had tried to experiment with that but it was just not for them. They had met in precisely the same way as Medeia and Amber had, at the beginning of what was a mentor and student relationship and what happened? Her student was trying to kiss her face off in the first five minutes. There had been no fooling about as such and honestly, they had both been happy with that. Despite the pain that she had eventually been forced to suffer from the relationship, she still did remember those more passionate moments fondly, even after all this time.

    There was something that Medeia felt needed to be said though and so she stopped kissing Amber’s neck and gently turned the blonde’s face towards her. “Do you truly believe it to be odd? I do not think so. I think it is only natural that we have become this close so quickly. We both share so many similarities and have both suffered so much pain. I think that in our hearts, maybe we have both been subconsciously looking for that one person to help heal our deepest wounds? I do not not mess about when I find someone that attracts my attention, whether they be a lover, student or even perhaps a foe who catches my eye. I follow the path that my emotions and feelings lead me and every fibre of my being at this moment is telling me that I love you. Yet, I understand that we are both beings of lust and that it will only be natural for us to seek out others to share our beds with. I want you to know that you will never have to worry about me feeling upset or jealous nor have to feel as though you are shackled to me, forsaking all others. I wish for us to be able to explore our relationship to the fullest and would never wish to impose anything less upon you.” She grinned wickedly at this point.“Perhaps if we come across someone who particularly catches both our eyes, we can experiment a little with them.”

    (441 Words)
    (6234 Medeia WC)
    (11532 TWC)
    Skylar Silverwind
    Skylar Silverwind

    Lineage : Demon Queen of Stone
    Position : None
    Posts : 216
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 19
    Experience : 161,227

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Stormcaller Magic
    Second Skill: Storm God Slayer Magic
    Third Skill:

    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Skylar Silverwind 17th July 2021, 3:20 pm

    Amber Stone
    Be ready for the Queen of Rocks.

    Tag: @tag
    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500

    Word Count: 307 || TWC: 5606 || Job Info || Job Approval

    "Well, surely you can admit that it is a little odd by normal standards." Amber said with a smile. "Less than a few days ago, we barely knew each other. We'd seen each other around, and went to the festival together of course, but we were hardly even acquaintances. But now, after one measly little meeting, here we are as lovers and partners, mentor and student." she said, giving a soft chuckle. She then leaned in and gently kissed Medeia on the lips for a brief moment before pulling back again. "That being said, I don't think I would have it any other way." the Lioness stated, becoming a little more serious. "As you said, we are similar in many ways, and I think you're right about us looking for someone to complement ourselves. Like pieces of a puzzle. Other pieces will work, sure, but only one piece will fit perfectly, and allow the picture to come together. I think... I think you're my puzzle piece, as cheesy as that may sound." The succubus then grinned, a hint of lust reentering her expression. "Be that as it may, most puzzle pieces can connect with just one other. Don't worry, I understand how that works, how this will work. I won't be offended if you seek another for a night, as long as you're the same, and we come back to each other eventually." Amber gave a chuckle, her face lighting up even more. "And, as you said, we can always share if someone catches our eye... Like Kyra, perhaps?" she said, grinning wickedly at the thought of the two having their way with the cute cannibal. She knew, of course, that Medeia had 'experimented' with the girl before, as had Amber a few times. The three of them together, all at once... Now that would be fun.
    Spells Used: Spells Here
    Weapons Used: Weapons Here
    Passives: Passives Here
    Notes: Yada yada notes Oh yeah, this scrolls too
    wanna see me do a flip?



    Reaching New Heights (Amber) Empty Re: Reaching New Heights (Amber)

    Post by Guest 18th July 2021, 7:32 am

    “Well, who says that we are normal?” Medeia replied jokingly, wrapping her arms around her lover once more. “Perhaps you are right and maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves but who cares about that? All I know is that I adore and worship you. You satisfy me in a way that no woman has ever done before and that is the truth. There will not be a day that goes by from now on where you will not be in my thoughts and your happiness will be what matters most to me. Your quest to destroy the Rune Knights is now my quest too and I will use all my power to make sure that it is achieved. Even if things do not not work out between us and we find ourselves drifting apart, I will still be there when you need me. The bond between us has been made, I can feel it in my mind, body and soul. We are connected and that thought brings me more pleasure than anything.”

    Amber’s analogy about puzzle pieces was an accurate one and Medeia chuckled as she responded to that.“I am not sure if you have noticed but you are talking to the queen of cheesy talk here. I can think of no more blissful outcome than to be your puzzle piece. Connect with as many others as you wish, Amber and I will do the same. I confess that I have never truly believed in the idea of being with only one person and it has always felt unnatural to me. One of the many aspects of mortal life that has always eluded my understanding. What is wrong with being with more than one person, if you treat them all with the same love and care? Believe me though, my love, I will always return to you.”

    Medeia’s expression turned playful once more as Amber mentioned Kyra and the possibilities with her. “Oh, dear Kyra? You would put her through the rigour of being with both of us at once?” She laughed briefly and then continued. “Well, I would most certainly not disapprove of that. She is lovely and I believe that she has picked up a few tricks from me, as I am sure she has from you. I am sure that we will have a lot of fun together.” Medeia pondered briefly over her sessions with the cannibal and smiled. Kyra had eventually come to enjoy them...so had her sister Tegan for that matter.

    (418 Words)
    (6652 Medeia's WC)
    (12258 TWC)

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