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    The Royal du Wolff History

    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 779
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,075,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    The Royal du Wolff History Empty The Royal du Wolff History

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 20th January 2021, 8:44 pm

    The Royal du Wolff History R4uFx2kq_o
    Title: Former Duke of Bellum, Once Considered Front Runner for Cardinal of Prosperity
    Relation: Son of Unknown Parents, Husband of Beatrix, Father of Simon, Everance and Themesycia
    Age: Unknown
    Status: Deceased
    Magic and Rank: Gemstone Maker Magic - X Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History ZT7XlhI9_o
    Title: Former Lady of Bellum, Former Matriarch of the du Wolff family
    Relation: Daughter of Unknown Parents, Wife of Bacchus, Mother of Simon and Everance
    Age: Unknown
    Status: Deceased
    Magic and Rank: Pain Magic - Y Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History W7FJp9XU_o
    Title: Lord of Bellum
    Relation: Son of Bacchus and Beatrix, Father of Cecilia and Ophelia
    Age: Unknown
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Pleasure Magic, Time Magic - S Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History XLgs52ac_o
    Title: No known title
    Relation: Former Lover to Simon, Mother of Ophelia and Cecilia
    Age: 26 (Death)
    Status: Deceased
    Magic and Rank: Unknown

    The Royal du Wolff History CZkv2lky_o
    Title: Lady of Bellum
    Relation: Daughter of Simon and Celene, Twin to Cecilia
    Age: 21
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Feral Takeover Magic, Pleasure Magic - S Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History SNL0t9lj_o
    Title: Lady of Bellum
    Relation: Daughter to Simon and Celene, Twin to Ophelia
    Age: 21
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Soundwave Magic - S Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History EQpBtZpS_o
    Title: Lady of Bellum, CEO of Du Wolff Industries
    Relation: Daughter of Bacchus and Beatrix, Wife to Dudley, Mother to Bartrand
    Age: Unknown
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Historia of Magic - X Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History 8AGi9RIf_o
    Title: Lord of Bellum, COO of Du Wolff Industries
    Relation: Son of human male and giant female. Husband to Everance, Father to Bartrand
    Age: 59
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Giant Strength, Firearm Requip - H Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History ZDFwcEzO_o
    Title: Lord of Bellum, Playboy
    Relation: Son of Everance and Dudley
    Age: 19
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Explosion! Magic, Memory Make Magic - S Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History Zd3hgOfB_o
    Title: Duchess of Bellum, Matriarch of the du Wolff family, Front Runner for Cardinal of Peace
    Relation: Adopted daughter of Bacchus and Beatrix, Adoptive sibling to Everance and Simon, Mother of Vandrad
    Age: Unknown
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Magic Forage, Lacrima Saber Master - H+ Rank

    The Royal du Wolff History TR7scDld_o
    Title: Prince of Bellum
    Relation: Son of Themesycia
    Age: 39
    Status: Alive and Well
    Magic and Rank: Energy Monarch, Ark of the Dread Masters - S+ Rank


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm