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    Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    In Progress Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Leon Hoffman 20th December 2020, 1:06 am

    Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon] LDtWleN

    In a fight, they're lethal ; around each other, they melt

    "When you said 'nature', I was thinking more like... bears and shit! Not... whatever the fuck this is! Unfh!"

    Just south of the River Village was a cemetery so quiet and peaceful that it was coined the Silent Cementary, and just as its name implied, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. But not tonight. Pushed up against a large granite monument was none other than Leon, who was wearing a protective and flexible set of body armor as opposed to his thin set of motorcycle clothing. As it turns out, working for someone with a talented mind and a knack for science and innovation came with incredible benefits. For one reason or another, Leon had begun showing up to work with gnarly gashes and there was even a time where his arm had been burnt so badly that he ended up with third-degree burns. That routine was quickly squashed when he was introduced to these suits, which made fending off and fighting an actual spawn of Hell much easier than it would've been if he didn't have anything at all. Oh, and they were fighting an actual spawn of Hell.

    It had a deer's skull for a head but canine teeth like sharpened razors and bone saws. Its body was a black, oozing figure of flesh and fur, bone sticking out of its wiggling spine and tar-like saliva slobbering from its hanging jaw. Its eye sockets weren't empty—they were full of darkness and had the faintest red glow of bloodlust for irises. It had long, lanky limbs and switched from walking on twos to dashing on fours. It was easily the size of four standing grizzlies stacked on top of one another, and it sounded like a squealing, dying pig whenever it made noise. Every part of its body smelled like a dead body and black slime dripped from its figure. The River Village was right to bring the beast to Meliora Vitae's attention, with their rivers yielding dead and infected fish, and their water dirty and undrinkable no matter how much they treated it. Healthy, docile animals suddenly turning hostile and unpredictable, and the entire ecosystem on the verge of spiraling into mayhem if the problem wasn't addressed soon. The good news was that they found the problem. The bad news was that the problem wanted nothing more than to see these two men dead.

    Thwack! Leon's armored fists glowed a mechanical red color as he planted a heavy and bone-rattling punch square into the monster's snout. It recoiled back, and that's when he sent another high-energy jab right into its throat. The combo of punches continued for a while with what looked to be something like brass knuckles. It wasn't like he was really expecting to be fighting so many things in this line of work, so he had never mastered another art of combat aside from gunmanship and close-quarters combat, but he was polishing the latter through his routine spars with Percy. The fruits of his practice seemed to take the limelight for a moment, where the beatdown was mostly one-sided. The monster swipe that way, but then Leon would pivot the other. Sometimes the beast's animalistic and instinctive attacks would connect, but Leon's quick and physical blocks kept him steady and on his feet. For a moment, he felt untouchable.

    "Okay! Alright! I feel... fine! I feel fine! Didn't even feel that! Everything has so much weight and yet...! Alright, whatever, come on!" Leon rolled his shoulders as the monster recoiled again, releasing another piggish shriek. Is this what it felt like to be on the other end of that ring in Equal Grounds? That feeling of danger, but not for yourself? Comfort in the chaotic nature of battle? Although he was wearing a helmet, Leon's inflexible face was beginning to solidify into a solid and yet confident glare. "You see this, Percy?! I could've done this by mysel—"

    —Bwoosh! Bwoosh... bwoosh...

    Like a baseball, the monster had only recoiled back in order thrust itself forward and punch Leon right in his ribs, sending him flying across the cemetery and crashing through not one, not two, but four different granite monuments before tumbling to the ground in a rolling halt. The dust settled under the moonlight, and lying in a pile of granite chunks somewhere in the outskirts of the cemetery was Leon. His arms were still formed in a defensive X-position, apparently blocking the attack last minute. But judging by the way he was lingering on the ground for a while, he definitely didn't block the pain.

    "Agghh..." Leon groaned, still holding his arms up but his head rolling back as the pain reeled through his body. Slowly, he leaned up and stumbled to his feet, holding his head in his hands as he looked ahead. Well, at least for this moment, the monster was Percy's problem considering he was knocked across the cemetery, it looked like. He paused and clicked his tongue, his impossibly wolfish glare could be seen even through his helmet, "Tch!"

    || Word Count: 845 || Thread WC: 845 || WC Needed 845 || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Percy @Mythica



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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Percy 10th January 2021, 7:30 am

    "I mean, the report said a cursed, overgrown, and aggressive wolf, so I wasn't thinking it'd be-- ACK!-- something like this!" Percy retorted, sporting his own suit of armor, though it was a bit less technical than Leon's. The one he'd wanted to wear had a malfunction just as he was making his last tests before they left, so he was using a lighter version that would still allow him to use his own bodily strength, but would aid him with aim assist in the helmet and provide ample shielding for his body. He had a sword strapped to his back, but at the moment was favoring his sub-machine gun. Not that it was doing a ton of good. The bullets seemed to rip right through the black ooze and rot with nothing but deafening demon squeals to show for it.

    The reports from nearby River Village and visitors to the Silent Cemetery had certainly been a little misleading, but he didn't blame the visitors. This thing was fast, too fast to get a good look at if you were far away, and if you were close enough to get a good look, you didn't live to tell anyone. It'd popped up on Meliora Vitae for exactly that reason, that and the curse that was infecting everything. The beast was eating people just trying to visit the graves of their loved ones, and this wasn't even considering the effect it was having on the ecosystem. It had driven most of the animals from the area mad enought that they turned on each other until wiped out. It also seemed to have a problem with trees, since it had felled so many to give itself a wide berth. It was only a matter of time before it started moving closer to town to feed on the farm animals and just generally curse everything. The scientist part of him wanted to see how humans would react to such an effect, but no. It'd likely either be a quick decent into rage and madness or immediate death like the aquatic life. This was definitely a mission for his guild, though tranquilizing and transporting a mutant wolf had been what he thought he was getting himself and Leon into. This was...something that needed to die. It was a monster fit for nowhere but Sin. And as much as he liked to hype himself and his abilities up to mage-like standards, he couldn't help but think there were far better suited people in the guild for this other than two magicless men.

    "Nature in Fiore is weird, alright?!" he called, circling around to the rear of the monster since Leon was doing such a great job keeping its attention held forward. "Don't get too cocky, though!" he reminded him in an urgent voice. Hypocritical is what those words for. He had little issue pointing out things like that for the sake of others, but best believe he got too full of himself often and wound up hurt. People around him were the trees, and he was the forest.

    As if to highlight his unheeded warning, he heard the creature's skull face smack into Leon's armor and saw little more than a dark streak, lots of flying tombstones, and dust. "LEON!" he cried, though he had a little more faith in his inventions than to think his friend was dead. That was a hard hit, but he was likely feeling it. It wouldn't matter what condition Leon was in if Percy couldn't keep this Wendigo from chasing after him to really put the tech suit to the test.

    Abandoning the useless gun, Precy drew his sword and went for the legs while he could. Those seemed much more solid than the torso, and the beast was too tall to see if slicing off the skull would do any good. With a powerful and skilled sweeping motion, the sword hacked into the calf portion of the hindquarter, expecting a clean slice considering his blade had a laser-enhanced edge, but it caught like a dull kitchen knife in a thick pork chop. Or so he imagined since he didn't cook. The monster squealed in pain or annoyance, still advancing like nothing happened, and dragging Percy along by the hilt. Wrenching it free, he poured on the speed and slid under the front legs, lopping them clean off at the elbow joins. The cursed beast pitched forward and smashed its head into the ground, but still, like a demon hellbent on claiming the soul of the marked, its back legs pushed it through the dirt toward Leon.

    Rounding back to the rear, Percy knew he wasn't strong enough to cleave this mythical monster's back legs off without some help. Pulling what looked like a short-snouted gun with a hose from his waist, he pushed it against his leg and pulled the trigger, injecting himself with a cocktail of vitamins and stimulants. His veins and muscles pulsed, pushing past their normal human limits and lending him increased speed and strength. His next swing, partnered with a mighty roar of effort, lopped the back appendage clean off, which he repeated on the last leg. Incapacitated, all that was left was to figure out exactly how to kill it.

    Climbing up on top of the legless beast, Percy scanned for any weak points. A heart? A core? Some sort of critical energy point? He stabbed a few places with his blade but was only met with ear-splitting screaming and vigorous wiggling. "How do you kill it?!" he asked irritably kicking at its spine hard enough to hear bones splintering.

    That seemed to hit a nerve, literally, since the Wendigo bucked its body and sent Percy toppling off. Once on the ground, like a demonic centipede, a demtipede, it undulated its torso until it could rear back and crack its hellish deer skull and horns right into the chest piece of Percy's suit. "Ugh!" he groaned, feeling his back press into the soil deeper and deeper as the thing squealing over him pushed. Clawing at the skull for a handle every time it bashed into his chest, he finally found one just as he heard and felt a disheartening crack. His armor broke. Just how strong was this thing to crack gulantium? Using his serum strength, he grabbed the horns and held the head up off his body, as well as in place, though it was taking all of his super-enhanced steroid strength to do so.

    "Leon!" he wheezed, hoping he'd be heard. His chest piece had cracked and caved inward, pressing painfully against his sternum to the point where not much air could make it back in his lungs. He needed to get the breastplate off, but to do so, he'd have to let go of the enemy. "Finish...finish it!" he pleaded, already seeing the darkness edging his vision. If he didn't get a breath in the next minute or so...

    [wc: 1160 || total: 2005]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Leon Hoffman 13th January 2021, 1:14 am

    Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon] LDtWleN

    In a fight, they're lethal ; around each other, they melt

    "Already on it!" Leon returned to the battle after his brief incapcitation, charging at the quartered monster with a blade of his own drawn. Like Percy's, it had a laser-enhanced edge that could slice through flesh like a hot knife on butter. Leon was no swordsman by any means, but even he could wield this weapon with confidence. But, as much as he wanted to pine over this piece of equipment, the situation did not allow for it.

    He wasted no time in engaging with the beast. There wasn't any time to figure out what its weak point was, if it had one at all, so Leon decided to go for its fleshy sides. With a violent swipe of his sword, the blade sliced through its skin and revealed a black and oozing mush that poured out of its body. The monster reeled back in clear agony, pulling its boney head away from Percy if only to meet the visored face of Leon, but it was too late. Before the wicked creature could so much as snap at him, the armored man opened his palm, and one small, mechanical-looking ball rolled out of a compartment from his wrist. It was so tiny and fragile-looking that no one would ever guess it to be a weapon. But it wasn't fragile like a flower—it was fragile like a bomb.

    In the wound he created, Leon hastily threw the bomb into a gushing gap, ripping his sword out of the flesh as a quiet ticking noise could be heard. That animalistic, ferocious panic came over the monster as it thrashed in place, squirming on the ground until—bwoom! It detonated, and the outcome wasn't the cleanest. It didn't completely blow to pieces as it would in the movies, but all sorts of black, viscous fluids gushed out of nearly every opening in its body, and chunks of loosely attached flesh did end up being blown off. The skeleton and underbody of the beast were intact, but holes big and small littered its body as you approached its backside. It wasn't pretty, but he never thought this sort of stuff would ever be.

    As the life vanished from its eyes, the carcass of the monster slouched over Percy, lying on top of him in its death. With black goo splattered over him and a light pant working his lungs, Leon seemed in a bit of a daze for a moment before he snapped back to reality.

    "Haa... haa... Percy? Hey!" Leon looked over to Percy and instantly dropped his sword as his helmet retracted back into his suit, revealing a sweaty and concerned frown as the assistant ran over to him. The first thing he did was push the beast's head off of him, and though he did it quickly, it was no easy task. That thing weighed a hell of a lot more than it looked, but there was someone far more important underneath all of that weight. A little adrenaline and mechanical support do the trick just fine.

    He pushed it off, the dark-haired man kneeling down next to Percy with his marigold eyes glancing over the Dagger's body. The damage was clear as day—the breastplate was caved in, and not in a way that could be ignored. Leon went for the clasps at the seams on his sides that would normally pop free under normal circumstances, but when he pushed on them, only some of them unlocked from their place. A look of urgency panged over Leon's face as he realized Percy's suffocation, his eyes squinting into focus as he made careful and forceful tugs at the seams. After a few moments of pulling, the breastplate eventually popped out of place, allowing Leon to briskly lift it off of Percy's chest.

    "Percy! Hey, you alright?!" Leon tossed the breastplate aside and continued to kneel over him, tapping the cheek of his helmet and holding him up by lifting his shoulder. He knew that the semi-redhead was alright enough not to be dead, but that didn't stop him from asking. After a few moments of holding him up, Leon's concern diluted into visible guilt. His gaze was firm and solid, but tinted with guilt. He looked frustrated as looked at his friend. "Sorry, I... I shouldn't have gotten so in my head, or else you wouldn't have to have done all of that by yourself."

    || Word Count: 732 || Thread WC: 2737 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Percy @Mythica



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Percy 19th January 2021, 4:10 am

    It felt like an eternity before he felt his body shifting around. At first, he felt panic edge his foggy thoughts, thinking the creature was still alive and crushing him, but he couldn't do anything about it. Unconsciousness tried to tug him under, which he thought would be an improvement over the burning in his lungs. However, as Leon pried his destroyed chest plate off and urgently tapped his helmet, said helmet retracted and showed a very flushed face suddenly gasping for air and coughing. It was a few moments before Percy could hold himself up without the hand on his shoulder, and a moment or two more before he could answer Leon. He held up a weak thumbs up and pulled an even weaker smile.

    Once the dizziness subsided, his strength was returned to him and he could start to get up. "Don't worry about it, Leon. You did plenty, including saving my skin," he said as he put a reassuring and grateful hand on the man's upper arm, though his face was troubled. It was the look of an inventor whose creation had failed at the most critical of times-- frustration and embarrassment. He was glad it was his chest plate and not Leon's though. Putting his own life in danger due to faulty equipment was one thing, but putting someone else in danger was a fear that always plucked at the edge of his mind. It was why Leon could only use extensively tested suits, while Percy took out the newer stuff. He'd prefer not to work out the kinks in the middle of fighting a hellspawn, though.

    Speaking of hellspawn, the chopped and blown up carcass started hissing all of the sudden. Whirling, Percy gave it a sharp look and reached for his gun, but it wasn't a second wind. It was...dissolving? Maybe evaporating was more of the right term. Either way, the smell was atrocious and brought on a new bout of coughing for the unknowingly magic-intolerant man. Suddenly he felt pretty terrible with a pounding headache and stomach ache to match, but he'd deal with that later. More interestingly, as the demonic goop slowly disappeared, a person was left in its wake. A human. A young man with sandy brown hair and shabby clothes sat up in the exact place the Wendigo had been, looking bewildered.

    "What the.." Percy muttered, suddenly taking off to kneel by the man. "Are you alright?" he asked, and the man turned and vaguely nodded. He seemed so confused and terrified. At least they could all agree that this was a surprising turn of events. "Were you...that creature?" Percy asked next, to which the man burst to life and grabbed his arm.

    "Yes, yes! I was! One minute I was going about my business on my way here, and the next I was nothing more than a monster!" he exclaimed, tears starting to stream from his eyes. "I had no control. I...thank you got saving me!" he said to both Leon and Percy. "You released me!"

    "What happened? Did your magic get away from you?" the scientist wanted to know, his brain already a flurry of questions. Did the man do it to himself, or did it happen independently? Not that Percy wanted to be a mindless demonic hell beast, but if there was something he could learn from this concerning getting his own magic...

    "No, no, this just happened to me. I think someone did it, but I don't remember who..." he answered, holding his pounding head as he tried to remember.

    Percy patting his shoulder to quiet him. "Do you remember which way you came from?"

    "I live in Clover Town, so I was coming from that way..."

    "Alright, thank you so much. Please, just relax, now," Percy smiled reassuringly.

    Standing, Percy turned to Leon with his investigative gleam bright in his eyes. "Let's get this guy somewhere safe. I think we need to backtrack his way here," he told Leon, excited as if he hadn't just almost suffocated to death. "If there's someone out there turning people into monsters, we should check that out so this doesn't happen again," Percy decided, though the rest of his thoughts were left unsaid. 'And so I can see if whoever this is can help me with my little issue...'

    [wc: 720 || total: 3457]


    Leon Hoffman
    Leon Hoffman

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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Leon Hoffman 24th January 2021, 10:13 pm

    Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon] I8enYyq

    In a fight, they're lethal ; around each other, they melt

    Leon squinted and pinched his nose as the demonic carcass began to evaporate away. It released the foulest stench as he disappeared, but he wasn't really expecting it to smell pleasant. The strange rotting of the corpse was one thing, but the young, average-looking man that appeared beneath it all caught Leon so off-guard that he couldn't say or do anything but stare. What was a human doing with that thing? Were they that beast? Sharing Leon's concerns, Percy took initiative and knelt by the strange man and began his investigative queries while Leon listened from behind.

    As if the very existence of that creature wasn't troubling enough, the revelation that this was by someone else's doing was even more concerning. Someone just going around, transforming ordinary people into these atrocious, dangerous monsters seemed unthinkably evil by all accounts, but the longer Leon stayed in Fiore, the more he realized just how wicked some people could be. If he and Percy hadn't stopped him now, who's to tell what more damage he could've done?

    "Sounds like a plan," Leon agreed, walking over to the young man and offering his hand to help him up. He wasn't expecting their quest to continue like this, but Percy made a good point. They might've blown away the smoke, but as long as the fire persisted, it would only rise again. Knowing what they knew now, they had to act. It was also nice to see Percy up and ready to go again after that life-threatening encounter—he seemed to recover pretty quickly. "Though, maybe we should stay in town for the night. Your chest plate got pretty messed up, after all..." he suggested, glancing at Percy with his usual fierceness. In this case, he was just a little concerned. After all, if they encountered another one of those... things, then this time they could be in real trouble. With Percy's chest plate broken, there was no telling how severe the consequences of their mistakes could be in their next fight. Maybe taking a small rain check was the better move.

    || Word Count: 346 || Thread WC: 3803 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Percy @Mythica



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Percy 27th January 2021, 4:31 am

    As Leon would learn if he hadn't already, Percy was thoughtless when it came to his own well-being. It was somewhere between the hubris of a young adult not even considering that he could very realistically die from situations even less threatening than the ones he often found himself in and the fact that he was just a reckless guy when it came to himself. He'd make provisions and overthink all day long for someone else's sake, but be hypocritically baffled if someone else did the same for him or expected him to do so for himself. The extent of his consideration for Leon's idea was him picking up the caved-in chest piece and giving it a once over. "No, I can fix this on the way. I just need a large rock to hammer it back out until the clasps latch correctly," he said, meeting Leon's gaze with determination and his own fierceness. The injection he'd given himself had yet to run down. His adrenaline was pumping. The veins in his arms and neck were standing out more than usual, pulsing with each beat of his heart. Perhaps when the effects wore off he'd feel the soreness in his chest from the bruise forming on his sternum, but for now, all he could think of was finding who or what did this. He'd fought some pretty nasty things with no armor at all, so surely whatever they found wouldn't be that big of a deal. "Anyway, it won't hurt to look since we're going that way anyway to even get back to town."

    And fix it on the way, he did. After whacking it a few times on a couple large rocks and flat out using his juice's strength to manually bend it back into basically the right shape, it was once more convex, though it was certainly ugly and dented. He strapped it back on, though for now, he left his helmet off. He could see and breathe just fine with it on, but he preferred the wind in his face if he could help it. Walking around in full gear always irritated him, for some reason. Besides, despite the general quiet creepiness the Cursed Lands offered, the weather was pretty nice today. The random, shaky dude followed along with them as they were led by the road toward Clover Town.

    "It'd be nice if this potential person stuck around," Percy muttered, surveying intently into the trees for anything unusual. Maybe this person, if it was a person, lived somewhere along the way? It just seemed so random to have happened between a town and a cemetery. Someone grieving a loss and lashing out? A ghost?? Percy paled at the mere thought of that. He didn't do well with spirits and ghosts and scary things. He had to pull his line of thought out of that right away! There was no way he could possibly hypothesize what would lead a person to do what had been done to this random townie. He couldn't help but calculate the odds of finding this random person who had done such a random act as nearly zero. Leon might get his overnight stay in town after all.

    [wc: 535 || total: 4338]



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    In Progress Re: Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon]

    Post by Mythica 28th January 2021, 6:34 pm

    The sun was starting to dip beyond the horizon as the three men wandered across the grassy fields. All around them was naught but the rolling green carpet that bumped and curved over the earth for miles in every direction. With this newfound sunset a chilled glow overshadowed the meadows surrounding the trio. As such every day before when the twilight fell. A soft breeze accompanied the darkening sky as Leon and Percy traveled past a lone tree in the field next to the road. Coincidentally, as the duo haired man passed beyond it the last ray of sun vanished behind the distant hills, creating a dark flash on the horizon.

    "Feverishly they wandered towards the shaded peak, remembering naught who they were before their ends." An ominous tone sounded behind them just as the breeze picked up once more, blowing past Leon and Percy towards the tree. There a lone figure stood, leaning against its trunk with her legs and arms crossed. Her face and body young, with long black bangs covering the left side of her face. The cursed man instantly tensed up, seemingly paralyzed in place while sweat furiously dripped from his brow and across his body. His mouth quivered open while his eyes lay agape and the hair on the back of his neck stood straight to their ends. "You know mister Terakov, that's not how I left you..." The girl said once more, causing the man to whimper. "Thi- This feeling.." He muttered to Percy and Leon while his back was still turned to the woman. "I f- felt it before.." Without warning the ground beneath the man began to glow with an ominous red light. "N- NO! THIS WASN'T PART OF THE D- DEAL! YOU PROMISED!" He screamed in agony as his body began to forcibly sink beneath the dirt and stone. "And as you can see for yourself... You broke that deal." The girl replied to his pleas. All the sinking man could muffle in response was anguished yells. "DON'T! I DON'T WANT TO FORGET!" And as quickly as it started, the sinking stopped, with the man gone from all site beneath the earth... "It's better this way, nobody will remember you anyways..." The girl said with a light laugh.

    Mythica stepped beyond the shadows and into the light, an ominous glint in her red eye. "So these were the two heroes that managed to play my composition!" Mythica said with a grin. "I wonder what other songs they know."


    Won't you Dance with The Devil? [Percy/Mythica/Leon] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:

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