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    Asher's Weird Shiny Metal Talky Thing

    Majora Magica
    Majora Magica

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Achiever- Halloween Social- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 97
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4,812

    Asher's Weird Shiny Metal Talky Thing Empty Asher's Weird Shiny Metal Talky Thing

    Post by Majora Magica 25th October 2020, 10:03 pm

    At Asher’s insistence, he wanted to keep in contact with Guy even after the researcher had finished explaining how to get to the Ace of Spades from here and most of Fiore as he had promised when he had first found Asher in the middle of the desert. Guy didn’t mind keeping in contact, the young man had really helped him after all and he might need more help in the future. Plus Asher had been oddly twitchy even since messing with that fire and had acted weird during and after the battle. Guy wanted to keep an eye, or ear, out for the kid.

    “Here’s my iLac number then.” Guy offered to Asher, showing his number on his iLac screen.

    “A wha-aaaaat is that?!” Asher said, gawping at the shiny screen displaying numbers, what he assumed was the time and date in the corner and Guy’s picture. Guy spent the next half hour explaining what an iLac was then longer on how to get one, how to get to the Neutral Grounds, info about its lack of magic, and how to get to the Ace of Spades from there. Thanking Guy very enthusiastically and giving him a crushing hug, Asher ran off to catch a ‘train’ thing to the Neutral Grounds, forgetting to actually grab Guy’s number.

    After freaking out in excitement outside and in the train, being his first time seeing one, Asher was forcefully sat down by the Ticketmaster.  Then he found out what motion sickness was and how much it sucked, spending the rest of the trip disturbing the passengers more by puking. When night came around, they dumped Asher into a private room just so everyone else could sleep.

    Neutral grounds made everything worse. Asher had NEVER been without magic, and the sensation of losing it was very disturbing for him. But it got worse. Maybe it was the exhaustion. Maybe it was the recent exposure to his flame side. But losing his water magic made something dark and fiery well up from deep inside of him, something Asher hadn’t felt since he was twelve. And he had barely remembered what started his water magic training. The small smart part of his mind also told him this didn’t make sense, since magic wasn’t possible here, let alone magic effects

    Leaving the train Asher stumbled around the streets, looking very worse for wear. The feeling only grew as he stumbled around the streets, not noticing the various looks by other pedestrians. To them, he looked a bit like a sick or injured animal. A woman gathered the courage to ask if he was okay, but Asher ended up snarling at her. The woman fled before the guilty feeling water mage could apologize.

    Feeling a mixture of shame, confusion and oddly, rage, Asher quickly headed to where the iLac store was, grabbed his new technology and boarded the first train out of Neutral grounds, thankfully toward the Ace of Spades. While the train still made him miserable, the return of his magic helped quell the rage and fire in him. Following his instincts and grandfather’s advice, he drank a whole gallon of water, even if he just barfed it out afterwards. Putting the disturbing experience out of his mind, Asher really hoped Sabretooth’s city wasn’t too far…

    "Need to get Guy's number thingy..." Asher mumbles as he drifts into an uncomfortable sleep.

    WC: 566


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      Current date/time is 31st May 2024, 7:49 pm