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    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Louie 1st October 2020, 10:52 pm



    It was all so vivid. It was that grand expedition to the Unknown Lands, a task that befell many of Fiore's most esteemed and promising sorcerers as they all took upon the duty of uncovering that mysterious, uncharted territory's secrets. The deep green wilderness was enormous and stretched across the land for miles, and the expansive cerulean sky was speckled with small puffs of smokey white clouds. A large, glistening lake in the center of the woods, and tall, gorgeous mountains sticking to the uneven horizon in distant grasslands. Beasts that were only myths were found that day, and some of them too beautiful to kill. He remembered it all so vividly. The way the trees rustled against one another, the splash of lake water against that sandy shore, the way the wind felt against his hair. He remembered it all so clearly... and yet all he could really see was Vandrad approaching him with this twisted, sick smile twinged with bloodlust. He was like a force of nature that walked up to him, eager to end such a gifted life such as himself. He kept walking closer, and closer, and closer, and...

    "Let’s see."

    Louie suddenly threw himself up from his pillow, his red bedsheet sliding down his naked chest and quick, short breaths leaving his nostrils. His body was caked in a cold sweat, and as soon as he came to, he reached up to touch the center of his face. Louie felt nothing. The cut that was there had long since healed since the expedition, and yet he could sense its presence every night. He had been having these nightmares for a while now, reliving what happened at the expedition a short while ago, and never finding the opportunity to find a resolution. Although the cut had been healed and his skin had returned to its usual flawless, unblemished state, he hadn't been able to shake off... whatever this feeling was for the longest time, and he was losing more and more sleep because of it. A very short amount of time had passed since the expedition, but Louie hadn't stepped foot back into the Fairy Tail guild hall since then, and he wasn't sure why he hadn't. He wasn't ashamed and he surely wasn't afraid, but he felt almost too angry to go back now. He wanted to see Vandrad dead, and he wanted to be the one responsible for it, and yet he wanted to take his mind off of that event and get into a better headspace since it was all so exhausting. With an angry look on his face, Louie made a fist and slammed it into the headboard of his bed, putting a sizable dent in the wood as all the rage in his nightmare bled into his reality. "Goddammit...!"

    . . . . . . . . .

    The next morning, Louie's first stop was a particularly expensive restaurant with a formal dress code. The last few days had been busy for him, since he wanted to distract himself from his nightmares with the things he usually liked to do. Partying, exploring, eating good food—that sort of thing. It seemed that every day he was closer and closer to going to the guildhall and putting that dog of a man down, and yet thoughts of caviar and oysters reeled him in quicker than his bloodlust could. Despite putting away his desire to confront Vandrad for the moment, Louie seemed far from patient and content. Like a pot of boiling water, nights of restlessness and interrupted slumber kept him on the edge. He was already hot-headed before, but he really didn't have the patience or the tolerance for mistakes or disrespect today.

    He took the seat closest to the window and yet the furthest corner from the other customers. He briskly ordered exactly what he came here for—lobster tail and sweet red wine. It was easy enough, just two items after all, and yet the waitress seemed eager to write it all down on her notepad and seemed anxious when approaching him. It was clear that she was pretty new to the establishment because no one would ever struggle to remember two items like that. But, apparently, she did, since she returned with a plate of Iceburgian crab legs and sweet white wine.

    "Here you are, sir!—"

    "Lobster tail and red wine, how hard is that?" Louie interrupted, looking at his plate with this unimpressed stare, brows raised and eyes narrow.

    "Pardon? Crab legs and white wine, right? Or was that..." the girl looked at her notepad, and then over at a different table that was patiently awaiting their food. The color drained from her face. "Oh, I'm soooo, so, so sorry, sir! Here, I'll go get your lobster right away—"


    "S-Sir! Your hand! The glass...!" the girl gasped, looking at her blonde customer as he sat there with a tall glass of water now crushed into pieces in his hand. Surprisingly, it didn't break the skin, but the glass was shattered now, and the look of looming anger on his face was unmistakably silencing.

    "Two items, two. And you can't remember that? I don't get it. I go out of my way to come to this place, give you my jewels, and yet..." Louie looked at her with the crushed glass in his palm, taking it and dropping the pieces at her feet with that same wide-eyed anger, "What are you waiting for? Go fix it, or will you forget that too?"

    The girl didn't say anything, she just nodded fervently and scurried off to fix the order. Maybe if he was better rested, she would've been yelled at in a way that was more deserving, but Louie simply didn't have the energy to be anything other than on the brink of an outburst. He swept off the bits of glass still on his palm and stared out the window with a dangerous glare.

    He really wanted to kill him.

    WC: 1004 | Total WC: 1004 | WC Needed: 5,000 (solo) @Cetus Nerveux = Nervous porcine = piggy Très bon = Very good ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    In Progress Re: On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Cetus 5th November 2020, 9:18 pm

    Cetus stood on the balcony of his safe house. No railing sepersted him from the ground far below. It'd be easy to step over the edge. He wondered if that would elicit some emotion. Would he scream on the way down? Would an epiphany hit about life right before striking the cobblestones?

    The shark man sighed, turning away. For whatever reason, his body clung to a need to live. It wasn't a desire so much as a command built into it. The conditioning of his body and mind was absolute. Free will was only an illusion within the rules built by his creators. He'd have to find another way to bring emotion back to his hearts.

    Still laying low from a recent job, the assassin decided to head to a fancy restaurant. He couldn't leave any more bodies lest he lead the Rune Knights to his hideaway. Cetus pulled on a tux. Wearing his usual would get him noticed. While Cetus didn't mind attention, too much of it left evidence. Perhaps a fight with the Rune Knights would help him in his quest though. The bluette considered that as he locked the door behind him. He'd pick up a few weapons along the way.

    Cetus had been sitting in the restuarant, sipping a wine, when he noticed a commotion. A man had recieved the wrong order. He was taking out his frustration on the waitress who looked absolutely terrified. Cetus leaned forward. That anger was potent. Absolutely what he was looking for. A potential trigger for his own emotions.

    Cetus pushed up from the table, following the waitress. She paused inside the door. Her hand was over her heart. Cetus laid a hand on her arm. He smiled charmingly."Let me take care of him, darling. You deal with the other customers." The watery smile she gave him might have been full of gratitude. She did open her mouth most likely to refuse. Cetus simply grabbed a tray and slipped out the door before she could speak. His hands rapidly moved to set things up on the tray. He had a loose plan forming.

    The first thing Cetus did as he neared was stumble. The prepared open wine bottle fell over as expected. It spilled white wine onto the blonde's head. "Ah! So sorry!" He stuttered with a heavy accent. A piece of bread was dabbed into the hair soaking up some of the wine. Cetus took a deliberate bite of the bread afterward. "ptooah! Too salty!"

    Humming to himself, Cetus placed the Sinese goat leg and Bellanise potato soup on the table. He put the half-eaten bread on the man's plate. "All good? Yes? Good. Cetus said holding two thumbs up. That should be enough to get a reaction. If not, Cetus had severly misjudged the man. He did have other plans in that case though. Right now, he wanted to know how the blonde would respond.

    WC: 488


    Gabriel Bank

    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus] CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Louie 25th November 2020, 12:02 am

    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus] Y9OxwMH

    I don't chase ; I attract. What belongs to me will come to me.

    ...Was this a joke?...

    Louie was already on the brink of his patience with the waitress, the mistaken order being just another blunder at the hands of others. But he insisted on going through his day as if everything was just fine like nothing had ever happened, but his impatience and anger were beginning cave in on him, and then there was the final straw. The snowflake that had broken the ice, although what had happened was more akin to an avalanche crashing against him without warning.

    His gorgeous, slicked blonde hair lost its regal form when the white wine was poured all over him, the golden hair drooping over his face like he had freshly stepped out of a shower. He could feel the crumbs of the bread stick to his glossy white skin as the waiter dried him off with its absorbent, fluffy body, ate half of it, and put the last half of the roll onto his plate of a meal he didn't ever order. The restaurant's guests watched with horror as the scene unfolded, and Louie was seated there, staring at his table in shock. It was dead silent in the building, only the clicks and clangs of metal tools against skillets and saucepans could be heard from the kitchen just next to them. Louie sat there frozen for a moment until one by one, every feature of his body became animated with rage. It started with the slightest twitch of his brow, and then suddenly his entire face was screwing and transforming into a look of unrefined rage and fury. His entire body began to tremble, slowly standing up from his seat to look at the piece of filth that had assaulted him. Louie's hair began to turn into a silvery-white, and black markings crept up his arms, neck, and stopped just beneath his left eye. In a blink of an eye, Louie had taken on the appearance of Prada, and with the same speed, he had planted a raw and unrefined fist into the waiter's temple, putting every fiber in his angry soul into that punch. Whenever he had decided to veil himself as Prada, it only meant one thing—that he was about to do something bad.

    The punch was built off of the speed and power one would expect from Prada, and at that force and trajectory, the waiter would no doubt be sent flying from the restaurant's windows straight through the sides of at least a dozen other buildings in his path, crashing through them like a bullet in drywall. It all happened so fast—if you blinked, you'd miss it, and if you breathed, Prada would have vanished in pursuit of the body he had just sent flying out of the building. The mere impact of his unblemished knuckles against that man's temple caused the chairs and tables to be blown right off their feet, a gust of raw, unnatural wind blowing through the building. That wasn't his killing blow, but it was the blow that would begin the murder of this man.

    "How disgusting... how disgusting... how disgusting!" Prada began in rising tone, a cadence intwined with hurt and anger as he approached wherever that man's body ended up crashing into. He left a footprint made of boiling gold with every step and a trail of crackling flames in his wake. "You all are disgusting! I bless you with my presence and even grant you the privilege of breathing the same air as me... and yet you still want more? You still haven't had your fill? Ungrateful waste of space! Do you know what you've just done to me?! Do you know how you've just violated perfection? Flawlessness?! Just die... just die... just die, you retarded pile of pigshit!"

    The cloud of dust hadn't even settled from all of the destruction already done, and yet Prada had quickly opened and closed his hand in the general direction of his target, and golden skewers would burst out of the ground to pierce his pig he was aiming to slaughter.

    || Word Count: 677 || Thread WC: 1681 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Cetus chienne = bitch —



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    In Progress Re: On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Cetus 25th November 2020, 3:29 pm

    It apparently didn't take too much to break the man's control. His over the top inadequacy pushed the blonde too far. He stood transforming. Cetus felt - actually felt - shock and amusement. He knew this one. Had passed him in the Hidden Blades Commonroom once or twice. What a lack of control to reveal one's self in public. Shameful. Simply shameful.

    The punch rocketed out. Even with all the speed at his fingertips, Cetus could mitigate the blow. He turned away from the man's fist. His dentils spun, trying to scratch the skin that dared press against him. Then the shark man was fly through the air. He crashed through several walls. When he stopped, Cetus was embedded in a wall. Blood trickled down his temple. Yet there was a large smile on his face. He had felt something. He had felt if only for a second.

    The blonde was already there. Cetus chuckled pushing out of the wall. This idiot was monologuing at him. "Oh, Darling, perfection doesn't exist in this world. We're all maggots writhing in the dirt of life. You're no better then the rest of us. Just look at this overreaction." He waved an imperious hand. Cetus had dropped the waiter act as well as the accent. There was little use for either now.

    The blonde waved his hand. Cetus didn't wait. Black fire wrapped around him, teleporting the assassin away. Golden spikes still caught his leg. He appeared a short distance away. His leg throbbed. Blood quickly coated his leg. He could not take this opponent lightly. However, did he dare pull his entire arsenal? No. Revealing all his cards would be a death sentence.

    "Ah, love, if you're going to pound a man, you must go harder. Otherwise we can't feel that tiny prick." Cetus taunted, ignoring his leg. He didn't wish to waste his mana at the moment either. The more spells that hit him, the more he'd rely on means to escape. A smarter man wouldn't antagonize his attacker. Cetus couldn't help himself. This blonde had made feelings stir within his breast. The more he pushed the mage, the more potential he had to feel again.

    The blood trickling down his face drew his attention to his own condition. He may not want to reveal all his cards but not revealing any would result in death. The blonde was stronger than him. Reaching into the tatters of his pants, Cetus withdrew a book. He kept it strapped to his thigh at all times. A medusa adorned the cover. As it opened, the book began to float. Cetus smiled as the power flowed into him. A forked tongue slipped from between his lips. Golden wings popped from his back as his golden eyes became orange. His canines lengthened into fangs. Scales could be seen through the holes in his clothing.

    Cetus rolled his shoulders before cracking his neck. "Shall we dance, pretty boy? Then you can take me to bed and I'll give it to you rough. I promise you'll like it." He smiled widely, revealing his new fangs. Then Cetus spit. Glowing green orbs of poison shot toward the blonde. Cetus didn't think they'd hit but they provided a nice distraction. His glorious wings pulled him into the air. Better to watch from a safeish distance despite his desires. This fight almost made him excited.

    WC: 565
    PWC: 1053


    Gabriel Bank

    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus] CetusSigs

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Louie 15th January 2021, 7:50 pm

    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus] Y9OxwMH

    I don't chase ; I attract. What belongs to me will come to me.

    Ah... this is what he hated most about this country. Everyone felt entitled to equality that simply did not exist. Everyone believed "You're no better than me!" and "We're the same!", but that wasn't true. No matter where you go, there is always someone better than you. Richer than you. Faster than you. Smarter than you. Stronger than you, and to tell yourself otherwise is just a delusion that people tell themselves in order to cope with their own inferiority. Almost everyone he'd met since coming to Fiore had deluded themselves with this lie, and some wouldn't have died avoidable deaths had they forgone their meaningless belief in equality. Tons of people couldn't cope with their destiny beneath his heel and ended up dying for their foolishness. Life was a race, and people talented and gifted like Prada always found themselves in front of the pack, while others struggled to run at all. Actually, to hell with that! They weren't even on the same track as him!

    It was funny, really. Every lie that came out of that pig's mouth was so confident considering that he was about to meet his painful demise. It was people like him that he wanted to beg for forgiveness, for their life. He wanted to see them squirm beneath his heel, with fear in their eyes. But sometimes that didn't happen. Some would rather bite their tongue than to swallow their silly pride and accept that they weren't nearly as special or important as they convinced themselves to be. It was even more satisfying when they were idiotic enough to fight him of all things. It was easy enough to run your mouth, but challenging a beast that so significantly outmatched them was brave in itself. Infuriatingly so.

    The creature shot orbs of poison at him, but it didn't matter. Nothing this guy did would matter. Every effort he made, every spell he cast, every evasion he attempted was all pointless. As exhausting as his personality was, he wouldn't have been able to indulge in the villainy he had been doing if he didn't have the power to back it up. Prada was fast—demonically fast. He was a Y-class mage whose fighting style was known for its speed and devastating power. He could demolish the town they were battling in if he really wanted to. He could've massacred thousands if he was having a bad day. He was a bomb that could set off at any moment, and this pig with wings thought he could challenge him? Him? Unfortunately for him, he was having a bad day.

    Despite his teasing quips and mediocre spells, Prada wouldn't buckle or be distracted by his disappointing attempts. He was like a bullet—no, he was faster than a bullet as he shot right past the orbs of poison and made way directly for the man in the sky, several golden magic circles casting around him as the very ground he had leaped from was surrounded with dust from the sheer force of his jump. From each circle that surrounded the flying man, golden chains sprung from them with a speed just as incredibly fast as Prada himself, hoping to entangle him. When the silver-haired man was in front of his target, he'd plant another rage-induced fist squarely into the center of his face, hopefully sending him rocketing back into the ground.

    "I've been so patient with animals like you. You all seem to struggle to fit into your rightful roles beneath me, and so I educate you on how things ought to be... and this is the thanks I get?! Hah...!" Prada's glare sharpened and his lips broke into a twisted smile, holding his hand up against his face and running it through his wet, messy hair as he went off, "I've been getting the worst sleep these days! Every time I close my eyes, I see that... that thing over and over and over. It replays in my head like some sick joke! I tolerate your filth's mistakes regardless! My very existence is a testament to the fact that the perfect person does exist. Do you understand the gravity of what you've done? Don't you understand how vile it is to try to assault perfection? Huh?! Answer me!"

    || Word Count: 711 || Thread WC: 2392 || WC Needed 11,000 || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Cetus chienne = bitch —



    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 306
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : ‭‭38,500

    In Progress Re: On the Brink [Prada/Cetus]

    Post by Cetus 8th February 2021, 9:36 pm

    The chains followed the golden haired mage. Nearly simultaneously, a fist crashed into Cetus' face. Or it would have, if purple armor hadn't slammed into place before it. As it was, the fist shattered the helmet. A few metal shards cut his face. The shark watched the blonde rant with impassive eyes. This wasn't quite as fun as he'd thought it would be. He spat blood out to the side. Then Cetus tilted his head. How did one get so filled with emotion, they believed they were perfect? This ugly display only showed the assassin the downside to having emotions. Yet the hole in his chest still craved them.

    "Perfection? You?" The assassin asked emotionlessly. "I faced down a god. A being whose power and beauty flowed through every breath, oozed into the space around them. You don't even wield a fraction of that magnificence. And I killed that fucker." Cetus leaned forward. He let his lips slipped back unveiling his shark's teeth. His eyes went black. Gills flared on the sides of his neck. "I'm more animal than anyone. I don't stand on the same ground as anyone. I don't want to. You all are ruled by your emotions. Spinning endlessly, shouting about equality, about perfection, about what is wrong and right. Who cares? What matters is what one can do and if they'll do it. Nothing else."

    Cetus shook his head. Green mist crawled from his armor. it spread outward rapidly, filling the air around them. "What is perfection? What is vile? What is evil? Morality? Justice?" He asked as the mist spread outward. Another book opened in his hands. He felt the magic pulse over him, increasing his speed. "Human concepts. Animals don't understand such things. They don't exist in nature. Why should I care about them then?" Cetus' eyes glowed red, flashing as he exhaled a purple venomous cloud toward his opponent. He knew the gap in strength between them. Anything more was a waste. This probably wouldn't even phase the blonde man.

    His piece said, Cetus waited to see the man's reaction. His body protested the light flapping of his wings. His mind barely clung to the semblance of consciousness. His training screamed for him to vanish, to disappear into the shadows. Cetus knew that wasn't possible. Not with the speed of this mage. He'd be lucky to take two steps before the next attack came. His death loomed near. Yet his soul cried out for a taste of that emotion the man had elicited. The bluette felt a stirring. Embers of some emotion his body had once known. A mirthless smile spread slowly across his lips. The assassin extended his hand and beckoned his opponent. Let them finish it.



    Gabriel Bank

    On the Brink [Prada/Cetus] CetusSigs

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:05 pm