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    Cleansing the PL4GUE


    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
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    Cleansing the PL4GUE Empty Cleansing the PL4GUE

    Post by SKD1218 15th August 2020, 10:06 pm

    While wandering through Magnolia, Drako was extrmeely happy about the Fiore wide block party. Rather than dress in his traditional style, he would  go shirtless and wear only a dark black cloak with slightly torn combat shorts, as he desired mostly to jump around from rooftop to rooftop and just enjoy the mood, which is currently exactly what he was doing. He was merely standing on a building and looking down on all the wizards and civillains. He enjoyed many of the wonders and not so wonderous smells. It was a good night, and nothing could possibly go wrong.
    lol, but then things went horribly wrong. An explosion from a (thankfully) mostly empty building immedietly caught the young mage's attention, and also caused some panic in the streets. Being the type of mage that he is, Drako, of course, investegated this strange occurrence. Upon entering the building, Drako found... A teenage girl? And she seemed extremely uninterested in everything that was going on, and was intent only on scrolling through her lacrimal device.
    "lol..." she said, giving a few week chuckles as she kept scrolling
    "Uh... Hello there.  What's your name?" She ignored the boy in favor of her phone, causing the boy to repeat himself more than once. Eventually he gave a small shout, shocking the girl a bit.
    "Yo, geez! No need to yell. I heard you the first time, you just... weren't interesting enough to respond to. My name's Orcana, and you can go now. I'm about to start a live stream and don't want any boomers in it." At first the boy was a bit disappointed at her, but then he was confused when she called him a "boomer", making a mental note to find out what that means later.
    "That wasn't very nice. There's more to life than entertaintment y'know. But phones aside, what was that explosion, are you alright?" She merely looked at him, slightly perplexed.
    "...Yeah, I'm fine... Why do you care?" her tone was a mix of surprised and snark, making it hard to tell why exactly she was asking
    "Well, there was an explosion, and you're the only one here, so it's only natural to be concerned, yeah?"
    "I guess...Yeah, I'm still vertical." She said as she went back to staring at her device.
    "Alright,great! Did you see who caused the explosion? They could still be out there any may hurt others, so of course, I plan to stop them."
    "ehh...  some dudes called plaque or something are just planning to cause some heat. They said something about their idea being stolen so they plan to do it. This was out first plan, but they'll get a bit crazier through the night. It's a pretty bleh idea, but I don't really feel like fighting you, so I surrender or whatever."
    "Alright, uh... Thanks, you take care of yourself, I'm going to get out there and hunt down some neon ninjas, have a good one." the dragon boy said as he headed out. The girl gave a small smile before staring back at her device.
    [WC: 513]



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
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    Cleansing the PL4GUE Empty Re: Cleansing the PL4GUE

    Post by SKD1218 16th August 2020, 12:05 am

    Upon searching around Magnolia for some more neon boys, Drako would search around for some more neon boys. While scouting the streets, he often got the feeling that he was being followed, and always thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye, but every time he looked there was nothing. After standing still and just looking around for a minute, he heard a "hissssss"ing, sound as he just narrowly dodged a a pink liquid. The liquid ate right through the ground, exposing the sewer.  More faint hissing sounds pursued, and the dragon buy was able to just as narrowly dodge each of them. One of them did burn through some of his hair though. At least hair grows back though, limbs usually don't. After the shots, Drako found himself surrounded by 5 odd looking beings. They didn't say anything, they merely attacked. One of them engaged Drako in melee combat and had two bone-like sparring weapons on its hands and feet. Knowing right away that these things were neither human nor beast, Drako gave the one currently engaging him two mighty blows and a strong headbutt, causing it to disipate into a pink mist. "So strike hard and they'll just disappear. I can do that." the boy thought. Although it wouldn't be as easy at he thought,a s the next elemental he went to punch did a backflip to dodge before bullet jumping at the boy, ramming him in the stomach,causing a powerful "OOF" sound to be heard. The other elementals used this opportunity to spew plasma at the doy, but fortunately, he was fast enough to use the body of the one that rammed him as a shield before slamming it to the ground twice, taking the second one out. After that he'd move swiftly, but the enemy was also quick on their feet. Moving swiftly, almost as if luring Drako somewhere. While pursuing, Drako attmepted to throw various items at them. Almost all attempts failed, however, one was hit in the back of the head, slowing it down enough for Drako to pounch on it and strike it until it was reduced to its purple haste. After which he continued following the other tw, who eventually seemed to lure him to some kind of court house before facing him. The dragon boy was ready to throwdown, until a loud, sonic sound came form within the house, completely destroying the last two elementals and stiking Drako, forcing him to cover his ears as a reflex. Well, at least things can't get much worse... [WC: 427]



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
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    Cleansing the PL4GUE Empty Re: Cleansing the PL4GUE

    Post by SKD1218 16th August 2020, 11:52 am

    "AWWW YEAHHHH! ARE YOU LOVIN MY SICK BEATS?! HERE, LEMME RIFT YOU ANOTHER!" the heavily armored man proclaimed as what apepard to be a speaker in the center of his chest started sifting through neon colors before firing, causing Drako to scream in pain. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THE BOSS MAN REALLY HOOKE ME UP WITH THIS SWEET ARMOR. TOO BAD FOR YOU, BUT THIS IS LOOKING LIKE THE LAST BLOCK PARTY YOU'LL EVER PARTICIPATE IN!"". He started as he spun around and dropped into the splits before standing right back up, reading his sound canon at Drako. The dragon boy, knowing that he couldn't let it end like this, the dragon boy mustered his strength to roll out of the way of the sonic attack. The decibles still made his ears hurt like heck, but it wasn't as bad as a direct hit. Knowing that a direct charge would be suicide, Drako would roll out of the way and attempt to zig zag his way into the house. After successfully making it in, Drako would hide behind the multitde of crates and boxes within the house. The man merely followed, slowly. Spinning as he stuck some sonic poses at some random crates. Strangely enough, they didn't seem to be destroyed by his blast, they merely changed color a bit and were knocked down. This gave Drako an idea.
    Breaking off the side of a crate, he'd decide to use that as his sheild before charging the heavily armored enemy.The momenthe blasted, Drako would jump up from behind the shield and pounce at the man, striking him swiftly and furiously. A punchto the jaw,a headbutt and even a kick to the side. As Drako was about to eliver an upper cut, the man caught Drako's fist before it could connect.
    "EPIC DISPLAY, BRO! BUT THIS ARMOR AIN'T JUST FOR SHOW, YOU'LL HAVE TO HIT HARDER THAN THAT. NO WAY YOU'LL BE ABLE TO TOUCH THE BOSSMAN WITH WEAK SAUCE ATTACKS LIKE THAT." The man would launcha sonic attack at Drako once more. However, refusing to go back, Drako woud attempt to hold his ground rather than be knocke back by it. "Alrighttt... Then I'll do just that!!" Drako said, his resolve firming and his eye producing a faint glow as he pushed forward and struck the man in his stupidly lound sound box, which greater fury than any of his previous strikes, he was able to cause a large crack and his armor, knocking the man back. He stood up and looked both excited and angered, giving another signature twirl and pointing at the dragon boy. Saying nothing, he merely aimed his chest as Drako prepared to dodge, but when the man fired, the normally rainbow display was only red, and wen he fired... KzZtttTtKk kErkLUmpPT BOOM!. The armor exploded, taking out the man. Drako, after checking his pulse to make sure he's still alive, flew the man to the nearest hospital, explaining the finer etails before heading out to search for "the boss man."
    [WC: 503]



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Cleansing the PL4GUE Empty Re: Cleansing the PL4GUE

    Post by SKD1218 16th August 2020, 2:59 pm

    Stalking through thestreets and checking very alley way, rako would search for someone who he envision being the leader of a group like hehad ran into on a night like otnight. He expected someone a bit like a mix of all the weirdenemies he had fought tonight. Maybe some gimmickey armor, a flashy appereance.... Probably a dangerous weapon and some weird magic. Perhaps a summoner considering the second set of enemies he had tonight. He had spent a while searching but couldn't find anything. When standing on the top of the building where he first noticed the explosion, he decided to visit Orcana again and ask if she had any ideas where the head honcho may be. However, she wasn't there. Drako did ifnd a note there, presumably written by her. "yo, sorry about the explosion.if you care about it, take it up with the doomer boomer calling himself the 'Neom Samuri', he's at some field enjoying himself or whatever."~Orc Seeing this, Drako would go and search around all the parks which he knew of, and low and behold, the last place hec kecked had some dude humming and swinging his pink flaming sword around. Fortunately, virtually everyonehad evacuated, and it seemed as if he wasn't actually trying to hurt anyone, just scare people away. Drako would go to him.
    "Yo! Neon Samauri! I'm gonna need you to stop terrifying these peopleand stop disrupting the block party. This was supposed to be a nice, relaxing night, but you and your crew kind of ruined that. I won't attack if you cease and desist now, but if you continue causing rpoblems, I'll be forced to take you in.
    The man merely stared at Drako, almost as if staring into his soul. It was as if he was going through a thousand different scenarios in his head, and it soundeed like he was mumbligng something each time, sometihing lik e"..won't work.." "ineffective.." "no, that won't do..."  After a few seconds of this, the man would throw his flaing katana at Drako, causin the boy to dodge to the left. At which point, the man would dash over at almost inhuman speeds and land a kick on Drako before grabbing his katana.
    "No can do. I'm not backing down and will change blades with anyone that opposes me. My idea was stolen, no one cares, so I'm going to make them care. Stay down or get burned, my next strike will be with the swor, and it will be even more devestating than my first."
    Drako would merely stand up and square up "I've already taken down your allies, so I've got all day. Let's go pinkie."
    The man chuckled and stared once more. however, Drako charged at him, giving the man no time to analyze and instead forced him to react. He hit Drako in the stomah with the hilt of his blade twice and swept him off his feet before attemting to slam him while he was down. The drgon boy got back up on his feet quickly, dodging the slash. The man swung his sword and released a powerful plasma slash, which caused Drako to activate his hellflame dragon scale takeover to mitigate the damage.
    The man was unfazed by this and merely drew closer to Drako, attempting t get a few melee strikes in. Drako smirked as he made the flames coming from his scales burn hotter and hotter, until the man   was unable to get near enough for plasma strikes.
    "What's the matter? Am I too hot to handle?" the dragon boy would jest at the man, who started jumping back as Drako  moved closer to him, slowly increasing his temperature.  as he stepped forward. Drako would flames from every part of his body to performa large, area of effect attack. The man attempted to parry it with a counterflame attack, which reduced the damage he took, but he was still pretty badly off.
    The man would stab his sword into the ground and rise his hand, summoning plasma elements. Drako, being tired of them, would release another area of effect attack to disipate them. This one was intentionally weaker, but it was still good enough to take them all out, and the Dragon Savage was sure not to hitth eneon samuri with the ring.
    "Stand down or I'll get serious, this is your last warning." The man stared at him and loked as if he was about to attack.. but proceeded to pass out. Drako disabiled his scalrles went and checke on his body, and he was sweating profusely. "...Err.. Whoops.." Drako flew this man to the hospital, assuming that he had accidenatlyl dehydrated him. After this run in, Drako attempted to return to what ever was left of the block party, and tried his darndest to enjoy himself.
    [WC: 802]
    [TOTAL WC, ALL POST (802+503+427+513): 2,245]



    Lineage : Wrath of Wraith
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 1,568

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Takeover
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    Cleansing the PL4GUE Empty Re: Cleansing the PL4GUE

    Post by SKD1218 16th August 2020, 4:36 pm

    [Shortly after the battle...]
    After a few fights which lasted much longer than they should have, Drako went into the nearest club and wen tot he DJ booth. While his ears were till ringing from the battle with the sound dude, he tried it anyway, beause why not? He went in and essentailly did the equilivant of button mashing, hoping that it sounded good to everyone and did his best to have a good time,
    [WC: 63]



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