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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Nurarihyon 2nd August 2013, 7:10 pm




    The sun shone bright in one of the usual, practical day at Magnolia. With infamous Fairy Tail as its center of attention, it also bares the large gigantic tree located in the middle of its park. As the citizens walk pass the shops and bridges, a sigh could be heard. “Whew.. Never thought attracting new members to the guild could be this hard, eh Tsurara?” With protruding black hair with white layer on top, Reikan turned his view to a girl with purple eyes, with striped bluish white hair, shorter than him and busy giving off the flyers they brought together to spread. Flapping her bothering scarf to her back, Tsurara replied with a smile; “Well.. Things would get worse if you start loafing around, Waka.” Waka, meaning young master, is a call all the residents back in Nura Reikan’s mansion stick him with. “Hmm.. there might be another way.. An easier one.” Reikan again turned his view whilst thinking of an idea, focusing his sight to another lady standing beside him. “Hey Suzu-chan, maybe they would get interested if you start giving the flyers away with some seductive moves included. Go for it!” The lady in black, with white eyes and black hair, complete with a fair skin listened well to Reikan’s suggestion. Blushing afterwards, Suzu-chan, or Yosuzume for full, replied with a slight awkwardness in her tone. “W-waka..! What’re you thinking of..!” Tsurara put her fingers on her bright red lips as she chuckled at the seemingly joke coming from their Waka.

    “Now now.. Worry not, as I had attracted some people to spread the flyers to.” Kurotabo approached from the trio’s back, to which they turned to look at. “K-Kurotabo! That’s not the attention I wanted you to pull along.” Sighing, Reikan turned his glance away at the sight of Kurotabo, having some bunch of attracted ladies around him. Kurotabo is known for his so called hotness and with such charming smile and all, but that wasn’t really what Reikan wanted to happen. “You were supposed to attract people to join our guild..” “Yeah Kuro.. I think you’ve got the wrong idea at the word promoting a GUILD.” Tsurara highlighted the word guild with her voice, with Kurotabo comically shoos the ladies away. They left disappointed, but heck, Kurotabo isn’t the kind of person that would care for such things. “Meh whatever.. Now go and spread the flyer, and this time, do it right..” The split second thought Reikan had built a temporary killing silence. “I wonder where Itaku, Karasu Tengu and the others are though.” Putting his hand on his chin, Reikan struck the thinking pose. “Hm. I hope they aren’t doing anything stupid then.” Tsurara continued, whilst the four started handing out flyers to the passers by again under the hot sun.  

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 124
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    First Skill: Fear Magic
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Nurarihyon 2nd August 2013, 8:05 pm


    The four kept themselves busy, with the flyer giveaway and such. It proved to be hard, as most of the passers-by tend to ignore them completely, not even turning the glance towards them to listen to what the four might have to say. “Oh come on.. Is this how humans react with us? Maybe they should learn a bit for who we ar-“ “Calm down Suzu-chan.. It’s usual for humans to ignore things.. That’s why they are called ignorant creatures.. Different from us Yokais of course..” Reikan tried to cool things down. Yosuzume looked really pissed off, with the people ignoring them and stuff. Lucky for them, some of the humans were interested, and said they would consider joining the Night Parade whilst taking the flyer home. “ Yeah.. At least some of them took the flyer.. It’s better than nothing, right Waka?” Reikan nodded slightly as a sign of agreement to Tsurara’s relieving statement. “Anyway.. Waka, Karasu Tengu said he would have to head back to the main house. Nurarihyon wanted to have words with him.” Sighing, Reikan replied; “Jeez, what would that old geezer would want with Karasu Tengu..” Tilting his head up to the sky as he talked, Reikan questioned himself of his responsibility towards the main house of the Nura Clan. “Maybe it’s time I take the position from the Great Gramps..” Thinking that it had been long since Nurarihyon held the title Supreme Commander for the first time, the heir of the title were mostly killed, like his father and grandfather. But that wasn't his concern, it was something else. Something that even Reikan himself has no idea about.

    “Busy, maybe?” The familiar voice took Reikan’s attention right away. “Oh my, what are you doing here, Arissa-Hime?” Tsurara rushed towards the red headed beauty, donning her usual daily outfit. It consisted of a set of highschool-like uniform, with a ribbon as an ornament on the colar. She was beautiful, and her graceful steps as she took some of the flyers Reikan was holding froze him. “What’s wrong , Nura-oujo?” His wife’s soft call snapped him out of the numb state of his, suddenly a bit awkward. “Y-you know.. You shouldn’t be outside at this time of the day.. I mean, a beautiful flower yokai like you are..” “Yeah I know.. but it wouldn’t be wrong to help my own husband, right?” Reikan kept quiet, a sign of agreement towards what his wife had just said. “So, Arissa-hime, you gonna help?” Arissa nodded, and again they started getting busy again. But it was different this time. People started to crowd a bit, wanting to have a good look on Reikan’s wonderful yokai wife. “What’re you staring at, Nura-oujo? It’s okay.. I’m still yours.” Arissa chuckled, accompanying it with a cute wink after spurting such words from her mild, soft bright red lips, easing Reikan’s feelings a little. “Waka, hurry and spread the flyers, man.” Kurotabo nudged Reikan by his shoulders, startling him acutely. “O-okay..” Reikan said, blushing slightly. Now there were more people attracted from before, thanks to Reikan’s wife, Arissa.


    Promoting le guild! Night Parade J64o3r

    Promoting le guild! Night Parade JkBfSnp

    Ringo Noyamano
    Ringo Noyamano

    Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 241
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ashara
    Experience : 7600

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    First Skill: Arc of Souls
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Ringo Noyamano 3rd August 2013, 12:11 am

    A girl in red kimono came rushing towards the group that was handing out flyers. Her long black hair flew as she whizzed trough the streets like a gazelle  fleeing the savannas, eliciting stares from both passers by and by standers. "Gomen everyone. But I got lost along the way." The little girl said as she grabbed a handful of flyers from Tsurara. It had been months since she joined Night parade, and much had happened to her in that short time span. For starters, the once timid girl had grown more welcoming of her guild. Of course they were all yokais but she found solitude in their company. Besides, they are not the evil type, they are the type who defends the weak from other demons.

    As Ai begins handing out the flyers, she looks at her current team. They look normal, happy and content. "You know this wont last. Everyone dies, human or yokai. Only we can live forever." a voice whispered. She shook her head "No I wont let that happen!" unaware she voice out her thought a little louder than she intended.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd August 2013, 1:08 am

    The Fairy Tail Guild Hall was packed; and alive with all types of happenings. From people chugging beers; to folks attempting to play board games, to wizards checking out the job board; to arm wrestling matches, girls showing off their clothes; just about everything that happened on a daily basis.

    Then of course; there was Heero comically sitting in front of a gigantic tray of Hot Dogs stacked up like a pyramid; mustard only of course. Heero's expression was hilarious; as he cracked his knuckles and prepared to dig in.

    'Tap tap!' a loud couple of raps on the front door caused a few people to look up; as one of the townsfolk of Magnolia stepped in. At first; Heero merely ignored her, figuring she was here to request a job from the Guild; and bit into half of a hot dog; chomping away on it and finishing it off in just two bites. But then, he noticed a few other Wizards gathering around her; looking at whatever it was she held in her hand.

    Heero wiped his mouth; as Garfield flew and landed on top of his head. The orange Exceed swished his tail back and forth as they approached the group.

    "So, they're just out there in South Gate Park?!"

    "Night Parade? Never heard of a Legal Guild called Night Parade; they must be a Dark Guild! Oi, didn't they hear what we just did to Savage Skull?"

    "Weird that...another Guild would come to this town to advertise their Guild.........."

    "W-who do they expect to find here?" Heero and three other Fairy Tail Wizards eyed the flyer with an 'oooooOOOO', comically.

    "Let's go meet em'!" Garfield quipped; swishing his tail again as he rode on Heero's set of blue hair. With a shrug; Heero snatched one last hot dog from his tray; before running back towards the door and giving a wave to his other comrades.

    "Oi, I'll check em' out!" as he saluted and jogged out into the streets of Magnolia; a few people waved at him. He jogged with Garfield on his head to South Gate Park; where his house happened to be. He immediately noticed a group of...individuals; who were handing out flyers to whoever would take them.

    "Yo!" Heero called out; walking up towards them, his orange cat still riding upon his head. The Wizard Saint; famous across Fiore stopped just ten feet short of the group, inspecting them. He wore his usual blue tank top; blue jeans, and sandals, and one could tell that he was beyond physically fit. "Uh---haven't you guys heard; this is kinda....another Guild's town?" Heero scratched the back of his head once. "Seriously...what've you guys been living under a rock since---forever?" in his mind; he had no idea how they did not know another Wizard's Guild was located here. I mean; you didn't see Fairy Tail advertising in Clover Town where they knew Blue Pegasus was---honestly what poor manners.

    "Anyway; who are you guys?" a little bit of yellow Lightning sparkled harmlessly off of Heero. Although he was a famous Sorcerer Magazine model and Wizard Saint; he didn't midn throwing his reputation out of the window; which he did often. "You don't have long to explain, before heads start rolling." Heero was already annoyed that another Guild was in town; he made eye contact with the three ladies in company with the others. He smiled and nodded towards them charmingly. "Don't worry ladies, you're in no danger from me." Heero wouldn't hit a lady; even if it was a fellow S-Ranked Wizard and he was in danger. It--just didn't sit right with him. "Oi, but you fellas. Explain yourself! Now! Why shouldn't I already be stomping you boys into next week! Master Ebony won't be happy about this!" yellow lightning flecked all around Heero's face, body, and clothes; but it was harmless as he didn't want to cause too much commotion in broad daylight....he didn't mind if he had too though.


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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Rose


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 124
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    First Skill: Fear Magic
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Nurarihyon 3rd August 2013, 1:42 am

    A drop of sweat flowed through Reikan’s forehead, tired after giving away so many flyers promoting Night Parade. Right before the sweat flows into his eye, Arissa wiped it away with her handkerchief. “Poor Nura-Oujo.. You seem tired?” Reikan shook his head, as he continued passing the flyers away. “Nah.. I’m pretty happy some people really are interested in guilds..” Arissa smiled, happy that her soul mate is on cloud nine that day. “Hey Arissa-Hime… Is he always this way?” Tsurara questioned her Waka’s out of the ordinary act that day. “Hmm.. Well..the only other time he’s like this is when we have our time together on the bed.” Chuckling, Arissa watched as Reikan tries to cover up the embarrassing fact she just told Tsurara, blushing. “Wh-wha!? Arissa you shouldn’t be telling people about that!” Yosuzume turned her sight away, envying the fact that Arissa got her Waka, which she actually loves too. “Lucky Arissa-hime..” Her heart tells herself that, which pissed her off even. “Well, Yosuzume, you still’ve got me.” Kurotabo attempted his seductive smile whilst he nudged Yosuzume’s shoulder as he talked. “Get away.. before I blind you good.” Arissa and Reikan watched in disbelief as Yosuzume and Kurotabo engaged in a comical childish chase shortly after. “This whole flyer thingy..” Sighing, Reikan turned his attention to a fellow guildmember. “If I’m not wrong.. You’re.. Ai, right?” Amazed at how young she could be, Reikan lowered himself a little to face her at the same level of height. “So.. Thanks for helping with the flyer.” With an honest smile, Reikan stood back up, facing the two still fighting yokais. “Stop, Kurotabo, Yosuzume.”

    “Yo!” “Haven’t ya heard..bla..bla..” The words which came by suddenly went too fast. Reikan and company could only turned their attention to the blue haired man. “Oh.. So, this is the town for the Fairies,eh?” Reikan wanted to comment on his arrogant, rude and unwelcoming greet. Arissa stopped him halfway tho, she wanted to deal with this the good way. “Uhm.. Kind mister.. You see.. We’re actually from the Night Parade.. A new guild.. Well, we can’t really say we’re legal tho.. But still.. We hope it’s okay, maybe..?? Since we aren’t a bunch of bad guys or something.. We came in peace, pinky swear.” Arissa approached the man as she talked, making some sort of cute faces, and tempting,pleading faces. Her act caused a bit of uneasy feeling to Reikan, but he thought he would just get over it. “It’s all for the good of the guild…” Forcing his mind to ignore the jealousy sure was hard. Meanwhile, Arissa offered a pinky swear at the end of her greet hoping they would get into no trouble.


    Promoting le guild! Night Parade J64o3r

    Promoting le guild! Night Parade JkBfSnp


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd August 2013, 2:55 am

    As he finished; one of them spoke up. He seemed to make quite the ridiculous statement; as if he didn't already know Magnolia was home to Fairy Tail. Heero rolled his eyes briefly at his sacrasm; but as soon as he was about to reply, before kicking some serious ass; the red-headed woman amonst them spoke.

    A sweatdrop appeared above Heero and Garfield's head for a split moment; as the woman went through several stages of facial expressions. From pleading, to seductive, to comical attempts to be adorable. All the while moving closer and closer to the Dragon Slayer.

    As she got close; Heero leaned back instinctively; he had a girlfriend, and her wrath was worse than anything else he could imagine. As the pinky was held up to him; Heero blushed a bit. But held up his own pinky; as the yellow lightning flecking off of him stopped with a few spark like noises. Skipping across the grass and disappearing. Garfield hopped off his shoulder; as the 'Exceed sound' of his feet hitting the ground could be heard once. The orange cat put his hands on his hips and swished his tail back and forth in thought; as he looked up, wondering if Heero would accept the pinky swear.

    "A-alright, pinky promise." Heero hooked pinky's with her and nodded. "I-believe you." he admitted. If they had been here for nefarious purposes; then, they wouldn't have been out here like this. Heero stretched once; his chiseled form visible as he stepped around the red-haired woman and walked towards the rest of the group. "S-sorry. It's just; it's not really...protocol to see another Wizard's Guild doin' this kinda stuff." Heero barked while bowing in apology once; rising againg to his full height.

    He looked around at the group; his nose wiggled by habit; as his Slayer senses kicked in. None of them smelled human; except for the silver haired guy with sharp features, slightly human. He had immense Magic Power; at least as much as Heero. He must've been their Guild Master!

    "Alright look, I AM sorry for the way I talked to you guys at first; but what the heck's this Night Parade, Guild about anyway? N-why do you guys all seem so different than normal folks?" Heero knew there were non-human Wizards; but had never had the pleasure of meeting one besides Chelvaric; who was half cat. He wondered how his old buddie was doing---he'd heard rumours of an arrest, and then of a Dark Wizard with ears and tail like a cat; but---Heero refused to believe it was him. At all.

    "Aye! You're cute!" Garfield said; appearing inside the shirt of the red-haired woman; right between her set of twins.

    "Garfield! Get out of there!" Heero barked at the perverted Exceed. He sighed and facepalmed. "S-sorry about the cat he's----" he noticed Garfield snuggling against the red-haired woman; swishing his orange tail about. "---a handful. Anyway; tell me about Night Parade. If you guys are a Dark Guild then......" Heero wondered if they were actually good as the red-haired woman had stated beforehand. They certainly didn't seem like any Dark Guild he'd ever encountered.

    "Oh! By the way, my name's Heero, Heero Reyold of Fairy Tail! Sorcerer Magazine Model, Ten Wizard Saint, and food gourmet!" he exclaimed proudly as he pointed on thumb at himself; sparkles flying all around him comically. Many had heard of the Thunder Fairy of Fairy Tail; the famed Lightning Dragon on the cover of every magazine. But he liked to be treated like a normal person; hopefully none of them knew him. "How about you guys? You do have names don'tcha?" Heero asked sarcasticallyw ith a toothy slayer smile.


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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Rose


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 124
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fear Magic
    Second Skill: N/A yet
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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Nurarihyon 3rd August 2013, 8:46 am

    Reikan watched as the short ensuing conversation progressed. “Well, Waka sure is worried..” Kurotabo commented on his actions, from the way he eyed his wife and the man. Tsurara and Yosuzume nodded slightly, agreeing Kurotabo’s statement. “It can’t be helped.. She IS his wife, after all…” Tsurara continued the measly conversation between the three yokais. Reikan’s jealousy developed upon seeing the pinky swear between Arissa and the mage. Reikan however decided to let it past, as how can a pinky swear hurt? Reikan’s calming down breaths were interrupted by the sudden activity he witnessed. A cat suddenly popped out from Arissa’s undone shirt, just between her breasts. Reikan lost his cool as he watched the short moment by a ‘WATAFAQ!!?’ kind of expression. “That cat! Oh I’m going to let it taste a piece of m-“ Yosuzume patted his shoulder to cut his inner sentence. “I understand how mad you are, but stay cool, don’t want any trouble.” Reikan tried to calm down, but he just couldn’t. As the cat jumped off Arissa, Reikan approached his wife, wanting to have a small discussion between him and Arissa.

    “Wait, why are you being flirty?” Reikan pulled Arissa closer to him by her hand. She was slightly startled, but calmed down in one blink of an eye. “Ahaha.. Looks like we’ve got Mr. Envy here..” “Don’t joke around. That pinky swear troubled me.” Reikan stated his jealousy, to which Arissa favors towards. She likes it when Reikan shows such affection to her, which means he really loves her. “Aww.. Don’t worry.. You’ll get more than a pinky swear later..” Reikan didn’t care even after hearing such tempting promises. “Whatever. This is why I don’t want you to get outside.” Recalling how tempting, seductive and attractive his wife is, Reikan thought of deciding to prohibit any outdoor going for Arissa. He proceeded by pushing her away, wanting to deal with the Fairy Tail mage himself. “Now I’ll do the talking, okay?” Arissa pouted a bit, but Reikan didn’t notice as he had turned his attention towards the mage. “Well.. Night Parade’s a.. hm.. not dark, but illegal guild. I admit that we’re illegal cause we want to tell you that just cause we’re not certified doesn’t mean we’re evil. We hope you understand our if not noble, kind intentions.” Reikan kept his calm tone while talking. “It’s… Well, think of our guild as a lawless guild where you can do anything.. be it being good or bad. It’s all the member’s choice.” Reikan’s insides tickled a bit as he realized that he talked to the mage as if he’s promoting Night Parade directly to him. Reikan was sure he did not have anything to say anymore, so he kept quiet, waiting for response. “W-waka..” Tsurara face palmed, thinking it wouldn’t work. “Sheesh.. he’s bad in such things.” Arissa commented on how bad is Reikan’s skill in wording phrases in a sentence.


    Promoting le guild! Night Parade J64o3r

    Promoting le guild! Night Parade JkBfSnp

    Ringo Noyamano
    Ringo Noyamano

    Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 241
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ashara
    Experience : 7600

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    Promoting le guild! Night Parade Empty Re: Promoting le guild! Night Parade

    Post by Ringo Noyamano 4th August 2013, 4:53 am

    Ai watch from a dark corner as a stranger approach them. A blue haired man and a flying cat. "A dragon slayer" the girl thought. What could he want with them. By his looks, she could tell that this man was physically capable. "Just look at those rippling muscles beneath those tight clothes." said a voice. "Makes me want to lick it up." the voice added. "Hush, that man is no ordinary man. He is a dragon slayer and a powerful one too. Look closer and you will see." As she focused her gaze, she could see a clear coat off golden aura around his body. It was smooth and steady meaning the man had great control. "I believe he is the Lightning Slayer. I have the chance of seeing him once when Master Zeno asked me to do deliver something to the Fairy Tail's Headquarters."

    A Fairy tail mage. "Interesting." With that she stepped out of the alley and waved at everyone and said "All done!"


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