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    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling)


    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 23,637

    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling) Empty Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling)

    Post by Ling 3rd July 2020, 9:28 am

    It was hard to this sudden change of routine. Ever since the Phoenix Forest burned down, Ling had no choice but to seek sanctuary in the ranks of Silver Wolf, since if he had remained in his home for any longer, danger was sure to return to that peaceful place. Without a second thought, Ling left his home to protect it, but he didn't really think of the consequences until now.

    Everyone's routines were different. Ling was always the first awake and the last to sleep, and he realized that sleeping against tree trunks or in tree branches wasn't a common way of slumbering. Combat and conflict was the culture here, and he'd often see many of his 'guildmates' leave the premises to do jobs... or something like that. To be honest, Ling wasn't entirely sure what people did here even after being given an explanation, and he was too shy to ask.

    But more importantly, Ling couldn't read or write the spoken language. He could understand and speak it, but he was about as illiterate and an infant.

    For years, Ling had been observing humans and the civilization just next door of his home, and he couldn't help but feel curious of them. It wasn't as if no one had ever come into the Phoenix Forest, but the most Ling had ever interacted with them is helping guide them when lost. But still, that wouldn't keep him from at least trying.

    Sitting alone next to a bush just outside of the guildhall, Ling was crouched on the ground, looking down at something. As usual, he wore his white cloak, covering his backside entirely and could easily veil his countenance at most angles. Beneath him was a thick, brand new dictionary that he had found somewhere in the building, borrowing it for 'education purposes.' For most people, dictionaries were useful in learning new words and understanding them, but for Ling, the moment he saw pages upon pages of words he didn't understand, he knew that this was his chance... or so he thought.

    "U-Urghh..." Ling groaned quietly, squinting harshly down onto the pages. The narrow look in his eyes was the equivalent of someone who normally wore glasses trying to see clearer. But for Ling, he simply just could not understand anything that was written! His cheeks blushed deeply, frustrated, and somewhat upset with his inability to understand. He could feel his faith begin to dwindle into nothing but a shell of self-esteem.

    This is too hard... I can't do this... I'm such a failure... he thought to himself, staring harshly down onto the pages with tears welling up in his eyes. But what more could he do? He didn't have enough confidence to even think of leaving this mountain to explore the nearby towns if he couldn't read or write. What else could he have done except try?

    Post Word Count: 479 | Total Word Count: 479 | Needed Word Count: xxx
    Health: xxx/ xxx | Magical Power: xxx/ xxx | Shyness: Infinite
    Passives and Spells Used:
    Equipment Passives and Abilities Used:


    "I-I guess I could give it a try..."



    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling) Empty Re: Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling)

    Post by SlayerMathis 20th July 2020, 2:34 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "Reports on your last study?" Mathis asked Poppi, sipping on a cup of coffee in the early morning hours.

    "Not much else to report, Master!" the loyal Artificial Blade chirped. "Most daily routines are, as far as Poppi can tell, the same. The new recruit, known as 'Ling', seems to follow a similar sleep pattern as yourself, and he has been exploring and roaming the halls haphazardly for some time. Poppi thinks she saw him grab a dictionary this morning."

    Mathis raised an eyebrow. "A dictionary? Never struck me as the studious type."

    Poppi shook her head. "Poppi does not think so either. Poppi thinks that Ling cannot read."

    Mathis stood up from his seat, his coffee in hand. "Very well. I suppose we have little assigned to us for the day. We can go and assist him in his learning endeavor. After all, Silver Wolf is about the pursuit of knowledge, correct?"

    Poppi gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, springing to her feet herself. Mathis himself, prior to heading outside, grabbed a thermos of tea before wandering out to find the mysterious young boy. Monado was slung across his back, as he always had it. The weapon was far too valuable to leave lying around, though most everyone knew and trusted that Mathis would do no harm with the mysterious sword. His exploration of Silver Wolf led him to find the hooded boy, or at least what he assumed to be him. Mathis moved towards him, keeping his steps silent as he approached, making sure of the identity of the man with the book.

    Poppi completely ignored every semblance of maturity and caution, skipping right up in front of Ling, who was looking down at the pages of the book disheartenedly. "Good morning, Ling!" she announced. "How is your morning going?"

    Mathis sighed. "Forgive her rudeness, Ling-san. I am unsure if you know who I am, so perhaps it would be best if I introduced myself. I am Mathis Lora, and-"

    "And Poppi is Poppi!"

    "Yes. You certainly are." Mathis crouched down beside the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "A dictionary? Trying to expand your vocabulary?" Mathis figured he was illiterate, yet he did not wish to insinuate without knowing the truth of the matter. "I would be glad to help you in studying-"

    He was interrupted by a lower ranking Hunter. "M-Mister Lora, s-sir! You're urgently needed in Oak Town! I-I don't exactly know the details, b-but-"

    Mathis raised a hand. "Understood." he turned once more to Ling. "It appears as though I am needed elsewhere. Do not worry, Poppi is more than happy to assist, I am sure. She has enough data to teach you what I could, though I worry of her tactfulness. Poppi, do not do anything untoward."

    Mathis nodded, it being responded to by Poppi, before rushing off, leaving Poppi alone with the illiterate forest boy. "Poppi is wondering... what does Ling want to know?"

    WC: 0492 | TWC: 0492

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling) DcM8us5

    [center]Mathis Lora | Blademaster Lineage | Monado | Magic | Poppi

    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 23,637

    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling) Empty Re: Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling)

    Post by Ling 16th October 2020, 8:03 pm

    Trying to Understand (Mathis/Ling) UDc58kN

    It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations

    "UWAH!" Ling shouted in fright, flinching when this hard-looking entity placed itself right in front of him. Not only was he caught in his own head, but he was just generally easy to scare. The blonde looked drained of all his color when that creature announced itself, but it didn't seem to stop there. Following close behind it was this tall, well-built man who he hadn't heard coming up behind him at all! Between the man and the robot, Ling wasn't sure which was scarier.

    Ling was already impossibly shy around people, and he was practically on the verge of a mental shut down when he was shocked with a quick fright, so needless to say, he wasn't able to make much conversation with... Mathis? Now that he took another look, he did look familiar, and he heard his name around the guild often too. So this was that popular duo?

    "N-Nice to meet you... Poppi... Mathis..." Ling stuttered, briefly looking at Poppi's face and then looking back down at his dictionary in a bashful quip. He instinctively tried not to look at either of them, especially when Mathis crouched down next to him once they noticed his dictionary. His face began to pinken, realizing how embarrassing it was to have people notice your illiteracy. What would they say? What would they think? Well, to his surprise, Mathis was surprisingly... supportive, and even eager to help him study. In Ling's case, of course, he'd be starting from scratch, but the offer in of itself eased a lot of the tension that the blonde man was burdened with.

    But the sentiment was cut short when some random person called for Mathis, telling him that he was needed somewhere... Oak Town, was it? There it was again—those jobs everyone keeps going on. It was mystery that he was left only to wonder how it unfolded, and he felt like he was dead weight when he was here. He was too uncertain to go out into town by himself, and yet he didn't like being left behind when others went out to help others. He felt hopeless.

    "Oh—uhm—take..." Ling finally looked at Mathis, but by this point, he was already dashing off on his way to Oak Town, leaving Ling to trail off into an awkward pause, "...care." he sighed and pulled his hood further down over his head, looking at Poppi now. He felt a little less uncomfortable when he was with Poppi, but maybe that was because they both shared a mutual interest in his literacy. When they mentioned about things he wanted to know, Ling perked up. "C-Can you teach me how to spell my friends' names...?"


    || Word Count: 447 || Thread WC: 1418 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:23 pm