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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!


    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Aki 26th June 2020, 7:52 am

    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! T9beJCI

    Over the entirety of this week, Juliet had been travelling from city to city in Fiore. While she was typically a bit of a homebody, the mage had been overcome with a desire to see more of the nation she had chosen to protect for now. On account of this, Juliet was on this self imposed pilgrimage of sorts. She ventured to each town and would patrol for a little while, taking time to see the sights and talk to local people. Thankfully, these places seemed to have a very low crime rate. Any thugs that caused trouble were easily thrown out of the bars or establishment where they tried to start a fight. For these reasons, Juliet's adventures had been extraordinarily peaceful. Up until now. She was walking alongside the cobblestone road which led back to Oak Inn, where she was staying, when a horrendous scream broke the silence of the evening air. Immediately, she turned her head in the direction of the sound, breaking out into a sprint as she dashed forwards. "Hello? Is everything alright?" It had come from this house- she was sure of it.

    Breaking through the door, Juliet made her way through the dark room and up the stairs with an urgency propelling her limbs. From above, she heard sobbing on the second story. Opening the rooms willy nilly on the landing led her to the heartbreaking scene of a woman holding what could have been her daughter, sister, wife, maybe mother- they looked to be roughly the same age, but it was dark and perhaps difficult to tell. "The- a thing came through the window- and killed her-" Juliet had trouble understanding the woman through her crying, but she saw the broken window and immediately leaped towards it, forcing herself through. Rolling over to land on the ground unharmed, she stared at the area around her. Someone was here- or had been here recently. "Whoever did this, reveal yourself!" She called out to the darkness, an axe materializing in her hand. Around her throat, her golden collar glowed, and the crest on her back activated, hidden out of sight but empowering her breathing. Juliet exhaled a thin mist of of magic, her eyes still darting around, searching for the culprit of this murder. If they wouldn't come out, she would hunt them. But it would be easier if they were willing to pick a fight.

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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Yuno 26th June 2020, 8:33 am

    It was getting late into the evening and Yuno had finally the perfect opportunity to strike. He had been following a women around all day just waiting for the right moment to complete his job. He had numerous moments where he could of killed her , but killing someone out in the open would cause to much of a mess that Yuno knew he couldnt get himself involved in. With him being apart of the Fairy Tail guild , getting caught in the open like that would sure lead to him being kicked out. Even though he has a mask on he rather not let his magic be seen either.

    So when the women finally when into the comfort of her home Yuno knew he had her where he wanted her. The only problem he had was decided on how to do this as quiet as possible, there was still people out and about so he knew this had to go smooth. As he stalked the house looking for a way inside , he could see that she had left a window open on the second floor of the home. "Perfect", Yuno thought to himself. He couldnt belive how smooth this was going , he just knew he would be able to get back home before it was to late to grab something to eat from one of the local stores.

    Yuno pulled out a small dagger he was handed to kill the women with , he began to feel a thin cloack of time/space magic form around his body- giving him the ability to fly. As he listen to the women move around in the room he knew it was time, but he couldnt help but wander why he was giving the dagger , maybe it was some short of symbol to the family if they see it so thats why he was ordered to leave it in her body upon killing her. As he got to the edge of the window he could see that her back was turned.

    Yuno wasted no time as rushed into the room as fast as he could , making sure to thrust the dagger deep into the womens chest. Killing her before she could even make a sound, but just as Yuno thought his day was going to be easy , he heard the window he flew in slam shut. He thought he was in the clear since he didnt hear anyone coming , but just as he was hovering back to the window he heard the womens door open. It was only a second but the victums family member and Yuni made eye contact , but it was enough to cause Yuno to burst out the window and fly into the air.

    The speed at which he took off at removed all the glass from the broken window. He paused for a second in the air to make sure he didnt have any cuts from the window, but just as took a second to pause he heard someone yell out. "Today is getting more and more interesting", Yuno said to himself. He could see that the women was only 5 meters below him,"What do you want", Yuno said as he made his presence known. He didnt want  to have to go through all of this , but it looks like its to late for things to change.


    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Aki 26th June 2020, 12:17 pm

    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! T9beJCI

    Juliet heard a voice from above herself, and immediately she jumped further out into the street, whirling around so that she could see her enemy clearly. It appeared to be a man with a dark cloak and pale skin, his red eyes standing out with the backdrop of the moon. "Scared?" She taunted, rather than answering his inquiry. Juliet didn't entertain the questions of villains. "So far away... are you afraid of a little fighting?" In one smooth movement, she would propel herself forward, launching off the ground until she was on top of the roof, swiping at him with her axe. Moving quickly, she dashed around, hacking and slicing fiercely.

    When there was a pause in momentum, she stood her ground and thrust her axe in his direction. A wave of energy shot out towards the dark mage, and it would knock him backwards if it hit. While he was busily dealing with that, she charged forwards, sweeping across the area with the blade of her axe. Even if he continuously dodged, she put force into every swing, controlling it enough to keep moving no matter what. Magic coursed through her legs, enhancing her speed. Eventually, she would be able to outrun him and be on him if he didn't do anything to prevent her from doing so. The entire time, Juliet kept her defenses up, wary of any counter attacks. Should he decide to start throwing out spells, she was primed to either avoid them or use his moment of casting to launch her own offense. Juliet was determined never to let up on her barrage of attacks.

    270 Post, 673 Juliet, 1239 Total



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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Yuno 27th June 2020, 9:58 am

    "Scared", Yuno thought to himself. The taunt didnt faze him much , but it did make him wander why the female mage would be so eager to put her life on the line so quickly. Yuno knew he would of handled the situation differently , but he knew there were some that were eager to meet their maker. It wasent until Yuno looked closely at her that he was able to see that she was a re equip mage. "Hmm", Yuno said to himself. He knew fighting hand to hand was going to be the best move for him , but before he knew it the women had lunged herself at him.

    She was fast, not to much faster than Yuno but enough to make this fight alot more difficult than what it already was becoming. Luckily for him he was still using his "Enlighten one" spell and was able to avoid her blast that she had sent towards him , but wasent so lucky dodging the first of her slicing attack. He was abled to move before he got hit a second time ”damn your fast , I wasent expecting that “, yuno said with a smile , even though he could feel the blood trickle down his chest .He made sure to be far enough away that if she was to stand on the edge of the building her blade wouldnt reach him.

    "Rushing into a fight like that is how one would end up dead", Yuno spoke to the women, at the same time 10 orbs of spaitial magic began to form around him. "If you incites on fighting i wont hold back because your a women", Yuno Said. He would still had like to leave the area before it was to late but it would seem like he would have to take care of this annoying women first.

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    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Aki 27th June 2020, 12:18 pm

    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! T9beJCI

    When the man flew off of the roof, Juliet initially had continued to try to reach him from there and attack as she would normally go about business. Finally realizing it was futile, her eyes narrowed and slowly began to filter a darker violet as her crest poured power into her body. In her core, she felt her magic began to flow more excitably, becoming easier to cast while also energizing her body. "If you want to play like that, we'll play like that," she gripped her axe more tightly before charging straight off of the roof top, running towards the dark mage.

    Then in a blink, she teleported through the air, reappearing within melee range behind him. Juliet slashed out at his body with all of her strength before gravity brought her to the ground, where she rolled on her shoulder gracefully. Quickly getting to her feet, still moving with enhanced reaction speed thanks to her magic, Juliet lifted up her axe again and aimed it in the enemy's direction. Firing another pulse of magic, she took advantage of him dealing with her sudden melee attack to try and get in a successful ranged hit. Completely ignoring the orbs around her opponent for the most part, Juliet would try to dodge any projectiles he sent flying her way- but if she was in melee range, it was somewhat unavoidable despite her boosted speed. She would be protected nonetheless from the majority of any attacks from the orbs, and it was more important to take care of him as soon as possible rather than worry about her own safety.

    There was no purpose in responding to him right now. Obviously, she insisted on fighting. Juliet didn't expect any favors just because she was female. If he wanted to kill people, she would kill him. It was that simple. Her fingers tightened on her axe as she dashed forwards again, swiping through the air with a swing.

    326 Post, 999 Juliet, 1846 Total



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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Yuno 28th June 2020, 10:20 am

    Pain was all Yuno could feel right now , the cut that the women had inflicted on him began to become more and more annoying as the seconds went on. He knew he was screwed if he didnt think of something quick , but there wasent much he could do. He had thought about just flying away , but if she could run faster than he could fly it would be no point in that. He thought about using his signature but it seemed like to big of a risk to show anyone, only if this women was able to bring him on the verge of death would he rely on that move.

    He had to think fast though , he knew it wouldnt be long before this women tried to rush him again. Just then he could hear he speak some words before running at him , he laughed. He thought it would be stupid of her to just rush at him like that , she didnt seem like a rookie would just jump of the ledge of a building a swing at him. He knew she had to have a plan , but he was ready. Yuno wasent sure where she would attack from but he knew once she attack she would be wide open due her not being able to fly.

    He watched closely and even though he was prepared for anything , he didnt expect to just vanish as she did. He could feel the wind shift behind him as he felt the swing of her go across his back , but unfortunately for her he had already figured out his counter attack. The moment he felt he ax go across his back he opened a portal beneath her. Yuno knew that it would be extremely difficult for someone who cant fly to adjust in mid air to avoid a portal that size.

    If she wasent able to dodge the portal yuno would have another one open up 30 meter high, he was aiming to kill her this time. He just seen it as the only option he had left, she was to strong and to determined for him to do anything else. If he wasent lucky enough to get her to fall into the portal he would use his unique ability to get out of the area before he was going to die.

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    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Aki 28th June 2020, 10:44 am

    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! T9beJCI

    She felt her blade slice across his back successfully. However, something seemed wrong. As she fell, she felt her body disappear as she was yanked through space and brought to a new location. Now much higher up in the air, she looked down at the ground to see that she was directly above where she had been before. Juliet, still holding her axe, spun it around as she plummeted towards the ground, aiming for the dark mage.

    He was still nearby as far as horizontal distance went, not having moved after using whatever portal magic he had on her. Unfortunately for him, even if she couldn't fly, that didn't stop her from following him around. Right when she was about to touch the ground, she wrapped herself in magic and teleported to the opposite side of him, slashing out in the air again twice, bringing her arm back and forth quickly. If he wanted to play with portals and move her around, Juliet was happy to humor him. In addition to attacking him with her weapon, she once again shot out a pulse of energy at melee range as she fell for the second time, on a slight bit of an angle but still mostly straight down.

    Even though her attacks seemed to be landing, she felt frustration. Why wasn't he fighting back harder? The mage could tell that somehow, he was with holding some of his power. Juliet wanted to try to stop him before he could make any kind of escape. It seemed like he was the cautious sort, who wouldn't commit fully to a battle unless it was nearly a hundred percent chance of victory.

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    There's Been a Murder in Oak Town! Empty Re: There's Been a Murder in Oak Town!

    Post by Yuno 8th July 2020, 5:33 am

    Yuno watched as the women fell through his portal. He was happy that he would finally be able to get this women out of his hair. He hadnt wanted to draw this much attention to himself , because he knew if anyone was able to identify who he was he would be in alot of trouble. Since he had already spent to much time fighting this women he decided it would be best to leave before she would hit the ground. He didnt want to be around when people see her body hit the ground. So the moment Yuno seen the women fall out of the second portal he would activate his Unique ability.

    He hated running away from the fight as he was but it couldnt be helped. He didnt have the time or energy for this fight. He hoped that one day he could continue this fight with this women. Hoping next time he wouldnt have to run like a dog with its tail between its legs.


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