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    La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 25th June 2020, 10:02 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Tear! Chew! Young meat tender! Ichor potent! Bones thin! Marrow easy to reach! Delicious fibers of life pour into mouth! Divine drink coat throat! Flesh weak! Flesh tear from bone with ease! Bone split from bone! Sinew from sinew! Jerky of youth pull and tear! Squishy innards burst in mouth like fruit from the vine! Rip! Shred! Consume!

    Kyra stumbled back from the scene, her head bubbling with an unease as she felt the dripping blood against her tongue, the small fabrics of flesh between her teeth, the specks and fragments of bone roughing the insides of her mouth. This was little more than a snack to her, she knew. It was enough to satiate her, but she feared that it would be something that would fail to escape for the night. She roamed, her hunger quelled if only for a moment, hunting for a meal.

    She hesitated to look upon the scene of her crime. The victim was a boy, no older than five. Ragged, dirty, and only holding on to the last strings of hope. He was likely an orphan, and Kyra possibly could have been in much the same situation were she not a Velkhomme. His chest was completely torn open, the ribs split down the middle, with only a fraction of the sternum remaining on each side of the cage. Half of his arm had been consumed, while the remainder of his limbs were scattered haphazardly through the alley, bites taken out of them or otherwise torn in two by bare hands. His heart, now having ceased beating, lay at the edge of his broken and split head, a bite taken out of it as if it were an apple. The head itself was shown to be cracked, rent in two in a vertical split, with a significant portion of his cheek missing, revealing the inner machinations of that same mouth that begged for food just days prior. The scene was utter chaos, puddles of blood stagnating beneath the remnants of what was once a young child, bones and flesh scattered without a care, separated from one another.

    She stumbled against the wall. She was filled and quenched by this quick meal, yet she could not savor in it much longer. She knew that, sooner or later, someone would stumble by here, whether or not by chance or by design, and she could not be caught. She raised herself, her legs trembling, making her way towards the river. It was cold, both in her hands and upon her face, washing away the stains of the food before her. She was adept at cleaning her clothing by this point as well, scrubbing it dry of any remnants and evidence of her complicity in this action. It would not be permanent, but it would be enough to last her until she could get it properly cleaned by the maids of Errings Rising. She sighed, returning to her room at the local inn, hoping to forget the woes of the night.

    Still curious as to the situation that had occurred, she went to the scene of her crime and her makeshift plate, so to speak, to see that it had largely gone unnoticed, save for a single person waiting at the mouth of the alleyway. Curious, yet not wanting to draw suspicion, she began to slowly watch, her reading of the most recent copy of Sorcerer's Magazine hoping to provide enough to dissuade them from suspecting her.

    WC: 0578 | TWC: 0578

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    La Mangeur D'Enfants ULxbPj2

    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Dagda 28th June 2020, 1:19 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 1,571
    Job Word Count: 2,149 Total
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Horns
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    Dagda walked with a destination in mind, his pace determined and true. It had been a long day. Hours in the expansive countryside were spent guiding a shipment of hay from Magnolia to a nearby farm. It was a job he’d seen advertised around and had taken without hesitation. The titan loved to help, especially if it meant he’d be able to meet some of the farm creatures that Earthlanders kept. He’d spent more time than he should have in the horse stalls, talking to the creatures and petting them. Dagda was a sucker for interesting creatures. Though they may have seemed familiar and boring to some Earthlanders, they were new and exciting to the extraterrestrial man.

    An exhausted sigh left Dagda’s lips as he paced on, heading for the inn he’d booked a room at. The place was supposed to be quite wonderful and he couldn’t wait to flop down on the bed and sink into the cushiony mattress. It would probably be too short, as all beds in Earthland were to him. Being six feet and eight inches in Earthland measurements, he towered over most of the people here. It was an ongoing struggle to find stuff that was the appropriate size for him.

    Rounding a corner and onto another street, Dagda’s boot splashed in a stream of rainwater heading towards a sewer drain. It had rained just a few hours earlier, a swift and powerful storm that had left as quickly as it arrived. The sky was clear and dark now, but the storm’s remains dripped off of rooftops and headed for the sewers. The light of the moon glinted off of the liquid-covered town of Magnolia.

    The titan suddenly felt odd and stopped in his tracks. A sense of unease tugged at his stomach. What was this sensation? What had caused this? Looking around, he didn’t see anyone nearby. There were no creatures around either. The streets were silent. Dark eyes peered to the ground. A little stream of rainwater trickled from an alleyway to his right. Down the cobbled street it traveled, until it met the drain. Dagda’s eyebrows furrowed. He had pretty decent night sight, and something in the water caught his eye. The titan crouched down, leaning in until he could see it clearly.

    It was blood.

    The titan lurched back with a gasp. The little stream of water was dyed crimson, carrying the liquid with it to the sewers. Some of it had splashed onto his boots when he stepped in it, which Dagda now tried to wipe off frantically. There was so much of it. The stone beneath his feet glistened with blood and moonlight.

    Dagda stood and stumbled back a step, collecting himself from his shock. Why would there be blood on the street? Was there a bar fight nearby? That couldn’t be the case, as there was nobody else around at the moment. The stone ground didn’t tell him of any vibrations of footsteps within at least a half mile.

    Determination replaced the shaken feeling he had experienced. He was the only person around besides those sleeping in nearby houses. What if someone was dying and needed help? He had to do something.

    Following the bloody stream, Dagda headed into the alleyway. Puddles of water turned into puddles of pure blood. It was dark in the space between buildings, but he could see a little bit ahead. There was something in the alleyway, pieces of it scattered around. As he got closer, the titan had a sinking feeling he knew what it was. He wanted not to believe that such a thing was possible. Every step, every breath he tried to deny the truth. There was no way…

    His worst fears were confirmed as he arrived just a few feet from the object. It was the body of a child, torn to shreds. Limbs were the scattered pieces, some with bites taken out of them. Pools of stagnant blood occupied the stony ground. The torso was ripped open, bones broken, and remnants of flesh and guts spilled out. Dagda saw the remains of the face, a moonlight picture burned into his mind that he would never forget in his lifetime. It was a young boy, barely five in human years. His dirt-streaked face and unkempt hair signaled that he was unsupervised by adults, maybe an orphan or homeless youth.

    Dagda’s hearing faded out. He had tunnel vision, focused in on that awful vision of the destroyed little face with a bite taken out of the cheek. The titan felt like he had been punched in the gut. Ragged breaths leaked from his lips, but it seemed as if oxygen was fighting against him. At last he was able to tear his gaze away. Dagda fell to his knees. What had happened here? Why a child?

    The face of his own son flashed across his vision and Dagda felt his stomach turn. He scrambled to the side of the alley on his knees and emptied the contents of his stomach. The pure fear, rage, disgust, and horror had his body in shambles. This boy had been just a year or two older than his own son. Nobody that young deserved a death as tragic and horrific as this.

    Trembling all over, Dagda took a moment to catch his breathing and focus his mind a little. It was no wonder he couldn’t sense any movement vibrations from this direction. There was no life here. Even the rats and stray cats kept clear. Something heinous had happened in this space, something even the creatures felt was wrong.

    Steeling himself, Dagda returned to his feet. He had to search around and see if he could find the perpetrator. If he found them, he would obliterate them into a fleshy pulp in an instant. A rage filled him, calm like a flowing river but with a dangerous under-current. He had to keep his head on straight for now, but if he figured out who was responsible the river would flood with the rage of the spring melt.

    Clenching and unclenching his fists, Dagda approached the body. If he had been able to smell, he surely would have thrown up again. The anosmia granted by an old injury was a blessing for once. As a hunter, Dagda knew how to spot the subtle signs that told useful information about a kill. In the mountains of Tetsukazu, he would be able to tell how old a bear’s kill was and how it had been killed, as well as what region the predator and prey had come from.

    The details on the child’s body were more confusing than a simple animal kill. There were no signs that were indicative of a typical predator. The area lacked signs of a scuffle. There were no claw marks on the remaining skin. As Dagda looked closer at the bite on the cheek, it looked nothing like the fang marks typically left by a dog, wolf, or bear. The teeth marks were human.

    Dagda stared at the cheek, baffled. A human had done this? But… why? As far as he knew, the humans of Earthland weren’t a cannibalistic species. The thought was revolting to all of them, or so he thought. Perhaps it was a humanoid creature, like the vampires he had heard of that roamed this planet. They had fangs, though…

    Returning to his feet, Dagda looked around at the scattered pieces. They told of the same story, a human or humanoid that had torn the boy apart and eaten pieces from every part of the body. He scouted the alleyway and the surrounding area, but there were no signs of footprints or an exit route for the attacker.

    Dagda walked out to the entrance of the alleyway, leaning against the wall. He needed time to gather his thoughts and figure this thing out. Being the first person to come across the body and a protector of children by heart, the titan felt a responsibility to see this situation to justice. The child deserved better than this. Dagda felt a few tears leak down his cheeks.

    Through his feet, he could feel the vibrations of steps upon the stony street. They were light and dainty - a female human. The vibrations painted him a picture of a young woman, much like echolocation did for bats. Looking up, he could see her now. Short reddish-brown hair curled around her face. Pale skin was illuminated in the moonlight. She was pretty and youthful.

    Dagda stepped away from the alleyway and hurriedly approached her. He didn’t want to seem too intimidating, so he put on a gentle smile. It wasn’t his best effort, but he was still shaken from the horrible sights he had seen. If he could prevent this woman from witnessing such an awful scene it would be for the better.

    “Ma’am,” he spoke carefully, keeping the volume of his voice low. “You shouldn’t be out this late alone. Something awful has happened in the area and a criminal could still be on the loose. Do you have a home I can escort you back to?” Intentionally he kept the words vague as not to scare her. When she was delivered to safety, he would either return to the scene or report to a Rune Knight outpost to notify them of what had happened. No matter what, something had to be done.


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 29th June 2020, 12:54 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra had hardly managed to open up her copy of Sorcerer's Magazine, the lamination of the pages warding away the dripping rain falling upon her, when the man approached. He was much taller than she had expected, a towering giant of a man, easily standing over a head taller than her. Despite the giant stature, he put on a calm face as he spoke with a sense of urgency towards the cannibal. He had, for certain, seen the scene of the crime and was likely trying to protect her from this mysterious beast. He was evidently shaken by the scene, Kyra able to notice the paleness of his face, the slight hunch of disgust. Of course, she had seen his reaction, his quick panic and his further disgust at the scene itself, but she thought it best to try to read his reaction herself. Anya and Aria had taught her so much, and she needed to use the instruction of her sisters to good use.

    "N-no, s-sir..." she mumbled weakly at his kind question. He truly did seem a pleasant man, but the imposing stature still made her feel weak. "I-I'm j-just visiting the t-town..." She looked around his shoulder at the scene within the alleyway. "B-but if s-something's gone w-wrong I should p-probably..." As she spoke, she wandered towards the alleyway. In the hours since her meal, the body managed to somehow look worse for wear. A rat scurried away from the corpse as she approached. Trying her best to act, she stepped backwards upon seeing it. "I-I see... y-you said this w-was a criminal? N-not some s-sort of animal? I-if you w-want, I c-can try to h-help you f-find this c-criminal... I-I won't b-be too good, b-but I have m-magic I can u-use to help l-look for her..."

    Not realizing the slip of the tongue, she continued to examine the man, still wrapped in distress, possibly even moreso if he saw the body once more. A twinge of pride buzzed in the back of Kyra's mind. Little, meek, weak Kyra had managed to unsettle someone so gargantuan and strong! This feel, this rush of excitement and joy... she was easily able to hide it with her usual demure and scared appearance and personality, shoving aside the notions of the beast away as she tilted her head down, staring at her own feet, the rain washing over the dirty maroon shoes.

    WC: 0402 | TWC: 0980

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    La Mangeur D'Enfants ULxbPj2

    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Dagda 4th July 2020, 2:18 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 336/1,907
    Job Word Count: 2,887 Group WC
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Horns
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The woman began to speak, her voice quiet and stammering. Dagda cursed himself for being so intimidatingly tall. There were many times like this where he wished to be smaller for the comfort of others on Earthland. On his home planet, he was actually one of the shorter men, so being the tallest one around was something to get used to here. He would have to put in more of an effort to ease this woman’s fear.

    He listened closely as she replied to his question. His lip twitched down in a frown for a moment. There was not a home he could help return her to, which made things a little harder. Perhaps he could suggest a hotel or inn? As he was about to speak, she slipped past him towards the alleyway.

    “Wait, ma’am-” It was too late. She had encountered the young corpse and its bloodstained surroundings. Dagda hurried to catch up and stood between the woman and the crime scene to prevent her from seeing any more of the horrors. Out of instinct, Dagda believed that she was too sensitive to see something so awful. She seemed sweet and delicate. Hopefully his hulking form would block her view enough.

    “Yes, I’m quite sure,” Dagda said steadily. “This was a criminal, a human one. The bite marks are definitely not from an animal.”

    She suggested aiding his search and the titan shook his head. “Ma’am, I think it’s best if we find you a safe-” Dagda’s reply had come immediately after the last words left her mouth, but now he paused. Had she said ‘find her’? His brow furrowed. Leaning down and closer, his dark eyes pierced into her with a grim desperation.

    “Wait, ‘her’? How do you know it’s a woman? Did you see something? Where did she escape to?” Dagda’s peppering questions rang throughout the alleyway. He had forgotten his attempts to be calming almost instantaneously. This whole situation had him shaken and his usual level-headedness had slipped ever so slightly.


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 27th July 2020, 10:27 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Kyra made a mistake. A slip of her tongue perhaps got this man on the scent of her actions. "I-I..." she mumbled, slinking further into her sweater. "I-I just thought I saw something that looked like a w-woman's figure in this alleyway. I-I didn't know what she w-was-" her voice faded more and more as the questions continued. "I-I'll try to t-tell you what I know..." She sighed, closing her eyes, reveling in the scene. "I-it must have b-been... an hour ago, I-I think. I-I was feeling h-hungry so I went out to eat. A-As I was heading b-back to my inn, I s-saw this l-little boy. I-I think he's w-who the victim is now. I f-followed after him and-" she cut herself off. Her pride was taking hold. She was beginning to speak too out of turn, reveal too much information. She wanted to leave this man dancing upon the palm of her hand, not seeing through her lies. "...b-before I could t-talk to him, s-some woman t-tapped me on the s-shoulder. Sh-she said he was her s-son, a-and she was watching o-over him..."

    She gulped. She was blatantly lying, but she wanted to see how long she could keep up the charade, how long she could continue to mess with this mysterious giant. "I-I'm sorry, I-I trusted her, a-and didn't question anything... s-she's probably the c-culprit... I-I just went b-back to my r-room after t-that and f-freshened up. I-I was c-curious how the b-boy was doing, s-so I headed back here t-to check, a-and now..."

    Her head turned downwards. She wanted to be seen as trustworthy enough to help this situation, yet she still had the ultimate goal of playing this weak hearted man for a fool, letting him writhe at the whims of her fingertips. Her siblings all played others like they were fiddles, why not Kyra? They all may have had the fame, the wealth, the adoration, but Kyra... if she could not become a legitimate success like her family, then it was up to her to take whatever means necessary.

    "S-sorry, I-I'm going to c-check the scene again..." she mumbled, passing by the man. She spoke more as she investigated. "I-I'm not the best at d-detective work, b-but one of my s-sisters taught me a b-bit. S-she's a p-police chief in my h-hometown. A-As strange as it seems, t-there seems to be little s-struggle by the c-culprit in what she d-did to b-break him apart. S-So she was s-strong, p-probably slayer m-magic. T-Though I d-don't know w-what sort of c-creature o-or b-beast would e-eat f-flesh and b-bone for S-Slayer magics... M-Maybe s-she was j-just a normal s-slayer?" She turned towards the tall man with an embarrassed look on her face. "S-Sorry, I-I'm just g-guessing. I-If I had to guess, s-she probably w-washed off o-or something before g-going anywhere e-else. T-this must've t-taken a lot of b-blood, and t-that much blood on s-someone would be suspicious... M-Maybe the c-canals? S-sorry, I-I shouldn't boss you a-around... W-What do you think?"

    There were times Kyra was grateful for her meek demeanor, and this was one of those. Surely this giant teddy bear of a man could not suspect such a demure, frail girl to be some sort of monstrous beast that would tear apart a child for consumption, especially having fun with it, as Kyra certainly did. The purest of the desires was from her hunger, the beast within's cravings to satiate whatever needs the wayward woman had. Yet there was a sense of enjoyment Kyra certainly felt. It scared her that she did not know how much of it was from her own volition and how much was the whims of the beast. Yet she enjoyed the kill, the tearing, the-

    She cut off her thoughts as she continued to focus on her looking weak for the behemoth before her, meekly darting her eyes up at him from her place perched beside the body.

    WC: 0657 | TWC: 1637

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    La Mangeur D'Enfants ULxbPj2

    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
    Guild : Meliora Vitae [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 39
    Experience : 34,736

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Leviathan
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Dagda 27th September 2020, 12:11 pm

    Space Dad
    Just call it an adventure and it ain’t so bad!
    Job: Valentine’s Event
    Post Word Count: 639
    Job Word Count: 4,183 Group WC
    Muse: Daddy/10
    Music: Horns
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)
    The meek woman seemed to shrink back in her sweater at his vigorous questions, so Dagda backed off a step. He’d lost his collected demeanor for a minute, but it was still rocky. His heart was still racing and he still felt a bit queasy. Being calm was not an easy task when there was a child dead just a few yards away. Dagda felt his chest tighten at the thought of the tiny corpse. The boy was so young and too innocent to suffer an ending like this.

    She began explaining what she had seen, her voice still stammering. Apparently, a suspicious woman had been in the area around an hour ago. The timid woman had found a young boy, who the stranger claimed was her son. She hadn’t questioned it at first, but upon returning to check on the boy, she had found the body. While she spoke, she seemed frightened, at least to Dagda. Her eyes hardly left the ground.

    “It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” he reassured her when she finished retelling her story. There was no reason for her story to seem suspicious, so he believed her fully. What an awful thing to have happen. The situation must have felt hopeless. Dagda assumed she was blaming herself, so he continued to try to calm her. “You didn’t know that lady would be a danger to the child.”

    Before he could stop her, she had dodged around him to look at the body once more. According to her, one of her sisters was an officer and had taught her some detective work. She confirmed Dagda’s own findings from earlier, there was hardly any struggle from the victim. There was not much he could have done against a grown woman. The titan felt another wave of anger. How could anyone do this to a child? Whoever it was had to be a monster. His fist clenched subconsciously.

    His companion seemed to think the woman was a slayer, something Dagda had no knowledge of. “What’s a slayer?” he asked, brow furrowing in concern. If the name was anything to go by, it sounded bad. From what she said, it seemed to be a type of magic. He wanted to know more. A magic that required the user to consume flesh - it was almost unthinkable.

    “No, don’t apologize. Good thinking, the attacker probably was covered in blood when they left.” Dagda’s voice was curt, but only because of the severity of the situation. His mind was racing as he paced around the body, careful to watch his step. Rainwater splashed on his boots with each step. Perhaps he had missed a footprint or something in his frantic once-over of the alleyway earlier.

    “Which way is the canal?” he asked, dark eyes scouring the ground. He was torn between investigating this now or going right to the Rune Knights. As much as he knew he should leave it in the hands of the authorities, he wanted to take charge and work with this timid woman to figure it out. Perhaps with two of them, they could track down the woman she had seen.

    Dagda instinctually, and mistakenly, assumed this woman’s innocence from her meek disposition. She seemed too sweet and timid to be involved in such a horrible situation. The desire to escort her away from here and to safety still pushed at the titan’s mind. He didn’t want her to be traumatized any more. However, despite her meek appearance, she seemed to want to help. The scene was so horrible, but she had jumped right in to look at it and try to figure out any clues. Fighting his protective instinct, Dagda decided to keep her around. He didn’t want to be alone out here, and his want for companionship was escalated by how shaken he was.


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 4th October 2020, 7:32 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A twinge of pride tickled the back of the cannibal's mind at the giant's actions. Just as she had hoped, he seemed to be completely wrapped around her finger, led on by her web of lies and half truths, unperturbed by her occasional slip ups in her story. Knowledge she logically should not have known was brushed aside from some combination of his flushed emotions, natural demeanor, and lack of knowledge. Perhaps some of the Velkhomme luck finally began to rub off on her, all these years later! This was a perfect storm of a situation, her prey in the mind games all the more amicable to her deceptions, the foolish giant-

    "I-I'm not all too f-familiar with this t-town, s-sorry, s-so if this doesn't lead a-anywhere, I-I'm so s-s-s-sorry!" Kyra managed to stammer out. She continued walking past the body, beckoning her prey further. How much of a meal would he be able to provide her? Would she even be able to take him down? If she could get a sneak attack in... "T-The canal's over this w-way, t-that's all I k-know. I d-doubt we will b-be able to find h-her, b-but i-it's worth a c-check, right?" Yes, leading him to a lone spot where she could get the jump on him... "A-Aria s-said it's a-always better t-to c-check anything y-you might b-be able t-to find a c-clue on." A powerful strike to the back of the head, or perhaps a Bellow of the Cannibal God... "W-We might h-have gotten unfortunate w-with the weather..." No, the Bellow was too risky. Called too much attention to her. Just a quick strike to the back of the head and she was fed for a week if she played her cards right. "C-Considering t-the state o-of the body, t-there might h-have been steps l-leading from the s-scene." Of course, that all relied on his gullibility. "T-they m-might have gotten w-washed away with the r-rain." How much would he let down his guard around her? "E-even if the canal w-washed away m-most of it-" How much would his guard or lack thereof matter? "-o-or the rain did-" He was too physically imposing for Kyra to reasonably take down in a single strike, surely! "-we m-might find s-some traces o-on the s-sides of the walls o-of the canal. A-Aria t-told me that trick." Though if she just knocked him out, she could just eat him from there. He just needed to be unconscious for a few moments! "S-Sorry, A-Aria is my s-sister. S-She's unfortunately d-dealt with a lot of m-murders in our h-home town." Of course, little did Aria know that she would eventually be teaching Kyra how to cover her tracks. "I-It's a b-big city, a-almost as b-big as the capital, s-so..." Though maybe Aria knew now. She was one of the only ones privy to Kyra's true nature.

    "S-Sorry, I-I'm getting s-side tracked. W-We should g-get there s-soon, s-so t-there's less of a chance t-things could g-get washed away..." Kyra knew she just had to play her cards right. Maybe attacking this man would be for the best, but hopefully she had covered her tracks well enough to help lead him on enough to lure him into the false security needed for her to pounce.

    WC: 0543 | TWC: 2180

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    La Mangeur D'Enfants ULxbPj2

    Richie Rich- Rich- Player 
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    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Dagda 5th December 2020, 1:05 pm

    La Mangeur D'Enfants OgDLJYY

    ”Yes, it’s worth checking,” Dagda concurred. She explained her line of thought and what her sister had taught her. Dagda nodded in agreement. Any information they could gather would help not only them, but the Rune Knights that he intended to report the incident to later on. Her sister had given some useful tips, things that he may not have thought of. However, his skills lied in hunting, not investigating murder.

    With one last forlorn glance at the body, Dagda turned and walked with the woman towards where she had said the canal was. The rain had started up again, drizzling gently upon Magnolia. If they wanted to find any traces, they would have to hurry. He picked up the pace a little, but not to his full walking speed. Having long legs, he already walked faster than most. He didn’t want to leave his investigation partner too far behind.

    The sensation of flowing water against stone walls reached Dagda through his ground sensory. They were close. His eyes were drawn to the ground once more, searching for footprints, blood, flesh, anything that the attacker could have trailed behind. For a while he saw nothing. They emerged from an alleyway onto the walkway next to the canal. A bridge crossed the waterway further down, not close enough for anyone to see them.

    “Let’s look around for any blood,” Dagda suggested, searching the cement for signs. Near the edge of the water along the stone wall of the canal, he saw a slight smear of dark against the gray. Walking over quickly, he crouched down to get a better look. Swirling away slowly in the rain was a few large drips of blood.

    “Come look, I found something!” he called out to the woman. Looking back to the ledge, he saw a bloody handprint further down. His heart rate picked up. The killer must have braced her hand on the edge of the canal to lean down and wash herself off in the water. Dagda kneeled on the wet ground, bracing his hand near the handprint and leaning over to see if there was anything in the water or on the canal wall. He leaned far over the water, focused on his visual search.

    Post WC: 373 Thread WC: 4,731 Tagged: @Kyra Velkhomme Music: The Spook


    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
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    Experience : 14,005

    La Mangeur D'Enfants Empty Re: La Mangeur D'Enfants

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 9th February 2021, 7:20 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    There finally came a time. Her hunger could no longer be held back. A rumble erupted in her stomach, her flesh bubbling and boiling, her skin cracking and her blood calling out for the flesh of the man in front of her. "D-Did you find blood?" she asked. Had she left evidence behind? Impossible! She was far too careful! Unless... of course! That had to be what happened!


    "I-Is there anything we can use to tell anything a-about the killer?"


    "M-Maybe finger prints?"


    The beast broke free. Her first gained gauntlets of black bone, an inch thick, slamming into the back of the man's head and sending him crashing into the water. She glared down at the man, a savage look on her face, no longer herself. She leaped into the water, trying to pummel him and bite his neck clean off, yet the man was surprisingly resilient. INHUMAN STRENGTH She pressed harder against him, trying to get him into the waters to drown him. LOSING BATTLE She pushed herself off of him, firing out a blast of her Cannibal God's Roar, enveloping the man in the disgusting slush of liquified blood, flesh, and bone. As she hoped he would be stunned for long enough, she charged forwards, wiping away her handprint, the print a perfect match of size for her, climbing out of the canal to escape. What was that man? He was far too strong for a normal human physically. True, Kyra herself was not the strongest in terms of her magic ability, but on an ordinary human, her lacrima's strength would have at least overpowered him. She rushed off, hoping he would be too preoccupied from either shock at her attack or disgust from her breath attack to do anything. She thanked her lucky stars that she did not tell him her name, and she hoped that the man would not be able to recall her face for a wanted poster, or should they ever accidentally cross paths. Tears flooded down her eyes as the beast continued to take over, pushing her out of the town, jumping into the canal to swim out of Magnolia in order to make her final escape.

    "I-I...I'm useless..." she muttered to herself after fifteen minutes of running, collapsing under a tree in a depressive trance. "E-Even with the strength of my l-lacrima, I-I..." She clutched at her head as the deep, savage voice of the Lacrima called, rattling her brain. INEXPERIENCED. NOT WEAK. LEARN TO BE PREDATOR. CUB. RUNT. CHILD. MUST LEARN. MUST GROW. HUNT. SLAY. DESTROY. Kyra coughed as the booming, aching pain fled from her mind. "Y-Yes... I-I just need to keep at it..." she muttered to herself, still slightly sobbing. "I-I will hunt that game. That same man."


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    La Mangeur D'Enfants ULxbPj2

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