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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)


    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Sapphire 17th June 2020, 7:02 pm

    It had taken her a while to get back out of the hospital, Ace of Spades had a pretty good medical system but even then fighting an S-Rank mage took its toll. After getting out the first thing Sapphire had done was threaten Sarah, demanding that she would be back to fight her again, and soon she was gone. It had taken her a while to learn more about the guilds in the area she lived, Fairy Tail, Dies Irae, Rune Knights, Silver Wolf… They were all known but she did not want one that was weak. As such Sapphire had desired to go towards a place where the strong gather, the perfect place to get a good follower for her pack.

    It was after the train had arrived that Sapphire began to feel it from the city, an old history that would not go away. This was when the stares of people began to get on her nerves and as such she started to walk towards the city centre of Magnolia. Walking around it was clear that this place was not used to someone like her, a whisper here or a whistle there all eyes were on Sapphire. Though her mood began to darken, no one here was nearly strong enough for her goals and her anger was starting to well up. Finally getting down towards the middle she began to sense something, a feeling she felt when she had joined Sabertooth, power.

    Dashing through the crowds she pushed anyone out of the way, women, children nothing mattered but the power she felt. Finally breaking through the crowd she came face to face with a white haired individual and her instinct’s began to flare, not as hard as when she had met Victoria but certainly powerful and a wide smile crossed her lips. Pointing at the white haired man Sapphire boldly stood her ground and yelled at him, “FIGHT ME!”

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    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Aven Alveron 17th June 2020, 8:03 pm

    Of all the activities that could encompass a sunny, Wednesday afternoon, Aven never would have imagined running full tilt from a stark naked Wizard to be one of them. He'd been minding his own business, even actively suppressing his magical aura in order not to bother the city folk of Magnolia. Headed toward his favorite Cafe for a leisurely lunch, to cool off from recent events, his plans were suddenly broken to pieces by a commotion up ahead. Murmurs in the crowd grew louder and more frantic, as a figure broke through, pointing triumphantly at him, like a lion boasting over it's latest kill: "FIGHT ME!"

    Aven was, in fact, stunned for a good ten seconds, trying to process the barest fraction of what was going on. Who was this woman? Why did she want to fight? Had he done something to anger her in the past? His sense returned slowly, as his eyes flitted around the scene, noticing several issues with this state of affairs. The first, and possibly most limiting, was that they were in public, something that would be a non-issue if not for the second problem: the woman was completely stark naked, save a few shreds of black energy that wafted around her most sensitive areas. The third issue, of course was a bit more personal.

    An Alveron never backs down from a challenge.

    ...Is what he would've liked to say, except it wasn't just his honor and pride on the line, seeing as the woman was bearing her entire honor and both of her 'prides' in full few of the entire city square. It was indecent, and his sensibilities as a Noble held equal precedent in this kind of situation. Therefore, he had only one recourse: he'd accept her challenge, and in the process of the fight...

    ... He'd put clothes on her.

    She seemed the rash type, judging by essentially everything he'd seen thus far, so he took the goading approach. Thank the heavens for his recent encounter with Lilith: if this had been his first time seeing a woman naked, he might actually have fainted! He'd be sure to thank her, the next time they met up; maybe, with another date? "Fine, but you'll have to catch me, first." With a quick spin, he bolted into a nearby alleyway, in the direction of Magnolia's outer wall. Aven's Dark Energy wasn't the kind of power to be used around destructible buildings, and he hadn't a clue what the naked woman's abilities were; from a brief sensory sweep, however, he didn't sense any extraordinary magical presences nearby. Either the woman was hiding her strength, which was very possible, or she was extremely confident.


    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Sapphire 17th June 2020, 9:41 pm

    Something was already off in this situation; he seemed stunned by her sudden request to fight, but more confusing still he ran away without even a second thought. This was clearly a trap and what’s more he was most likely moving her to a location that was in his favor. Of course that did not matter as much cause no matter how much she was sure this was not a good idea, he also just challenged her and she was not going to let the bitch get away with it. Tearing through the crowd as quickly as she could to keep up with this white haired bastard it was not nearly enough as he seemed to move much better through a crowded area than she did. This was followed by her triggering one of her Take-Over spells, Demon Wings taking flight to follow him.

    Once they had both arrived far enough outside the town by some strange criteria of distance Sapphire landed and gave the man a glare that showed contempt despite never having met him before. Without even saying a word she would start by entering Full Take-Over as the marks already on her body flared with a whole new level of demonic energy. Quickly activating Requip she would produce the Twin Claws and Graves as she would dash forward and attempt to smash the man in front of her with one of the claws right from the get go. “I am glad you finally stopped so you could accept your fate of being my underling!”

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Mellascyla
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Aven Alveron 19th June 2020, 2:54 pm

    Aven came to a halt in a large clearing, nestled near the foothills a good distance away from the outer wall. As far as he knew, there weren't any houses or buildings near the location, the East Forest in full bloom on the outskirts of the grassy circle. He was satisfied with the location, but still far less so with his situation. Pivoting in place, he performed a slow turn to face his sudden adversary. She'd started to speak, and even if the woman was naked, it was only polite to look another in the eyes as they spoke. Instead of words, however, he was met with a massive fist, black energy imbuing her strike as she connected with his cheek. The energy tingled a bit, but Aven didn't budge at the blow, calmly pushing her wrist to separate her fist from his face. In it's place, a gentle smile could be seen, not a single trace of impact or injury. "If it's a wager you want, I'll play your game.  However, I'll be setting the stakes: if you win, I'll join you as your 'underling', as you call it. On the other hand, if I win..." Aven's body erupted with power, energy like a dark wind rustling the grass below them, and a black gossamer dress wove itself into existence in his hand: it sported neck-to-heel coverage, a turtleneck completely destroy any chance of cleavage being shown. "...You'll have to wear this whenever you're in Magnolia. You have one minute, starting now."

    Dark energy abounded around Aven, his body releasing small waves that washed rhythmically over the sea of green. He'd no intention of losing, and he was hardly one to underestimate his opponents: on the off-chance that she was stronger than her magical signature let on, he'd have his defenses prepared to deal with what magic she'd throw his way.

    In theory.


    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Sapphire 19th June 2020, 3:09 pm

    She could not help but look at those clothes with disdain and in all honesty a bit of pity for this man, that was all he wanted out of her? “Deal, but I will not be holding back.” There was no room for her to hold back in this fight and from all the dark energy around her it was clear he had no plan to hold back either. Jumping into the air Sapphire would start by using the effects of her Take-Over and the Greaves to combine Hell Drop and Hell Diver. Dropping from the air as black claws coated her Greaves she would smash right on top of the man she had challenged, once again to seemingly no effect even as the shock from the strike caused the area to become cracked and damaged, greenery now a lot more scarce around them.

    Staring at him it was clear his goal was weird enough as it were but she was curious now, “My name is Sapphire Firrion… What about yourself?” She could already tell most of her usual effects would not work here, so she would improvise. Activating the partial Take-Over Gore Wings, as two wing-like claws sprouted from her back, red claws dripping with some sort of black liquid. What Sapphire neglected to notice or at the very least ignored was that anywhere that the dark energy had touched, the mark on her body had faded.

    Once she had gotten the answer of who he was Sapphire wanted more info, “What is your game in this? Why clothes? Are you that afraid to fight me for real?”

    @ tag ● # # # ● notes


    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Mellascyla
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Aven Alveron 19th June 2020, 3:36 pm

    It was a battle of the takeover magics, it seemed, as his adversary leapt into the air, and spiraled down, crashing onto his outstretched arm. Now that he'd gone into his Ascendant Form, his body was steadily gathering dark energy, becoming denser and stronger; in fact, as they clashed, black particles erupted into a shroud around his left arm, which he'd used to block, and he forced the nameless woman back. The ground below him was not so fortunate, the sod splitting apart at the force of the blow.

    She took a moment to speak, and he responded with a small bow, sweeping his inundated arm across his chest. "Aven Alveron, it's a pleasure, Miss Firrion." After straightening, he noticed a bit of the energy had disappeared from her body that had been there before, revealing ever more of her vulnerable parts. His eyes recoiled upward, to spot a detail he'd been too distracted to see before: a guild mark. Sabertooth's, to be precise, meaning that Sapphire was an officially sanctioned Wizard. That raised several questions about her lack of attire, but he set them aside, for the time being. "My 'game' is simply one of decency; it doesn't befit a proper citizen, let alone a Wizard of Sabertooth, to present themselves naked in public. Also,
    as you recall, it was you who challenged me, not the other way around."
    Any time spent talking only benefited him, as he felt his Dark Energy surging up to another infusion. Only three more, he mused.


    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Aven_Sig

    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Sapphire 19th June 2020, 3:48 pm

    Curling her fingers and claws from anger she would begin to glare at the man at his comments at her, “Decency? What point does that have anymore? We are all here to fight and get stronger, my goal is just that and I have no time to care for people's wants.” Now she had no more choice, her right hand was already taken so next was her left. Triggering her other partial, Gore Hand she would begin laughing as she launched herself at Aven striking at his waist with the new organic scaled claw on her left hand. When that began to show no signs of working she would back off and sigh, “I don’t have a reason to fight you except my own goals, I did not want to join a guild but was compelled to, now…” Raising her left arm without hesitation she would stab it through her own heart as black liquid began to seep inside her.

    Her veins began to flare a dull purple and very soft glow about them in the forest as she popped her neck and removed her hand, the black marks moving over to cover the hole that was just made. Smiling as she began to laugh coughing up the same black liquid from her claws she would look at Aven and begin to gather the black marks and the liquid in the palms of the wing claws, “Taste this…” With that the balls erupted into four streaks of black purple energy each attempting to both strike Aven and afflict him with Frenzy. Yet when they struck she was surprised, rather than beginning to show the signs of the madness her Frenzy was meant to cause, he was fine, “Damn... Not even that?”

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    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Mellascyla
    Aven Alveron
    Aven Alveron

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dark Matter Ascendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 1,644,378

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Circle Magic.
    Second Skill: Dark Matter Transcendency.
    Third Skill: Dark Matter Ascendancy.

    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Empty Re: League's Above (Sapphire & Aven)

    Post by Aven Alveron 30th June 2020, 2:45 pm

    Sapphire's retort was primal, if not what he should have expected; anyone with the gall to traipse around a crowded city almost fully nude was bound to have a warped sense of common sense. As she tore away at his body, to no avail, Aven shook his head. "Decency serves many purposes, Miss Firrion, including an acknowledgement of the sensibilities of others. It's disrespectful to others to ignore the customs and traditions that society upholds, not to mention against the law; just by doing so, you place others in an uncomfortable position, an offense which cannot be taken lightly." He doubted his words meant much to the woman, but he said them, nonetheless. If nothing else, it was an adequate distraction for him to take a closer analytical look at the magic she was using.

    Aven winced, as Sapphire stabbed her own chest, a brutal display. There were many magics that required the laceration or maiming of one's own body to function, far too many to be able to tell which she was using, in particular. Black blood, on the other hand, held a few more answers, pointing to an abnormal physiology at the root of her power. His first priority, with what little information he had, would be to ensure he didn't come into direct contact with that black blood: several blood magics that he'd studied needed only contact with a target's skin in order to inflict horrendous damage, so his Dark Matter shell would need to hold strong if he wished to avoid those possibilities.

    There was a madness he began to notice in her movements, as she shot four streaks of energy toward him. He opted to stand for the attacks, their impact only slight against the hardness of his skin: he did, however, feel a small wave of irritability rush over him, not unlike the fervor of battle, before being quashed by his aura. A kind of mind control? No, that wasn't quite right; the feeling had been more akin to amplification of his own desires. Aven swung his right arm out wide, the black particles bursting forth and surrounding the limb in a dervish. "I think you've had free reign long enough, Miss Firrion; let's see how agile you can be!" From the atmosphere around Aven, black particles congealed to form three lightless spheres, each a foot across, which sped toward Sapphire, seeking to strike her limbs.


    League's Above (Sapphire & Aven) Aven_Sig

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am