Fairy Tail RP

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    Raijin, the Tempest God

    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 17th April 2020, 10:24 pm


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 17th April 2020, 10:59 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Ace of Spades seemed to have a reputation for being remarkably sunny and clear most days, though this day in particular seemed to be an exception. A storm brewed outside, flashes of lightning and roars of thunder peppering the sky and leaving less patrons in the Red Dragon Inn than normal, yet those patrons refused to leave. Rain pelted the windows, as if it were gunfire against a sheet of unbending metal, and whips of wind rattled the foundations of each building. it was dangerous for anyone to head out in such a storm. It had the potential to break wares and even damage houses, should it persist.

    Of course, Mai was incredibly giddy at such a storm. The winds and rain and lightning made the young Slayer's mouth water in delightful tastiness. She had already nibbled on some of the storm at this point, only hopping back inside to enjoy the extra warmth that the fire lit within the tavern would provide. This cozy feeling was only matched by such a feeling as Miss Luna's warm embrace, or nibbling on any sort of thing cooked by the wonderful mother figure Mai had.

    Breaking the whimsy of Mai's inner thoughts came an unexpected sound: someone blasting through the door in a wet, miserable huff.

    "Surprised to see someone weather this storm," the barkeep noted, motioning towards a stool.

    "Sabertooth's in this town, yeah?" he gruffly asked.

    The barkeep's eyebrow raised. "Uh...yes, sir. It is. Why'd'ya ask?"

    "Sabertooth guards the world from invaders from other realms, yeah? Well, this storm's the result of such a thing."

    Mai's ears perked up. "Oh? You sure? I mean we've gotten storms pretty rough in the past few months since-"

    "This is from an invader. I'm surprised I made it outta there. Those five Aces are damn persistent about keeping things hush about the operation. Euch. Seems like there ain't any folks of the guild 'round here, so can you pass on a message to someone like the Aces or the Guildmaster? This is...not something the common rabble can take care of. Those damn Aces are fuckin' resurrecting a God." Mai's attention was now fully gripped on what the man had to say. "Dunno how they found it, but somehow those bastards found the corpse of some...fuck...some sorta storm god or somethin' like that. They've been workin' some shit for tryin' to resurrect the bastard for the past year or so, and they're finally on the final steps. I...couldn't go through with what those shits were plannin'. I had to get outta there, me and my good friends. I...was the only one that escape. These pricks are no joke."

    The barkeep's eyes quickly darted towards Mai for a second, before he nodded. "Not a problem, I can leave this for the higher ups. Though, if you don't mind, can I ask a bit more information? Things like...what can we expect? Do we know what god this is? Where is the job? Anything that can help the guild out would be welcome, I'll be sure to make note of it and get it to the higher ups as quickly as I can."

    The man downed a full mug of the strange foamy drink in a second. "Yeach, fine. Somewhere in the Silent Cemetery, way out in the cursed lands. The Aces, oh, there's five of 'em, roughly...S-Rank, I'd say, they said somethin' about the cursed lands being great for this sorta ritual. They're...shit...uh...one's a wind wizard, another's good with water, a third's good with electricity, one's a master swordsmistress, and another's damn good with earth magic. Two of 'em are twins, forget which ones. They've got a lot of mooks, too. None nearly as strong as them, but none are weak by any means. As for the god they're resurrectin'...dunno the name. All I know is that he's some sorta storm god and he looks like a big monkey. Hopefully they don't succeed in the ritual, but if they do, I think we're gonna have some trouble. Even when the bastard's dead, he's got a helluva strong magic aura."

    The barkeep nodded. "Aight, thank you. Wanna get a room real quick?" The man nodded as a waitress quickly led him away to one of the rooms of the inn. The barkeep beckoned to Mai, who interestedly wandered over. "That sound like your Papa?"

    Mai hesitantly nodded. It had been roughly a year since Papa went missing, and he was a storm god. The rest did not seem to make sense, however. Papa did not look like a monkey, or at least as far as Mai remembered, he did not. Papa was a big, strong...

    Mai could not truly remember what Papa looked like. His words boomed in her head, but the image faded from her view. But it just might be Papa, Mai thought.

    The barkeep smiled. "Got it, kiddo. Hand this note over to Miss Luna. You're probably the best for the job. Plus, I'm sure Miss Luna'll want to get involved and help you out. Maybe she can help ya talk some sense into your Papa."

    He handed Mai a strange sheet of paper with some weird squiggles on it. Mai nodded, quickly running over towards Miss Luna's room and knocking on the door. "Miss Luna! Miss Luna! Some weird person came in and said he might know something about Papa! Please! Can you please come with me so we can beat up the meanies bullying Papa! Please? Please!"

    As she pleaded through the closed door, Mai felt a tear slowly roll down her cheek. Six years ago, Papa had begun to teach Mai in the intricacies of the world. How to use magic, how humans destroyed the natural environment, how to act like a proper huntress and how to truly hunt after humans, both in a sense of sabotaging them with cuteness and the most effective ways to kill them afterwards. A year ago, Papa disappeared. Shortly after, Mai arrived in Sabertooth, and not long after that she met Miss Luna on a search for information about Papa from the guild Fairy Tail. Now, Miss Luna had taught her so much more about the world. Humans that were not entirely awful? Someone in such power not always being correct? Camaraderie with humans? It all confused the girl, and, as much as she insisted she was a big girl, even she knew that was a lie. She was not a big girl. She felt herself slowly retreat into the recesses of her mind. She was just a terrified child, hoping for answers. She just wanted to see her Papa again and yell at him for being gone for so long, but...would she stay with him? She could not just up and leave Miss Luna, could she? Miss Luna had taught Mai so much in so short a time, yet Papa was Papa. He was infallible, right? There must have been a reason that he vanished for so long, right? It had to be so! Papa would never do anything so wrong and mean! Or...would he? Mai had slowly begun to accept Papa not being in her life and living with Miss Luna, yet now she could possibly find him once more, and it was too big a flood of emotions for Mai to handle.

    When the door finally opened, Mai was little more than a blubbering mess, one arm extending out the strange paper while the other covered her eyes as she cried. She tried to speak, but words refused to form. Finally, Mai would finally meet with Papa, but how would Miss Luna react? Mai feared no matter what would happen, yet this was not something she could ignore.

    WC: 1286 | TWC: 1286

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 22nd April 2020, 10:36 pm

    It was a quiet night and was going to remain such, or so Luna had initially thought. The Fairy and her companion were in the three bedroom, two floor townhouse owned by the Nature Fairy. She was laying down on the couch as she watched the storm outside from the window as Amelia was sitting in a chair. Neither enjoyed the subject of conversation as they were looking occasionally over a opened letter that sat on the coffee table. "So what are you going to do?" Amelia said to the fairy bluntly. "Guess I just gotta deal with the hand I got." Amelia scoffed as she was disturbed by the words that just came out of Luna's mouth. "Deal? It's bull, total bull and cowardice! They can't just expel Zina like that, and why is it, because she's magically augmented or because of our profession?"

    Luna sighed as she picked up the letter again, reading it half heartedly as she couldn't bring herself to care about it anymore. "Dear Lunaris Mira, Also known as Luna, Lunaris Daughter of Shirain, LuShirain, and so forth: While we appreciate your choice to enroll your ward, Zina Mira, into our prestigious academy, and she has been nothing short of an exceptional student. However we must remove her from the school as her familial influences are part of a growing disruption.... yada yada yada, typical beating around the bush. This has been sent out to all guardians who specialize in legally ambiguous employment to ensure the safety of all students. Our sincerest apologies, we shall provide no less then a exemplarly review for the next academy Zina enrolls in and enclosed is a total refund to your tuition payed so far." She put down the letter before picking up her glass of apple juice and taking a slip as she sat up slightly as she finished reanalyzing the letter. "So it's our occupation and races that are why. Because they want to distance themselves from the whole wizard community after a fiasco that narrowly evaded the spotlight." Luna knew that the school she enrolled her sister into was on the fence about the somewhat unstable career choice of guild work, but even then she didn't expect the school to come down hard in this manner. "During the break, the kid of an independent and his friends stowed away on a A class job, hiding in the back of their father's vehicle, and in the course of the job one ended up grievously injured, nearly dead." Amelia rolled her eyes as she found the school to be incredibly over-dramatic in this instance. Wizard and guild work encompasses a significant role in the culture of Fiore. She expected that there would be some sort of backlash cause of discrimination. "But even the legal guild wizards, it's not right." Luna sighed as she looked over a stack of fliers. "Well, a few saw this coming and all the legal wizards involved agreed to abide by the decision of the school. That was the last place I could get Zina in... what am I going to do now. I can't afford to send her to any other place even if I cut paying Solaris's bails." Amelia sighed as she did the math herself and was not able to disagree with Luna, thinking to herself on a possible solution.  "Well, Luna, you're a great healer, surely there's someone influential that can use your expertise, everyone know's someone who needs someone like you. A few favors could get her free admission."

    Luna looked at Amelia with a gaze of questioning the sanity of the artificial life form. "Remember how we met? My reputation isn't favorable. 'The incompetent fairy that can't be authoritative and drove Aurora into the ground', that closes a few of those doors you mentioned unfortunately."

    However the conversation was cut short when there was a knock at the front door. "Were you expecting any of your family?" Luna slowly sat up, putting her juice down on a coaster atop the coffee table. She brushed aside strands of pink hair in her eye as she looked out towards the front door. "None of them knock or pound on my door." She adjusted her qipao and walked towards the door. "My neighbors know who I am so maybe someone's injured... At the very least I know I can start a clinic if all goes south." She picked up the small glass bottle containing some of her mediocris lacrimis from one of the tables before placing it gently on top of the shoe rack by her door.

    She took a moment to stop and sense the life force beyond the door, and she could sense the distressed familiar presence as she opened the door quickly. "Mai, my dear, what's wrong?" She said as she saw the blubbering mess trying to determine what was going on. The begging and mentioning of her papa seemed to alert both the fairy and gynoid. When it came to the storm god's treatment of the young girl, the experienced wizards were not trying to be quick to judge but they were extremely concerned that there was a form of abuse. Amelia remembered meeting the god before, and it was crystal clear to her that he wasn't a god that was lenient towards humanity. Ever since meeting the child, Amelia struggled to reconcile the disconnected logic of how a god that had no problems wiping around humans like it was a light exercise would cone to raise a human child. Amelia knew that it was ingrained into Raijin's nature to a point where even memory loss wouldn't stop him, and given what he taught Mai, she crossed out that being a reason. He took in a human child, turned them into a Storm God Slayer, concealing the true nature of their existence as a human. The only logical conclusion that was available was he was bored, and wanted to make a human weapon for one reason or another. Where this story goes on from here was that his disappearance was suspected by Amelia and Luna to be one of two things; either he released/gave up on Mai, or something happened to Raijin that Mai was presently unaware of. The scariest notion was that Mai realized the truth and slayed Raijin, but the patricide was simultaneously too traumatic. Regardless Mai created a massive ethical dilemma for the two wizards, should they help the child find the Storm god, remain neutral, or stand in the way and stop Mai's search for her own good. For the moment until they know more, Amelia has taken the neutral stance as she is not sure what to make of the various details surrounding the story of the two storm beings, but Luna still attempts to assist the girl in finding the god.   "Think this is another nightmare?" Amelia communed via the Archive Link active between her and Luna. "Probably. Either that or someone threatened to take her away from me."

    Luna guided the storm god slayer inside and sat her down on the couch before pulling a blanket over Mai from behind. Since Mai never seemed to show up randomly in the night, especially appearing almost ready to have a panic attack. She calmly smiled to the young girl, wrapping her arm around Mai's shoulders as she was having a bitter sweet nostalgia moment. She remembered the various times she spent with her mother trying to calm her down after a nightmare or panic attack, and how she was also there to help her younger sister through the same. "Mai, my dear, I am here, breathe, I'm not going anywhere, if you need to get some nervousness out of your system it's alright sweetie. I am here, you are alright, take everything one breath at a time." Luna said in a sweet tone. Amelia was almost impressed if not for the fact that she saw Luna's hand start to glow in a soft pink light, recognizing Luna was using her Nature's Mercy healing spell. Although she couldn't blame Luna for using it given it had calming properties.  Luna knew that she had to get Mai to slow down and focus.

    She took notice of the paper and gently loosened Mai's grip on the paper. "What's this, a note?" She said before she held up the paper for her eyes to see the contents. She was half afraid it was a official document but knew she couldn't risk appearing afraid, especially when someone needed her for support. 

    WC 1425
    PWC 1425
    TWC 2691/22,000


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 4th May 2020, 5:57 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Even in this strange day of tempests and storms, Mai always knew that the most calming thing she could experience was the warm, loving embrace of Miss Luna. Papa had embraced her in times before, when she was sad that she failed a hunt or she could not fully understand the machinations of working a spell or her magic, yet this felt...different. Papa's embraces never felt as warm as Miss Luna's. They felt cold. They numbed the pain that was felt, yet they never mended it. That was something Mai would conquer on her own, and fell all too satisfied for. Miss Luna felt warm, however. Miss Luna was kind and loving and, most importantly, she felt understanding. Mai sniffled, trying to regain her composure. Despite the pounding rain and furious storm, which usually calmed the rambunctious child, it felt nothing, her dripping wet clothes dampening the couch and the blanket Miss Luna placed over her. She sniffled. Why did she feel this way? It all felt so strange. She had never felt this way. Never had she felt so helpless, even in this time that should spell hope.

    "*sniff* I- *sniff* don't know what the paper thingy says, b-but...*sniff* the guy who was talking *sniff* back at the inn said *sniff* something about a s-storm god...*sniff* a-and I think it was P-Papa!" Mai could barely get her words out. She did not know what this feeling was. She had felt sad before, such as when she first came to Sabertooth, but this was not sadness. Yet...Papa always said that people cry when they are sad, and Mai was crying, but she was not sad. She clung tightly to Miss Luna. "I-If we find out *sniff* where this is, c-can you help me f-find him?" She sniffled once more. She wanted to find her Papa for so long, yet now there was a strange reluctance to ask. She feared she might replace Miss Luna with Papa, but... it was Papa! She could not just abandon him like he did her! But... that would mean leaving Miss Luna? True, she did not remember much about Papa, but...

    There were too many thoughts rolling around in Mai's mind. She snuggled tighter to Miss Luna, letting herself cry. She did not like any of this weird business with having to think about things. She was never one that had to deliberate over anything. It was either "something deserved to be punched" or "something does not deserve to be punched." Yet now there was a question bouncing in her young, dumb brain. Papa or Miss Luna? The caretaker that taught her all she knew about magic or the one that cared for her the past months? "Miss Luna, which one should I go with?" she mumbled. Her head turned to look at the Nature Fairy. "I don't like having to think!" Her tears and sadness turned into a petulant anger as if it were swinging on a pendulum. "Miss Luna! Decide for me! I don't wanna think about weird, difficult things like this!" She buried her head into Miss Luna's side, trying to escape from the everything that was going on.

    WC: 0527 | TWC: 1813

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 15th May 2020, 9:48 pm

    "Oh hell." Both the Nature Fairy and the Gynoid thought as the same time when Mai mentioned her foster father, and a corpse of a Storm God. Pun not intended, both knew this startling news was going to create many storms. Luna was hoping that a reunion would be delayed, especially if the god was dead, for Mai's sake and future. Amelia on the other hand was conflicted based on the theories she and Luna had on the girl's past. If Raijin did indeed mistreat Mai like they suspected and/or tried to abandon Mai, she hoped that he would never come close to Mai's life again; however on the other she knew Mai would need closure, a way to definitively end Raijin's chapter of her life one way or another in time. However Luna was having a slightly different crisis in mind, mostly by the contents of the note and what Mai said, the Corpse of a God was almost a contradiction to how she perceived the concept of the deities.

    "How does a God leave a corpse behind, don't they, turn into dissipated energy or something?" Luna communed through the Archive link. Amelia, with her many years did know more about gods, but she learned that the more one knows, the less they understand. "It really depends on the deity, Gods and demons are weird like that. Most demons and some gods simply dissipate, however there are Gods known to have condensed into a mass of some kind, such as a magically enriched mineral or lacrima. Some speculate my heart comes from a unknown Lightning God. It isn't impossible for a corpse to be left behind." Amelia paused for a moment, she recalled her few experiences with deities that weren't just her researching what can be found in most libraries, some nostalgia had come to mind. "However one of my original mentors was married to one of the eldest god slayers I ever met, and she once said that if slain gods might ever leave a corpse, it is the Slayer's responsibility to dispense of it for the consequences will be nigh and dire."

    Luna wanted to cock an eyebrow at the response, but she also wanted to keep the elder mages conversation discrete for the moment. "Nigh and dire?" She asked, but Amelia hesitated in her response, the momentary silence signaling to Luna that the dramatic words were not an exaggeration. "There are three things I know can be done with a god's corpse and none of them pretty, normally it's the god's natural followers or another cult that takes them, dismemberment for parts to craft dangerous weapons, armor, etc. Revive the god, sometimes with modifications in order to make them subservient, or hell forbid turn the corpse into a puppet or avatar."

    The last possibility seemed to outright scare Luna, the strength of deities under the whims of those of lesser power seemed to be a dangerous notion; however she was equally worried that if Mai saw Raijin have a similar fate she would be devastated beyond words especially if the patricide theory held any weight.

    Luna held the young slayer tightly as her other hand held the note. She tried her best to console Mai, but the note made her skip a beat as she analyzed it. It was from the barkeep giving her a recap of the situation. "L. Mira, a man came into the bar with knowledge regarding a storm based cult/guild operating out of the Silent Cemetery. Claimant came in looking for Ace or Guild Master level mages to inform of the unnamed presumably dark by context collaboration of mages of their plot to resurrect a monkey like storm god for vague purposes, which is causing the weather lately. You're loosely ambiguously connected ward had overheard this and is undoubtedly considering following this lead."

    Amelia scoffed and rolled her eyes after hearing the note out loud. "Would it kill that guy to use specific terms?" Amelia said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Luna dismissed the attitude of the gynoid as she put the note down. "Well, either way. This is, troubling." Luna said as she felt incredibly on the spot, but she held back any urge to panic as she knew that would do Mai no good, especially in the mental state she was in. She could see the whole conflict that was going on within the young god slayer's mind as she took a deep breath.

    She knew what she would say if there wasn't a heavy personal conflict involved and that regardless, both sets of facts required the same answer. A dangerous storm god's corpse was in the hands of a storm based cult, and there was a storm god slayer in the area. "Well, we can sit here and debate on all the possibilities we want, but unfortunately it doesn't look like we got the time for that. No one said this was Raijin, but still, it's dangerous for most wizards to even attempt at reviving another human, if they botch up reviving a storm god it could be disastrous."

    Luna stroked Mai's hair aside and wiped off the tears running down the young girl's face. While she knew Mai needed support more then ever right now, there was a job that needed to be handled. "Mai, while you are a storm god slayer and it is your duty to see this out, I cannot and will not force you to go. I know you're afraid, afraid of the possibilities and choices that might happen, I can't tell you that all of them won't hurt, but some will, badly. But to grow as a person, and to heal from the wounds that affect your heart and soul, you need to face the problems, face the possibility of pain in order to have the possibility to grow. You might think now that it's easier to hide, hide in not knowing which possibilities out of your control and what mistakes you could make will form reality, but reality isn't formed solely chaos and errors, there's also what you do with the circumstances, and how you decide to handle them will decide the future. Also if you hide, the pain can't go away, it will always be there, if you don't see the end out yourself, you won't be able to move past it completely."

    Luna smiled at the girl as Amelia had already gotten up to head towards the door to get ready to depart. "So howabout it, you ready?"

    WC 1091
    PWC 2516
    TWC 4329


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 8th June 2020, 10:48 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    With tears clouding her vision, Mai felt alone and lost. Then, a soft hand brushed aside Mai’s hair. The familiar scent of Miss Luna and that always-kind touch of the woman Mai wanted to call Mama forever set Mai at ease, with the little girl hugging her mother figure tightly as she explained, the fairy’s hand stroking the hair of the girl who was, at this moment, not the monstrous child that bullied her ace, not the girl that tried bringing ruin to all those dumb humans, not that child who would take what she wanted without thinking of the consequences. At this moment, Mai was just a young girl who felt scared and confused. The blond-haired lightning bolt of a menace had never felt like this. She felt, as much as she hated it, human. She felt like she was weak. She felt like she was crying like a dumb human would and not showing the pride that her Papa would have wanted her to show as a Goddess. Papa had always taught her to ignore those sad feelings, to just punch anything like that in the face! But... Miss Luna taught something different. She taught that it was okay to have these sadnesses. That it was okay to be weak. That even people as strong as Miss Luna could be hurt.

    It was a lot of thinking, and Mai did not like thinking. So, she let Miss Luna’s words do the thinking as that calm, motherly voice explained to Mai. That voice that had told Mai good from bad, that even when telling Mai she did something wrong she was still just learning, Mai stared up into the eyes of Miss Luna the entire time as she spoke, absorbing each word as if it were the gospel truth, as if it were words from a Goddess herself towards her chosen child.

    It was then that Miss Luna asked a question. If Mai was ready. She sniffled as she thought. ”I don’t like having to think... and I really don’t like to do stuff I don’t wanna. But... Miss Luna’s right, like always! I wanna go and bash crash pow my worries and stuff! I wanna know what happened to Papa! I wanna bash crash pow those meanies that are trying to do stuff! And I wanna make sure that I can help Miss Luna! I wanna be like Miss Luna! Miss Luna’s amazing! Miss Luna is kind and pretty and strong and she knows what to say and she’s smart and funny and loving and pretty and knows a lot of things!  Miss Luna? I wanna be just like you! And I wanna punch away all those painful thingies and get to be just like you! Miss Luna doesn’t feel pain! Miss Luna is unstoppable and invincerble! I wanna go with you, Miss Luna! I wanna learn from you how to do all the cool things you do and I wanna learn how to be as pretty and kind and nice as you!” Having steeled her resolved and wiped away her tears, she hugged Miss Luna and grabbed her hand. ”Let’s go bash crash pow some baddies!

    WC: 0529 | TWC: 2342

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 11th July 2020, 9:15 pm

    Luna had mixed feelings about taking Mai to the Haunted Cemetery to face this cult, and the god they were trying to form. On the one hand she was almost certain that regardless on if the god is really Raijin or not that this was more then likely going to prove to be traumatic for Mai in many ways. She wanted to spare the child as much pain as possible. However she knew all too well that if this was Raijin, it was her business to see through to the end. Luna was not surprised when Mai started to express herself clearly, and that she would follow this situation through to the end. After all Luna knew this was Mai's story to play out till the end.

    Luna got up and started to walk towards the door, leading Mai out as the group looked around. "Cemetery is a distance away and even you might struggle keeping a horse from getting spooked in case the thunder and lightning get intense."  Luna sighed as she agreed with the assumption. On her way out the door Luna grabbed her car keys and walked towards the door. "Yes, yes, we're gonna have to take my car." Amelia silently mouthed "Yes" away from Luna as they walked out front to look at Luna's JM2 Harlem. She was the only one on the block with a car, most everyone else used traditional means, or less advanced magic mobile. If the whole city didn't know by now it was painstakingly obvious where Luna lived. Luna pressed a button on the car key unlocking the doors. Amelia opened the driver side door and Luna had led Mai into the back seat. Luna leaned forward and buckled Mai into the back seat before standing up and walked around the car. "Alright, Mai's buckled in." She told Amelia as she walked around the car. Amelia folded back the front passenger seat before she entered and fastened her seat belt.

    Luna entered as well, fastening her seat belt before adjusting her chair, the driver side and the car's mirror, before she inserted the key and turned, starting the magical engine as the lights came on. Luna sat back as she pulled the stick shift out of park and into drive before slowly moving onto the road and driving through the streets of Ace of Spades, heading northbound. At first there was an uneasy silence, the sound of the raindrops hitting the ceiling and window, the gentle breeze of the air conditioner through the air. There was a jolt as the car left paved road and started to hit the wild road. The headlights shining in the distance as Luna was looking forward. "Luna we have to talk about the worst case scenario. What if Mai remembering the truth sets her off?"

    Amelia convened through Archive magic but Luna's focus was not altered in the slightest as Luna looked at the open road, checking the car's GPS, fuel gauge and speed occasionally. Eventually Luna broke the social silence between the two. "Then I calm her down, and deal with the situation myself. My relationship with Mai may be shorter then Raijin's, but my gentleness provides Mai with a comfort a bit better then his. Besides, that's your worst case scenario. Mine is what if he wants revenge, and Mai can't finish him off... or finish him off again?

    There was a stillness to Luna's body language, looking in her eyes Amelia recognized the apprehension, Luna was entering the battlefield prepared to do the one thing she always tried to avoid, taking a life. There was a slight shock running through Amelia's mind as she was starting to connect various things. Why Luna had accepted to go through the hell that was obtaining God Slayer magic from the goddess Carpo, and more importantly why she hid the results of the training from Mai. Amelia knew exactly what Luna was planning. "No... No... you don't honestly mean you're going to kill him, are you? Spare Mai from making that choice that she can never come back from if it comes to it!" Amelia pleaded, but she knew that Luna was the type that would do anything to protect those under her care. She knew that if it meant saving Mai, she would sacrifice her soul. Amelia knew she couldn't let that just happen.

    Luna sighed, both not wanting to deal with the current conversation and knowing that it would get suspicious that if she didn't say anything with Mai. "Mai, honey, this is not going to be easy to hear. But you're going to need to prepare yourself, if this is your father, he might be different then you remember. He might not be, happy." Luna tried to convey in hopes of lowering Mai's expectation. She knew that if Raijin treated Mai with the same regard he had for humanity things were going to be very difficult for everyone going forward. Luna had no idea how to prepare anyone to see their zombified father let alone a child. "If things get dicey in there, and you need to run... It'll be alright if you do."

    Eventually Luna got close to cemetery, the car slowed down as Luna parked on the side of the path. She unbuckled her seat and leaned back, unbuckling Mai as Amelia got out of the car and leaned the passenger seat forward so Mai could get out. Luna got out and locked the car, before looking at the path down to the haunted cemetary. The rain, wind, and even the thunderstorm seemed to be worse closer to the cemetery. "It's time, isn't it..."
    WC 943
    PWC 3459
    TWC 5801


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
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    Posts : 207
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    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
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    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 7th October 2020, 7:08 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mai was too busy struggling with the internal thoughts to even get excited about her first time in Miss Luna's car. The weird transporty mobile was something the little God Slayer was interested in for as long as she knew that Miss Luna owned it, and now she could not even really get excited for anything. Thoughts bounced around her head as a familiar voice called to her. Mai! it rumbled. Mai's ears perked up. Even though it had been some time since she last saw him, the voice was recognizable anywhere. Papa's voice. Mai, you can't do this. You're being tricked by a dumb human. Look at her. She is a human trying to kill a God! She's betraying everything I taught you! Remember our lessons? How humans were the epitome of the scum of the earth, that they were mere playthings for Gods like us? Now look at you, dancing in the palm of the hand of a filthy pink haired human, betraying every last thought of me as you try to abandon me for another, weaker parent, a human parent! I can help free you, trust me, Mai. We can be reunited, Mai. Father and Daughter once more, ready to rid this realm of filthy humans. All you have to do is kill that foolish human in the front seat. You know you can. I've taught you well enough, just unleash a blast of magic into the back of her head and-

    Papa's voice was cut off by Miss Luna's. She wanted to reassure Mai, she wanted to tell Mai that things would be okay, even if Papa was nothing like how Mai remembered. Miss Luna told Mai she could run if need be. "I-I don't wanna!" Mai stammered, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I already lost Papa, now I don't wanna lose Miss Luna, too!" She followed Miss Luna to the edge of the cemetery, the whipping winds and torrents of rain battering her face, lightning crashes visible and thunder booms audible. Mai was used to seeing through the storms. Papa taught her well, and she could very easily see a bunch of people in dark purple robes pacing around the place, seemingly standing guard over a small stone mausoleum. Mai took a few steps forwards, getting herself ahead of Miss Luna, before quickly darting forwards, her takeoff bolstered by bolts of lightning striking the ground beneath her feet. She roared aloud, turning herself into a living missile as she charged towards the group of strange men.

    Just as one with a weird looking hat on top of his robes turned, Mai crashed into his stomach, sending him flying away, crashing through hundreds of gravestones before he eventually was out of sight. A moment of stunned pause rested in the air before Mai flickered her arms into gloves of purple clouds and leaped at another one, tackling him to the ground. She rapidly began laying fists into his face, droplets of red water sputtering out of him. Mai was too angry to even think about drinking the water to try to get into Force. These people were between her and Papa! Mai knew, this had to be Papa, there was nothing and no one else it could be! And all of these stupid hooded people with their dumb hats were in her way between her and Papa! Spikes of stone and mud erupted beneath her feet, Mai nimbly leaping atop each peak unfazed by the attack on her. She fired a quick laser shot of lightning into the earth mage who tried to skewer her, sending her tumbling backwards. Mai jumped downwards, her arms becoming entombed in thick, billowing clouds. She swung them forwards, pummeling a man in the face and sending him spiraling down to the ground in a comedic manner. Bolts of fire began racing towards the God Slayer, with the young, angry child reacting by simply countering each bolt of fire with a bolt of water and charging again. She leaped onto his shoulders, firing lightning out of the bottom of her feet to propel herself skywards, weaving between arrows along the way. As she reached the apex of her jump, she fired yet another Tempest God's Roar, pushing her backwards at a high speed, making sure to spin along the way. Magic harmlessly was warded away by the twirling spiral of prepubescent rage before she crashed into the muddy ground, sending plumes of wet dirt flying. The mud volcano made a good enough cover for Mai to fire a quick succession of watery arrows from her mouth, pelting each of the weird robed guys.

    Mai huffed and puffed, bolts of lightning flickering off of her body. These people prevented Mai from seeing Papa again. These people might think to harm him. They might think to harm Miss Luna! All of this was unacceptable. Mai raised her hand skyward as a bolt of lightning struck her, the youngling eating the snack heartily.

    "Shit! This is the fuckin' kid!" a panicked voice roared. "Those assholes were right about that, at least!"

    Mai fired wind from the bottoms of her feet again, rocketing herself towards the voice. She pelted him with a headbutt before grabbing him by the long strands of his robe. She saw a look of panic on the human's face as she unleashed a point blank Tempest God's Bellow, covering the man's face. Mai nimbly cartwheeled out of the way of an attempted line of steel magic trying to cut her through, springing off of a hand with added aid from a gust of wind to send her skywards as the ground beneath her opened and hands tried to grab her. As she spun in the air, she fired a quick three shots of laser thin lightning, each one hitting a different target. Immediately upon landing on the ground, she rushed ahead again, delivering a tempest infused boot to one of her bolt struck foes' shins. She then twirled around behind him before managing to get her arms around his waist and hips enough to suplex him, the force digging his head into the mud. She twirled with a stream of water, dousing the shots of metal and missile. Once more she charged ahead, a man with a sword getting into her way. He swung the sword from Mai's right to her left, but the girl managed to parry it away with a swipe of a tempest coated arm. She punched the man below the belt, sending him folding forwards for Mai to wallop him with an uppercut, sending him flying. Mai leaped high once more, pummeling his likely unconscious body with a flurry of fists, their speed managing to keep him skyward. She then flipped in the air and delivered a bicycle kick to him, sending him crashing to the ground. Mai held her hand in the air, a ball of electricity forming within it as she aimed at the crowd. She fired it towards them, where it exploded in the sky with pretty colors as a missile struck it. Of course, this was the plan. Mai fired quick compressed shots of wind from her feet, using the smoke as a barrier as she crashed into the ground with a wave of water magic. As they began flying into the air from the force of her landing, Mai clapped her hands forwards in front of her, a tornado erupting from her hands and swirling around the foolish robed people, making them rise higher and higher into the air until Mai was finished, when they fell to the ground.

    Mai looked around, still huffing and puffing. Groans of pain rung out from her heavily wounded foes. Mai made sure not to kill any of them, since that was not something Miss Luna liked. Mai turned towards her idol as she readied to enter the mausoleum. "Did I do good, Miss Luna?"

    WC: 1320 | TWC: 3662

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
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    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 28th October 2020, 9:55 pm

    Luna was keeping an eye on Mai, cautious of the dangers she was permitting the young girl to undergo, and she was not even thinking about fighting an army. No, she knew Mai was a capable combatant and that she was able to put a great distance between Mai and them if needed, however she knew that if Raijin was indeed here, there would be a battle that she would be almost helpless in protecting Mai. Luna was hoping that this would be a smooth affair but she hid her doubts as she followed the storm child who charged out onto the scene. 

    Luna sensed the life force of a number of living parties ahead, and was starting to prepare herself but Mai had already grabbed their attention. Luna and Amelia held back trying to keep the element of surprise in case things went bad. Luna was proud as she watched Mai handle herself against the grown men and how they ended up in pain from various lightning and water attacks. When they were on the ground Luna walked further ahead into view Luna looked around counting all the bodies before she clenched her fist and various shackles of earth reached out from the ground and tightly bound every member of the organization down to the ground tightly as Luna held a gentle smile. 

    "Very good Mai!" She said in a sweet tone before singling out the one that appeared to be in charge of the present company mages. However the dialogue she heard from the cult members was echoing in her head ringing off alarms nonstop. "They said 'the kid', that would imply some form of familiarity. I want to brush it off as just infamy but from a cult worshiping a Storm God to recognize a Storm Goddess Slayer... No it is too much. But I need to know, hear it from the horses mouth." Luna thought as she needed to hear it from one of the cult members to be sure.

    Luna looked over her shoulder at Amelia and signaled over to Mai, Amelia understood what Luna wanted as she walked over to Mai and covered her ears concerned as Luna knelled down to the seemingly cult dressed mage and outside of Mai's view and hearing the soft maternal smile and tone turned into a viciously calm expression with a chillingly cold tone as Luna whispered. "Alright I got about forty seconds so I'm going to be brief and spare reminding you who I am if you know who she is. I am not in a good mood so you are going to sing like a canary so help me Shirain or I will gut you like a Turkey. Now you will tell me the name of this God you are resurrecting." She said looking the helpless mage in the eyes, gently flaring her magic aura as she was trying to scare the man. Luna watched as stern stalemate cracked under pressure and the trembling start slowly and break out into fear as Luna tapped his neck as rocks slowly gathered around her fingers. Luna was normally never so cruel however fearing for Mai's soul she was willing to throw her own into the fire if it meant giving a lost soul a way out of darkness.

    Eventually the man caved and uttered the name that Luna was suspecting and praying never to hear. "Rai... jin... Raijin the Tempest God." He said before Luna clenched her fist and made the earth around his face move before encompassing his lower face blocking his mouth but letting his nose have enough room to breathe. Luna stood up and turned back over towards Mai and Amelia, Luna restored her positive facade for Mai's sake but Amelia saw right through it she stopped covering Mai's ears.

    Amelia understood why Luna allowed her mind to go to such dark places but she knew that was just her dangling above the abyss, hanging from the fact that she has yet to take a life out of hate premeditated. "Alright, we're going in." Luna said as she regretted saying it now fully knowing well what Mai would be walking into as she looked at the mausoleum's stone doors, snapping her fingers as they were seemingly blown back off their hinges. "Well odds are we already lost the stealth advantage. Might as well make sure that there is no one waiting by the door or traps. Luna said before slowly walking towards the Mausoleum as she was prepared to deal with what may come.

    "No. I won't let her, or Mai go through with this, even if it will in fact be my final act." Amelia thought to herself as she was not willing to let Luna know her plan this once as the group began looking inside the mausoleum. Once inside Luna was able to a multitude of elemental magic including Divine, Water, Wind, and Lightning. "Weird place to raise a Storm God from beyond." Amelia comments as the group was looking through the tomb. "Well bodies of those with incredible magic decompose over time does flood the grounds with residual Ethernano that seeps into the ground that mixed with what used to be their life force. Honestly it is rich in the fuel resources needed for such a task. What were you expecting?" Luna responded as she was analyzing the pros and cons, and how this would be a more efficient solution. "Temple of their followers maybe?" Amelia shrugged as she was trying to think of the possibilities until she realized the logic in her own guess was faulty considering the god involved. "Right, Raijin was a God to be feared, he doesn't have temples, just sacrificial alters in a few places where villages offer sacrifices unaware that he had a gag where instead of protection, he attacks their village next." Amelia responded in the Archive link before the main issue came up with the word choice, and she took a step back to ask a more pressing question regarding these cultists. "Although why they are doing this is a more confusion question. What do these cultists have to gain by following and aiding Raijin if he'd just wipe them out. The fear of Raijin sustains him, not the fear of his existence. They seem to have used elements of water, wind, and lightning, Raijins elements but that could be a coincidence..." Amelia said as she was dancing around mentioning death around Mai. Luna perked up at the logic as she was starting to understand the whole flaw in this whole scenario, the cultists are the ones with the least to gain and the most to lose in this whole process unless they have little value for life.

    However she started to recall how the Goddess Carpo, who gave her the slayer Lacrima infused into her very being spoke about other Gods and Goddesses and how they were troublesome to approach because one often had ties with another. "Perhaps this cult is on loan from another God or Goddess Raijin has ties or a deal with. Would make more sense then an actual Cult of suicidal maniacs trying to help their killer. Either that or they are all naïve to think restricting a human hating god will put them on a safety list." Luna speculated as Amelia nodded, understanding the arguments being made. "This could be a relative of Raijin's cult, like his mother, hidden lover, or a sibling." Luna dwelled on the thoughts as she braced herself for what could be just around the corner, down the hall, even rising from the depths of hell destroying the world around the group.

    "You sick bastard, I will never let you harm Mai again, I swear upon my wings, my pride, my life, my existence. I will end you as justice for your crimes." Luna thought to herself with the Tempest God in thought as she was visualizing her opponent, no, her enemy in her sights. Luna spent countless hours scheming to keep Mai's past from clutching her into darkness, and she could feel it in her bones that today was the day that resolve, planning, all the cards she hidden, the training she went through, the hell she plunged herself into and crawled out of, everything would come on the line soon.

    WC 1389
    PWC 4848
    TWC 8510


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
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    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 15th January 2021, 1:01 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mai tilted her head as Amelia covered her ears. "Ooh, are we playing a game?" Mai asked. She tried to wiggle free from Amelia's grasp on her ears, very unsuccessfully. Eventually, Mai's ears were free, to which Mai then tried to grab Amelia's ears, though that ended up very unsuccessfully as well. It was then that Miss Luna announced that they were going in. "Yay! We're going on an adventure!" the little girl said, skipping along to follow her mother figure. "It's like that one book Gaia read to me that one time about that... uh..." Mai pressed her knuckles against the side of her head. "Nope! Don't remember! I think it had to do with a girl hero fighting a bunch of baddies in a dungeon, though! And that's what we're doing! Miss Luna's a hero fighting a bunch of baddies! Boom! Crash! Pow!" As always, Mai punched the air with her "Boom! Crash! Pow!" cry, giggling afterwards as they slowly began to descend into the depths.

    Then the rumbling began once more into Mai's ears. Mai! You're letting her get too close!" it screamed. That human is getting in the way, you need to stop her! She's out there trying to separate you from seeing me again! Don't you want to see your father once more? Don't you want to see me again?

    Mai's face grew into a little pout of contemplation as she listened to the words. "Miss Luna?" Mai asked, tugging on the hem of the pink haired fairy's shirt. "I-If Papa turned out to be a big old meanie, w-what would you do? Because... from what I've heard people say, Papa was a big meanie. I...I don't remember Papa being a meanie, but..." she blew her nose into the shirt. "I also know you aren't a meanie!" She thought for a few seconds, much longer than she was normally accustomed to. "Because I know Papa's here! I've heard his voice! He's been all grumbly in my brain and it's making me confused because he said that I should kill you for being a stinky stupid human, but you aren't stinky or stupid or bad at all! You're not even a human, so..." Mai took a few steps forwards, picking up a detective hat from the wall that somehow managed to fit her perfectly. "I know that Papa's down here because I hearded his voice, and I can also smell him and I can feel a bit of the rumbly tumbly power that he has, but... Papa's also not a dummy dumb! He should know that you aren't a stinky human and that you're really cool and really nice and better than every human, especially Imai!" Mai pressed her hand against her chin in contemplation, suddenly seeming to sprout a few new brain cells in the process. "So I think it's people impersonating Papa! They don't know anything about me, especially since he or they or something isn't Papa, but Father! I know Father means the same thing but Papa is Papa!" Mai went deeper and deeper into thought. "Not understand, very not understand!" Mai continued to think, wondering why things were somehow both making sense and very much not making sense.

    WC: 0536| TWC: 4198

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
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    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 16th January 2021, 8:45 pm

    While the two older mages were in the midst of an Archive conversation they were less focused on Mai which proved to be a grave error. Luna knew Mai was bound to ask questions regarding her father's morality and began to feel incredibly scared when Mai said that she could hear Raijin's voice in her head but neither the fae or gynoid could. Luna could see that the world Mai knew was not going the last the night, and trying to preserve any part would lead to a bad ending for the child. Luna grabbed Mai's hand before knelling down. "Mai, you're a bit young for this talk and we don't have the time. about your Papa, I swear I want to tell you he is above being evil like a good god should be, but I can't tell you he's evil either. Mai, everyone, every group, has their own views of good and evil, and every one person among a species has the potential to be a force of good."

    Luna reached out her fingers towards a crack in the floor before a pink droplet oozed out of her fingertips before it burrowed into the ground and a flower quickly sprouted sporting several shades of purple with a red stem. "Take this flower for instance, it's a rare one called the Hellblossom, it's most commonly known for it's deadly poison contents, however at the same time if used right it could become very strong medicine for a huge list of sicknesses. Two outcomes, one good, one evil, easily capable of both. However it is also up to a person to determine what they view as good and evil. Someone might think using the flower to kill a harmless bunny or defenseless old man is fine, but I find that evil. You see not everything is just one thing, so not all flowers are evil, some are good, some are bad, some are both."

    Luna held onto Mai's shoulder looking her in the eyes. "I don't believe your father is pure evil, he clearly has good inside him if he genuinely cared about you and that is why he sheltered you and raised you as his own, plus he did take out some bad humans..." Luna said trying to highlight the Good qualities of the God, she could feel herself struggling at some points. Sensing the struggle, Amelia decided to chime in and help. "However kiddo, at the same time he has killed a lot of good humans. Look I didn't want to tell you this, but there was once a village I frequented, I remember there was this baker who made the fluffiest donuts. She was a weak woman, but she was dedicated. One time while she was on the road back after making a delivery to the miners traveling with a wife of one of the guys and her newborn, they were ambushed by a bunch of highwaymen, bad men trying to steal money from them and then they were, well gonna do some bad stuff. The baker pleaded, take her life, and spare the others, and let me tell ya, a cat has a better luck of fighting than her until I intervened. Then there was Bruce, a  carpenter, that man took any job and worked harder then any person I ever known. When the village was raided, he slept for about 6 hours... the whole week. He spent as long as he could rebuilding everything, just so kids could have roofs over their heads and everyone could have some semblance of hope back in their homes. I got a dozen stories about that place." Amelia explained as she was trying to help Mai see how emotionally invested she was in that place and how good the people were. Luna could glance on as to how this story was going to end but she hoped that she was wrong. "That village was a happy place, sure it had a few bad people but it had way more good than bad. However I met your Papa one time while I was going to that village... and I found him hovering over, laughing as everyone was hurting, dying, crying, and in pain. It was too late, but all those good people suffered a bad fate because your papa was bored and wanted to hurt humans." She explained to the child bluntly. "He held back with the baker... so he could break her spine chunk by chunk before frying her body." She admitted bluntly but Luna gave her a glare that it was too soon for such a reveal but it was in the open so she decided she needed to work with it instead of suppress or deny the information for fear of strengthening Mai's attachment to Raijin. "Yeah, your papa had a slightly, simpler attitude by declaring all humans bad, but there are good people who live selfless lives for others. Like you wouldn't dare call miss Gaia a bad person would you? Sure there's plenty of bad people, like my brother, I..." Luna said as she was starting to get into territory she really did not want Mai to know quite yet, however Luna wanted to paint a contrast so she was willing to help Mai in any way she could. "I, didn't want to tell you this, but when I was young, my big brother beat me, a lot, I was scared, hurt, and in many ways alone in suffering even in a crowded house. But both people are human, I used to be human myself till a long sequence of events that we really don't have time for right now but now I'm a fairy. Mai, your Papa was wrong to hurt a lot of people, that's what I believe, sometimes yes he was right, but how many good people did he hurt versus the amount of bad? I don't think the amount of bad is even close to the amount of good, so is him ending one bad person, worth torturing and slaughtering tens, or hundreds of good as well?"

    Luna took a pause to let the words settle in with the younger slayer. "Mai, I can't tell you what to think, I only try to guide you into this world the best way I know how. I believe in letting those who want peaceful lives live the life they work for, I try to avoid violence or shedding life without purpose, and showing compassion and mercy to all who are deserving of it. While your papa, had a more, burn all to the ground approach. Some gods don't like humans, but that does not mean they are right or wrong. But while we are on this subject, as it stands you shouldn't judge your papa harshly now. Since whatever is going on appears to also be messing with his head. Look, I can't tell you what I do to him, but Mai, I swear, today everything I do, is because I consider you like a daughter. I will protect you." She said before embracing Mai in a tight hug as she would try to encourage Mai to not give up on others. "I am here, and I will protect you..."

    Luna stood up slowly and began to continue through the mausoleum until she stopped, sensing a great power down the hall through a bunch of large doors. She could tell that Raijin was amassing power, and she knew confrontation was inevitable...

    WC 1248
    PWC 9758
    TWC 10321


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
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    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
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    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 13th March 2021, 1:07 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    Mai would be lying if she said she fully understood what was happening with all of what Miss Luna and Amelia were saying about Papa. Her mind was not too great on moral matters, and it seemed like this was a massively moral matter. "So..." Mai said, a bit meekly, staring at the flower. "Papa's a villain, then?" It was the only conclusion Mai could come to with the facts she had been given. Her Papa, standing around, hurting people? Just for fun? It was something that made Mai admittedly slightly intrigued for quite a long time, but now? Something felt wrong about it. Something felt off. Mai knew a bunch of good humans. Victoria, Gaia, everyone that was not Imai, honestly. So how could Papa just go out there and try to do a broad, sweeping generalization of all humans?

    Maybe everyone was right. Maybe Mai had to make judgments for herself.

    "Miss Luna?" she said with a sniffle. "Can I do something? If Papa is there, can I try to talk to him? He may have been a big meanie, but he still is my Papa. Maybe..." Mai's head dipped to the ground. "I not know. All of this stuff too confusing. I just wanna go home! I wanna eat candies and have fun and chase Imai around!" A tear fell down her cheek, but she clenched her fist tightly in resolve. "But I know this is something that I need to get over. You try to lead me in a goodly direction, so I'll do it! I'm going to try to be goodlier to try to be more like Miss Luna!" Saying that, she hugged Luna tightly before rushing ahead into the largest chamber of the mausoleum, her fists wrapped in lightning. The five wizards there turned towards her, firing out spells at Mai, who dodged them easily. The first one she went for, a old looking man shooting wind spells at her, stumbled back onto his feet as Mai approached and punched him square in the jaw with a tempest wrapped hand.

    She stared at the rest of them for a moment, glaring each and every one of them down. She turned towards the orb of mysterious, powerful magic centered in the middle of the room. There was no doubt. It was Papa. "You all hurt my Papa! You all deserve to be painfulled!" The lightning and water wizards began frantically firing spells at her, the young girl consuming them with ease, her switching into Force fueled even more by her rage at the situation. When the dust settled, Mai found herself entirely wrapped in a black aura, sparks glaring from her eyes. "This is what happen to meanies!" she roared, her words much more unintimidating than her already unintimidating appearance. She darted ahead, headbutting the water guy in the stomach like a missile, sending the two of them continuing through into the wall of what looked to be an underground coliseum. Once their momentum had been stopped by the immense wall of stone, Mai's fists fired at a rapid pace, bludgeoning into the man's face with hyper active speed. She was only stopped by a portion of the wall jutting out and smashing her in the face, sending the small girl tumbling back.

    "It's the damn monkey's kid!" a woman wielding a sword barked. The old windy guy soon got up, firing a tornado at Mai. Mai rushed into it headfirst, letting the intense winds fire her into the sky. As she floated towards the top of the coliseum's roof, she fired a thin beam of electricity, piercing the neck of the windy old man, sending him tumbling back with roars of pain. Soon enough, however, Mai would be smashed down to earth by a portion of the ceiling jutting down and sending her crashing into the ground. Once she impacted, a dome of earth wrapped around her body, capturing the small girl in what seemed to be a cage of sorts. Mai was being smothered by the rocks, which slowly began to close in. Mai used her own know how, plus the improvement from being in Force, to dig through the soft, loamy earth. She emerged on the other side of the cage, her magically imbued hands as if they were magnets to the face of the water guy, sending him flying into the wall. Mai looked over towards the entrance to this strange underground mausoleum coliseum, seeing Miss Luna engaged with the woman with a sword. The earthy woman scoffed, staring down Mai, who still felt the combined power of rage and Force ready to tear apart this woman who had kidnapped her Papa.

    WC: 0781 | TWC: 4979

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 11th April 2021, 12:15 am

    Luna could see that it was hurting Mai, but Mai was opening her mind to what was being said. Luna knew she couldn't expect the young child to realize the idol of her life before her in various shades of light. She knew that she couldn't expect Mai to be able to totally realize the situation, but she could see that Mai's rose colored naivety regarding her former guardian was cracking, and darkness could bee seen on the other side. "I really wish we didn't need to have this chat till Mai was way older..." Luna thought to herself before she would watch as Mai stormed off into the next room, which much to Luna's chagrin was overflowing with storm based magic, and possessed a great deal of power at their disposal. Luna was stunned and amazed as Mai cleaved through the various skilled mages, however she had little time on her own as she was singled out by the leader. However the words of the woman seemed to strike Luna as perplexing as they identified Mai as the adopted kid of Raijin. 

    Luna knew they were in the right place at this point, however she tried to remain cautious and look around at the scene, trying to gain an advantage, perhaps even find where the remains of the Storm god was. Luna had faith that Mai could handle a few of these men, especially as she went into force. However Luna saw there was a woman charging right at her with a sword in hand. Luna jumped to the side as the swordswoman finally had her attention. Luna kept evading as she studied the woman, analyzing the life force and found that it was strong, but there was nothing intertwined within it. "So, you're not a mage are you? Just a highwaywoman." Luna said before she would catch the sword in her hand before it would reach her throat, her hand remained unscathed before she would twist her foot before unleashing a powerful kick landing in the sternum of the woman, causing her to let go of her sword.

    Luna would toss the sword aside to Amelia, who impaled the sword in the grooves between stone bricks.  A pink liquid oozed out of Luna's finger tips before she flicked the droplet, and out of the floor several vines grew quickly and bound the disarmed swordswoman with her arms and legs behind her back. Luna walked through the resting place of the dead turned stormfront of a battlefield as she took great care to play this dark scenario out with the best plausible outcome, and that meant she would need to keep as many alive as possible not solely for the consciences of the Sabertooth mages, but for information that would be pertinent to why they were raising essentially their worst predator back from the dead, and perhaps maybe finding out more about Mai's past. The cultist she just disarmed was aware and alerted everyone in a manner that suggested everyone here knew who Mai was, which begs the question as to how these humans knew about Raijin so well. 

    Luna would bind the wind and water mages her protégé had taken down in vines as she approached Mai and the earth mage. "Careful Mai, if you want to learn about what is happening to your Papa, we need to take these people alive." She said approaching the scene before a yellow droplet oozed out of Luna's fingertip before dropping down into the ground, burrowing before a stump appeared at her feet, with eight roots in the ground that would rise up and strike the Earth mage, three of them missed, but five managed to hit, with two wrapping around her legs tightly to restrict movement, two more striking into her right forearm and left upper arm, with the last one grazing the left side of her hip."Alright I know you all are some weird cult hellbent on reviving your own murderer, you know who this child is, but if you don't know who I am, let me give you a refresher. I am Lunaris Mira, a skilled mage and I've been at this game a few years, career highlights being Aurora's guild master at one point, going toe to toe with big bad monsters worse then anyone here. Amelia here and I took down a dragon that no one else could in a hundred years in a team effort with Leona Jarnefeldt herself. So keep that in mind before you answer this simple question... why the hell are you all trying to revive your future murderer?" Luna said with confidence as she was trying to keep up an act that she was stronger then she really was. "She's got a point, Raijin would just murder all of you afterwards, assuming you even revivie him correctly." Amelia said walking into the room looking around, but she could sense the divine essence of the chaotic storm god was near...

    WC 828
    TWC 11902


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Mai Stormschild
    Mai Stormschild

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Child of a God
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Luceam
    Experience : 34,161

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Mai Stormschild 7th September 2021, 8:12 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    The mages were none too receptive to Luna's plans to extract information from them, all five of them breathing out as the souls left their bodies, floating to the orb containing Papa. All of them were dead, and now Mai was alone with Amelia and Luna as the orb shook the entire room around them before a violent explosion took place, clearing the room into just a perfectly round colosseum. When Mai got her head pulled out of the walls of the arena, she looked and saw-

    "PAPA!" she cried out.

    Without thinking, Mai rushed over to try to hug Papa, only to be met by a beam of white tempests from his index finger, blasting her back into the wall. When the beam cleared, Mai saw that it was Papa, standing and stretching.

    "Keh. At least one person in this damn adventure isn't an idiot. Lunaris Mira. I know who you are. I thank you for helping train my lovely little weapon. She was still young, weak, and useless before you showed up. Now she is properly fit. Once I imbue her with even a fraction of my power, the world will be mine. All you mortals are weak compared to me. My pinky could slaughter a city."

    Mai took a few pained steps forwards, her head tilted in absolute confusion. "W-what are you talking about, Papa?"

    "You, brat." His piercing, blood red shining eyes glared at Mai with a wicked, fanged smile on his face. "You hate humans, don't you? Don't you wanna be with your Papa?"

    "But..." Something felt off.

    The hulking beast that was Papa took steps towards Luna, ignoring Mai. "Whatever. I suppose I'm lucky that at least one of the test subjects survived. Most of those I took couldn't even withstand a breath of my power. I'd've thought noble families would have had more magic. To think it took a dozen noble families and countless peasants in order to finally find one that wouldn't immediately die. Finally, though, I got this whelp." A deep, booming cackle escaped his lips. "What's that? You didn't know? Ha! What sort of guardian are you! You train this child as your own for however long it has been and you didn't even know? She is of noble birth, and you didn't know? I know your thoughts. The air crackles, the very hairs on your skin stand on end at your pathetic attempt to hide it. I mean, it should be easy to find. A noble family of blonde hair with a missing daughter? I'm sure if you truly cared you could have worked it out with ease. No, there is more. You call me a monster, you call me a murder, you call me a demon, a malevolent god, but look what you have done! At least I have the care to know of my wards! You don't care for the whelp! You could have done this, but you didn't! You claim to care for her, yet you only care for her in order to satisfy yourself! I, at least, would not dare lie about my intentions! You care for her because you are scared and because it makes you feel good! I have molded her into something great! You've done nothing!" He laughed once more. "No matter. You'll see her true power." In his hand, a small ball of tempest magic formed before turning into a small candy. He lazily lobbed it into the air. Mai immediately knew what it was, her favorite old treat of Stormckers. She easily ate it up before power coursed through her veins.

    The power shot off her and Mai's mind went blank.

    Raijin was always such a loving father. Now he was back! All Mai could do was rejoice! But... something was wrong. Papa's violet - no, red? eyes were glared at the pink haired woman. She was an interloper. She was trying to kill Raijin. Mai could not let this happen.

    Nothing could get between her and her father.

    Mai dashed ahead, her eyes the same glowing blood red as Raijin's, her fist wrapped in storms, as she prepared to punch the interloper to death.

    WC: 0695 | TWC: 5674

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Raijin, the Tempest God FuTi3lI

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Raijin, the Tempest God Empty Re: Raijin, the Tempest God

    Post by Luceam 5th October 2021, 9:41 pm

    Luna sensed a sudden shift as the Life Force of all the acolytes seemed to condense, as well as their magical powers as their souls would be forcefully removed from their bodies. The fairy was not at all pleased with the turn of events and as much as the tremors and sudden deaths did shock her, the experience was all too brief as she would follow chase after Mai. The moment Luna sensed a divine magical aura she knew everything was true and turning bad at an alarming rate. She would sense the awakening. She moved the stone bricks around her feet to withstand the tempest as she would raise her arms to guard her face, but when the beams stopped and Luna lowered her arms, her eyes were opened wide as she saw Raijin get up and move freely. "Well, Shirain help us all..."

    Amelia recognized the Storm God and kept silent, watching from afar as she prepared to barrage him with unholy lightning should the situation call for it. The Artificial woman was quite aware just how fragile this situation was, and much to her chagrin, she had to agree with Raijin on many points.  However she watched as there was a rage boiling within Luna as the Storm god essentially slandered Luna's character, but soon that rage seemed to vanish, only for Amelia to realize it merely took on a more calmer form as Luna waited for Raijin to finish.

    When Luna saw Mai charge at her, she formed dark earth around one of her hands with Dark Terragenesis as she would catch Mai, before using the other to manifest a soul tear and chlorokinetically lob it into her hand before sliding the healing and purification fruit into Mai's mouth. She would look up at Raijin with a cold disdain. "You done chuckle nuts? Good, as I'd like to say something." She said with a piercing glare in her eyes that would send most men shivering. Even Amelia backed away, understanding Luna was used to cutting tension even before she got magic powers.

    "You present points that are somewhat valid, but are twisted like your brain. I long suspected Mai was of some magic descendant or nobility, and I did not act on that which may not have been the wrong choice, that's only because I was trying to protect Mai and them from Mai if the reaction went badly. Given how she practically worshiped you, I can only imagine the adverse reactions that would've been held if her family was one that loathed you, or couldn't handle magic like a God Slayer. I didn't help her find you only out of the thinnest hope you were as she believed, a decent God with redeemable qualities as Amelia and I long thought there was an accidental patricide closed off by trauma, though I guess there was a degree of trauma." She would say before putting Mai down gently, letting her burn out any lasting fury against Amelia as she walked towards Raijin.

    "Those acts may be sins, but it is the role of a parent to bare the sins needed to keep kids safe. I wanted Mai to have a decent childhood, better then I ever got so I decided to keep her as innocent as I could, I never forced her into danger like you. You see, the difference between us is I treated Mai as Mai, not as my weapon. I could've weaponized Mai, forced her into dangerous stuff, but I focused more on helping her get along, make friends, and try to see more then just fighting." She said cracking her knuckles singlehandedly. "You're allegedly telepathic and maybe Omniscient, so you can see that, or maybe your standards are only regarding independent strength. I dunno and don't care. But I let Mai be Mai, I didn't force her to do anything, I took her whenever I could, make sure she had a safe place to call home. So I've lied, so have you, it disgusts me to say there are parallels between our treatment of Mai but the difference is, my lies were to let Mai be happy, free, and choose who she wants."

    She said as she held her arm back. "But if you want proof that I care about Mai..." She said as she channeled as much magic as she could into the ground beneath as she made it shake before she would arc it upwards as a spiraling column of dark earth and purple colored plants of an unholy element would rise up from beneath them striking at Raijin. "Harvest Goddess Carpo! That's right, I became a Goddess Slayer out of your sight, a power I would normally have rejected for myself. But for Mai's sake, I'll do anything to protect her, you on the other hand just admitted Mai is a latest in a series of projects, humans you've embedded powers into that couldn't measure up. I'll make sure you pay, for the damages you've caused, the deaths of all you slaughtered, and for the harm you did Mai..." Luna said with a look of determination in her eyes.

    Meanwhile as Amelia tried to contain Mai using an electrokintetic cage until Mai calmed down, she looked over at Luna with a shocked face. "Luna, that was a baddass speech and all, I know Raijin heavily implied it, but I don't think Mai figured out she's human until you just said it bluntly, that Mai is a human girl who was abducted and manipulated by Raijin against her will and possibly making her birth parents very said or very dead." Amelia said as Luna nearly choked on the revelation. "Okay, we'll unpack that later, odds are Raijin would've spoiled it too, but then again that is the biggest not really lie but not really telling the truth either Raijin ever did."

    WC 980

    TWC 13577


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 3:30 am