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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 82,536

    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 12th March 2020, 1:12 am

    Kiss the Ground, Bow Down


    It was odd for Birch to extend an invitation to anyone, but today had been different. There was yet another festival of sorts going on, and instead of waiting for the white queen to send someone to drag him away from what he was doing to go have 'fun', he'd flipped the tables. It was true that Birch was a closet romantic-- one of his many secrets-- but even though this was a day for love to be celebrated, romance wasn't his primary motivation. The fact that a chocolate company was holding wedding demonstrations all around Fiore on this day was more the cause for this departure from his norm, but it wasn't the gleeful event itself that drew Birch's attention. Through his slowly growing channels of information, he'd learned that a young ex-official from Hostia would be in attendance in Talonia, where he and his wife-to-be had taken refuge following their home's fall to Errings Rising's control. It seemed the couple had gotten comfortable enough in their perceived safe haven to look into marriage, using it as symbolic new beginning. Birch might not have minded much if the two had been content to lay low forever, integrating into Fiore's putrid society. The interesting thing was that these two were using their new beginning as a kick off for a campaign to bring the old Hostia back. The King might be dead along with much of their population, but those still living that hadn't joined with the dark guild were ripe for the gathering. With a little intelligence and planning, they could wrest power of their home back.

    This didn't sit well with Birch. Hostia's takeover had been a circus in his opinion, but at the end of the day, Errings Rising held power over it. If the guild could keep doing things like that, he could use each of these conquests as stepping stones to his own reclamation of power. It'd all be for naught if the conquered took it all back. After conversing with his guild master about the Talonia rumors, he proposed they set out to shake up this false sense of safety the refugees had. Just because the town was a hub for the guildless didn't mean it was off the grid. He and Saraphina would go to participate in the wedding demonstration to suss out the dissenters.

    They arrived at an elegant outdoor wedding, situated at the base of Talonia's beautiful waterfall. An arch made up of ivy and lilies was erected right at the water's edge, the mists from the thundering fall catching the afternoon sun in just the right way to summon rainbows all around. A white fence separated the festivities from the general public, and the entry point would take them into a large tent at the very back of it all where preparations were made and guests were signed in. Birch's intention had been to attend as guests, but once they arrived, they were assumed to be the bride and groom for the day. It was easy to see how they'd get that impression, considering Saraphina's general state of being. That didn't stop Birch from being grumpy about it, though. The level of his brows over his eyes always gave him away. Annoying as it was, he didn't resist. Whatever it took to get inside to those Hostians, even if that meant he had to marry his guild master for the day.

    No doubt this would exasperate their already...awkward relationship. In fact, Hostia was where it had begun its complicated dance. The blond had originally intended to simply try to be her right hand and gain power at her side until he could stand on his own and ultimately surpass her. Plans had altered a bit in a more manipulative direction, where taking advantage of her naive feelings could aid him greatly. That accursed clown complicated that by simply existing, but that was no excuse for the line growing more and more blurred as months passed. By the time the Winter Solstice was upon them, he was actually starting to find aspects of the silly girl attractive and had even had a bit of fun on the date her servant had forced them on. Of course, he planned to reject any inkling he had of love or lust or whatever it was. One betrayal by a psycho ex-fiancee was enough to put him off love and marriage forever. Birch's heart was biter and meant to be locked up far away from anyone's grasp. Even so, playing this game was a risk. High risk, high reward. It was like playing with fire. No one escaped a burn here and there, but the real threat was being engulfed. It was unpredictable.

    At current, there was a flurry of hands around the tall man who stood ever so regal on a pedestal in the center of his side of the dressing tent. His body was meticulously measured, fashion mages snapping fingers and switching him in and out of suits and cooing. Birch was used to this. As a royal, he'd always had countless attendants to handle every aspect of his life. It'd been quite a while, though. It had been jarring adjusting from royalty being served to servitude, but it seemed just as jarring the other way around. At last, his appearance was acceptable. He was outfitted in a sleek, modern suit in the deepest black and his hair was left to curl naturally down his shoulders, though the shorter pieces framing his face here hair sprayed in place so as not to obscure his vision.

    Graceful long strides followed the white floor runner between rows of white folding chairs capped in ribbons. Soon Birch stood as a groom to the right of the arch, waiting with the officiant for the bride to make her grand entrance. Whilst he waited, stormy eyes scanned the crowd for his intended targets, but nothing stood out about any of them. Without knowing what they looked like, this would prove more challenging, though he always had a backup plan in place.


    WC: 1014 || Birch's WC: 1014/4000



    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Saraphina 14th March 2020, 7:49 pm

    The White Queen
    The white haired queen was honestly still very shocked that she was invited by Birch himself to go do something. She had just found out about the Valentine's day festival when Birch had come to her, but she was almost immediately distracted by the fact some Hostian officials from before she took over was trying to start a new and retaliate against her. Nadaline honestly worried for her mistress as she wasn't thinking of the day and was allowing herself to be clouded by the Hostian situation. She had been slightly overseeing the rebuilding of Hostia and making her own order in the city she ruled over. She wasn't going to live in ruins. People could rot in Hel if they thought so for a second because of her going against the laws and such. But, before she left with Birch, the maid had made sure the queen was dressed in a nice white dress that had a white, floral printed, see-through, off the shoulder, long sleeved top. Her chest was conveniently covered by a couple flowers of the print. For once, she had opted out of her crown, and wore her infamous locket around a gold chain.

    The queen thought nothing of her attire till they arrived in Talonia. It had been a while since she was here… she met a young man here before, when she first created her beautiful. He had gifted her a lovely flower and a music lacrima with the song he recorded on it for her. She was thinking of it after she arrived there. The last time the white queen was here, it was night time, now it was opposite time and she could enjoy the sights in the light of the day. Her purplish pink eyes looked over the waterfall and all the beautiful things about Talonia. At the wedding venue, she seemed swept away by the beauty of it, placing a hand on her chest as she observed the setup. "I can't wait till I get married one day!" She didn't hide the excitement in her voice, or on her in general. It was also no secret about this wish of hers too. What she didn't expect, though, was for her to be actually having a wedding that day!

    She was pulled off to a tent by a group of women, who were trying to make sure her dress wasn’t damaged and match new accessories to her gown. She had to refuse them removing her necklace, demanding that it stay. All the while that this was going on, the women were complimenting about how great of a bride she’d be and that she was gorgeous, even going as far as saying that she was lucky to have found a nice looking man. Her face started to turn a bit red as she glanced away from the women. Nadaline had been telling her to slow down a bit lately with attempting to pursue someone. Saying something about being slow wins races or whatever. She had been trying to not bother Birch as much as she had been here lately, The women move Saraphina to sit her down in a chair, and covered the top of her dress around her shoulders in a smock of sorts while they begun attacking her hair. They were brushing it out and detangling what few tangles she had in it.

    Eventually, the hair on the sides of her head was braided loosely back to meet a mass of organized chaos of curls that were half up and falling over her back elegantly with her white hair. She looked in the little hand mirror and blushed a little while some makeup was being applied to her face. A soft pink blush was now on her cheeks as red lipstick was being applied on her lips. The longer this went on, the easier it was for her to forget about the original mission, and how she was going to be married… Her mind was conveniently forgetting that it was temporary during her set up to look like a beautiful bride. “Come look in the big mirror!” One of the women says as they stand next to a full length mirror. Slowly, Saraphina stands up and stands in front of the mirror. She was frozen in place as she looked at herself. “I’m sure that one day, when you get married for real, you’ll look just as beautiful. If that man won’t marry you himself, I can hook you up with someone who would appreciate your beauty!” The woman seemed proud of her claim before she started to lead Saraphina out of the dressing tent. She was reminded that this wasn't real, and felt a knot form in her throat.

    The music started playing a few seconds before she left the tent. One of the women gave a heads up to the one in charge of the music so it would start before Saraphina came out of the tent with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and a veil over her head. As she followed the floor runner, Saraphina was trying hard to remind herself that this was fake, She wondered if this dress would be the perfect dress to officially get married in one day to her prince charming. She let her eyes look up around the outdoor wedding that was to be her wedding. Before she could look too long, her purplish pink eyes spotted Birch, and her face instantly turned red. She had to look down to her feet for a moment, make sure she continued to walk as she listened to the wedding march. She took a deep breath as she lifted her head back up, face still decently red.

    She made it to the altar, and had to glance away from Birch while she caught her breath. He was too much for her heart to handle! This was a dream right? Marrying this prince charming next to her. The one who was always so grumpy and unhappy with her, but he didn’t disappoint her despite that after their spat before in Hostia. The officiant began to speak his little spiel and began the ceremony. She turns her head slightly to Birch, and eats her embarrassment from looking at him. “I can’t help believe you were actually okay with doing this. I feel happy to be here.” She softly giggles so he should have been the only one to hear. The officiant glanced up to her as he was speaking, but didn’t pay much mind for her idle chatter. He was chalking it up to wedding jitters or something on her part. “You look really handsome in a suit. I can’t tell what I like seeing you better in anymore.” She wasn’t fully expecting anything in return from Birch, he had said he liked her in black more, but this was a wedding and what she preferred to wear.

    Saraphina glanced over her shoulder towards the crowd. There was to be a reception afterwards if she was correct. She turned her attention back to the officiant, and smiled softly for herself while looking at her bouquet of white roses. “For my wedding bouquet, I think I want camellia’s and iris’...” Her attention went back to Birch as she tried to peek around her veil a bit. “Do you think I’ll be able to get married for real one day?” She was nervously fiddling with her bouquet as she stood there. The sound of the officiant clearing his throat got Sara to stop, as he glanced to her, and she quickly ducked her head as she felt she was talking a bit too much right then. She started blushing deeper, pulling her flowers up a little to hide her face some. She was the queen of Errings Rising and Hostia! How could she be getting embarrassed at a wedding! A fake one she was the bride of at that!

    She opened her mouth to speak again, and blushed a little bit more as her eye caught the officiant, who was still talking, but was looking at her. She memorized the vows they usually have to say already, they were getting to the ‘I do’ part. She then froze. They would have to kiss? Her face instantly turned probably the deepest shade of red under the veil, enough that the tips of her ears turned the same deep red as her face. ‘I can’t do this! I can’t do this! I can’t do this!’ She screamed at herself in her head. Her hands gripped the flowers as the officiant looked to Birch to ask him if he accepted her to be his wife. She started to slightly sway where she stood as she was getting a little dizzy from her nervousness. Would she be able to say it when it was her turn to say it!? Her heart was near beating out of her chest over the thought of having to kiss Birch here! A potential prince charming actually kissing her!
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
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    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 82,536

    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 20th March 2020, 2:17 am

    Kiss the Ground, Bow Down


    Smokey eyes watched as she was revealed from the tent at the official music's summoning. Of course she hadn't changed her dress. Though it was white and poofy, two unfavorable traits he'd already made vocal before, in this setting it was...acceptable. Nice. She looked good, even if she did seem embarrassed. That wasn't a surprise, considering how she was about love and weddings. His cheek twitched and one corner of his mouth lifted just slightly, though his posture remained as formally rigid as it always did when he was slightly uncomfortable. Soon she stood before him, nervously chattering.

    Her disbelief that he was okay with this was warranted, and thus he didn't comment. Birch frankly had the same thoughts, wondering how this had seemed like a worthwhile way to get at the rogue Hostians. Though his face wouldn't show it, the celestial phoenix was extra broody inside. Yes, he was a secret sap. Those guilty pleasures he read about filled with unlikely romance, gratuitous and steamy encounters, and unrealistic drama almost always ended in a fancy wedding and a happy ever after. Once upon a time, he'd thought he'd get the same. He had a pretty fiance he thought would make a great queen and an even greater wife, but she'd been a viper. Her whole family had been venom, a parasite laying in way to take full control of the host.

    Instead of a wedding to the woman he had loved with all his heart, he attended a funeral for all of his family members alone, the lot of them disgraced. He knew the truth, why they'd done what they'd done, but he was forbidden to speak of it. The only time she allowed him to speak was to step down from his throne and give her this kingdom and everything he had left. He couldn't tell anyone, not even the Enforcers, that his family had been cursed and unable to control themselves when they'd massacred so many people then kill themselves. He couldn't tell them that his traitorous ex had dabbled in the dark arts and stolen their wills as much as she'd imprisoned their names. Watching their souls be sucked out of their bodies to live in eternal punishment within the Null Lamp while their dead bodies were buried, helpless to defend them, had birthed such hatred in him. A hatred so deep, so dark, he'd never felt anything like it in all the lifetimes he'd lived. Still, his infinite lives held more torment for him by her hands, all while her red lips curled up in a wicked smile.

    Carmina sent him to war as a mere soldier. Most were not kind to him since he was the lone survivor of a royal family that massacred their own people. The ex-prince was subjected to all manner of torment until the tides of battle washed away title and past alike, leaving only bodies to fall in the name of Giltena, in the name of Queen Farraday. And once she'd wrested control of the peaceful kingdoms around, she ordered him back to serve her and her household as nothing more than a lowly servant. From prince and husband-to-be to butler. He could still see her wicked smirk, ordering him around...

    All of this flooded his mind when he saw Saraphina's red lips. With that lipstick and the pale, curly hair for just a second he resembled the evil woman. It squeezed his chest. The dull ache from a good life ruined, yet there was still a surprising amount of longing lingering even after all that had transpired. No, he harbored nothing but hatred for his ex-lover, but he did remember and crave the happy times they had had, even if they had been a lie to get close and gain his trust. It'd been a while since he felt a lump in his throat. Birch knew this was a fake wedding, of course, and his downfall had been many years ago now, but he couldn't help but think this could have been the alternate outcome for his life. Having a beautiful bride meeting him at the altar, the seats filled with excited Giltenans celebrating their King's and soon-to-be Queen's day of bliss. He had to remind himself that this was a fake wedding. This was a murder mission. And, most importantly, Saraphina wasn't Carmina. He could get through this. He could set aside this sudden craving for romance and tenderness, as well as all these negative memories. This was all no big deal.

    Ignoring the officiant who didn't seem to want them to speak, Birch responded to her next hushed words. "Both are lovely choices," he replied idly, peering through her veil the best he could. "As determined as you are, I have no doubt you'll get what you want," he smirked a little, his snideness meant in jest. Nothing stopped Saraphina. If nothing else, she was pertinacious in all things she put her mind to. Once she'd decided, not a soul could tell her no. He'd learned this many times over already. If she wanted to get married, then so she would, just as she'd taken over a whole country and declared herself queen.

    Though it, again, might complicate things, Birch would reward her for easing up on him lately. When it came to his turn to actually pay attention to the officiant's wrap up to the speech, the regal blond glanced to the miffed man back to Saraphina. "I do," he said in his low, rumbling voice. He placed his hands over hers that gripped the flowers, steading her, assuring her. They needed to make it through this to make it to the reception, where the true reason they were here would come to light. Should the red-faced bride manage to echo him in return and draw the ceremony to its rightful conclusion, the blond would lift her veil and reach up to curl his index finger under her heated little chin while his thumb rested right below her lower lip. He'd tilt her head up, again mentally reminding himself how bad this could make things later but ultimately accepting the risk as he leaned his face down to hers. Though this exact action was taken in Hostia and resulted in her fury, this time he wouldn't tease her. If she allowed it, he'd bring his mouth to hers with a firmness and confidence only Birch could command while remaining completely enigmatic.


    WC: 1076 || Birch's WC: 2090/4000



    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Ih2UNXF

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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by NPC 20th March 2020, 2:17 am

    The member 'Birch' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] NXDHjfc

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Saraphina 21st March 2020, 8:56 am

    The White Queen
    As she had walked down the isle, Sara could have sworn she noticed a small smile on Birch's face. But she lightly shook her head to that. No. She must be dreaming that. It was wedding jitters. Yes, that was it. She, luckily, made it to the altar with no issues and was talking to him. She smiled herself as he commented on her flower types she'd prefer for her own wedding, and about his comment of her getting what she wanted, that smile only grew bigger. She would get that one day, wouldn't she? She was determined to find her love and get married. Even if it was for just a moment. But she hoped it didn't come to that.

    Then came the lines of accepting one another as husband and wife, and the white haired queen was blushing like a madwoman under her veil. Birch had said the lines, and she lightly froze, due to hearing him actually saying 'I do' to her, and because he had touched her hand on the flowers. Her purplish pink eyes grew wide at the sight, and she found herself calming down slightly, but her face stayed red. She managed to glance up to the officiant as he questioned if she took Birch to be her husband, and she felt the knot in her throat again. Closing her eyes, she took a shaky breath while nodding her head. "I-I do." She managed to squeak out, almost literally. Would this be a permanent thing? She couldn't tell anymore once again. Part of her kind of wished so though. They were told they could kiss, and Sara nervously looked to Birch.

    She couldn't help but look down when her veil was lifted, but him grabbing her chin the way he did made her heart stop for a moment. Her eyes nearly instantly shot back to look at him. If her face could get darker than her lipstick, this would have been the moment that would happen to her, along with steam coming off of her from how heated she was feeling. Birch would see that her guild mark was covered by a bit of makeup. The makeup was a hair darker than her already fair skin, but it was still hard to tell unless one was close to someone, or knew she had a mark there. The ladies who did her makeup said it would outshine her dress, so she let them at least cover that while keeping her necklace. He leaned in to her, and her eyes closed, letting him lead and kiss her himself. When he did, she felt herself leaning into him a bit, reaching her free hand to grab his lapel, kind of trying to bring him closer to her. She was clearly inexperienced though in her kissing. Never had she ever kissed someone like that before. He would have to end the kiss, and when he did, Sara would remove her hand from his jacket, and touched her lips softly with her fingertips.

    She was kissed! Actually kissed on the lips! Her first kiss ever! And it was at a wedding like she wished! Her head was swirling with all the thoughts of what just happened as a sweet little embarrassed smile grew on her lips. A staff member had cleared her throat, making the white haired queen pout as she was pulled from her thoughts of her first kiss. The woman seemed to smile as she approached from the side of the officiant. "You two are rather adorable together. Make sure you treat her right. She seems like a great keeper!" She says, which only made Sara's face grow a deeper shade of red once again. She wanted to say that they weren't together, but she was too flustered from the kiss still to do so. "The reception will start momentarily, but first, the flower toss!" Sara looked back to the crowd finally, and gasped as the women seemed eager for her to throw the flowers at them. She wanted to look at Birch again, but was immediately reminded of the kissed they shared not too long ago, and looked down to her feet, giggling to herself like a little school girl. Then she wondered if he knew that was her first kiss? Did he already know?!

    The staff member motions for Sara to follow her, and the little queen nods meekly as she does so. Soon they were out of the way of the chairs, and she takes a deep breath. Her back was to the crowd, and she glanced to Birch briefly, having to quickly look away before she gripped the bouquet with two hands and tossing it up and over her head. She couldn't deny she was having fun already once again. She quickly turns herself to see where the bouquet would go, but instead, while it was in the air, a brilliant display of beautiful glittering lights and rose petals poof from the flowers midair and rain down on all the women that were attempting to catch the flowers. Sara was looking up at the display in awe. It was gorgeous to her. The crowd also seemed to be in awe at the raining petals and clapped happily. Sara giggled as she finally let herself look at Birch and found herself next to him again. She was about to say something when a couple came up to them to congratulate them on the wedding, regardless of how real it actually was.

    “You two are like royalty together!” The man said as he held up a champagne glass to the two. “If you were in our home country, we’d be throwing a big party that everyone in the capital were invited to! You’d be treated just like our nobility. Weddings are adored there!” The woman patted her companion's arm and smiled. “It’s their wedding. Lets save ours for later. Our home is currently no more, let it rest.” The woman giggles softly. She looked back to Saraphina and smiled sweetly. “You really are beautiful as a bride.” Sara absentmindedly smiled as she gingerly reached up to hug Birch’s arm if he let her, nodding a thanks to her for the compliment. That couple felt weird to Saraphina. She didn’t think much of it though as she noticed food was being brought out, and a lovely looking eight tiered cake with a little ‘fountain’ under the middle section.

    Sara’s eyes grew wide once again, and she looked up to Birch, would he cut the cake with her? Would they have to feed each other the piece of cake they cut?! The cake was wheeled out on its cart for the whole group to see. “I hope you guys like marble!” A chef says. Sara blinked a little, but shrugged her shoulders. “I kinda like chocolate and strawberries more…” She had mumbled quietly to herself, but marble cake was good too. She was now thinking of chocolate covered strawberries, and wanted some herself. People were chatting in awe as they found their way to the tables with some food. Someone had handed her a champagne glass, and she held it in her hand. Never had she had some before, and she decided to take a sip of it. It wasn’t too bad if she were honest. It tasted a little bubbly on her tongue, and it felt smooth going down, smooth enough that she let the whole glass slip down her throat. She kind of wanted more now.

    “S-should we go cut the cake?” The white haired queen questioned as she looked up at her fake husband. Her cheeks were a rather light shade of pink already, She didn’t drink, ever. What could go wrong if she has a couple more glasses during this party?
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by NPC 21st March 2020, 8:56 am

    The member 'Saraphina' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Die_02_42159_sm
    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 82,536

    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 24th March 2020, 5:43 am

    Kiss the Ground, Bow Down


    When Birch finally pulled his lips from hers he had no idea his lips were smeared with her red lipstick. He'd allowed that to go on longer than he'd meant to. The tall man paused, just peering down into her furiously flushing face for a moment. Saraphina really did look young. He wondered if it was her childish attitude, the giggles, the smiles that did it or if it was just that he'd been alive so long...or perhaps it was something in the middle. She was just barely an adult in non-immortal human years as far as he knew. Her inexperience had just shown, though the kiss was not bad. He could tell it was new, something she had to adjust to on the fly, because there were a lot of experiences she was still having for the first time. It was only now that he realized he would outlive her. Birch wasn't sure how he felt about that.

    In his country of Giltena, his kingdom had consisted of mostly immortal beings. Mortals made up a very small portion of the population, and since none of his friends were in that portion, it was inconsequential. A mortal's life was just a second-long blip on an immortal's sonar. There were no attachments to things that disappeared so quickly back then, but things had changed so drastically. This was not to say he was attached to Saraphina or any of the crazy people in Errings Rising, it was just something that struck him oddly. She suddenly seemed so small and fragile, even though he knew her strength eclipsed his own at the moment. The last person he'd kissed had been immortal like him, though. He hadn't even had to consider that one day, in the blink of an eye, she could be gone.

    Complicated, indeed.

    Tension built in his eyes and brows as he turned his face away to look at the clapping audience. For a moment he'd gotten distracted from why he'd brought her here, but now it flashed back into his brain as he glanced from face to face. Right. The Hostians. Saraphina's guild mark being obscured by make-up--yes, he noticed-- was a good thing. Gloves hid his own. As long as these renegades were unaware of what the people who attacked their home looked like, then they had no reason to be spooked into escaping before they were found.

    The officiant spoke, calling them adorable and telling him to treat her right. He nodded slightly, not feeling like dignifying such a pointless statement. This was a fake wedding. Yes, he knew it was to appear real to sell it to potential buyers, but the fact remained that the two of them could have been perfect strangers for all the woman knew. If he understood the brochure, if no couple volunteered to go through with this spectacle, then two random people would have been chosen to play the bride and groom. The more Birch lingered on his choices for the day, the more he wondered if his two-birds-with-one-stone ploy had been too much of a risk. Perhaps attending as guests would have been more reasonable, but what was done was done. He'd have to make the best use of it he could.

    It was time to throw the bouquet, so the bridal queen was led away. Her difficulty looking at him was noticed, and despite his continued reservations over this event, Birch couldn't help but be amused. So flustered. It was flattering and stroked his ego, which was very sizable though also very secret like most things about himself. As annoying as it could be, a part of him liked knowing she fancied him, even if he was just one in a long line of clearly inferior men she clucked over. The more he got used to what had just happened, the smugger about taking her first kiss he felt.

    As she tossed the bundle of flowers, it exploded and rained petals and glittering lights down on the expectant hoard of excited bride hopefuls. That was a nice touch. Very flashy. Soon the white-haired woman was back at his side, finally able to look at him. He wondered what she was about to say, but the potential conversation died as someone mentioned royalty in close proximity of the two. Of course, this would get Birch's attention, since he had once been one and aspired to reclaim his position sooner rather than later. It was a man and women with champagne, coming to fake congratulate them on their fake wedding. How novel, he thought sarcastically.

    The exchange would prove to be more productive than he could have foreseen. Was it luck or fate that had the exact two that Sara and Birch were here to find right to them, revealing themselves so easily as if they didn't have a problem in the universe. A wicked smile curled onto Birch's lips. Even as Saraphina curled herself on his arm, the blond man remained unfazed and unmoved. "I hope we can catch you two later in the reception," he said to them both, feigning a pleasant and friendly face, "I'd love to hear more about your country's weddings. Maybe we can get some tips for our own," his low voice nearly purred as he played the part of a future groom hopelessly in love. He hoped his odd countenance and words would drop a big enough hint to his bride for the day, but it seemed perhaps she was distracted by something else. Of course, she was. The bedazzled cake.

    With disappointment he watched the couple wander off, though he did see where they sat so he could find them later. It seemed his queen wanted to play the part of the happily married couple for a bit longer, and he knew better than to get in the way of her fun. Gladly partaking in the champagne doled out to them, he relished the light and bubbly taste of something high class for a change. When he did drink, he preferred expensive wines and top-shelf brown liquor, but the champagne was nice at events like this. The tall man sipped at it as the cake was set up as Sara listening to the baker about the flavor. It'd take more than one glass to give him even the slightest buzz, but he hadn't considered just how much his date would need to hit that happy streak. The blush on her cheeks was attributed to the kiss still, so he overlooked it.

    "Yes, we should," he said, going through the ritual with her to slice a nice sized piece, much to the crowd's enjoyment. Once it was on a plate, it was time for the customary feeding of each other. Birch would continue to play along, but he was growing impatient. Taking off his glove, he pinched some of the confection between his fingers and rose it to her mouth, though he turned his head to check the location of their targets while he did so. While he and Sara were so close to each other, now would be the time to whisper and make sure she knew who and where the Hostians were. "Those two we just talked to," he hissed, still looking away despite his hand moving toward her with the cake, "They are the Hostians we are here to kill. How shall we procee--" he cut off his serious talk abruptly, feeling resistance against his hand a bit earlier than he'd anticipated. Darting his eyes to her, he noted his fingers and the cake had missed her mouth nearly completely, smooshing it half on her cheek and half into the corner of her lips. Oops. At least she could still taste it, right? "Sorry..." he said, uncharacteristically awkward. How careless of him.


    WC: 1302 || Birch's WC: 3392/4000



    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Saraphina 25th March 2020, 4:02 pm

    The White Queen
    The white queen giggles softly as she nodded in return to Birch's comment about seeing the couple at the reception. But she froze a bit as she looked up to Birch. Their own wedding? Was he serious? Did he actually like her like that? Was that kiss not fake?! Was it a real one with feelings he felt for her?! That was absolutely the thing to distract her from everything that they were doing. Her grip had seemed to tighten a bit around her groom's arm before she had noticed the cake, reaching up delicately to push a lock of her hair out of her face. Her thoughts were absolutely everywhere, and she was a bit too giddy about them all as well. Then came the cake. The flower topped tiers elegantly displayed for the crowd to see. She had taken her glass of champagne then, eyeing the cake a little eagerly.

    His acceptance of cutting the cake with her made her smile as she gingerly tugged on his arm as she made her way over to the cake. She got a good look at the cake up close, and her eyes seemed a bit sparkly. Before she had gotten to cut the cake, she had asked for another glass of the champagne. She smiled softly as they held the cake knife together and cut the cake gingerly. He was going to feed her first. She blushed as she looked up to Birch again. He wasn’t looking at her as he was doing this. She begun to frown as he was trying to feed her and look away, but he had seemed to not be paying attention to where his hand was going. “Bir-” She started to mumble when the cake hit half her cheek. She hadn’t really listened to him, but her eyes noticed whom he was looking at. All she had heard was ‘Hostians’. Of course. She couldn’t be too happy with this wedding. Guess she would have to be sure no one would ruin her wedding then when she has her real one.

    She raised a hand up to touch the back of his hand to keep it where it was, and turned her head to lightly lick the cake out of his fingers. She removed her hand from his and gingerly moved the bit of cake on her cheek into her mouth, smiling sweetly. “Strawberry and chocolate would still be better.” She giggles as she reached her other hand to the cake and scooped up a small glob of the frosting and leaned in to reach for Birch’s nose, intending to put the frosting on it, though she noticed the server with her champagne, and motioned them to come over with it. She didn’t pay attention to where her finger went, and grabbed the glass after pulling her hand away. She shook her hand a little to get the remaining frosting off of it before noticing a napkin on the table and wiping her finger on it, if any was on her finger, and down the glass of champagne like it was nothing once again. “You guys should really get a bigger glass for this stuff. It tastes great though. Gimme another, pleaaaase?” She giggles as she sways a little. The server grew a little wide eyed towards Saraphina before he glanced over to Birch, wondering if he was aware of how she was acting, but he didn’t say anything and started to move on slowly.

    She stands up and puts her hands on her hips. All eyes were on her as she seemed to sleepily bite her bottom lip. “I heard that there are some people from Hostia here at this lovely wedding today?” She questions curiously. The couple they had talked to seemed to perk up excitedly as she said their country, and the woman raised her finger up a little. “We’re from Hostia.” She declares excitedly. Saraphina clapped her hands as she walked over to the table and grabbed the woman's hands, pulling her from the table. “You are?! How delightful! Hostia is such a lovely place I’ve seen. All the pretty green fields… the beautiful buildings....” “And the charming people~ Oh how I miss my home, but it was taken over by a wretched group and ruined it all!” The woman had interrupted Saraphina talking. The purplish pink eyes of the queen peered at the woman as she gripped the woman's hands harder, trapping her there. She leans in to her, and giggles sleepily. Her smile wasn’t as creepy as it usually got when she was mad, it was more of a soft smile this time.

    “I’m sorry… what…?” She simply questioned her in a calm fashion. “Errings Rising isn’t a ‘wretched group’ at all. We didn’t destroy Hostia. We freed it.” The woman’s eyes started to grow wide as she listened to the little girls words. “Errings Rising freed the people of Hostia from the torment and oppression of the laws. Errings Rising only attacked those who really attacked us. Those who meant to harm us!” She began sleepy giggling once again. “If anything, it was Hostia who were wretched for stealing all of the people's money to fill the pockets of the horrible… horrible… horrible officials. They wanted to get fat and happyyy on the people's monies while putting on a beautiful front that everyone in Hostia are rich and happy and better than the rest of the world when they aren't!” She giggles some more as she holds the now scared womans hands up to her. She peered around to look at the man, who was sitting there, looking a bit terrified at her as well. Sara smiled to him as well, showing her sharp teeth this time. “Tell me all about Hostian weddings! I think I’m gonna get my real wedding there, and I would simply love to honor a traditional Hostian wedding.” She giggles as she leans back to the woman again. “Tell me, what are Hostian weddings like? Are they similar to Fioren? Are there things we shouldn’t do…?” The woman was trying to lean away from the young queen and she got irked a bit. “I’m talking here!” She whines out to her, pouting. “I just want to be married one day. No one lets me talk about getting married or helps me plan my wedding! Fenrir.” She groans as she let go of one of the woman's hands and waving her hand in the air. Suddenly the toothed dagger was in her hand and she plunged it into the woman's chest as she yanked her closer to her. She ripped the dagger out of the woman's chest, and everyone started to stand scared. The front of the young queens dress was a bit red from how she stabbed the woman.

    Sara raised a hand out in front of her, taking a deep breath after she simply let go of the woman to let her drop. “Jord.” Large rocks started to rise up from the ground and were blocking the possible exits. The smaller chunks were swaying between the large chunks. The sleepy giggling came from the white haired girl as she looked down to her dress. “My wedding has been ruined, Birch.” She pouted over to the blond man to see what he’d do before she calmly made her way over to the man. Her steps were a bit wobbly now, though. She had stayed still a bit too long before while she was talking. The alcohol in the champagne was settling in and taking effect on the lightweight. She holds her dagger up at the man. “You… are gonna die as well.” She giggled as she picked up the woman's glass of champagne she had left on the table, and let the contents slip down her throat as well. She giggles some more as she puts the glass down. Her eyes sleepily went over to the man who had slowly begun to stand up as she just leaned on the table, cheeks staying a steady blush as she giggled. “I feel a little funnyy~” She says as she touches a hand to her cheek briefly before she looks after the man again.

    Someone tried to throw something at her to distract her, as another tried to get around the boulders. She was a little slow as a plate hit her, letting up a whine, but one of the smaller rocks quickly had gone after the runaway, almost missing them at first, but smacked into the back of their head, rather hard, before the rock went back in its place. Her eyes went towards the one who had thrown something at her, and the little pebbles shot at them, piercing through their skin of their neck. The person fell down and the crowd hushed as their eyes were on the queen. No one dared to move.

    The queen turned around, and grinned to the crowd. “No one is leaving. Not since I’m upset now.” Her attention went back to her dress, looking like she was thinking of something. “What do you think of a red wedding dress?” The girl asks with a giggle. She went over to the man as she leaned a hand on his shoulder heavily. He was trembling. She had her dagger in her hand still, and tapped it nicely on his other shoulder. “I was supposed to have a sweet wedding… with the beautiful man over there… I was to be happy, especially since I got a kiss, but you and your… mistress, ruined it by being here.” She giggles a little. She leaned an elbow on his shoulder as her eyes looked over to Birch. “Woouuuld you care roast a piggy?” She closed her eyes as she started humming her little song and swaying from side to side. Her leaning on him was a way to hold the man down, especially with her little dagger so close to his head. An eye opened and she spotted some more untouched glasses with some champagne on the buffet table. Her head perked up a little as she was wanting some more, but this guy here was going to trouble her if she were to move. Even though she was actually already getting sleepy as is.

    “Thrud.” She calls out and her sword was in her hand once again. A quick flash of light had the multiple swords about, and she sighs. “I really don’t want to deal with people calling the Rune Knights and all that…” She sighs as her other swords branched out and started going after people, making them scream in terror once again. Sara stood up, slightly wobbly, behind the Hostian man, and looked to her sword a bit. Sure, she could kill the man since she was there, but she really wanted Birch to come over to her again. She was still a bit upset he wasn’t looking at her while feeding her the cake.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
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    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 28th March 2020, 1:03 am

    Kiss the Ground, Bow Down


    The curses of being a hot-blooded man were made every clear to Birch as Saraphina licked his fingers. Had he been deprived of such things for so long that he was suddenly left vulnerable? He swallowed hard, freezing in place as she did so, so much so that he made no move to evade the frosting she smeared unto the tip of his nose. Even as she asked for yet more champagne and wandered off, he stood immobilized, staring into space. Yes. Very big mistake. For the both of them.

    He noticed too late that Saraphina wasn't holding her alcohol well. As he heard her voice project over the reception area, baiting the Hostians. The woman spoke up immediately. Good. At least Saraphina was on the right track now. He shook his mind free of the cobwebs and turned to watch, though that subtle tingling he felt in his guts at the aspect of the power and violence about to ensue darkened his expression. His eyes turned wicked, hungry. Birch would let Saraphina begin but certainly didn't plan on letting her have all the fun. As the woman made the mistake of interrupting the tipsy queen to insult Errings Rising, the blond man smirked. Bad move. It would only escalate from here.

    At least, he assumed it was. By the odd tone of what would normally be an angry smile but was instead a muted one, Birch didn't know what Sara would do. And it was...thrilling. It was hard to believe that for most of his extensive life he'd been against killing unless absolutely necessary. He'd been a gentle man. Now, as he watched his fake bride set the woman straight and stain her white dress with Hostian blood, all he could feel was his own racing pulse. His own anticipation. His veins craving a meal made of anyone who had a sliver of magic power in them. He wiped the frosting off his nose idly, sharp eyes watching Saraphina's every move. The guild master was just getting started, blocking the exits and beginning her reign of terror by killing those who tried to escape. He knew he should probably try to try and stop her from drinking so much considering how her magical control seemed to suffer, but he also couldn't help but find it interesting...and a little cute, if he was honest. Besides, who was he to try and stop her from doing anything? He'd been on her bad side enough already.

    As she glanced at him, then asked him if he wanted to roast a piggy, his wicked smile returned and widened. "Of course, my queen," he said in his deep voice, drawing nearer to her and the terrified man. Her power always got his attention. He was drawn to it. He wanted a taste but knew better. If she was mad he hadn't looked at her earlier, she certainly had his gaze now. "Stand back," he warned, standing before the doomed man. Birch placed his hand on the Hostian's chest and instantly his body was licked by flames and engulfed, yet Birch didn't bother to look at him. Instead, he merely kept the queen's gaze if she met eyes with him. The man's screams clearly amused the blond whose face was far from grumpy for a change. Just before his victim succumbed to the inferno, Birch switched from fire to absorption, drawing in any energy the man had until he was nothing but a shriveled, crispy husk. Birch groaned in satisfaction.

    Suddenly invigorated, Birch was more than ready to tear into all the guests of this wedding. He was riding the violent high since he was powerless to resist it. "Saraphina," he breathed her name, trying to mask the huskiness in his tone. In a couple of quick steps, he was standing very close to her, taking her hands into his own. "It's not a proper wedding until the happy couple dances," he nearly purred, pulling her close and placing a hand at her waste. Again, it seemed to call back to their interactions in Hostia, though they'd come a long way from then. "Dance with me, my queen."

    Even though she was tipsy and would likely not be much help in the dancing part, Birch cared not. He was physically strong enough to dance for the both of them, keeping her safely in his grasp while they moved around the reception area. even though there was no music, Birch found it wasn't needed. The splatters of blood kept the beat and the shrieks served as instruments and melody. "A red wedding dress would be beautiful," he said with a chuckle, referring to her earlier question. "A red gown for a red wedding." Though his dancing was gorgeous, the step work of a highly trained royal, the brutal fates he bestowed upon the people were anything but graceful. Every person they danced near either burst into flames, were swallowed and compressed by darkness, exploded into light, or froze in ice and shattered.

    Between Birch and Saraphina, none would survive.


    WC: 844 || Birch's WC: 4236 || Event Done.



    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Saraphina 31st March 2020, 10:19 pm

    The White Queen
    Saraphina giggled rather happily as Birch smiled back to her and responded to her inquiry of roasting pigs. She noticed though, that he kept his eyes on her, and she could barely remove her eyes from him after she noticed this. Those glasses of champagne stood no chance against the hues of Birch’s eyes with her. He won her gaze once again, and even in her current inebriated state, she could feel her heart speeding up from him coming closer to her. A small pout was on her lips from him telling her to stand back, but she lazily took a couple steps back regardless before she summoned her sword.

    Even though she literally said ‘roast a piggy’, she honestly didn’t expect Birch to literally roast this guy! A smile was on her lips as she noticed the fire and she clapped her hands together a little bit. She noticed he didn’t even look at the man as he did so, and she smiled to him. Her blush blended in with the blush from the alcohol affecting her, though her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as well. His smile was too much for her to handle in this instance. She was dreaming, right? This whole deal was a dream? Then he called her name. Instantly, she felt weak at the knees from just his calling of her name and being so close to her. “So you’re happy with me?” She giggles as she nodded to his comment of dancing with him.

    Her hand in his gripped it lightly as she placed her other hand on his bicep, near his shoulder. She was a little wobbly with her steps as they moved, but it was better than it would have been if he wasn’t supporting her as much. Even if she wasn’t drunk, she’d still be decently wobbly since she wasn’t used to dancing so much with a partner. She wasn’t used to this closeness. Her face was getting redder again. Her floating swords swung around them as they danced, not discriminating against guests and staff members as they danced. She didn’t even pay attention to her swords really. They just floated about and swung around while the queens dance partner did an array of deaths onto the people. She smiled once again as he told her a red wedding dress would be beautiful, especially at a red wedding. She let off a soft whine at that though. “If I wear red, and my wedding is red, I’ll blend with the decorations.” She cries out as she softly puts her head on his chest. “Our wedding can’t be all red!” She lifted her head again as she had a sleepy pout on her lips.

    “I will try to be a good wife… mama and papa said my pretty looks could get me only so far… I have to be good for my husband and do work to make us both happy…” She was slowly nodding as her eyes were failing her a little, especially with all the moving. She brings his hand holding hers to her lips after moving her hand out of the way, and kisses the inside of his hand softly. “You’re so warm… I want to cuddle you more… I wish I had met you in Skea all them years ago instead of…” She trailed off as she was feeling herself getting drowsy. Her head leans back on the blond again as her eyes started to flutter. “I’m sleepy eepy weepyyy… Are we done with the imbi imbeciles? Can my wedding… be happy appy… now…?” She purrs a little as she was mumbling some gibberish while she tried to talk to Birch. She wanted to cuddle into his chest, so her head nuzzled a little before it went back to leaning on the side while Birch led her about the dance floor. She didn’t even realize when the screaming had stopped from their destruction. She was focused on Birch, or more her sleepy state now.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
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    (669) (630 extra from previous post) 1299 total words
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    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

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    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Empty Re: Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020]

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 29th April 2020, 11:47 pm

    Kiss the Ground, Bow Down


    Birch waved off her worries about wedding colors, huffing dismissively. "If not red, then black. Black always stands out amongst the red and the white, and it also wouldn't show stains. There'd be nothing to take away from you then, now would there?" he asked as he easily glided around the wedding. The clanking of swords and screams were delightful, fueling his crescendo of emotion. The crackling of flame on flesh was nearly ambient at this point. The steady rise and fall of voices as they grew weightless and floated high in the air only to splat down around them and flatten. The traumas of war had done a number on the man, turning him from the genteel future ruler to a furious harbinger of lurid deaths. "You do know how I prefer black on you, anyway, so no need to pout," he reminded her, his proceeding magic running wild while he rode the high of violence. He wasn't even certain where it was firing off anymore, nor did he care.

    Birch would continue to spin his queen eloquently around, even as blood covered them both and everything contained within the event fences. Some of the metallic scented fluid was starting to run off into the base of the waterfall, tinting the river from that point on pink. If she hadn't seemed so tipsy, maybe he'd have pointed it out. Her focus was still on her own wedding day and the tasks of a wife. "'m sure you'll do fine as a wife. You never do anything halfway," he commented lightly, slowing their pace to something easier on a woozy person. Her kiss to his hand didn't go unnoticed. His arms pulled her close to his chest as a reward, eyes bright as if it was the first time he'd truly felt alive. Honestly, times like these were the only times he really did feel immortal and vibrantly alive anymore. Perhaps he was nothing more than this. Like the distant flashing of a star about to go out.

    Once he noticed the screams had stopped, he paused to look around. Not a soul remained living. Bodies were thrown over chairs and slashed up, sprawled and charred on the ground in crawling positions, frozen into crystalline statues. Some seemed to have exploded into pure blood spatter since there was far more blood than there had once been people. The ones caught in his mass manipulation were hardly recognizable as human. The tables were turned over and dripping and the once plain cake was now a glistening crimson. It seemed it was officially time to go. Now that he was coming down off his euphoria, he reasoned that their Red Wedding Reception had probably been quite noisy, no doubt catching someone's attention and presumably that of the Rune Knights as well. "Time to go, Saraphina," Birch spoke, voice calmer and regaining its proper coldness. Noting she was in no state to aid in her own escape, he sighed and hoisted her up into a fitting bridal hold. He'd carry her off just like this, narrowly spiriting them both away before the authorities arrived to witness their crime.


    WC: 525 || Birch's WC: 761 || Group WC: 2060



    Hope Falls [V-day Event 2020] Ih2UNXF

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:15 pm