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    Rise of the Starman


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,343

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    Rise of the Starman Empty Rise of the Starman

    Post by Lemony.Boy 2nd March 2020, 10:02 pm

    The young light mage tossed and turned in his bed, unable to stop dreaming about the stars and what they held.  As he slept, pink and blue light crept out from his fingers and streaked across the room like an aurora, leaving a glimmering trail in its wake.  It hung in the air just above the balcony rail and waited, like a dog eager to go outside.  Eventually, Zachariah couldn’t fight his restlessness, and threw the sheets aside.  Frustrated, he buried his head in his hands and groaned.  The sun was still long from rising above the horizon, and the crescent moon rested between the distant mountaintops.  He muttered a few tired swears and put on some warm clothes from his closet, washed his face and trotted over to the balcony.  A look of shock quickly painted his face to find a beating heart made out of light hovering above the railing.  The mage looked down at his chest, finding the glowing tether connecting him to the light, and quickly reached out to grab it and take it back.  But, the heart was elusive, and staggered backwards out of his reach.  Zachariah came closer and reached out once more with both hands, but the heart zoomed out of place.  The man nearly fell from the balcony, haphazardly holding onto the edge.  He called for his magic, trying to pull the light closer to him, but it resisted and sprang away like a slingshot.  His heart flew into the dull night sky and left behind an aurora stretching across the expanse of the sky.

    Orange lanterns lit below in the houses and streets of people who saw the pink streaks across the sky.  Residents below looked oddly up at the light mage, who still stared up at the sky and the dimming tether that connected him.  A sudden chaotic, panicked feeling coursed through Zachariah’s veins, followed by a sharp pain in his chest.  He groaned and realized what he needed to do, and stormed back into his condo.  He heaved on his white jacket and boots, then ran towards his balcony and leapt over the edge, falling through the night only to catch himself aboard the Starlight Surfer and follow the glowing heart into the night sky.


    He soared for miles and miles without tire, wondering what magical force had possessed his heart to leave in such a manner.  Or was there an enemy out afar that had placed a curse on him? Perhaps it was the phoenix missions he had taken; he disrupted some natural order and now the universe was coming to pay him back.  Nonetheless, he needed to retrieve his heart before his life ran out.  As of right now, it was looking like he had until sunrise to do so.  There was no telling where it was headed, but all Zachariah knew was that he was close to it when he felt a sudden surge of vitality return to him, like life itself was being restored.  But, as the distance between the two expanded, he felt the opposite way; as if he was dying.  They passed over township after township, like a shooting star across the night.  Residents below opened their windows as he passed, wondering what on earthland was happening.  Children made wishes, some adults as well, but Zachariah merely kept chasing after.

    Eventually, they came across a section of the world Zachariah had only heard of in legends, and was aptly named the ‘Unknown Lands.’  He could travel no further, and realized that neither could his heart, and the two crashed landed in the forest, no visible way out.  The ground was moist and warm, and the sound of a river nearby echoed throughout the gorge.  The trees were taller than life and crawling with nightly creatures; namely cats and large scorpions.  He could see the glow of his heart in the distance, like a light on the horizon.  It would seem as if it couldn’t travel any farther away from him than Zachariah could travel from it, and kept a distance where he was strong enough to travel and fight, but far enough to feel constant fatigue from its absence.  Zachariah pried himself free of roots and vines, then held up a pyramid of light in his hand to see, though the shadowy aura of the Unknown Lands somewhat masked its glow.

    Zachariah could hear music and see firelight in the distance, and so followed it until he came across a river, where he could see a reflection that was not his in the water.  It very much resembled him, but was sickeningly pale and had messy torrents of hair.  He was adorned with neon, retro garb and had an empty, white left eye.  The man in his reflection shot him a devilish grin and when Zachariah washed his face, disappeared.  After causing a disturbance, all he could see was himself again, and Zachariah wasn’t sure what frightened him more.  He began to remember something that happened to him some time ago.  On his visit to the planet Shinku, he dabbled in the dark side of things, and it only made him crave something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  It could have been power, control, ecstasy, but Zachariah never thought too deeply of it, as he didn’t want to nurture this evil within.  For the first time in a while, the night was truly cold for him, and he immediately sought shelter by the fire in the saloon.

    It was inside that he saw the man from his reflection earlier, and a shiver of fear ran down his spine.  He was as tall as Zachariah, had the same colored hair, save for one midnight colored streak, and had a sharper, more angular frame.  Zachariah felt his life force rise again, and realized his heart must have been nearby.  He sprang to his feet and checked outside.  The moon was bright enough that the saloon didn’t need flames.  He scanned around for a neon glow, but came across nothing.  When he decided to return inside, cold grey light flooded the area, filling the air with sharp tension.


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,343

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    Rise of the Starman Empty Re: Rise of the Starman

    Post by Lemony.Boy 3rd March 2020, 10:16 pm

    The night was empty now, leaving only the two of them and the intense magical aura between them.  The man before him was a powerful mage for sure, but Zachariah gauged him to be just as strong as he was.  Though, the light mage was off his game, cursed by some otherworldly force.  “Who are you?”

    “Don’t try to feign like you don’t know,” the other mage replied.  “It goes without saying that you know who I am.  It’s like looking in a mirror.  I am the darkness you keep trying to hide.”

    Zachariah trembled at the thought of that.  The other mage gestured and caused the light to flicker around him, and he briefly resembled Zachariah in terrifying detail.  All was the same in his impersonation, except for his midnight hair and ghostly eye.  Then in a flash, it disappeared, leaving only the mage with boyish hair and sharp features.  “So should I believe fate brought you here too?”

    “Crash landed in the middle of nowhere.  There’s something you have that I need.”

    “Funny.  You have something I need.”

    The two made quick eye contact, then engulfed the night in neon light.  Blue and white streaks bathed the Unknown Lands.  Zachariah transformed into Heimdallr and wielded a pair of steaming Morning Stars, constantly refreshing his fists after each burst, but his foe wielded light in a similar fashion against him, fashioning them into pyramid shaped blades that erupted from his palms.  The light seared through his skin, but Zachariah’s enhanced Take-Over seemed to overwhelm his opponent with sheer strength.  But, the foe was unwavering.  He began to dodge and evade Zachariah’s attacks when he could, blocking and parrying every other movement.  Zachariah felt himself growing wary, and realized his foe’s strategy.  Before he could tire himself completely, he crouched into a sprinting position and launched himself forward with a blinding rainbow.

    Though, a cold flash of light grasped the entirety of his body as he approached, and Zachariah felt his form break and stone overtake his skin like an outer layer.  He crashed into a tree and rose again, dazed by the attack.  His foe stood, hand extended with smoke coming from his fingertips.  He can use the Voidbane...I have to take him seriously, he thought, and decided to take a new approach.  Zachariah shook off the dust and petrification from his body, not quite fatigued yet.  He raised his hands in a combative stance and activated his Lightspeed Beatdown ability, and chased his foe at blinding speed.  He wrapped his legs around his opponent’s arm and threw him to the ground, using his enhanced strength to strangle him. Neon stakes escaped his hands, pinning his opponent’s free arm to the ground.  The two struggled, and Zachariah felt his energy gradually begin to drain.  “Looks like the light wins again,” Zachariah said through muffled grunts.

    “Don’t count yourself lucky.”

    Zachariah felt his opponent gaining strength little by little, and soared into the air with Zachariah attached at the shoulder.  The mage released his foe and forged the Starlight Surfer underfoot, and the two charged at each other once again.  Zachariah conjured three Spectral Drills and chased his opponent into the treeline with them, followed by a fiery Morning star to the chest.  His foe disappeared beneath the foliage, but Zachariah felt a magical pressure around his head.  Bursts like thunder erupted around his ears, and he felt his nerves briefly numb and lost control.  He came hurtling down to the earth, only to save himself at the last second with a Starlight Surfer.  His reflection soared down towards him, hands like claws and unrelenting when they gripped around his throat.  Blood let out in faint rivers from the sharp edges, but Zachariah fought back in kicks and screams.  The claws were hot as a star and burnt Zachariah’s skin upon contact.  Inexplicable pain reverberated across his body, as if the entirety of his body was being boiled alive.  Having had enough, Zachariah threw his foe off with the Ultraviolent Flash and hurled Morning Stars his way.

    “Shinedown!” he conjured, and the three colored rings formed above.  Zachariah flung his hand downward, calling down the red, yellow and blue light to come raining down in intense shards.  Smoke enveloped the clearing in which they fought, but Zach sensed the battle was long from over.  He felt a similar tension from earlier and ducked out of the way, hearing thunderous blows echo across the gorge.  He carefully stepped, then saw his weary foe rise from the brush.  The man with his hair now tousled and a fierce, deranged look in his eyes, swung his hands in an arch.  Light rained down on Zach, and he quickly parried the incoming wave with the Bifrost Blade.  It intensely glowed, absorbing the powerful spell.  The battle-crazed foe repeatedly swung his arms, casting the same spell over and over, then suddenly vanished.  Zachariah felt his presence again behind him, but was too slow to react.

    Searing talons shallowly scratched his back, causing painful tremors across his body.  Zachariah shouted in pain and dropped his blade.  Both mages raced for it, and Zachariah gripped onto the handle as if his life was dependent on this single moment.  His foe held onto the bladed end with his bare hand, and blood trickled into the dirt.  Zachariah breathed heavily, meeting eyes with his foe for the last time.  He was locking eyes with himself, or rather, the uninhibited, ‘dark’ side of himself.  The blade began to crack between them, slowly releasing an endless stream of light.  It eventually shattered, and golden lotuses of light cut through everything in the immediate vicinity.  Both mages fell onto their backs, thrown by the intense magic unleashed by the sword.  Zachariah clenched his jaw, holding onto the little vitality he had left.  Inky shadows were closing in over his eyes, but it was too late.  As the light from his eyes slowly drained away, they gave birth to a new, unhinged, hedonistic mage.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:38 pm