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    Phoebe Bishop


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 6
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Phoebe Bishop Empty Phoebe Bishop

    Post by Hummingbird 7th December 2020, 2:30 am

    Name: Phoebe Bishop
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Birthday: December 5th
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics:

    Personality: Phoebe Bishop is a young mage from the city of Aurelia in Bosco. Her father was the writer of a famous adventure series called "Chasing The Dawnstar". The book is a romance novel detailing the relationship between a young woman named Soltas and a fallen angel. Each chapter detailed the various places across Earthland the Soltas found her angel in until eventually the angel carries her off to Purgatory, where they forever found peace together.

    Phoebe herself had always admired this book, but not for it's story. She loved the beautiful illustrations of various locations throughout the book. From Loch Speire to the mountains of Dong Xia. Phoebe was enamored with seeing these places herself. For that reason she had always wanted to leave her home and join a guild. But her frail body didn't allow her to follow that dream. For ten years she was confined to her families manor. Despite her capacity to perform magic she wasn't even allowed to join the Magia of Bosco due to her condition. She found her freedom stiffled, and threw herself day in and day out into completing her own artwork of what she'd hoped different places she'd never seen before looked like.

    Phoebe's father was well known throughout Bosco due to his writings, and his elusive sickly daughter whose face was never seen had wrought her many gifts. One of which in particular was a light blue book detailing an old God Phoebe found herself strangely drawn too. They say his name was Dewloren, and that if one is willing to give up their life he will grant them the ability to chase after their dreams. And there was nothing Phoebe had ever wanted more. To merely visit the various countries of Fiore . . . she would give up her very soul.

    One day, while her father was away and only a few servants were mulling around the manor dusting of vases and preparing for dinner, Phoebe snuck into her fathers study. She didn't do it out of any malice, for Phoebe is not a malicious person, and did it more out of impulse. She happened upon a peculiar mirror that she thought was whispering things to her. In that moment she felt a biting cold she'd never before. It was as if the air around her was encasing her in snow. Was she dying? She was unsure. She could breathe but it was even harder than usual. As she closed her eyes for what she felt may have been the last time.

    She abruptly woke up in her room and felt like her body was no longer her own. She could move how she wanted, her eyesight and hearing were fine. And she even tasted a strawberry from a plant in her room just fine. But something was off about her. She felt healthier, she felt more free. She asked her father about the mirror before apologizing to him for breaking and entering but he hadn't recognized it either and she could no longer find it. In due time her father and servants allowed her to leave her home provided she wrote back every weekend thanks to her amazing recovery, and she took the chance in stride.

    Phoebe is generally a rather gentle person. Due to her isolated upbringing she'd often preoccupy herself with taking care of various pets or trying to get butterflies to land on her in the gardens. Despite this, Phoebe hates to be talked down to and will generally take on a crass tone in response to perceived slights. Her social skills aren't entirely present due to her isolated upbringing and constantly being surrounded by people bent on pleasing her so she's slow to forgive and a bit more indignant than she realizes. Most people will likely not have to suffer this side of her however. Especially since Phoebe is practically devoted to spending all of her time alone. The few friends she does make on her journey around Earthland she generally doesn't want to spend too much time around as she fears she'd ended up wasting too much time around them. There's always something distant and cold in her normally kindhearted words.

    This is because despite Phoebe's general optimism, she's suspicious that the one who helped her was Dewloren. A god known for chipping away at a persons lifespan in exchange for granting them what they need. It's a bargain Phoebe would have been happy to take willingly however, as if she died an old maid having seen the same rooms and window view thousands of times before she'd have considered her life wasted. Not that she even expected to live that long in the first place. She wants to help people. She wants to fall in love just like Soltas in her father's stories. She wants to find a way to thank Dewloren, or to find out if some other force aided her. With so much to accomplish, so many sights she wants to paint, Phoebe couldn't just sit still.


    • Strawberry Based Deserts; Phoebe had a strawberry plant in her room that she'd grow her own strawberries from growing up. Strawberries always remind her to send letters back to her home, and she's never forgotten to a single time. In fact, she specifically likes to time jobs she takes for Mondays in case they take long to ensure she writes and sends the letters on Saturdays.
    • Books; It's hard to be raised by a novelist and not grow a healthy love of books. Phoebe enjoys all kinds of writings but her favorite type of novel happens to be mystery series. She's been pestering her father for years to write one. Her favorite series is "The Adventures of Herlock Shomes".
    • The Flute; Phoebe herself cannot play the Flute. While she was taught the Violin and Piano at one point, the Flute (and all wind instruments) proved too hard on lungs and she even fainted once trying to play it. But now that her body is healthier she's free to learn how to play the flute, an instrument she always thought sounded beautiful.


    • Bosco Technology; Despite being from Bosco's capitol city and having a wealthy father, Phoebe never learned how to operate any of it's technology. This is because of sickly upbringing in part limiting her schooling, but even the teachers her father hired for her failed to teach her exactly how the technology worked. It's never been something Phoebe was fond of.
    • Pity; Phoebe has spent her entire life being pitied. Looked down upon by servants taking care of her. By her father who locked her away in a manor for so long. She doesn't want to receive anyone's pity for her past life. It's a waste of time.
    • Poisonous Flowers; There's something Phoebe always hated about the idea of a poisonous flower. She'd received normal flowers as gifts so many times before. Roses, Violets, and Azaleas all adorn her old home. But a poisonous flower takes that mundane beauty Phoebe loves about the world and tosses it to the side.


    • To see and paint all of the greatest sights of Earthland; The reason Phoebe joined a guild in the first place was to get an excuse to travel all about earth land and flit between it's many countries while maintaining a stable place of rest.
    • Writing about an exciting adventure to her father; She has never once forgotten to send him his letters and a part of her wants to live such an exhilarating life that when she dies he'll write a wonderful story about her.
    • Finding a new mundane thing to enjoy about life; From the satisfying way a cracked egg looks on a pan, to the relaxing bustle of a lively town. Phoebe has found herself enjoying more about the world than she even realizes.


    • Running Out of Time; If Dewloren really is the one who helped her, then she doesn't have much time left. She wants to spend all of it to the fullest she can.
    • Creating Enemies; To some extent, Phoebe is aware that she can be a bit bullheaded at times when people are rude to her. She fears on some level that this could potentially create unnecessary enemies and tries to reign in her tongue but sometimes there's just no use. This is especially worrisome as creating friends isn't something Phoebe is particularly good at to combat this issue.
    • Legal Limitations; Phoebe gets annoyed with being told no on a basic, and intrinsic, level. So being told no justifiably or not by the law of all things is something that particularly grates at her soul. A part of this is simply that she was raised to respect the law even when it annoyed the heck out of her.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 141 lbs.
    Hair Color: Flaxen
    Eye Color: Light Blue
    Skin Tone: Fair

    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: On her back
    Tattoo Color: Light Blue
    Shen Kadokawa
    Shen Kadokawa

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Tournament Participation Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow Hero- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player-
    Lineage : Assassin's Shadow
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 11951
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 505
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,283,767

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Arcana
    Second Skill: Vox Universum
    Third Skill: Disciple of War

    Phoebe Bishop Empty Re: Phoebe Bishop

    Post by Shen Kadokawa 7th December 2020, 12:22 pm

    Phoebe Bishop FbVA7uB




    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Phoebe Bishop Empty Re: Phoebe Bishop

    Post by Saraphina 4th March 2021, 5:36 pm


    This character is being moved to WIP for failing an activity check and is subsequently being removed from its Guild Group. When the character is updated and brought active, you can request an approval.


      Current date/time is 31st May 2024, 7:49 pm