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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)


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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 6th January 2020, 7:49 pm


       544 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    It was a chilly day in Magnolia Town. The clouds in the sky shielded everyone from the warm sun, sending shivers up and down spines. Madi was one of those chilly souls. Her coat provided some warmth, but not enough to save her from those evil, itchy goosebumps that formed on her skin. Madi had traveled from Talonia to be here in Magnolia. She had hoped that she could maybe make some money playing her guitar. People hadn't been very generous in Talonia, but perhaps it would be different here. Guitar strapped to her back, and smile plastered to her face, she tried to remain positive. She just needed enough jewel to get a hotel, and then she could call it a day!

    Finding a nice little spot in the middle of town, she took a seat on the chilly pavement. People stared as they walked past, giving her mixed expressions. Some eyes were filled with pity, some were filled with disgust, and some were even filled with interest. Trying not to let the negative vibes get to her, Madi grabbed her guitar and started playing. It was a pretty slow, mysterious tune at first, but the pace quickly grew, and she began to hum along with it. Instead of just walking by, some people began to stop. Some danced, and some just stood there and listened. Both reactions made the cotton candy haired woman's heart swell with excitement. Jewel was tossed lightly into her guitar case as she continued to play. After finishing a few songs, she stopped for a moment to rest her fingers. A small rumble of applause followed, and Madi bowed cheesily towards the crowd. "Thank you guys. I appreciate it." The young woman bubbled, a bright smile spreading across her face. "I'm gonna take a little break guys, but I'll be back at it again soon. I promise!" With that, the crowd began to disperse, wandering the streets as they had been before.

    Madi placed her guitar on the ground next to it's case before standing up and stepping away to stretch. Letting out a groan, she closed her eyes as she twisted back and forth, trying to get the soreness out of her back and legs. Opening her eyes once more, she noticed that something was missing. Wait... "My guitar! A-And my Jewel! Wh-WHA?!" Madi cried, looking around frantically for her belongings. In the distance, she could see someone running, and... It looked like they had her stuff! "Wait! No! Please! I need that!" She squealed as she began to run after them. Her breath was ragged as she sprinted down the streets, pushing past anyone who got in the way. Just as she was getting closer to the thief, her foot got caught on something. Well, more like her foot got caught on her other foot. Down she went, tumbling roughly to the ground. "Owww! Please! No!" Tears began to flow from her eyes as she watched them get away, along with her precious booty.

    She sat there for a while, feeling utterly defeated. But...No... She couldn't let this get her down... She just had to find another way to make money. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stood up, ready to get back to work.


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 7th January 2020, 12:23 am

    It was never a good sign when someone was running through the streets of a crowded town, grinning deviously and awkwardly clutching an item that clearly wasn't theirs. Far from the best of the good samaritans, Perseus Dagger still couldn't help but feel the urge to stop him. Maybe in another life with a different family in another line of work he'd have been a hero of some sort. Maybe he'd have been a grand mage from a legal guild, becoming a Rising Star and onward to Wizard Saint, maybe even a God of Ishgar. Or perhaps he'd have joined the Rune Knights, which had once been his dream. Fighting crime, keeping Fiore and her citizens safe, rising through the militaristic ranks by both inventing useful equipment for his fellow knights and becoming an unstoppable force...with magic. The problem with both of these daydreams was definitely one glaring issue. He was Percy and he had not a shred of magical power in his whole body.

    This was a common defect in the boys of the Dagger family, lately. Something in their DNA turned off their magic, so the only way to get it was through external means. Thus far his brother, Artemis, had been successful, but Percy was still at a loss. No matter what he did, even the reckless and stupid things yielded no results. Messing with DNA changed nothing either. Until he could crack this problem, the best he could do was give himself a couple weapons of his own design and hope for the best. He may never be a hero or any of the things he dreamed of, but he could use his intelligence and clever inventions to make small differences where he could. This was one of those times.

    Reaching out with his right gauntlet, he flexed his fingers and a stream of ice shot out at the cobbled stone path, racing forward toward the running feet and swiftly turning what was once stable steps into slipping and sliding on the frozen street. The thief fell and continued to slide, finally coming to a stop with a loud clatter into a small gathering of trashcans. The two-toned haired boy used the strip of ice to skillfully slide after him, coming to a safe stop just in front of the cursing man covered in garbage. "..That doesn't belong to you, does it?" he asked quietly, seeming either shy, depressed, or both. Either way, he reached down to claim the slightly soiled guitar case, but the thief wasn't keen to let it go.

    A fight ensued. It wasn't a very long one. Percy's foe was more accustomed and built for speed. He could tell he just grabbed and dashed, only scrapping with other grab-and-dash thieves. Since Percy had no magic, he'd honed his body and skills in other ways. He might be shy and not have the most imposing posture on average, but he was actually quite strong. Chiseled muscle rippled under his sleek black coat. Even though his foe landed a punch or two, it was he that was knocked silly and finally relinquished his ill-gotten prize. He ran away empty-handed, so the younger Dagger picked up the guitar case and began his search for its owner.

    After a few minutes of retracing the direction from which the thief had come, he happened across a distressed girl. The first thing that struck him was her hair. It was two-toned like his, not the same hues or ratio, but it was similar enough to him. He wondered if it was natural or on purpose. It didn't seem to be from damage like his was. The head of research suddenly felt a pang of self-consciousness about the scar on his face and his hair, though he thought he'd long grown used to it. Nervousness settled in his gut the closer he got to her, unable to predict her response to his actions or his appearance. Honestly, if not for the magical aspect of his life, talking to girls was his next biggest issue. Artemis was a natural charmer whose silver tongue and brilliant smile could melt even the most unavailable of hearts. Ever since his younger days run-in with one of Artemis's most...excessive exes, he'd become the anti-Artemis. He could barely speak to a female coherently, let alone be charming.

    He stood behind her for a little too long, working up his courage. Hopefully, the smell of some of the trash spillage wouldn't alert her before his voice could, or it would only get more awkward. "U-Uhm," he stammered quietly, already cringing at the uncertain noise. He had to follow it fast. "Does th-this belong to you? ...I stopped a guy running with it...." came more timid words. If she turned to look, she'd see a young man with a bloody lip, holding out a guitar case and only meeting her eyes in short glances. How could someone who so solidly beat up a bad guy turn into such a bumbling mess so quickly?

    [wc: 836 || thread total: 1380]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 8th January 2020, 3:06 pm


    869 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    that WC kek
    Madi had been about to walk away, off to find another way to make some quick Jewel, when she heard a very quiet noise coming from behind. Turning around quickly, she noticed a man standing there, his heterochromatic eyes darting away from her striking gold ones. He seemed unsure of his actions and words. Perhaps he was shy? Madi used to be that way before she was forced to live on the streets. She couldn't afford to be timid anymore, though. If she wanted to get anything in life, she needed to be sociable. Assertive...

    "My guitar!?"

    And apparently, loud. The case that the mysterious man was holding in his hands was definitely the one that belonged to her. How he got it, she wasn't entirely sure, but by the look of him, it would seem that he might have fought the thief for it. "I apologize for yelling like that, it's just, well, I didn't think I was going to get that back. Thank you so much!" Madi bubbled, smiling warmly at her guitar's hero. "You didn't have to go to the trouble of running after that thief like that. Especially since he seemed to scuff you up a bit." The blood that was slowly seeping from his lip was concerning. Had that brute hit him? "I don't really have very much... Actually, what you returned to me is all I have, but I can at least help clean up that busted lip. It looks like it hurts."

    The young woman had a couple tricks to fixing up little wounds like that, though, she would need to find a place that was less crowded before she did. Her ReQuip magic was pretty... Extra. The bright lights and intimidating armors might put people off. "Um... If you don't want to do that, I can treat you to some food... I think I have enough Jewel in this case to buy us some bread or something."


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 374
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    Experience : 336,993

    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 9th January 2020, 10:40 pm

    When she yelled he flinched a little, an involuntary movement, but he didn't run or anything. It just startled him. Since he had found the guitar's owner, though, he wondered how much time he should stick around before going about his business. Was there a socially accepted window of minutes one should pause to receive thanks for a good deed? He wasn't sure. The lab rat had fallen a bit short on social graces these days, not helping his already bashful nature. His cheeks flushed just a little as she thanked him and he gave her a little duck of his head as a sort of non-verbal "don't worry about it". Then she mentioned that he looked like he'd gotten scuffed up, causing Percy to blink. Oh right, he'd gotten punched in the face. Reaching the back of his hand to his lip, he hurriedly smeared the blood away so she wouldn't have to worry, but that did indeed aggravate it and make it hurt worse. His face winced. Checking the back of his hand revealed a smear of red, so he was certain he'd done nothing but make the blood on his face more noticeable. Good going.

    "Uh, d-don't worry about it. I've had worse." Percy motioned vaguely to the scar over the upper left side of his face and offered a sheepish smile, but it soon evaporated as quickly as it'd come on. That guitar was all she had? Was she being literal? He hoped not. He'd heard the jingling of a few coins inside, but he could tell it wasn't a lot. The dots were connecting quickly in his sharp brain. A girl with nothing but a guitar whose case had some loose cash inside? A busker.

    Percy had just met a hobo.

    Shaking his head suddenly, he raised his now empty hands to ward off her offer. He couldn't possibly accept such an offer from someone so poor. It wouldn't be right. "Ah, n-no! Uh," the two-toned boy stuttered and stammered, his brain moving faster than his mouth could keep up with. Heterochromatic eyes finally met hers with determination. He'd make a counteroffer...if he could get it to come out of his mouth. "H-How about I take you out to eat instead?" blurted the youngest Dagger boy, face even redder now that he was realizing it sounded like he was asking her on a date. What if she got mad and thought he was pitying her? Was he pitying her?

    He'd just come to Magnolia to join Fairy Tail! Why was leaving the lab so complicated?!

    [wc: 430 || Group Total: 2135]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 11th January 2020, 8:06 pm


     1,257 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    watch out for the hangry woman
    As the red and white haired boy spoke again, Madi smiled weakly, trying to give him some sort of reassurance. She honestly hadn't even noticed the scar on his face until he inadvertently brought attention to it. It was an interesting one. Every scar had a story behind it, and this one seemed as if it had a complicated one. The cotton candy haired woman wanted to ask about it, but her manners restrained her from doing so. It would be incredibly rude of her to ask something so personal to someone she had just met. Swallowing her curiousity, she nodded in acknowledgement to his words. The blood on his face was still concerning, but if he insisted that he didn't need healing, then she had no choice but to let it go.

    Wait... Had he just offered to take her out for food? Almost immediately, the young woman's facial expression changed to one of awe and appreciation. It had been weeks since Madi had actually had a good, substantial meal. She was so happy, she could have cried! Images of food began to dance around her mind. Burgers... Fries... Ice cream... Milkshakes... If she hadn't snapped out of her food parade daze, she might have began drooling! "YES! Please! I would love to go get food!" If Percy had been worried that she might mistake this for a date, he really had nothing to worry about. Not only was this woman ravenously hungry, but she was also completely oblivious when it came to dating. "Come on! Let's go find a place with the greasiest, fattiest food!" Madi chirped, beginning to skip down the street, back towards the middle of town.

    After a little while of searching, Madi found a cute little diner. They served all of the food that she had just been fantasizing about. It was like a dream come true. Once they had been seated at the table, the golden eyed beauty stared eagerly at the menu. She just wanted to order everything. The chicken strips... The double cheeseburger... The chili fries. Well... He was offering to pay for it. Maybe she should take advantage of it. "What're you planning to get? Gosh... There's just so much to choose from!" She gushed excitedly, looking up at the strange man with a twinkle in her eye.


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 374
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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 20th January 2020, 3:51 am

    Oh good, she didn't seem upset or put off by his offer. Actually, it was quite the opposite! She eagerly took him up on the offer, and before he knew it he was having to nearly jog to keep up with her. As Percy followed along behind, he searched his pockets for a handkerchief. Ah, yes, he did have one. Of course, what was a Dagger without a 'D' embroidered pocket square hidden somewhere on their person? While she picked out the 'greasiest, fattiest food!' he gingerly dabbed at his smarting lip, finally ridding it of all the blood and leaving only the split in the delicate skin. He'd had way worse obviously, but it still didn't feel very nice. As if it would help, the two-toned young man gently sucked on his lip until she finally located the place she wanted.

    The injured lip didn't leave his mouth until they were seated over menus and she was speaking to him again. Blinking up at her, he cracked a half-smile before it dissolved into a weary uncertainty. "Ah, I'm not sure yet..." he admitted, lowering his eyes from her excited ones so he could scan the diner's offerings some more. The font was small so he pulled out some sleek glasses so he could read better. While he wasn't opposed to indulging in junk food every so often, Percy was a bit health conscious. One didn't keep a body like his in tip-top shape to try and make up for his lack of magic by cramming greasy meals down his throat. Still, if he ordered avocado and egg whites on whole-wheat toast, it might curb her enthusiasm, and he honestly didn't want that. "Ah..." he stammered again, running a finger lightly down the laminated page. The sliminess was a bit intimidating, but perhaps that was the norm for a place like this? He had to admit, this was the first time he'd been in a diner. The 'seediest' place he and his brother usually went was Maroni's. Chalk it up to growing up a rich boy.

    "Maybe the chicken tenders basket," he said at last, unmatched hues lifting up much the same way his tone at the end of his sentence did as if he was asking her approval. "With a lemon fizz and tater tots, I think," continued the older teen, not noticing the drably dressed shrew in the dirty apron that had appeared next to him and was jotting down what he just said. "Dipping sauce?" asked her heavy smoker's voice, causing poor Percy to nearly leap out of his skin. With a small "Ngh!" and a flinch toward the window, his head and eyes whipped up to the woman sporting a ashy brown beehive, feeling as if the wrinkles under her heavily eyelined eyes were devouring him. "Uh...U-Um..." he stuttered on his filler sounds, mind drawing a total blank. His face likewise went blank, diving back into its safely guarded depressive nothingness.

    His only option was to ask for help. Yes, the boy who was a borderline technical genius couldn't possibly collect his brain enough to know what sauces there were, let alone which one he liked. Had he ever even had chicken tenders? Between fancy restaurants, the Dagger's personal chefs, and the occasional Maroni's pizza, he wasn't sure he had ever had the cheap food or its apparent collection of compatible sauce choices. "What do you recommend?" he asked her quietly, the timidity of his voice melting away into a quiet, even sound. Perhaps she'd finish his order for him and order her own, he silently hoped.

    [wc: 601 || Group Total: 3124]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 1st February 2020, 9:35 am


     1,776 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    watch out for the hangry woman
    Quite the opposite of Madi, the man who was accompanying her seemed to be perplexed while looking at the menu. Was there too many yummy options on it for him to even choose one? Because that's certainly how Madi felt! Since the man was paying, she debated whether or not she wanted to order the entire menu! One of everything sure would make things a lot easier for both of them. Noticing a figure approaching from the corner of her eye, the hungry woman's enthusiasm seemed to grow even more. She knew what she was going to order, but there was still another option buzzing around in her head. His voice was meek and unsure as he ordered his meal from the tired looking diner worker. When she responded, he seemed to be... scared of her? Sure, she was pretty crusty looking, and her voice was probably deeper than his, but she was just a harmless old woman. Perhaps he hadn't realized she was there? She did slink up to them pretty silently. Still, Madi was able to smell her cheap perfume from a mile away. The smell really was something a stereotypical grandma would wear.

    When he spoke to her, she smiled warmly, trying to reassure him. "Ranch is my personal favorite. Ooh, or maybe barbecue sauce. Oh man, it's hard to decide." Giggling lightly, she shrugged. Madi may have come from a rich family, where their overly fancy meals were always prepared for them by famous chefs, but she never really enjoyed it. Her love always fell with greasy, cheap food she would find at local diners like this one. Deciding that their indecisiveness wasn't going to get them anywhere, the cotton candy haired woman defaulted to her plan B. She wasn't sure if the person who was paying for this was going to be angry, but well, he seemed like quite the pushover. She could get away with it.

    "You know what, just give us one of everything on the menu. Then he can figure out what he likes the best on his own." The young woman's golden eyes gleamed with mischief as she spoke to the old waitress. The woman blinked a few times, most likely in shock, before feebly responding. "Well... I've worked here for 15 years, and I've never heard that one before. If that's what you want, I'll pass that on to the chefs." She grumbled to herself as she walked back towards the kitchen. Madi smirked in anticipation, obviously proud of herself. She was having such a hard time deciding on what she wanted, and it seemed like her companion was as well, so she just solved both of their problems in one swift movement. "Well, now we won't have an issue with choosing what we want, now will we?" She said, winking devilishly at the man who sat across from her. "I hope you don't mind. If I had the money I used to, I would have been able to cover the bill no problem, but, well, things aren't as simple as they used to be, as you can see."


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 374
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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 1st February 2020, 4:15 pm

    The human piggy bank across from the homeless girl stared at her in slight awe once she solved the problem in a unique way. Ordering everything was one way to eliminate indecision. His slightly wide eyes weren’t from the price it’d rack up, since he had no worries about cash, but rather from imaging the two of them eating it all. Perhaps her true plan was to have several days of leftovers to survive on...which he had to admit wasn’t a bad plan. “N-No, I don’t mind,” he assured her, finally reigning in his expression and sitting back into his seat to relax. “There’s a lot I’ve never tried, so this will be a nice experience,” he smiled slightly, removing his glasses and folding them, placing them back where they came from.

    The little bit she added at the end opened up for more conversation, and the curious young man couldn’t resist. What was her story? What led her to be where she was, getting her little money and guitar stolen in Magnolia? “So you haven’t always been a—...er....” Percy was about to stick his foot in his mouth by calling her a hobo, “...you haven’t always been on your own? Do you mind if I ask what happened?” he asked, interested in finding out more about the street busker. If she’d once had plenty of money, what could have taken her down to this point? Hopefully she hadn’t lost her family, because that would mean he had just opened a can of painful memories about dead loved ones. Actually, asking about it like he had wasn’t likely to dredge up good memories no matter what! Did her family’s business go under? Did they kick her out? Were they robbed? Ugh, what a dunce he was! He could invent wormhole detectors and cybernetics, but couldn’t seem to carry a proper conversation. Social interaction was so difficult...

    [wc: 316 || thread total: 3959]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 9th February 2020, 3:27 pm


     2,277 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    watch out for the hangry woman
    Seeing the look on the timid man’s face as the waitress departed made the cotton candy haired woman giggle. It wasn’t every day you picked up a random busker off the street and treated her to extensively overpriced meal. This was sure to have been a first for him. “I’m glad that you’re being optimistic about it! I was worried you would be angry! Or try to refuse to pay.” Smirking devilishly, she continued. “Either way, I would have just left and stuck you with the bill. So this way is much more enjoyable for the both of us!” Madi had noticed that the man had an expensive aura about him since she first saw him, so it wasn’t a huge surprise that he would be okay with her shenanigans. No normal person would. Being around successful people her whole life made it much easier to sniff them out. She wondered which family he was from though. Her family had dealt with a lot of them, and their names still bounced around in her brain. The Abbots, The Grimaldis, and most famously, the Daggers. Her family ranted about the latter of them very frequently, for reasons she was unsure of. But this boy didn’t seem to be of that pedigree. He was too friendly, meek even.

    As he began to speak again, Madi chuckled when he paused and searched for words. “I wouldn’t be offended if you called me a hobo, you know. In technical terms, it’s what I am.” She said, folding her fingers together and gazing intently into his heterochromatic eyes. “Well, it’s a long story, but you ask and you shall receive.” She paused. “My name is Antoinette Madeleine Bradford. I could tell that you come from a prominent family yourself, so I’m sure you’ve heard my name before. I came from an extremely wealthy and powerful family nestled in the world of Estelathrad.” She paused again as the waitress returned, leaving glasses of water in front of them. After throwing a quick “thank you” in her direction, she continued. “My parents were never really around my entire life. They were much too busy for a child. So as a result, I was cooped up in our family mansion almost my entire life. When I turned 20, which is the legal age of adulthood in my world, I had decided that I was fed up with it all. I created a different name and face for myself and basically told my parents to screw off. Probably one of the best decisions I made in my life, but because of it they disinherited me and banished me from Estelathrad.”

    Swirling the straw around in her drink, she gazed at it nostalgically. She didn’t miss her family one bit, but she sure did miss Estelathrad... And... Well... The money too. Reverting her gaze back up to the man in front of her, she smiled gently. “Might I ask which family you come from? I’m sure I’ve heard your name before.”


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 374
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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 9th February 2020, 10:05 pm

    Percy wished the water had come sooner, so at least his sudden choking brought on by the name reveal could have been blamed on drinking. He had inhaled so quickly that his own spit rocketed into his lung, but at least after a few harsh coughs he quieted and merely stared at her with tense eyes. A Bradford. It had to be a Bradford. He was treating an exiled Bradford hobo to a large meal. His family would literally blow their head gaskets. Even now his eyes darted out the slightly foggy diner window to see if he could spot any of the "watchers" of his brood. Giving an account about this was very close to the bottom of the list of things he wanted to do.

    The youngest Dagger male had little interest in his family's more businessy affairs, outside of Dagger Corps' Research department, anyway. As she could probably already tell, he wasn't the typical example of a Dagger. He was much shyer. Some would say he was even nerdy, which wasn't really wrong. He felt much more at home by himself tinkering on his gadgets and researching both science and magic avenues of progression for any number of projects. It was better that he was out of the public eye. Percy didn't hold a candle to Artemis's abilities to schmooze. His nervous stutter usually did him in, and anyone that spent enough time with him would see his glaring inferiority complex. At family balls or fancy get-togethers, if his attendance was mandatory he was hugging the walls or hanging out in corners by himself or with someone he was at least slightly familiar with. The distantly aloof card worked well most of the time. He knew full well that the affluential families in Earthland played the frenemy game and it seemed most arduous. Most hated each other for a myriad of both warranted and petty reasons but would play fake nice to keep up appearances and continue the strange rich people dance. Yes, Percy was rich and at times very much acted like a rich kid, but it wasn't in a malicious way.

    He did know the Bradfords were particularly abrasive, though. He wasn't sure if maybe they didn't play the game and let their cards be more blatantly hostile or if they were a threat in some way to the Dagger business, but he definitely knew they were high on the Dagger hate list. The nervousness and mild disgust he suddenly felt for her surprised him. Percy didn't think he was one for prejudices, but it seemed even someone like him could fall victim to archaic ways of thinking his family clung to. This Antoinette Madeleine couldn't be all bad. Sure, she admitted she was going to take advantage of his money for food, but at least she was honest. Her past sounded relatable enough. While his parents had been around maybe more than most rich families, he'd still spent a ton of his childhood with Mr. Baldwin, their head of house services and basically a male nanny. He and all his siblings had basically been raised by the swarthy old man. His older sister, Pandora, had all but shunned the family and its riches from what he knew. Artemis reluctantly stepped into his role of heir and thus had to fight all the politics, absurdly high expectations, and rub all the elbows. Percy was left to his own devices with little expectation, which coming from a Dagger perspective, was not a good thing. His family expecting nothing from him was the most hurtful thing a Dagger could do. It frustrated him that he was the lone Dagger without magic and was basically but on a back shelf. No matter what technological breakthrough he made, he got nothing more than an appeasing pat on the back. Had he thought about rejecting his family and running off to build his own worth and life? Sure, but ultimately he chose to stay and try to prove himself to his parents. He could have easily been like her.

    He remained silent through the rest of her explanation, face still soft but definitely antsier than before. A hand went through his dual-toned hair more than once. What an awkward situation this was, but he wouldn't be like the others from their world. When she asked his family he sighed in a slightly amused way, sheepishly meeting her eyes with a lop-sided smile. "The Daggers," he said, raising his glass of water to his lips and taking a long drink. "I'm the youngest of the main branch of the family, Perseus. You can call me Percy if you'd like. Most do."

    While that counter revelation hung between the two adversarial familys' offspring, the crusty waitress returned with a greasy busboy in tow to help her carry all the dishes. Plates quickly took up the whole tabletop and within seconds they were gone again. Percy had thanked them offhandedly, though he seemed to grow more amused by the second. Before he knew it, a light chuckle escaped. "I-It's like the beginning of a bad joke. A Dagger and B-Bradford walk into a greasy Magnolia diner..." he started, raising a coiled hand to block the loft laughter that wanted to come out. What a strange day this had turned out to be.

    [wc: 889 || thread total: 5349]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 10th February 2020, 8:34 pm


     3,037 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    watch out for the hangry woman
    Madi could practically feel the tension build in the room as soon as her name left her lips. Ah, so this man must have been from a family that wasn’t a huge fan of her own. Well, it surely wasn’t uncommon. The Bradfords weren’t really known for their kindness or subtlety. In fact, most of the residents of Estelathrad weren’t. The majority of the elven people who resided there were quite stuck up and rude. I guess it just came with the heritage and culture. Not all of them were that way, but it almost seemed like the higher up you were on the social food chain in the place, the more of an asshole you were. Sure, that could be said of most worlds, but the people of Estelathrad took it to another level. If he thought the Bradfords were bad, he surely wouldn’t want to meet the Estelathrads themselves. Known as the “royal” family of her world, and the family that the world itself was named after, the Estelathrads ruled with an iron fist. Most people thought of them as dictators, and, well, they practically were. Luckily, Madi had never been on their bad side, considering her family was one of their biggest assets. In fact, her parents had tried to marry her off to the king and queen’s trash heap of a son, Ezekiel Chadwick Estelathrad III. Thank god she ran away when she did.

    As the man's lips parted, and he began to speak, she could feel herself practically leaning in with anticipation. Where he came from wasn't really a huge deal to her, considering she had never involved herself in her parent's politics, but she was curious as to how he would react to her own origins. An eyebrow raised inquisitively as he revealed himself. So he was a Dagger, huh? This was surely going to be fun then, wasn't it? Both of their parents would be furious if they knew anything about this little gathering they were having. Not only because of the company they were in, but the setting as well. A small chuckle left the young woman's lips as everything finally sank in. "Perseus Dagger, then? What's with all these rich families and the excessively long and fancy names?" Another giggle rattled through her chest. "Percy it is then. Feel free to call me Madi. Antoinette is much too pretentious for me. I've never felt like it suited me."

    Madi had just been about to open her mouth and bombard poor Percy with a hoard of questions, but his hero, also known as the ancient waitress, appeared with their smorgasbord in tow. Almost instantly, the cotton candy haired woman forgot everything that was previously on her mind. The only thing that mattered was the copious amount of food that was now placed upon their table. She hadn't even remembered to thank the people who brought it, which just showed how ravenously hungry she was. Just as she had grabbed an unsuspecting chicken strip and taken a giant bite, her company began to speak once more. "MMPH!" The pitiful noise left Madi's full mouth after he finished his little joke. It had taken all of her willpower not to choke on the cock in her mouth, but somehow she managed. Tears in her eyes from the cock muffled laughter, she smiled and let out a genuine laugh. "Why did you have to make me laugh like that right when I took a bite of food?! You could have killed me!" Her own words only made her laugh harder. "Gosh, this has been a really strange day, hasn't it? First you beat up a random thief who stole my stuff, then you treated me to a meal at some sleazy diner, even though you were the one who helped me, and now we figure out that our families hate each other." Picking up her glass of water, she took a small sip before continuing. "If our parents saw us like this, we would be dead. But that just makes it more fun, don't you think?" The little rebel said, a smirk molding to her lips.

    Grabbing another piece of chicken, she took a smaller bite this time, trying not to repeat her previous mistake. She wasn't trying to keel over in front of this poor boy, especially since he seemed like someone who she could possibly get along with. "So, Percy. What's it like being a part of the Dagger family? I've heard that you guys have quite a bit of influence over Earthland."


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 29th February 2020, 2:59 am

    Despite how it could seem like bad form to start properly laughing only after his joke had nearly caused her to choke, muffled chuckles started to make it past the hand that tried its hardest to stifle them. "Mmm, maybe that was my plan all along," he bantered lightly, still snickering. "You underestimate how much my family hates yours. And yeah, they'd absolutely disown me or kill me if they saw us right now...I've never been much of a rebel, but I have to agree it is more fun." Admitting this surprised the two-toned boy. The confidence the girl across from him oozed from every one of her tanned pores was admirable, even enviable, but he didn't think it affected him as much. Percy wasn't typically someone who fed off of vibes in social situations. If there was something opposite of a special chameleon, that would more likely be him. Yet here he was, sitting with such a ballsy family enemy and having an unabashedly good time.

    After sobering a bit, he timidly reached into one of the plastic, wax-paper-lined baskets for his own chicken strip, which he then tested out bite-by-bite in his personal sauces. While his face remained mostly neutral, the slight squinting of his eyes indicated which sauces he didn't care for. BBQ seemed to be lowest on his list, being the stronger of the flavors. Spicy and sweet ones fell in the middle where he was less decided how he felt, while the white sauce quickly rose to the top preference. Actually, he found nearly all the greasy fried foods he dipped it in ended up being delicious. What was this called? Ranch? Percy liked ranch.

    As she asked about his family, he sighed and leaned back in his seat, taking a ooey gooey grilled cheese triangle with him. "It's...complicated," he sighed, familiar mental exhaustion washing over him at just the thought. "Business is always great. The Daggers are always on top, always involved, always...on, you know? In my world, every breath is calculated and watched by an untold number of eyes. Everything has implications, whether its true or not. There's always an angle, another place to put our hands, another way to push forward and come out on top. Being a Dagger is to always be under never ending pressure, either forced upon you or drawn out of you in desperation," the youngest Dagger male vented, quite despite himself. It was as if the quick release valve on a pressure cooker had ever so slightly been twisted. He couldn't stop the word vomit. "And as much as the expectations are suffocating and all of it is twisted and antiquated, it's so much worse when they don't expect anything from you. When you've been deemed inconsequential in the long run and no matter what you accomplish, it's not enough for them to even glance your way," he concluded, suddenly scarfing down the sandwich to finally end his quiet, broody tirade. Once he swallowed, he forcefully changed his tone, like only a well-trained rich boy could. "But even so, I love being the head of the Research Department at Dagger Corp. It's a position I earned, and I like the work I do. I'm thankful for it. I have a great team under me and I make my own way with far more freedom than my brother, the heir," he finished up with trained diplomacy. It wasn't a lie. He loved working in technology and medicine, often combining the two. He'd always been an inventor, so it was a great outlet for his ideas, intelligence, and natural skill with technology. "Rich kid problems, eh?" he added sheepishly at the end, then wondered if it was in bad taste, since she was technically no longer a rich kid. He cringed at himself. "So...on that note...since you're a hobo now, where have you been staying?"

    [wc: 646 || Percy Total: 3718 || thread total: 6755]



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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Antoinette 7th April 2020, 9:44 pm


     3,604 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    watch out for the hangry woman
    A full-mouthed smile spread across Madi's lips as he quipped back to her mischievous comment. For who she first thought to be a rich boy with a stick up his ass, Percy was actually pretty funny. Perhaps it was the shyness and uncertainty of his words that made him even more comical. Either way, she was starting to like this Dagger boy. As he reached for more food, she followed suit, grabbing a burger from one of the many greasy baskets. Like Percy, she found herself dipping it into some ranch. Ranch just seemed to make everything ten times better than it already was, and it looked like her new friend felt the same way. It was interesting watching him try all the different foods and sauces there were on the table. She could tell that it was his first time trying these delicious entrees. His reactions were similar to her own when she tried junk food for the first time. The cooks in her home never made anything this scrumptious. Rich people food was always so... bland. Small, too. The portion sizes weren't even fit for a mouse! This woman had an appetite! A tiny plate of caviar just wasn't going to do!

    When Percy began to speak about his life as a Dagger, Madi leaned forward, quietly munching on her burger. Surprisingly enough, she was quite interested in what he had to say. His life sounded quite different from her own. He was watched all the time, judged. Madi, on the other hand, was completely ignored. Expected to do what the family wished, but never instructed or praised. In a way, she almost envied him. Perhaps it was foolish, because, well, the way he described it sounded exhausting, but at least he was receiving some sort of attention from his family. "Wow, that sounds pretty tiring. Being watched all the time like that. I honestly don't know what I would do if that much pressure was put on me. I'm such a free spirit, you know. Having to do what other people want me to all the time doesn't sound appealing at all." She paused for a moment, chuckling lightly. "Which is probably the reason why I ran away." Deciding to divert the conversation away from her past experiences, Madi pepped up, golden eyes glowing with interest. "But you're the head of the Research Department, huh? That's so cool! I'd love to hear more about what you're researching!" The cotton candy haired woman was always eager to learn about the people of Earthland, and their developments. Estelathrad was so boring in comparison. Everything was driven by tradition, and most of the people that lived their were afraid of anything that might be "new."

    Finishing the burger she had been snacking on, her hand gravitated towards the other half of the grilled cheese that Percy had taken. As the man asked his next question, Madi took a bite, savoring the taste of the yummy cheddar cheese. "Well... Um... I haven't really had a place to stay. I've just been traveling from town to town, playing my guitar, and making enough money for food and a hotel room." Stopping for a moment, she chuckled. "Food usually takes up most of my earnings, so I usually end up in some shady 1 star motel. But you know. You gotta do what you gotta do to get by, right?"


    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) AntoinetteSig

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    ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy) Empty Re: ❂ The Lonliest Girl ❂ (Social with Percy)

    Post by Percy 24th April 2020, 2:04 am

    Percy wasn't a big eater, especially of things as heavy as these offerings, so his sampling had drastically decreased in frequency. The only time he really chowed down was when he was in the midst of a bulk-up regiment and had to eat a lot, and even then it was protein and other healthy foods to nourish his muscles. While all of this was delicious, it was also overwhelming and already had him feeling like he'd have to run to Crocus and back to keep it from clogging an artery. It was worse than having a few slices of pizza with his brother every now and then. And yes, he knew this likely wouldn't be a habitual thing, but...it was still so much food. However, he couldn't help but nibble at the onion rings. The breading on those wasn't too thick...

    Madi answered his question about her living arrangements, causing him to nearly snort the sip of his lemon fizz out of his nostrils. The carbonation had his nose burning, but at least he managed to not shoot his drink everywhere. "Skeezy hotels?" he asked incredulously once he recovered, frowning. NO, that wouldn't do. It wasn't safe. Counting somewhat on her opportunistic behavior so far, he'd make a new offer beyond just feeding her. "Find a decent apartment and I'll pay the first year of rent," Percy said with a surprising amount of demand. There was little room in his words for questions. It seemed while he was timid on many things (mostly social), his work in his lab and how he spent money were the two things he was very confident with. "We should go look once you're finished eating. Surely you have somewhere in mind?"

    [wc: 287 || Percy Total: 4005/3000 for S rank exam || thread total: 4609]


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