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    Winter Festivals


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Winter Festivals Empty Winter Festivals

    Post by Saraphina 21st December 2019, 7:32 pm

    The White Queen
    Another day sipping tea, another boring time sitting around the castle. What could one even do here? Absolutely nothing today. Most of the members were out, and Saraphina was slumped over the table, her right cheek in the palm of her hand as she leaned her elbow on the table. Nadaline takes a deep breath and excuses herself for a moment, leaving Bertrand with their queen. She had traveled over to where Birch was, and knocked on the closest door, be it the one to the room he was in, or one just next to the area. “Master Birch,” She says as her ocean blue eyes fell on him. “Her Highness seems in need of something to do. Would you mind accompanying her to a village near the Silent Glaciers for a festival going on there? I’ve heard there would be some open skating going on, as well as other contests and games, like a frozen tshirt contest, snowmen building contests, and ice sculpting. I would dress casually instead of like you normally do around the castle.” She honestly didn’t know if he’d accept or not, but she gave Birch the village regardless, and went off to Saraphina to tell her of a couple surprises she had set up for her.

    The first part of the surprise was getting her in one of the newer clothes she got her. Nadaline noticed that Saraphina had taken an interest in Clementines clothes, and asked the girl to take her someplace to get some for her queen, this came the outfit of a white shirt (that actually ended up being a bit too small for Sara), a pair of ripped black skinny jeans with a gold belt, a pair of black boots, and a black leatherish jacket with a soft orange interior. Saraphina felt rather awkward in it, it wasn’t her style. She was used to dresses, and how free they were around her legs. And she most definitely wasn’t used to not showing off her chest and showing off her stomach. The jacket was oversized on her, and she let it hang on her forearms a bit. Nadaline seemed to gasp at the look of her queen. She looked like a rather normal person for once, except for her little pink oval locket she had put on a chain around her neck. Saraphina wasn’t parting with her locket she always wore. At least she was willing to cooperate in making it less gaudy.

    Nadaline accompanied the white queen to the festival herself, wearing her own white shirt and some denim jeans and a pair of sneakers. Of course the cold here didn’t really bother her too much as the guild symbol the queen bestowed on her was able to keep the nippiness away and keep her feeling relatively warm as if she was in the castle still. Saraphina was being her usual self and walking around aimlessly. Nadaline was only there because she didn’t want the queen to be alone and feel scared again. She had heard about the festival back a few months ago where the queen snotted on Birch’s clothes after having a freakout in the maze on her own. She wasn’t going to have that happen again to her queen. Saraphina’s second surprise should be on it’s way if Nadaline got what she wished for.

    In the meantime, Saraphina had already made her way over to the ice skating rink. Nadaline was outside of the rink and watching as the white queen donned on her skates and skating merrily around the ring. She seemed to easily avoid the children on the rink and used them to form a sort of dance. She had practiced enough with her skates that she could probably dance on ice for a living, even though she was more just being a smooth wave with the direction and whatever she felt was right than actual dancing dancing at the moment. She didn’t care regardless. Even with the pants, Saraphina found that it was still rather easy to move around, her only issue currently was the jacket and how it restricted her arms, though she could have also worn the clothing article the right way too.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 82,536

    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 31st December 2019, 7:31 am

    Another festival? Just how many did this infernal country have? Did anyone running Fiore actually do any serious work, or did they just encourage every spot of land wide enough for a humanoid to stand on to have some sort of celebration every time something as mundane as the changing of a season happened? As usual, Birch's eyes, the color of rain-laden clouds, narrowed in irritation at Nadaline. Furthermore, did this guild ever do anything other than go to these festivals? Other than Hostia, he'd yet to see or hear of much else other than a couple members getting Rune Knight attention. Some anarchist guild this was turning out to be. How could he take over this country to war with his old one if no one ever did anything?

    The servant also made another strange request, which peeved him further. Now he was being told how to dress? However, he wouldn't outright refuse, instead opting for a moody huff as he went back to his blank-covered novel. There were a few long moments where he heavily considered not showing up. Maybe he'd put his foot down. But then again...it might serve him in the long run to continued to comply. He'd kept it up this long, it would be masochistic to throw all his hard work away at this point. All those other festivals and the torturous effort to get through them would not be in vain.

    Despite his extra sour mood, he closed his book and hid it away, then went to his armoire to search for something that could be deemed "casual" and something he hadn't worn around the castle lately. So, no butler suit, which was fine. He was moving away from that. No three-piece suit...no dress shirt and slacks? He was digging deep into it now, the top part of his body no longer visible. In the back of his mind he remembered an outfit he'd had to blend into a certain situation, though he hadn't seen it in a while...

    Nadaline's hopes and wishes were answered as the tall blond appeared at the arranged place. In the end Birch complied with both the invite and the clothing suggestion. His lean muscled form had a gray, long-sleeved shirt clinging to the dips and curves rippling under his flesh that was normally covered in several layers. Its wide v-neck distanced it even further from his normally stiff style of dress, but not as much as the fitted black jeans that disappeared into shiny ankle boots. Whether from his guild mark or from his species, Birch wasn't affected in the least by the cold. A quick scan of the ice rink didn't yield anyone in a frilly dress, so at first he missed Saraphina and her servant altogether. The celestial phoenix did fancy a bit of ice skating, so he rented some bladed boots and changed his footwear, joining the crowd on the ice with an elegant amount of skill.

    The man skated with his hands in his pockets for about a half a lap when he saw the familiar two. It was obvious from behind that they were dressed out of the norm as well, so that must have been why he got the strange instructions. Might as well join them. Dashing forward, he rounded and came to face them...and was greeted with a shock. Birch had already been known to observe and sometimes compliment her wardrobe, even being so bold as to make some suggestions. And while he did prefer black and has said so, his mind had never gone this way. Her outfit was so different... his eyes dropped slowly over it, the usual grouchiness completely and utterly evaporating off his face. If anything, his face softened in the most un-Birch way. The short white shirt, the jacket...the ripped, tight jeans. They accentuated every curve, and the flesh of her supple thighs peeked through the holes, catch his eye in a peculiar way. Despite himself, Birch swallowed hard, eyes lingering at her legs for a bit longer than what was normal as his brows crept slowly upward. It didn't make sense, this was nothing like the style he normally liked...but he did like it. A lot. More than was ok. It baffled him, his reaction. After a few moments, he cleared his throat and tried to compose himself, though his mind was whirling and trying to decode what it was about this strange, modern, unmodest outfit that struck the chord so hard. Try to recover. He wasn't some common animal so swayed by carnal desires. Perhaps once such things would have moved him, but that had been entirely destroyed to the point that he thought that part of him was dead...until now. "Alright, so I'm here. What do you have planned, Saraphina?"



    Winter Festivals Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Saraphina 5th January 2020, 2:23 pm

    The White Queen
    Saraphina was currently skating backwards in the rink when Birch had rounded the rink to see her in her outfit. She was testing the waters with some moves on her skates, trying hard to teach herself something different. She had turned her head slightly to make sure no peasant would crash into her, completely unaware of the eyes on her from one of her guild members. Nadaline noticed though. She was leaning on the rail, smirking as she saw Birch’s reaction to her queen. A hand lightly rubbed her chin now. If this was how he reacted to these kinds of clothes… maybe she should try to coax her mistress into other kinds to see how he’d react. That would be a thought for another day though. Right now she wanted to enjoy the show of her mistress with one of her guilds butlers. She was going to stay silent for the time being.

    The white queen spun herself around and to glide easily across the ice in a calm manner around all the people. Maybe she should get an ice rink on Mount Hakobe. Or even see if there was one in Hostia, or if she could make one there… Skating with others was a pain for her. Not as free as she wished she could be. As soon as she heard the voice, Saraphina whirled around once again and felt her face get warm. “Birch!” She grins rather excitedly. She then turns to look at Nadaline, who was cheesing over by the side of the rink. “So you were the other surprise Nadaline had for me.” She giggles as she turns back to her butler. She put her hands on her hips and skated up to him. “Nadaline wouldn’t tell me a single bit that you wanted to take me here. I’m glad you did!” She giggles up to him. Nadaline wasn’t going to mention she asked him to come, instead she would let Sara believe he asked the maid to bring her.

    Saraphina didn’t hide her looking over his choice of outfit, and smiled a little. “You look really great out of a suit.” She honestly couldn’t help but say before she started to push herself backwards to skate backwards around him in a circle. “I want to go make a snowman now. Care to join me?” She questions as she stopped in front of him once again. She turned her head slightly to see where the area that the snowman making contest was being held. There were some bright light blue flags hanging around the area with alternating snowflakes and snowmen on them that encased the area where the contest was to be at. It was actually going to be starting soon. “Coming?” She asks as she starts to skate away.

    She released her skates as soon as she got to the exit, and was walking towards where the snowman making contest was to be. Nadaline had stayed behind a bit and waved to Birch a bit to stop him from following her briefly if he was. “Thank you for coming! I’ll leave her in your care. Don’t have too much fun without me.” The female servant said sweetly in a quiet voice before she slipped off into a crowd of people. Saraphina was just entering the area when she noticed that Nadaline wasn’t anywhere. Frowning a bit, Saraphina let her purplish pink eyes start looking around the area for the blonde. She saw something take off, and frowned more. Nadaline was leaving her alone… Or at least alone with Birch. Her cheeks turned a rosy color at that thought as she quickly turned to look at where Birch was, seeing how close or far away he was from her.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 82,536

    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 8th January 2020, 4:13 am

    Birch opened his mouth to protest that it was his idea to come, let alone bring her, but he didn't end up saying anything of the sort. Maybe this would work out to his benefit in the end. His thoughts turned self serving as always, twisiting it to see how it could one day aid him in his quest for power and status here in Fiore. Small beginnings. So, for now, he'd let it slide and play along, though he did see a new side of Nadaline. The servant was capable of being more cunning than he'd considered before. What motive did she have for setting this meet up? Just to please the Queen, or something else?

    Now she was complimenting him. It seemed due to some sort of wintery magic miracle they both had a fondness for the other's current outfits, both of which were far cries from their normal attire. "Thank you," he reluctantly rumbled, still watching her and her legs as she skated backward and around within his sight. Birch actually felt a little uncomfortable for once, though if it showed, it was only barely perceptible. Despite that, the blond had to admit that the lack of layers and the low maintenance-ness of it was an attractive quality. Royalty never had a choice to wear casual clothing, soldiers were dictated their uniforms strictly, and his forced butler position had been much like the military as well. Honestly...he'd never been allowed decide what he wanted to put on his body. It wasn't often that the war torn man considered freedoms, but this was one of those times now. Of course, if he chose to wear things like this more often, it would be of his own compulsion, not because Nadaline and Saraphina encouraged him...

    When her attention abruptly changed from skating to snowmen, it jarred the tall man out of his thoughts. Turbulent hues turned to examine where she'd looked, and sure enough it seemed that snowmen were in their future. Heaving a small sigh, he nodded in resigned agreement and skated out of the rink to turn in his rentals. Whilst he was finishing up putting on his shoes, Nadaline held him back from joining his unlikely date for the evening to tell him she was leaving her with him. His brows quirked up slightly. This was a shock. Nadaline was almost always glued to her queen's side and from experience he knew how Saraphina got when she was alone. His vest knew it too...the snot stains had not been pleasant to get out. "Wait, Nadaline- No-"

    It was too late. The matchmaker had departed. Frowning a bit, he turned and started walking toward the white-haired woman. Despite himself, he rushed there so she wouldn't start to panic, drawing near just as she started to shift her eyes to him. "It seems you've been left in my care for the rest of the festivities, Saraphina," he told her somewhat stiffly. Not one to bask in any awkwardness, he promptly started gathering the snow to make the round, segemented body for her to decorate.

    [1314/1500 - 1/5 tokens (Ice skating)]


    Winter Festivals Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Saraphina 10th January 2020, 8:35 pm

    The White Queen
    The queen let up a giggle as she was thanked and nodded to the blond as she skated around him. As he agreed to join her in making snowmen, Saraphina clapped her hands to him. “Great! I haven’t made some snowmen in a long time! I wonder how the snow in Hostia is since it’s close to Iceberg…” She tapped her chin before she got out of the ice rink. That would be a thought to see another day. Right now, she wanted to make snowmen. Apparently these ones would also be included in a fight not too long after the contest. She gasped after finding that little bit of information out, and grinned widely.

    After noticing that Nadaline was gone, and seeing Birch walking up to her, the queen didn’t know entirely what to do. Here she was, dressed differently than she usually was, and with one of her guild members that had upset her before, and she had accidentally killed once. As he pointed out that she was in his care, Saraphina blushed while** nodding. “Yeah…” She glanced away from him. To her surprise, Birch actually started to gather snow together for a snowman. She covered her mouth a bit, hiding a grin behind her hands. She wouldn’t say aloud, but she honestly thought Birch wouldn’t participate and just keep her company! But here he was, actually helping her make a snowman! She plopped herself on her knees in the snow, and started helping him.

    Honestly, snow didn’t bother her. Getting down and dirty in it. Playing in it. Making things out of it. The only bit that bothered her, was eating snow that wasn’t freshly fallen. She wouldn’t do that, even if she was forced to. She patted the snow together with Birch, and it seemed within no time, their little snowman was coming together and was complete. Saraphina clapped her hands softly, and mused to herself about how adorable the snowman was. Her eyes trailed back over to Birch as she grinned slightly devilishly. “Care to enter it in the Snowball War that’s happening soon?” She asks him as she glanced down to the snowman. She hoped it would be entertaining. The host of the contest had mentioned something about heat grenades or something during the war, and that these snowmen would be brought to life. It sounded better, now she could control this little minion of snow with no issue! Well, if they joined at least.

    As soon as their snowman was done completely, Saraphina had put on a couple icicles on it’s back and arms while whispering ‘Bergelmir’ to it. The back became littered with ice shards while also simultaneously growing ice claws for fingers. A grin was on the white queens lips as she looked at the snowman, patting its head gingerly. “So sweet.” She couldn’t help but tell it as the host came up with a mic to announce that the snowball fight was beginning in ten minutes. Their snowman was brought over to the area, and the white queen and her butler were given a token for participating. She looked up to Birch and stuffed it in her jacket pockets. “I never realized how useful pockets were till now… though… they’d be nicer on the pants, I think.” She says as she tried to poke her fingers at the fake pockets at the front of her pants. She pouted a little at that. Maybe she could get her dresses altered to have pockets, or newer pants made with actual pockets too? The jacket was nice, but she didn’t like how it hung on her often. It actually bothered her arms.

    She followed the group of people a little bit after stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets and saw the little arena with snow drifts and ice sculptures about the place, and she leaned forward a little while observing it. The place wasn’t glamorous, but she felt it would do. “The object of the snowball fight is to, either A, protect your area, or B, eliminate everyone else. You’ll be given a gun of snowball pellets and a few heat grenades! Only the snowmen will be affected by these grenades though!” Saraphina pouted at the host’s words, and looked around. The people were mostly adults, and they were forming teams. The queen takes a deep breath as she steps forward to get her own gun and grenades.

    “Hey pretty princess!” Someone called at her. “Don’t break a nail out there! Why not team up with us so you won’t be crushed?! We’ll make sure you’ll win. If not, you’ll lose!” Saraphina peered over her shoulder and glared a little. She wasn’t weak… She didn’t need their help. After receiving her snowball gun, she pointed it at the tall brunet male that had called out to her, and shot a pellet right at his face. A snicker came across her lips as she put a hand on her hip, after placing the grenades on her belt loop, and put the snowball gun on her shoulder. Her normal grin she had on her face when she’s told ‘no’ about something was there. “I’m sorry. Were you talking to me? Unfortunately… I’m not a princess… Try queen next time.” She giggled and turned around again. She didn’t even realize if Birch was there or not. She was wanting to just blow these guys to smithereens.

    She actually was debating on using her magic... Should she test these guys? Or just eliminate them? Toying sounded fun now. She had a surprise too. As soon as she was given an area that was for her and her little snowman to protect, someone brought all the snowmen to life. There were dragons and actually snowmen, then there was her little one. It was too little to her now, and a grin formed on her face. “Bergelmir.” She said casually while pointing three fingers at the snowman. Instantly it grew bigger with more ice spikes coming out of it’s back. A grin formed on her face as the creature ran out to attack the rest of the arena, though it was acting a little weirder than the others after she infused it with some of her own magic. It started swinging their arms all over the place, trying to smash everyone and everything. Saraphina held up the gun and was shooting the pellets at everyone while holding up her hands to make an ice wall out of the spikes, blocking incoming snowballs at her and the other snowmen.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (1090) *1500/1500 words
    ** 914 extra words
    Xmas Event :: Winter Solstice/Page 1, Post n°12


    Arkadi Azarov
    Arkadi Azarov

    Alt Account- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Limited Edition- Buddy Buddy- Halloween job event participant - Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 82,536

    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Arkadi Azarov 13th January 2020, 4:32 am

    Birch followed the queen over to the snowball war once their join project had been completed, a little more interested in this game than the others. He may not have enjoyed the war he'd fought in, but once he was a soldier it wasn't something he could turn off. The guns and grenades reminded him a little of training exercises, though their weaponry hadn't been nearly as high tech back then. Still, explosives were explosives and guns were guns. He stayed quiet as a mouse the whole time, even when the guys spoke up to Saraphina. He knew full well she could handle herself. They were lucky they were still alive. If only they knew who they were talking to.

    Once it started and his guild master went off to buff up their snowy creation and guard their area, Birch went more on the offensive. He refracted the light around himself, essentially making himself invisible to the naked eye. If one was hypervigilant enough they might notice the careful, calculated footsteps he left in the snow, but the snowball war was so chaotic that no one did. Systematically he infiltrated the dens some of them made, descending in a hail of snow bullets and kicking them out into the open where the average magical snowman could get them. The men that had heckled Saraphina got special treatment that may or may not have seen them lose consciousness and become buried under a snowy mound.

    Despite the fact that Birch seemed to avoid fun at all costs, it was clear he was enjoying himself. Once he'd done about as much non-lethal damage as he could to their enemies, he darted around Sara's ice walls to catch his breath. The blond man was invigorated, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips even though his eyes were sharp and devious. Peeking around, his devious pleasure was only increased by seeing their snowman wreaking havoc. "Hmm, it seems our snow child is the best of the group," he commented, whipping back into safety just as a snowball pellet whizzed past where his face had been. Before he could peek again and make a new attack strategy, the sounds on the field changed. No longer were there playful screams and groans. It was an instant change, octaves rising and volume amplifying in terror and pain. Lifting a slender pale brow, he sat his snowball gun down. Something had changed. Now that he paid attention, he could sense some magical presences running around the warzone that didn't belong to the generally harmless snowmen or their spiky boy. One was actually just about to round the side of where he and Saraphina were!

    Birch leaned over the Tight-Ripped-Pants Queen and outstretched an arm, altering the gravitational pull of his hand enough to pull the enemy right into it. It was a lanky humanoid creature made of solid ice. Wonderful. With a dark smirk, he started to siphon its ice magic right out of it, and given its nature, that should kill it while also giving Birch a nice magic boost. The unnatural light that glowed within the creature started to fade as it frantically flailed, weakly jabbing an ice spike into his arm. He didn't care even as it piercing him and drew blood, for with little effort he melted it and the now lifeless elemental into nothing more than puddles.

    "There are elemental monsters here, just like the other festivals," Birch informed Saraphina as he leaned back, still lingering close to her. Closer than normal. His blood was pumping from exhilaration, breaking him out of his usual behaviors a bit into something wilder. "Are you ready?" his deep voice rumbled. The unknown prince paused only a moment for her answer, then darted out into the open to join in the fray.

    He was almost disappointed in the beginning. There were little hordes of scorpions, but blasts of dark energy blasted them away or he'd crush them under the weight of immense spacial pressure. They were so small that even though they popped up in groups of ten, they squished just like any other bug. He fed off of another ice elemental that had the nerve to rip his shirt, then blasted the third one with an unrestrained wave of fire. Meanwhile, their snow brute thrashed on, to the point that he wasn't sure whose side it was on anymore. He'd worry about it later, though, because soon enough the true threat showed itself. A Yeti dashed on the scene with surprising speed for its vastness, and the blood-lusting Birch was simply itching to tear it apart.

    That would prove to be much harder than he thought. Forgetting that he was no longer the warrior he once was, he found himself being smacked around by the strong monster. Between his dark energy shredding his sleeves to give him purply black claws of chaotic celestial energy and the beast thoroughly thrashing him every time he got close, his shirt was no more. A large scar situated across his chest was revealed, as well as some new wounds. Energy swirled around him and protected him from some damage, but blood also seeped down his skin and into the disturbed white below. Though he'd not ask for it, he knew that until he reclaimed his former glory, he'd require help with enemies that would have once been weaklings to him. It pissed him off, but this was his new reality still.

    [wc: 913 || 1500/1500 event wc met - 727 extra wc. || New Group WC: 1641
    6/5 tokens earned (Ice skating, snowman building, snow war) 10/10 ice scorpion defeated, 3/3 ice elementals defeated]


    Winter Festivals Ih2UNXF

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Winter Festivals Empty Re: Winter Festivals

    Post by Saraphina 14th January 2020, 8:43 pm

    The White Queen
    The white queen was glad Birch didn’t step in when she was being heckled, but at the same time, she was a little disappointed he didn’t make a sound about it. Regardless, it wasn’t important fully… at least she tried to tell herself that. The snowball war was starting. She didn’t bother with Birch again as she saw him make himself invisible before her, and figured he’d go run off and do something else on his own. She wasn’t entirely alone right now. She had the snowman. She did notice that some dens were being infiltrated and the fighters in it were being kicked out. She couldn’t see by what though. Suspicion was falling over her before she got distracted by someone trying to come at her again.

    The queen noticed Birch a few times and when he came back behind her ice walls, she was looking at him with awestruck eyes and a blush on her cheeks. He was smiling! Birch! Who never smiles, was smiling! “Our… child…?” Her face instantly turned red hot as he was talking about the snowman they made. Her head was whirling with thoughts of their child and how it would be. How it would look… but then she reeled back on what they would have to do to get said child. Her face burned even more at that thought and she felt a little dizzy. The sounds of the joyous screams turning terrified had brought her back to reality. Her eyes widened again as the blond reached over her and sucked in one of the newer enemies that had come around her ice wall.

    She enjoyed watching him suck up the energy of the elemental, and simply nodded to his comment about the elementals being there. She looked over at him as he sat back, being close to her. She smiled sweetly before momentarily grabbing his shoulder and kissing his cheek. “Yup! Ready as ever.” She couldn’t help but purr before she quickly shot herself up and found herself looking at scorpions and a couple other elementals. It seemed that Birch was dealing with them though and didn’t need her help really. As the snow brute started to thrash about, it decided to aim itself towards her again. Saraphina frowned. She wasn’t going to have this. She threw one of the heat grenades in an attempt to stop the brute, but it didn’t do much to him. Not cool. She shook her shoulders before holding one of her hands out in front of her. “Jord.” She mutters and the earth below cracked to throw up big chunks. They instantly went after the brute.

    As soon as the rocks got close, the brute tried to smash them away, but the rocks kept coming. It looked around at all the rocks and was easily getting distracted. A snort escaped Saraphina’s lips as she clenched her hand into a fist and instantly the rocks went crashing into the brute of a snowman till it was nothing more than a pile of snow and ice. “I’m sorry, my baby, but you were going to hurt me.” She muses softly as she glanced over to the yeti that had ran over. Honestly… these things were trouble. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen a yeti… Thought they were only in Iceberg along with Vulcans?” She shrugged her shoulder at her thought as that question really wasn’t for anyone. But she was a little upset. She was enjoying her time with Birch, and now she had to do something else instead of hanging out with him! She then paused for a moment. Was this a date?

    All the rocks that the yeti was throwing, was instantly blocked by Jord and became one with the spell. She looked up just as Birch was smacked back away from the creature, and she frowned. “That wasn’t okay…” She mutters. She was blushing though. Birch was shirtless in front of her. She instantly put her hand to her nose, feeling as if something was dripping from her nose, like blood, but none was there. “Back off!” She calls as she threw her rocks at the yeti to get it to back off of Birch and focus on her. She glares rather deeply at it as she holds out her hand like she was holding a bow. “Skaldi.” She simply mutters and suddenly her bow was right back in her hands. She aimed it at the yeti and let the rocks distract it while she aimed the arrow. This time, Birch wouldn’t be hit by the arrow unless there was some sort of freak accident. She fired off an arrow and saw it get smashed by the yeti’s fist.

    This was going to be fun. She shot more arrows out at the yeti, snarling at it a little. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with something for once. She moved three fingers up and the ice spiked up out of the ground. The spikes shot right through the yeti, making it freeze for a moment as it looked down at the ice spike going through its chest. Saraphina lifted her three fingers up again and more spikes shoot up in the air. One of the groups of spikes had red starting to drip down it, and if one were to look at the top of the spikes, they’d see the group that called out to her before the snowball war. “There… the stupid yeti is gone… I think I want to go home now and do something else.” She pouts as she crossed her arms over her chest. She actually was wanting to skate with Birch more. Her thoughts of ice rinks in Hostia and on Hakobe wounded great again.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (958) 1872 words
    2599 total wc
    Job Link/Job Approval


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