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    The twisted ones


    Lineage : None
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    The twisted ones Empty The twisted ones

    Post by MAI 7th August 2019, 8:50 am

    Desierto proved to be quite a difficult place to find… well, anything, really. Mai was already flying over the expansive and seemingly never-ending desert for hours, her scanners still not quite capturing anything. This was most disappointing, as her mission was a tad bit urgent one. Sent directly by a branch of the magical council, she was to help a team of knights locate a group of individuals, composed entirely of slaves and the man who ‘owned’ them. Normally such assignment was not exactly an urgent one, but the authorities got the information that he was planning on something truly catastrophic.

    By sacrificing the slaves, he would be able to bring forth a demon from another realm, one capable of great destruction. And so they needed to locate him as soon as was possible. But since the desert was so large and without any reliable landmarks or ways to keep track of where one already looked, it was an extremely difficult area to find him in. This was where Mai came in. As a new addition to Sabertooth, one of the legal guilds of Fiore, her assistance was requested. Her machine-self was much better at these tasks than any human unless their magic was tailer for reconnaissance.

    She was able to easily map the area and ensure she would not be going in circles while her sensors were able to capture any signs of life in a very large radius, especially given her airborne advantage. And finally, she was able to fulfill her role. Locating the man and all of the woman, all barely dressed at all with mere rags covering their hurt bodies, she calculated their path from distance and became able to lead anyone right to them. Naturally, she was not to engage such a dangerous individual alone.

    Returning to the camp that was set up in the desert by the knights, she was able to relay the location to them right away. But, well… the knights themselves were just that. Guardians that had somewhat unfitting armor covering them, given the environment. They were far from fit to cross the sand dunes. It seemed that the management had truly screwed this one up. Thankfully, the assistance of another prominent mage was requested. And he was due to arrive rather soon. Once he would, he and Mai could track the slaver down quickly and dispatch of him to prevent the disaster.

    Word Count: 402 / 1,500

    @Raviel Rune


    Raviel Rune
    Raviel Rune

    Lineage : Reaping Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : ‭1,893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dance of Steel
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    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by Raviel Rune 17th August 2019, 9:17 am

    Raviel would have to thank his padded tabi boots for keeping his stroll through the desert rather comfy. While the heat was something he was not particularly fond of, sand in his boots would be a nightmare. Especially hot sand.

    So, he walked, looking around to spot the supposed camp where he would meet his coworker. Apparently, that mission needed someone else but him to reach his completion. While he did not really care for the living's motivations and drives, he was curious to know who the deep intricacies that were living on living relations. The world of the living was a complex machine of many cogs. HE could not possibly understand them all, but understanding enough would make sure his duty as a reaper of souls would not be failed.

    He would soon arrive to the place he had been pointed at, a small camp near a oasis. By his knowledge, they were about in the middle of the desert. If only slightly to the east maybe. The place was nothing but simplstic and rural, filled with knights of the place Raviel had been told would provide some sort of support.

    Walking deeper into the base, his dark bluish-grey shinobi armor popping out in the sea of white clothing, the young blonde Reaper moved his gaze around. He was trying to find the other one whose participation in that mission would be much more relevant than the knights' own. His partner, basically.

    He stopped one of the knights by exteding his arms to block the guy's path. Once the inquiry was made, he was pointed over to a slightly bigger tent. So there they were then. He could probably have guessed.

    Raviel quietly approached, lifting up the would be door cloth and stepping in. Still soundless in his movements, the young prince walked two steps forward before stopping still. He had met that...thing, before. It was when he had went to retrieved the Booklet of Travel the living used to move around. The prince had to wonder why was a machine there and why was it supposed to be his partner during the mission. Perhaps some testing of sorts? The whole mission was staged just to test out if the machine before him was flawless or in need of recalibration?

    More and more questions awaited the prince it seemed. Question that could maybe not be answered. Raviel stood there, waiting for the thing to notice and adress him with the details of the mission. It was not like a machine, to engage an acquaintance in idle prattle, afterall.

    WC 429


    The twisted ones TDx7Coh

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1718

    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by MAI 24th August 2019, 3:02 pm

    Before her partner for the job arrived, Mai took her time explaining everything to one of the knights. Or rather, their leader. This was done inside of his tent, as far away from the sand-filled wings that managed to get the small material just about anywhere if one were to be exposed to it.

    She was just drawing the estimated path on the map that rested on table square in the middle of the small sanctuary when the boy arrived. “Ah, finally here. Well then, I ask you two to take care of the business. I’d rather not take a step more into that barren hell.

    The commanding knight’s voice was somewhat drowned out as the wind howled inside, perhaps asserting his point. Regardless, he found himself a chair in the corner of the tent and sat down, leaving Mai to relay everything she knew to her partner. She would turn around to glance at him.

    One single look was enough for her data-bank to pull out the correct entry. This time she finally had his name and all the essential information. Well, at least everything that was public knowledge. Naturally, she had no way to know anything that did not fall into that category.

    Approaching him, her head would give a small bow before she spoke in her surprisingly not robotic-sounding voice.

    Greetings, subject Raviel Rune. This unit has been assigned as your help for this mission. Designation ‘207-4-57-9’. You may also address this unit by the abbreviation of her structure designation, that is as M.A.I.

    Once again, her introductions were rather filled with information. It was something she needed to work on, still. But for now, she appeared more like an energetic lass that had an awful lot to share than a collected and cold machine, at the very least.

    Summary: Our task is to stop a slaver that is roughly two miles away from this position. He is traveling the desert with numerous slaves that are to be used as sacrifices to summon an entity of great power. Our goal is to prevent this and capture the slaver.

    Turning her head around so the knight would be in her field of vision, she’d see his nod of approval that she relayed all the required information. Taking that praise and turning around to face Raviel again, Mai would tilt her head to the side ever so slightly.

    Query: Is there anything subject Raviel Rune wants to ask about before we head out?

    Word Count: 816 / 1,500

    @Raviel Rune


    Raviel Rune
    Raviel Rune

    Lineage : Reaping Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : ‭1,893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dance of Steel
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    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by Raviel Rune 7th September 2019, 6:03 pm

    It seemed that he had been once again found himself at the presence of the weird robot from the time when he wanted to get the passport thingy. Interesting. So she was some kind of police o robot? Could he even call it a she? Ah watever. The prince would have to make do with what he had. It would be unlikely he would get any other help so he would have to stand around the weird talking tin can.

    "I have no doubts to quench at the current moment, oh acquaintance mine." He quickly replied. So it wanted to be called MAI? What could that acronym ever be for? It seemed that every second of him staying there raised quite the number of questions, but the void prince did not wish to engage in idle prattle nor question a possible killing machin on something that might trigger it into attack mode. "The faster we get out there the better. While some of the souls there will meet their fate and exhaust their meaning in this world, it is my duty to protect and prevent others from claiming souls that are not yet meant to part from the world of the living."

    With that said, Raviel swivelled on his heels and exited the tent, begooning his search for clues in the near vicinites of the camp. Finding the guy would prove quite hard. Sand could easily shift around so footprints might be useless to try and search for. Granted, there was not really much one could search around in a sea of sand, but he had to find a valid strategy to lead to a possible trail if he wanted to produce any kind of result and possibly getting something done in the first place.

    Perhaps if his target was indeed a slaver he could find a corpse of one of the less fortunate slave travelling with him to examine...provided it had not been swallowed by the sand of course. Checking back to see if the robot thing was following him, Raviel begun to thing. What would be the best place to conduct necromancy? Obviously a cave or something akin to that. Something that needed to be secluded and undisturbed. He did not know of anything like that in a desert.

    One thing was true though. Whoever the guy may be, they would need water to keep themselves and the slaves alive. Venturing this far in the desert would really put a dent on water supplies, so perhaps the best way to approach this was to start by am oasis and try to find something there. Yeah. That could work. He cursed himself for not asking the captain for a map of the area, but that was why the robot was there for.

    "Have you got any coordinates for the nearest oasis from our current position, oh acquaintance mine?" He asked, stopping to turn around and face the robot as he spoke.

    WC 492

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1718

    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by MAI 11th September 2019, 5:24 am

    It appeared that MAI’s partner for this job was quite the strange one. When they first met, he apparently had trouble speaking at all. Now, as far as the unit could observe, his speech was just fine in terms of actually making the sounds. However, its content differed greatly from what a regular person would say.

    Something that caused the machine girl to be a tad bit puzzled for a few moments, her head tilted to the side like one of a curious little animal. But the boy wasted little time and stormed out of the tent as soon as the situation permitted him. MAI gave one last glance at the captain who just silently encouraged her to follow him.

    This was somewhat troublesome, as MAI was not entirely finished relaying all the information. Her planning systems had created a certain timeline which dictated that once they were on their way, she could share the rest of the vital information with her partner without wasting any time.

    The act proved impossible as Raviel began his own search for the slaver and his victims, or so it seemed. MAI followed right behind him, ready to talk whenever the chance presented itself. Unfortunately for the people they were meant to be saving, it took a little bit.

    But at last, the boy turned around and decided he wanted some information from his partner, a good point at which she could explain everything. “Negative. An area of several miles across was already scanned and there is no oasis nearby.

    Statement: The location of our target, however, has already been discovered. The coordinates have been recorded and calculations to determine their most likely path began a while ago. This unit can lead subject Raviel Rune right to the desired target if requested.

    Such concluded her sharing of information. In other words, there was no need to search for them at all. Before the boy arrived, the mechanical girl flew all around and scanned the area. And the moment she found the slaver, she returned to this camp to relay the information. Now was their chance to catch up and strike.

    From her back appeared a pair of steel wings, or rather a frame with a holographic membrane of such appendages. Lifting her slightly above the ground, it would allow her to travel slightly faster above the sand and without fear of stepping into quicksand at any point. She just needed permission from her partner to lead the way and hope she was able to keep up with her.

    Word Count: 1,240 / 1,500


    Raviel Rune
    Raviel Rune

    Lineage : Reaping Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : ‭1,893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dance of Steel
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    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by Raviel Rune 21st September 2019, 7:37 am

    "Alright then. Take me to our target." Raviel stated. Perhaps if the robot had revealed that information first when they were back at camp he would not have guessed they still were at step one. Oh well. Without the need to track people, it would be alot easier for the mission to end up in a success. The only thing they would need to do now would be to apprehend the slaver and they were pretty much done.

    On his side, he was supposed to free up a few guys form the west fiore trading company and then safely escort them back to Tolgalen. Lord Mizune would certainly find it pleasing if his employees would be back unharmed.

    He was starting to dislike the harsh heat of the desert. Especially the incessant sunlight. In his home place within the void, temperatures were always mild and the eternal dusk would not burn his skin off. Oh well, just a few more moments and all that was going to be over.

    WC 169


    The twisted ones TDx7Coh

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1718

    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by MAI 24th September 2019, 12:40 am

    It was clear that the boy did not think much about the unit, perhaps exactly because of her nature. At the end of the day, she was still a machine. And one needed to interact with the machine in some way to get the desired result. As things stood right now, she absolutely required directions to operate at full capacity.


    Accepting his order, she would look toward the direction they needed to take if they were to reach the slaver. The speed of her movement was slightly faster during her hover mode, but she made sure she would never be too much faster than her companion. It also became apparent that he was uncomfortable in this environment after some time.

    MAI’s database did contain information about humans and how fragile they were. Now, Raviel was still classified as an unknown, so she couldn’t rightly tell if the same principles applied to him as well. But her systems told her to just assume that for the moment so that she could ensure maximal comfort to her party.

    Stopping for a moment, she turned around to face the boy. “Observation: Subject Raviel Rune appears to be growing in discomfort. Please, make use of this solar shield.” Just as she finished, a barrier of sorts appeared around her, wide several meters to easily fit both of them at a point where they could still keep some distance from one another.

    The barrier was not one to stop physical contact from happening, anything at all still could pass right through it. However, it reflected a considerable amount of the sunlight falling down onto them, making the heat much more bearable. In fact, the temperature inside of the transparent bubble quickly became rather pleasant, almost as if they were in a regular insulated room.

    It also didn’t take much longer before they collided paths with their target. A caravan of people came into view as shadowy silhouettes, the one in the front much bigger and fatter than the ones behind him. Clearly the slaver was a larger man who lived a lavish life of consumption while the enslaved girls walking behind him wore little more than rags, their bodies weak and thin.

    Stopping for a moment, the unit decided to discuss some form of strategy with her partner before they would engage. “Query: Does subject Raviel Rune have a strategy he wishes to employ to stop the slaver from summoning a demon from the beyond? This unit will follow the subject’s lead and employ any tools necessary to fulfill the mission under any given restrictions.

    Personal word count: 1,671 / 1,500
    Thread word count: 2,761‬ / 3,000


    Raviel Rune
    Raviel Rune

    Lineage : Reaping Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : ‭1,893.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dance of Steel
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The twisted ones Empty Re: The twisted ones

    Post by Raviel Rune 27th October 2019, 9:56 am

    "Thank you. The sunscreen is appreciated, oh acquaintance mine." The prince replied, moving closer to the robot but just close enough to be inside the shield. From that point onwards, Raviel would quietly walk beside MAI as she lead him through the desert and to the point where their target would be.

    "My strategy..." He mumbled. "I doubt the guy is going to be strong if he needs to summon a creature from another plane to do his bidding. I am sure a simple ambush strategy will be more than sufficient to deal with that threat."

    Yeah, that was what he was going to do. He would get in there, get a quick recon of the area and find the best place to sneak closer to the target. Once that guy was held at swordpoint, Raviel would seriously doubt the slaver would do anything but surrender. When it came to the world of the living and the living in genereal, he found out that their attachment to the concept known as life was deeper than anything else in their world.

    "We shall stealthily approach our target and strike him from the unknown. While I deal with the main threat, you should go ahead and disrupt the ritual. In the meantime I manage to disarm and apprehend the guy you should also try to find a way to get to the hostage and free them. If they are caged, then you will have to come back to me so that we can frisk the slaver for any key or valuable that can lead us to save the Living trapped by him." He relayed.

    Well, the plan had been decided and the location discovered. Now it was just a matter of flawless execution. He was sure this would be easily taken care of. If all went well as it should, he would be out the desert by dusk.

    WC 317


    The twisted ones TDx7Coh

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:11 pm