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    ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)


    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 23,637

    In Progress ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)

    Post by Ling 24th July 2019, 8:25 pm

    What on Earthland was this?

    Screaming children, crying babies, grown men and women wailing for their documents to be reviewed first, their photo IDs to be looked at first. While this scene wasn't uncommon no matter where you went in the world, Fane looked oddly apprehensive. Yes, while these wailing men and women were, in fact, yelling, they all had some sort of tangible evidence proving that they were in fact themselves. But what did Fane have to show? It wasn't that he had forgotten his papers, nor was it that he cared too little to bring them. No, he simply did not have them.

    This fact hung over the raggedly-dressed man like a weight threatening to crush his skull into bits and pieces if he looked up. He smiled a stupid, uneasy smile as he would normally do in inconvenient situations as he approached his turn in line. He felt the flow of the line progress, and while it was moving very slowly, he loathed the impending procedure that awaited him.

    Raising his head and determined to prolongue his wait, he peered over his shoulder to speak to the man behind him. "Pardon me, fellow! I'm in no rush, but I'm sure you must be. I wouldn't mind it if you were to step in front of me. Oh—well—in fact, I insist." the bubbly man, as mentioned, insisted to the brightly-haired man behind him. He grinned his friendly grin, which was distinctly charismatic of him, and peered at the fellow.


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
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    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 26th July 2019, 11:32 am

    Sarutobi Ichigo had only just arrived in Fiore a few days ago, after he had stowed away on a ship that was departing from Midi with nothing but the clothes on his back. Found halfway through the voyage, the young man from a rural village had had various threats thrown his way until he activated once more the powers that had been bestowed upon him, a power that would certainly put him above normal humans. As he had started his beat down of the ones at the front of the crowd, Ichigo’s fearsome violence diminished all of the merchant ship crews’ courage and prevented any further incidents.

    He had been treated as a guest of honour after that, which he accepted without complains, for the rest of the journey. However, the moment he disembarked from the ship, it was back to square one for Ichigo. He was nothing but an illegal immigrant on this land of Fiore. And he was determined to fix it before attempting anything else. After asking around, the immigrations office had been where he was pointed to. And he had worked hard to earn the money required for the procedures at the immigration office.

    Early in the morning, Ichigo had already rushed down the immigrations office, hoping to get it done with. What he never expected was the queue, immensely long queue of people that no doubt resembled a snake as the queue contained several sections of turns just to keep it manageable. Out of nowhere, the man standing in front him, a young man who looked to be the same age as Ichigo turned around and offered his space, a swap between them. At first confused by the sudden gesture of kindness, Ichigo quickly smiled at the kind stranger.

    “Are you really sure? Are you? Erm, if you are okay with it then I will gladly take it,” Ichigo spoke while nodding earnestly in gratitude multiple times. For him, so far, kindness and generosity had been scarce and hard to come by, and yet Ichigo had continued to hope that things would change soon if he could make a name for himself.

    After they had switched places, Ichigo turned to look at the stranger. He was blonde, with wavy hair that would normally belong to boys who lived near or on the sea, their hair conditioned by the salty breeze. A mark covered the left side of his face, over his eye, that Ichigo assumed was a birthmark.

    “My name is Sarutobi Ichigo. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Ichigo said with another slight nod.

    [429 words]

    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 23,637

    In Progress Re: ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)

    Post by Ling 27th July 2019, 3:32 pm

    Fane was all smiles during his entire exchange with the red-haired man, who later introduced himself as Sarutobi Ichigo. He seemed like a very earnest man who truly felt grateful for what kindness was shown to him. Fane knew it was a stretch to assume these things about people based on one exchange or interaction with them, but said interactions could reveal quite a number of things about people. This was the one truth he learned during his servitude—observing the quirks and trifles his Lord underwent proved most beneficial in serving him and interacting with others.

    "Sarutobi Ichigo, is it? What a. . . Midian name! You probably hail from Midi, don't you? Funny how these things work." Fane reached out to take one of Sarutobi's hands in both of his in a bubbly attempt to shake it. He grinned from ear to ear and nodded, "My name is Fane Howler—you can just call me Fane. Oh—but—what should I call you? Sarutobi? Ichigo? Or, mayhap, just Tobi? Saru? Fane continued to list.

    The only thing that seemed to interrupt his excessive friendliness with Sarutobi was the line ahead of them both quickly beginning to shorten and thin, both of their times quickly approaching. Noticing this, the bubbly blonde peeked over Sarutobi and gestured towards the two approaching desks. "It looks like your turn in imminent, Mr. Tobi. Am I distracting you? I'm distracting you, aren't I?"


    Yoruen Jinryu
    Yoruen Jinryu

    Lineage : Kirin's Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 275
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25,112

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yoruen's Wind Blade Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)

    Post by Yoruen Jinryu 30th July 2019, 5:46 pm

    ((For the sake of this thread having started with my character being called Ichigo, I'm just continuing it as it is. Let's act like his name was Izou all along when we move to the other thread where Fane is freezing to death))

    “Yup, I’m from Midi,” Ichigo said with a smile, quite pleased that the young man speaking to him knew about Midian culture enough to recognize a name of local origins. The redhead let out a small chuckle when he heard his new friend try to dissect his name in a bid for a shorter name to address him with. A twinge of sadness almost overcame him when Fane mentioned Saru, a nickname that the villagers had given him for his mischievous antics and stuck with him as he grew up.

    “Then I guess I will be addressing you as Fane-san then. I guess Saru is fine. I grew up with that nickname.”

    While he kept his head turned around to speak to Fane, Ichigo’s feet was moving along with the queue as well. It seemed like there had been a sudden spurt of efficiency in the immigrations office, with the line suddenly shortening at a rapid rate. With a curious look, Izou tried to lean to the right and left to see what was up but failed to glimpse anything to satisfy that curiosity.
    It was going to be his turn within a few minutes and as he turned around to speak to Fane, the blonde boy spoke up first. Ichigo brought up his hands in front of him and hurriedly waved them to the left and right in a fervent attempt to disprove Fane’s words.

    “No no, don’t worry about it, Fane-san! We can continue to talk if you are interested after we are done with this boring task,” the Midian said with a grin on his face, displaying his sharpened shark-like teeth.

    A cough interrupted him, prompting Ichigo to turn around and discover it was his turn. With a stifling silence from the clerk behind the table, the Midian quickly sat down and produced all of the relevant information that the clerk would need. After all of it was filled up and a photo of him with his wide grin taken, Ichigo was shooed out of his seat and waited to one side of the road for Fane.

    [350 words]
    [Total WC: 1519 / 1000]

    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 23,637

    In Progress Re: ❖ TO EARTHLAND & BEYOND ❖ (D/Sarutobi)

    Post by Ling 1st August 2019, 7:46 pm


    1,081 WORDS (complete)
    @"Sarutobi Ichigo"
    + BG MUSIC
    Fane grinned when he'd correct him into saying Saru, noticing the sharpness of his teeth first. How very sharklike! He had never seen teeth like that! Fane felt somewhat inclined to tooth the pearly whites, but caught himself mid-thought before he could do anything.

    "Saru, then! Well, it certainly does fit you. Yes, you give off a very Saru vibe! Keke!" Fane rubbed the bottom of his nose in giddy triumph. The blonde-haired foreigner was easy to get along with, and most would find it difficult to dislike the guy. His one problem, perhaps, was how chatty he could be.

    The line was inching closer to the desks from his position, and soon he was the next one up. It seemed too late to offer his position to anyone else behind him, so, reluctantly, he shuffled over to the nearest open desk once the older woman yelled "Next!" with distinct irritability. She adjusted her rimless glasses and didn't bother looking at Fane. Fane, on the other hand, was smiling stupidly to mask his uncertainty.

    "Name." she demanded wearily. Fane nodded.

    "Fane Howler! Twenty years old! Pergranden! Six foot one and one-hundred-eighty-six pounds, ma'am!" Fane responded with notable giddiness. He looked at her with wide, innocent eyes similar to that of an expectant puppy. The older women seemed at a loss for words.

    "A-Ah." she said, not knowing what else to say.

    It was complicated, but he eventually was able to get his passport. He hadn't brought any forms of I.D like everyone else had, so he eventually ended up getting everything he needed right there and then. Sure, there was more paperwork that needed to be filled out, but at least he was able to walk away with some sort of documentation. Unfortunately, Fane figured that he wouldn't be needing it anymore after returning to Pergrande.

    After the procedure ended, he pulled away from the crowd to look for Saru again. He peeked over heads and turned over corners to do this. "Mr. Saruuu!" Fane called out into nothing, "Mr. Saruuu. . . -saaaan!"


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:31 pm