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    Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 10th July 2019, 2:54 am

    Ghost would stand in a completely different type of way than ever before. He was on his knees while praying. So much noise was surrounding him. So much hateful beings we're around him. He was in a battle where it was just him vs ten thousand demons. They filled the skies up as far as the eyes could see. They were all around the ground as far as the eyes could see. Ghost was not afraid at all even if his heart was beating faster than normal. On his arm was a symbol of greatness and that was Fairy Tail guild mark. Ghost would smile as he opens his eyes. There he saw the demons coming for him. He would take them to his Twilight Zone a Realm he controls. This was going to be one very long night. Ghost would see this as a chance to redeem himself.

    A redemption stance but why you Ghost need to do such a thing. Life is funny like that. But it is not his sins he must pay for. But his father sins. For each one Ghost will have to take down. This is no good road for one to take. They usually go from good to bad from light to darkness. Only if they lose to the demon. But Ghost had no reason to lose. But he had every reason to win. He could finally put the Hell Legion to rest. They have been a major pain the butt tops for years on end. Ghost was not going to let this game of power go on and on. As he was in his prayer stance. He stood up as now was the time to act. Ghost looked as they came at him so many yet he was ready. Yet his spells were known to take down armies at a time. With a smile on his face it was show time.


    Last edited by Ghost on 24th July 2019, 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 23rd July 2019, 9:51 am

    "The moon it is an odd object is it not. Rumor had it that was made of cheese. Funny I used to believe that very thing. Being a kid it truly is easy to believe in such fairy tails. But that was when I was younger and sin-free. Nowadays, one must sin to make it out alive. This is a cool cruel world. Only the strong will survive and the weak will just kill over." Ghost looked around the battlefield as he began to scan the area. The demons we're rushing towards him at full speed. He was not truly scared by this turn of events. The job he signed up for stop the demon army by any means necessary.

    Soon Ghost would summon his Blackhole high in the sky. Soon it would start to do what it does best. Suck in all matter in its range. Ghost would smile as he started to run towards them. Soon he would take his stave quickly knocking demon back to back and side to side. The data scan was now at ten percent. Gathering data is what this guy is all about. Looking on he would start to release his time bombs. Blowing them up in large areas was something like fireworks to Ghost. This was something he long to do. But still, the demons would continue to come wave after wave they came. Ghost looked on and smile at them. Soon he would summon his clones and now there were ten of him in total. Things were starting to get him PUMPED UP and I do mean to the max. As he looked on his clones were picking up weapons and engaging on their own. This was going to be one long night can you believe it.


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 24th July 2019, 1:05 am

    The dark hole was working just as he expected it to. They were flying up into it. But something was off this was a little bit too easy. Ghost looking on would notice a light beaming in the far district from him. Looking closer he would see none other then Clockwork. This made perfect sense seeing as Ghost did, in fact, try to scan the area. He only got a few demons in. Well, not even demons more like cozy drones. Such little bots could be beaten truly fast. But to make it worse Clockwork was here. He tends to make things go from bad to worse in mete moments. But to make matters worse. Ghost looked up as the black hole would soon stop.

    But it was not him that did such a thing. It was Clockwork very own doing. He was nuking Ghost spells. This was bad just as Ghost looked down. He would see that the remaining cozy drones we're no longer in front of him. This was a good thing in a bad way. As Clockwork was making his way toward Ghost. Ghost would scan him yet it only said one hundred percent complete. This was always so off to him. But something about the old man Ghost could not put his mind on. It is no secret they are one and the same. But it was something more that had Ghost stuck to this man. It was as if he was not an extension of Ghost but the other way around.

    Looking on he knew time was not on his side for once. He knew the Twilight Realm would be of no use to him as well. So many things came rushing in his head. He did not even notice Clockwork walking up to him. Taking his two right fingers. The old man would push Ghost on the forehead. "Yet another fell creation of minds. So many things are wrong with you. However, you did become a rising star. This is good but you are still weak. You junkyard warrior." Ghost looked at him and with a grinning smile, he would roll his eyes at him. "Junk I am not a warrior I am you old stupid man." Taking just a single swing Clockwork sent Ghost flying some fifty meters. He went right into a small boulder.

    Clockwork would look at him and with a grin redo time. Reversing it to back to before Ghost was hit. Yet he still remains hurt from the attack. This was a well established time spell. Ghost looked on as his heart started to beat faster and faster. Eyeing the old man Ghost would he would quickly put his right hand up as he lunched off his powerful Twilight Blast. St point blink range. Clockwork would see this yet he did not move a single inch. The blast came at him at full force. Clockwork time eyes would activate while looking right at Ghost.


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 24th July 2019, 10:04 am

    The blast took out a very large mountain and ground area behind Clockwork. He Ghost would smile as he could now see a red bar meter in his head. It was at thirty percent and counting. Ghost looked as the smoke started to clear. The look in Ghost eyes wasn't what one would think. With a smile sad resting in them, Clockwork eyed showed pure anger. He would simply put his palm on Ghost chest. Then he would use a time wave. But still, he was holding on to Ghost. Grabbing his arm in which be lunched his attack on him with. As Ghost was sent flying back.

    Ghost was flipping over crashing into the ground. Bouncing like a basketball finally stopping as his bad laid on the ground. Soon he would feel unimaginable pain. Little did he know his entire right arm just can't off of him. As Clockwork held it in his hands. The vald villain would make his way to Ghost. Who by now was laying in what appears to be oil mix with blood. As Ghost tried to get up Clockwork would stomp his chest. "Cl.Cl...Clockwork you have no.no.no power over mmmme do you understand. As as ss a rising star I will turn you into ju.justice." The vald villain would look down at Ghost as he started to put more pressure on his chest. Pointing his finger at Ghost a blue orb would form in his finger. "Rising star you said that is very good. Not many make it to that point. But turning me into the law is a very big no-no. You see it was I who created you you stupid piece of junk. You died long ago so be more grateful you foolish inhuman."

    Ghost would smile as he looked up at him. Beaten but not broken he would slowly raise his fingers with his left hand. So beaten so fast was Ghost. But he threw up the peace sign. This shocked Clockwork to the fullest of his being until he remembers he was him. "I see so you refuse to give in you refuse to admit defeat. This is perfect I shall destroy this unless you and recreate you in the process of making a perfect me. You are already in a guild with a God and wizard saints and on top of that, you are a rising star. This is perfect it will fit my plans at the end of it all." Ghost looks at him as he pointed at the sky. The red meter was now at sixty percent.

    Clockwork would look up in the sky to see Eden Gate. This shocked Clockwork indeed it did. "When did summon that? I see it was summoned the moment that blast hit me and doing the smoke you put it up on top of that you masked it's power so I would not feel it. Improvements are needed indeed young Ghost. Unfortunately, this version of you will crease to exist anymore." Ghost looked on as the time beam came crashing down on them both. Eden Gate power was only gifted to a few people. So getting hit by it is very bad.


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 24th July 2019, 11:11 am

    The blast by Eden was Ghost biggest one yet. So powerful it was that it left a fifty-foot deep hole in the ground it fire at. This was a good thing as it gave Ghost enough time to escape the fight. Unfortunately, his right arm was destroyed by the blast. As his red meter was now at seventy-five perfect. Ghost health bar was at a mere twenty percent. He was at a lost but yet he refused to give in. Ghost competed the job he was tasked to do. Yet he was now running for his life. Things just got a whole lot worse for Ghost. But still, he had to return back to the guildhall to turn in his mission report.

    However, it was easier said than done. He looked on as he started to feel Clockwork magic power drawing near. Ghost was laying down near a back ally. He would slowly get up and started to make his way around the back allies. "Thank God it is night time. The heavens know if it was not then major problems we're to come. But I must keep on moving dang it. Out of the city and into the woods. Is the way to the guild." Ghost looked on as he started to walk away from the town. Making shortcuts happen as fast as he could to get away. Meanwhile, Clock was hot on his trail. Ghost did not sand a chance against such a person. But hope would have it he made it to Fairy Tail guild hall. With a big smile on his face, he would quickly run into the guild. However, as he tried to rush in the guildhall would simply vanish.

    Ghost was confused as to what just happened at this moment. As he turned around he saw Clockwork starting at him. Ghost badly beat would simply smile. As he knew he was not going to make it out of this. "You really had me going huh. So how did you trick me, old man?" He looked on at him as he prepares himself for battle. Clockwork would then hold his hand up at Ghost. "Time illusion you see this is another advantage I have over you. Anyway, I will kill you now, unfortunately, you are a fell model. Combat wise great yet you lack many things. Worry not you're job as been confirmed as competed but you will not be making it back. I end you and make you a new Young Ghost so get ready get set and GO." Ghost would smile at the man as his red meter bar was now at ninety-five percent. Ghost eyes were nearly as red as well. Looking on he would rush the man with everything he had. However, he was quickly knocked away.

    Flying into a tree Clockwork would fellow behind him. As the moment Ghost hit the tree Clockwork appeared behind him and punched him through it.


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 26th July 2019, 5:22 am

    Ghost face started to break apart as he laid on the ground all but dead. A simple job turned out like this was something else. Not trying to die here Ghost would notice that the fake guildhall was really the back ally. This was not good for him not good at all. Realizing this Ghost had to think. Looking at his hand the left one. Three of the five fingers we're gone. Looking over to see his other arm he could see it was ripped off. With smoke and static coming out of it. "I truly am a machine all this time I believe that I was human. But I just don't get it. How could this be? How could I have ended up like this?"

    Clockwork would walk up to him than stomped on his chest again. Soon his hand would form a blade made of time. Looking on at Ghost he would start to stab him with it. Over and over again he took this a total of seventy-four times. "Truth is you are an Android a human-looking machine. But you are still human in a way. Your real body is well hidden. Believe me, I wish I knew where it was. But the good news is once I kill this body of yours. You will crease to exist as only one kind of Android could be made. Now let me allow you to know who I am really. I am you that is true. However, speaking on it I should have died long ago as clones would. But luck would have it, that the town you left me in. It would be home to a very powerful lost magic and that magic is soul magic. It allows me to steal other souls to grow my power and life spend. Unfortunately, when I came back to kill you a certain friend of yours stopped me. At the cost of her life, she was able to trick time itself. Now your real body is time dead meaning you are not coming back. Your body is in a tube somewhere between life and death and time and space. With that being said I will drain your last body of this soul as well. Then I will become the one and only Master Of Time."

    Ghost tried to speak but then his head was cut from his body. Surprisingly, he was still alive as he saw Clockwork draining his body of his soul fragment. Looking at him Ghost would scan him doing this very thing. His scan would now say one hundred and ten percent data on life form. Clockwork would than look on at the body and cast Time Dead causing his body to become time dead. Ghost truly was at a lost. "Do.do.do it end me you low.low low life-" Just then Clockwork shot him in the mouth breaking his speaking box. How shameful this was of Clockwork. Ghost was nearly lifeless as he looked up at him. His eyes were starting to close but could it be for good?


    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : Dickhead
    Posts : 274
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1024
    Experience : 7950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Time Keeper Power
    Second Skill: Twilight Saga
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Book 2 Chapter 3: Falling Star

    Post by Ghost 28th July 2019, 5:01 am

    Clockwork smiled as Ghost could no longer speak hell he could not do anything. At this moment all was lost as he must come to terns of his defeat. Clockwork would walk up to his bodiless head. Unbeknownst to him, Ghost was already going into rest mode. Clockwork taking his right foot and would then proceed to stomp Ghost head in. Quickly it would shatter under such might. This was a victory for him indeed. All that was left to do was drain this one soul and hunt down the main. Body a body in which it can't protect himself. But just as Clockwork was about to drain the floating soul piece a portal would open.

    The temperature would instantly dorp well into the negatives range. Soon a blue kunoichi would walk out of it. With her eyes as blue as ice, it was filled with rage. Ghost body laying in pieces as Clockwork looked on. As he was in shocked at such a thing. The woman looked on at him she stood no more than five feet five inches in height. She had on an entirely blue and white battle armor suit of old. But it was her hair it appeared that it had ice in it. She even had a mask on her mouth coveting the bottom half of her face. As she walked the ground would start to get covered in ice. "Why you how could you you low life? I will freeze your very insides right out. Then I'm going to watch you break into millions of pieces. This is all because what you just did and that will be unforgettable you piece of trash."

    Clockwork slowly got into a battle stance as he looked on at her. He would notice on her chest was the same guild mark as Ghost. But this guild mark was not Fairy Tails but yet an entirely different guild mark all on its own. "I see now so that is where he is hiding out huh. He is apart of the Time Zone guild. Did I say the name right? Even I had no clue he was apart of such a unit. This has gotten very interesting to me now. But it seems like you are mad over his defeat. If so come at me so that we may do battle." The Kouichi looked on at him as she formed ice blades. Soon she rushed at him at full speed. Causing ice to be left behind her. Quickly she would go on the attack as Clockwork went on the defensive. Her strength did not fit her body as she was stronger than what she seems to be. Slicing and dicing at him. He would form his time blades. Soon a sword fight would break out.

    The two was going back and forth, with each other as this confusion had Clockwork at a lost. She was fighting someone on his level. This was crazy as he did not plan for this to happen. Soon he would summon his time clones as it was not ten against one. But the female kunoichi was well worth of time as an Ace of her guild. She would quickly cause a blizzard to come forth. As the moment the snow hit them. It was an instant freeze as she leaped to slash at them all. Quickly taking them all down in no time giving. At that very same moment, Clockwork would have summoned Eden Gate. Firing it off at her. As she looked up she would block it as it sent her flying back. However unknown to him she released her head. As it came flying down at him heading butting him. It will be a really bad idea for him to stay in fight. Seeing as he used up most of his magic chasing Ghost. As he flew back he was now bleeding.ooking over to see Ghost soul.

    With a smile on his face, he would quickly absorb it. Regaining his power to a certain point. He would use this time to make a getaway from the fight. As the kunoichi comes back in to see that he was gone. Anger came over her to the point frost was coming out of her systems. Looking down to see poor Ghost body all but moving really took its toll on her. If she could cry she would be right about now. She would close her eyes as she started to contact her guild master. "Master are you there can you hear me. Master, I am truly sorry but I fell to make it in time. If only I made it here a bit sooner. No excuses to give I felled my mission Master." Back at her guild home her guild was named Time Patrol. It was a secret guild that not many never about. Most likely because it exists in the world outside of space itself and that is time.

    The master of the guild would indeed receive the message that was coming in. He looked on as he was in a giant tube. His body was floating in some sort of time water. His eyes were closed as well. This man had scars all over his body. He indeed looked like a much older version of Ghost. He would begin to talk to the woman at hand. "It is ok Yuki we couldn't have been able to save him in time. Not so long as that time beast is out there. Clockwork has indeed grown stronger in fact too strong. But so did my last Android clone Yuki. Now we can proceed to the final phase of the plan." She looked on as he said such a thing she was clearly sad. "Unfortunately the Ghost who was will no longer be in a way or two. Gather his body it is time to upgrade it to its fullest. We will make him the most powerful tool of Justice and Clockwork will get his. Hurry there is much to be done."


      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am