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    Beauty Bonding


    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 1,612.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Beauty Bonding

    Post by Cassiopeia 8th July 2019, 11:40 pm

    Cassiopeia Gojira did not like cities, and Magnolia Town was no exception. Cities, particularly human ones, were cramped, overcrowded, noisy affairs with far too much stone for her liking. She did however, tolerate them because they seemed to be the only place humans bothered giving out Jobs and the only place to buy anything worth buying with Jewels. The Kaijin woman had made her way from Amber Island to the port side city of Magnolia Town chasing after low ranking jobs that paid for better than the amount of work required. Thus far she'd been successful, as the wealthy and prosperous city yielded many employers with deep pockets and menial labor that needed doing.

    The Kaijin walked down the bustling city streets, having completed the work she'd set out to for the day. A few thousand Jewels richer, she considered it a reasonable haul for a C-Rank Mage, and more importantly... enough to hopefully impress her Guild Masters back home. The sun was starting to set low in the sky, and the city was coming alive with evening entertainment. Cassiopeia wanted no part of it, pushing past crowds as they gathered in the streets talking and celebrating. Magnolia Town was a lively place, with constant entertainers and performers, and the wealthy populace needed to support them. Cassiopeia was at her core, not a social being, often an outcast among humans and a willing exile from her own kind she found little comradery in her day to day life.

    No, what the woman craved now was a hot bath, a good meal, and a warm bed. She brushed her way past an eager group of revelers, making her way to the entrance to her hotel. Hotels were one of the few creature comforts the Kaijin enjoyed. They offered the three things she desired most after a long day, and they offered them in exceeding quality. Cassiopeia made her way up the stares to her room, unlocking the door and slipping inside. As always she was greeted to an unmade bed, and a half opened suitcase of her clothing and personal effects. "I need a damn bath..." Cassiopeia said, looking down at her grime covered hands and rolling her eyes. She supposed that was what she deserved for offering to help that farmer plow his fields.

    The Kaijin quickly stripped out of her quality regalia, taking off her crimson and onyx dress, sleeves, and matching boots and setting them aside neatly. She then slipped into something more comfortable, and ideal for bathing. A two piece string bikini, solid black in color, that barely covered her sizable bust and left almost nothing the imagination. One piece bathing suits were a pain, given the rows of dorsal spines that jutted from her back and ignoring the fact she'd have needed to cut a hole for her tail. Inspecting herself in her bedroom mirror she was quite pleased with the results, the Kaijin woman considered herself as stunning as ever. Her vanity was exceeded only by her pride, both of which she valued highly.

    Cassiopeia proceeded to lock up her bedroom and make her way downstairs, commanding the attention of most passerby as she went about her business. She was used to stares from humans, both lustful wide eyed looks from men and expressions of confusion, shock, or even fear from men and women alike. The Kaijin towered over most humans, and her long reptilian tail tended to command even more attention that her scantily clad bust currently did. A brief while later she found herself at the entrance to the hotel spa. Built on a natural hot springs, the hotel's spa boasted both a sauna, mud baths, and a more traditional hot springs. It was a fantastic way to relax, one Cassiopeia planned to enjoy.

    Making her way through the spa, Cassiopeia could practically feel herself being rejuvenated. Naturally cold blooded, just the proximity heat of the spa felt good on her tired body. The warm waters themselves would feel heavenly. The woman made her way to the edge a pool, grinning ear to ear at the steam rising lazily off the waters. She dipped a toe in, goosebumps running up and down her spine at the heat. Cassiopeia then eased herself into the water, letting out a soft coo of pleasure as she did. The pool was not particularly deep, and only came to midway up her chest. She rolled forward onto her stomach, lavishing the feel of the warm water along the length of her tail.

    Cassiopeia's tail began to sway back and forth, paddling her lazily across the pool until she reached the far side. She folded her arms crossed out over the edge of the pool, resting her chin between them and closing her eyes as she let out a content sigh. "Mmm... this is the life..." The woman said with a soft coo, happily letting the warm waters wash over her weary body and melt away the stress of a hard day. Her long tail stretched out behind her, gently swaying back and forth in lazy motions as the woman enjoyed a well earned moment of respite.

    Word Count: 890 | Free-Form Job | @Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 9th July 2019, 6:10 pm

    Beauty Bonding QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    Kaori often found herself passing through Magnolia and all the time she found herself thinking the same thoughts. Seeing the less-than-impressive architecture and annoyingly planted blossoming trees. It just seemed like the town was trying way to hard to be something it could never be, beautiful. It lacked everything that her island possessed and to compare the two was well, honestly impossible. Despite Magnolia's large population, thriving economy, and bustling streets, Kaori was not impressed. But then again, according to her all of Fiore was a barren wasteland in contrast to the island in which she would someday hopefully rule.

    The liveliness of  the city never bothered Kaori. She never had to push through a crowd or ask people to move out of her way. The perks of being the most beautiful woman in the world. People stopped and stared in awe as they almost always did. Their eyes twinkled with hearts as they fawned over what they could never have. Kaori only shot them a devilish glare which only made them adore her more. Proof that beauty can let you get away with anything.

    As she walked among the streets, preparing to do the job she had carefully selected, Kaori realized that it had been a while until she took some time for just herself. Her islands safety was definitely a priority but a day or two of relaxation wouldn't put a damper on her plans. In fact, it would probably help her more in the long run. So, with that in mind she eventually came upon a very promising hotel. Magnolia wasn't really known for it's luxury but for lack of competition, it would have to suffice.

    Entering the lobby she approached the counter, the clerk was startled to say the least. "D-d-d-d-o you have r-r-r-reservations ma'am?" The young man was literally shaking. That was the effect Kaori had on boys, and even some men. Her beauty was intimidating and they were terrified to set her off. "No." She said, staring him down as he quickly broke into a cold sweat. After a few seconds he gave up, typing something into a computer as he gave her the pass to the "luxury suit" which Kaori gladly took as she left the lobby and headed to her room. Despite not having luggage, around eight or so bellhops followed her, opening every door and pressing every button so that she wouldn't have to bother.

    When she finally reached her room they waited outside her door as if they would get some kind of reward, which they didn't. Instead Kaori slammed the door in their face, which didn't bother them at all. They had been bewitched and nothing she could do would put them out of their trance. Anyone else would have been impressed when they entered such a grand room, but for Kaori as she grew up a princess, it really wasn't much. As she flipped through the booklet of things the hotel had to offer she saw that it had a spa which was exciting and decided to attend.

    Though all of the attention she got on the way to the spa proved to be problematic she managed to convince a worker to close it off so that no one else could come and disrupt whatever peace she had found, though she didn't kick anyone out because they were all women, which meant they weren't completely disgusting. Even if they weren't as great as her. It seemed the resort wasn't that busy and Kaori slipped into a comfortable pink bikini as she got into the hot soothing waters. There wasn't that many people there which helped with relaxation, but someone there stood out to her.

    The ugly girl with the giant tail. "I'm sure the hotel said no pets." Kaori spat as she glared the girls way. It seemed that relaxation would not come so easily.

    WC: 647/3,500


    Beauty Bonding Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 1,612.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Cassiopeia 9th July 2019, 6:35 pm

    Cassiopeia had been enjoying herself, the emphasis was on the word 'had.' She was quite content to enjoy the warm waters of the spa and bask in a little rest and relaxation until she arrived. A tall woman, though not as tall as her, with an outrageous figure and a face that screamed self centered superiority. The Kaijin tried to ignore her, closing her eyes as she tried to doze off at her end of the pool. What did it matter, they were both here to enjoy the spa. There was plenty of it to go around.

    It was the other woman that drew first blood, as soon as the words fell from her lips Cassiopeia felt a flash of anger. She opened her eyes, furrowed her brow, and pushed off from the edge of the pool. The stranger stunk of overpriced perfume as much as she did of arrogance. Cassiopeia rose to her feet, standing over a foot taller than the other woman as she angrily marched her way across the pool to face her. Her fiery orange gaze glowered down at the uppity woman, and the Kaijin's tail slapped the water once behind her in displease.

    "Is that what you do?" She said coldly, sizing up the woman before her. "Just barge in and start insulting people? I suppose your parents never bothered to teach you any manners did they..." Cassiopeia exhaled sharply through her nostrils, twin jets of black smoke sent into the shorter woman's face. "Besides, I think you're in the wrong place anyways Miss." The Kaijin said as a fanged smile crossed her plump lips. "This is a hotel, and you, you clearly belong in a brothel." She let her words sink in, as her gaze remained locked on the stranger. If she wanted to make an enemy, the woman was clearly off to a good start.

    Word Count: 340 | Total Word Count: 1,230 | @Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 10th July 2019, 5:09 pm

    Beauty Bonding QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    This crocodile girl was honestly pitiful, who was she to approach a superior in such a manner? Clearly she was blind and couldn't tell that her own social class meant that she was far below Kaori, a princess. Ugly people always confused their station and Kaori would always be there to put them in their slave. "I don't care whatever backwoods swamp you crawled out. You belong in a zoo as much as I belong in brothel." Kaori's comeback was quick and witty. She didn't care if this monster took offence because in the end Kaori knew the truth. She was the most beautiful and this thing was simply green with envy.

    As she looked the girl up and down Kaori was repulsed. What she saw in front of her was not a woman but an animal who belonged in a cage. Nothing more than a cheap crocodile in a low grade wig. Her skin wasn't even worth salvaging for a purse and everything about her seemed undesirable. "I just don't know how you can live with yourself... being that hideous." Kaori seemed generally concerned as she questioned the girl. It wasn't sarcasm or snark it was pity. This beast before her would never make it in this world looking like that...

    (How Kaori envisions her)

    But Kaori quickly stopped feeling bad and instead clapped her hands, a few men who had been stalking Kaori since her arrival busted through the door ready to obey their newfound love interest. "Get this eyesore away." She said, and the five or so men quickly got into the springs in an attempt to seize the woman. Kaori stood as confident as ever, knowing that she would appear innocent in this matter to any law enforcement officers. Not that it would matter. She could kill everyone here and she would still get away with it, of course, because of her beauty!

    WC: 313
    TWC: 960/3,500


    Beauty Bonding Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 1,612.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Cassiopeia 10th July 2019, 5:46 pm

    "Backwards Swamp!?" Cassiopeia said through clenched teeth, her rage only growing with each word the woman said. "BACKWARDS SWAMP!? I'll have you know I was born on Kaijū-jima. Our temples stretch to the skies and our architecture is from a time when mankind still hadn't harnessed fire. My parents were a village chieftain and his wife and my nest mates are all respected hunters or mages." She clenched her hands into fists and did her best to keep her fiery temper under control. It was not working.

    The stranger's next insult nearly sent the Kaijin into a frenzy. "Hideous? Is that what you think?" She said, exhaling another plume of smoke from her nostrils.. "Your head is so far up your pretty little ass I think it's seeing daylight. You're so self centered I bet you think the moon orbits you." Cassiopeia said, raising a hand to her mouth as she let out a haughty laugh. This bimbo was something else, to just show up and start openly insulting people. Where did she get off?

    Cassiopeia rage returned two fold though when a throng of apparent goons stormed the room at their mistress' beck and call. "The only eyesore here I see is you." She spat back in response, watching the zealots as they piled on in. The Kaijin's spines and ridges along her back and tail began to glow a brilliant blue, almost white hot as they crackled with electricity. The water around her began to boil, the heat slowly spreading outwards through the pool. "I have as much right to be here as she does. Any of you lay one hand on me and I'll make sure you regret it." The woman threatened, deigning to go into detail. She was in no mood for any of these, and was now at her very literal boiling point.

    Word Count: 340 | Total Word Count: 1,570 | @Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 13th July 2019, 2:57 pm

    Beauty Bonding QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    Kaori was sick of listening to the woman rambling on and on about things she honestly couldn't care less about. Some island? Her heritage? Empty threats. It was all laughable, how pathetic she was. It didn't matter. Kaori didn't feel like fighting today and therefore she called her dogs off. She was almost sure she could have beaten this lizard easily anyway, no one could resist her beauty and everyone would pay the price in the end. Man or woman, young or old, straight or gay, anyone and everyone would fall for her and their very hearts that led them to such a feeling would be turned to stone.

    However, the real reason she had come to this hotel wasn't for relaxation. That was just a bonus. The job she had selected also took place there oddly enough. She had picked it due to the convenience but upon closer examination, she saw that she might need more help than she initially thought. Though that was something she'd never admit. Proudly standing at 6'0" despite the woman being taller, she wasn't intimidated. "You're going to do a job." Kaori said, staring straight up into the crocodile girls eyes. She was not giving her an option and her answer would determine what happened next.

    Either way, Kaori was sure she'd say yes. Maybe it would take persuading but one way or another she'd get this crocodile to aid her. This mission was no easy task, well that wasn't true. Kaori could have probably handled such a thing alone but she didn't really want too. Not when she could get someone else to do it with her or even better, for her. As for the details of said mission, those would come only if the woman answered yes and Kaori hoped that she would.

    WC: 301
    TWC: 1,261/3,500

    Last edited by Kaori Ciguatera on 21st July 2019, 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Beauty Bonding Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 1,612.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Cassiopeia 13th July 2019, 5:25 pm

    Cassiopeia growled in irritation as the woman called off her goons. A part of her had wanted to send them into a hospital bed, one fist at a time. But, she was guild affiliated now, her actions reflected not only on her herself, but on Dies Irae as well. And for that, she had forced herself to employ a modicum of patience where normally she would not. The other woman was so smug, so self assured, she wanted to just wipe that look off her face with one swipe of her claws. Nothing fatal, just a few nice deep gashes to mar that self proclaimed beauty.

    When the woman spoke again Cassiopeia couldn't help but laugh at her. "Oh!? I am? On who's orders? Yours!?" She leaned in close, her eyes inches away from the stranger's and their two sizable busts squished together as she leaned in close. "You haven't even so much as given more your name, lady. What makes you think I'd even consider going on a Job for you?" Cassiopeia's long tail floated around behind the shorter woman, making sure the Kaijin stayed well within her personal space.

    "How about this. I give you an ultimatum. Give me one good reason to do your little Job, and I will consider gracing you with my presence for whatever menial task you can't accomplish with your little army of goons." She exhaled sharply, breathing a huff of black smoke directly onto the woman's face. "And if you give another load of your self indulgent crap, I'm going to see if you're even half as strong as you seem to think you are." She remained silent for but a moment, letting her words echo through the spa. "Understand?" She was no longer in any mood for games, or petty insults. She had given this woman her last inch of rope. If she decided to hang herself with it, so be it. Cassiopeia could afford the property damage when she sent her flying through a burning wall if the woman decided to stick her foot in her mouth again.

    Word Count: 390 | Total Word Count: 1,960 | @Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera
    Kaori Ciguatera

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 69
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Love
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Beauty Bonding

    Post by Kaori Ciguatera 15th July 2019, 8:51 am

    Beauty Bonding QmUKyYH

    "All is fair in love and war."

    "You're not really in the position to be giving orders or making demands." Kaori wasn't surprised by the response of the woman, she knew that it would take convincing and luckily she had come prepared. She thought about using her magic, to turn those disgusting men into stone. But surely that wouldn't do it for her, no, there was a better reason for her to come. "Do you have anything better to do?" Kaori teased. Her day of relaxation was already ruined and if she could manage to go back to it after such a dilemma well, that was an astonishing feat.

    As for the girl trying to get smart and defend herself, Kaori didn't care. She could say whatever she wanted but the tables would not be turned by weak works and empty threats. Kaori knew when to stand down and honestly now was not the time. She didn't even feel the need to speak up about the silly accusations this crocodile was making. It was honestly pathetic to watch but her help could be essential to the task and though she hated to not defend herself she knew what it was going to take.

    Looking around the spa to see if there was anyone there, it seemed as if all the lovely ladies had made for the exit as soon as this fight broke out. Smart of them. With their privacy secured, Kaori felt she could speak of the rather secretive mission. But of course, being in a dark guild, she knew she'd have to lie about the details. "Someone important is staying at this hotel, a benevolent fool who has let the power of lawmaking rush to his head. He abuses his status and tortures others and I am here to punish him like the dog he is." Kaori sounded very determined, as a skilled manipulator it sounded very truthful. After all, it wasn't far from the truth in Kaori's eyes. Though really the man was trying to pass a bill Errings Rising disagreed with.

    Already standing, Kaori turned away and stepped out of the spas soothing waters, getting dressed as she headed out of the door. As she stood at the exit she turned briefly, "Room 506." And then she was gone. Walking through the halls with the confidence of a lion she still attracted the attention of almost everyone there and yet none of them followed her this time. It was as if she was speaking with them through body language, the sway of her hips, the elegance of her steps, it seemed that a certain air of superiority surrounded her that they had refused to notice before, or maybe she simply hid it to get what she wanted.

    With the use of an elevattor, she finally reached the correct floor which appeared to be for business executives and those on the top of the pyramid. Honestly, it was laughable how people were in Fiore. It was a monarchy but it seemed the throne was more for show than anything else, or at least in the eyes of Kaori. A princess who was doing everything she could to save her country. Arriving at the room she waited outside, no one roamed the halls on this floor, really it was restricted access but when you're as beautiful as Kaori, there are no limits!

    WC: 557
    TWC: 1,818/3,500


    Beauty Bonding Jirongb
    Kaori Ciguatera | Arc of Love | Theme Song | #EC7CCB

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm