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    Sudden Sky


    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Posts : 11
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    Sudden Sky Empty Sudden Sky

    Post by broke 6th July 2019, 1:57 pm

    Depending on who you ask, casinos can be quite iffy, yet for whatever reason, they are one of the most well-developed means in raking profits year after year. Granted, a lot of those start-stop businesses fail almost immediately because they could not compete with the bigger dogs within the industry, but with Claire currently under the employment of a rather famous casino resort cum entertainment extravaganza in a strategic part of town close to all the festivities, she had ample time to analyze her surroundings and take in all the sights and sounds. Well, the latter more so than the former.

    The silver-haired woman was dressed in a rather risque choice of attire - a black fitted one-piece complete with a semi-transparent fishnet style material around her chest area. And to top it all off, what better than bunny ears, high stiletto heels and a pair of tinted sunglasses? No matter what some of the higher-ups might imply, the idea behind the promiscuous attire was to attract more clients to her table, and it did serve as a proper distraction from the games with so many choosing to ogle over her rather than focusing on the only thing that stands between them and possible bankruptcy.

    "Shit! There's no way this can happen, you cheated!"

    And at times, you'd get clients like these who are just a little unsatisfied with your performance as a dealer. It doesn't happen all that often, since most of the other girls would simply do anything to get themselves off the hook - yes, just about anything. Claire on the other hand, had other means of bringing food to her own table. This was more or less a part-time shtick that she enjoyed, and if there ever comes a time and place where she doesn't find the same enjoyment in it, she'd quit. Heck, the only reason her bosses haven't canned her yet was because of her popularity.

    Now, the only sensible way to resolve all these problems was a proper drink at the bar, because all the staff had to do was show that gentleman a replay of whatever she did during the entire game, and be shown the door thereafter. It's only natural for someone to lash out the moment they've lost a huge sum of money, and it's also a common thing to pin the blame on the institution, rather than the actual person who forked up the money when they couldn't in the first place.

    So there she was, seated on one of the stools in front of the bar counter - a place more familiar to her than she'd like, if only because employees get a value discount on whatever drinks they ordered. To any outsiders or even guests staying in the resort however, the prices of these things can get a bit hefty once added up, and that was why there were only a few others around. Most preferred the cheaper pubs and bars around town, and it gave them a reason to get out of their hotel rooms and sightsee around the town at later hours.

    It must've been a weird sight. A bunny girl seated among casually dressed folks, sipping on a White Russian. With the man still causing quite the ruckus just a little outside the bar, Claire could only hope that the stigma of her being a supposed underhanded dealer wouldn't cling to her for too long. She temporarily reliever herself of the sunglasses, what with the dim lighting of the bar as opposed to the much brighter playing area. Her shift was almost done anyway, and though she wished for it to end on a lighter note like someone buying her a couple of drinks, this was a business at the end of the day.

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    First Skill: Shadow Arts
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by Mirror 6th July 2019, 3:27 pm

    Casinos. The woman boasting feline characteristics and a silver, partially lavender at the front mane of hair was uncertain how to feel about them. The first thing she disliked about them was the flashing lights and vivid colours, normally meant to attract and add visual appeal to the layout. For her, they were irritating; she didn’t like bright lights because they were the antithesis of her abilities, which was how she predominantly defined herself anyway. She wouldn’t go as far as to say they hurt her eyes, but she preferred the dim isolation of night over an array of magically powered neon. While most people may have their mood improved by high contrast, it tanked hers.

    The second thing she was accustomed to, the fact that they were cesspools of human greed, pride, and gluttony. There were likely a few other sins there that she could name, but being an individual whose occupation wreathed her in such, she had no right to complain. Perhaps she could even appreciate it; it was deceptive, like her. It came under the guise of something harmless, something whose colour scheme implied cheer, but often the risks resulted in ruin. As displayed by the oaf currently hollering about his apparent rigged defeat.

    That was why she didn’t gamble herself—she was one who minimized risk and exploited systems enough to reap the reward without overexposure. Idiots like this did the opposite, their shortcuts inherently flawed. Uncertain about the authenticity of his claims, she idly listened to the commotion with disinterest. The odds were usually stacked in the house’s favour, but it didn’t necessarily mean they were cheating, but she doubted an imbecile like that would be able to understand in his misguided ire. In participating in these self-inflictive gambles, he had already accepted the possibility of losing, and now he was making a ruckus. What an annoyance.

    Being an individual disinterested with masochism and casinos in general, it begged the question why she was present, sitting on a stool before a bar counter. There wasn’t a profound meaning behind it—the woman just knew these bars tended to be a little higher class than the other ones in towns. Being in this area because of work was strange to begin with, she felt like the one thing that’s not like the others in this place, and not just because of her odd physiology. If there was a third thing she didn’t like about casinos, it was that it was bustling with people, and she didn’t mesh well with them. She already bluntly misdirected several aspirants who attempted to approach her that night.

    A nigh inaudible sigh left her lips, and she ordered another series of shots. She was already on her final shot from the last batch, bringing the glass to her lips and slugging down the throat-scolding straight tequila with relative ease not expected from someone like her. Not wearing anything special, the only thing notable about her was her hair, tail, and feline ears. After all, she chose to wear a black, white and purple hoodie with a simple pair of jeans and fur-trimmed boots—it wasn’t that spectacular. Then again, her icy disposition and standard clothes were failing to repel people all night, and now someone was freaking out and making a scene, great.
    WC/TWC: 565/565



    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by broke 6th July 2019, 9:19 pm

    After a minute or two, things took a strange turn. Aside from the music blaring throughout the casino and from inside the bar, the man's complaints seemed to have stopped. Initially, Claire thought they'd succeeded in restraining him and kept him calm enough to have moved him away from the arena, but it seems she was wrong. Dead wrong, in fact, for he would barge right in and marched straight toward where she sat.

    It's a strange feeling, to be obsessed upon. Claire knew from the moment this burly man sat down at her table that she'd have a hard time shrugging him off throughout the night, as he kept making her offers that he claimed she could not refuse. Sure, the idea of living in luxury for the rest of her life seemed amazing, but despite all that, she just didn't want to be tied down so soon. Besides, she knew she could do much better than this. Not that she's a judgmental prick who chooses her romantic partners based on their appearances - she just liked those who made an effort, rather than dump piles of jewels in front of her.

    Through the entirety of their poker session, he was already upset. As intended, his mind wasn't in the game, and his eyes were all over her. Couple that with the frustrations of losing a few stacks, and you'd get a raging pitbull. Thankfully though, more of those security folks came by and attempted to re-restrain him, but he seemed to overpower them with his sheer strength, shrugging them off and knocking several of them back.

    "Well I'll be. Can't imagine that the first time you'd catch my attention's when you break through a barrier of security guards." There was a clear Southern twang in the dealer's voice, and her bunny ears seemed to reflect the curious tone her words portrayed. Judging by this man's power, he didn't seem all that different from the other mages she'd seen roaming around, and even the ones in her guild. Still, Claire wasn't much of a fighter, and now that she had violence knocking right on her door, she had the choice to either backpedal or fight this head-on.

    "If I can't have you, you damn right I'm gonna make sure nobody else wants you!"

    The man spat his words out so harshly that she could see the sweat billowing from his polished dome of a head mixing with the.. well, spit from his mouth. "Darlin', that ain't charmin' at all. I mean, I bet I could find someone here who wants me, at least- how about you, honey?"

    It was sudden, but her improvisational skills only went so far. And so, every eye within the room centered on the woman with animal ears - realistic-looking animal ears, not cheap headbands like her own. Flashing her brightest smile, she held her hand out, hoping that she would at least get one person on her side that'd play into this, though she could see them rejecting her as she did the man, if only because of sheer intimidation. "You look like a sweet lil' lady. Nothin' wrong for a sweet lil' lady to be attracted to another sweet lil' lady, am I right or am I right?"

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Arts
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by Mirror 7th July 2019, 9:22 am

    There was a point in time where nobody was paying attention to her. After all, the drama unfolding in the form of the irate brute from before robbed the attention of the individuals present, favouring that spectacle over her ivory cat ears. With how things went, due to her proximity to those involved, she was certain the occurrence would trample her beloved evening without remorse, and this being her preferred time of day, she could not help but feel peeved. However, this emotion failed to surface; her face was always an expressionless mask, and this would persist even as she moved a tiny, ant sized vial from under her lacrima-powered watch and discreetly dripped it under her tongue.

    While the woman with the Southern accent was engaged in conversation with the man laden with vicious ulterior motives, she produced a packet from her pocket. Licking the back of her hand below her index finger, when she poured the contents onto her skin, they resembled table salt. It was the typical method of slugging back tequila shots, which she had been tending to over the last small period. She had her lime wedge at the ready, but by this point, things took a turn for the worst. After wrestling through security guards, once again being rejected, the man declared his intent to lay harm on the woman with a hair colour like her own.

    Already an attentive individual to the point of paranoia, she glanced at the individual addressing her in her peripheral vision. The continued words implied flirtation, but simultaneously it seemed like a means of rallying others to her defense. Admittedly, the loner was no pursuer of the greater good or justice, and therefore she originally had no interest in the detainment of this man through her own actions. However, there was an unpleasant number of eyes on her now, and most importantly, it didn’t seem like this was going to end anytime.

    And that annoyed her.

    Licking the grains off her hand and taking another shot, she closed her eyes for a moment. Pushing herself up from the stool, she looked as though she intended to leave the bar, but instead, as she was about to pass by the man she pivoted and spat the entirety of the liquor—and the poison she mixed it with, which she took an antidote under her tongue for earlier—into his eyes. This necrotic Scorpion extract, though nobody could know that it was anything other than tequila, would make quick, permanent work of his vision for the remainder of his life. This was followed by her slamming her leg between his legs, and then should he topple over, pinning him to the floor by way of stepping on his throat.

    “You’re too loud.”



    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by broke 7th July 2019, 10:02 am

    There she goes, unnecessarily dragging people who weren't involved in her business, into her business. It wasn't a conscious habit - perhaps a survival instinct that gave her a much higher chance of winning any sort of fight if numbers were on her side, so even if there was a strange tension in the air that brewed as a direct result of her actions, Claire's curiosity of wanting to watch how it all unfolded was at its peak, especially once the foxy-looking lady got up off her seat and began nonchalantly walking away.

    At first the bunny dealer - like many others - thought nothing would've risen from this, that the aforementioned individual would simply walk out of the bar and into the night, but the sudden violent twist had enough impact to make Claire wince where she sat. Of course, this could be chalked up to self-defense since it was the burly dude who initiated this entire debacle, but the salty burn of the tequila spat right into his eyes and the added nutcracker's delight felt so over the top, she almost started snorting with laughter.

    Still, knowing that he'd at least be in good hands after his humiliating defeat, she quickly picked up her glasses and left the bar as well, in hopes of reconnecting with the person who saved her a night full of crap. Well, not that the two shared much of a connection to begin with, but she'd at least try her best to repay the favor. It's an unwritten rule of hers, that if someone does something nice for her, she'd return it, no matter how long it took.

    "Hey, wait up!" Though the idea of watching someone squirm around on the ground, clutching both their familial jewels and screaming that their eyes were burning was an entertaining sight in its own right, Claire never was the type of person who found enjoyment in other people's suffering. She didn't stay long enough to notice the aftermath of what happened, but after a few minutes of trying and eventually succeeding to locate the woman with very recognizably distinct features, she'd run up to her, and instead of offering a light tap to her shoulders or any form of verbal greetings, she'd bunny hop right in front of the skilled fighter

    "Hun, I don't know where you learned to fight like that, but you saved my bum. For real. I just wanted to thank ya, and I'd.. kinda feel bad if I didn't apologize for puttin' you in an uncomfy lil' spot back there."

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by Mirror 7th July 2019, 3:30 pm

    Frankly, the woman sensed that the man was not a run of the mill denizen; more likely than not, he was capable of weaving spells akin to herself. Like most, she had an acute sensitivity when it came to the sensory aspect of magic. Due to that, she wanted to end the fiasco early and decisively, even if that meant relying on dirty tricks. Property damage and the commotion associated with a bout that would stretch on for a great deal of time didn’t interest her, therefore she needed a swift, reliable and abrupt way of putting him out of commission for the foreseeable future. Hence the extreme lengths the albino went to.

    The fate of his eyesight would depend on how fast he got to a medical facility, and the prowess of the doctors. After all, the concoction was diluted because of the alcohol to some degree. By the time they would notice the heavier trauma inflicted by her underhanded tactics, she was already out of the room, and resolved to make her way out of the building itself. Perhaps her brutality could be attributed to the fact the alcohol robbed her of most of her inhibitors, especially given the hard brew she slugged back.

    Maybe it would be better to lay low and hang out at a dive bar for the time being, or just go tend to a different matter. She was uncertain about what she wanted to do. All she knew was she had no interest in staying at the casino, because right now all it would do was fester the incoming headache beyond what she wanted to tolerate on that night. There might be a way to salvage it, but she sincerely doubted the way of assuaging her irritation would be staying at the site of its origin.

    With the door several meters way, a certain bunny girl from before was hopping in front of her. Deadpan as she was, flecks of confusion manifested in her neon green eyes. Already having unceremoniously dragged her into a ruckus, the feline enigma wondered what she could possibly want from her now. Despite her incredibly vicious behaviour towards a potential aggressor, she wasn’t sadistic enough to go back and worsen the condition more based on whatever retribution the employee wanted to serve unto him. Unless she intended to pay a hefty sum of jewels for her troubles, that is.

    Instead of the expected, the woman issued a thank you. Blinking, she didn’t know how to respond initially. She wasn’t well-versed in social graces, but she had the faintest idea that in this case, ushering in some variant of ‘you’re welcome’ tended to be the commonly accepted response. Maybe it would save her stress to just go with that.

    “It’s fine, I wasn’t planning to stay much longer anyway. Do you know directions to any other local bars, be they dive bars or otherwise?”



    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by broke 8th July 2019, 6:08 am

    "Course I do, honeybuns. Been livin' here long enough to know the town like the back of my hand!"

    Speaking of the back of her hand, the guild mark would be apparent. Though the slick material of her gloves probably shielded most of it from view, the undeniable outline of Fairy Tail's symbol was present, but she's as new as they come. In fact, the only reason she chose this guild in particular was because of potential business opportunities. These days, it's hard to get by as a magician if you wandered down the path of a lone wolf. It isn't impossible per se, but just to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who each had goals of their own kind of served as a motivator of sorts.

    "My shift's pretty much done after that whole shebang. If you can give me a couple of minutes to grab my stuff, I'll take ya around for some food and drinks. Hell, might even consider buyin' you a few drinks if I enjoy myself. Might."

    It wasn't easy for an outsider to spot good places that weren't full of drunkards and pissants. This was Magnolia after all, and people liked to party - it just so happens that a good portion of people chose to be blissfully ignorant of their own limitations, and often more than not, corroded the environment of whatever facility they chose to enter. There were a few hole-in-the-wall establishments around that only those who frequented such places at such times knew existed, and because of her tendency to want to know things generally if only to satiate her curiosity, she had a few locations up her sleeve.

    "No ditchin'! I'll be fast!" Despite what it seems, Claire did feel a slight bit of humiliation donning an outfit like this. It's just that she's been in it the entire day, and around these parts, it was kind of normal. So while she didn't have time to shower and change, a fresh coat of deodorant and a light spritz of lavender-lemon scented perfume would do the trick. Instead of changing out of the leotard, she'd simply wear her gothic-themed dress over it, and kept her signature blindfold in one of its many hidden pockets. All in all, it'd take about three minutes give or take, and she'd return to the feline female, looking more like a dapper doll than ever. Well, more so than she did in full bunny costume.

    "Ready for a girl's night out?"

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 11
    Guild : Hidden Blades
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    Sudden Sky Empty Re: Sudden Sky

    Post by Mirror 21st July 2019, 3:49 pm

    At least the local she asked for directions was indeed a local. One of the few things she cared to investigate before coming to the town was information on notable associations she should look out for. The woman sported a symbol on her body reminiscent of the one guild she knew about that resided there, lending credibility to the claim about being able to navigate the area as though it were her own body. Wonderful, that would save her time instead of wandering around until she inevitably stumbled on a facility that could provide some modicum of service.

    Subsequently, she made her free schedule known, revealed she needed a few minutes to retrieve her belongings, and even told her she would personally take her around for food and drink. In fact, her generosity came in such plentiful heaps she might, emphasis on the word, buy her a few drinks. Ah, lucky her, the lottery had been won. The extent of which he cared amounted to the fact having company might stave off more looks than the previous expedition into a casino bar. If all else failed, she might be able to do something else she particularly enjoyed, like a simple lonely walk at night.

    “Sure,” she said, leaning against a nearby wall. Following her reply, she turned her attention upwards and relaxed. Waiting for the woman to change into an attire less of an opprobrious monument to human lust would provide her a moment of respite, in addition to the amount of time it would take for them to actually get there, to recover from the laundry list of drinks she already imbibed over the course of the evening. Tequila was hard and stuff, and while her constitution served her well, things wouldn’t look up with too much recklessness. Once she returned, she would push herself off the wall and nod.

    “Yeah, I’m ready. Thanks for choosing to spend your free time helping me, by the way.”


      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm