Fairy Tail RP

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    Earth To Gisen (training)

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Earth To Gisen (training) Empty Earth To Gisen (training)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 19th February 2019, 4:54 pm

    Things were starting to look up for the bunny girl recently. She was enjoying everything about her life... minus the wild kidnapping and the amnesia of course, but aside from those, her life was turning into something she didn't think it could get to if not for this amnesia. From what she gathered from Samira, she had some form of an anti-social disorder or something of the sort where she'd hide in any old place from anyone that came by. It didn't sound familiar to her at all at the time. In fact, minus the small hesitations at first in meeting both Samira and Serilda, she had no real issues meeting other people or saying hi. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought that she was thinking of another bunny girl and Gisen was just mixed up. However, the multiple invites to do things with her? Knowledge that both Raphy and Silvia could back up themselves? It was surely the right person... so she would have no real reason to go against the green haired girls word.

    Today was something that was suggested by Silvia. She was told to go alone, but made sure to go to Shirotsume. Why there was beyond her, but her assumption started off that she were going to meet someone. Oh! Maybe she'd meet up with Serilda and they could go have some fun together again! And then maybe going to pet and play with the cute little wolf she had with her too! The idea psyched her up a lot, enough that her pace in walking sped up as she made her way there. A number of things had improved since she had learned some things from Serilda and more so as she branched out, getting help from her two companions to help "normalize" herself to the best of her ability. It started off with the little things, working its way up toward the larger things, though even the larger things were proven to be down pat between the three whom have helped her most with them. The smaller things; mainly noted down to hair styling, nail painting, and make up was left. Honestly, the make-up was something she disliked and refused to do. Nail polish was iffy. Honestly to her, it sounded like something she could have more fun indulging with a friend rather than by herself. Hair styling was something that proved difficult. She wasn't someone who was known to be steady and fickle with her fingers, so to do something like braiding or a bun was more of an issue than a simply low or high ponytail.

    Note: Too sleepy to continue x.x // WC: 439 Total: 439/2000

    sucré @ gs


    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Earth To Gisen (training) Empty Re: Earth To Gisen (training)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 20th February 2019, 10:48 pm

    As she had just tucked her hair up into the high ponytail, she felt a bit of a bounce in her step. Normally, she always left it down, but a change of pace was always mood lifting. It was a wonder she hadn't done it more often, but perhaps that was just her way of doing things. She was far from the girly type, but not exactly the kind either to not like to look cute... at least she thought so. If she looked this way, she had to of for a reason. To ruin something she may have worked towards simply because she forgot was a bit of a waste of time on her part. Besides that, ever since her having Serilda's help in gaining a rather extensive type of clothing variety and into one of her more preferred outfits, it almost seemed to better fit her long length of purple hair than it did if it were short. Besides, it's not as if she disliked it that she could go back.

    Stepping through Shirotsume brought a strange, yet comforting feeling to the young bunny girl. It was unsure what made her feel as exceptionally well as she had, but there was something about it that pepped her up, almost to be itching for a fight. Granted, she loved a good fight, amnesia or no amnesia. She was trained as such knowing that she was able to do whatever it was she could to preserve life and destroying the inhuman threats that posed any harm against them. It almost felt like she was born to protect, Rushing into fights with no caution for her own life? Was she right? Wrong? Until her memories came back, there was no telling. But until then, she would look to the friends she had and trusted to guide her back to her old self while bettering that old self into someone new, but more than some scaredy cat of a bunny girl.


    A voice chimed into her head, forcing her to stop in her tracks and looking around. What was that voice? Where did it come from? There was nobody around... and better yet... where was everyone? Ever since she got into Shirotsume, the streets were bare. Not a soul stepped out and not a person looked to be home. Chills went down the slayers back as she continued to walk through, but she had refrained calling out to anyone. She knew that if she did and people were hiding, it would attract attention to herself. The last thing she needed was to bring attention to herself and to anyone trying to hide for their own safety. Keeping her guard up as best as she could, the bunny girl had turned the corner to another street and there.. she saw the mother load. Bodies strewn across the streets, parts and organs splattered around like a lunchroom after a food fight.

    "Beware.. of.. Dia.. blos."

    Again, the voice echoed through her mind. With another surveying turn of the head, it stopped to her right as they locked onto something. A large gash had been carved into the wall and her hand and body almost acted on their own. She carefully stepped closer and as her hand reached forward and just faintly touched the gash, it pressed full palm on top. In that moment, her eyes widened and a rush of pictures and flashes of snippets and videos played back. As a gasp left, it felt as though one final image snapped into her head. A large cat like creature with glowing red eyes had swung a claw down at her. In that moment, the flashback montage had ceased and she jumped back. Looking down at her hands, she moved quickly down to her body and then back to the wall. "What in the hell... Were those all.. All my..."


    "P-Pa.." Was.. she guessing right? "Papa?" She looked around again, seeing not a soul around, but she began to hear a hearty laughter throughout her head. "What's going on? I.. I have this huge headache... Things are still so hazy, but.. what in the world made all this? A-And.. here of all places?" She continued to look around, wanting to make sense of it all, but she wasn't 100% sure why it was that she had been seeing everything correctly.

    "I can explain later, for now you need to keep moving. Look-!"

    The spirits voice was cut short as the ground below the bunny girl began to shake, crumbling. As it broke from underneath, a pair of horns atop a black triceratops like head had emerged, knocking her up into the sky with extreme force. Bringing itself up into the sky as though it had jumped from the ground up, her body began to lightly turn until it settled onto the image of another creature. It was mid leap towards her and the second that she saw it, the blast of images of her fighting this creature had gotten her mind to snap into place. This creature was the cause of her amnesia! Eyes narrowed and a flash of light brought a sword into her hand. The appearance similar to that of a katana, but she had a lot more feel for the weapon than she thought she would have.

    Her body turned almost in instinct as her foot landed on the skull of the monster below her before she dashed suddenly in the blink of an eye. A large white slash appeared long the side of the leaping cat like creature and the tail plopping onto the ground below on the ground. The creature gripped to the side of the building until the slash on the side had finally opened up, spilling blood down on top of the black bull like dinosaur creature below. As the feline monster fell, it seemed to be gliding down and then becoming invisible before the bunny girls eyes. She stood over top and looked down, unable to see a hint of the creature, but she held her sword up, seeing the reflection of herself through the metal blade. "I.. This is so strange to me still. Wait..." A thought came into her mind and she smirked, watching the blade glow, it seemed to switch into a larger, much heavier looking blade made of white monster like material.

    Lifting it up, she felt the rush of memories of this sword being used with Desiree in another town some time ago, smirking as the bunny girl hopped off the ground and let gravity pull her to the ground, swinging the sword into the ground where she caused a large avalanche of ice to shoot out, striking and piercing the legs of the monster. The monster fell onto it's side, kicking and crying in pain as it could no longer stand and continued to only flail on the ground. Jumping forward, she slid along the ice until she lunged the blade forward, pushing the greatsword straight into the skull of the flailing creature. With a cry and a shuddering of its body, it dropped down and became nothing but a slain corpse. Sighing in victory, the bunny girl dropped down to her knees and began to pant heavily from the use of her energy rather quickly, plus the added hit from the monster before her had knocked some of the wind out of her. "If.. I still had.. amnesia.. I would think I.. was nuts for.. having fought.. these things.. for sport." She laughed a little at herself between the panting joke towards herself.

    Placing her hand into the ground, she waited for a moment as something felt off. The former guild master had the sensation she was being stalked... a feeling she knew would not ever forget. As she slid her eyes and head enough to look over her shoulder, she swung her body around just as the prior creature had come back out from its hidden invisibility to bite down toward the elemental. With her turning brought about another weapon; a long spear, which with was thrusted right into the mouth and through the skull of the white, feline creature. Looking up, she could see something standing in the shadows, baring down a glare toward her. Returning the very look, the strange shadow vanished suddenly, leaving her alone with the bodies of two monsters on either side of her. The greatsword vanished from the plane and back into a pocket dimension while the spear was yanked out from the skull of the monster, pulling herself up with the long pole of the polearm weapon.

    "Miss! Hey, are you ok?" A sudden voice called out as she leaned up against a building just behind her, huffing lightly and giving a little thumbs up. "Actually, never better... But where is everyone?" She looked around, but the place looked completely abandoned almost. "They all escaped when these two and the others arrived. We've been calling for Lamia Scale to come help... but they disbanded just before this all started. Nobody was able to come until you." He looked down to see a tear in her shirt and blazer, reaching over to see if she was bleeding, but discovering quickly that she had no such looking injury. "What do you mean 'others'? " Much more interested in the situation than the condition of herself. "I-I- Well there's been so many various things here, but.. lately less and less of them have been here. Myself and a couple others scouted around and they were the last two. It's so strange since they were all looking like they would be staying. Are you sure I can't help?" The bunny girl laughed a little and shook her head, moving her hand to show no wound at all. She pushed off from the building and shrugged. "I'm no ordinary bunny girl~ Just go get the people and tell them they can come back while I go get rid of these bodies." Looking toward the two monstrous bodies, he didn't seem to contest what she wanted, so he quickly ran off, letting Gisen take care of the rest. But at least something was gained today; her memory and.. new equipment.

    Note: // WC:1720 Total: 2159/2000

    sucré @ gs


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:27 pm