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    Just Another Morning

    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

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    Private Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 14th February 2019, 9:51 am

    300 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    Ilda had only recently started renting a small house in Magnolia Town, wanting a place to call home after having to leave the row house she'd grown up in only a year or so before. She had enjoyed travelling, but there was something about a place to return to- she yearned for it, no matter if she was alone or not. Though, as of recently, there were two living in the little house built for one tenant.

    Tossing and turning, Ilda found herself waking from a nightmare that often plagued her, sitting up with shallow breathing. She stared at her bare hands, shaking slightly. "It was just a nightmare... It's in the past now..." She repeated her mantra, praying she'd someday believe it. Believing she'd gain control of the darkness in her heart, and the power that brought it into existence.

    "Aoi..?" She looked around. Aoi was a peculiar fellow she'd taken in- a spirit that had two forms, and had chosen her as a pact holder. Ilda still didn't fully comprehend the power of their pact on Aoi, but knew she shouldn't be too far from her, or so she assumed. Aoi hadn't really separated from her since the pact, but besides no longer being alone, Ilda hadn't noticed too much of a difference in her life.

    She grabbed her gloves and began to wander the house, calling Aoi's name in search of her. It wasn't until she found herself in the kitchen that the woman, still in her nightgown, found the one she was looking for. "There you are, Aoi... What are you doing? I thought you vanished." She'd been terrified, but she wouldn't admit that part. She was too tired to complain all that much about a fear she didn't think she deserved to have, after all.
    And so another morning with Aoi begins!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 14th February 2019, 10:30 am

    Her head popped up at the start of sunrise as always. If anyone was a creature of habit, it was this particular celestial spirit. She loved to be up when the sun rose no matter what time of year it was. She liked to warm up her mind and body through some exercises with her martial arts. Normally, she’d be more inclined to do them in woodlands or over top a body of water to maximize her focus. Ever since she had met Ilda and became pacted to her, she had made her attempts to work around the girl’s schedule. There was no doubt the red haired girl had some demons hidden away, anyone could have them. Nothing she would pry from her or make her feel as though she had to. When Ilda was ready, she would tell her. No matter how long it took.

    After roughly an hour or two, she made her way into the kitchen. Her clothes fully donned; a black colored Chinese dress with pink Sakura blossom petals throughout it. Though the flower petals were smaller in size, they were spaced enough enough to bring a more serene look rather than a messy clump of a design. Her hair had been done up into her usual style of two high buns and the remaining locks to lay down behind her back. When it came to her outfits, there was not a day she never wore an outfit like these, perhaps unless someone had suggested things for her to try. Anything was willing to try at least once, but she had her style and that’s what mattered.

    Humming happily, Aoi had begun to prepare something to eat for breakfast for both herself and for her pact holder. Her head swayed lightly from side-to-side as she hummed to herself until a voice calling her name had her freeze. She turned her head lightly to see the sleeping beauty and giggled. ”Good morning, Ilda!~ How’d you sleep?” The raven haired spirit looked back quickly to her cooking and shut off the stove before she turned around fully, showing the bright smile she carried around all the time. ”Oh dear, did you just wake up? Why don’t you throw on some clothes and I’ll plate up breakfast. I’ll do your hair for you while you eat and then maybe we can go out somewhere? If you want.” She held her hands clasped in front of her waist with one over the other, patiently awaiting a reply. She was more than willing to decline wanting to change if she was hungry enough.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 14th February 2019, 10:42 am

    334 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    Ilda laughed when asked if she'd just woken up. "It can be pretty hard to wake up when you have trouble falling asleep. I slept pretty well up until the end, at least." Ilda didn't want to trouble her new friend with her demons, so she tended to keep them hidden- but the one sure sign of it was that even when she was still groggy, her habit of keeping her hands gloved remained strict, even if she hadn't clothed herself yet.

    "You don't have to go to so much trouble for me... Though I have to say, your food looks a lot tastier than anything I could make. I seem better at burning things than cooking them." Another prideful laugh over a failure of her own, and Ilda smiled towards the one that had made a lovely little morning feast. "Sure, I'll get dressed. You should eat with me though, so don't worry about my hair. I usually just leave it down or in a messy ponytail anyway- just to keep it out of my face."

    Spinning on her heels, the fiery haired girl went to the closet to pick out a fairly simple and common outfit. She slid herself first into a pair of low-rise jeans, a light wash that seemed to accentuate her hips just a bit. A white t-shirt soon covered her torso, followed by her favorite leather jacket that seemed to reach just above her midriff, making her appear even taller than she was. With her gloves and jacket, she looked a lot like a worker- something she often was, helping neighbors and people farther away with jobs that she seemed more capable of handling.

    Feeling set for the day, Ilda gave her arms and back a quick stretch before returning to the kitchen, a broad smile on her face. "All dressed and ready to eat. How'd you learn to cook like this, Aoi? I might need to get you to teach me so I can return the favor."
    And so another morning with Aoi begins!



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 14th February 2019, 4:35 pm

    The smile on the smaller girl’s face had soured into a bit of a small frown. She didn’t like hearing that Ilda had such issues sleeping, but without knowing the reason behind the insomnia and even few nightmares she may or may not be having, it was hard to help her. Still, what Aoi knew she could do to help her red haired friend was to do everything in her power to help make her happy and it didn’t matter how long it’d take for it to happen. She was a spirit after all, so if she were to spend her whole life to repay the debt, so be it. Dedication was a tool to both her training and to her goals, so she would be sure to put into promises she made towards other people and the like.

    A giggle passed her lips as the girl complimented the look of her cooking before giving a bit of a back handed disrespect of her own cooking skills. With her head tilting to the side, her eyes looked up in a moment of thought before she raised one hand with her index finger, as if a sign of an idea popped into her mind. ”Never worry about burning food! Even burned food can be salvaged into many other meals! When you get to be around as long as I have, you tend to learn how to do a number of things for yourself. I kinda aspired to be a chef at one point in my life, but never truly got into pursuing it.” With a simple shrug, she turned around toward the counter smiling again. ”Nonsense! A girl has to look her best on any day!~”

    As she heard the girl moving on up to get herself dressed, Aoi had begun to get herself and Ilda’s plates together, eating off of her own while she still waited. Setting the plate down where the young woman normally sat, she had dressed up the meal with a cream topping in a rather appetizing manner. When Ilda would return, she’d see an omelette with a light cream colored sauce lightly poured over top. Inside would be stuffed with a various diced vegetables and cheeses. However, the celestial spirits plate would show a completely different meal; a completely chewed clean fish skeleton complete with the fin and head intact.

    As she did come back and sit down, a sip of her tea had been preceding a smile. Watching her getting ready to eat, Aoi walked around and picked up a hairbrush, getting started in gently sliding it through her hair to hope in avoiding any knots that may hurt her. Her questioning how she learned to cook had been a rather great question as she had initially only known how to cook a cup of dry noodles and vegetables some time ago, but now could make meals to put business out on the street if she tried. ”I had a great teacher, what can I say? All spirits are born equal at first, but others grow much quicker than others. My teacher was much like me in a sense. They loved to cook and since they were more attuned to the element of fire, they could cook anywhere, anytime.” She paused, wanting to give Ilda some time to comment on her meal if she wanted or over her story in general.

    ”That spirit taught me the basics of fighting and more so gave me the confidence to pursue my fighting style my way. Not only that, they pushed me to want to be a better chef and should the day come we might find ourselves still in the same goals, that we could either open a restaurant together or just rival one another. Don’t really know how that’d go now though.” Continually running the brush through her quickly smoothing hair, she had made sure to peek over her shoulder and check on how she was doing food wise. She knew the sleep could get to her appetite and while she could never be offended by her having little to no appetite, Aoi was surely not going to let her be upset. ”So, do you wanna tell me a bit more about yourself? You know you don’t have to, but I’m here for you if you have any issues.” She paused her brushing and placed both hands on her shoulders, trying to reinforce the comforting feeling that she could try and give.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 14th February 2019, 5:20 pm

    424 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    "You'll have to teach me that trick," Ilda had mused upon Aoi's idea. If there was a way to salvage burnt food, it would likely prove useful should the day come Aoi wouldn't be cooking for her- or the day she'd get to make something as thanks to Aoi, whom she felt a sense of admiration for.

    Her admiration grew as she listened to Aoi's story. During the pause, she made sure to denote how tasty the food was- which was very! There was such a great mix of flavors in it, Ilda had a hard time describing it herself- but the way it was made, it felt professional, and special. Then again, food was always special when it was made just for you. "I wish I could meet that teacher of yours. Sounds like a fine spirit if she's like you."

    She tried to turn her head, but realized it'd get in Aoi's way. Aoi wasn't taking Ilda's contentment with simplicity to be acceptable, so Ilda was content to let Aoi have her way. It would be curious to see how the spirit would style the fiery long locks anyway.

    "I'm not a particularly interesting person. I grew up mostly fending for myself... Ah, now that I think about it, I never did tell you about these gloves I wear, did I?"

    She took a slightly larger bite of food before staring silently at her hands. "They say long ago, death himself switched places with a human. That story has some base to it, you know. That fellow was my ancestor... And to prove it, I have these hands. Whenever I touch someone with skin to skin contact... Well, it burns them, and saps away some of their magical energy as well. Ever since I was little, I've had trouble controlling this 'talent', if you want to call it that. It's hard to make friends when you can't touch them... So I'm not used to having all that many people around me, much less someone willingly living with me."

    She returned to her silent eating, unsure how Aoi would react. After another couple bites and a sip of tea, she shifted just slightly, hoping to get Aoi in her peripheral vision. "They say even a spirit like yourself would be in danger from my touch... That's why when we met, I insisted you avoid my bare hands. It's scary to imagine, isn't it? An ability like this... I never wanted it, but I never had a choice in the matter, in the end."
    A small taste of what Ilda's life is like... But only a small nibble she'll give for now. While she nibbles her food. *snickers*



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 14th February 2019, 8:16 pm

    Another one of Aoi's infamous giggles left her mouth and she nodded her head happily so she was perfectly content with the idea of sharing her secrets. "I wouldn't hold back teaching you a thing, Ilda!~ But you just enjoy your breakfast and we'll do the cooking another time, alrighty?~" She lightly rubbed the top of the girls head, immediately after so having fixed the hair she had displaced using the brush in hand. She didn't wanna spend too much time just continually brushing it knowing that at some point, even the most patient people could become a little agitated. Besides, her hair wasn't too long to which she had to worry about spending enough time of splitting parts of her hair in order to get it all done sooner. Blessing and a curse, in a sense. Her own was a little thicker, or more so it appeared to be at first glance, but the color and way she normally styled it would do that on occasion.

    A small sigh left the celestial spirits mouth as Ilda had seemed to be stoked to want to visit her former friend and instructor. Even through it, she smiled still. Why? She had the thoughts of meeting them too one day, maybe in a situation akin to hers. Maybe then she would be a little more in thought that they were probably long lost twins or something. "So would I, actually. It's been a real long time since I last met them... I'd love to introduce the both of you. Fiery souls with passionate dreams!~" With words weaving some cheer to her pact holding friend, Aoi had begun to collect and separate Ilda's hair close to the top of her head. There she began to intertwine them down in the same pattern until she got close enough to the roots to tie off the end with a white colored ribbon tied in a bow. "There we go! I've honestly wanted to braid your hair for a while now. It looks really cute on you. And with those clothes, girlfriend? Mmmhmmm!~ I'd hit on you if I didn't think this would be sooo awkward." She couldn't help but laugh at the humor of it all, but endearing she tried to be.

    Ilda's story had seemed to shed a little light on why she was a little introverted when it came to some things. While she had come to ask about herself, the gloved hands were more of a curiosity. Honestly, she just assumed she loved the gloves or was just a family hand-me-down or something. When she mentioned her reluctance to touch her when they met, it made much more sense, but she quickly dismissed it. Instead, the smaller girl walked around her left and took her left hand, lacing her fingers into Ilda's. "You listen to me." She looked directly into the red haired girls eyes with a very serious look on her face. "I believe you have this for a reason. I understand you don't like the idea of being unable to touch someone without gloves on, but know that there are people out there that you'll meet who won't care about such a thing. You're a sweet, wonderful person and you're stunning at that in beauty. Every blessing has its curse and every curse has its blessing. It's just a matter of how you spin this in your favor... But always remember that you could never scare me away. I swore to be by your side no matter your choices. I'm your guardian through thick and thin!" Patting their intertwined hands, she giggled and gave a close-eyed smile with it. "We'll figure out a way together, Ilda. No matter how long it takes!~"


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 15th February 2019, 8:32 am

    430 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    Ilda grinned, glad Aoi was willing to teach her. "I wouldn't ask for a lesson while I'm eating, don't worry. There's no way I'll allow this to go to waste from time away." And she certainly didn't waste it. The entire time Aoi was busy fussing with Ilda's fairly average mane, the woman was carefully eating each bite like she was at a high class restaurant- because it tasted just that good.

    "I always thought braids were pretty complicated, but you did that really fast just now, didn't you? I've never seen you braid your own hair though... Did you braid a friends' before? Or am I just missing out on another cute version of you?" Ilda gave one of her mild but joyous laughs, adding, "I don't know how well it suits me, but I trust your judgement. I always thought braids would be too cute for me to pull off. I always see them on cuter people."

    She wanted to deny her beauty, but Aoi wasn't the first to tell her about it- so denying that would be denying a few people all at once. She just wasn't up for that. Instead, she focused on the fact Aoi mentioned her outfit. "Isn't this just what I always wear, though?" The jeans, tee and leather jacket were basically Ilda's staple. In fact, she couldn't recall a day she didn't wear it, besides maybe one or two special occasions. "I can't pull off a dress the way you do. I find them uncomfortable to walk in, too. The breeze kinda gets to me." Then again, she'd only ever seen Aoi in cheongsam dresses. Maybe the two were peas in a pod that way.

    Suddenly, she felt her hand being held- and for a split second, she flinched, but soon accepted the hold and listened carefully as instructed. Aoi's words were heartfelt and the look in her eyes was smoldering like Ilda's blood. Even with the glove between their skin, she almost felt like Aoi was touching her directly, and that part scared her- almost as much as the words touching her did.

    "It's hard to just think that way," Ilda mused. "I'll try to learn it but... Until I find a reason like you said there might be, I can't help seeing it as a curse... After all, all it's ever done is hurt people, which in turn hurts me. But...There's one thing you said that feels very special... So thank you, Aoi. I look forward to a lot more time together. I couldn't ask for a better guardian angel."
    They're so cute omg.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 17th February 2019, 3:02 pm

    Not a complaint to be had over the cooking only served to keep a smile on her face. While her hands were busy with the crimson strands of hair in her hands, the celestial spirit kept her eyes between her finger work and her companions own meal. If anything was more enjoyable to have made a meal people loved, it was watching them enjoy it. And while she couldn’t really enjoy the very facial expressions that Ilda had shown for them, she could picture them well enough to sate her curiosity. Of course, what always made things more interesting was that cooking meals for a normal person was much different than the vegan herself had eaten, but it was something always noted that nobody had the same exact tastes, so it would stand to reason she would always prefer to cook normally and then make herself something before or after. It always varied, such as the fish skeleton that sat on the plate at the counter now.

    Her head tilted a little in wonder of where so suddenly her question about braiding came from. She’d mentioned many times before that she was well beyond the look of her physical appearance in age, but no matter that. Aoi simply giggled and shrugged at her presumptions. ”I do braid my own, and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do a fishtail or a rope braid.. but I thought for now just a normal one would suffice for a while!” She paused for a moment to set the brush down on the table and step out from behind the red haired girl so she could finally be able to look to her friend. ”Sometimes I don’t really think to leave my hair down or style it in a special way. I kinda just toss it into the little buns after I dress and it’s just natural to me, but if you’re so eager to, I can try to be a little more varying with my hair.” With a sweet smile, the martial artist had gotten down to business with her little deal. All Ilda would have to do is just make the small request and it would be done. No questions asked!~

    Nodding slowly, the spirit quickly realized that she was right. But at the same time, she was just as wrong! ”You know, you’d be surprised how much different someone looks with a simple updo or let down of the hair. Personally, I feel totally different wood it’s not up like it is now, but time is a hell of a bias, don’t you agree?” Laughing lightly, she enjoyed the little question of her own appearance, but then again the company in it of itself was more enjoyable than anything. If anything, Aoi had seemed to be a lot happier now than before she met Ilda, but she was never sure if she knew that or not. They never crossed paths until that night they met, and even then Ilda was right. She was hesitant, but Aoi was desperate enough not to care. Now that she knew, it stoop mattered not one bit.

    As her words echoed into Ilda’s ears, she hoped the girl would see to what she said and at least consider what she said to be at face value. Even the spirit herself was no different. Her abilities to manipulate water was exponentially useful for nearly anything, but it was true that used the wrong way, it could become someone’s downfall. ”All I ask is that you take my advice to heart.” She replied assuringly, patting her hands. ”And most importantly, you can’t blame yourself for what happened in your childhood. What you couldn’t control as a child is nothing to worry over. I’d like to think those who came across you then would not hold it against you. It’s not like anything was intentional, but humans are rather fickle creatures.... no offense. What i was told prior to being here is mainly hearsay really. But you’ve shown me that even through this curse, you do the right thing and once people see that about you, you’ll be better understood, well loved, and perhaps even admired.”

    Popping up from the seat next to the fire mage, Aoi picked up her plate and headed off to clean it off and wash the dish and silverware without any hesitation, should it be cleaned off of food. Once finished, she would turn around and lean against the counter while she waved a hand around to pull all the water from her hands and then let it lightly splash into the sink. ”So, lets get down to business!~ Today’s your day to pick what we do, Ilda. Just name it and we’ll head off when you’re ready!~” Hands places formerly as they were when Ilda first began to eat; one hand clasped over the other in front of her, she waited patiently for her pact holder to figure what she wanted to do.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Age : 32
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 17th February 2019, 3:25 pm

    370 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    It was likely good in Ilda's mind that her somewhat messy eating wasn't too obvious from the back. She regularly patted her face with her napkin in between a few bites, not wasting a single granule of the savory dish. "You don't have to change it if it's what makes you comfortable. It suits you plenty anyway. I was mostly curious what it was like. Even from here I can tell you're good at it, so you had to have practice on someone, yourself or otherwise. Still, I don't even know how to get my hair into a bun properly. Someday I'll have to ask you to teach me."

    Ilda was touched by Aoi's pep talk. Some of it was hard to believe, but she knew Aoi cared for her, and so she nodded in response to the request she at least take the advice to heart, whether she acted on it or not. "It may be but a memory, but it haunts me in my nightmares. I still remember the way the child screamed, the stares, the whispers. It's a bit like a scar- and I have plenty of those too. It's a reminder of a pain once felt that never truly fades away completely."

    Her words were solemn, yet said with a smile. In a way, Ilda didn't want to forget that pain. It helped motivate her to become someone people could admire, like Aoi had mentioned. Her drive to prove herself was from having lost her self-worth once, from having lost people close to her once. Even dark memories had their place in the world, though it would be nice if they let her sleep more soundly.

    'What to do today? I forgot it was my turn to pick and didn't think that far ahead... What do you say we just wander for today? I would like to check on that girl I told you about, the one who was born a boy. She's still adjusting, so I want to make sure she's continuing her quest to be herself and not the boy she was born as. But besides that... We can see if there are any sales, I suppose. Is there anything we're running out of?"
    I had too many ideas, so I flipped a coin, sorta.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 17th February 2019, 4:11 pm

    Being a creature of habit was hard to change, but one cannot offer change if they cannot change themselves. With that in mind, Aoi only smiled and waved off the offer she’d been trying to let out. ”Nonsense!~ I’d be happy to take it down right now if you wanted! I’d just have to brush it out, but aside from that I’m not really against changing anything at any given moment. Though, practicing on yourself and on others is a bit different, but the same in a sense? Umm. Main thing I’ve always noticed is that it’s easier to practice for both if you pull your hair over your shoulder. Which one? Umm.. I guess preference really. I’m a lefty, so I go over my left shoulder.”

    With a soft shrug, she had continued on with silence now that Ilda let out something she knew she was keeping. Frankly, it hurt her that she or anyone felt in such a way, but it only felt worse because this was a friend stuck in this position. It was strange to watch her smile through it, but it also made Aoi smile too. Through her haunting, she could still hold a genuine smile? It only made the spirit much happier to be with someone who didn’t let it hold her back. But feeling as though her support helped only made her feel as though she had to stay strong and continue to be right by her side. A true friend to the end, pact or no pact. ”So that’s why you haven’t been able to sleep? I wish you would have told me sooner. Or anyone, for that matter. I’m glad to know now, but hey— at least you now have something to occupy those sleepless nights with!~” With a playful giggle and a wink, she hinted towards the practicing that was mentioned before. ”But I don’t recommend cooking when you’re half asleep. That’s s no no, honey. Learned that one the hard way~”

    It was nothing to her to be a bit of a klutz in her happy-go-lucky personality. Everyone makes rookie mistakes and she would be the first to admit it because in the end, mistakes are the best experience life has to offer. Leaning back to let Ilda decide, the choice to wander around and check on an old friend of hers sounded like a delightful idea! With a brief nod, Aoi jumped at the table before her body had shifted into first a full bubble of water and then into the form of an orange and cream colored otter, pouncing again off of the table and then onto the red haired girl’s shoulder. ”That sounds wonderful! I might rest a little, so if you don’t mind me hanging on your shoulder, we can leave as soon as your ready!~” She still spoke, looking around her head while her body sat itself around the back of her neck like a makeshift scarf.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 17th February 2019, 4:59 pm

    353 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    "If you're certain it won't be too much trouble, I might be able to learn how it works if I watch. This way I'll eventually be able to surprise you and do it myself." Of course, she wasn't against Aoi's help getting ready in the morning. It was a surprisingly nice feeling, having someone to rely on. Still, Ilda tended to be independent in nature, and surprising Aoi one day by using skills she taught might be a fun plan!

    A light pink tainted Ilda's cheeks as Aoi gave her compassion while reprimanding her for waiting so long to open up about her inner demons. "I suppose it does feel nice to have it out in the open. I don't intentionally hide it, I just never really saw a time where telling you about it would be substantial or a good time. Most people don't ask so consistently about myself, and they also don't have to potentially see me in the middle of a nightmare, you know?"

    It was a fair point in Ilda's mind. Aoi was the first one Ilda had lived with in a long time. Even when living in a row house, the fact was she was mostly left alone by the other tenants. Aoi, meanwhile, was always by her side.

    Ilda couldn't help smiling, a small hearty laugh coming from her throat. "You really like my shoulders don't you? I'm glad if I make a good place to rest." She looked around, trying to figure out anything they'd need on their trip. Carefully, she packed a bag with her wallet, just in case they bought something, and her iLac. She looked around a bit more carefully, eyes scanning for a particular item- or creature, rather.

    "Looks like Vanna snuck out while we were sleeping. That sly fox." Her hearty laugh was a bit stronger this time, eyes rolling to look at the otter on her shoulder. "It'll just be us two it seems, hope that's alright. Shall we get going?' Walking towards the door, she made sure to lock it behind them. And soon, they were on their way.
    I keep forgetting her pet fox, so here's an explanation xD



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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 19th February 2019, 10:32 am

    Aoi gave a light nodding to the idea that Ilda had brought up. It was definitely worth the idea that she could watch her try and revive burnt meal into something different and delicious. Of course, she did forget to mention something small and probably funny to mention."I will admit. I got really nervous the first time I cooked for you that i ended up burning the meal wanting to make everything so perfect. I was an emotional wreck in a sense." She laughed a little at it. She had to find some amusement in it all, and now that the pair were past their first week, let alone the first day of them meeting together, it only showed that she was more confident in being more of herself rather than trying to be someone she wasn't.

    While the red haired girl had been a little flustered over having spilled the beans, it only served to put a wider smile on the celestial spirits face seeing that she was getting it off her chest and even feeling a little better about it. She giggled and nodded as the points that Ilda were made had truly been something she was completely happy to hear. "That's a fair enough point entirely. But even then, if you think you can trust someone enough, you're better off letting it out... Thooough it might just be me. I don't want you to do something you don't wanna do." And it was true. She and Ilda lived entirely separate lives, so she couldn't try to imagine what it was like to be in her shoes. For Aoi, she just wanted to hug her and make everything better.. probably more of a motherly instinct than anything, but truthfully it felt like a bit of a mother like friendship from the way they acted together and the things Aoi did for her on a near daily basis.

    As the now cream colored otter had taken her place wrapped up around the neck of her red haired pact holder, she had listened to her laughing a little at how much she seemed to always enjoy sitting up on her shoulder when she had taken this form to go out. "Well I do. It's really comfy, but if we're being honest, I think that nap we took where I fell asleep on your stomach was really relaxing. You'd be surprised how calming it feels to slowly be rocked up, then down, then up again." She giggled and nuzzled her head against the cheek of her friend happily. Watching her pack her bag with some ready supplies, she'd known why Ilda suddenly began to look around the room, only to hear her mention that her little fox had snuck out somehow. "Huh... No big deal! And if you need a break, we can always stop somewhere for lunch or a little clothing store. Something to relax at!~"


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 19th February 2019, 11:05 am

    407 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    Ilda chuckled a bit as Aoi shared the truth of the first meal Ilda had. "I would have eaten it even if it was burnt, you know. It'd just be more like my own cooking. Though I must say, I'm lucky I've been getting to eat much yummier food each day like this. That's why I think learning would be good. I'll have to learn recipes for things you like too. You never eat what you make for me, after all."

    To be fair, Ilda didn't know a whole lot about celestial spirits outside the fact she could hurt them if she wasn't careful. What she knew besides that, now, was the effect a pact could have on them. Seeing Aoi so energetic was a vast difference to when they met and agreed on the pact. It was a welcome difference, as well. Ilda needed more sunshine around, and Aoi was becoming brighter and livelier, just like it.

    "I do certainly have someone I trust. You've given me more reasons to trust you than to fear betrayal, that's for sure. I think that's why I was able to answer this time when you asked... I wasn't as afraid of how my past might come to bite me if I talk about it."

    Her smile was gentler than normal. Rather than a boastful pride, it held a sincerity that didn't often sit stoically. No matter how serious Ilda got, she usually had a very flamboyant method of sharing, laughing things off and avoiding a serious air outside jobs that required it. But here, she was serious. "I really appreciate having you by my side, Aoi. It's still new to me, all of it, but... It's special to me. You're special. I'm thankful I was the one that got to meet you that day, and that you've grown so energetic since then."

    Stretching her arms forward, she nodded her head and closed the door behind them, feeling she had everything and thankful to the reminder they could always take a break or go shopping if something was off. "You're right. Worrying too much is something I need to work on. Well, let's head off, shall we?" As she started walking towards the direction of their goal, she added, "And if we do stop for a rest, you can take a nap on my belly once more. I'm glad if it's comfortable for you, after all."
    And we're off! They're so sweet together~



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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 19th February 2019, 12:03 pm

    The raven haired spirit couldn't help but giggle a little as she listened to Ilda have referenced eating the accidentally burnt meal close to her own. "True. Maybe we'd have gotten along so much quicker if I would have said I burnt it then." Her giggles turned full blown laughter, knowing it was rather humorous at this point to note that they could both easily burn food. She had noted that Ilda actually took to the notice that Aoi had never eaten the same meals she'd cooked for her. That answer was simple. "Well, I'm personally a vegan. It doesn't mean I won't stop feeding you normal things I was taught to make, but honestly I just prefer it... except fish. That otter side of me is a bit of an unhealthy obsession to eat." She rubbed at the back of her head, laughing off her animal like tendency.

    For the first time in a long time, Aoi couldn't help but blush a deep red as Ilda come to claim her as the person she trusted the most. "M-Me?" She was shocked, surprised, but also flattered. She never felt like she was in the type of position that her old teacher had been to her, but she could feel that sensation that was like that of the sort of rush in admiration. It was a motivation to continue doing what she did. If it worked so far, then there was no need to try and change or improve. Knowing going one way or the other could do more harm than good, though she tilted her head in a little confusion as she thought that Aoi was changed since they met. "I never changed, honestly. I was afraid and desperate because I was dying. I couldn't have enough strength then to return to the Celestial World. If it wasn't for us finding one another Ilda, it'd be the end of my existence entirely. It's why I feel like I owe you everything, because without you I wouldn't be here. But I don't want to be over bearing to you either. So if I'm being too much and like.. don't stop, my sensei used to yank on my hair. For whatever reason.. I snap out of any mood I'm in." She shrugged, still unsure what made it happen, but so long as it worked, she didn't care.

    "Honestly, both of us are a little bit of worrywarts in our own way." She mentioned, watching the door to the home being shut as they began to venture off. The small otter laughed a little as she was offered another stomach nap if they rested along the way, shaking her head lightly. "No no, it's no big deal. You know, a tummy nap is much more than just laying on your stomach~ Besides, I can be a lap pet too, for the sake of the argument that is. I-I'm not into that kinda stuff." Getting a little wrapped up in her words, she buried her head into her own body, hiding her small shame and embarrassment.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 19th February 2019, 2:51 pm

    346 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    "If you like fish, doesn't that mean you're a pescetarian? I think that's what it was called... It's like a vegetarian but fish is allowed. Though you mentioned being vegan, not vegetarian... Is pescan a thing?" The more Ilda tried to name the eating style, the more frenzied her speech became. She was grasping for straws towards the end, just guessing a variety of made up words. "Well, at any rate, it shouldn't be too hard to learn at least one or two vegan meals to make. And it's not like I don't like vegetables. So from the get go, we can eat the same meal once in a while too. I always wondered why you never eat at the same time as me. Should've asked sooner."

    Grinning, Ilda was glad to learn something about her partner just as much as Aoi had been glad to learn something about her. Surely there was a lot left to learn for both of them, but Ilda especially knew that there were centuries perhaps of life Aoi had led, while she only had twenty years on her plate to deal with. She shuddered just imagining it. Twenty years was already a lot to process... How did Aoi deal with so many memories, so much life?

    And then, another memory was surfaced- a memory of how to stop Aoi when she gets overwhelmingly energized about a given topic or a specific emotion. "Yanking your hair...? Isn't that what little boys do to the girls they have a crush on? I feel like there should be a better method... That one just feels painful to imagine. Though, pain is good at distracting people."

    Ilda stood silent for a moment when Aoi denied having interest in 'stuff like that'. "I don't know what stuff you're talking about, but you said it was comfy yourself just a little while ago. It's not like it hurts me to let you have a cozy spot to rest when we're out and about. Would you rather a lap pillow? I hear those are pretty cozy too."
    Now I kinda want a lap pillow lolol



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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Aoi 22nd February 2019, 1:28 pm

    ”Hmm...” She had never thought that way about it. Maybe Ilda was right in her thought over her preference of food choices. The celestial spirit had never really thought about it that way, but all she knew was that her choice in food was a kind of a habit forming thing without much warning. Granted, there wasn’t much in the way of her being forced to go one way or another when she ate, so it only came down to which she preferred to be on the side for. ”I guess so. I was merely saying that outside of fish, my intake of foods is EXTREMELY limited to what I can eat. Well, not can, but will eat. For example, that bean Stark’s that I made like a week or so ago. OH OH OH! My favorite ever; wasabi and sautéed tofu. Don’t ask me why, but like.. oh my god is it scrumptious!” Her mouth albeit watering as she had mentally pictured herself munching on some of her creation. It had taken her a long time to learn how to perfectly sauté tofu without it falling apart, and even now she has a slight malfunction with it every once in a while when she had tried it.

    Aoi seemed a little confused over the comparison that she’d made about the idea of yanking on her hair. ”They do? ” She asked, tilting her head in a loss of the idea that she could possibly process that notion. ”I didn’t grow up the same way humans did, so I used that’s what helps vary us in the long run. I just know that when cooking, it was a lot less dangerous to do something like a light tug than to smack the back of my head or something that could create a fire. But I guess between myself and then it truly didn’t matter, but for the foods sake it did. All I know is, it keeps me focused when I mess up, so I don’t knock it. And it’s not like it would hurt.. much. I’ve built up a tolerance over the years.” It was true... outside of cooking and martial arts, she could be quite the klutz.

    Through her embarrassing moment of a rather adult related topic, she was incredibly glad to figure out that Ilda was much more innocent than she let on. After taking a second to relax from the near panic attack, the small otter spirit had listened to her friends suggestion over a lap pillow or something cushioned and comfy to lay on when they went out or just in general of napping on her lap at all. ”I don’t really think that’s necessary. Unless me sleeping on you for an extended period hurts your legs or something. I just don’t wanna leave you out trying to make Love a little easier for me, you know?” To her, she wanted this to be as fair down the middle for the two of them as possible, though truthfully she wanted to make Ilda’s life as easy as she could manage. In her eyes, she had a sense of need to do anything and everything she could, but on the other hand, knowing that her baring down too much would only serve to harm them more than help.

    Something started to big her a little. Ilda was a mage... and yet she barely had been out since they met. Granted, she was probably looking out for the celestial spirit, she still thought it was strange she hadn’t mentioned anything about guilds or anything of the sort. ”Hey Ilda, I hope this doesn’t come out as intrusive or anything, but have you ever joined any guilds or thought about joining any? I know you haven’t been out too much since we met, so I was hoping at the least I hadn’t been making you neglect anything you were committed to...” She sounded concerned, almost guilt ridden, but in all fairness, a lot of that began when they met. She tried not to be a burden, but almost everything seemed to come off on Aoi’s end that she had.


    Ilda Nora
    Ilda Nora

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    Private Re: Just Another Morning

    Post by Ilda Nora 22nd February 2019, 5:45 pm

    402 WORDS
    Ilda Nora
    One day, I'll prove I'm not the monster they say.

    Aoi's explanation of what she intended to say made Ilda chuckle just a bit. "I knew what you were getting at, I was just putting a name to it for myself. But basically, you're just a picky eater. So now that I know some dishes you like, I know what I want to learn to make. Though... I'm not so sure how well I'd do taste testing that wasabi tofu dish. I don't mind tofu, but I have never been too fond of notable spice. Weird isn't it? People always compare fire to spice as a flavor, but a fire mage like me can't handle that kind of heat."

    Luckily, she didn't find any of Aoi's cooking very spicy- if she had, she'd probably have had to ask for a new meal, or at least skip the spicy parts. Not a fan of wasting food, Ilda was glad everything Aoi made for her was delicious. That, and it made it extra nice to look forward to a meal.

    "I guess it could be a human thing. I never thought about it, but now I'm curious how spirits normally show their interest in someone when they're young..." She couldn't help but laugh, not even sure why the idea came to her. "Still, I won't use that unless it's absolutely necessary, like you're about to get hurt. Try your best not to give me a reason, okay?"

    When Aoi worried about making love a little easier for Ilda, the woman's heart seemed ready to sink. Love? Ilda had a hard enough time making real friends- how would Aoi be getting in the way when Ilda could do that all by herself? For that part of the conversation, the eyes with normally a notable gaze were staring at the floor.

    "You'll never get in my way, so don't be afraid to rest where you're most comfortable. As for guilds... I never joined one, though I thought about it. Finding one that fits someone like me is a little hard though. None of them really seemed to scream 'hey, you should join this one' in my head. Does that make sense? That said, I hear there's a guild in this area... I haven't explored that much of Magnolia, but it might be good to listen in on what that guild is like. Do you know anything about it? I think it's called Fairy Tail or something."


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