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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)


    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 332,183

    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Faulkner 8th February 2019, 8:15 pm



    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Faulkner 9th February 2019, 4:15 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    It was a rather awkward day to the musician as he held his lute in his hands. Someone had told him to come here by a note, and everyone was all lovey and being adorable. He was pouty though. He didn't want to be out in the open, not right now. He wanted to be playing his music in another bar or in another town playing his music. That was more fun than standing here waiting for something to happen. Honestly, he didn't even know why he came to Rose Garden to begin with. He had this feeling that he should be there. His left cheek bore his Nightmare tattoo in its green glory, not caring to cover it up. He wanted to beat stuff up, and thought... maybe being out in the open would allow him to cause a ruckus? No, everyone was apparently all cuddled up to one another, being all romantic and stuff. He takes a deep breath. Now he was suddenly thinking of a black haired beauty. It's been a while since he saw her... A smirk was on his lips now as his eyes were half closed, imagining something that pleased him. He then slowly opened them, watching as a few couples exchanging chocolate. He rolls his eyes and strums on his lute, a rather crude version of a love song, that is typically played on a guitar, while having his eyes half rolled back and his tongue sticking out in a bored fashion.

    He then pauses in his playing as he lets his eyes scan the crowd. He doubted it, but he wondered if Yuiisai would be there or not... He was searching for her by her hair. Her pretty black hair. Last time he saw her, they did a thing in Minstrel. She had both liked, and didn't like the music he played... and he couldn't get that image of her crying out of his face. Seeing her mad, and seeing her cry, that's all he saw her express. Did she ever smile around, or to, him? He didn't remember. He then suddenly raspberried a bit. There was no way Yuiisai would come here... Not just for him at least. Right? Someone walked by with large pink and red heart shaped balloons, and Baird was tempted to summon his sword and pop them all. "Excuse me, sir." A voice says from next to him. Baird pauses and glances down a bit. The man was just a few inches shorter than him, and nervously scratches his cheek. "I see you have a guild mark of sorts on your cheek. Forgot what guild it was, but I'm assuming you're a mage. I need you to help me out please? Can you deliver some chocolate from our warehouse to a shop? We're really behind and need all the help we can get." He pleads with him. Baird looks confused as the guy is holding out a paper with the addresses of the warehouse and shop on it. He didn't know if he really wanted to accept it or not. Why should he deliver chocolate for mushy people? Unless he stole some himself, but he wasn't a sweets person.

    Tags: @ blarg
    Word Count: 544/1000
    Notes: Music, that's it



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 9th February 2019, 5:56 pm

    It had been a while since the black haired beauty had left the guild known as Nightmare, she had thought she would have found solace there but something had happened to change her mind. It wasn't what she wanted, nor did he feel like she would be helpful in their future expeditions but it now gave her concern as she had no where to go and was still without her memories. One of the three males she had met on a job several months beforehand had seemed to have taken a liking to her, he said he had known her for most of his life but given that she had been fooled before she wasn't putting much stock in what he was saying. What was that saying once bitten twice shy? Well she wasn't shy but she wasn't just going to follow any information she was given by a complete stranger blindly anymore that was for damned sure. She refused to be a tool or a weapon to be used in someone elses plans like a pawn, she was a queen and she would be treated like one or the one trying to manipulate her would feel her power first hand.

    She was still a romantic at heart and craved that one day she would meet that person she could rely on wholeheartedly, the one who would see her as a person and not as a weapon, tool or object. Who would see the woman not the power that they held within them, it was for this reason she looked forward to the valentines day festivities that Rose Garden was so renowned for. As the time drew closer she booked a private carriage from her temporary home and headed towards the town in question just humming to herself along the way, given how far away she had settled this journey had taken several days. Each night she would stop in a town eat and rest within an expensive hotel before she got back in her carriage and continued towards her final destination, but when she got there she wasn't disappointed there was romantic music, blossoms everywhere, the delicate pastel colours everywhere was beautiful in her eyes. It even made her normal harsh edge soften as she forgot about the woes of the world and of her own troubles.

    The driver of the carriage finally got off his seat and opened the door helping the baby pink and white hanfu wearing young woman out of the carriage "I will be ready to go at the end of the week, enjoy the festivities. Do as you wish and I will pay for it, just make sure you get something for the women most important in your life." she instructed before walking off, she had seen it in passing the driver he was shocked by her words but nodded going to move the carriage somewhere safe before going to find a stable to home the horses while here. She smelt the sweet smells of sweets and cakes in the air and walked towards them when a young woman handed her a flyer "Please miss, we really need the help it's our busy season and we're so understaffed. Would you mind helping us?" When she looked she seen a beautiful young woman with green hair and matching eyes, the hair alone reminded her of that loudmouth musician. For all she gave him a hard time and for how loud he was she did miss him a great deal, this surprised her a great deal. "Miss?" the young woman said concerned "Sorry, I was thinking of someone. I will help." she said the woman chuckling "He's a lucky man then if someone like you is thinking on him during this time of year." the young woman said making Yuii turn her head quickly blushing she wanted to deny the fact that it meant something right now but given that she missed him she couldn't "Please give me the the information on where I need to go." she said bringing out both hands to take the flyer reading it "All the information is there miss." she said with a giggle running off to find someone else to help.

    Yuiisai seen the address and knew the general area so made her way towards it, she was surprised however to see a pastor so walked up "Is someone getting married here? I was told this was for a job" she said her voice showing she was confused on the matter "I am guessing Silvia didn't tell you then, part of the companies whole image this time of year is that those who give out the chocolate have to be married." the pastor said Yuiisai's eyes went wide hearing that "I... I'm not getting married just to deliver some chocolate, not to some stranger!" she said gripping her sleeves, she wanted to do something nice for a change and it seemed to have bit her on the ass "It would only be while you were delivering the chocolate, then you could get divorced." he said wishing that his daughter would have given all the information so this wouldn't happen. "It would still be to a stranger and I only intend to get married once... I'm sorry but I don't think I can do this." she said looking to the floor, she felt horrible that she couldn't help this company during such a wonderful time "I'm so sorry for wasting your time." her voice but a mere whisper "It is fine, you've got a good head on your shoulders and you want to make sure the first time is the right fit. Nothing wrong with that, I hope you find that special person." he said a smile on his face, with a small smile in return she gave a bow and turned to leave happy with what the elder man had said to her.

    Word count: 1,002


    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) 59867_s

    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
    Guild : ⊱ Luminous Rose - Ace ⊰
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 332,183

    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Faulkner 10th February 2019, 7:36 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    Baird takes a deep breath as grabs hold of the paper the guy was giving him. He didn't seem like he'd leave him alone regardless. He walks to the location of the warehouse, sea themed lute over his shoulder, scoffing at nearly every pink and red thing that littered the area along the way. He was only simply going to check it out, maybe kick a thing or five over to mess them up. This wasn't his cup of tea. Delivering chocolates... blah! He couldn't care less for sweets... He pauses for a moment as he hears a familiar voice as he was nearing the warehouse. That was... Yuiisai? Of course she didn't wan't to get married to a stranger. That wasn't her style. She even basically told him she was more dignified for something like that. A snicker was on his lips as he moved to lean on the corner of a wall, peeking over just enough to see where she was. Of course she was wearing a form of pink... That was at least a better pink than all the pink around the town here... It was too bright. A smile was softly on his lips as he watched her though. Seeing her smile as she was leaving the man, he pauses a bit.

    He brings his lute down off of his shoulder and strums it slowly. Slowly a tune starts playing out. He hoped she hear it and knew who it was immediately. His green eyes were down on his lute, as this was actually the first time he was playing this song... He had yet to test it out. And he wasn't originally going to try while here in Rose Garden... that was until he saw Yuiisai. A soft smile actually started to come on his lips as the song was sounding better than he even intended for it to on the lute as he continued to play it more and more. His eyes glanced up to see where she went, and feels his lips curl into a smile if she hasn't gone too far out of his vision. If she was starting to leave the area without acknowledging him, he pushed off of the wall and begun to follow her slightly. "Little Darling..." He softly sung aloud to her with the music, even if he didn't have to go after her. He kind of wanted to tease her a bit, or see her reaction to him singing at all. Or playing the song to her. It wasn't one of his midi inspired instruments, so he hoped she wouldn't cry again at least. Or, at least, not over the type of music he was playing this time. As the song ended, he clears his throat slightly. "What brings you here...?" He couldn't think of anything to ask her... And he usually was decent with these things! It had been a while since he seen her, though. Honestly, he was giddy and could barely contain his excitement to see her. How he was being calm? He didn't know, but he was thinking that maybe they could have some fun around this place if she wished it.

    Tags: @Yuiisai
    Word Count: (543)1087/1000
    Notes: Music, that's it



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Experience : 21,756

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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 11th February 2019, 4:01 pm

    Yuiisai had began to walk out of the warehouse who in their right mind thought it would be smart to have that little adage to a job? I mean she knew it was a special season to many but still, who was going to get married just to deliver chocolate? She wanted to blow up the entire warehouse due to it now souring her mood, she wanted to do something nice for a change but was that allowed? No, because she wasn't prepared to get married to some hair brained idiot of a stranger due to how she felt. She still had no idea on her past but still this time of year was important for her for some unknown reason, she hated being a mystery to herself but had to remain clinging to hope that she herself would find out more at some point. She knew that she shouldn't judge as others were able to do with their lives what they wish but the thought of being with more than one person in such a situation made her skin crawl. Honestly she found the idea of being divorced just to go be with someone else disgusting and so rubbed her arms as if trying to get something slimy off her.

    It was then she noticed something out of the corner of her eye, green hair and green eyes as if she didn't think anything worse could happen, then she had to bump into the loud as hell musician here of all places. "What the hell are you doing here?! Are you stalking me or something?!" she was annoyed that was clear as day but though her voice showed anger this time it wasn't exactly directed at him just he had to be the one she seen when annoyed. All she could do was sigh to try and keep herself calm as seeing him on top of how annoyed she currently was made her feel like destroying more than the warehouse right now. "Before you even bother to ask why I'm in this town at the moment, I am a romantic and this time of year seems important to me for some strange reason. I came to the Rose Garden to celebrate it, I didn't expect to bump into a loon of a musician" she said turning her head away gripping her hands under her sleeve to the point that they might actually break the skin.

    She started to walk past him just as he began to start playing his lute and singing towards her making her feel even more angry, she stopped however and looked to him her milky jade eyes narrowed "Say or sing that again and I will make you eat that damn lute, do you understand?" her tone showed this wasn't up for debate she would make him do it without a second thought and not give a damn about the outcome. She stopped hearing him asking what she was doing here, she presumed at that warehouse given she had just explained why she was in Rose Garden. "I was hoping to deliver some chocolates but it seems at this time of year they only want married couples to do such things." she said turning from him looking back to where she just came from "And given that you have been eavesdropping most likely you will know my stance on that matter." she said sadly biting her lip as she thought for a long moment on something before turning around gracefully and walking towards the unsuspecting green haired musician grabbing him by the collar and dragging him back into the warehouse. She honestly couldn't believe that she was doing this but here she was dragging him down the isle towards the priest.

    She looked back at him almost calmly scowling at him "We are going to get married here, I'm getting married once meaning as soon as this task is done we are getting married properly, understood?" she said with a hushed but harsh tone, it was clear that this wasn't up for debate and that Baird wither he liked it or not was going to be married and stay that way with Yuiisai until one of them died. To Yuiisai however that was more Baird that would bite the bullet so to speak cause she could already see herself killing him because he done something to annoy her. "Father, please would you marry us?" she said stopping in front of the priest loosening her grip on Baird's collar not caring if he fell or not from when she stopped dragging him. "Miss are you sure? You did say you wouldn't marry a stranger." the priest decided to remind her. Her eyes went back to Baird and pointed to him "Who him? He's an annoyance not a stranger so please marry us." she said making the priest look to Baird and the symbol on his cheek.

    Seeing the Nightmare guild symbol obviously making the priest more than a little uncomfortable to say the least "Yes, he is a Nightmare guild mage, you might also know him as a coming storm as am I." she said calmly knowing that she didn't look like the type given how dainty she looked, but then not every evil act was in your face. "Even evil looks for and celebrates love so who are you to judge us on such matters?" she said gently, she wasn't looking for a fight just wanting to help spread the love that this season brought with it. "If he is fine with it of course I'll marry you both." the priest said unable to find a counter argument of the young woman. "He doesn't get a say in the matter..." her eyes turning to Baird wither he was standing or had fallen on the floor "You ruin this for me and eating that lute will be the least of your problems, I promise." she said her voice sweet as honey as she spoke "Are you sure you want to do this though miss you said you would only be married once." the priest just wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting into.

    Yuiisai nodded turning to look at the priest once more "If he bothers me I'll kill him and get rid of the body in such a way there will be no evidence. That way I'll be a widow and not a divorcee." she said with a smile, the priest had no idea if she was joking or not but he knew that given what he had seen she most likely wasn't. "Okay, lets begin. May I have your names?" he said just wanting this over and done with afraid that Yuii was going to kill him if this went on any longer. "My name is Yuiisai and his name is Baird... not to sure if he has a last name though." she said with a thoughtful tone, now that she thought of it that would then mean she would formerly have a last name after their marriage something that she had never had before. The priest would wait until Baird had clarified his name before going through the normal ceremony "Do you Yuiisai take this man to be your loving husband? To love and cherish? To have and hold through sickness and health, through the good and bad til death do you part?" he finally asked watching as Yuiisai kept her milky jade eyes locked onto Baird's, a deep pink blush on her otherwise flawless cheeks nodding "I suppose." she said as if it was a hassle but she couldn't help but notice her heart skipped a beat or two when she agreed to it.

    The priest then turned his eyes to Baird "Do you Baird Yuzill take this woman to be your loving wife? To love and cherish? To have and hold through sickness and health, through the good and bad til death do you part?" he said listening for the I do or don't from the green haired male, if he said that he would go through with it he smiled watching as a ring appeared on both their ring fingers "Then as a vassal for the divine I can now pronounce you husband and wife." his voice warm as he turned towards Baird once more. "You may kiss your bride." he said watching to see them seal their voice with a kiss if he again had agreed. "Now, when you are ready the chocolate that needs delivered are in those boxes over there, the addresses on them. I'll leave you both to get your heads around what you've just done." he honestly didn't believe they would do anything at this point just by how Yuiisai seemed to be acting through the ceremony. "When this task is over we are going to a proper shrine to get married, I am not having a sleazy shotgun marriage be how I remember how I start my married life." she said moving to collect some of the chocolate boxes the blush still obvious on her cheeks.

    Word Count: 1,541
    Total Word Count: 2,543



    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) 59867_s

    Alt Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 1- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 344
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    Experience : 332,183

    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Faulkner 13th February 2019, 9:54 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    Baird scoffs as he was accused of stalking her. "If only, sweetie." He chuckles as he plays his lute. "I was just trying to make you smile since you seemed so down. Figured you were a romantic though. Didn't really have to explain yourself. I'm just picking with you." He couldn't help but snicker slightly. As she threatened to make him eat his lute, he snorts to her, shrugging his shoulders a bit. Honestly he had a shit eating grin on his face about her reaction, liking it once more. He couldn't deny that he missed the threats by Yuiisai, they warmed his heart a bit. As he hears about her hope to deliver chocolates, he pauses a bit. That's what the dude wanted him to do too... Did someone send him here on purpose to meet up with her again and do this possibly? He was curious... but at the same time he was not going to complain.

    "Yeah, wasn't trying to eavesdrop... this time..." A chortle escaped his lips before his collar was grabbed and he begun to be dragged back to the warehouse. "Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up! Where are we going this time?!" He was stumbling behind her, but managed to keep up just slightly. As he sees the isle, his eyes instantly shot towards her as he raised his eyebrows. Was she serious?! He makes a face a bit. "Why don't we just elope? Leave out the fancy stuff and just get to it?" He groans after she said that they were going to get married right there. He really didn't like this whole church stuff and whatnot. It wasn't his style... at all. He hung his head a bit as he pouted a bit. "Fine..." He grumbles as he glances away from her when they were up at the priest.

    He crossed his arms over his chest towards the priest as he questioned Yuiisai, trying to not snort at him while he held his lute. "Like she'd drag just any old shmuck here..." As Yuii called him an annoyance, he snorts finally, glancing over to her. "Apparently not enough of an annoyance since I'm worthy enough to marry you." He was feeling cheeky as he winked to her. He honestly hadn't cared of his symbol on his cheek, not till Yuii mentioned that he was in the guild called Nightmare, and that they were both coming storms. He smiled enough to show his teeth, but it nearly faltered as she was mentioning evil looking and celebrating love as well. As the priest questioned his willing to marry her, he growls and made his lute disappear. "I wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't. Regardless of if I didn't have a say or not." He growled at the man. As she threatened him again with his lute eating being the least of his issues, he rolled his eyes. "You act like this is the end of the world to me and like I won't at least try to be a good husband to you..." He snorts to her while smirking.

    He listened to the man again, and was about to say his name when Yuiisai spoke before him. He chuckles a bit. "Wow, want to marry me, and you don't even know my last name, Yuzill." He tells the man as he finally uncrosses his arms off his chest. He looked over to Yuiisai as they started the ceremony, and raised an eyebrow to her as she kept her eyes on him, and that blush that was on her cheeks. A smirk was on his lips, snorting once again at her response to the priest. He waited for the priest to get done with his bit of the spiel, and leaned in close to Yuiisai a bit. "Suppose I do." He snickers before he leans in closer and kisses her before the priest really even has a chance to say anything, barely noticing the feeling on his finger of something materializing there. If she didn't push away from him from his initial kiss, he pulled Yuii close to him and pressed her body to his a bit. He was risking a punch or whatever from her. He wanted to savor being able to kiss her for as long as he could though. He wanted to also make sure he wasn't dreaming about this either.

    When he broke the kiss, he makes a face towards the priest and rolls his eyes. "I was told to a stupid shop at the other end of the town." He mutters as he held up his paper with the addresses to the warehouse and the shop. At Yuiisai's comment of a proper marriage at a shrine, Baird groans and looks to her, loosening his grip on her. "Can we not have a priest of sorts? This one was enough." He saw the blush on her cheeks as he moved to be next to her, leaning over to kiss her cheek again quickly before he went to grab other boxes of chocolates while whistling a random tune. He didn't care if she would throw her shoe at him, he was snickering, and kind of seemed to glow a bit that she even was blushing from being married to him, even if this was a crummy place to be married. He then pauses for a moment. Was he going soft? Or was it just for Yuiisai? He hoped it was just for her.

    Leaving the warehouse with the boxes of chocolates, Baird waited slightly for her to make sure they were together as they did this whole deal. "This is going to be rather boring... just delivering these chocolates..." He sticks his tongue out as he rolls his eyes. Walking down the street, he feels eyes on him, and he was tempted to summon one of his weapons, like his harmonica or something, but he also felt that it wasn't worth it too too much. He glances over his shoulder, and notices four hungry looking kids gawking at the boxes of the chocolates they were carrying. He makes a face as he looks towards Yuiisai. "We're not having children, period. I will fight you on this no matter what. Not even adopting the buggers..." He tells her sternly. While he didn't care about too much of anything else, that would be the absolute no from him regardless of what she wanted.

    Tags: @Yuiisai
    Word Count: (1093)2180/1000
    Notes: Music, that's it



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Experience : 21,756

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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 18th February 2019, 6:13 pm

    Yuiisai couldn't help but roll her eyes art what the other said, she had no idea who the hell would want to be stalked by someone like him. Then again given how loud he was it was hard to believe that he could stalk anyone, they would hear him coming miles away and that was before she even take into his god awful green hair. That was before she thought of him peeking around corners and doorways and blushed chuckling to herself, that was of course until she realised what she as doing and shook her head why was she acting like a love struck idiot when thinking about an annoyance like him? It made no sense to her but here she was trying to find the reason for it, part of herself wanted to slap the stupid out of her but that would do nothing but hurt her. The other way of doing things however was to kill him and let the problem be solved that way but thinking like that only caused a pain in her heart, she hated feeling like this especially given he was the cause of it. "Don't call me sweetie you imbecile." she growled going back to her now normal temperament when it came to him at least.

    Hearing he was only singing and playing to make her smile due to her looking down made her heart skip a beat or two but she couldn't afford to be weak. "You aren't exactly making my day any better you know Baird." she huffed crossing her arms in front of her glaring at him as he continued to speak "Like I said I don't know why this sort of thing is important to me it just is and I wasn't explaining myself to you but letting you know why I am annoyed." she said less than calmly "And don't try and pick on me, I'll take your tongue so you won't be able to sing again before crushing your hands taking away your music." her voice showing this wasn't a threat but a promise, she wasn't the butt of any ones jokes and refused to be the toy of another let alone suffer fools. Then again she suffered Baird and right now he was the biggest fool she knew so was wondering wither or not that gave her the right to kill him to end her own suffering. She guessed that would depend on how the rest of this day went. "So what the hell are you doing here?" she asked once more in a huff unaware that he too had been approached by someone about this task, then again she never took Baird as a romantic in any way, shape or form.

    Hearing his next words made her narrow her eyes at the green haired mage "Oh, so you actually confess you have tried to eaves drop in the past?!" This was starting to get on her nerves but there wasn't exactly a lot she could do, taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself though when it came to him this was no easy feat. "Just don't do it in the future you knuckle head, you might not like the outcome." she hissed quietly to the other as she continued to drag him to the priest "To get married" she said in a matter of a fact way almost like he should have already known this, she really didn't give a damn if he didn't that wasn't her problem after all. When he spoke of eloping and just skipping this kind of stuff she looked to him with a deadly glare, it was the type of stare that was sharp enough that it would have killed had it been a tangible object "You wanna repeat that Baird?!" to call her a woman scorned at the moment would be an understatement and a half, at that moment she would have ripped out his heart and fed it to him, there was no way she would do such a low brow thing. "If we get married it will be done properly or not at all you brattish man child. Do I make myself clear?" She was starting to think that perhaps trying to do something nice wasn't worth it if this was going to be the issues she would be facing.

    She listened to the conversation between the priest and Baird "Well you're the better than a gutter rat... barely..." she said with a frustrated tone "It's not like Dahau was going to walk around the corner and agree to do something like this." In honesty she believed this wasn't quite his scene and given what she seen of his abilities he would have likely just killed the priest and took the chocolate than go through the whole facade. Seeing him winking at her again she moved to prod him in the eye "Told you not to wink at me like I was some damned harlot." her tone showing an anger that was ready to boil over in regards to the musical mage she was about to marry. "We both know you'd be standing here or I'd kill you." she said with a sweet smile her eyes on the other hand showed an insanity she normally hid from the world but as her anger grew it was harder for her to hide such a thing. She quirked an eyebrow as he confirmed he would at least try to be a good husband to her "Would that include you not yelling when you wanted something?" she asked knowing that, that would be like asking for a miracle as the green haired male seemed to enjoy being loud as all hell.

    She shrugged when it came to him saying about his last name "Never seemed like an important piece of information, in honesty I'm still not to sure if it is." she said with a small chuckle, she never thought about herself having a last name but then she wasn't even sure if she did have one in all honesty. Feeling the warmth of his breath on her ear as he spoke she felt her knees falter but even before she could fall she found herself within his arms his lips on hers, she was ready to push him back but it was like her body had other ideas as her eyes closed and she leaned into him. As the kiss came to an end she moved back and slapped him "D... damn it!" he said grumbling at what he had done, looking away blushing brightly at what had just happened between them, she couldn't believe she had just got married to the person she would slaughter without a second thought. "I already told you we are going to get married properly you fool." she growled this wasn't up for negotiation in any way as far as she was concerned.

    Feeling him kiss her cheek once more she wanted to hit him as she felt herself glowing once more but as her hands were full with the boxes of chocolate they were to deliver there was nothing that she could do. Then it came the complaining that it would be boring just delivering the child "You are such a child, maybe I shouldn't marry you after this..." she said simply walking past him, it would almost seem as if she was gliding as she walked "I'm sure we can make it more interesting child but lets not harm the kids, just put some laxative or ipecac into some chocolate we buy so they'll leave us alone." she said knowing that should at least make him happy though not cause any lasting harm, they where children and as much as she was a dark mage there where still lines she wouldn't cross. Hearing his next statement however made her stop "That's fine so longs you get the snip or we don't lie in the same bed... I'm content with the latter." she said as she then began to walk into the chocolate store where they where to deliver the first few boxes of chocolate. Once handed over she ordered some other inexpensive heart shaped chocolate and headed to the store next door gaining some other 'special' chocolate and some ipecac injecting it into the chocolates and placing it into the bag before heading back out and handing it to the children watching as the devoured it only for certain bodily functions to give way before walking off. "There happy?" she asked walking past her new husband not really caring if he was happy or not she just didn't want the complaining.

    Word Count: 1,477
    Total Word Count: 4,020


    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) 59867_s

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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Faulkner 19th February 2019, 9:08 pm

    Baird Yuzill

    The green haired mage was trying to not snicker at her as she told him to not call her 'sweetie'. He didn't know if he could stop calling her that at all really. He sticks his tongue out at her as she said he wasn't making her day better, shrugging his shoulders regardless, before she threatened to take his tongue. "Wow, you can't say you don't like my voice sometimes. And you even said my music was beautiful too! So why remove beautiful music?" He pouts to her as he was actually trying to not chuckle about it too. "I was here cause someone told me to come here..." He paused as he realized that sounded highly unlike him. He didn't listen to many people. A shrug of his shoulders came again as he didn't push that thought any further. As she narrowed her eyes at him, he snickers. "Not on you, but on some Rune Knights, yeah." He didn't seem like he was bothered by the fact he had eavesdropped before. He really didn't care. He paused though and raised an eyebrow to her as he opened his mouth again, but then he thought better of it and simply had a smug look on his face. He was thinking he could start eavesdropping on her on purpose, but he bet she would put some sort of knife through him near immediately if he said it aloud.

    He was unsure of how to respond to her saying that they were getting married, especially after he mentioned just eloping. "I think this is the most you've ever said my name." He couldn't help but chuckle, trying to change the subject as she dragged him. He makes a bit of a face to her as she says they'll marry properly, or not at all, but he reluctantly nods his head. He wasn't going to like this at all. As she says he's better than a gutter rat, he points to her. "Still better." He chuckles, till she mentioned Dahau, in which he frowned to her. He felt he was better than that older man for her, but now he was feeling a bit different about the thoughts with her mentioning it. He didn't know how to describe the feeling at all really, just that he could pout about it. As she went to poke his eye, he leaned away from her. "Excuse me? Who said I was winking at you like a harlot. You're clearly not a harlot." He snorts at her. He simply smirked at her though as she said he'd be standing there or she'd kill him if it wasn't the case. Her look was too adorable to him. "That sounds like a lovely challenge." He muttered before he said he'd try to be a good husband, before she questioned his yelling when he wanted something. A shrug came again. "I only do that in the guild." He sticks his tongue out at her once again. He wanted to get this over with now though, so he was pushing back the thoughts of Dahau a bit and wanting to get this over with.

    When he kissed her, he honestly didn't expect her to kiss him back, but he was going to revel in it, till she pulled away and smacked his cheek. "Not a dream. Okay!" He grins, a hand on his cheek a bit as he was grinning rather cheekily. As she commented about getting married properly, he cackles softly. While she commented to his complaining, he shrugs his shoulders. "You chose me. But are you sure you don't want to marry me officially after that kiss?" He snickers. He watched her walk on ahead of him, and smirks to himself. Of course she looked great to him. She typically did. Her comments about putting laxatives or something in some chocolate for the kids instead of harming them, made him pout. "Guess it could be fine." He grumbles, wasn't as fun as he thought it could of been, but might teach those heathens better. He nearly stumbled though as she proposed a couple 'solutions' to them not having kids, and he bit his tongue a bit. Neither of those sounded great to him at the point and time. Now he was trying to figure out how to get around either of those two options...

    He didn't realize that they had started to already to get to the store they needed to, and had simply followed Yuiisai as he was trying to think while they went to the other store. It wasn't till they were leaving the store what was going on. He watched her inject the stuff into the chocolates. He followed her again, and snickers as she simply gave the chocolates to the grimy children, and then watched them rush off after eating some of it. "I suppose. That was kind of funny..." He mutters to her. He taps his chin a bit. "We have more chocolates we need to get... don't we?" He sighs as he goes up next to her and grabs hold of her hand while going back to the warehouse to get more chocolates. He glances to her and raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure you would be content not laying in the same bed as me?" He couldn't help but snicker, though he was actually serious about his question. Knowing how she seemed to act though, he guessed she was being serious.

    When they got to the warehouse again though, he grabbed more boxes and looked around. He didn't want to have to take many trips with these blasted things... That was when he spotted a cart in a corner. He put the boxes he was holding, down, and ran over to the cart. It was a modified flatbed cart to be like a wagon kind of, with mesh wire wrapped around some wooden stakes nailed to the sides of the cart. "Haha! Quicker!" He says loudly before he starts packing some of the chocolates into the cart. "This should make our trips less and few." He says as he was dancing slightly to some 'victory music' in his head. He pauses in his dancing though, as the music was actually coming out to be a new piece for him. His mind was now racing to figure out the tunes without paper and he would have a hand raised and fingers wiggling as if he was pressing buttons in tune with the music in his head.

    Regardless if Yuiisai would use the cart he found with him or not, he would take it with them to the other stores they needed to and was walking with her with the cart. While they were walking, his fingers were tapping on the handles of the cart as he was seeming half zoned out, trying to figure out the piece completely. Besides when she saw him composing a piece back at Nightmare before she left, this would probably be one of the few times he was actually relatively quiet. In the mists of his composition, he sees something flying towards them, and quickly holds out his hand. "Dreamweaver." He hisses as he suddenly let go of the cart, moving his foot to catch it as he was now holding his koto with both his hands. On the back of it, was now a pair of broken heart shaped throwing knives. Baird's green eyes were glaring as those knives would have hit both of them. "That wedding better be worth this trouble..." He couldn't help but grumble as he let Dreamweaver disappear an he holds out his hands again. "Holy Bells." He mutters, and a pair of kagura suzu's were now in his hands. He shook the bells for a moment, before he raised them up and snapped them back down, making the ribbons make an audible snap as well. Yes, he was mad, but it wasn't because he was attacked, or not fully. He was mad he was interrupted thinking up a composition, and because both of them were targeted at the same time too.

    Ahead of them, where the throwing knives had come from, was a woman who seemed a bit crazed and was holding some more of the same throwing knives. "You sure that's a great idea to throw things at others? I can throw things too." He chuckles as his eyes seemed a bit excited now. The adrenaline was coursing through his body as he went after this chick who was at least trying to destroy the lovey dovey stuff, not that he really blamed her, but the fact that she tried to attack Yuiisai while he was right next to her, and that she liked the stuff, he had to care slightly. He didn't care if Yuiisai had wanted to take a calmer approach to dealing with her, though. He wasn't having it. He whipped out his arm, snapping the bells ribbons at her, and the ribbon had managed to catch her arm a bit, making her scream in a bit of pain, especially since she was now bleeding from a cut that seemed to be left there. "Not so much fun now, is it?" He cackles a bit as his bells rattled more when he went up to her and stabbed her shoulder with the tip of one of the bells daggers. The people around them started to stare in horror at him. In all honestly, he was surprised the Rune Knights weren't here yet, just for him simply being there, out in the open. He then snickers as he yanks this girl out into an alleyway and behind some trash down it, before slamming her into a wall, other dagger suddenly in her chest. "Have fun." He mutters as he twisted the dagger a bit. He removed the first before he put it to her neck and quickly yanked. He let her drop before he let his Holy Bells disappear and he went back to Yuiisai. He was unaware of a smidge of the woman's blood being on his hands and cheek. "Shall we get going?" He questioned with a bright grin to her as he grabbed he cart. If it had moved away from where they had been, he had gone and fetched it, hoping no one had stollen from it, or Yuiisai had taken care of it.

    Tags: @Yuiisai
    Word Count: (1729)3859/1000 (corrected wc) (2859 excess)
    Notes: Music, that's it

    Spells N things:

    Last edited by Baird on 6th September 2019, 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

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    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) Empty Re: Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai)

    Post by Oykai 24th February 2019, 3:24 pm

    Yuii looked to her new husband and quirked an eyebrow sighing as he spoke, she couldn't exactly argue with the fact she had said his music was beautiful but at the same time the last time before today had made her upset. To this day she had no idea why but she was hoping that the blanks would eventually would come back but she was starting to lose hope on that. "Quite easily, the person playing it." she said with a huff, in honesty she wanted to hear him again but she was afraid that she would end up wanting to kill him or even worse him making her cry again. She hated coming off as weak, she wasn't that type of person but he managed to get under her skin and she didn't like it, but the only thing she could do would be to keep away from him and now they where married that wouldn't happen. Hearing that he had arrived there because someone had told him to made her quirk an eyebrow "How unlike you or have you turned into a lap dog and wanted tummy scratches like those idiot legal mages." she said harshly, she had never known her soon to be husband to do requests of another without wanting to cause chaos or getting something out of it. Valentines didn't seem like his cup of tea at all so it made her wary that he could be changing and not for the better.

    Hearing him say he wouldn't eavesdrop on her but people like the Rune Knights made her shrug, in honesty those people where just a pain in the ass of dark mages or really anyone who wouldn't conform to their way of thinking in her opinion. Hearing his next comment about this being the most she had said his name she huffed crossing her arms looking irritated "I can easily go back to calling you a moron if you like, actually, I think I will." to her that was the end of the conversation at least for now as they got to the priest and she was given into trouble for not knowing his last name "Like you, it never seemed that important." she said in a matter of a fact of a way "I know I'm not a harlot and I do not wish to be winked at as if I was one so stop it or I'll go by an ice-cream scoop and remove your eyes before sewing them shut." she said this was suppose to be a day of fun and happiness but she was stuck being irritated by him. "Won't be saying that soon you nitwit." she said allowing the ceremony to happen without another word.

    She almost slapped him again as he said it wasn't a dream as she couldn't believe he was dreaming of her in all honesty given how she treated him. "Really?" her voice showing disbelief on what he had just said "Actually, no I wish this was a dream then I could wake and not be married to you." she said as she went to deal with their first delivery and dealing with the bratty kids that had tried to get their chocolate. She watched in glee as they took it and devoured it before waving and walking off only to hear the vomiting that also came with a very nasty smell as the laxatives started to kick in. "That'll teach them to take candy from strangers and not to try take what isn't theirs." she said with a huff, she didn't want to do them any harm or they would have been dead instead of being at the butt end of a nasty prank. She then remembered some of the conversation she ignored inside the warehouse "Like I told you, we are going to get married officially because that was an embarrassment for a wedding and we both know it." she said almost pouting as she thought her wedding would always be magical but nope in a warehouse to deliver chocolate.

    Then it came the question about not laying in the same bed, she turned gracefully her hanfu moving around as if she was doing some beautiful dance "I have slept on my own for as long as I remember, all be it I only have a couple months of that so I'm sure I could survive if you don't want to have the snip because accidents do happen otherwise." she said before turning back and heading towards the warehouse to pick up some more chocolate without another word on the matter. She was just about to pick up some boxes when she seen Baird running off and sighed "What are you doing you over grown man child?" she asked following him, right now she doubted she would need a kid given it seemed she had just married one. Watching silently she wish she could say she didn't believe what she was seeing but it was Baird and this was exactly the type of thing he would do. "Okay lets get going." she said walking out holding a few boxes and heading out next to him, she moved into a shop completely unaware of the fighting or how close her clothing had been to being damaged; if that happened the town wouldn't have been spared from her wrath and that wasn't in anyway just an idle threat.

    She walked out after handing the chocolate to the store owner's wife with a warm happy smile, though hearing the scream she looked shocked "Please stay here..." she said quickly moving out of the shop looking around "where has that clown got to now?" she growled lowly in frustration it was then she seen a guy near the cart deciding to help himself, that just wouldn't do and it seemed that she hadn't been seen yet and so quietly she moved around behind the guy, he seemed to be happily helping to the chocolate that was left unsupervised by her husband. With a quick step she grabbed the guys hair while clenching the other hand making her shadow katana turn up and having it at his throat. "One warning, put it back what you stole or you will regret it." she said her voice was sounding as sweet as honey as she spoke a smile on her face so it would be easy to believe that she wasn't going to follow through. "Go to hell, I need these for my girlfriend chocolate like this is expensive." he spat struggling "And? That's not my problem. In any case you gave the wrong answer." she said twirling with him once again it was a delicate precise movement like she was dancing taking him along for the ride before he had the chance to draw his sword she had already cur his jugular the blood spraying on the ground away from her and the candies "What an annoyance..." she said dropping the man who was now holding his throat trying to stop the bleeding, she moved forward and placed her foot on his chest and stomped on his rib cage a few times making the adrenaline in his body start as his fight or flight response kicked.

    While doing this she made sure that her shoes, clothing and the chocolate remained blood free, she smiled sweetly as he looked up at her "You picked the wrong chocolate to steal my wingless dove, this was being delivered by two coming storms." she said watching as the realisation hit him as he took his last laboured breath, with this done she went to the cart collecting some more chocolates and delivering them to the remaining stores and couples they needed to go to, just walking past the dead man as if he wasn't there. Coming out of the last shop she was smiling and waving before turning back now seeing that Baird was back "I see how it is, you wander off and let me do all the work. The chocolate almost got stolen!" she growled walking over to him punching him in the shoulder "I just finished the last delivery, now lets get back and collect the reward." she said walking back allowing Baird to grab the cart and follow her. News travelled quickly it seemed as by the time they got back to the warehouse no one was there but on their table there was a single box of chocolate with a note on top. Reading the note she chuckled and handled it Baird "Seems they heard what happened in town and so didn't want to give us our reward in person." she said picking up the his and hers candy box and walked back to the one she would soon marry permanently "Then again what happened at the rehearsal wedding likely scared them too and who we are." she said with a shrug taking his hand with her spare one and walking out happy it was just over for now.

    Word count: 1,530
    Total word count: 5.550


    Oh For The Love Of...? (event with Yuiisai) 59867_s

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:05 pm