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    Dethrone The Rat King!


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by DOPPO Mon 21 Jan - 16:35

    Capital Crocus—the capital of Fiore and home of the King and other royal families. It was a melting pot of Fiorean culture in all sorts of tangible forms: food, craftsmanship, architecture, museums and the lot. But such knowledge that even young children had known was a mystery to Chiyuki Suzuki, or otherwise called Doppo, who knew very little of the town. In fact, on his way there he had purchased a convenient brochure meant for tourists to guide him about the town when he only ever looked at what sort of restaurants were famous there. There was a steakhouse for casual diners and other fine dining restaurants with names he couldn't pronounce. The list was seemingly endless and kept him occupied during his train ride there.

    The list wouldn't keep him too occupied since right after he stepped off the train the place he was heading to for today was in the complete opposite direction from any other place that was even mildly interesting. He was not visibly upset by this and instead brooded. This place was nothing particularly spectacular—it was some petite building named "Tom's Exterminators" scrunched in between two much larger, more refined ones with, to no surprise, some more long and unpronounceable names that Chiyuki was sure was plain English but too complex for his tongue seeing as he was both somewhat sheltered and uneducated.

    Chiyuki, who was wearing a black, baggy hoodie and equally baggy, ripped jeans to compliment, went to this petite building and stopped in front of it. He looked left, right, behind him and then back in front. It was the place where he was supposed to meet with two other mages accompanying him on today's job, which is why he had come to Capital Crocus in the first place. The job was simple—something to do with rodents and their removal but seemed mundane compared to the building's emptiness and the lack of other mages being here aside from him, as far as he could tell. He looked around him one last time before allowing himself to slip inside the building with a quiet "excuse me" to follow.

    The room he stepped into was relatively spacious and had no tables or chairs beside an empty receptionist's counter in front of him and benches lining the seasoned walls, which he assumed were placed there for customers to sit on to wait—but there were no customers and the only signs of life were ugly, wilting white flowers he couldn't identify in a porcelain vase on the desk and the sounds of hammering metal against metal downstairs. Chiyuki said nothing and went to sit on one of these benches, his legs sprawled and back reclining as deep as it could into the wooden bench. He slunk into his seat and folded his arms over his chest—a messy red vineyard he called his hair spreading over his incredibly baggy and weary blue eyes. He heaved a deep and heavy sigh from the bottom of his stomach and let his head hang back to snooze, and snooze he did, and rather quickly. His snores were deep and gurgly, and his mouth hung open while he did it. If the workers downstairs couldn't notice him, the mages he was soon to work with sure would.



    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Eden Knox Mon 21 Jan - 18:10

    Rune Knights ☾  S-rank

    Word Count: 511/4,666
    Tagged: @DOPPO @Beaux
    Muse: dead
    Music: big mood

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    Click clack... Click clack...

    The sound of heels clicking against concrete filled the air, causing heads to turn and eyes to stare. Perhaps it was her determined expression that incited their gazes, or maybe it was the fact that she was walking so quickly. No matter the reason, Onida didn't seem to pay any mind to it. Either that, or she was too oblivious to notice. Her own gaze was fixed solely on the building labeled "Tom's Exterminators." It was the rendezvous point for her mission, after all. It would be careless of her to be distracted. Just as she was about to reach the structure, a sudden call grabbed her attention.

    "Young miss! Are you here about the rat infestation?" A gentleman in a white coat and black slacks advanced towards her, a kind smile stretching across his lips. Onida blinked, a bit dazed, before nodding tentatively. "Yes, sir. I've come to meet with two other mages in hopes of eradicating the pest." A small chuckle rumbled within the mans chest as he listened to Onida's words. Was there something amusing about what she had said? "Well, that's a relief! I was worried you were here all on your own! A little lady like you wouldn't be able to handle a problem like this all by your lonesome!"

    What had once been a blank expression on the young woman's face quickly turned into a scowl, golden eyes glimmering with a righteous anger. "Hmph... That's quite rude of you to say. I bet I have more power in my pinky finger than you do in your entire body. Now if you will excuse me, I have a mission to complete, thank you very much." Blonde locks swirled behind her as she turned around, taking the final few steps towards the building and placing her hand on the door's handle. "Oh, and the next time you call me a "little lady" will be your last." She hissed, before opening the door and leaving the man behind, his mouth hanging open in shock.

    As Onida entered, the sound of clicking heels echoed off the walls, reverberating back and forth throughout the spacious area. It was a harsh tone, but also held a somewhat melodic rhythm. As the woman who created the noise stopped, though, so did the melody, leaving nothing but a cold silence. A small sigh left her lips as she looked around, noticing that nobody seemed to be around. That was, until the rumbling sound of thunder grabbed her attention. Thunder?! Inside?! Turning towards the noise, she noticed that it was not thunder at all, but a man snoring. A small blush rose against her cheeks at this realization. How dumb could she have been?! Of course it wouldn't be thunder!

    Taking a deep breath, she decided to approach the man, hoping that perhaps he was one of the mages she would be working with. "Hello there, sir? Would you happen to be here to exterminate those rats?" She inquired, tapping the gentleman gently on the shoulder as she did so.


    Dethrone The Rat King! I2D4CIg


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Beaux Tue 22 Jan - 0:19

    Dethrone The Rat King! UIHTq4a

    Dethrone The Rat King! UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    The energy provided by the bittersweet coffee residing in a plain cup in Beaux’s hand made the angel tempted to skip through the cobbled streets. It was a decently nice day, the sun rays shooting down through patchy clouds. Perfect timing to wear warmer clothes. Consciousness of the weather lead Beaux to choose a black v-neck shirt and some tight-fitting black jeans, a stark contrast to his luscious silvery white hair. Though the angel usually wore lighter clothes that matched his ever-pleasant mood, the dark fabrics which adorned his pale body just felt fitting. Simple clothes were not a common member of Beaux’s wardrobe but for such a dank, nasty job location it was the perfect fit while still looking fabulous.

    Long ago the angel had become familiar with a different neighborhood in Crocus, one far away from his destination. Luckily the job he had taken was far on the other side of the capitol city, among certainly less vibrant streets. Still, the proximity to the place so prominently in his past made the mage’s chest tighten and his heart rate pick up slightly. Gripping his cane with whitened knuckles, he tried to focus on something else, anything else. A distraction came in the form of a neon sign with some letters fizzling out and blinking pathetically, reading “Tom’s Exterminators”.

    The job description had been fairly simple - eliminate some guy who had mysteriously appeared from the sewers and proclaimed himself the “Rat King”, as well as the legions of rat minions which he had controlled. Sewers weren’t a particularly favorable place for anyone, especially Beaux, but that did not deter him from taking the job. It was for his pet snake Lisette, affectionately known as Gucci. The serpent, who currently was inconspicuously curled around the angel’s long cane, had an appetite for rodents that seemingly never could be quenched.

    Approaching the door of the dismal building, Beaux took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for working with strangers in a sewer while fighting rats. On any other day that may have sounded insane, but it was his strange reality in the moment. “The things I do for you,” he muttered to Gucci, who let out a smug hiss in reply. A tiny jingle from above rang out as the door was opened. Immediately the presence of two other mages was apparent. Just as he entered, the angel saw a lady shorter than he with long blonde hair gently prod the shoulder of a man who seemed to be fast asleep. Her touch did nothing to wake the dozing mage, whose snores rattled from a mouth unflatteringly agape. Approaching the two, the mage offered a greeting to announce his presence. Bonjour mademoiselle, my name is Beaux,” he said with a slight bow, a charming smile gracing his handsome features. “I think you might need to try something more forceful to wake a slumberer such as he!”

    Lifting his wooden cane and poking the man proved unsuccessful. At the movement, Gucci raised her scaly triangle head from her coiled position on the tool to observe the stranger with red locks. In the blink of an eye she had slithered up onto the baggy clothes adorning the sleeping body, making her way to his head. The serpent’s forked tongue flickered in and out as she went. Finding a comfortable spot on the man’s head, she hissed at Beaux when he tried to remover her. Serpent obstiné! the angel grumbled back. Apparently the snake was feeling feisty that day, because with a louder hiss and a sudden shuffle of feathers and scales, the snake had transformed to her full 10 foot length right on top of the other mage! “GUCCI!” Beaux gasped, horrified at her behavior. What an awful first impression!

    words: 628/4,666 ■ job: Rats ■ tags:@Onida @DOPPO 



    Dethrone The Rat King! 60654_s

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by DOPPO Tue 22 Jan - 12:00

    Chiyuki continued to doze off and dreamt of nothing in particular. Although he slept deeply, he wasn't in a sleep deep enough to warrant and invite such visions, but what he did seem to fantasize were abstract versions of conversations that took place outside of his subconsciousness—something about rats and an accent that sounded too foreign for him to understand.

    Although his snoozing was unperturbed at best, no poking or prodding could stir him. The butt of a wooden cane, the fingernails of a delicate finger, and not even a slithering beast could stir this man until an inhuman weight suddenly became apparent on his body, and atop his head, no less. With an abrupt jolt, Chiyuki jerked his head up and wore an expression so pale and white that he could be mistaken for a ghost if not for his glossy blue eyes making it clear that he was, in fact, very much alive. Yes, he was alive, but so frightened that all the color in his skin had found some other place and hid, leaving some ghastly shell behind. In front of him, Chiyuki would come to realize, stood a well-groomed man and a blonde, long-haired mistress standing there, both seeming equally as shocked as he were—but this didn't help him feel any less uncomfortable.

    He looked down at what appeared to be some sort of serpent with his frightened look of his, only for it to soften and regain some amount of vigor—he even began to blush a little. Chiyuki deeply enjoyed animals, no matter their species, and even in the strangest of situations found some amount of comfort in their company. Of course, he wouldn't touch it or even consider the thought for its weight was so suffocating and uncomfortable that all he could do was stare and wonder how much longer he would have to endure such troubles. His arms remained crossed and his expression dulled back to its usual stiff indifference again and looked to the two persons ahead of him. He scrunched his brows together and looked at them with a disgruntled expression, which appeared more sheepish and childish than anything. A sort of "boohoo" look. "I don't work here." he explained rather plainly. He apparently thought that this would be the only reason for them to wake him aside from the fact that two other mages were supposed to meet him here around this time. He was especially dull when waking up.

    As some more restful features returned to him, so did his wits and abilities to put a more coherent picture together. The well-groomed man looked like someone who was here for these services, but not the woman The woman dressed too extravagantly—or what Chiyuki considered to be extravagant—for her to come here for her rodent needs. They were both equally attractive and appeared to have purposes other than business with this Tom person. Chiyuki, with a weary struggle, lifted himself from his seat and tucked his head down in a form of greeting, "I'm here for a client. . . waiting for some people to—" he yawned, "—to come meet me here." Chiyuki looked down at his figure again, unsure of what to do about the strange serpent attached to him. He didn't know what to say to the two persons before him, and really didn't want to say anything either. The redhead didn't feel like talking to anyone or thing, but also couldn't exist pleasantly with such a weight on his body. So he, instead, exchanged a blushing expression and puffed cheeks as if he were trying to hold in his compassion for the animal and his desire to stroke it—or his discomfort it being there.



    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Eden Knox Tue 22 Jan - 21:21

    Rune Knights ☾  S-rank

    Word Count: 1,027/4,666
    Tagged: @DOPPO @Beaux
    Muse: dead
    Music: big mood

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    The young woman's attempts to rouse the sleeping beast would prove to be unsuccessful, bringing a frustrated grimace to her normally soft features. How could someone sleep this deeply?! She would have thought he was dead were it not for the obnoxious snoring. Grumbling to herself, she debated whether or not this was even worth it. Perhaps this man needed the sleep... She would be able to handle this rat business on her own anyways. Deciding that this would be the best course of action, she turned towards the entrance, about to make her way back out to the street. Her plan for a discreet exit was foiled, though. A boisterous young man stood before her, his thick accent and dazzling smile taking her off guard for a moment.

    Regaining her composure, Onida tried to mimic the man's gesture, leaning forward in what was supposed to be a bow. She didn't really understand the connotations behind such a movement, but decided to just assume that it was a form of greeting. Similar to how members of her pack would sniff each other's rears when greeting one another. "You may call me Onida. It is a pleasure to meet you." Looking up to him once more, a gentle smile made its way onto her face. "It has been a long time since I have heard a Napedian accent such as yours. It is quite refreshing!" The fond memories she had of Napedia only caused her smile to widen. It was a truly lovely little place. The people there were vibrant and full of life, similar to this gentleman. Well, perhaps a little less flamboyant.

    His next words and actions jarred her out of her little daydream, though, causing a light blush to rise to her cheeks. It would seem that he had noticed the she was trying to wake the sleeping man from before. "O-Oh, no! I was just going to leave him be! There's no need to-" Her protests were quickly interrupted when a serpent emerged, slithering onto the slumbering gentleman and transforming into something bigger and truly beautiful. "Wh-Whoa!" Onida sputtered, golden hues wide with disbelief. She had never seen a serpent grow wings before! "What a lovely serpent! Gucci? Is that her name?" The young mage gushed, ignoring the fact that the man from before had finally awoken and giving her undivided attention to the one named Gucci. Advancing closer to the man and the beautiful creature, she reached forward, giving the snake a soft pat on the head.

    Finally hearing what the man the snake was attached to had to say, Onida's gaze shifted upwards, staring into the blue hues that awaited her there. Perhaps it was a bit rude to be standing this close to him. Taking a step backwards, she began to address what he had said. "You're waiting for someone? I was doing the same thing. Um... The two of you wouldn't happen to be here about the Rat King, would you?" If these two men were here to help, then perhaps she wouldn't have to go alone after all!


    Dethrone The Rat King! I2D4CIg


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Flames of Amatsu
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    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

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    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Beaux Wed 23 Jan - 23:56

    Dethrone The Rat King! UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    Beaux let out a small gasp of delight as Onida mentioned that she had been to Napedia. “Pleasure to meet you Onida, it’s comforting to know that you are familiar with my homeland. It is truly a wonderful place!” It was rare for someone to recognize his accent, let alone have visited the place. Many times he had been given confused looks by the people he met when the name Napedia was mentioned.

    As the redhead in the chair woke, he seemed to go from surprised to accepting the fate of being stuck under a 10 foot long winged serpent. Gucci sat coiled on the warm being with as much of a smug and content look as a snake’s face can express. The serpent had no intention of harming either of the strangers, she just wanted to greet them, though it was hard to tell with such a creature.

    “Yes, this is my dear companion Lisette, Gucci is just a nickname she’s acquired over time. I’m afraid she gets me into trouble more often than not!”
    the angel said with a nervous laugh. “She certainly has a mind of her own.” After Onida gave Gucci a gentle pat, which was received with a happy hiss, Beaux stepped up to remove the snake from the poor man beneath her. Strong arms wrapped around the serpent’s thick midsection, gripping onto silvery scales while trying not to touch the baggy clothes beneath her. Beaux lifted the giant winged snake up and away. She did not protest much, instead transforming back into her smaller size and using tiny wings to keep afloat in the dim room. “I’m terribly sorry about that Monsieur, the angel sighed as he regained his posture, brushing argent hair aside to once again reveal baby blue hues.

    “It seems we’ve happened upon those who we were searching for by accident!”
    Beaux replied excitedly to the other mage’s query. “I, too, am here to deal with the Rat King.” A light turn lead his eyes to wander the dismal room, searching for signs of life - or rats. The only indication of other beings was the faint sound of metal hitting metal, seemingly coming from below the group, perhaps in a basement. If the lobby was anything to go by, it was likely to be dark, humid, and ultimately unpleasant. “Besides us, there seems to be few people here, or none at all… With such a rat crisis there ought to be more exterminators around, no?” A perturbed expression fell to Beaux’s beautiful face, ruining the former dazzling smile.

    words: 1,056/4,666■ job: Rats ■ tags:@Onida @DOPPO 


    Dethrone The Rat King! 60654_s

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by DOPPO Thu 24 Jan - 19:02

    So it was settled—everyone had gathered here to investigate this "Rat King." Well, there were more here as pseudo-exterminators than investigators since there was little to investigate. This "Rat King" simply assumed the royal position as King of Fiore and had to be dealt with. Now if one might've asked why the Rune Knights, the units serving directly under the Magic Council, wouldn't have dealt with such blasphemy themselves, Chiyuki couldn't provide a sensible answer. It was true that wizards were people with magical aptitudes who went about the world, or Fiore, solving problems—but normally these problems were of the magical sort and while this particular scenario involved magic, it was no more than some rats. It wasn't like they weren't already there before this Rat King's wild proclamations and a fireball would do no better than a Rune Knight blade if they happened to gather together. So, what do the Rune Knights even do then? If a matter such as this is too much, or perhaps not a concern of theirs, it was simply a matter of time before they lost control. It was a recipe for disaster.

    The strange serpent-thing had been lifted from his figure but he didn't feel any less uncomfortable. His shoulders felt heavy and legs felt as if they would give way any second as he did not prepare to resume activity so quickly after a nap if you could call it that and not a Devil's attempt to deliver him death through thunderous slumber. Beaux and Onida seemed to get along just fine, it was almost as if he could slip away from the pair and nothing would've changed. This was, partly, due to his inability to begin conversations with others, so his dying presence was a natural result of that. Of course, in cases such as this where his snoozing had drawn too much attention for his liking, it was difficult to frolick off to somewhere where a spotlight was its dimmest. "Tis the nature of group jobs!" or so it goes. Though, all of these social problems seemed trivial and nonexistent when he was actively using his magic, for one reason or another.

    Now the sound of metal against metal continued to ring downstairs and it was clearly the periodic movements of a human being. But these walls and floorboards weren't so thick and tough that he hadn't heard his thunderous snoring or Onida and Beaux's chit-chatter. So Chiyuki, while his company was talking, crept over to the receptionist desk with an outstretched gaze peeking as far as he could down the staircase into the basement. He could see a brightly lit room through a closed wooden door, but chances were that it was locked. With a tepid volume, he yelled down the staircase over the desk, "Excuse me?" he said this, but no response returned. He yelled again, and like before, no response. By this point, Chiyuki began to shuffle his way around the desk and attempt to make it down the staircase to open the door as discreetly as he could before spotting a small sheet of notebook paper next to ink and quills with something scribbled over it.

    Chiyuki looked at it curiously, or as curiously as he, a visibly unreadable man, could've. He unfolded it to its entire length, which only expanded to the size of his palm, and read through it carefully. "Ahrm... ahem—" the redhead rubbed the nape of his neck unconsciously and resumed his speech, "Dear mages, thank you for taking up our offer. We're sorry that we couldn't be here to meet you in person, but there has been a wasp infestation long overdue that needs to be addressed. I've written down the address to the entrance of the place where you'll find the rat problem here. . . at, erh. . ." his bright blue eyes skimmed the passage again, searching for this address before flipping the note sheet to the back, "—2031 Sutgate Street. . ."

    Chiyuki was certain that it must've been some sewer gate or some entrance to said sewers, but he would not mention this. The others must've come to some similar conclusion if he, of all people, could. He approached the group again, turning and offering the small note to Onida. He extended his hand and spoke dryly, "Or so it says."



    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Eden Knox Mon 4 Feb - 16:34

    Rune Knights ☾  S-rank

    Word Count: 1,565/4,666
    Tagged: @DOPPO @Beaux
    Muse: dead
    Music: big mood

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    Golden eyes followed the nameless, red haired gentleman as she walked away, heading towards the front desk area of the room. Onida was intrigued by this man, indeed. He did not seem like the type of person who would care about jobs such as these, so why was he here? The other gentleman who had joined them definitely seemed like the type, but the other one just seemed, well, out of place. Perhaps it wasn't her place to judge, though. He could just as likely think the same thing about her. Getting no response when calling out to the people below, he moved to the desk, retrieving what looked like a note left for them. Well, at least they could just get on with it in this case. If they had to chat with someone in order to receive the details of their mission, it would have delayed it much further. This was more to the point. Blonde hair flowed messily forward as Onida nodded, taking the note from the redhead and skimming over it briefly. "Well, it looks as though we know where we need to be now. Shall we go?" The young woman inquired. Though, it wasn't really much of a question as it was a statement. Turning away from her partners, she advanced towards the door, heels clicking just as loudly as they had when she had arrived.

    Note in hand, Onida jaunted casually down the street, not really having any idea where she was going, but not wanting to show it. A gentle sigh left the woman's lips as she looked around, trying to see if there were any signs that would point her in the right direction. That was wishful thinking, though. Her ability at reading this human language was also mediocre at best. It probably wasn't the best idea to put her in charge of finding their way there. Though, she kind of put that task on herself, didn't she? "Hello there! I was wondering if you could direct us to this address here?" She called out to a random pedestrian, jogging up to them, and showing them the note. The random woman nodded before looking up to Onida with a smile. "Yes! It's just down this street here, and then take a right when you see the big Weeping Willow. It should be just down that little dirt road." Grateful for the lady's help, Onida returned her smile. "Thank you so much! Stay safe around here, okay?" And with that, the group took their leave once more.

    After a silent, and slightly awkward walk to their destination, the woman of the group decided to attempt lightening the mood. "It looks like we made it! Uh... I know the saying is ladies first but, how about one of you takes the dive into this grimy sewer first?" Scratching the back of her head nervously, her eyes scanned the dirty looking grate on the ground. It would seem that this was the entrance to the sewer system that they would be exploring. If she had known it was going to be this grimy and rough, she would have dressed accordingly! Though, she probably should have expected it, with the job description and all.


    Dethrone The Rat King! I2D4CIg


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Beaux Tue 5 Feb - 13:48

    Dethrone The Rat King! UHlsfgq
    Beaux Phacelia
    The walk to the destination indicated on the note was certainly uncomfortable. The three were silent as their steps tapped beneath them. It was kind of to be expected though, since they had just met. There was plenty to talk about but none of them seemed to want to chatter. Beaux tried to distract himself by humming and observing the things passing by the group. The streets they passed through weren’t in much better condition than the area that Tom’s Exterminators had been in. Holes where cobblestones were missing dotted the path and the occasional lacrima street lamp fizzled pathetically. Despite the conditions, Beaux still spotted no rats along the way. Uneasiness started to build deep within his gut. Gucci, sensing his unrest, tapped the angel’s hand with her scaly head. He flashed a quick smile at the serpent, momentarily comforted.

    As they rounded the corner the passerby had directed them to, the subtle stench of the sewers wafted through the air. Beaux’s nose wrinkled at the unpleasant smell, while Gucci flew forward eagerly, ignoring the nasal assault. Pausing at the grate, the snake hissed in excitement while the group caught up. “I think she smells rats,” the angel commented as he came to a stop.

    Onida invited the two to take the first step into the smelly oblivion below. “Merde,” Beaux sighed, “I suppose I’ll go first.” Taking a deep breath, the mage wrapped his hands around the grate and lifted, letting out a grunt with the effort. Muscles strained beneath the pale skin of his arms and torso. After a few second of resistance, the metal came loose with a nasty grinding and squelching sound. Moss and grime fell to the ground as Beaux moved the grate out of the way. “Trop dégoûtant,” he muttered, shaking his hands off. Peering into the open hole, the only thing he saw was a grimy ladder descending into darkness.

    The angel handed his cane to Gucci, who promptly swallowed it out of existence and into her “handbag” belly. The serpent wound herself around Beaux’s arm as he took a deep breath. Positioning himself on the ladder, the angel descended. As the light from above stopped illuminating the ladder, he had to navigate by feel alone. One foot found solid ground, shortly followed by the other. It took a second for baby blue eyes to adjust to the darkness, using what little light there was to peer down the corridor around him. Off in the distance was a dim lacrima lantern, hanging dismally from the wall before the passage took a sharp turn.

    “It’s hard to see down here!” Beaux called back up to his companions, “I hope you two don’t mind if I use some magic to help.”

    With that, the angel crossed his hands over his chest, murmuring a phrase to incite the spell. “Praeclara’s Ethereal Skin!” A golden glowing spot appeared on his forehead, slowly consuming his body inch by inch like pouring paint until his skin was covered. The angel’s skin had turned a molten glowing gold, illuminating the passage completely around him without being blinding. “You two can come down now!” said the glowing boy, observing the corridor now that he could see clearly.

    words: 1,593/4,666 ■ job: Rats ■ tags:@Onida @DOPPO 


    Dethrone The Rat King! 60654_s

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by DOPPO Fri 8 Feb - 18:30

    Miss Onida took the note from him instantly after he recited the directions and decided to assume the position of leader since she was the first to walk out and guide them to their destination. Even with the paper telling him where to go and the city streets so wide and open, the largeness of the buildings and the people who crowded in between felt nauseating. So he spent most of their walk staring at Beaux and Onida's feet and if there was a moment in which they were visibly lost, he hadn't seen it. He stopped when they stopped, moved when they moved, all of which he did had an acceptable distance. It was so comfortable that he'd even found the opportunity to doze off while he followed the sound of their footsteps.

    But when the click, click, clicking of their heels and the soles of their feet were smothered in an abrupt silence, he stopped just before bumping into the pretty-faced mistress, Onida. He opened his drooping blues and followed their line of sight—and lo and behold, the entryway to the sewers. It was nothing spectacular or particularly impressive of a sight, but it wasn't like Chiyuki knew anything about grates in the first place besides that some places around Earthland decorated theirs beautifully. This one wasn't beautiful at all and was more unwelcoming and ominous than anything.

    Onida was smart to opt out of delving into the smelly sewers first, and Chiyuki considered himself even smarter for staring at Mister Beaux a sharp, dead stare, determined not to go either and solidifying his place above ground. To his luck, Beaux submitted, and while he did so of his volition, Chiyuki was convinced that he had "won."

    Srrrch! The grate ground against the cobblestone as Beaux lifted, and suddenly whatever evil odors and smells that had been suppressed by its weight had unleashed their contents into the surrounding air. Chiyuki's expression wouldn't change in the face of such a wonderfully awful smell but he was astounded on how quickly mister Beaux was able to delve into the sewers. He was impressed, really.

    The sewer was dark and as Beaux descended down into it he became less and less visible. If not for the daylight, no one would notice him even if they were standing five feet in front of him. But he and Onida noticed him, and they also noticed how within seconds of his descent did his forehead begin to glow golden. He'd beckon the pair down, and this time Chiyuki decided to go first. He hopped down from the surface into the sewers and peeked down each direction when he did—but both were equally dark, ominous, and seemed to go on forever.

    The sewer felt, well, wet. He could feel tiny pieces of rock stick to his shoe and grind underneath his heels and even though the surface had only been a brief ladder climb away, it was far more humid and had a more rotten odor. It wasn't nearly as warm as it was outside and it was so silent that he could hear water drop from the ceiling into the sewage from ways on. He didn't like closed spaces, but he disliked what sort of creepy-crawlers lurked in them even more. Chiyuki suddenly became very pale at the thought, swallowed his spit as quietly as he could and looked back up to Onida and then to Beaux. He stared at his body—there was no particular place he stared since all of it was glowing.



    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

    She wolf

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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Eden Knox Tue 4 Jun - 11:04

    Rune Knights ☾  S-rank

    Word Count: 2,120/4,666
    Tagged: @DOPPO @Beaux
    Muse: dead
    Music: big mood

    This notes section will scroll if needed!
    As soon as the grate opened, and the foul smells from down below sprung free, Onida winced in disgust. These human creations were so vulgar. Raising a hand upwards, she placed it over her nose and mouth, trying her best to mask the scent in any way she could. Even in her human form, her sense of smell was incredibly powerful, making it that much more painful. Watching as the two men she was working with descended down the ladder into the dark pit of doom, Onida took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for her own descent. Removing her hand from it's place on her face, the blonde woman crouched down, grabbing onto the ladder and climbing down. As she dropped down onto the damp floor, some mystery fluid managed to splash onto her heeled feet. "Oh god! This is disgustinggg!" She whimpered, trying her best to shake it off. It wasn't often that the woman acted in this manner, but when it came to her hygiene, she became a little wimp.

    Finally deciding that it was time to just buck up and get going, she looked up at her fellow mages. It was silent... The red haired man stared at Beaux in complete silence. Onida stood for a moment, looking back and forth between them. How was it that things always ended up being awkward like this. Why couldn't they just speak like normal people? Deciding to break the silence, once again, the young woman cleared her throat. "Thank you for the light, Beaux! That's quite an interesting spell you have there!" A feeling of nostalgia washed over her for a moment. The wolf woman used to have a spell similar to that... When her magic was working, and not a glitched mess like it was now. Deciding it was best not to dwell on the past at the moment, she continued. "Alright. So now for the fun part. We need to find this damn rat. I have something that should help us out considerably. Just one moment."

    Finishing her sentence, she moved away from her partners, giving her enough room to perform the spell she needed. With a flash of light, and the sound of cracking bones and shifting flesh, Onida shifted into something entirely different. She hadn't used this form in quite some time, so her limbs ached considerably from the sudden shift. The shimmering golden eyes of a large, colorful wolf stared up at her partners. Everything was much clearer and more familiar now. "This should help me sniff out the king much easier. Let me see if I can catch his scent from where we are now." Oh boy, the smell of the sewer was incredibly overwhelming. The wolf almost gagged when she took in that first big sniff.

    No, focus.

    Closing her eyes, she took in an even bigger sniff, trying to separate all of the different things that she was smelling. Sewer... Old shoe... Twig... Moss... Rat... Getting closer...


    Her eyes snapped open and her muscles tensed. There was the smell she was looking for! It was different from the normal rat smell. It was much more menacing. And it wasn't too far away! "I've found it! It's down this path!" She barked excitedly, beginning to walk towards the tunnel that the smell was coming from.


    Dethrone The Rat King! I2D4CIg


    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
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    Age : 22
    Mentor : ✤ DOPPO ✤
    Experience : 26,837

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♥ Heart of Divinity ♥
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by Beaux Tue 4 Jun - 14:13

    Angel Boy
    Caught up inside, both happy and lonely
    Job: Rats
    Post Word Count: 373
    Job Word Count: 1,966/4,666
    Muse: 12/10
    Music: Mouse Trap
    Items Used IC/OOC: Item 1, Item 2
    Active Spells: Spell 1 (Duration: x/x)

    The red-haried man’s stare was met by Beaux’s blue eyes. His brow raised as if to say ‘Yeah, I’m gold. So what?’. He was used to people staring when he donned pieces of the angel magic that resided within. Admittedly, the Ethereal Skin was one of the more unusual ones. It wasn’t every day that someone just turned bright gold.

    Beaux’s eyes widened as Onida began to morph. The sound of bones cracking and flesh reforming was incredibly unnerving. The angel felt his chest become tight and his heart began to race. He was incredibly squeamish when it came to stuff like this. It just reminded him of a horrible memory. Luckily the noise was cut short as in Onida’s place stood a majestic wolf. She had just morphed into a wolf out of nowhere! Beaux couldn’t believe his eyes. All sorts of questions began to run in his head. Was her magic like his? How long had she been able to do this? Could she change into other animals? He dismissed them as they came due to the politeness he had been taught growing up.

    With a shrug he followed the wolf-lady down the nasty sewer tunnel. Gucci floated at his side, her tongue flickering out on occasion. The serpent was eager to chomp on some rats. Beaux reached over and patted her scaly head with his glowing hand. He truly loved the snake - as much of a pain as she was at times. He was glad that she could be treated to a rat feast today.

    The strange group traversed a few hallways and rounded a few corners before Beaux noticed that he had passed the same old, moldy shoe for the second time. “Um,” he began, pausing in place, “I think we’re going in circles…” He glanced around with furrowed brows. Indeed, he noticed the same missing brick in the wall on his left as well as the nasty pile of who-knows-what in the corner ahead. They had only looped around twice, but that was two too many times. “This place must be a maze… Onida can you pinpoint the exact place that he is? The Rat King must have chosen this sewer because of how confusing it is.”


    Dethrone The Rat King! 60654_s

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Dethrone The Rat King! Empty Re: Dethrone The Rat King!

    Post by DOPPO Tue 4 Jun - 17:23

    2,940/4,666 words || @Onida || job info/job sign-up || Thotnida

    Apparently the group wasn't done when the presumably youngest man there decided to glow golden because soon after Miss Onida finally mustered up the courage to descend into the depths of the sewer, it wasn't before long that she began to twist and transform with the most awful sound he had heard in a while. It was like the snapping of bones and the squishiness of flesh all in one, and while Beaux seemed to be visibly perturbed by this, Doppo watched in astonishment.

    Onida had transformed into. . . a wolf? Or, this is how it appeared. It wasn't strange for everyday wizards to transform into beasts or animals, but no matter how familiar one was with this, it always was a very surreal experience but not so surreal that he'd become wide-eyed and bewildered like Beaux seemed to be. Doppo didn't know the first thing about wolves or canines in general despite their shared keenness of smell. He knew that whatever a human being may smell, a dog could smell with even more intensity and from greater distances away. He couldn't even imagine what sort of anguish was waiting for Miss Onida's poor nose.

    The group gathered their bearings and finally began to move through the sewer. The two men trailed behind or next to Onida as she sniffed her way to the Rat King, but this didn't seem to be the case. They had been lost and no one seemed to realize it except for Beaux, and he seemed to realize their situation far faster than Doppo or Onida had. But this wasn't saying much as Doppo had been paying little attention to the smaller details and objects that littered their surroundings and wouldn't have realized that they were going in circles until much later if not for the cheery Beaux.

    The red-haired man sighed and began to praise the Rat King without enthusiasm, "If our King had half the wits of the Rat King, Fiore would look much more like a sewer. This place is strategically ideal, you see. . . why can't our King think like the Rat King? Maybe this coup d'etat was written in the stars from the very beginning. . ." Doppo attempted to jest with his usual lackadaisical demeanor, his voice quiet and without any humorous undertones, making his comment sound more like an honest question than a joke, and perhaps it was. One was never too sure with the aloof Chiyuki Suzuki.

    Doppo could see where this was going, and he knew that Beaux and Onida were too intelligent to even consider continuing the search with this orthodox method, or so he hoped. They would have to consider other options. ". . . Lure him out, then." he suggested blankly.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: xxx
    Abilities Active: xxx
    Weapons Equipped: xxx
    Monsters Killed: xxx
    Other Notes: Changed the scenario. Both players are currently in the RK and storyline has been updated accordingly.


      Current date/time is Fri 26 Jul - 21:24