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    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mark of Caine
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Delancy 14th December 2018, 2:09 pm



    Ode to the ever impulsive.

    When referencing the aforementioned one might ponder spontaneousness; wrong. Today's topic pertains to one's impulsivness in response to their primitave desires. To be more specific, one particular man and his inability to keep said desires in check...and the beating that proceeded as a result. T'was a string upon the dark web, the cries of many echoing into the ears of one. Three women, two children, a common interest; revenge. The request spoke of a man racing across Fiore impregnating as many women as possible it seemed. Some sex fiend who lacked the decency and compassion to be honest with women. "...Sounds like an okay guy to me."

    A bewildered Damian gazed at a paper detailing the incident. "What reason" he thought "would these women have to be so angry? He was simply taking advantage of the opportunities given to him; they didn't have to be so bent up about it." This was a genuine concern for him as a self-proclaimed psychologist. These women were freshly wounded and ripe for the picking; he couldn't have anyone else jumping on this project before him. How was he supposed to study the limitations of the human mind when others would rush in and steal his fun? No, no he wouldn't have it. He needed to ensure he'd enough time to trigger the specific flags in mind... He also needed enough people to be on the look out whilst his torture commenced."Perhaps...." he thought "I can ask a favor of the others..."

    The Bahamut Family; each unquestionaby demented for their own tragic reasonings. Bah, who cared for the semantics? All most needed to know was to stay clear of the family as a whole; nothing but destruction left in their wake. As you might've guessed, Damian was a proud member of this family; as proud as an apathetic mind flayer could be. He couldn't quite peg what went on in their mindscapes, something he respected greatly. While their mentalities were incredibly unstable, they were able to get a job done if necessary. They seemed to look out for one another it seemed, Damian was banking on this to earn the family a few more funds. Leaving a message to each, he requested they all meet at a local alleyway they'd all been quite familiar with.


    "Lady and Gentlemen.." Soulless eyes peered up at the silhouettes waltzing into the vicinity. Shadows nigh-engulfed their presence as Damian continued"Come in and chill for a spell..We've got some business to discuss." This space had been located in the center of a maze-like series of alleyways; their family being the only ones to know of it. Nobody was getting in or out, leaving the four more than enough time to discuss their important matters. "I know I don't call often but I've got a job I think you'll want to hear.."



    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 17
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rosen Requip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ros 14th December 2018, 3:35 pm

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   UTtBOov

    Ros has had an absolutely splendid day so far - racking into the lovely average week in this grimy part of town. Through the alleyways that she and her family spent so much time walked a frustrated pink-haired lady who was readjusting her twintails. She spends an increased amount of effort just to steer clear of the filth she was already used to. The filth that stained the concrete below her feet, and the concrete that stained her ears as they talked. As Ros was completely used to this, it did not upset her any less; the fact that she was always seen as the easier target in this neck of the woods. She understood, however, that it was not only due to her smaller frame but the sight of her prosthetic leg as well.

    Which is why she was walking away so frustrated, walking from a body that's distorted and bloodied on the face. If it had not been her reason for being there, she would have taken the time to slowly kill him in response. One of her was screaming in her head to go back, banging at her viewing cage to get out and finish the job, while the other was already satisfied at knowing how weak his armor was. Specifically, so weak that Ros did not need to get into hers. "No, we aren't going to do anything further, you sick fuck..." Ros was now arguing with the voice in her head, unable to shut her up. She rolled her eyes at the pleads and stopped once she finished touching up her hair.

    "Listen, if Delancey is calling us together, it is for a reason. It will be duly your fault if I allow you to get me late again for these types of situations!"

    Finally, the voices stopped, but grumbling in a soft pout. Ros could hear her theoretical arms crossing over her chest in defeat. "At least we got the jewel from him, right? One step closer to getting the house you've always wanted." At this point, it was now mutual on their goals an aspirations. Hoping that their brother has something good planned for them. She turned around the corner, dusting the last of dirt from her dress. "I hope we're not here late, fam? I hope some jewel is coming out of this."

    @Delancy @Bassam @Ydris
    396 Words


    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 200

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Bassam 14th December 2018, 3:58 pm

    B A S S A M
    He drew foot back slaming it down with a hard squish then an even more sickening crack on the concrete below him. Blood spatter defiling his shoes bits of skin and sinew flying about as he continued his happy little tirade. Gritting his teeth but not out of frustration, more so out of concentration than anything. His booted foot continued to smash into the skull of the dying man below as his body jumped to the rythm. Finally Bassam had stopped grabbing the man by the shirt and pulling his body along.  He chuckled looking down as the lifeless form he had brought along for company.

    "You take my jewels I take your everything else. Keep the money I think you'll need it more than m-" He looked down at the lifeless form of the man pausing in the middle of these intricate alleyways, the same one his family always meet up at every since they were children.

    There it was again the elusive struggle of death. Another lifeless corps is what he had seen and oh god how it was so wonderful. How it was so magnificent in all its forms in all its glory. The illustrious grim reaper and its power its might. Bassam began to get excited as he smacked the mans face excitedly.

    "Oh yes dude your dying dude!! Dude that is amazing!!" He exclaimed albeit loudly as he continued tapping the mans cheek.

    "Whats it like! Wait before you go tell me please I mus-" He paused sensing it was already to late, the man was already gone had been gone for quite some time now.

    "Awww," he exclaimed sadly as resumed his walking dragging the lifeless corpse down the alley. How many times had this happen now, so many times.

    Why did they all have to die so quick? Every time before they told him what it was like, right down to his own mother and father. He turned hearing chatter up ahead as his body filled with glee. It was them, his precious siblings! He had finally remembered why he had come to these set of alleyways in the first place, Delancy had sent a message for them seeing as how they were all spread about during this time in the season gathering them all to this specific spot in town must of been hard. But if Delancy called it had been urgent. Turning the corner he lifted the body place its face around the corner as he moved the jaw in an exaggerated motion. A mocking tone filled the air as he made the corpse talk.

    "Hey guys its me, Mr Corspy and Bassam said he can't make it unfortunately he is sick. Yeahup hahahahahaha so sick!" Dropping the corspe as he stepped from around the corner with a chuckle as he wiped a tear he perked up seeing Delancy and Ros 2 out of 3 of his favorite people in the world. He rushed over with his arms out attempting to force them both into a hug.

    "Oh you guys!!! I missed you so much even Mr Corpsy says hi!" He exclaimed attempting to smoosh himself into the other two.

    @ydris @delancy @ros BASSAM IS VERY VERY HAPPY!!!
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP

    Last edited by Bassam on 14th December 2018, 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit of Corruption
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ydris 14th December 2018, 7:01 pm

    Fade away into dust.

    Dark and dingy were the gambling pits where Subja made himself at home at the dealer's table. Cards scattered across the tabletop to waiting hands while chips clattered together in harmony. There was a repulsive odor of cigarette smoke and cigars that lingers in the air with stale alcohol mixed in like a shitty dive bar. Subja remained quiet as cards fluttered between his fingers and onto the tabletop with ease, he served the players without regard to their expressions. They gawked at his rather odd appearance being so nicely dressed for such a trashy place. The crown of crosses formed in his forehead brought even more onlookers; it did not matter that he ran the highest of tables at this dumpy place. What mattered were the jewels he would be racking up playing the people here at this table top. It was still high noon at the small gambling pit when Subja started on his final half hour of business time. The relief sat and watched in anticipation while gawking at the man's dealer skills while smoking like a chimney.

    Music fizzled like dying flames from the jukebox in the corner that dared to sooth the nerves of drunken customers. If one were to feel the energy of the room one might say it was polarized in two opposing directions; those who were winning and those who were risking their lively hood just for a buck. It was almost amusing to see the hope in one's eyes after winning over the house for a few turns only to crush it in the next run. Golden violet hues twinkled with amusement as he watched the epicenter of the world turn on its axis, throwing its passengers back and forth. Much like the torture chambers of hell casting soul from open palm for eternity to closed fist over and over again. The sensation of rebirth like a phoenix to the slothful death like the mortal they truly are. Very few tried their luck at using their magic upon the tables to which Subja had the pleasure of watching them get dragged out back and beaten thoroughly. Speaking of which, Subja laid eyes on the newest of beings ready to be ejected from the high stakes table. Flipping a card over, the first three raised their stakes as did their cheater at hand. Subja controlled his melancholy expression as he distributed the next set of cards before flipping the next card. Slowly at first the cloaked man opposite to him laid down his cards. Keeping one within the fold of his palm and thumb his hands dropped below the table. A smirk crossed Subja’s face as the magic trace on the deck went off in his head. If he had the right he might have said; ‘Gotcha Bitch’ but such comments were not to be spoken in such an establishment.

    Leaning back in his chair, the other three folded with looks of distaste as they should have. To each, the man offered a kind smile and set his cards down upon the table. “Unfortunately it is time for me to depart.” His voice rumbled deep within his chest as slender fingers adjusted the sleeves of his button-up white shirt. Adjusting the vest he wore his face soon turned to the cloaked man who looked rather pissed to have his moment ruined. “As for you. We need to have a conversation sir. Please come with way.” Keeping his best host face on Subja stood to his full height sliding the left arm behind his back bending it at the elbow. Meanwhile, the right arm extended fully out at shoulder height with his white gloves on hand. At first, the cloaked man did not move but as Subja stared his smile faded back to firm flat lines that reeked of danger. A shift in body language motivated the man to move towards the back of the bar as the relief quickly stood up and bowed to the players at hand. “Please enjoy your game.” The half-hearted smile slipped back into his ebony lips once more before turning to follow the shorter cloaked man out the back door. An there it happened, as the latch clicked into place behind Subja’s back the cloaked figure was reduced to submission. A fist met the nape of a neck as a roundhouse kick met the back of knees. Sending the man rolling into the wall face first, Subja did not stop as he glided forward foot meeting the back of the neck once more. A groaning gasp could be heard as Subja kept his weight forward on the left leg while keeping his balance on the right. Taking his gloves off slowly he placed them back into his pockets slowly, reaching out once more his large hand clasped around the neck pulling him back into kneeling position. “You really shouldn’t cheat. This is not some non-magic bar dear sir.” Subja released the wheezing man as he circled to stand before his vision. Knocking off the hat he exposed the middle-aged man who had frequented the bar many times this week.

    “Oh, I dare say you have been around here quite often friend. Perhaps you should stop gambling away your life… Oh wait. You did that's right.” Subja said lightly as he slowly reached out to the sweating man before him. From the others view, Subja looked like nothing more than a black face with his ghastly white smile. As his hand clenched the others face he exhaled smoke from thick black lips as if giving him a passage to death itself. The crackle of his flesh could be heard as decay clenched his flesh. Dust and dead particles slipped through his fingers as the mans dying gasps could be heard. Tanned skin turned grey as it flaked away with the breeze. The ever-widening mouth with a look of despair gave Subja comfort for what was to come. Reaching into the tattered robes he pulled the house card from within its folds. Digging further he found a spare set which looked easily identical to the sets used at the bar. Reaching out he pulled out the jeweled purse and place it within his own pocket. Sauntering back through the door his boss waited with a rather impatient expression; with a hand out open the cards were returned before he grabbed his jacket to leave. Slipping on the dress coat he pulled the jacket together to button it up, the coming of Damian's invitation for a meeting was sorely waved off. Subja had a few more stops to make on the way towards the alleyway in which they were to meet. The Bahamut family were a band of misfits which were once under the guidance of a single mage named Mana. Ironic really that he should be named after the substance which gave them strength. Thinking back to the old man his mind was filled with reflective measures about his own duties to come. Reaching into his chest pocket he pulled out a pack of cigarettes to which he withdrew one of his cancer sticks. With a flick of the match, the item was lit and smoldering between thick lips.

    Step after step carried him through the city as he cruised to each stop with ease. Finally, he soon found himself at the entrance of the alleyway itself. Keeping a dulled expression upon his lips he began the small trek down the grimy twist and turns. Checking out the small blood trails left behind, Subja was the last to arrive at the meeting place with ease. The only sign of his presence was a trail of smoke that flowed into the meeting space followed by an embedded glow. His blackened silhouette gave way to the glow his golden violet hues which pierced the soul. “You have called younger brother. I hope that this meeting is for the benefit of the family in wealth and strength.” Whisps of smoke curled from his lips like crow gunsmoke for a smile. With one foot he slid a crate forward which he turned over so it was bottom up for the sitting. Placing himself down he clasped both hands together and stared with ease, his controlled dreads remained down his back in a ponytail.

    1380 / 1380 WORDS, @bassam @ros @delancy




    Spell Name (0/0 duration):
    Spell Name (0/0 duration):

    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):
    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):

    Item Name:
    Item Name:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Name:

    Any other notes, such as monsters killed/rolled or specific important information about a spell can be put in here.
    Subja Bahamut

    guild name {} x-rank
    AGE {} 24
    GENDER {} Male
    SEXUALITY {} Straight
    MORAL ALIGNMENT {} Chaotic Evil
    SPECIES {} human
    RACE {} Black
    FIGHTING STYLE {} Hand to Hand Magus
    MOOD {} Meh.
    ENERGY {} Full Throttle

    PERSONALITY {} Bloodthirsty warmonger with a proclivity for death.
    SO YOU THINK YOU'RE PSYCHIC? {} Warning; peering into him is like looking at a blood-bathed memory of carnage. There is something very wrong with him mentally.

    NOTES {} Like the name suggests, any notes you have can go here.


    Weirdgardium Flexiosa
    Character Sheet

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mark of Caine
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Delancy 14th December 2018, 8:45 pm



    A moment of silence for the lives of any half-decent soul coming before The Bahamut Family. Separated they are fierce but united? They are a force far stronger than most; one could only shutter at the thought of them gaining strength. How could D-Rank mages possess such an intimidating aura? To be frank, it wasn't. There were beings far stronger, far more horrific than this; for now. The Bahamut Family slithered in the trenches but in a similar tune to murder; their takeover must be premeditated.

    For now they would settle with the job Damian picked up. Speaking of, he leaned against a nearby wall as he slid his hands into his pockets. "Fate has it we've got a perv who can't keep it in his pants. He's a man of considerable wealth with a trail of considerable mistakes." His right hand slipped and rose in the air as he held up three of his fingers. "Three women, two babies, one lump sum of cash." A maddening grin stretched about his visage as he began his debrief.

    "Here's the deal, people. Idiot #1, 2, and 3 begged mommy and daddy enough to get us 2K per; we've just got to execute this job flawlessly." He readjusted himself and continued "The girls gave us the run down of his schedule and he has to traverse through these alleyways to go between the wives' houses. They want us to give him the run down but I'm lookin' to have a bit more fun than that. Each of us - for our own reasons, would love to get our hands on a test subject." He looked to Subja "Whether that be to practice some new moves." his gaze shifted to Ros "Or maybe play house with an unconscious man." as he looked to Bassam, he fell quiet for a moment before giving an odd shrug and moving on. "I'm thinking an ol' tag and bag. Bring him deeper into the alleymaze and have our fine. Then when we're done we can take his clothes or something and hang him by his drawers or something".

    In the eyes of The Bahamut Family this was a dream come true - however, there was something gravely important he had to preface prior. "I should also mention one thing that neither of us will be pleased to hear..." he took a deep breathing before speaking while exhaling "Unfortunately we can't kill him; we'll lose 1K if he's dead. They want him to live with his mistakes..." he grins once more "and whatever scars we leave on him. Who knows? Maybe Ros can give him a little...snip snip?" Winking at Ros, he looked to Ydris; his tone now that of someone addressing his senior. "We get this done right, we get 8K to bank. Beat up the douchebag, leave him embarrassed and get out." he now gave his attention to them all "Any questions or are we ready to throw hands? If I'm not mistaken he should be heading up the street in a few minutes and I'd really not like to miss our chance".

    Last edited by Delancy on 19th December 2018, 10:31 am; edited 2 times in total



    Lineage : Strength of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 17
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rosen Requip
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ros 15th December 2018, 9:16 am

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   UTtBOov

    Ros was mildly surprised when one of her brethren came around to wrap her in a hug. Mildly. What she was expecting was to get full-on tackled from behind - somewhere along the way her prosthetic leg would come off and she would be struggling to breathe. To her dismay, that last portion would be correct. When she was put into a hug, she was partially caught off-guard. Sure, she was used to Bassam having corpses around him, especially with his obsession of finding out what death was like, but it took her a second to realize the corpse was not a living human being. She figured it was just due to her making someone unconscious not ten minutes ago, yet she knew it was just a dumb moment on her end. So now, she was wrapped in a hug, pulling one of her trapped arms to freedom to hug the lad back; more or less giving him pats on the top of his head afterward when listening to the job debriefing. This job intrigued her, given that a certain psycopath in her head was going nuts over it. Patience was the key, so now this voice could be satisfied over not killing the man earlier; she was constantly giving her suggestions on how to torture him without killing him. It was delightful

    So, why not do more than a simple snip? If he is to learn, he better have a bit of.... character development with it. She was planning to place a replica of a common curse mark onto his body - carved in so that his skin heals with the mark on it. Which curse mark? Well, no other than the mark that was used for a certain village whose lineage was finally allowed into the public. Where those in her homeland marked them with to brand them as outcasts before dropping them at random parts of Fiore. Her face got darker as the second voice in her head began to jump in with ideas. All of which meant defiling his skin to the point of no return. Marks that no lady will love to see happen to him. Marks that, no matter how you look at it, will send this man into a spiraling end of depression before he takes his own life for them. That would be so simple, yet so fun to see from afar. She didn't kill him - it was he who killed himself. Her usually neurotic expression turned dark, as she shrugged within the hug.

    "A few minutes, ey? No questions from here, as long as I can get someone to hold him down while I do my work. Bassam, mind helping me with that? No need to keep him quiet either."

    @Delancy @Bassam @Ydris
    457 Words


    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   B7vRuSd

    Lineage : Lightning Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 200

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Bassam 17th December 2018, 4:32 am

    B A S S A M
    In his pants? He thought about this thoroughly as Delancy spoke. What the hell was in his pants?

    "Whats in his pants that he needs to keep it in them? All I have in my pants is my wiener and it stays in my pants just fine? What does he keep knifes in there? Has he been stabbing people? Whats wrong with stabbing people? We stab people all the time, hell I just stabbed that guy" He pointed back to the once talking corpse.

    He practically stomped as he walked over picking it up and shoving his finger in the hole that was currently still bleeding.

    "See he is like really stabbed guys." He continued to listen without further distractions as Delancy spoke.

    His eyes perked up then his form dropped as Delancy laid down the bad news.

    "What the HELL do you MEAN we CAN'T kill him?!?! Hello? That is the BEST part big bro!" He crossed his arms sighing heavily as the continued to talk  looking to the others.  As Ros spoke about holding him down he only got more exciting, forgetting about his non killing woes.

    "Okay I guess!" He said with fake disappointment overly masked by excitement.

    "But only if I get the first couple of hits on him, let me rough him up a little bit?!?!" He practiced faking punching making the faux boxing noises he had heard a thousand times before. Bassam was totally ready for anything to happen. It would be a piece of cake to kick a low-life's ass, even if he couldn't keep his knifes in his pants... Whatever the fuck that meant.

    WHAT IS HE KEEPING IN HIS PANTS?!?!? @Ydris @Delancy @Ros
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



    Lineage : Spirit of Corruption
    Position : None
    Posts : 19
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit of Corruption
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ydris 17th December 2018, 7:44 pm

    Fade away into dust.

    There wasn’t much to honestly discuss with the quest at hand. With only minutes to honestly decide there was a scoff from Ydris before he rose up and kicked the crate to the side of the alleyway. “There isn’t time to debate all of this, we move now in order to get this done. I am in rather high spirits for this quest.” Ydris grinned ghastly as he pushed past the shadows and moved towards the main street. “Damian you are up first, bag and tag him into the nearest alleyway. We set a 5-meter perimeter around him to ensure maximum surveillance.” With a wave of his hand, the mission was a go from that moment forth.

    She’s going to cut off his penis Bassam. More or less that is, everything that makes him a man will be gone. He’ll be into yuri for the rest of his days or considered yaoi without his manhood.” Laughing heavily the man vanished away in a cascaded of cigarette smoke to lead the family in the battle charge. He could only imagine the lock on the man’s frazzled face when he faced the family in the coming hours. Perhaps there was still time but the man doubted that as his siblings horsed around getting into position for the job at hand. Thankfully they had a entire street or so to catch this man and bring him into the shadows. The sun began to set turning blood red mixed with orange as time passed to the afternoon.

    Slipping out into the busy street, Ydris grinned devilishly as he sauntered off to the side of a stand. Crossing one leg over the other he waited for Damian to hook their target. Children whooped and laughed their way up the streets with their toys and magic. Poor and rich alike there was no difference when they were young. Only those taught to judge did not fit into the society of the slums. Perhaps that’s what really made the Bahamut family so dangerous.

    342 / 342 WORDS,
    @bassam @delancy @Ros




    Spell Name (0/0 duration):
    Spell Name (0/0 duration):

    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):
    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):

    Item Name:
    Item Name:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Name:

    Any other notes, such as monsters killed/rolled or specific important information about a spell can be put in here.
    Subja Bahamut

    guild name {} x-rank
    AGE {} 24
    GENDER {} Male
    SEXUALITY {} Straight
    MORAL ALIGNMENT {} Chaotic Evil
    SPECIES {} human
    RACE {} Black
    FIGHTING STYLE {} Hand to Hand Magus
    MOOD {} Meh.
    ENERGY {} Full Throttle

    PERSONALITY {} Bloodthirsty warmonger with a proclivity for death.
    SO YOU THINK YOU'RE PSYCHIC? {} Warning; peering into him is like looking at a blood-bathed memory of carnage. There is something very wrong with him mentally.

    NOTES {} Like the name suggests, any notes you have can go here.


    Weirdgardium Flexiosa
    Character Sheet

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 43
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mark of Caine
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Delancy 19th December 2018, 10:31 am



    For what it was worth, The Bahamut Family seemed to be relatively on the same page. Whilst they each possessed their own unique modus operandi, it would all come together in the overall scheme of things. Ros fantasized the multitude of torture methods she could test, Bassam still bewildered as he and Ros began some banter. In time, Ydris would cease the chatter; bringing them all back to focus as he began barking out orders.

    The job - on Damian's part at least, was fairly simple. Within moments, the male we'll now refer to as "Chad" would be making his way down this sidewalk. As it were, he would need to enter the alleymaze to make his way to Girl #2's house without getting caught. Due to the time of day, nobody often stalked these ways. This was perfect for Chad as he couldn't risk his name being tarnished by such copious amounts of scandals. After all, he was on his way to becoming a major player in the city; politics are everything.  

    Right on time, a whistle penetrated the silence of the street as Chad waltzed into the alleyway while pulling up his iLac to call Girl #2. "Hey baby! Tell little Richie that daddy's on his way home, okay? I love you too, suga--" his breath escaped him as a sharp blow to the solar plexus rendered him speechless as he lay limp on the ground. Picking up the phone, the girl was greeted by a low-toned chuckle before the line cut off; Damian dropping the phone before swiftly crushing it under his shoe.  "Now . . . what to do with you?"

    He grabbed Chad by the collar, dragging him and his expensive two piece down the alleyway toward the others. "You slipped up, Chad. You tasted the excitement of an affair and you got greedy; started shacking up with two at once." Knowing he was capable of hearing him, he continued his speech. "Where you really blew it is when  you get not one, but two of them pregnant!" He scoffed, shaking his head "What a dog you are, Chad, what a dog." As he drew close to the destination, he gave the the lad just a bit of advice. "Whatever god you believe in, whatever helps you sleep at night, get through the day - think of them and pray; pray that death will be swift. Otherwise? You're gunna be fucked, pal."

    Tossing him into the square shaped center, Chad's body fell limp in the center of The Bahamut Family; a wide grin plastering his visage. "One Chad to go! Dinner is now served." With that, he turned around; proceeding to be on the look out for any possible onlookers. "Just save me some, okay? I've got to find time somewhere to get out this pent up aggression."



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    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ros 22nd December 2018, 6:35 pm

    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   UTtBOov

    Ros was happy to begin the turn-based array of techniques to make this man wish he was never alive; oh how lucky was she to be first.. While he Delancy was taking the adulterous victim to their vicinity, she would take her time going to her own victim. She kicked over the unconscious body, taking the knife on his person for her own. Of course, rejoining the group before her turn with the man was skipped. She had a face of disgust whilst looking at him. Right at the floor, just like his physical being. She took off her prosthetic leg and raised it above her head, taking a full swing to his midriff. As the man writhed and hugged his stomach, she placed the bottom of her fake foot on his head.

    "Yeah, not going to just rip it off . I feel like some off repercussion would be made to whatever decided to create me."

    Instead of ripping it off, she decided to stab it with the knife, twisting it before wiping the blood from the knife on his face. Not too deep, don't need the lad bleeding to death. A simple method of torture, if she had not tilted the knife to carve into his cheek. Just as she had promised, a ice knife mark of the cursed folk had been cut into the side of his face, going from the bottom of the jawline up to right below the  temple.

    Satisfied, she placed her leg back on, throwing the knife back to the unconscious body. "I've had my fill. Poor saps like this makes me rather unenthusiastic to deal with him. He's lower than the dirt I pushed into his maw." She kept a close eye on not only the man, but her surroundings. From here on, she went to auto-protective mode. Keeping the witnesses to the minimum, as well as the outside chatter.

    @Delancy @Bassam @Ydris
    304 Words


    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   B7vRuSd

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    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Bassam 23rd December 2018, 8:54 pm

    B A S S A M
    As his older brother said it in a joking jest Bassam took it to heart as it all began connecting for him.

    "Ohhhhh you mean sex, intercourse, the nasty, knocking the boots, bumping uglys. Yeah okay he was doing this with multiple women. I know doing this without consent is bad, and doing this with people you don't love is generally okay. But if he has a girlfriend then how is he... OH IS HE CHEATING?? LIKE IN GAMES OHHHHH." Bassam just shrugged, it seemed his still had indifference towards the man. But regardless he would do his job if not for himself then for his family.

    As Delancy bagged the man he waited stepping back into the alley hiding his form from the man and looking out for any onlookers. It was true, they could not kill this man. That fact was unfortunate but would allow him to be creative in what he would do to the man. To further challenge the man he told himself he was only allowed 4 attacks against the poor lad. As he slammed against a wall and later a ground Ros took her turn and even though he was a ways away Bassam watched.

    His sister was cool and strong but there was something missing. Something physical torture couldn't bring. Yes you could cut a mans genitals and mark his cheek, you could break both his arms. But as a person he would still be intact, wounds heal and while the mind heals. Mental scars are far worse to heal. So as she neared the last of her round Bassam made his way over. Watching the man writhe in pain on the ground, instinct dictated that he would back away rapidly scooting back as he held his wounds screaming out in pain. He hit Bassam's boot as he attempted to turn Bassam's hand electrified. Once the man turned a swift motion across the bridge of his nose from ear to ear would insure that seeing wouldn't be an option for him. As the man continued to scream attempting to get away Bassam sat on top of him pulling his collar up.

    From the way Bassam sat he was perched on the mans chest, with the Chad holding his wounds his arms would be pent on either side. The Chad's cries for help would be silenced by Bassam gripping his throat sending a stifled choking sound through the air. Bassam liked to think that this didn't count towards the 4 attacks he would allow himself.

    "There is a lot you can do to a ma-" He was interrupted by the mans squeling and writhing.

    Holding his hand to the side of the mans head it charged with lightning sending a strong current outward. Not only did it momentarily fry the mans circuits but the whip lash from his head being knocked to the side would shake him up. Bassam swore he heard a crack but he didn't care, it did upset him that he was down to only 2 attacks now.

    "There is a lot you can do to a man. You could take his eye sight, cut his genitals off, break his arms and legs and beat him within an inch of his life. But that doesn't destroy who he is as a person, it doesn't break who he is and you can't successful mold a man into what you want him to be until you scramble his omelette. You see it would be easy to do this to a child, they are very subjective to listening especially with a clear reward and punishment in planned out before hand. Oh boy can you mold a child. But a man oh that is subjectively harder, a man is set in his ways, mentally more sound than a child. So how do you mold a man?" Bassam looked to the man as he breathed heavy panting.

    The Chad began to open his mouth but Bassam knew it wasn't going to be the answer he was looking for.

    "That's right!" He said cutting the Chad off as he placed a finger to his lips.

    "You take everything they love, subject them to the most gruesome things known to man. An then if they haven't killed themselves by then. Then they are yours to do with as you please. Its strange what happens to a man in that state. Its almost as if they revert to that of a child, they become more subjective to orders. More willing to listen and take orders, its almost like you rebirth them, you being their new father of course... Do you want me to be your new father Chad? No, Scum is too good of a name for what you will be... From this day forth your new name is Scum!" Bassam smiled bopping the newly named Scum on the nose.

    "I see things in you Scum, I see it in your face your look the way you writhe in pain. You want to know what I see? You'll kill yourself. That is what I see, you will undoubtedly kill yourself. If we subject you to the steps it would take to form your tiny little sex brain into that of a child, so that we may use you for our own personal needs. We will never get that chance, right now you still have that fire and that light, that chutzpah within you. I guarantee if we let you go right now horrible drawings of our faces would be plastered up within days all over this place. Am I right Scum? I know I'm right Scum, I see the look in your eyes the grit behind your teeth. You are prideful, why wouldn't you be?!?! You are rich and handsome you have 16 girlfriend and like 32 babies. So how would you handle this Scum? You'd kill the man right, the man who vaguely knew your face enough to describe it so he couldn't tell. Well that is why you are Scum and I am me, isn't it? I see it, you are weak secretly timid and use your past time bumping uglys with random females to hide this. It would be easy to break you, how do you think I'd do it? I already told you the physical aspects wouldn't do much, a more mental game would be my approach..." Bassam looked to the now horrified man as he began begging and pleading beneath him.

    "I-i'll give you anything please let me go I didn't do it I promis-" Bassam cut him off with a strong grip on either side of his cheek.

    "Do you know that I know I know where your family lives. How many of your budding babies are to be born into the world? I know their faces, names, houses, addresses, house colors. I even know how many steps it would take me to get from here to each of their houses and the routes I would take." Tears flooded from the mans eyes as he choked attempting to talk through Bassam's hold on him.

    "Do you know what I would do to them?" Etching closer Bassam began whispering in the mans ear as he choked out tears.

    Bassam's still sharp finger sparked up further as within separate blinks the mans eye balls would be on his index and middle finger. Loud yelping and yelling would be heard as he covered the mans shaking form waiting for him to stop. He didn't quiet stop but he did get subjectively quieter.

    "Listen here Scum." He said holding the mans hands out as he handed him his own eyeballs"

    "I am sure you are rich enough to find a healer, someone who could patch all this up. But mental scars last far longer than physical ones. They are much harder to heal, but I'll tell you what I will be nice. You squeal louder than a Pig, that is one of your family, you drop one of your eye balls that is one of your family. You try to run before we are done that is one of your family. And if we have to fucking come back...I think you can guess what I am going to say. Now hold your hand out, and fucking thank me."

    Scum held the hand out that didn't contain his own eyes shakily. Bassam smile as he gripped the limp with a fierce form and clamped down watching the finger fall off. The Scum bit his own tongue biting down as blood poured from his mouth followed by a muffle scream and pants.

    "T-thank you" A pain voice rang out from Scum as Bassam smiled patting his cheeks.

    "Thank you want? Were are my honorifics Scum?" Contiuing to smile he pulled at the mans ear playfully.

    "T-Thank you S-sir!" Surprisingly Bassam hadn't ripped out the mans lacrimal sacs so tears began to flow. Bassam knew this was frustration being the first step to mold his baby boy.

    Standing up Bassam walked away whistling a jaunty little toon as he took his spot back to look out.

    "Don't fuck him up to bad guys! I want to keep him!" He smiled happy with his progress technically he was under requirement and that made him happy.

    Walking back onto the street he walked over to the fruit stand he was standing at jingling a few coins within his hands as he brought a bunch of fruit. Nearby kids played in the street and as the ball rolled over to him they ran over. He gave a sweet look handing them all a piece of fruit and their ball back. Leaning over he sighed eating his fruit and watching the sunset, today was truly a beautiful day.
    BASSAM IS VERY VERY HAPPY!!! @ydris @delancy @ros
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP



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    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Ydris 28th December 2018, 3:16 pm

    Fade away into dust.

    The discord of harmony from his siblings made Ydris chuckle a bit as he took the first watch over all of them. Damian pulled the man in like a hook line, the knock out was the sinker for sure. Ros did her work fracturing a floating rib while stabbing the man in the pelvis. Thankfully it was not fatal enough to warrant a hospital visit. If anything Damian could patch him up to keep him alive before they were finished. Yet he had to wonder how Bassam functioned on par with all of them together, he was slow to a few things but quick to others physically. Perhaps it was luck that he had them all to fill him in on the loopholes of common sense. First came the electrical shock which would undoubtedly leave the man with immense nerve damage. On the second hand, the cursed cut on his face would warrant him a heretic among the offices too. The snap of the neck when the man jolted made him cautious about how to proceed with his turn. Now the man had no eyes and no dick to use, his senses alone were on fire no doubt. The blood rushing through him with adrenaline made Ydris chuckle lightly. Some might have said this was a done deed, yet Ydris did not stop here. Walking to the nearest fruit stand with Bassam he bought lemons and salt for his next project. Taking out a thick cloth he knelt down beside the man who could smell him at this point. Chad whimpered a miserable noise while holding his eyes in his hand. Drool dripped down from parted lips a pitiful sight. Mercy was something to be warranted at this point, but Ydris was not one to give such a lucky coin to this man. Again as they all felt, he was just being human their chaotic sense found no fault with him using his favorite toy with the ladies. Yet the coin was enough to buy their work in making him regret having too much play time.

    Now now..” Ydris whispered as he pushed the man to lay down, taking up the knife he removed his left glove. The magic sparked to life in his grasp as he grabbed the hand with the eyes. If the man could see him he would undoubtedly scream as the force of decay took over. Flowing into the man’s hand and eyes sinking down to the bone. The hand withered slowly and painfully changing tint from the natural tan of his skin to the greyish tint of ash. There was no sound as Chad had yet to realize what had become of his limb. Next, the hand went to the man's eye sockets placing his whole palm over both holes the lids closed. Wrinkling swiftly this youthful man would no longer be a presentable suiter for anyone. The process was painless however the reverse of it was painful. He would forever have their faces burned into his had as his eyes were no more but ash in the palm. “It’s our turn if you please. You will answer the questions. You know what let us go further inside..”” Ydris said lightly gesturing for @delancy to approach he pointed the knife at the man laying down on the ground. Grabbing the collar he began dragging the man further into the darkness leaving @ros and @bassam at the front to block the path while he and Damian went into questioning.

    As soon as they had gotten further into the shadows he laid the man down with a egg crate beneath his head. A mild comfort for the immense discomfort he was about the feel. Holding up the large handkerchief he stuffed it in Chad’s mouth before any questions were asked. Sectioning out the man's shirt he winked at Damian before licking his lips lightly. Without delay, he cut into the man's abdominal section in the lower quadrants. Making the cut decently sized he slowly began digging his fingers inside until he reached the first kidney. With a cruel tug, the mans squirming body spasmed as he soiled himself. “Now that, I have your full attention, Damian here is a bloodmancer he is going to keep you alive to talk while I take this kidney. I doubt you’ll be needing it.” Ydris said lightly as he began cutting away at the tube to the renal section and pulling the organ out with ease. Blood flowed but he counted on Damian’s healing capabilities to keep the man alive for the future torturing method. Dropping the kidney over in the dirt he reached into his jacket pocket to pull out a needle and thread he took off the corpse from before. Slowly sewing him back up he did not care about the dirt in the wound. It would be taken care of by this mans white blood cells. Next however was going to be something closer to home for the man. Twirling the knife in hand he cut the thread and sat back as he looked to Damian. Gesturing with the point of the knife for the man to ask his question.

    868 / 868 WORDS, @delancy @ros @bassam




    Spell Name (0/0 duration):
    Spell Name (0/0 duration):

    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):
    Spell Name (0/0 cooldown):

    Item Name:
    Item Name:

    Ability Name:
    Ability Name:

    Any other notes, such as monsters killed/rolled or specific important information about a spell can be put in here.
    Subja Bahamut

    guild name {} x-rank
    AGE {} 24
    GENDER {} Male
    SEXUALITY {} Straight
    MORAL ALIGNMENT {} Chaotic Evil
    SPECIES {} human
    RACE {} Black
    FIGHTING STYLE {} Hand to Hand Magus
    MOOD {} Meh.
    ENERGY {} Full Throttle

    PERSONALITY {} Bloodthirsty warmonger with a proclivity for death.
    SO YOU THINK YOU'RE PSYCHIC? {} Warning; peering into him is like looking at a blood-bathed memory of carnage. There is something very wrong with him mentally.

    NOTES {} Like the name suggests, any notes you have can go here.


    Weirdgardium Flexiosa
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    [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner   Empty Re: [ Job - Delancy, Ydris, Ros, Bassam ] Crush The Sinner

    Post by Delancy 1st January 2019, 6:19 pm



    Ssssh. Quiet. Do you hear that? As the world stills itself, you can almost hear it's ascending tunes. From deep within it came, the gathering of screams, howls, shrieks, and sobs. You could almost feel the excitement growing amongst The Bahamut Family as it finally revealed it's angelic sounds! The Symphony! The Symphony was here! Once every blue moon they played; a must see spectacle for the depraved and the twisted. Of course, the only ones in attendance were the band...annd the only instrument used was torture . . but semantics, am I right?

    The ever disgruntled Damian felt a mass of irritation following the proceedings of his brethren. Upon throwing Chad to the wolves, he knew they'd each take their time toying with him - however, what he hadn't expected was for them to take up all the fun; what kind of deal was this? Stabs to crucial points of both the lower and upper body were only dwarved by the forced removal of Chad's eyeballs. Damian couldn't help but notice a precious pattern of purple spheres and red lines lining the victim's flesh - at least they were being tasteful about the process; most times the victims look horrific.  

    By Ydris' command, Chad was taken further into the maze as he'd began to dissect him; ordering Damian to constantly mend his body. He couldn't help but shutter at the sight of his opened torso. "What a massive amount of blood. . " His knees weakened, he could feel them dropping "D would be off my back for weeks with this . . " It was happening again, he had to get under control "Feed me"! Suddenly Damian snapped back to reality, quickly finishing the mending of his torso and leaning forward to initiate the questioning process.

    "Chad, chad, chad. ." A wide grin plastered his visage, bearing his sharp teeth in the process "Did you pray? I certainly would've by now; I swear, nobody ever listens to Damian." Whilst he shook his head, he noticed Chad had been falling unconscious. Angered by this knowledge, he gripped the lad's hair; jerking him upward before roughly stabbing the inside of his left eye socket with his finger. Chad awoke in a scream as Damian snapped at him "You listen to me when I'm talking to you! You don't see me ignoring you when you scream and shout and bitch and moan do you?!" He dug his sharp fingernail deeper while his volume increased "You're the sleeze who couldn't keep it tucked, not me! So have some fucking decency and pay attention"! Taking a moment to pause and collect himself, he resumed the questioning.

    "Why did you do it, Chad? Why did you cheat on your wife with two other women? Why'd you impregnate em? This all could've been avoided if you just stuck to one-- ah whatever; Bassam already took care of lecturing you." Taking out a heavily encrypted ilac, he took a picture of Chad; gathering any and all incriminating items from the crushed ilac from earlier and transferring it to this one. Seconds after, that information found itself on a plethora of social media outlets; the tag "LONG LIVE" added to all the images. Following this, he proceeded to crush the second ilac and take the memory prior to throwing them both away in the distance.

    "Your body is currently healed to the point where you're not gunna die but this kidney? You're not getting this back." He snatched his eyeballs from his hand, tossing them over to Ydris "You're not getting your eyes back either actually.  They said you had to be alive but they didn't say you had to see." Rising up he yawned lightly "Alright, we're done here. Let's get this guy to somewhere someone can eventually see him and go home; I'm not going another hour without some food in my belly and this guy's organs will sell for a huge profit". With that, The Bahamut Family would wrap up their business and submit their work to the girls who were more than pleased to witness the result. Later down the line, Bassam would return to reclaim his pet Scummie and he was never heard from again..



      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:53 pm