Fairy Tail RP

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    Postal Mayhem


    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Postal Mayhem Empty Postal Mayhem

    Post by Ruvel 14th December 2018, 6:44 am


    Postal Mayhem 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Deceiving Spiritual Light

    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Halloween gfx'ers- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spiritual Light
    Position : God of Resilience
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : GM of Onyx Moon
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Cirven
    Experience : 3,757,396

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amma Olpirt Gah-l
    Second Skill: Light Demonslayer, 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Postal Mayhem Empty Re: Postal Mayhem

    Post by Ruvel 18th December 2018, 5:53 pm

    Ruvel had on a whim decided to travel to Magnolia town, as to the the reason of the visit her wasn't entirely sure. He could see if his allies had anything that the company or their unseen masked side could help with, it could have been to gain more fabric or perhaps to see the mage that had originally come to see the blonde haired emerald eyed fairy that had he had enjoyed time with at the moon crystal blossom festival on Tolgalen only a week or two before. The truth was he still had no real reason to be in Magnolia town but as he wasn't often whimsical he took it as a sign that he needed to be here for what ever reason. Still on the ship that had brought him here he looked around quietly just listening to the waves underneath hitting the ship gently, he could honestly see why people talked so romantically about the sea. He had gotten better about going onto ships and walking around on them, he still hated them however and this wasn't because he got seasick or motion sick, hell it wasn't even because he was in constant close proximity to so many people that he couldn't escape from but more the fact that he couldn't leave the confines freely. This issue had arisen thanks to how he had been raised, wither or not he remembered his true family it had been the same there to but the facility was seemingly so much worse if he did remember. The chances of him remembering his family and his life before the facility was slim as each day that passed were he remembered the attack in vivid detail this wasn't the case for the details of the people's faces, they had slowly become blurred and warped as the days went by making the youth question if it was a true memory or was it something that he just imagined. Still he fought to hold on to the memory as he would rather believe that he once had a kind life with people who loved and cherished him over the thought that he was created in the hell that he was raised in to be nothing but a puppet god on the strings of others.

    He wasn't overly sure on how long it had been since he was given the opportunity to escape from the hell that was his home, but he knew it had to have been at least a year and a lot had happened within that time. He had met a dark mage by the name of Dahau who seemed to have made some sort of friendship with Barthenz. That alone was weird to him as the warrior summon didn't seem interested in making friends with anyone at any time, so the only conclusion he could come to was it must have been some sort of warrior respect thing. Within reason he could understand such a thing but as he wasn't a warrior like them he knew it was a concept that he could and would never grasp, at least not fully but this was fine with him as he knew if everyone understood everything then existence would be indeed a very boring thing to everyone involved. He enjoyed a little mystery it kept him wanting to improve and get better so he could understand a little more or so he could help others do so. Then there was the meeting with Cirven, that was an interesting meeting he had no idea that there was something like the facility elsewhere or that there where people doing the same thing on their own. To him this was despicable and needed to end, it seemed Cirven had thought so too so the unlikely allies had joined their abilities to take out the threat only issue was the threat got out and was still somewhere in Earthland watching from the shadows while planning his next move. Then there was the fight between Barthenz and Cirven where they tested each others strength, that scared him because he was left in a dark cave alone unable to protect himself not knowing what was going on outside at the time of their spar thinking the worst only to find out what it really was. He felt like such a damned idiot but how was he to know that they almost destroyed the island with the force of their so called 'sparing'. even now he swore it was like looking after super powered toddlers that were trying to who was where in the warriors circle. Within reason he guessed it made sense to them even if it made no sense to him, Barthenz had always said that warriors tried to find stronger and stronger opponents in attempts to get better but from what he had seen with Dahau and even his own adopted elder brother they all stood toe to toe in terms or power and skill.

    He then recalled the first time he met the elderly silver haired male that was now the closest thing he could class as a friend. It was an odd meeting as he had only been sent to gain supplies so he got use to what the company done at least in part, but ended up giving someone a test to see if they could be trusted not only to make sure he was in no danger but to make sure the place he was no safe enough to call home was not in danger. Raising his hand to his mouth he laughed quietly as he remembered their first conversation ending in a light argument and him persuading the other to take the room reserved for him, and the amount he could eat... even now he was wondering if he had a black hole within his stomach as he never seemed to be full. He couldn't fault the other as the test showed some really hard truths and even now the small blonde haired summoning mage felt terrible for having such a memory brought up, it wasn't his intention to bring up such a painful memory and even now wondered if Johann hated him for it. It wasn't a new concept to him of hiding their true feelings and emotions from people and still pretending to feel and say other things. It was something he had wanted to ask but was afraid of the answer that may come of it. He was happy to see however how he faced such a memory and how he wouldn't allow him to affect him again, how he refused to allow such things to happen to the people he cared about again. Then there was the second part of the test, that drew a straw for the youth however and he stopped it as soon as he realised it was a matter of the heart. Spirits, minds and bodies could all recover from harsh punishment though it would take time, the heart to him was more fragile and precious as it gave something only the one owning it had the right to give to another. It did however end up with him getting the nickname 'Rose' from Johann as that was the part he had played within said memory and it was something that he knew the elder male was never gonna let him live down.

    Before that faithful meeting but after the spar with Barthenz a few stops had been made before he even got his guild and company mark. The first took himself and Cirven to the mysterious canyon, to the guild that he and would later find out Demi was raised within before Demi ended up at the facility he was raised within after his own normal life tragically ended. Deep within the maze like twists and turns of the place known as the mysterious canyon lay a building that seemed to have been left to rot, from the outside it almost looked like it had been attacked and semi destroyed thus left to crumble under its own weight. The inside however was far different, it hadn't seemed like it was at all touched. In honesty if he hadn't squeezed through the entrance he would have thought it a completely different building and even now he wasn't so sure it wasn't. The place was dusty and their was dim light but would have been easily usable, he and Cirven however where far from being alone as it seemed there were scavengers trying to find things worthy of selling on the legal or black markets, insane scientists that seemed to have been left there to rot with the building. He wasn't overly all sure why these individuals didn't leave during the attack or the time after it, though when he met them they didn't seem like they would answer questions; in fact they seen him and likely Cirven as new specimens they could use. That was a scary thought as he had been poke, prodded and many people could only guess what else over the time he was inside the facility he called home. That wasn't even the worst thing in that place, there was a horrible abomination that had been left behind, it managed to do some real damage to Cirven, again Barthenz was involved allowing him time to run and hide.

    Little did he know was at the time was the room that he decided to hide in was the former guild master's room, it held a secret side room that held detailed notes on the cell only known as 'Family' and some of the things that were happening inside his facility. Taking the notes and waiting til the threat seemed to be over he remained within the room, only venturing out after Cirven came to find him. He didn't want to be seen in such a light but he was told by his summons and with his fight or flight response already in overdrive he wasn't about to argue the point with them that was for damned sure. Regardless the abomination threat was soon dealt with, he found out that this was the guildhall for the dark guild Cor Tova and that the abomination was likely someone that Cirven himself once knew. It didn't take an empath or a genius to know putting the monstrosity down was a painful thing for Cirven to do, he couldn't imagine what he would have done in such a situation. One one side of the coin he would have been putting someone who was likely in a lot of pain and doing things they didn't want to out of it but on the other side of that same coin it was still killing someone innocent as they never asked to become what they did or do what they were doing. He didn't even know this person and he was saddened by their loss. He then remembered using his healing summon to help Cirven though he had quick healing but even though this was the case, he was more hoping that the wind priestess would more put his mind at ease than his body; on some level it even worked he believed also at that time they left as he left his fire summon to engulf the place in flames putting that part of his elder brothers life to rest at last... or so they both thought...

    Within a few minutes of this happening however his own illness finally flared to a point that no one could ignore, the wind priestess who had previously gave the devil advice told him of Ruvel's illness and told him they had no medicine and the only place they could find it. Given that he was out cold it wasn't exactly like he could argue the point or go against their wishes, pulling from Ruvel's own magic they managed to call the beautiful phoenix chick known as Bennu to fly them over to Crescent Island, during this time Cirven was given the information on this place and how they treated people like Ruvel, it was shortly after they landed that he awoke and noticed where they where and panic set in. He knew if he went in there was little chance of him ever escaping their grasp once more and that his punishment for leaving would be a harsh one, he begged and pleaded and were Cirven and his summons felt for him he was told this was needed as without the medicine he would die. The elder void prince known as Shindara even came out of the shadow that protected him from the damage the sun done to his kind and pleaded verbally instead of mentally with the elder male to do everything he could to protect his young summoner that this would be something that could break him very easily as it almost had before. He even pleaded that Cirven give Ruvel his guild mark at this point but Cirven had declined saying he wanted to prove that he could protect him before he gave him the mark, and as much as the elder void prince wanted to argue he remained quiet as it was not his place to demand such things of the other.

    On entering he was was harshly handled but he was use to such behaviour and didn't put up a fight in anyway, if anything he was reacted as someone who lost their will to live. Cirven acted as a hunter who had caught him and was even offered a job, he heard that he was to get punishment and that would mean that the one he was partnered with would also gain it so was forced to beg in the most humiliating manner but done it without a second thought not wanting 'her' to be punished for something she didn't do. He was given his request and was told that he had to go through some check ups as the blood moon festival was almost upon them. This was something he didn't want to deal with and even now has never spoke of it, during his 'examination' they started to do experiments that made him freak out and he even fought against the bindings that held him on the chair the moment he seen the needle. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't move and it went into his non numbed eye making him scream out as something was injected into his eye. The pain was to much for him and eventually passed out, what happened next he didn't know and that was most likely for the best as if he found out that the one that was helping him brutally murdered a woman who was only doing her job.

    He was brought out of his thoughts as he felt a hand on his small shoulder, his dual coloured eyes looked up to see who it was. He smiled seeing the captain of the ship who spoke telling him he should go out and enjoy the day. He had no idea what the white clad white and blue elder male was saying to him and so just nodded, he kinda guessed he was thinking to much as it was and was thankful for the interruption especially given the memory he was thinking on at that point. He never wanted to see Demi like that again or witness someone he genuinely cared for killed in front of him once more while he was stood by helpless to do anything. After a few moments he moved towards the plank that let him off the ship and onto the land, even from here he knew he'd end up getting lost Magnolia wasn't exactly a place had visited often. With the alliance he guessed that was something that he would have to remedy and so he decided to start now, his dual coloured eyes looking around the area taking in the bright coloured flowers and paintings that he was seeing. It was all so new and beautiful to him, the smells of fresh bread and cakes in the air, it reminded him that he needed to plan another festival to keep the spirits of the people of Tolgalen up; perhaps something that the alliance could do together but he would have to discuss that with his own staff before taking it to the others of this he was sure.

    Word Count: 2,733


    Postal Mayhem 59835_s
    On the battlefield various things are running rampant...
    Victory... Defeat... Hatred... Chance Luck... and

    Golden Lacrima Ends: 17/01/2021

    Shadow of Death

    Shadow of Death

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Immortal Death
    Position : Warlord of Superbia
    Posts : 1384
    Guild : Co GM of Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Mentor : Nykyrian, Ballom The Poison Dragon
    Experience : 2,005,532

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer 1st Gen
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill:

    Postal Mayhem Empty Re: Postal Mayhem

    Post by Sol 26th February 2019, 12:26 am

    Sol was just walking thru the gates of Magnolia town, he had decided to head to the mainland and to Magnolia to see what was going on and perhaps check up on Fairy Tail, as he had been on the boat towards the mainland he had thought back to how much his life had changed up until this point, he had never had a very good upbringing after losing his foster Family to a demon and he was then lost to the darkness as he had descended into a life of a dark mage and had committed many atrocities and sins under the mark of the late Basilisk Fang guild. It had taken two people in his castle to make him see the just how evil his guild had been and the training from his Dragon Father Ballom to make him come to his senses and leave. And in the dead of night the Void Dweller and his former two servants had left and burned every bridge to the guild in search of safety and a new home.

    Sure enough they had great luck when they had landed on the Island of Tolgalen but the guild had pursued them. A group of Masked Mages had come to save them along with defend the town and in helping them Sol had managed to start down his path of redemption. His start in the trading company was rough since he was not used to behaving but slowly he turned his act around and turned into a respectable and devoted member of the company and eventually he was promoted to Vice president along Ruvel Adalinda and Johann. Despite that the void dweller had always kept up his work ethic and his loyalty became even stronger to his company and guildmates. Despite that though what the Void Dweller did hold in though was deep guilt and shame for his actions of his past and his trip to a dragon temple had made it even worse.

    Even after his visit Sol was tormented by visions of what he had done, from his treatment of others to his massacre in Akane which he knew he could never live down or truly atone for. The best he could do was keep working for the good of the company and try to bring his Soul peace. Glancing at the sky Sol saw that it was a perfect day it was warm outside but not to hot and the sky had big fluffy clouds making nice spots of shade to enjoy.it helped the slayers mood a bit but not by much.
    As he passed thru the gates and he caught the smell of fresh baked bread and cinnamon rolls which made the Void Dwellers Stomach growl. Catching a familiar scent Sol glanced and Saw his boss and guildmaster Ruvel and he approached and he coughed into his hand to let his leader know that he was here so he didn’t spook him.”Hello Rui it seems we had the same idea” he said as he bowed to the younger man respectfully and he looked at him.”did you come to check on Fairy Tail and visit the town as well?” he asked. While the younger man was still cautious of the Void Dweller which Sol understood and did not blame him for the Slayer was rather attached to his Boss and guildmate, he had been given the job of making the CEOs medicine and Sol always took his job seriously and never slacked off on it. Sol got annoyed from time to time at Ruvels constant reminding and lectures but he knew the younger man did it to make sure that Sol stayed on the straight and narrow path along with making sure he understood clearly and the Void Dweller never held it against his Boss.

    While Sol tried to appear happy to see Ruvel if one was to look carefully it was clear that the Void Dweller was currently in a less then steller mood. He was still dealing with the depression of losing not only Yuiisai but Aguya as well and now he was being threatened to not come near them by one of them as well,naturally it was hard because Sol had become attached to both of them despite Aguyas hatred of him.Sol may have hidden it well but perceptive people could see pain in his eyes and his smile didn’t seem to be the same. The vice president was trying to find outlets to vent his pain but it was not easy to find something other then drown himself in his work. It was becoming more and more common to see Sol working three times as hard to make sure things were running smoothly. As Sol looked at his boss and honestly hoped this visit to Magnolia would be pleasant.

    wc -804


    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. Fear what you do not Know"

    Gold Lacrima Ends 11/23/2020

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm