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    What happens, when you don't feed blood mage


    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 61
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1,868.75

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    First Skill: Slayer Blood Magic
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    What happens, when you don't feed blood mage Empty What happens, when you don't feed blood mage

    Post by Zeshin 31st August 2018, 5:43 pm



    There are many things that could go very wrong in someone's life. They could die or have a deadly disease. They may not have friends or money to support themselves. Their family might have died in a horrible accident. Redhead, however, couldn't imagine a worse situation than this. You see, he went on a little adventure. He wanted to explore nearby cities and their surroundings, hoping to find some beautiful things. However, something terrible has happened which made him stop his journey. He became hungry. And despite being a quite smart young mage, he did not take food, okay? Now, being a creative mage, he wanted to find some food. Everything would probably end well, in normal circumstances. Unfortunately, they were not normal. Zesh was standing on one big field, where only lettuce grew. Those who don't know the boy would not see a problem with this situation. Take one lettuce, no one will notice. Easy. However, those who knew the blood mage knew something important. Zesh. Hated. Green. Healthy. Stuff. And lettuce was his number one enemy in the universe. At that moment he knew, that gods were just messing with him. He questioned the sanity of people who created one, big ass lettuce plantation. They should burn them. Or drown them like witches. Both things worked in his mind, as long as this green, healthy stuff wasn't taunting him. That was Zesh's situation. Hungry, with only lettuce to eat.

    What I'm supposed to do right now? Beating hunger is impossible at this stage... maybe if I drank enough water it would work? Worth trying.

    With these though's Zeshin started searching for something to quell his hunger. It was easy to find water. There was a small river near the plantation. Probably it was keeping it watered or something like that. He had no idea how this kind of stuff works. He kneeled near the brook and took a mouthful of water. It was supposed to work. His hunger was supposed to be forgotten thanks to this holy water. He was naive.

    4 hours later, still in the endless plantation of lettuce


    That was the sound of Zesh's stomach right now, who was lying in the middle of lettuce kingdom, looking like a skeleton and without strength to even get up. Water was enough to keep filled for maybe one hour. The problem was, he couldn't find an exit from this... this... redhead didn't even have words for this place.

    Maybe somehow I stepped in another dimension. Or someone has a grudge against me and this is their prank. It would be more possible, then plantation that big. Unless I got lost and was circling for the last few hours. While going straight. Somehow.

    Redhead shook his head, finding these thoughts ridiculous. He couldn't even walk anymore. What would knowledge of what is happening give him? Nothing, at least for now. Somehow getting up, Zeshin got one stupid idea. He searched in his backpack - which he took because, hey! Adventure! - and took out medium-sized, wooden bowl. After that, he grabbed a few lettuces and cut them into pieces with his claw. Then poured them into a bowl and stared at it with determination. "Here goes nothing." Zesh said with a deep breath and cut open his palm. Quite deep. In a moment, blood burst open form his palm and redhead began to fill the bowl with it. Cut lettuces became blood red, and after a while, they were swimming in a bowl. Steeling himself, mage began to taste the soup of his own creation. To his satisfaction, she was... bearable. It was possible to feel iron and it was quite salty. But at least the taste of lettuce died in this bowl of blood. And he got some energy values. With a smirk, he did this trick a few more times, till he became almost full. He spread out on the ground and began to admire the beautiful sun that shone on him. He won this clash. However, after a few seconds, he blinked. And then again. And again, with the deadpanned expression on his face. Slowly, he looked at his chest, where Crystal Swan guild mark was visible. He looked at it for a few long minutes and then turned his gaze back towards the blue sky.

    "I'm out." He said depressed at his stupidity and disappeared using his guild mark ability. No one ever willingly heard form Zesh about this story. They would question his sanity, that was for sure. And redhead vowed to never wander near that place.

    Word count: 765/500



    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 1,868.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Slayer Blood Magic
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    What happens, when you don't feed blood mage Empty Re: What happens, when you don't feed blood mage

    Post by Zeshin 2nd September 2018, 3:32 am

    //just checking something, don't mind it

    Last edited by Zeshin on 2nd September 2018, 3:33 am; edited 1 time in total



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    What happens, when you don't feed blood mage Empty Re: What happens, when you don't feed blood mage

    Post by NPC 2nd September 2018, 3:32 am

    The member 'Zeshin' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    What happens, when you don't feed blood mage OdAaNwh

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