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    Preliminary Research (Job)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 22nd August 2018, 6:55 am

    Deshi stood quietly before rows upon rows of books in the library of the guild hall, his golden eyes scanning the spines of the books before him. He was looking for something of interest to study not only for himself, but also the red head that waited quietly at a table for him. Strange really. He usually did not participate in study groups, but it seemed that he and this one had the same idea to actually do research on the regions around the area. Interestingly enough after a bit of chat, he found the guy was also interested in the same place, he was looking into – Morgate Town—so they formed this small group to study together. Did he mind? Not really. He supposed it was nice knowing that there was someone else within the guild that either didn’t mind danger or had a curiosity for the macabre like himself. Either way he would eventually find the book he was looking for before pulling the large volume off the shelf and carrying it back to the table.

    Settling into a chair next to the other, he would place the book down and open it to the first page. Glancing over at the other briefly, he would eventually move the book so it rested between them before he reached into one of his hidden pockets and pulled out a small notebook and pen. Glancing over at the book he would begin to read.

    In the past Morgan town was a small town that built itself from the ground up using various methods of both technology and magic to grow. The town found an economically balance and through trade became a place of richness; however, things changed when a guild called Basilisk Fang decided that the place was a good spot to start testing their weapons instead. Thanks to the weapon testing, the town was destroyed and became a ruin. From what he gathered the place was a dangerous place full of radiation and looters, but of magic he wasn’t quite sure as he scanned the pages.

    In the past there had been magic. It helped the people run their business and go about their daily lives, but after the accident the mention of magic became less and less. Did this mean Basilisk Fang wiped out all the magic and replaced it radiation? Or was the place simply too dangerous to try and risk documenting if anyone that was still there could wield magic?

    He had to wonder as he continued to read the book and scribble down notes in his notebook. He kept reading not worrying about the passage of time. He made sure to pace himself so he wouldn’t agitate his reading partner as they continued to dive deeper and deeper into the large volume of dry words.

    Word Count: 469/1500


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 225

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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 23rd August 2018, 1:28 am


    Word Count: 455
    Total Job Count: 924/1500

    A bit of research was always a welcome activity. It didn’t involve much unnecessary chaos and drama, and was generally on the more peaceful side. Especially when it was more or less just reading books to acquire new information. Besides, it was a better use of time than lounging around and doing absolutely nothing, when there were books and tools available at hand’s reach. While Loki had initially expected to be doing this on his own, the fact that someone else would be interested in studying up on such didn’t entirely surprise him, considering what this guild was meant to be about. Albeit, a person wanting to read about the same subject was quite the coincidence, he couldn’t deny that. Well, as long as he got what he needed out of this, he wasn’t going to protest against working on this in a pair. It wouldn’t make the reading faster, but it’d save the waiting time that would occur, were one of them to queue for the book instead.

    Unlike the other, he didn’t really bother taking notes just yet, the information being simple enough to remember without needing to make bullet points out of it. Not all the details were all that relevant or important to him, really. He was mostly interested in finding out how the place survived in the state it was currently in, and what effects the radiation and the like left over from the weapon testing had on the area and the people in it, assuming anyone was found it there at this point. Logic would say most likely not, but he knew well enough that strange circumstances could align, therefore the idea of people having a way to resist or nullify the dangerous health risks of nuclear particles was hardly farfetched. It could even be possible that people would develop magic styles based on usage of radiation.

    Albeit, one had to wonder just how much influence Basilisk Fang had there at the current moment still. For they could also be a driving force behind whatever happens in the town, if they were still using it for something even now. You can’t put anything behind a dark aligned guild. Folding his arms on the table, Loki would frown at the book briefly before glancing at the white head with him out of the corner of his eye. “If I can ask, what makes you interested in a dead place like that? I don’t assume most care about an area that has been more or less wiped out and is currently not properly habitable.” It’s not even a good idea to make a trip there if you cared about your own wellbeing. Definitely not a vacation destination for a normal person.


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Experience : 1,762.5

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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 23rd August 2018, 6:01 am

    He would jot down the important details of the place quietly, the sound of his pen the only thing breaking the silence between him and the other man. It was strange really. Having another sit and study the same thing as he did. He thought the presence would be bothersome due to not being used to such thing, but in the end he found it more comforting even if he didn’t know this person well. Heh. It made him wonder if he secretly craved company under it all or maybe he simply was fine with this one because he too was quiet and not one to rush and flip pages to make an already dry book, frustrating to try and get through.

    Whatever the case was he would continue to read only pausing to stretch and look away from all the words for a small break. He might’ve gone back to what he was doing if the other hadn’t spoken to him. “Yet those traits are exactly what make it appealing to me,” he would pause to look up at the ceiling as he tapped his chin in thought with the pen he had. “I understand the place is rather dangerous considering all that has happened to it, but I am still curious about how life has thrived there and also if magic was erased or still exists there. “ He would look over at the other. “How about you?” After all it wasn’t everyday that he found another wanting to read a dry text about a ruined place also.

    WC: 260
    WC Total for Job: 1185/1500

    Last edited by Deshitana on 23rd August 2018, 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 225

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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 23rd August 2018, 6:24 am


    Word Count: 216
    Total Count: 671
    Total Job Count: 1401/1500

    He was hardly in a rush to get it finished. The faster you attempted to read through something, the less information you’d actually remember in the end. He’d rather sit and do it thoroughly once instead of having to skim the whole book several times due to never taking the proper time to even understand what he was reading. Besides, he preferred doing things in a calm manner any day. A chaotic environment only bred a lack of focus, and that was never a good thing when one was trying to actually accomplish anything.

    Shifting one hand, the red-headed man would rest his chin on his hand, a somewhat distant expression on his face. “Does magic not come from people? The state of a land isn’t exactly relevant to that, I would think. As long as there are some people living around the area still, then magic can exist there.”, he’d comment, closing his eyes for a few moments. “I wanted to look into how the environment and circumstances affect people’s capabilities and state of being. A place that has been altered severely by highly invasive methods seems like a good way to start.”, he’d answer, shifting his attention towards the book again, scanning over one of the passages. “Do you know anything about Basilisk Fang?”


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 23rd August 2018, 4:47 pm

    Deshi would hear the words the other spoke and take a moment to consider the words spoken before opening his own mouth to respond. “People are only one part of what creates magic. The land itself has magic too that it shares with the living. While it is true that if people exist magic can be there, I would think weak if the land they stood upon was dead or rather lacking its own essence. Though…I suppose other things can take place of natural magic and create something different depending on circumstance,” he would say before smiling a bit. “It seems we have curiosity in common then.” Even if it was a bit twisted considering the circumstance, it was still there wasn’t it? As for that last question…

    The man was quiet for a moment as he folded his arms and rested them on the table. He would lean forward with a hum as he thought. “I’ve heard things on the wind about them. A guild seeped in dark deeds looking to take over the world by any means necessary. I’ve also heard that they create dangerous weaponry, but I didn’t believe it until I heard of this town. Outside of that, I know nothing of the guild. What about you?”

    WC: 213
    WC Total For Job:1614/1500


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 24th August 2018, 2:53 am


    Word Count: 318
    Total Count: 989
    Total Job Count: 1932/1500

    “I would think…how much that matters is debatable. I doubt most people draw power from the ground they stand on to use magic. I won’t deny that nature has its own magical reserves, and that it and people can interact, but the living themselves are a product of nature after all. It would stand to reason that they have their own ability to fuel magical power without assistance. Your powers wouldn’t suddenly collapse if you entered an area with destroyed land, would they?” If it was true that the state of land influenced people’s ability to use magic that strongly, then wouldn’t a person’s capabilities go wildly up and down simply based on where they currently were? Yet, most mages had consistent power, and it didn’t just drop ten levels the moment they set foot on a dead land. Therefore, they had to be drawing the power from their own reserves, one way or another. “I would call it interest, more so than curiosity, in my case.” He did have his own reasons for wanting to look into and research such subjects.

    Glancing at the book once more, Loki would scan over the last few lines before reaching to flip the page over before responding to the conversation again. “Not a whole lot outside of the fact that they oppose the Magic Council, and the stories about them blowing stuff up in the name of testing. I’ve never had a reason to follow the actions of strongly aligned guilds. Good or evil is of no importance to me specifically.” Which was also one of the reasons he had sought out an independent guild, outside of the fact that a research focus would be of use to him. He didn’t particularly care a whole lot about supporting or opposing the council, until they started meddling in his daily life to the point of him needing to take some action.


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Experience : 1,762.5

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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 24th August 2018, 8:50 am

    “That is a valid point, but in some cases yes the land and the people are so connected the balance of magic and how it is used can be dependent on the land. I can agree people do have their own abilities that stand outside this and fortunately, I do not depend on the land for my power; however, I have seen others that do and the effects the land being altered takes upon them. The results are…interesting to say the least.” A good chunk of mages relied on themselves to generate magic, but there were some scattered round the world that relied on the ancient magics that connected them to the land around them. It made him wonder just how much the land played into the people’s lives of this destroyed town or if like Loki said it didn’t matter at all.  He supposed the only way to answer that question was to actually go and visit such a place wasn’t it? Hmm maybe.

    Whatever the case, he would need to finish this book first wouldn’t he? He would think as his eyes turned to the new page and began scanning it for information. He would listen as he jotted down a note or two from the page. “Interest in the town itself or something else in general?” he would ask before scratching out a part of the note he was writing to word it differently, so he wouldn’t confuse himself later on.

    Pausing to scratch his head a bit, he would frown slightly in thought. “Well to each their own. I prefer to keep an ear out for such things. Keep me on my toes rather than be caught off guard not knowing what I am up against….” For various reasons this was important to him, but he wasn’t about to chat about that here. He had his reasons for keeping an eye on the “light” and the “dark”, but choosing the middle ground for himself. That aside though, he would eventually fall silent to go back to reading the book.

    WC: 345
    WC Total for Job: 2277/1500


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Age : 28
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 24th August 2018, 9:53 am


    Word Count: 374
    Total Word Count: 1363
    Total Job Count: 2651/1500

    “If that were me, I wouldn’t want to stay in an area that impedes my use of powers. I would have thought it’d be safe to say that the people who need healthy nature to perform at their best would have moved away from there. Unless they had a death wish of sorts. It’s already questionable as to how many can live around there with the radiation in the air.” It was likely that the majority of that town was simple barren nowadays. That, or the people found there were just visitors coming to see it out of curiosity, rather than being residents. It’s a lot more likely that one can deal with the nuclear effects when the exposure is only temporary after all.

    He’d narrow his eyes at the page of the book. “Changes of life form. The town itself is like any other, were it not for what was caused upon it. I’m interested in how life forms can adapt to drastic changes around them, or of them specifically.” It’s not like the town was a subject of interest because it was that town…it would have been the same had a different one suffered that kind of fate. It was about what happened in that area at the end of the day. Loki didn’t particularly care to go sightseeing and learning about the town’s further history and culture, unless it was somehow relevant to the incidents that came to happen in it.

    Scanning over the rest of the currently open pages, he’d offer his companion a non-committal shrug with one shoulder. “Well, I lack the interest to go out of my way to support either side of the spectrum. And unless you went out of your way to stalk and observe the powers of their members, you would hardly be prepared for what’s to come if they chose to waltz in and pose a threat.” Knowing a guild’s general goals wasn’t of a large help if you had to face them. It’d be pointless to know which explosives Basilisk Fang liked to use in detail, for you would likely get assaulted by one of their mages anyway, and they likely weren’t going to use nuclear magic. Unless you were super lucky there.


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 24th August 2018, 11:02 am

    “Well some can move and some don’t have that ability. I am not sure what else has happened to the place, but I would think the ones that have stayed might not have a choice or if they did found a way around radiation. I don’t expect a big population though. I would think many have gotten sick or died off.” He would say as he paused in his reading of the book to give the other a small shrug. Humans and nature were a lot stronger than one assumed and as a result many things could survive in places one least expected them too. As for the other answer, he would hum at that one as he considered something for a moment.

    “How would you feel about going to that place and seeing it all for yourself?” he would ask as he watched the other carefully for a few moments to see what sort of answer he received. Regardless of what answered he received, he would snort slightly at the next comment as he third eye closed for a bit.

    “I like to keep my ears open about them. Even if it is not much it gives me some heads up on what I am facing. True, it cannot prepare me for a true fight if one of the members should come around to mess with me, but at least I know what it is and to be cautious. Better than going in completely blind. As for siding I am fine right where I am now. Inbetween.” He would say before looking back at the book. “I suppose we should finish this, huh?” he would say giving the other a small smile.

    WC: 285
    WC Total for Job: 2936/1500


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 51
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 25th August 2018, 5:58 am


    Word Count: 319
    Total Word Count: 1682
    Total Job Count: 3255/1500

    “So it’s probably a ghost town then.” That was likely the simplest way to put it. Unless people willingly lived there while wearing gas masks all the time or such. Even that would probably not stop the harmful effects. For most beings anyway. There probably were creatures that could withstand such an environment without being harmed way too much, but what were really the chances of exactly those species having been there before it happened? Were they not, then it’d also be odd for them to move in afterwards if they’ve already had homes elsewhere in the world.

    Loki would frown briefly at the idea of going there. “As long as we take the necessary precautions and don’t get ourselves killed there, then it is a plausible idea.” Yes, seeing it in person would make for much better research than just reading old facts from some library book, but this was also a place which posed obvious risk to anyone who decided to wander there. It wasn’t as simple as going to a normal town, for a number of reasons. “I would think being cautious about dark aligned guilds is more or less a given, rather than something you have to come to learn. You don’t even have to put in a lot of effort to simply overhead basic rumors about them either. I was talking more about intentional gathering of details about their actions.” There’s a difference between being willing to note what you happened to hear as you traveled around, and actually going after the information purposefully as if it was a job of some sort.

    Leaning over, he’d flip another page, as they were thankfully almost at the end of this info dump. “Unless you want to sit here until we become fossils, then yes.” While this was useful, there’s only as much time as one can spend reading fact based books and still stay entertained.


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Motor City Rush- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Experience : 1,762.5

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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Deshitana 25th August 2018, 8:50 am

    “It is a possibility.” After all if this place was used for weapon testing maybe no one decided to stay around at all, provided they were able to leave or weren’t wiped out from the initial testing. A radioactive area would be hard to survive in, but there were odd cases in life of people doing exactly that for one reason or another. As for the wild life, well he was pretty sure that it had altered too. He couldn’t imagine large wild life there, but the plants and insects might’ve adapted and stayed. Still he would have no proof unless he could actually go there and document it.

    “But of course. We would take every precaution we could before entering the place. The last thing I would want was for someone to fall sick or die because of this.” He loved his data, but he loved his life more, so he definitely wouldn’t waltz into such a place so lightly. As for the chat about dark guilds went, he would hum a bit as he nodded. “Ah. Well unless I was hunting something in particular I don’t dig to deep beyond keeping in tune with the rumors or other passing words I hear.” There was no need. Besides he had bigger fish to fry anyway then trying to keep up with every last detail of the darker guilds. The way he approached the matter was that if they came at him, he would deal with them then and that was that.

    In any case, he would eventually turn his attention to the book they were reading and shake his head at the comment given. “No. That sounds like a rather boring life.” He would say before leaning forward to begin reading the book again.

    It would take about an hour or two more before the pair would finally run out pages to read and the book was closed. Stretching to work out the stiffness in his back, Deshi would stand up from the table and look at the other. “Do you still need the book?” he would ask as he carefully placed away his notes and pen.

    WC: 359
    WC Total for Job: 3614/1500


    Loki Flygare
    Loki Flygare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Preliminary Research (Job) Empty Re: Preliminary Research (Job)

    Post by Loki Flygare 25th August 2018, 12:31 pm


    Word Count: 258
    Total Word Count: 1940
    Total Job Count: 3872/1500

    “Assuming that is the biggest worry. There’s also a chance that Basilisk Fang still keeps an eye for the area for some purpose even now.” It might have been destroyed, but the ones who caused the destruction could have more plans in motion as well. It could never be said for sure, and a book was hardly going to answer questions of that nature. Focusing his line of sight mostly on the pages of the book for the moment, Loki would simply give a sound to confirm he was listening when the other spoke about focusing on rumors. He had half the mind to ask what the man did focus on instead, but he kind of wanted to get this reading done. Perhaps next time. He assumed they’d meet often enough anyway, due to being part of the same guild.

    “Being fossils would sort of mean we’re already dead. Can’t be bored at that point.”, he’d state flatly in response to the comment as he frowned at a passage he was currently trying to read. Well, as much as conversation made this a little slower, it was admittedly useful at making the task less of a boredom galore. Reading facts and historical records was hardly an entertaining way to pass time, there was no denying that. All in the name of research though…

    “No, it’s fine. The book won’t go anywhere by itself, in case I happened to need it again later.” Unless the other wanted to keep it, but he probably couldn’t hog it forever either way.


    Preliminary Research (Job) Lokichan

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:40 pm