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    αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ


    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    Private αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Azrael 4th August 2018, 4:34 am

    Unexpected it was in the approach of an invitation just for the sake of old times. Fragments of sinless memories that were unable to be obtained in the current shroud of blight and sorrow. Closely it had been considered that it was not just she who had grieved in the passing time of their previous departure. What had ambled to her front was one that took the fullness of this cruel world into the features that now lay missing. Taken without warning and without permission. Surely it was unfair, in the back of her mind there was a stretch of momentary nostalgic in the flashing moments of a peaceful forest. Just as quickly she'd remind herself that the distant torment to be something else should be better left forgotten.

    "Will your friend be alright?" pressing desire on the momentary silence, the charade for concern began, "A careless girl, I would say. I can see why you were so concerned for her... or was it perhaps annoyance?" a smirk began, playful and innocent, "I see your childishness has yet to pass." referring to the stuffed animal he'd taken, the scent lingering with a stench she'd found to be revolting. The current mask did well to veil the slight sway of nausea that was prevailing its disturbance, thinking on every plea for the falter of smells to pass elsewhere.

    "You have questions, do you not?" clear it was since the proposition for a stroll, "I can't say I can give you all at which you ask for, though might you be willing to answer a few of my own," she paused, enfolding the hands to her back, fingers curled upon the opposing wrist loosely, "Certainly some things may be better left unsaid." the captivating oculars shuddered into a close, briefly watching the movement of her steady pace. Gradually things were beginning to take a turn, the nerves rebounded restlessly as if anticipating the next meal. Fearful over the fact she'd been dreading this act that had become so natural since the last time they'd met.

    | 344 WORDS |

    Last edited by Natsuzora on 7th August 2018, 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Private Re: αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Ahote 4th August 2018, 9:29 pm

    Ahote couldn't conjure up a reason for inviting Natsuzora out on a walk with him besides indulging in his nostalgic presence. Her sweet, tart smell of strawberries brought back memories of East Forest winds on a sunless day and light heart submerged in tranquility. Maybe there was a point in his past where he missed that cerulean sky and the chiffon clouds painted against it, but if he did he could not remember that wistfulness. The memories struck him with noticeable indifference.

    Ahote sauntered down the empty streets of Oak Town with his pale face pointed heavenward, his topaz pools staring bleakly into the darkening atmosphere. There weren't many questions for him to ask as he never thought to ask many in the first place. At a snail's pace, the raven-haired man felt his situation become more silent. That was until his pretty-faced companion had decided to speak.

    Ahote, who was strolling just a few steps ahead of her, scoffed at the mention of the restless Yuiisai, "Whether or not she'll be alright is no business of mine," he answered, a lopsided smile cracking his face, "as far as I'm concerned, she got herself off the mountain, so she may very well get herself back up. Or not, I'm not responsible for her and nor do I care to be. . ." If there had been a moment of more honesty than this, the two surely must've missed it. A passion that once burned in his orbs that admired Yuiisai now were dull and uninterested at her mention or presence. She simply was an obligation at their reunion.

    However, when attention abruptly shifted to both the stuffed animal Ahote held so tightly between his fingers and the past neither of them had spoken about for a time too long to recall, Ahote's expression twisted into something far more cheerless. "Questions? Not many, this truly was for old time's sake," he started, a smirk twisting his lips yet again, peering over his shoulder to behold her, "But what I will ask is what you've been up to all these years? Perhaps nothing too exciting if you find yourself in a plushie shop like that. . ." Ahote chirped wistfully, quizzical about the way in which they reunited.



    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Private Re: αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Azrael 5th August 2018, 12:59 am

    From what had been so vividly brought forth in trouble over the other was now twisted sharply in the opposing direction. Surely she had misjudged the tone earlier, for what was now boldly spoken for disregard left her scarcely bewildered in the shift of emotions. "Truly," Natsu stated after the acute counter, as though feeble daggers had been pointed in her direction. Thankfully for the pair she hardly found interest in the other girl, especially when one of more allure shuffled onward.

    Intrusive in the gaze which grasped doubt over the denial of having answers brought her into the realization that perhaps it might have just been her own curious nature. Consistently stringing along these ideas and assumptions for what coiled close to her being. Ahote was not a child anymore, therefore it seemed apparent that the actions and words could've led her further from the actual truth. "I've had a few jobs here lately, as such I happened upon that shop when they were looking for some help," the lips softened, though the expression of content remained in the flicker of the eyes which looked elsewhere. "What I've been up too--" she hummed in thought, taking a few sudden steps for the frame to be just aside the other, "What of you Ahote? Why did you disappear for so long?" the secrets could not slip forth, she feared this almost pleasant time would end as quickly as it had started. Her head ached and her stomach tightened just pondering the image of allowing such a charade to all come crashing down.

    "I was worried when you stopped coming to that forest, worried I might never see you again," lies, that was what she had persuaded the mind through the delicate expression. "Yet here you are, holding an adorable teddy bear in your hands." briefly laughter released, velvety of the kindness she had so effortlessly masked, "Perhaps... we could go there again," thinking aloud, the continuation was forced quickly onward, "Do you have some time to spare, Ahote? It would seem a waste for us to part so soon without having a drink or two together." there were plenty of small shops and inns around the area that could spare the exchange of words. Even if other intentions might have been lingering in the back of her mind.

    | ??? WORDS |

    Last edited by Natsuzora on 7th August 2018, 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Private Re: αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Ahote 5th August 2018, 9:43 pm

    From what Natsuzora had spoken about, her life seemed to be filled with trifles and ordinary tasks that kept her occupied. But the pools in her eyes and that striking wine color within them swirled with secrects. Plushies and everyday tasks were not the extent of what tragedies or horrors she had truly witnessed these past few years, or perhaps even beyond that. There was no telling just what she was hiding and what she might've done for her complexion to become so ghostly.

    Amused by his own suspicions, Ahote's gaze returned to the cerulean sky with a sardonic smile stretched from ear to ear, his hands tucked snugly into his pants pockets with the pleasantly scented stuffed animal tucked between his arms, and mind buzzing with thought. When the humming Natsuzora skipped up to him, the raven-haired man did not look at her, "Worried you'd never see me again, huh? That makes you one in a million," he started quizzically, "for the time being, let us say that I was simply relocated." Ahote chuckled a soft, quiet chuckle. Yet even as gentle waves of laughter escaped his lips, there was no cheer or humor that dripped with it. He would continue to saunter down the empty streets, and while his loafers tapped against the cobblestone so prominently, the silence in between their exchanges drowned out any sound around them.

    Suddenly, the mention of drinks was brought up, and the man would perk up with a curious twinkle in his eyes. With his smile dropping to his cheeks and his wet orbs widening as far as they did, any person that had their salt's worth of observation could resolve that Ahote was surprised to hear it, no less. His cheeks flared a peachy red, "I'm no avid drinker, but," he sighed, smiling once more, "just this once. This is our marvelous reunion, after all." he deliberated, soft chuckles transforming into kind laughter. Some might say that his cheeks bloomed in a myriad of warm tints out of embarrassment, while some would say his blood was merely boiling in remembering the few babbling idiots who pestered him longer than he would've preferred back home.

    Just when the mood had lightened, Ahote's flushed cheeks simmered down to its usual pale color while an abrupt rush of gloom submerged him. "Ah, yes, however. . ." he began, droning, "with my reputation, no drink will be offered to me without trouble following it and I didn't come here with those sort of plans in mind. Unless," he paused, turning to face Natsuzora with a narrowing gaze, "you don't mind a bit a trouble?"



    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

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    Private Re: αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Azrael 6th August 2018, 7:40 pm

    There was enough clarity in the brief explanation for her to apprehend that what had been asked, was better left unsaid. In the empty words and the dull flicker of his topaz eyes that did not dare look forth, she discerned the sour tinge of regret. Silence gradually deluged the sway of the conversation, finding comfort in spite of what eagerness pressed her into knowing more. With surprise however, the lips concealed her hidden thoughts, wavering like smoke from the fire she would simply watch her friend. "I doubt that," Natsu lastly said, pondering if the kindness had spanned so far outward that it was now impossible to retreat from, "Who wouldn't worry about you? If I remember correctly you always had your head in the clouds, always unaware of what was dangerous or not." looking back over she smiled, returning the comfort of it all merely being a jest.

    There was some depth of gravity to her words, whether she'd try to prove otherwise was already to late. So familiarized with deceiving those in cordial talk and admiration, was beginning to make her realize that what had slipped by had been genuine. In spite of the lust for gluttony that remained like an insistent itch, she couldn't deny the warmth of those memories. As much as it may have proved bothersome. "Is that so?" shimmering in the flicker of amusement, she kept her pace as steady as the one to the left, "Neither am I, though I guess I can't expect you to hold out on a few drinks." prodding fun at the fact he might've been unable to hold his liquor seemed a fair statement. For one which appeared so afflicted by whatever life had brought him, had it been wrongful for her to presume otherwise? In the end nothing could possibly be taken to heart.

    Stillness wavered, tickling the exposed flesh as time spread out across the skies, tearing through into multiple shades of the dying light. A coolness overlapped the nonchalant tone and the steady click of feet that she'd been so carefully trying to mimic. "Trouble?" repeating the statement, large maroon pools fluttered in a mixture of startle and wonder. Peering up at the lost friend as though she had been entangled within the act, only it was simply a loss for words. "Curious it is that you ask such a question," breaking from the momentary pause, she'd smile once again, "You know, you're making it all the more unbearable to ask just what it is you've been getting yourself into," the crown rotated, tilted before the solid flooring with her lips still curled in the notion of humor.

    "I hardly suspect it should be so, though enlighten me. I could always make due with a little bit of trouble." not anticipating answers, it was the dilemma at which he spoke of. Like a moth to a flame, whether they were the insects or the flame those so desperately desired had been more exciting than simply knowing of it all. Then again, it wasn't like her friend knew exactly who he was getting himself involved with.

    | ??? WORDS |

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    Private Re: αη σмєη ву ωσя∂ѕ

    Post by Ahote 7th August 2018, 10:08 pm

    She doubted it? As the words twirled off her tongue, dripping with curiosity, nothing had teased a smile to his lips more than her exuberant dubiousness. The people who were supposed to be a part of his upbringing left without even an effortless farewell and those who stayed during it never attempted to hold onto him when sunny days became swallowed underneath a veil of darkness of gathering storm clouds. One after another, they all returned to their usual lives without him. Soon, the hushed tapping of four feet became like static as he brooded with his cheerless smirk, deciding not to answer to what he considered to be a silly question.

    The banter between the two old companions continued until Ahote's tolerance for alcohol was brought into question. He grinned sourly, "What?" Ahote clipped, his dark brows scrunching together at her cheekiness. Of course, she wasn't completely incorrect. Although his experiences with alcohol were fairly minute, his short-lived memories of a warm, aching head and lethargic feeling festering in his gut, the raven-haired man was quick to get buzzed. Whether it was because he was so inexperienced with alcohol or he truly was a lightweight mattered not to the busy man, as he's avoided it since. "Drinking competitions aren't really my forte, so to speak. You're making bold statements, missy!" he playfully nudged his shoulder into hers as to walked down the empty streets, his cheeks red with delight and pearly whites worn from ear to ear pleasantly.

    Yet quickly, his cheerful demeanor sank into something more wistful and mildly amused. He didn't know for sure what sort of life Natsuzora had found herself to be living, but he had at least expected she would've had some knowledge of his crimes and mishaps. He was a rising criminal, after all. Regardless, a coy smile returned to complexion, "Ah, some trouble here, some fun there, it doesn't really what matter just what I did, does it? What was that saying? Ignorance is bliss? Something like that," he explained, though a clear lack of interest for the subject reflected in his pale complexion, "Well, anyway, that's good since I can't guarantee we won't get into some if you have me as company. But if you insist." he snickered quietly. The two pairs of feet continue to stroll down the cobblestone streets with wandering eyes. That was, until Ahote's topaz pools caught sight of a rather desolate, quiet bar. From what he could see through their large, clean windows, it was primarily empty. No one seemed to drink this time of day anyway. The man paused and pointed pallidly, "Is that good 'nuff?" Ahote queried. He was certain that they would confide in the rather remote bar unless she had somewhere better in mind. It wasn't like he did.


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