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    Be The Top Princess!


    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Be The Top Princess!

    Post by Gaia 3rd June 2018, 7:01 pm

    This is how you strut your stuff:



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
    Second Skill:
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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Week1

    Post by Gaia 6th June 2018, 3:04 pm

    The little mage was walking around her home city aimlessly a few days after her job taking care of animals at a fancy party, and her second date with Kyran. Her dress had been repaired and cleaned, and sent back to her home, now it sat in her closet, just waiting for another chance to be worn again. Maybe her next date with Kyran or something? A blush was on the girls cheeks as she realized she thought of her boyfriend quite often. "That's normal to do... I shouldn't be self conscious of thinking of him!" She pouts to herself while Noya seemed to snicker on her shoulders. Gaia looks over at a wall right next to her as she looks away from Noya. Right in front of her was a poster for Fiore's Next Top Model. She runs a hand through her hair as she bites her bottom lip. "Should I?" She mumbles to herself. She needed to get more sociable with her guild mates. She had to do this. She quickly goes to where she needs to to sign up, and takes a deep breath. She actually felt she wouldn't get accepted, and went on with her life like it was nothing. Well, she started to, till she got a letter in the mail saying she should come to Rose Garden for the gig.  

    Gaia had quickly made her way to Rose Garden with Noya on her shoulders, rather excited to be doing this surprisingly. She was nervous at the same time though, nibbling on her lip as she watches out the window of the train. When she finally gets off the train, she's greeted by a camera to her face which quickly snaps a picture of her getting off of the train. "You're Miss Sabin, right?" A man with a blond pompadour, wearing a purple and black polka-dot suit, asks her. He had his nose slightly pointed up as he walked up to her with a sophisticated seeming walk. Gaia gingerly smiles and nods. "Yes! I'm Gaia, and this is Noya. Thank you for choosing me for this." She had reached her hand up when she introduced her little ferret and scratched her head. The man nods and grabs her other hand to help her off of the last step on the train and onto the platform.

    "I'm Tristan Roush. I'm the proprietor of this event, and I... I don't think your ferret will be allowed during the catwalk... but we shall see." He tells her and motions for her to follow him. "Don't mind the camera, Miss Sabin." He walks on to a rather large van, and has Gaia come in it with him. Inside, are five other people. They were all dressed up and looking model ready already. Gaia sits closest to the door and smiles gingerly to everyone. They seem to sneer at her before Mr Roush clears his throat and claps his hands. "Alright! Ladies and gentlemen! We're on our way to the hotel you'll stay at for the next five weeks. Tomorrow we'll be meeting in the lobby, you'll meet your assistants, and find out the theme of the week for this competition." He grins. He lets his eyes wander around, and then grins. "Lets introduce one another, hm? You all know I'm Tristan Roush." He motions to Gaia. She blinks a moment before he waves his hand to her, urging her to speak, and repeated the process for everyone else.

    "I'm Gaia Sabin..."

    "Telani Nano."

    "George Fredy."

    "Monica Lao."

    "Portricia Anola."

    "Donny Dionam."

    After everyone introduced themselves, they had gone up to the hotel they'd be staying at, and were all shown their rooms. Gaia had quickly sent a letter to Kyran to let him know what was going on, and prepares herself for the next morning.

    When the sun rose up the next day, there was a knock on everyone's door, and room service brought to them. Gaia ate the food happily, and left to meet Mr Roush in the lobby. Everyone eventually made their way into the lobby, and were waiting on Mr Roush to tell them about the theme of the week and everything else they needed to know.

    "Oh! You guys came early! Great! I would love for you all to meet here at nine every week for announcement of the theme of the week. I don't want you guys shopping ahead of yourselves." He looks around at all six of his contestants, and smirks a little. He looks back behind himself, and motioned for the dozen of people behind him. "These are the makeup artists and and assistants who will help with your outfits and see what's good for you for our competition." Roush motions for a couple people to go to Monica, then Donny, and repeated it for everyone else.

    Gaia was approached by a rather short woman with a black bob cut and extremely large circle rimmed glasses. "Hello darling! I'm Olga Wilson, I'll be your fashion designer." She says as a tanned woman, with curly black hair and bright brown eyes, came up behind her. "And I'm Leila Bungel. I'll be your hair and makeup artist." Gaia grins to them both and grabs each of their hands gingerly. "Thank you! I hope we work well together!" She tells the two of them. Leila seemed surprised for a moment, before she grins and nods. She hoped they would too.

    Tristan clapped his hands to get everyone's attention once again. When everyone looks at him, he smiles widely. "Alright my beauties and hunks... The moment you've all been waiting for. The theme of this week..." He reaches into his coat and pulls out an envelope. He opens it slowly, eyes on everyone. "And the theme is... Chic Street! Rules are, you can't be inappropriate about the the outfit, and it has to look Chic, and something you could wear everyday. You and your assistants must go shopping for your clothes and anything else you may need, and even have a photoshoot. Friday, we'll have a catwalk to decide who stays, and who goes. Goodluck everyone! Wow me!" He grins as he claps his hands and takes a step back.

    "Oh! Darling! I have the perfect outfit I know you'll just love! It's to die for." Olga grins as she grabs Gaia's hands. "How's your cat walk?" She yanked Gaia down to her level as she walked right on out of the hotel and into the city of Rose Garden. Olga had no intention of letting Gaia go. She looks back to the mage when she asks her about the cat walking, and Gaia slowly shakes her head. "That's fine! We'll practice all this week!" She declares and continues to yank Gaia off to a store at the other end of the city.

    They enter a rather interesting store of various splashes of color, and Gaia blinks about. "Uh... I don't think... this is..." Olga bats at Gaia's hand and glares a bit at her.

    "Shush! This place is perfect!" The little woman quickly runs around the store for a moment, and glances to Leila curiously. The makeup artist shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. She wasn't sure. Soon Olga comes running back and holds a pile of clothing in her hands while Noya, who had been silent this whole time, jumped onto Leila's shoulders. "You'll try these on! We'll figure out accessories tomorrow. And, before you ask, you seem like the kind of girl to want to be covered up a lot, so no need to thank me for keeping your torso covered nicely." She says and shoves all the clothes into Gaia's hands before she starts shoving the girl to the changing room.

    It takes Gaia a few hours, but she finally finds the right outfit that Olga, and herself find pleasing on her body. She wore a black spaghetti strap top under a black laced three-fourths sleeved button up shirt with a white collar at the top and cuffs, a grey pleated skirt, and black wedge heels. And near immediately, Olga was trying to get her to practice cat walking in the outfit, but Gaia convinced her to buy the clothes first, and then let her try and let her learn how to walk in just the heels first so she could get used to them. Gaia was sore by the time she got back to the hotel. And she would have to practice walking more tomorrow too, along with a practice run of her hair and makeup with Leila, and photoshoot with Olga. Wednesday would be her photoshoot.

    Gaia woke up tired. She wanted to do nothing but lay in bed. A knock on her door made her sit up and her food was brought in again, just like the day prior. She tanks the hotel worker, and eats her food before she goes out into the lobby to meet Olga and Leila. They had gone to a small* studio that was Olgas, and she had Gaia walk the makeshift catwalk of a plank of wood in leggings and a tank top of her own. After she had done that for a few hours, with a lunch break in between there, Gaia was dressed up int he outfit, and Olga had bought Gaia black sunglasses, a gold spiked bracelet, a watch, some fat gold rings, and a red purse to go with the clothes. Gaia actually rather enjoyed the clothes and accessories she was given and sits for Leila to put the makeup on her. On the table, off to the side, Leila had papers of various sketches of Gaia's face with different makeup styles on her. Leila settled on a red lipstick with a smokey eye look, and a soft pink blush. Leila had even given her a French Manicure. When Leila was done, Olga stood on top of a chair and was instructing Gaia to move in different poses for the photoshoot while taking mock photos of her. Noya, again, decided that Leila was a good perch to be on while Gaia did her thing.

    First thing after Gaia woke up and had breakfast, she was dragged to a professional studio and dressed in her outfit with her makeup reapplied. Today was the day for the photoshoot, and Gaia was actually pretty nervous. Olga just told her to keep on doing like she had the day before with the fashion designer. That was easy enough for her, and the photoshoot went off without a hitch. Noya had decided that this time, Olga was a good perch, and Olga seemed rather pleased to have the ferret on her, petting her as she stood there watching Gaia.

    Like Tuesday, Gaia was made to practice catwalking at Olga's studio till the designer was satisfied.

    When Friday finally came around, Gaia was up rather early and excited for the catwalk. Gaia wrote a letter to Kyran, telling him about her experience so far while she waited on room service to come and deliver her breakfast. When the person delivering her food finally came, she gave them a few jewels to thank them for bringing the food to her, then went out to the lobby. Everyone was to meet there again. Mr Roush was there and smiles widely.

    "You guys all seem excited!" He calls out and claps his hands a little. "I hope you had a great nights rest last night! Today's the day for our catwalk! I want you all to know... one of you... will be going home today. I'll be a judge, as well as a two of our past winners from previous competitions. Miss Patty Zon, and Mr Ninan Quaon!" He grins to them all. He then ushers all the models into the van, the assistants would be taking two other vans to the place where the catwalk would take place. It was in the middle of the park to go with the theme of the clothes. There were dressing rooms set up at the back of the stage, and a rack with all the clothes on it.

    When Gaia made her way to the rack to get her own clothes, she had found that everything had been cut up. She was starting to panic, but Olga was just sitting there. "Come darling. I already have your clothes." She says and walks off to Gaia's designated changing room. Gaia was confused, but followed the fashion designer anyways. Inside the room, was the outfit once again. Everything clean and looked fresh, like it was never shredded. Noya had taken this chance to get on Olga's shoulders again, having warmed up to the designer very much. "But...?" "I bought two of everything and kept the spare on me. I've been a designer for years, I'm not stupid in these things." The short lady snickers quietly, as if she didn't want others to hear her.

    Gaia comes out a few minutes later all dressed up. Olga had to help her a little as the second pair of clothes had only been worn on the day of the photoshoot, and for only the couple hours the photoshoot had been. Telani and Monica both seemed a tad upset she had a perfect outfit on already, when her original outfit was trashed. Everyone had been given a number for when they're going to walk, and everyone was to wait their turn. Gaia was given the number six. She was the last one to go on the catwalk.

    Mr Roush came back to them all and still has his grins on his face. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! What we're going to do is my assistant will tell you when to start walking. You'll walk on the right side of the catwalk, your right going onto it, and strike your catwalk pose at the end, then turn and stay on your right coming back. You'll leave on the opposite side of the stage that you came in from. Now! Go out there and wow us!" He cheers them all on before he leaves the stage. Gaia takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes and calms herself down. Soon music starts and Telani goes as soon as Roush's assistant motions for her to do so. One by one, all the contestants go up on the stage, passing the person before them at the middle of the catwalk. Gaia goes up right after Donny, and pretends like she's somewhat practicing with Olga again. Just with brighter lights and a bigger stage. Olga told her to walk in time with the music, and that's exactly what she did. There was a crowd around them and it made her feel a bit nervous. At the end of the catwalk, she decides to go into a dancers spin on one foot to get the skirt spinning, and smiles. She misjudges how close she was to the end of the watwalk though, and quickly puts her foot down. She managed to land facing the judges, and gives a charming smile as she puts her knees together and her hands on her knees while slightly bending more at the knees before she lifts herself up and spins the other way to continue down the catwalk like that didn't happen.

    When the music stopped, all them were brought to the stage again, and were told to stand at the end of the catwalk. Short people in the front, and tall in the back. The ones in front consisted of Gaia, Portricia, and Telani, while George, monica, and Donny were in the back.

    Roush, Quaon, and Zon were all sitting at a table with scorecards in front of them. "Alright ladies and gentlemen... I am very excited today." Roush starts. "You all were wonderful in your walks, and now... it's time for the judging..." He says as he glances to his right, at Patty.

    Patty smiles and waves to everyone. "Hi everyone! I'm Patty Zon, and I'm so glad to meet you! I was actually really excited to come here today to be a judge. And I wish you all the best!" She looks over to the other side of Roush, and grins to Ninan.

    Ninan looked a little bored, but he actually gave a charming smile, which got the other girls, besides Gaia, to swoon. "I'm Ninan Quaon... And I'll be honest. You all need work on your walks. But you all also seemed to be rather great in having your clothes on you too." He laughs a little. He realized his jokes wasn't too funny, and quickly sobers up. "Alright, should we begin by saying whom we deem needs to leave?" He asks the other two. Roush shrugs his shoulders and motions for Ninan to continue on. The past winner grins and claps his hangs. "George Fredy!" He calls out and stands up. "C'mere for a second. I know pretty much all of you are new to modeling... but you... dude... you were an eyesore to look at with your bland pose thing... You need to have more pizzazz when you're up on the catwalk..." Ninan put his arm around George, and pretended to just inspect his nails. "I personally didn't like it. I can't say for the rest of them. But it is what it is for me." He shrugs his shoulders before he goes back to his seat.

    Roush raised his hand as George started to take a step back. "I will have to agree with Ninan... you were quite... bland. I wished you would have done more. Yes, your style of hipster chic was amazing, but if you don't do anything to wow... it doesn't work. It really doesn't. Seems like you're trying on clothes to me."

    "I have to to agree as well. Pretty much these two hit the nails on the head. I wanted to see you do something like a sweet spin like Gaia had! I was impressed! Her clothes were simple- oh! Is it okay for me to move on to my favorite now?" Roush was laughing at Patty, but nods as he motioned for her to continue. Patty smiles and quickly jumps out of her seat to grab Gaia's hands. "You were adorable up there! I love your cute face! If you don't have a boyfriend, I'd find a way to date you myself!" Gaia blushes a bit as Patty takes a step back. "Okay, back on track. She's adorable. Her spin, I'm amazed at how daring she had been to do it so close to the edge and gave a fakeout to us and saves it last second. Even though she hadn't had any professional training, she seems to be the most amazing in my eyes!" She nods and looks to the other two guys, who nod as well. Gaia blushes and nibbles on her lip a bit.

    Roush stands up again and looks over to George. "George... I'm terribly sorry... but you have been unanimously dropped from the competition." He announces, in which George hangs his head. Gaia felt a little bad that she had been singled out for a better model on the catwalk, but at the same time, knew she had a good chance of winning. Roush and Ninan had given everyone pointers for next week, but Gaia had realized that Olga had been telling her the same thing the whole week, which caused her to smile brightly over the fact that she was helping her out like so. At the end, Roush gives everyone a smile, and claps to them, in which Ninan and Patty join in after him. "I'm proud of you all for putting so much effort into this week. Now you know what will come next week, and hope you all put just as much, if not more effort into next weeks catwalk as well. You all may go back to the hotel and have the weekend off. Don't do anything drastic, please. Monday I'll announce the theme for the week." He smiles and sits back down while everyone goes off to change into their normal clothes and go back to the hotel to rest.**

    Post 1/5
    *1500 words
    **1864 words
    3364/300 words

    Jazz Things:

    Last edited by Gaia on 17th May 2019, 2:58 pm; edited 4 times in total



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Week 2

    Post by Gaia 10th June 2018, 8:28 pm

    After everyone woke up again on Monday, most everybody sluggishly went to the lobby. Tristan was waiting for everyone this time, and grins to them all. "I hope you all had a great weekend... I know a couple of you got hammered over the weekend..." His eyes glance over to Telani and Monica, who both grumble as they push their sunglasses up on their faces to cover their eyes from the bright lights. Roush chuckles quietly to himself as he reaches into his suit for another envelope. He smirks as everyone seemed eager to listen to him. "I am happy to announce... that this weeks theme is..." He slowly opened the envelope for a dramatic effect while grinning to the rest of the people. He glances down for a moment before lowering the envelope and looking at everyone. "Business Casual! Go out and wow me again!" He claps rather loudly as everyone starts to depart. Those with hangovers wince at the noise, and Gaia can't help but giggle at him for it.

    Olga seemed pleased with the theme of the week, and glances to Gaia. She motions for the girl to follow her as soon as they were dismissed, and Gaia easily complied, with Leila not too far behind her. They go back to the same store from the week before, and Gaia puts a hand on her hip while Noya goes to Leila's shoulders once again. The small woman comes back with a bundle of clothes and throws them into Gaia's hands. Gaia was starting to have guesses about this store, but she wasn't going to voice them yet. She goes into the fitting room like the previous week and tried on outfits till Olga was satisfied with what Gaia wore, and she felt comfortable as well.

    The outfit they both chose was a tan three-fourth sleeved button up blouse with a black button up vest, black slacks with a brown belt, and tan peep toe pump heels. Olga was already looking around for other accessories to go with the outfit, but new the outfit was good enough for now. They made their way over to her studio once again, and had Gaia practice her catwalk once again.

    Much like the week before, Gaia practiced in Olga's studio on her catwalk till she felt it was perfect. Olga had found a pair of onyx earrings, a black and tan beaded bracelet, and a tan bag to go with the outfit. She also figured that the sunglasses from last week could easily be reused this week as well. Leila had given Gaia a more natural makeup look this time, giving her nude lips with a near matching blush, and eyeliner. After Olga had found out Gaia had needed glasses the week prior, she had gotten the sunglasses to be prescription for her so she could see without her glasses on underneath, but still had them on her hidden on the outfit. After Leila finished the makeup, Olga did another mock photoshoot for her, and then went on to more practice.

    Like last week, Gaia had gone to the professional photoshoot with Olga and Leila early in the morning. She was all set up and ready to go when they all come to find out that Monica had stollen their spot and was schmoozing the photographer for even more time. They had to wait a whole hour and a half before Gaia could go on and get hers, but even after Monica had finished, the photographer had to take a lunch break. Everyone was a bit cranky by the time Gaia was able to finally take her shoot, so the shoot this time around seemed a bit fierce, even for a business shoot. Olga was holding onto Noya, and slightly positioning herself behind the camera man to get Gaia to do the same to work for all their moods. The photographer wasn't aware of Olga's doings, but he was loving Gaia's poses none-the-less.

    As the week prior, Gaia had done more catwalk training, perfecting the moves she'd do, and being scolded by Olga to not try another stunt like last Friday. Olga made sure to mention that stumbles and falls cost points.

    Gaia wrote to Kyran again, telling him about the week once more, but as much of last week happened happened this week as well, she didn't tell him as much of what went down that week. Mr. Roush met everyone in the lobby first thing Friday morning. He grins widely to everyone. "My, my... everyone seems more ready than last week for this catwalk... I'm excited myself... Like last week, one of you will be going home. I'll be a judge, along with Ninan and Patty again. It will go along just like last weeks catwalk. Wow. Me. Every. Body." He said every syllable of his last sentence before he shooed everyone to the vans again.

    As soon as everyone gets to the site, they'll see they're in the middle of a small park surrounded by 'business' buildings. Setting had to match the theme. Gaia goes right to where the clothes are, and spies hers, and one others clothes were missing, but she didn't give it a second glance as she heads to her changing room. Olga was already there, and was unpacking a tote bag with the spare clothes and accessories. "Hello darling! You ready to get ready?" She asks as Noya jumps onto the little woman's head. "Oh! I love you too sweetie. Here, an egg." She gives the ferret a little treat before she helps her model dress. Leila finished her off with fixing her hair and makeup like before, and everyone got in line like before as well. Gaia was last still as her number was placed last.

    Telani had been glaring daggers at Gaia from the moment she stepped out of her changing room, but instantly stopped as soon as the music came on and Roush's assistant motioned for her to walk on the catwalk. Gaia seemed a lot less scared of doing this as she had been last week. She didn't even need to pay attention to the assistant this time either. She knew when to get on the catwalk. She walked down it with the same amount of sass as Olga told her to while looking business-like, and flashes a smirk to the judges at the end before she turns. Her confidence was radiating off of her, almost like it was a literal light. When everyone was back stage, and the music finally stopped, everyone was called up to the end of the catwalk. Gaia stood up front again with Portricia, and Telani. Behind them were now Monica and Donny, since George decided to ditch since being disqualified.

    "Alright ladies and gentleman..." Roush snickers a bit at that. They didn't have too many guys this time around, only making Roush slightly sad, but he liked it all the same. "Alright, like last week. We're going to start off with whom we want to disqualify for next week... And I'll start it this time." He stands up, eyeballing everyone carefully as he stays silent. Slowly, a grin forms on his face as he points right next to Gaia, at Portricia. "Miss Anola... have you ever been in a business before? Like office work? Have you not seen what they wear? You're completely not dressed for it." Portricia was wearing a red sundress with a black leather jacket over it. It was way out of the ballpark for what was considered business casual. "Did your assistants not help you or something? You are dressed to go to a concert, not work! I'm sorry. Your walk was great, but your outfit... completely doesn't comply with us..." He shakes his head and sits back down.

    Ninan takes a deep breath as he slowly sits up. He looks around between everyone, and points to Telani. "I personally feel Telani was a bit distracted in her walk... it made me feel like you weren't wanting to be there... like you were bored... And I know bored." He snorts, but his eyes glance over to Portricia, and just shakes his head.

    Patty lets up a deep sigh. "I personally love your face Portricia... and the fact that your name starts with a 'P' like mine... But like Tristan said... I can't excuse that you didn't follow the theme..." She frowns and shakes her head.

    Roush claps his hands as he noticed his fellow judges weren't going to say anything else. Everyone seemed to be sweating from waiting for the news of what's going on. "With that... Portricia Anola... You're eliminated from this round of the competition." He gives her a sad smile as Portricia lets up an angry growl, causing Gaia to quickly back off from her, nearly falling off of the catwalk, but Donny seemed to grab her before that happened. She had grinned nervously to him, and nods a 'thank you' to him. Roush smiles again slowly, standing up as he clapped for the remaining four people. "Next Monday guys! Remember! I need you all to be ready! Don't party too hard! Save that for the end of week five!" He claps his hands more with Ninan and Patty as they were all dismissed. Gaia was relieved to have another break, and went to her hotel room to sleep, and write her novel during the break.

    Post 2/5
    1574/300 words

    4938 3438 Total words

    Jazz Things:

    Last edited by Gaia on 17th May 2019, 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Vocat Cor
    Position : None
    Partner : Kyran
    Posts : 618
    Guild : Sabertooth [Ace]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ruvel
    Experience : 450,578

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon Tarot Magic
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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Week 3

    Post by Gaia 25th June 2018, 9:28 pm

    Monday rolls around for the third time for the remaining four contestants were waiting in the lobby once more for their host of this event. This time, no one had decided to have as good of a time over the weekend like the prior week. Everyone was eager to know what was going on this week, and waited impatiently for Mr Roush. Gaia sat in a chair as she wore a regular T-shirt, and a skirt that went to her knees and gladiator sandals on her feet. While the four waited in the lobby, some people were observing them as they noticed them from the past couple weeks of the modeling contest. Gaia smiles gingerly and waves her hand a bit to them. She needed to be more open, so what better way than saying hi to people who noticed her. Telani rolls her eyes as she stands up and smirks to the people while flipping her hair over her shoulder with a smirk. Gaia takes a deep breath and sits up while noticing Roush coming.

    "Goooood morning everyone!" He says as he holds the envelope with the weeks theme in his hand. "Are you four ready to show me what you got? I'm really excited for this week. We're half way through the competition, and I'm sure you all will love this week." He excitedly says and looks around. Gaia was sitting on the edge of her seat as she smiles eagerly to the host. Everyone was eagerly awaiting the news of the week. Slowly, Tristan opened the envelope and read the theme. "This week is different from the others... This week... you dance." He says as he looks around the group. Most everyone was confused, but Gaia seemed delighted. "The theme is dance, but we also want you to dance on the catwalk this week as well... So get on your dancing shoes and show me your moves ladies and gentleman! You even get to pick your own songs to dance to as well!" He laughs as he claps his hands.

    Everyone disbursed like usual, and Olga and Leila came up to Gaia like usual. "I already have an idea this week for my outfit... If you don't mind Olga... This is my stage. I'm familiar with this to a T. Dance was half my life before I became a mage." She stands up as she looks out the hotel doors, and smiles to herself. This week would be hers to shine on her own. She drags Olga and Leila with her to a different store and managed to find a long, flowy, red skirt and black frilled top. She had even managed to get a pair of black, low heeled, dance shoes that went perfectly with the outfit. She tries it on and comes out dancing to invisible music gracefully. Olga went wide eyed looking at Gaia dancing. "I suppose you got this one this week, darling..." She says, grinning a bit. "You do know what you're doing." She chuckles as she taps her chin. "You're still practicing at my studio." They then ditch the store after paying for the clothes, and head to the studio where Gaia had already picked her song and was already practicing the dance in the shoes she had purchased.

    The next day Gaia was dressed in her clothes, and Olga made sure she had a spare set of the clothes. This time, she used the earrings from last week, and practiced dancing a little bit before she had Leila do her makeup and hair. Leila had pulled her hair back in a red ribbon and put in a hair tie with a red flower to hold the rest of her hair back. Her lipstick was red, while her eyes were a soft and smokey black. She felt more exotic than she was, and grins softly to herself. After she was finished, she went back to the catwalk and let Olga take pictures of her in various dance poses. She showed how she could dance in front of the camera, and her face was really serious as she did so.

    Wednesday was Photoshoot day again. Gaia was all set up and ready to go just like before, and was glad to have gotten an early appointment. She was enjoying her poses she was doing, and was elegant in front of the camera. The photographer was rather impressed with how she moved herself across the floor and posed for him. She seemed like she may have been dancing with a partner, but she was all on her own. When the shoot was over, Gaia went back to Olga's studio and was intent on making sure she had her dance down.

    Thursday was the same as before, doing nothing but practice for the following day. She was careful on her feet to make sure she wouldn't injure herself, and managed to do well on it.

    Friday came around once again, and everyone made their way towards the lobby like the past two weeks. Everyone was trying to remember their dance moves while they waited for their host. Gaia was sitting down and using her hand in the air while she stared off into space a bit. She had her dance down and didn't need to practice anymore, not in the lobby at least. Roush shows up and is looking excited at everyone practicing. He claps his hands and grins. "C'mon! Don't show me your dances now! Wait till we're at the stage!" He cries out and starts ushering everyone out the door. Gaia giggles a little as she sees Olga and Leila going into another van, and Leila giving her a thumbs up.

    They make it to an outdoor amphitheater, and there was already people out waiting to see the performances. Gaia puts a hand on her chest as she looks out with wide eyes. "You can back out now... No one will be upset with you." Telani murmurs into her ear. Gaia just looks to her and takes a deep breath. "No... It's just been a while since I've been on a stage... It's exciting again... I can't wait..." She looks back out the window of the vehicle before they reached their destination. They all filed out and went to prepare themselves. Gaia's clothes weren't messed with this week, and Gaia was thankful this week. She goes into the dressing room, and Olga helps her dress as Noya went back to her spot on the designers shoulders. "Next week, Darling... I'm going to be planning your outfit again. You did well this time as you claimed this was your area of expertise, especially with the dancing, but don't impede on my job again." She quietly scolds her. Gaia nods before she's out of her changing room and has Leila fix up her hair and makeup.

    She had sound pods on her ears as she listens to her song one more time in private before she had to go on, doing small and quick movements to show she knew hew steps. Soon they were lined up and everyone was to give their performance. Gaia was last once again. Tristan was on stage saying how excited he was to show everyone to the audience, and announced that they were going to be the judges this time around by show of applause for the best dancers for the night.

    Telani was first to go, and Gaia was silently shaking her head as she knew the girl wasn't dressed for function, and she tried to dance a saucy dance, that purposely ended up with a wardrobe malfunction to some rather boring rhythmic music. Monica was next and at least was a step better than Telani in Gaia's eyes. Monica danced more in tune to an upbeat music, but her dress didn't allow her to move her legs too much to get a good posture going, but she manages to make it work. Donny was easy to dress for this and managed to get a good dance number in there. Gaia was actually rather impressed with him and really clapped for him when he was done.

    As soon as it was Gaia's turn, she half jogs up to the center of the stage before her music even began. A few people were laughing at her outfit, but Gaia just grins as she instantly takes a pose before a sweet number comes on and her hand grabs her skirt as she was dancing upon the stage gracefully. Instantly everyone realized her reasoning for her clothes, and how it went well with the style of music. Gaia was dancing wonderfully on her own and ended with a flourishing stomp while holding both sides of her long skirt on her hips. As she was making her way to get off the stage, Donny came running back on stage and grabbed her hand. "Dance with me!" He cries to her as he brought her to the center of the stage. As soon as they do, another song comes up, and Gaia can't help but grin as she dances with him, dancing just as good as before, but with a partner. They may not have practiced with one another, but it was clear both of them were aware of how to dance with a partner and could easily move together with the song with little words. The moment the music stopped, everyone was screaming their heads off and wanting to have them dance once again, but Gaia was shaking her head while she laughed.

    Roush came up on stage with the other contestants, as well as Patty and Ninan, and he was grinning widely. "Wow! I can't even come up with anything besides 'wow!' for Gaia and Donny! They're a perfect couple! You two should date!" Gaia pales a bit and shakes her head as she blushes. "I already have someone..." She mumbles a bit, but still shakes her head. Donny was laughing, but he had kept his hands to himself after he finished the dance with Gaia earlier. Roush was getting excited and going around to each of the four to see how loud the crowd would get. Both Donny and Gaia had the loudest screams as Monica was decent behind. Telani had a different outcome, and she simply starts to fume on stage while glaring at Gaia, who had been tossed some flowers from a stranger. She held them and nervously smiles as she waves. "That settles it! Gaia and Donny are our winners for this week! They wore clothes with function and style according to their songs! And provided us with an encore!" He says rather excitedly. He looks to Telani and shakes his head. "Should have said this before... but, malfunctions disqualify immediately."

    Telani gaped at hearing this, then let up a shrill scream before she stormed off of the stage, away from everyone and out of sight. Gaia was a bit unsure how to respond to that reaction, but hid a little behind the bouquet of flowers. Donny had laughed at her and leaned to her ear. "You're an amazing dancer! Thank you for letting me dance with you, your partner must love your dancing!" He says, making Gaia nervously laugh and nod to him. The show ended with everyone else cheering for Gaia and Donny, and Gaia barely remembered how she got home in the first place.

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    Last edited by Gaia on 17th May 2019, 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Week 4

    Post by Gaia 4th July 2018, 9:41 pm

    After the dances that Friday, everyone was more energetic for the following two weeks. Gaia though, was getting a bit nervous. In the lobby of the hotel, everyone waited about, and Donny had decided to sit next to Gaia on the lounge chair she sat in. "I'll be honest, I thought you were a prude at first before since you were so quiet, but seeing you dance, perfection. You dating anyone?" Gaia softly blushes and nods. "I have a boyfriend..." "He's a lucky man then! Bet he loves showing you off to dance." Gaia nervously smiles and shrugs her shoulders a little before Roush came out of an elevator and came over to the group of three. "Hello~o ladies and gentleman." He says as he claps his hands. A grin was on his face as he takes a deep breath. "Are we all ready for our second to last week?! I know I am!" He looks around at the last three contestants. Monica seemed excited, same as Donny, and Gaia seemed a little worried. He then takes a deep breath and reaches into his jacket to pull out the envelope.

    "This week, we're going back to our normal routine of walking on a catwalk and the like. No dancing like last week. Loved it, and would love to do it again too." He says with a grin. He glances around as everyone now seemed eager to listen to what the theme of the week was. He grins wider as he opened the envelope and nods. "This weeks theme is... Nature Inspired! Get your trees, animals, and natural disasters on!" He chuckles before waving them all off.

    Olga came over with Leila once again, and Olga was eying her up and down. "We must go to my shop. I have the outfit that would fit you perfectly, darling." She says as she grabs Gaia's hand and yanks her along with her. Noya already hitched a ride on the designers shoulders, enjoying the little woman's attitude. They get to the same shop they've been most of the week, and Olga goes right towards the back to bring out what looks like a giant butterfly, but was revealed to be a short black dress with a long shawl that was themed like a monarch butterfly's wings. Gaia was in a bit of awe at the dress, and looked to her. "You knew there would be a nature themed week... didn't you?" "I have no idea what you are talking about darling. I just had this sitting around my shop waiting for the perfect wearer." The fashion designer motioned for Gaia to get out and start walking, not even letting her try on the clothes first.

    Like normal, Olga had Gaia running her catwalk and going through the motions to make sure she had them right, like she had the first two weeks.

    The following day, Gaia donned on the outfit with the pair of black wedge heels from her first week with the outfit, and Leila had given Gaia a smokey monarch butterfly eyeshadow look with matching lipstick design. Olga did her usual pre photoshoot go, and had practiced on the catwalk again.

    Wednesday, was the photoshoot once more. Gaia was mainly showing off the wings of the shawl, but there were some great shots of her looking like she was ready to fly off like a butterfly. After the shoot, Gaia was once again running the makeshift catwalk at Olga's place.

    Thursday was nothing more than more catwalk training for Gaia.

    The morning of the next contest, Gaia seemed rather excited. She takes a deep breath as she was tired lounging in the lounge chair. She was waiting on Roush to show up, and for Olga and Leila to arrive as well. Monica and Donny were practicing simple movements before the host arrived, and he grinned as he stands in the center of where each of them were. "Are we ready for another week?! I'm still super excited and want to see what outfits you've all picked out." He claps his hands and motions for everyone to go out to their vans with their fashion designers and makeup artists.

    When they make it to the next venue, they're out in a park once again. Gaia gets out and blushes a little when she gets out of the van. After her performance last week, she had gained a few followers who enjoyed her dancing. She smiles sweetly as she goes off to the dressing rooms, and grabs her dress. Olga, though, literally tossed it out immediately after seeing it in the room. "It's been tampered with darling. Not going to touch that ratty thing." She growls as she takes out the spare. When Gaia wouldn't move to change, Olga groans. "There's powder inside it, no doubt itching." She growls to the tarot reader before she starts rushing her to dress to get her makeup on.

    When everyone was ready, Gaia was taking deep breaths to calm her nerves as she smooths the dress out. Donny seemed to be watching her the whole time. With a smile, he came over next to her and gave her a wolf whistle, in which Gaia's cheeks immediately turned bright red under her makeup. He laughs to her reaction and holds his hands behind his back. "Maan! If your boyfriend isn't int he crowd right now... I would hate to be him. You're smoking right now sweetheart." He chuckles as Gaia nervously smiles to him. "Well I don't tell him about the weeks till the end of the competition for the week... so..." She mutters more to herself before the assistant came out and motioned for everyone to get ready.

    Monica goes out first wearing a petal skirt with a green grass themed shirt and strange heelless heels. She had stumbled at the end of the catwalk, having issues getting back up, and Gaia frowns to seeing that. Donny was next. He wore a tuxedo that was themed after a forest, not camouflage, a forest. With trees, grass, and animals poking out behind a tree or two. Gaia takes a deep breath as she goes onto the catwalk and struts her stuff. The way she walked got the shawl the flare out behind her and make it seem like she might of been flying.

    A few minutes after Gaia was behind the curtain again when her walk was over, everyone was called back on stage. With there only being three people now, everyone stood next to each other, with Gaia being the odd one by being the shortest. Roush smiles as he claps his hands. "I. Loved. All. Of. It..." He says as he looks to everyone. "I love the colors. I love the themes! It was all beautiful. My one negative thing about it... is the fact that you fell, Monica... That fall... was a major one... And I loved the outfit, but because you couldn't walk in your heels, you couldn't sell it to me unfortunately." He says as he pouts.

    Ninan clears his throat and sits up a little. "Yeah, darling, I liked your outfit as well, but you gotta know how to walk in the heels you're going to be wearing before you can walk majority of the time." He nods as he looks to Patty. Patty seemed a little tired this time around, but she yawned and nodded a little. "Gotta agree... falling, is usually the biggest plunder... But that cape flare though!" Her eyes instantly shot open and were locked on Gaia. "That shawl flared out and I was so awed by the spectacle... I want you to do it again for me!" She muses as she claps her hands together. Gaia blushes and ducks her head a little as Roush and Ninan nod their head, urging her to go ahead and do it. Donny helped Monica move out of the way, and Gaia turns on the balls of her feet, grabbing the shawl and flinging it out in front of her as she started to walk to make it flutter off the ground as before. She walked all the way down before she turned back and walked back with a small grin on her face. The judges clapped at how the shawl fluttered around her, and then fell back into place behind her. "Perfect! I love it!" Patty cries out and claps her hands.

    Roush gets up and looks over to Monica. His smile saddened as he shakes his head. "I'm terribly sorry to tell you, Monica Lao, you're eliminated from this round... Donny, Gaia, next week... you two will be going head to head and fighting for Fiore's Next Top Model. Congratulations!" He grins and claps  his hands along with the other two judges. With that, the contest was ended for the week, and Gaia and Donny went back to the hotel for a much needed rest for the weekend, and to mentally prepare for the last week of their competition.

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    Last edited by Gaia on 17th May 2019, 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Be The Top Princess! Empty Re: Be The Top Princess!

    Post by Gaia 2nd August 2018, 7:57 pm

    Monday rolls around for the final time, and Gaia was running her hands through her hair while waiting for Tristan again. Donny was across from her in his own seat, eyeballing her. He wasn't making a move as Gaia already informed him she wasn't available, and she wouldn't allow him to touch her regardless. She takes a deep breath as she fixes her shirt over her pants. She had gotten used to being lazy with her clothes before the start of her day. It made her feel calm as she waited to be dressed up like a doll, which she rather enjoyed.

    "My last two lovelies!" Tristan chuckles as he walks into the lobby. He claps his hands as he was dressed up to the nines in a suit. He glances between the two, and takes a deep breath. "I bet you two don't want a spiel from me like the* previous weeks... so I'm just going to cut to the chase. This week's theme is.... Black and White Affair. Meaning your outfit must be black and white." He grins to the two. "You're going to have to try your hardest though Donny. It's usually harder for men to win this one, than women, but you can totally do it." He cheers the other male on. Gaia chuckles quietly as she stands up and holds her hand out to Donny. "I wish you good luck this week." She tells him. Donny looks up to Gaia, and slowly smiles himself. "And you too." He replies to her.

    Olga and Leila smile at Gaia as they both knew that she'd be pretty in whatever they put her in. Olga took the girls to her shop once again, and had Gaia try on multiple outfits once again till they settled upon a black A-line dress with black lace on the back and around the collar of it that covered everything torso wise on the little woman. Olga even had picked out a white, long sleeved, skinned tight, top for underneath the dress to fit the white part of the Black and White theme, and some Oxford styled black and white chunky heels. When they made it back to Olga's studio, they resumed their usual routine of her practicing walking on the catwalk in the heels she'd be using.

    As per usual for the past five weeks, Gaia donned her outfit, and had her makeup applied by Leila with white lips and a black outline, and a smokey white and black eyeshadow. Her hair was styled to a short curled puff on her head, and she did her mock photoshoot with Olga once more. Donny had sought out Gaia and requested that they did their photoshoot together since he apparently knew she did her photoshoots on Wednesday. Gaia had agreed, but said they couldn't be intimate as she would feel uncomfortable since they weren't dancing, which Donny was okay with to her relief.

    The photoshoot was later on in the day, as she was doing half of it with Donny. Gaia was dressed up and had her hair and makeup done. Donny was dressed up in what Gaia saw as a rather peculiar outfit, as it wasn't a normal tuxedo. He had at least four pieces to the outfit, a white under shirt, a white vest over that, a black jacket, and black trousers with his black ballroom shoes. Gaia blinks a little at his outfit, but nods a little. "That's rather impressive. I bet the judges will love your outfit." She comments and nods to him. "And they'll really love yours. I'm already a loser just after looking at you." He laughs in return. Their photoshoot went rather well as they had had both their individual shoots along with their couple shot, and like Gaia said, they weren't even close to intimate.

    Thursday had more catwalk training in the clothes, as they were rather different from her previous weeks clothes, but Gaia felt she had the walk down rather well.

    On the final day, Gaia had trouble sleeping the night before, and managed to only get two hours of sleep. She was really nervous for her final day of the modeling competition. She only wished she was more confident in herself. Mr Roush came into the lobby with a big smile on his face like usual. "Alright you two!" He cries out rather excitedly. He looks between them and noticed Gaia's expression. "Miss Sabin... You'll be fine... You've done splendid so far. I have faith you'll do just as splendid. Same as you Mr Dionam. I wish you both the best of luck. But just remember to have fun and shine as brightly as you can to wow the last day of the competition." He says before ushering the two into the van with their respective fashion designers and makeup artists.

    Leila was chatting up Donny's makeup artist, and they were enjoying themselves, and slightly bragging that their model would be best. Gaia blushed as she looked out the window and watches the world go by. Soon, they approached what looked like a theater, and Gaia perked up some. "What...?" She murmurs as it caught Leila's attention. "Ah! The Rose Garden Theater... it's beautiful... isn't it?" She questions with a smile before they pulled up to a stop in front of the building. Everyone filed out and were lead to the changing rooms quickly. Gaia takes a deep breath and looks around as Olga helps her with her clothes. Noya had been rather silent the whole day, and went to Olga reluctantly. The ferret smelled her owners nervousness and wanted to ease it.

    "You'll do fine, darling... just walk like you've practiced, and be stunning like you already are, my butterfly. And if you don't win, you're still a beautiful model." The woman much shorter than her said with a grin. Gaia smiles slightly to her, and gives her a hug after her clothes were on all the way. "Thank you, Olga..." She murmurs before she was shoved out of the fitting room to go to her makeup artist. Gaia laughs a little as she makes her way to Leila, who grins rather widely to her. "You look amazing! You'll definitely win." She chuckles as she fixes up her hair and makeup. Soon the assistant came to get Gaia and have her be ready to walk on the catwalk. They had made a makeshift catwalk by placing portable tile light lacrimas on the ground to mark where they would be walking, and she glances out from behind a curtain to peek at all the noise. There was a full house, and she was paling. This was way more than the other four walks. Donny let up a low whistle behind her, and Gaia twirled around. "Sorry, I was surprised."

    "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Mr Roush's voice rang rather loud over the speakers to get everyone's attention. He was standing at the end of the catwalk in his suit from Monday. "Today is our last day of Fiore's Next Top Model. We only have two, you heard me, two contestants left. They've worked rather hard and have been pretty much a tie these past few weeks, and now I'm concerned that we won't be able to pick one. I know this will be a hard week for the judges to choose our winner, but without further adieu, here are our lovely models!" He quickly jogs down some steps to the judges table as music started to play and the assistant urged Donny to get on the catwalk. He was striking as he stormed down the catwalk with what Gaia could only describe as a 'killer' smile. The females in the audience had let out a collective sigh as they saw his face. Gaia could practically hear them drooling too.

    Soon it was her turn. Gaia stepped on the catwalk, eyed where Donny was, and continued to walk like she had during her practices. She held her chin up and couldn't help but grin rather widely as Donny spotted her. When they were passing one another, Donny grabbed Gaia's waist and hand and spun her around a full 360 before continuing on. Gaia had quickly gained composure of herself and continued on down the catwalk till she got to the end and raised her left arm to rest on her neck as she herself gave a striking glare over the crowd, in which she heard a good few men howl at her. Gaia grins again as she grabbed the right half of her skirt of the dress, and lifts it in a curtsy to expose her shoes to the judges before she turns and elegantly walks back to the other side of the catwalk. The crowd had gone wild when she left behind the curtain.

    Gaia's nerves were getting the best of her as she put her hand on her chest, trying to regulate her breathing. It took another five minutes for the judges to have the two called back out, in which Gaia felt like she was a nervous wreck. She wished she'd see Kyran in the crowd, but she doubt he'd be there. She takes a deep breath as she stands at the end of the catwalk, next to Donny, in front of the judges table, and the crowd. Everything was silent as the judges looked over their last two contestants. Suddenly, Tristan raised his arms and claps his hands, in which Ninan and Patty slowly followed suit, and then the crowd behind them. "You two were absolutely wonderful!" Mr Roush comments rather loudly into his microphone, stopping his clapping. He waited till the clapping died down once again. "Gaia and Donny... you two are very hard to make a decision with. You both have the walk down rather well... and you both look stunning. I'm rather surprised that, Donny, you** went a different route than I thought you'd take. I really love the classic ballroom attire. And Gaia... you look like you'll kill the ballroom with a glare! Don't get me wrong! That. Is. Absolutely. Stunning." He says, emphasizing his words when he noticed her blushing at his compliment.

    Patty instantly stood up, cutting off Tristan from whatever comment he was going to make as she pointed to the two of them. "You two are terrible!" She whines. "You're both too good that I can't entirely choose! I want you both to win! But ties aren't allowed..." She cries out and looks to Ninan and Tristan. They both laugh and nod in agreement. Patty then takes a deep breath as she walks around the table, grabbing a box that had been placed on the judges table while the two were behind the curtain waiting to be called back. Patty came up the stage to the two of them, and stands in front of them.

    "As you two know, you were both rather well," Ninan says. His usual bored tone gone as he sits up to speak clearly in the microphone. "We had to make a rather hard decision on who should be the winner this year... And we've come to the conclusion that..." He glances over to Tristan who stands up and opens his arms wide.

    "Congratulations on winning, Miss Gaia Sabin!" He announces rather loudly, projecting his voice as Gaia's mouth dropped and she was instantly trying to keep her tears back. Patty had opened the box to show a tiara as she placed it on top of Gaia's head and gave her a hug before kissing her cheek. "Congrats, sweetheart!" She cries out over the thunderous applause. Even Donny was smiling and clapping for her. Noya suddenly came running out from back stage and scurried herself up onto Gaia's shoulders, licking her masters cheek rather excitedly. Patty got excited over the ferret that had made herself known, and had someone come take a picture of her with Gaia and Noya. The lights all around had made Gaia a bit unsure of everything, but she was eventually taken back towards the curtain and told to strike a pose for the Fiore's Next Top Model cover, and quickly did as she was told, even with Noya around her neck.

    By the time Gaia made it back to her room, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. A knock on the door made her wake up, and she makes her way to it to see Donny there with some flowers. "Congrats on winning. I knew you'd be the winner the moment I saw your outfit on Wednesday." He tells her. "These are celebratory flowers. For winning. I know you're not available, so they're not for asking you out. Keep in touch. Maybe we can help each other again." He grins as he puts his hand to his forehead and saluted her before he left for his room.

    The tarot reader just knew she would be remembering this day for ages to come.***

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