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    [Mission] Have You Seen My Dragon? (Amber and Minato)


    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 379
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God's Hand
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [Mission] Have You Seen My Dragon? (Amber and Minato) Empty [Mission] Have You Seen My Dragon? (Amber and Minato)

    Post by Shesaa 5th April 2013, 9:00 pm

    Day 1

    Today marked the day of a rather eccentric-seeming quest in its base nature, as the lot of society would have ignored such a wackjob mission as the one that Amber had decided she was going to partake in today, and for the next few days, maybe even weeks. She figured that she could pull off this mission, as she only had to find the dragon mentioned in the mission's vague outline. Amber decided to take the mission, because she found out that someone else had taken the mission, and she wanted to know what this kind of mission would be like. A search and retrieve mission that may or may not have been possible, listed as a double-S (SS) class mission.

    She was young, but she had a great deal of potential, and even she knew this. But she knew that she couldn't unlock that hidden potential at this age, unless she could push herself beyond what mages were. Starting with a simple mission like a dragon search was nothing but a nice, large step.

    Amber found that the home of the elderly gentleman who was looking to pay for this mission was located in a small, desert village. The heat was intense here, but Amber found herself not having many problems since her recent unlocking of her C-Rank power. Temperature mattered vaguely, sure, so of course she dressed in appropriate desert attire, which was gold and silver in color. She was wading, walking, no... sauntering rather, into town. She found that the lack of partner in the immediate area was rather telltale of her making it there early. Amber was pretty flip-flopitty about her timeliness. So, upon noticing such a detail, she would find the client address, and knock on the client's door. The least she could do for her partner was get the info they would need for the upcoming venture.

    Opening the door, was a really, really, REALLY old man. Seriously, this guy's wrinkles had bags under their crows-feet. Amber would wave her arm up high over her head to catch the elderly villager's attention, "Hello~! I'm here about the mission you put up!" The elderly man would look down at her, blinking wearily, "Err... what?" Amber would look up at him, "Uhh, you know. The mission you put up for some mage to take? You wanted someone to find your dragon!" The old man would blink again and say... "Errr.... what?" Amber would hand him the piece of paper, "This is your address, right?" The old man would take the piece of paper and read it for a few moments. "Hmm... Oh right. I want you to find my old dragon, Drake. He's a big dragon, with standard green scales, and dagger-like teeth. His wingspan looks like he could fly with them. I don't know if any of those details have changed or not." With that, he would hand Amber her flier for the mission back, and close the door, returning to his business.

    Amber only stood, a tad baffled... "Well. I got the briefing, I guess."



    100Y: 0/0
    10Y: 0/0
    SS: 0/0
    S: 0/0
    A: 0/0
    B: 0/0
    C: 0/0
    D: 1/1

    Other Gathering Means

    Players Gathered During Player March Event: 1 (+300 exp)



      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm