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    It's been a long time... (Intro)


    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Guest 5th May 2018, 10:48 am

    Name: Summer Guiyang
    Rank: D
    Word Count: x/y
    Tagged: @tagged
    Muse: x/10
    Music: Tranquil Departure
    Notes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pulvinar velit nec nunc suscipit, nec tincidunt risus tempus.
    “It has most certainly been a long time, hasn’t it…?” Summer whispered to herself as she looked at the entrance of Silver Wolf. She has heard many things about the guild master, in fact, she used to be her guild master at one point. That’s completely fine though, she was excited for the plans she had for herself, and setting herself into a guild again would be weird… she wasn’t as strong as she was before she started her reign.

    Nonetheless, Summer was here to join Silver Wolf, and even hoped that she could make new friends. She also hoped to reconcile with Leila, but she hoped she could do that today while also joining the guild at the same time.

    “I wonder what it is going to be like in here.” Summer whispered to herself once more as she walked towards the doors and opened them with her hands, making sure to close the door behind her out of respect for the guild.
    Made by ivyleaf33 of FTRP!

    Last edited by Salrynn on 5th May 2018, 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 5th May 2018, 11:16 am

    Quill was working on some research on some new materials that he wanted to make, most of the materials needed were very, explody. In short there was a lot of explosions that day and more, he did manage to create the new alloyed but he didn't know what to call it nor did he know the properties were of it. Turned out is had a high density when it came to getting hit and had a very high melting point and yet he manage to make a blunt weapon out of it.

    The next day, he couldn't find it anymore so he panic and ran into the guild hall and slammed into some hard then said,"Oh sorry, didn't mean to slam into you. Wait..." Quill had yet to see this person before and didn't know who they were so he asked,"Hey are you new here, well my name is Quill Scorchwood. I am sorta the new metal smith of the guild and researcher of weapons, armors, and materials used for forging, how do you do.


    It's been a long time... (Intro) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Posts : 495
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Pokomon 6th May 2018, 4:20 am

    Poko had recently returned from journeying around Fiore and was packing some stuff ready to leave the guild base once more, however, for a much different task than previously. She was slowly gathering pieces for her trip to the cursed lands. She hadn't planned to leave for another couple days, but she was always one for preparation when the time called for it, she didn't want to find herself in need of something only to find she had forgotten to bring it with her after all. After she finished putting together the things for the day she called Zephyr to accompany her before meandering her way down to the stairs to the dormitories to find herself in the main hall. Looking around with her calm, ocean blue eyes she noticed her friend Quill by the front door speaking to someone she did not recognise. The blonde girl tilted her head, examining the stranger, she was rather pretty with unusual pale silver hair and a rather interesting outfit, but it suited the guild hall's oriental theme, that was for sure.

    Zephyr, her rabbit-like companion took no time at all in bounding over her shoulder, through the air towards the two at the doorway, however he didn't slow as he approached and Poko's eyes widened as she realised his plan was to bound head first into the woman's chest for cuddles. "ZEPHYR NOOOOOO!!" the blonde girl yelled, arm outstretched in their direction, but her call fell on deaf ears as he continued to fly directly at the silvernette. Poko would only close her eyes and wince as she foresaw the coming collision, silently praying that the stranger would be able to either move out of the way or have some way to stop her fuzzy friend from knocking them over.

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Bringer of Death
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    Posts : 58
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Arghast 6th May 2018, 10:16 am

    At the yell Arghast looked up from his reading at the back of the guild Hall, he had taken to borrowing books on different insect breeds and their most common hive sites whenever he had a spare moment from the guild library. So far he'd encountered some interesting reading and thought he had found something he may well pursue soon.
    Looking up he saw the fluffy companion of his guild mate Poko zipping straight for a silver haired lady he'd never before seen. A newcomer then about to be rapidly introduced to... Zephyr. He gave a satisfied nod before he rose from his table, noting that their resident forger had already made himself known.
    'If I'm going to be able to deal with groups I should start with a group of - gulp- 4 I think...' Clenching his fists to stop himself from trembling Arghast made his way over to the congregation slowly. Giving time for Zephyr to reach his mark first to see how this new comer reacted and how best to introduce himself.
    Kitalpha Aurence
    Kitalpha Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Infernal Hellblaze
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Kitalpha Aurence 6th May 2018, 2:28 pm

    The blonde huffed as she stared at the giant white lion standing over her body, fangs bared as it hissed into her face, not even batting an eye as it stared at her intently. It’s blue eyes glistered brightly as it rose one of its front paws and pushed into her stomach with such force that she nearly bent double around it and let out a deep grunt. ”Gah! Damn you little---" Kitalpha growled, twisting her body into the most unorthodox of curves to wrap her legs around the large lion’s maned neck. The beast roared loudly as its heavy body smacked unto the ground, squirming within the blonde warrioress’ embrace. The blonde however rolled her eyes at the sight of it and started laughing. ”Oh for fuck’s sake, you’re such a drama queen Varuna!” She grinned, letting go and sitting upright next to the lion, who happily wagged its tail and stared at his master’s amused face.

    Despite just having met not too long ago, Kitalpha had quite the extraordinary bond with the 6 foot tall lion. Despite not being able to communicate mentally yet, the beast, which she had named Varuna after having dreamt about it, quite easily made itself clear. It looked more dangerous than anything, but when in the comfort of his master’s presence showed a surprisingly childish side. It would be the first time she’d be showing Varuna to everyone at the guild today. She glanced back at the Varuna, who now laid on its back playing dead for some reason. ”Pffft- grow up and get a life, you oversized fluff.” She giggled, giving the lion a rough nudge to make it roll over. Varuna rolled on its side and snuffed, getting back up and shaking the dust out of its pelt; purposely right beside Kitalpha, for definitely no apparent playfully vengeful reason. He was about to return the nudge when the giant lion suddenly reared its head, the playful act immediately ceasing and an air of alertness falling over him. Kitalpha, alerted by his change in behavior, stared at Varuna and then into the direction he was looking at… which was the direction of the guild. ”Varuna, what’s wrong boy? Is something th- VARUNA!” Without a single warning the white lion suddenly dashed off, through the snowy thicket and out of her sight. The blonde was baffled for a moment, unable to apprehend what was going on before the actual situation hit her like a bomb. Aside from the fact that Varuna was so alarmed by something, there was also the fact that a 6 foot lion was now making its way towards the guild hall without anyone to tell the members of Silver Wolf that it was not a target or hostile beast.

    ”Varuna! Varuna!” The blonde shouted as she gave chase, sprinting after the lion. She was slowly catching up, but still had a long way to go before actually reaching it. When he casually crashed through a small tree the warrioress cursed under her breath and sped up the pace, only to see the guildhall appearing at the horizon. ”Oh Jesus Christ! Varuna!” Reluctantly tapping in to her curse to speed up even more, Kitalpha found herself finally reaching the lion when they were only dozens of meters away from the entrance, and took a leap, tackling the large feline beast head-on and straight into its side, causing the twosome to come to a crashing standstill on the ground. She pushed herself back unto her knees, wheezing as she looked up, only to see a set of familiar faces near her, and one she did not recognize at all. The blonde grinned sheepishly and got up, smacking the snow off if her. ”Oh hey guys… fancy meeting you all here at once!” she said, acting like nothing had happened at all and grabbing the giant lion by its tail as it tried to get up and away from her. Oh no you don’t-... Anyway! Who’s our new guest? She looks kinda pretty… like fireworks.” Kitalpha mentioned, giving the newcomer a welcoming smile. Varuna twisted and squirmed to free himself from her grip, and to her surprise suddenly shifted to the size of her head, running off towards the silver-haired newcomer. There he perched his butt down in the cold snow right before her, wagging his tail like a little puppy, leaving Kitalpha to frown at the sight of it. ”Well… that’s a first. I mean like really, he’s never done this before. Who are you---” Kitalpha cut off her sentence and started mentally juggling her words after being reminded of how asking about someone’s identity without introducing oneself had gotten her into trouble before. ”Errr, I mean, I’m Kitalpha! Whom do I have the pleasure betrothing my little Varuna to?” she said, awkwardly sticking out a gauntlet-adorned hand as means of introduction.



    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Guest 6th May 2018, 3:44 pm

    Name: Summer Guiyang
    Rank: D
    Word Count:
    Tagged: @tagged
    Muse: 10/10
    Music: Tranquil Departure
    Notes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pulvinar velit nec nunc suscipit, nec tincidunt risus tempus.
    Everything seemed to be going smoothly, the fireworks mage assumed that the rest was to go smooth sailing anyway, the first that popped in to greet her was a dark blonde haired male, he slammed into her pretty hard, and while it caused Summer to stumble backwards slightly, it didn’t affect the silvery haired woman all that much… she was a gymnast after all, she used to do somersaults and kicks for a living, so has extreme physical strength.

    “Woah! Hey!” Summer chuckled to herself as she bit her lower lip in the midst of trying to compose herself. “Yeah, I just literally entered here like five seconds ago.” A chuckle escaped her lips as she spoke. “My name is Summer Guiyang, I am a firework mage and someone who can create a literal celebration.” She admitted. “It is lovely to meet you and I feel great! Do you… by any chance… know where Leila is??”

    After she finished her question, she heard the squeal of a female to the side of her and immediately saw a cute little fluff ball heading straight into her direction. In a flash, Summer reached her arms out and embraced for the pet plopping itself right into her chest, cuddling the little thing with all the cuddles she could give.

    “Well! Aren’t you cute?!” The fireworks mage proclaimed with a gigantic grin on her face, before lifting the cute pet against her own face and rubbed its face against hers. “So cuteeee!”

    That was when more of a kerfuffle happened. A lion decided to make its majestic appearance, and so did another female! Looking over the group was another male as well.

    “W-well!” Summer stammered slightly. “My name is Summer Guiyang, and I find it funny how you say that, since I am a fireworks mage…” She spoke. “It is lovely to meet you though, Kitalpha! I cannot wait to work with you all and be a part of this lovely guild! Leila really has done a fantastic job…” She finished in a mumble, rather worried about what will happen now.
    Made by ivyleaf33 of FTRP!

    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 6th May 2018, 3:59 pm

    "Well Summer it is nice to meet you, sadly I just got back from my home in Paradise, its not paradise in the sense of relaxing peace its more of a name of the dimension my grandfather gave it." Quill then looked at Kitalpha and said,"Hi Kit, hey have you seen someone with a light green hammer by any chance, someone stole a weapon i made with new material yet recorded. I am afraid that it might be bad for someone to have that without me testing out what it does first." Quill then remembered something,"Oh, I think Leila is in her office, i looks over everything, Poko can show you where it is and if you see that weapon please tell me so i can beat the living tar out of that person."


    It's been a long time... (Intro) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Pokomon 7th May 2018, 12:48 am

    Poko sighed in relief as she watched the mage she didn't know cuddle Zephyr, at least he hadn't knocked her over, the blonde girl then made her way over to the small group that had now gathered, eying the little lion with extreme interest. She didn't know Kitalpha had a pet, let alone one so adorable, she just wanted to hug it, it would probably be way nicer than her own little lion summon, he was just a pain in the arse. Once close enough Poko would stand on her tippy toes, rocking back and forth, "Hiya, I'm Poko!" She'd pipe up with a small have and adorable smile, her eyes glowing a yellowy orange with a few purple swirls moving in her irises. Since meeting Quill Poko had grown much more accustom to greeting people properly and learning to make new friends, it made her chuckle a bit as she thought about when she had first met him and how much she had despised his very existence. Yes, she had certainly grown up a lot since then, more willing to take help when offered and happy to talk to strangers as long as they seemed somewhat friendly.

    As Quill mentioned Leila, Poko thought for a second, "Yea, she might be upstairs, but..." She stopped, looking down at the ground for a second, her right hand clenched in a fist as it rested on her chin, "She might have gone out earlier." Poko tapped her chin a couple times as she tried to remember if she had seen Leila go out or not. Now that she thought about it she hadn't spoken to her guild master since their last mission saving a bunch of slaves. Suddenly Poko clapped her hands together, smiling once more, "Well only one way to find out!" she exclaimed, gesturing for the silvernette to follow her upstairs.

    Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Bringer of Death
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    It's been a long time... (Intro) Empty Re: It's been a long time... (Intro)

    Post by Arghast 7th May 2018, 6:17 am

    As the lion bounded in to the hall Arghast tensed up ready to fight if necessary his entire stance widening ready to leap forwards or backwards as the situation dictated, he started to bring up his hands and a shout started to form in his throat... That is until the lion shrunk and began to just look up at the new mage Summer.
    The sight of it was almost too much for Arghast the shout dissolving into a deep laugh which rumbled from deep within his chest and burst from him in a wave.
    'Never before have I seen such a mighty creature reduce itself to such a size!'
    Realising that he'd said that out loud and had been rather loud with his humour he quickly blushed furiously.
    'Well no point in just hovering now I should be polite and introduce myself' Arghast thought striding forward. He made sure to not interrupt Kitalpha during her greeting before he made himself more known, such a thing did not do. Though he was far from proper he had a sense of honour which would seem like proprietary behavior in certain situations.
    'Hello my name is Arghast, pleased to meet you'
    Another detail had caught his ear as well she was a fireworks mage? How did that work? He'd only ever seen a few fireworks in the past but never up close.
    He made a mental note to ask once he was better acquainted with her.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:14 pm