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    Breakfast Banter


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    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 19th April 2018, 7:09 pm

    Poko could hear the echo of Kalec's shoes against the wooden floor of the guild's hallways as he ran to catch up to her before giving her a smile as she glanced over to him. "What's an omelette?"  Poko asked curiously, staring in the direction of her guild mate as she blinked a few times in confusion, her eyes sparkling a bright orange. Was this some sort of game, or perhaps he was referring to breakfast in which case it was some form of food she was yet to experience. Regardless she was happy he was speaking to her, that at least meant he wasn't completely infuriated with her, and if this 'omelette' was some form of food he was planning to get perhaps he'd be willing to share a bit for her to try in return for a pancake. Although, she didn't let her hopes grow too high, she wasn't certain that it really was an edible substance quite yet. As she stepped into the guild's dinning room she noted a few other people that had finished their chores for the day already chowing down, they must have either had easy jobs or started incredibly early to be done so fast, or at least Poko believed that to be true. As the blonde went to order her usual breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup and ice-cream she felt a familiar disruption in the air close by,

    Poko turned around with a huge smile as the creature known as Zephyr bounded over towards her, a glint of happiness evident in his purple eyes. The rabbit-like creature with extremely long purple ears and a tail to match took one last leap through the sky, pouncing into Poko's chest for a cuddle. The young girl happily hugged her precious friend, giving him a nice scratch under his chin. "Morning Zeph, did you do your part to help clean today?" Poko inquired with a giggle, knowing full well that if he had been given a job he most certainly would have given whoever he was working with a hard time. The doe-eyed creature simply tilted his head in confusion to her question, evidently he did not partake in the cleaning duties, which was probably for the best in Poko's opinion. The young girl quickly ordered a bowl of fruit, berries and regional grasses for her fluffy companion from the kitchen, before turning to Kalec, "This is Zephyr." She would say, stretching her arms out while holding the bunny-like creature up from under his forelegs towards the blue-haired male. Zephyr eyed the male suspiciously, tilting his head slightly, along with his small, yellow horn that protruded from the centre of his head, while the purple tuft of hair on top flopped to the side.

    Once they had finished ordering breakfast Poko would make her way over to sit down in the back of the dining hall, preferring to stay out of the gaze of the other members. While she always tried her best to get along with everyone it didn't mean she enjoyed being the centre of attention. The blonde waited to see if her new friend would come to sit with her or if he had other plans.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 33
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 20th April 2018, 4:24 pm

    Kalec stared at his new blonde friend with a look of confusion on his face. "You're kidding me right? You don't know what an omelette is?" He would ask as they continued their walk to the guild kitchen. Kalec shook his head in disbelieve at the girls food knowledge. He already knew what he was going to get for breakfast. He was going to introduce Poko to a monster omelette that he always ordered for breakfast. "Don't worry you're going to learn today what they are." He boldly said as they went and entered the serving line.

    Kalec was impressed that the kitchen was filled with so many people already. While impressed he was also filled with a little bit of sadness that all these people beat them in completing their chores. Kalec began to beat himself up over it. He knew that if it wasn't for him being late/lazy, they probably would have been eating by now. Kalec stopped beating himself up once he noticed a small rabbit like creature bounced it's way right into Poko's arms. Kalec tilted his head at the site of the creature, he knew rabbits didn't have any horns yet this one did. Poko extended her arms out holding it. Kalec's first reaction to the rabbit when she introduced it was an expression that would send the message to anyone who saw it "What the hell is it?" but Kalec would keep try and play it off. He reached out and scratched it's chin as he had watched Poko do so. "Nice to meet you Zephyr, I'm Kalec." he would say as they continued to walk in line.

    Kalec had put in an order for the biggest omelette creation he could think of. He ordered an Omelette that contained diced up ham,cheese,tomatoes,bacon and sausage. The omelette was so full of ingredients that folding it over was a huge pain. The chef got frustrated to the point where they just picked it up and slapped it down on the plate. The sides of it were completely busted open by the edges of the bacon cutting into it. Kalec looked down at his plate like a small child eyed a candy store. Kalec's face was full of excitement and joy. He had worked up a massive apatite cleaning the hot springs today, but here in a few minutes he was going to solve that problem too. While walking to go to a table he picked up two oranges, a glass of orange juice and some hot sauce for his omelette.

    Kalec scanned around the room looking for a place to sit, that's when he noticed Poko had just sat down a table in the back of the room. He followed suit and walked over to the table. He carefully sat his tray down in front of her. "Is this seat taken?" He would ask in a smart ass tone as he took it upon himself and sat down across from her. Kalec began to twirl his small bottle of hot sauce around letting it seamlessly dance between his fingers. He spun the cap off and began to douse half of it with hot sauce. "This my dear, is an omelette." He proudly said as he tore open his packet of utensils. "Want to try it?" he would ask her before he took a bite of it himself. It was very rare that Kalec would let anyone have the first bite of any of his food. He made an exception this time.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 20th April 2018, 7:13 pm

    Poko was glad to see her new friend had chosen to sit with her, however, she hid this behind a mask of seriousness simply stating, "Yes actually, I was saving it for Xiolan." the blonde would blink a few times before giving him a quick smirk and sticking out her tongue to show she was kidding. As he took his seat Poko would take a bite of her pancakes, letting the syrup flow over her tongue, savouring the glorious flavour of a meal well deserved before allowing the food to be swallowed. Meanwhile Zephyr was crouched on all fours, resting on the table, with his head in his bowl of nuts, fruits, berries and grasses, occasionally looking up at the stranger with his purple eyes as he chewed.

    Poko eyed the man's meal curiously, she had seen a few others with similar dishes before, but none quite as large or stuffed as this, was this an omelette? As he began to douse it in the spicy, hot sauce Poko's eyes grew wide, why would you drench it in sauce? That seemed like destroying the essence of what the chef had prepared for him. When he offered her some, she of course took the opportunity, after all she had been wanting to try it since he mentioned the name. However, she wasn't sure about all the sauce that it had been coated in, she wasn't particularly used to spicy foods, her palate more suited for sweet and sour flavours. "I-I would love to try some." She would respond hesitantly, but with a happy smile on her face.

    If he was to serve her some as soon as the hot sauce touched her tongue, she would completely burn up, her face turning red and sweating profusely, she would then scream, and grab whatever liquids were close by to douse her tongue, trying to remove the heat of the sauce. In this instance, it would be both her own apple juice as well as Kalec's orange juice. Once able to speak she would stand up, arms flailing and yell, "Are you trying to kill me!?" with burning red eyes, loud enough for the whole dining hall to turn in their direction as well as make Zephyr turn to face her concerned before going back to his own meal. Poko would then calm herself down, blushing as she realised the room's attention was on her. As she sat back down she would apologise  for drinking his beverage with a curt, "Sorry about your juice."  but  remain staring at him menacingly as to why he would give her such a horrible experience.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 23rd April 2018, 2:46 pm

    Kalec held in his laughter as Poko sprung up out of her chair yelling, about her mouth being on fire. Suddenly a piercing cold jolt ran it's way up the blue haired man's body. He turned his head to look at everyone that began to stare in their direction. He flashed a half ass smile at his fellow guild mates who were shooting weird looks at the pair. While his attention was directed at the onlookers, he didn't notice that Poko had grabbed his orange juice and downed it all. Poko's shout caused him to readjust his attention. She accused him of trying to kill her, which was hardly the case. Kalec left half of the omelette with out any hot sauce on it. It wasn't his fault she grabbed a piece of the spicy side. "Woah calm down princess,no one is trying to kill you. You took a piece of the hot side. This side over here is plain." He would say to here in a calm and kind tone of voice as he would point to the plain side of the omelette.

    "Sorry about my juice? what did you do to my juice?" He would ask as he looked down at his glass and noticed that it was empty. "It's not a big deal, I'll go get us some more. Just watch my food, and I'll be back in minute." Kalec would say as he winked at the blonde haired girl and walked back up into the line to get more drinks for the both of them. He grabbed more apple and orange juice, and began to make his way back over to the table.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 24th April 2018, 8:35 pm

    Poko's tongue still felt like it was on fire, but at least it was bearable now. She glared at Kalec as he called her 'princess' she wasn't sure why but it irked her. However, she was glad he wasn't upset about his juice, his wink as he got up making her roll her now calm and peaceful blue eyes as he went to fetch a refill. Poko decided to avoid touching any more of the omelette, perhaps she would try it again some other time, without the hot sauce, but for now she would stick to her pancakes. Carefully she cut a slice out of the top one on the stack of five and shoved it in her mouth, swirling the maple syrup around her mouth till it covered the entirety of the inside before swallowing. She repeated this process a few times, removing any remaining heat from the sauce so she could fully enjoy the rest of her meal. At least she knew now to avoid spicy foods, she would be sure to let Mizumi, the guild's chef, know in the future.

    As Kalec returned with their drinks Poko would smirk and quip, "Thank you, my knight in shining armour." in return for the previous princess comment he had made, before taking a sip. The duo had most certainly gotten off to a rough start, but the blonde girl hoped to smooth things out, she didn't want there to be any issues between herself and fellow guild mates, she wanted to think of them as her family, not her foes. "So, what made you want to join Silver Wolf?" Poko asked, seriously before taking another mouthful of her pancakes, some syrup running down the side of her mouth. It was always a good question to break the ice, or at least she felt it was, everyone always had their own reasons and it was interesting to learn about them.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 33
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 25th April 2018, 7:23 pm

    When Kalec returned to their table, he was greeted by Poko calling him "Her knight in shining armour." He smiled at her as he sat the apple juice down on the table. "It tis my honor to serve." He would say as he let out a hearty laugh. Kalec sat down and began to eat his food. Kalec would become more noticeably red in the face with each bite of his omelette. He took a minute and paused as he slowly exhaled out of his mouth. His mouth grew hotter and hotter with each passing bite of his food. He began to think that perhaps Poko wasn't lying about his food being hot. He thought to himself as he began to take large chugs from his orange juice. He sat the fork down and eyed Poko as he took a moment to let his mouth cool.

    He leaned back in his chair crossing his arms behind his head. He smirked at her question of why he joined the guild. He brought his arms down on the table still keeping them crossed. "My, my aren't we the curious one." He would tease her as he flashed a toothy grin. "Well..that's an easy enough story to tell I guess."Kalec said as he leaned forward a bit over his arms. "Well for years. I traveled alone with some pirates. I loved the adventures and all the traveling we did, but my favorite part was the treasure hunting." Kalec would answer truthfully as he paused and took another deep breath before talking again. "After some troubles with the pirate crew I was running with. I decided that it would be best to do some work helping out others with their jobs. While I tried to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. Thus I came across a member of this guild who was in a rough spot. I helped them out of a really tough spot. After it was all said and done. We began talking about the guild life. Not lying I was instantly hooked. I mean who could pass up the chance to have incredible adventures everyday, not to mention I gained a family of weirdos when I joined. That's another big thing that was missing for me." Kalec would finish talking and took another drink of his orange juice.

    Kalec sat back in his chair and looked at Poko trying to read her expression as he finished talking. He began to think of all the people he shared his story with. Once they heard his story most of them if not all distanced themselves from him. It was a typical pattern he began to notice. He watched Poko's face carefully waiting for any sign that his past had freaked her out.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 25th April 2018, 8:04 pm

    Poko watched Kalec as he seemed to have some trouble with his food, almost as if he was struggling with the heat, she didn't comment but simply sipped her juice and continued to eat her pancakes. She listened intently to the male's story, so he was a pirate huh? That's pretty interesting, the young girl had only met pirates a couple times before and the last time the West Fiore Trading Company had blown up their ship and everyone on it. The blonde girl wondered what kind of pirate he would have been, he didn't seem like the kind that could brutally murder someone, but then again, she probably didn't appear that way either. His interest in treasure hunting was what made him ultimately join, huh? Well they were known for researching artifacts and someone would have to collect these and be the brawn, so it made sense. She could completely understand the feeling of family, before joining Silver Wolf Poko had only made one single friend that wasn't Zephyr, having somewhere to finally call home and feel like she belonged was an amazing feeling.

    "So pirate huh? Why don't you have a peg leg, hooked hand, or eye patch then?" Poko asked playfully, sticking her tongue out as she smirked, her eyes swirling to a mischievous pale green. Honestly she'd never really spoken with a pirate or ex-pirate, she was intrigued as to what exactly they did. Poko had only ever heard the bad repercussions of their attacks, but nothing more, she had always wondered if it was all fun and games for them or more serious.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 12th May 2018, 8:02 am

    Kalec began to chuckle as Poko asked her questions about why he wasn't missing parts of his body. Kalec would flash Poko a large toothy grin. He leaned forward on the table getting closer to her. "well here's the thing. Someone had to be the handsome one out of all those slobs." He would answer chuckling slightly as he pulled himself back into his seat. Kalec never really gave it any thought on why he didn't have a hooked hand or a peg leg, or any other things that associated with the whole pirate stereo types.

    In his past Kalec was mainly the one who cleaned the deck of the ship. He never really played a huge role in their plans on looting and plundering. Kalec leaned back in his seat day dreaming of his old adventures with the group. He got to the memory of when he was leaving them and he quickly shook his head dismissing the memory. He didn't quite leave on such good terms with them. He focused his gaze back to Poko and stared into her ever changing colorful eyes. "So what's your story? what did you do before joining the guild?" He would ask in a friendly tone of voice.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 12th May 2018, 9:17 am

    Poko was hesitant at first, when it came to her past she was somewhat ashamed, but he had just told her that he was a pirate so he might just be able to understand her circumstances somewhat. "Let's see." She started, a serious thinking face on, "My parents, whoever they are, abandoned me in a village, in which I was hated for the longest time due to an engraving on this pocket watch." She took a brass item from her pocket, sliding it across the table for him to see if he wished. It possessed a simple pattern on the front, with two wings on top that moved when you clicked in the button to open it, much like an angel would spread their wings to fly. Inside it had the clock face and a mirror in the lid, if one was to turn it over they could see the inscription on the back that read:

    "Hold it together, birds of a feather, Nothing but lies and crooked wings. Oh. Fly over me evil angel. Open your wings evil angel."

    "Because of the words written on it and it being the only item left with me the villagers all though of me as some cursed child. They were going to leave me to rot, but fortunately one lady was kind enough to raise me as her own, as her own two month old child had unfortunately passed away a couple months prior." Poko's eyes turned a dark blue as she thought of the woman, sadness and guild washing over her face, "Growing up, I was hated by all other than the one I grew to call my mother, eventually I discovered that the inscription was actually a spell, that only I could use. It summons Xiolan, the one I got to help clean the hot springs earlier." She noted having a few more bites of her breakfast before continuing her story. "Well long story short, about ten years ago I lost my temper and ordered Xiolan to destroy the town and all the people in it." Her face darkened, "In my anger, I forgot about my 'mother'... When I found her slain as well... Well I didn't take things too well, not to mention I was still a child and now I was all alone."

    Poko looked to be on the verge of tears, a few threatening her dark blue eyes, "I ended up wandering endlessly, surviving on whatever I could find to eat, eventually I met Zephyr and he helped me learn magic." The blonde forced a small smile, her voice wavering as she began petting her fuzzy little friend, he really was a godsend, in more ways than one. He had given her a friend, a master and a family all in one. Poko found herself lost in thought as she contemplated her past, she hadn't personally been the one to kill them, but it was certainly her fault. She had never forgiven herself for letting her emotions get the best of her, even if they had been terrible and cruel people that hated her for no good reason, in her mind no one death was one punishment not even the worst people deserved.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 12th May 2018, 7:19 pm

    Kalec was spooked at hearing what all Poko had gone through. Kalec wasn't terrified of her actions that she took, but he was more spooked at our their life stories were practically reflections of one another. He leaned forward in his chair. He slowly turned his head checking to see if anyone had overheard her. He slowly leaned over the table making eye contact with her, as her eyes changed. He could tell that her eyes began to swell but she didn't shed a tear.

    "I'm sorry to hear that you had such a rough life, N..no one should go through that.Trust me you're..." He said as a look of pain and sadness began to form on his face. He stopped speaking he didn't exactly know where to tell her that he's been in the same boat. He sat still and waited for her to finish her story. While she continued her story Kalec sat with the same look of sadness upon his face as he tried to cover up some of it, by crossing his hands infront of his face.

    Kalec nodded when she spoke of the evil angel Xiolan. He remembered her saying that name earlier outside of the one of the hotspring rooms. Kalec now knew who she meant, when she told him Xiolan took care of it. He would continue listening to her speak. Poko's speech pattern began to change as she revealed more of her story to him. It was then that he knew. He should share his similar story. Kalec never really liked sharing his past.When asked about it, he would always just share a small piece of it. His past was dark and painful,and it grew more so every time he told the story.

    He took a deep breath and pressed his palms on his eyes to wipe away the water that had began to slowly creep out from his saddened eyes. "Thank you for sharing your painful story with me. I myself know how hard it must have been to tell it." He would say with sincerity in his voice. Kalec paused and leaned back a bit, looking around making sure no one else had been trying to listen to the two talk. He wasn't worried about them hearing Poko, he was more worried about people hearing his. Kalec turned his attention back toward Poko his eyes and facial expression was now a more serious nature. "Earlier when I told you that I used to be a pirate.."He paused and took another quick glance around the room. "That was only partly true..." He would whisper to her. His actions would come off as him being paranoid that someone might be around, that he didn't want hearing him.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Pokomon 12th May 2018, 8:11 pm

    Poko wiped her eyes with her sleeve, clearing them of the few tears that were threatening to run down her face. She sniffed a bit, clearing her sinuses so she could breathe a little easier before looking back up at Kalec. The blonde noticed he was getting sort of twitchy, like he was afraid they'd be overheard, well that was always possible in such an open space such as the dining hall. It hadn't even occurred to her that someone might have been listening to their conversation, "Um... Please don't tell anyone about what I just told you." She requested, averting her eyes for a second, "I've sort of only ever told Leila before now and I don't want rumours to get out and reach the ears of those that I consider my friends before I have a chance to personally tell them." Poko explained, hoping that he'd understand, after all she had only ever told most of them half the truth, she'd mention the village and leaving it ten years ago, but that was about the extent of it. She wasn't even sure why she felt compelled to tell the man in front of her, till today they had basically been strangers. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about his company just made her feel safe.

    When Poko noticed he was seemingly getting more paranoid by the second, she realised that it may be best for them to move, "Um, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She reassured him, she didn't want the blue haired male to feel like he had to share his past with her just because she had. Everyone had their reasons for keeping their secrets and she was more than willing to accept that. She looked down at her plate and noticed she had finished her meal at this point, her stomach feeling nice and full, it was a great change from being out in the middle of nowhere, living off of whatever the forest provided. The blonde was suddenly struck by an idea, "If you want we can go somewhere more private for you to explain." She suggested with a small smile, they could just go up to one of their dormitories after all and discuss things there without the fear of anyone listening in at all.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Breakfast Banter Empty Re: Breakfast Banter

    Post by Kalec 14th May 2018, 6:17 am

    Poko asked him not to tell anyone else about her past. Kalec could relate to that. He knew that most people would judge their actions and not fully understand the circumstances of the situation she was in. He knew that people had judged his past many a time. Kalec began thinking to himself as he wanted to tell her a bit more of his story. He thought that anyone over hearing would be some of the judgemental people. He lowered his hands down from his face and took a drink of his juice.

    "It's alright, If I can't say it out loud, then I need to work on my apparent trust issues with the guild. Which I have no trust issues." He would say as if he was trying to explain himself. The idea of fully opening up to someone was a new concept for him, and he didn't really know how to go about it. He politely shook his head dismissing her idea on moving somewhere more secluded. He scooted up closer to the table and leaned in. "Now if I tell you this, I don't want you judging me for it." He asked her in a serious tone, yet his voice was mixed with bits of fear. Kalec wasn't sure how she would react.

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