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    Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]


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    Completed Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 15th April 2018, 6:43 pm

    Poko stretched in the armchair she had unofficially claimed as her own that sat in one corner of the library she loved so much. She looked out the window to see the sun had just started rising, she really needed to start heading to her room when it got late, rather than sitting up all night reading till she passed out. Oh well, it mattered not, she jumped up and made her way to the kitchen, ready to order her usual pancake breakfast, or perhaps she would try something new today instead? She contemplated the idea, but as she stepped out of the library she noticed many of her guild mates rushing around, sweeping and dusting. What was going on? It was still so early, far too early to be working in Poko's mind.

    The blonde girl yawned, walking through the halls when she finally got to the kitchen, to find a message saying it was closed till cleaning was complete. Wait? What was this? She read over the words carefully.

    "Dear Members,

           Breakfast will be served at 10am, rather than opening at the break of dawn due to spring cleaning. You will also not be able to receive your meal till you have completed your share of the work. To find what job you have been assigned please read the table below.

    Thank you in Advance,
    Silver Wolf Staff

    What was this!?! PREPOSTEROUS! She had to clean before she could eat? Her stomach growled, she was almost ready to start sobbing, but she held herself together, it was only fair that she did her part to help the guild she loved. She looked over the table to find she had been assigned to clean the hot springs, her attitude doing a complete one-eighty, she loved the hot springs with all her heart so she had no issues having to ensure they were squeaky clean. However, her eyes scanned the table a bit more to see she had a partner to help her do so, 'Kalec' She had no idea who this was. In fact she had never even heard of the name, but she shrugged it off, heading to the hot springs, she may as well get out the cleaning supplies and start, she didn't want to be without breakfast after all.

    [WC:383 | Total: 383/500]

    Last edited by Pokomon on 19th April 2018, 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 15th April 2018, 10:08 pm

    Kalec had found him a nice quite relaxing place to lay down and take nap. He had been up for several hours already, before hardly anyone else in the guild was up. He either got up early or was just coming in from the night before, knowing him it was latter. While sleeping comfortably, he drifted further and further into his dreams. Whilst he dreamed peacefully in a nice cushioned chair in the guild hall, he was snoring as loud as a bear.

    His snores rang through out the hall of the guild. Anyone who walked past would stop and be a bit freaked out as to where the hell the bear was, and why was there bear in the guild hall. Only to discover the sleeping bluenette. While the members of the guild worked to clean the guild hall. One member began to grow irritated at the fact Kalec was sleeping, while they did all the work. The dark haired guild member went and grabbed a bucket of cold water, a sponge and other cleaning supplies and came back. He slammed the metal bucket on the wooden table trying to startle the sleeping Kalec, but to no avail did he wake up instead, he simply rolled over putting his face into the back cushion of the chair. However before doing so Kalec while still asleep wiped his mouth and gave a slight chuckle before spouting out "baka" then back to snoring he went.

    The dark haired man's face grew angrier as his faced scrunched up forming wrinkles along his brow line. He picked up the dry sponge and dunked it into the bucket a few times and with out hesitation hurled it at Kalec lodging it in his gaping maw while he snored. Kalec choked on the water that began to trickle down his throat from the nasty sponge. He quickly woke up spitting the sponge out back across the table sliding back to the bucket. "What the hell man, you trying to kill me?!" he shouted in anger. Kalec was pissed at the fact his fellow guild member tried an assassination attempt on him, and with a sponge at that. dark haired guy shook his head at Kalec's stupidity. "No, actually I'm trying to clean these tables off, so we can be done with our cleaning and go get some food. Everyone else is cleaning so you need to pitch in and go do your share of the work too." he said in a calm tone as he grabbed the sponge and laid it in the bucket of water.

    Kalec stood up wiping his mouth, still coughing a little here and there. He slowly walked around the table glaring at the man. He placed his hand on the sponge picking up a few inches off the waters surface. "Next time try waking me up like a normal person, instead of trying to drown me with a friggin sponge."He said with a voice still ringing with anger as he shook the wet sponge at the man purposely throwing water at him and making a bigger mess for him to clean up.

    "Right, and next time maybe you'll be able to make it to your own room and sleep there."  he shot back at Kalec. Kalec smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder "Aw don't be so jealous that you didn't get invited to go party." He snarked back at him flashy him a toothy grin. "So where am I cleaning up at?"he asked in a calmly manner. once again the guy just shook his head and released a long drawn out sigh. "Your job is to help clean the hot springs out." No sooner did he finish talking Kalec spoke up. "Are you kidding me right meow, that's going to take all day. I'm not going to get any breakfast, or lunch for that matter." he complained throwing the sponge in the bucket causing water to burst out and splash both himself and his guild mate.

    While wiping the water droplets from his face he spoke clearly"If you would let me finish, then you would have known that you're not working alone shit head. You're working with Poko, and unlike some people around here she's already gotten a head start on her task. I actually feel sorry for the poor girl getting stuck with a slacker like you." he said just laying it all out there on how he felt about Kalec's behavior so far since his arrival at the guild.

    Kalec's face slowly dropped as he darted his eyes away from him. "Yeah, well I didn't ask for your damn opinion." He spoke softly still trying to hide the fact that his words cut into him deep. Kalec wasn't one for letting people know how he felt, he always tried to hide it but that time he couldn't catch himself and he let a bit of them escape from him. Kalec grabbed the bucket of water, or what was left in the bucket at this point. He started to walk away from him and before he got to far away he turned and with a sorrowful expression on his face he said his thanks and made his way to the hot springs.

    [WC]l 876/500

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 15th April 2018, 10:54 pm

    Poko thought it over, she knew there were multiple hot springs to clean and they also had the locker rooms to do, the blonde girl looked at her hand, counting them out with her fingers, "Public ones for visitors and the like there were... 1 for the women...2 for the men...3 for shared...4 for the guild." Poko groaned as she realised that the job was going to be a lot bigger than she had initially anticipated. Her blue eyes scanned the halls, before checking each of the springs to see if her partner for this job was anywhere in sight. Alas, it did not appear that he was awake yet, well she may as well get started, sooner this was done, sooner she could enjoy those delicious, mouthwatering pancakes. Her mind began to wander, daydreaming blissfully as she thought of numerous other sweets as she picked up her sponge, dipping it into the soapy water and began scrubbing the locker rooms.

    Poko had decided it was best to start with the parts that were inside the guild before going outside to the springs themselves. For the most part the hot springs were kept pretty clean and were checked daily, the crystal clear water made it easy to ensure no litter or dirt was left within them. However, it was important to ensure that any dirt, mud and snow was removed from the stones around the springs to keep them this way. Poko found her job to be pretty simple, after she had scrubbed down the floors, she had started wiping down the lockers and benches, ensuring they were sparkly clean, she then stepped outside, letting the snow fall and melt on her face, while she felt the hot steamy air from the springs touch her skin. Ah, the feeling was always so magical, no matter what the circumstances, she always enjoyed a nice relaxing dip in the naturally heated water.

    Poko quickly snapped out of it, she really needed to concentrate on the job at hand, so she grabbed a nearby broom and tried to collect as much of the natural litter around the place as possible, piling it up before collecting it in a trash bag. Of course with the never ending snow around, the stones were incredibly wet and slippery. Occasionally Poko nearly slipped over, but managed to catch herself with some compressed air, before slamming into the hard stone floors. Happy with her work she went back inside, well that was the women's hot spring done. Her belly rumbled. She was getting so hungry now, this work was really building up her appetite, no wonder they used it against them. Poko walked out of the spring and into the hall, looking at the doors, there were still so many to do, and where was this alleged partner she was supposed to have? Could he be completely skipping out or was it possible he just wasn't in the guild base at the moment?

    Poko considered summoning one of her familiars to come help her but they all seemed like awful ideas. If she summoned Shisa he would simply laugh at her and refuse, Yuuto would happily help but his lack of hands would make most cleaning tasks impossible, Zephyr was still snoozing and probably cause more chaos and only make her take longer. Lastly there was Xiolan, the angel, if she called her she'd be forced to obey, but the last couple times she asked her to do something unrelated to combat she was completely furious and she no doubt have a few choice words to say to Poko about the whole thing. The blonde girl sighed, "Oh well, guess I'll just get to work, no point standing around..." she mumbled to herself as she shuffled towards the next door. She was about to open it when she heard someone coming down the hall, tilting her head, her eyes orange with curiosity, she looked in the direction of the sound to see a blue haired male that she didn't recognise come around the corner. Was he perhaps this Kalec fellow that she was supposed to work with? Poko wondered, silently staring at him as he approached.

    [WC: 698 | Total Complete]

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 15th April 2018, 11:21 pm

    Kalec still looked a bit down in the dumps after hearing just a little bit of how his guild mate felt about him, sure maybe he was just upset that Kalec wasn't cleaning or that he stayed out all night living it up in the local bars before trekking back to the guild hall. He had no time to worry about if that was really the way he felt. Kalec had a job to do, and after getting yelled out like that it only served as a means to motivate him. He wanted to finish his chores faster than that guy, just to prove him wrong about the ideas he had of Kalec.

    Walking down the hall with bucket in hand. He noticed a blonde girl just standing outside of one of the other hot springs door. He tilted his head in the opposite direction of hers trying to figure out what she was doing. He turned while still moving to look behind him to see if maybe someone else was walking behind him, yet no one was there. He turned back around just in time to be a few feet away from her. While taking another look at her, eyeing her up and down. He noticed that her cleaning supplies looked used, like she just got done cleaning. He also noticed that the color of her eyes were orange. He had never seen someone with orange colored eyes before, he found this to be pretty awesome.

    "I know I'm pretty handsome but if you keep staring at me like that, you're going to burn a hole through me." he said jokingly as he smiled at her. "You wouldn't happen to be..now what did he say her name was...was it Yoko?yeah that was it. You're Yoko right?" He asked her with a bit of excitement to his voice. He knew what her name was, he just couldn't match the name to the face. Plus he needed to try and get his mind off of the earlier situation and he found that the best way to do that was by kidding around. He still knew what his job was but there was no harm in having a little fun while doing it.

    [WC:371] [Still need to clean a hot spring]

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 15th April 2018, 11:56 pm

    Poko blushed a bit as she turned away from him, her eyes switching magically to match the pink colour of her cheeks, "I-I wasn't staring, I just zoned out!" she stuttered in annoyance, which only grew when he got her name wrong, her eyes deepening from the light pink to a pale red. Did he not even read the message? "It's Poko." She glowered as her brow furrowed, turning to face him only to realise she was just staring straight at his stomach, making her narrow her eyes, goddamn tall people, she looked up to meet his light brown eyes with her irritated red ones, "I assume you're Kalec. If so go clean the male room, it's that one." Poko huffed, pointing towards one of the doors on the other side of the hall. The blonde girl wasn't exactly sure what about this guy ticked her off so much, she had gotten quite good recently at dealing with new people and she got people's names wrong all the time.

    In fact Poko was quite good at zoning out and not hearing people introducing themselves properly, one could even call her the master of getting names incorrect and making a fool out of herself. Maybe it was just the fact she was super hungry, but her precious pancakes would sadly have to wait till they completed the task at hand. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Poko asked staring at him with contempt, waiting to ensure he entered the hot spring before going to do her own, no way she was going to let him slack off, she didn't want to miss breakfast and possibly her lunch as well. Maybe she would have to summon Xiolan after all, but that thought was less than appealing.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 16th April 2018, 12:33 am

    Kalec gave a slight chuckle as Poko turned her head away from him. He thought it was cute that he caught her off guard like that. When she turned back around to face him, he noticed that her eyes had changed colors. Kalec wasn't expecting it at all, in fact he was caught off guard by it and simply just raised a brow and blinked at her trying to figure out what the hell just happened, was he seeing things right.

    "Easy there, I know your name. I was just playing around. another guild mate told me your name, after he rudely woke me up." He explained as he tossed up his thumb pointing behind him toward where he had just came from. "My name is Kalec, that's correct and it's nice to meet you Poko."He said in a smooth friendly tone of voice as he was trying to smooth things over. He didn't want to start building up his reputation for pissing guild mates off, that's not who he was.

    He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to smooth things back out with his newly acquainted guild member, so ignoring her demands for him to go clean the mens hot spring. He had an even better idea on how to take care of both his desire to prove that bastard wrong and to help out Poko. "All though that is a good idea Poko. I don't think it's what i'm going to be doing, so come on follow me." he said as he opened up the door that was directly in front of them and took the cleaning supplies out of hand and walked through the door.

    "I know you cleaned the first one all by yourself, and I'm really sorry for not being here at the same time as you were. So to make it up to you, I got these next two all by myself." He told her as he walked toward the middle of the room and turned around and faced her sitting all the supplies down in the middle of the floor. "So why don't you take a break for a bit and just come sit in the chair in here and keep me company while I clean. I promise I'm really a nice guy." he said as he unzipped his black and blue long sleeved jacket and placed it on the back of the chair that was pushed into a wooden desk that was kept in the room so some guest could come and relax. While relaxing some would even write out letters or cure their writers block while visiting these hot springs.

    Kalec stood there in his dark blue tank top and black track pants and his all blue high top sneakers. "I'm fairly new to this guild, so it would be nice to pick your brain and hear some cool stories." he said as he grabbed one of the sponges dipping it into the water. He looked back at her and smiled "Sorry but that's how it's going to work." he told her as he moved the supplies to the outside of the room next to the hot spring so she couldn't just walk in and grab and walk away.

    He crouched down on the floor and began running back and forth in straight lines. When he came to a halt, he would get on his hands and knees and scrub it until it was completely gone. Kalec did this several times until he made his way to the hot spring. He stopped and emptied the water out of the buckets and filled them back up with clean water. He took off his shoes and socks, rolling his pant legs up till they were above his knees. He looked into the hot water and noticed that there were several spots. He slowly made his way in trying not to get his clothes wet.

    "Ah man who ever used this last was nasty as hell" he shouted out to her.


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 16th April 2018, 1:13 am

    Poko closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to eliminate her frustration as she properly introduced himself, when she opened them again, they were their usual calm, bright blue. "Fine." the blonde relented, allowing herself to sit down, relax and take some more deep breaths. Poko decided while she was being forced to rest she may as well take this chance to observe her guild member more thoroughly, she herself didn't particularly want to be on bad terms with anyone, so she would need to apologise as well as some point, but that could wait for now. Poko watched him take of his jacket, blushing slightly as she thought he was going to remove more, but thankful when he did not. She watched as he meticulously cleaned, honestly quite impressed at his attitude, perhaps he wasn't as lazy as she had first though, maybe he had simply overslept. Deciding she didn't in fact hate him she decided that now would be the best time to apologise.

    "Listen. I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry and I think that got the better of me." she confessed with sincerity, as she pushed some of her blonde hair behind her ears so she could look at him properly. "I've only been apart of the guild for a short time myself but, everyone has been so welcoming, it doesn't sit right with me to not treat you the same way. Honestly, you picked a great place to join, no one will judge you for the choices you make here, you can do as you please as long as you do your part of course. We're basically a pack full of lone wolves, I guess you could say. Everyone has their own reasons for being here, and those reasons are respected regardless of who you are." Poko admitted reassuringly. After that the blonde girl went quite silent as her mind drifted off, thinking of all the people she'd gotten to know just because by some miracle she had met Leila in the forest not too long ago. However, she snapped out of her daydream like state when Kalec shouted about the spring.

    "Well this is the communal spring, god knows what happens in here." Poko remarked dryly, to Kalec's mention of it being nasty. She honestly had never been in this room before today, but it was pretty much the same as the others from what she could tell, she had a feeling the men's room was probably going to be even filthier. The women's one she had cleaned earlier had already been near spotless before she had scrubbed it, so it hadn't really been that difficult and the guild members only room was generally pretty tidy for the most part as her guild mates generally treated their home with respect. "Are you sure you don't want me to help? I feel pretty bad sitting here waiting, plus me helping will definitely speed things up." Poko asked, but before he could reply she had already removed her shoes and socks before tying her lovely, long locks with a blue ribbon before grabbing some supplies to help out. As she was already wearing shorts and shirt, she didn't have to worry too much about the rest of her clothing getting wet, so she simply started helping, not taking no for an answer as she started scrubbing something questionable, that she would prefer remained a mystery to her, off the stones surrounding the spring.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 16th April 2018, 10:42 am

    Kalec listened to her as she spoke, he stood upright looking at her as she began to apologize. "You don't need to apologize Poko, It's really only my fault, I was late and you cleaned a whole room by yourself with out my help. So I'm the one who needs to apologize to you. you have every right to be upset with me."He said with sincerity ringing out through his spoken words. He filled up the nearby wooden bucket and splashed water along the walk way, to wash away some of the mystery filth that had built up.

    Returning the bucket back to it's spot, he picked up the broom sized scrub brush and began scrubbing the inside of the hot spring. He held back and moved at a more cautious pace as to not splash water all over the place. While still scrubbing the spring, he wasn't paying attention the blonde. Kalec still thought that she was sitting taking a break, it was when he went to push the scrub brush again that he noticed there was now a pair of legs wading in the water with him. He slowly brought his gaze up to meet the girls. Her eyes were now a bright blue color. Kalec started to feel his body temperature rise, it was either due to the hot spring or the fact that he was the one who was blushing now.

    He couldn't help but stare off into her eyes as if he was diving deeper into a bottomless pool. "Y..Yeah I wouldn't mind the help to speed things up." Kalec stammered as he found himself tripping over his words as he was still staring at her eyes. It wasn't until she turned away and started cleaning did his trance like state fade. Blinking multiple times and shaking his head try and shake the clouds away that were in his head. Kalec hopped out of the water and scrubbed the rest of the pathway around the spring and used the brush to get rid of any excess filth or slimy substances that tended to get on the rocks from time to time.

    "Alright Poko, I think we finished it up pretty nicely." He boasted about their cleaning skills. If one would have looked at the room from the door, they could probably see shimmering spots from the lights on how well they cleaned everything up. Putting back the scrub brush into a tucked away position in the corner of the room, where he had gotten it from. He walked over and picked up his socks and shoes slipping them on. "How do you want to go about cleaning the next rooms?"He would ask her. He figured that she probably didn't want to clean the men's side, seeing as how it was known for being one of the worst besides the common one. He grabbed his cleaning supplies and waited for Poko's response.

    [WC:Met l Task:Completed]

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 16th April 2018, 6:03 pm

    Poko found it a bit odd when he was staring at her, his face had gone quite a deep shade of red, maybe the heat of the hot springs was getting to him? Yea that had to be it. Nodding to herself in agreement she simply went back to scrubbing the bristles of the brush roughly against the stone in an attempt to remove the stains. When they were finally complete, Poko scanned the room, proud of their work, it hadn't taken them too long with both of them working together, perhaps they wouldn't miss their breakfast after all. That thought brought a small twinkle to the blonde girl's eyes as she reminisced over how delicious yesterday's pancakes had been and how much more rewarding today's might be.

    When Kalec questioned her on what she wanted to do about the next two rooms she had to think a little bit. If they split up Poko wouldn't have to worry about entering the male's quarters, but at the same time it would probably take Kalec far longer to scrub everything down there than it would for her to complete the guild only one. The blonde wasn't keen on it, but it would probably be for the best if they worked together to get them both done, besides that way she could ensure that her partner did a satisfactory job, while he had proven himself useful since coming to help, she didn't completely trust him to do the work alone just quite yet. "We'll do them together." she proclaimed with a small nod, as she folded her arms, ready to dispute if he wished otherwise. "That way we'll be done at the same time and we can enjoy our breakfast together." she quickly added, as a means of persuasion that her idea was certainly for the best, "Besides," a small smile formed on her face, "I couldn't really enjoy my pancakes if I knew you were still busy scrubbing away." and with that Poko gave him a large grin before turning to grab their cleaning supplies and heading off towards the male hot springs, yet another room she had previously only caught glimpses of before.

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 16th April 2018, 10:46 pm

    He stood up from picking up the supplies and looked at Poko. He was kind of caught off guard that she wanted to help with the guys hot spring room, usually..well the girls He knew always threw a fit over just the smell of a guys room or the way they left things. He nodded his head a few times and pushed his lips out a bit. He was truly impressed with her bravery wanting to venture into the mens side. He watched as she crossed her arms, he had a feeling something was up just by her body language. He chose not to ask what was bothering her. He ignored it when she began to speak. After she finished talking, he figured that "no" wasn't going to be an answer she would take.He knew he had to just deal with that fact. "You're right, we did clean this room up pretty fast." he added in. He didn't quite hear the last bit about the two getting breakfast together or rather maybe he chose to ignore it for now, it was most likely the former.

    As soon as he saw that smile he had a hunch something was following behind it, he just wasn't sure. Kalec was prepared though for what she was about to say. He gave a slight chuckle to himself as she finished speaking. Now it was his turn to return the playful joke back at her. "Aw, well I certainly want to make such a cute face sad." Kalec would say to her as he would make his way to the men's hot spring. He was laughing to himself all the way to the room. He had no clue what was going on in her head, but if she wanted to play like that then the game was on.


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 17th April 2018, 3:12 am

    "Huh?" Poko blushed slightly but still pouted at being called 'cute' this just tended to be a way people made fun of her size, and she definitely took it that way, even if it wasn't intended. 'Look at Poko isn't she so CUTE and SMALL' well she wasn't going to let him get away with it! Upon entering the male hot springs, Poko took a look around, it wasn't as bad as she had anticipated to be honest, she had pictured it far worse. For the most part it was fairly similar to the female ones, with a bit more of a masculine scent in the air. However, she her eyes weren't scanning the room just to compare it, her eyes were searching for something in particular, sparkling slightly as they spotted her target. "I'll be back in a minute, I just need to grab something that'll help us clean a bit faster!" The blonde yelled before racing out of the room, most likely leaving her male companion a bit confused.

    She picked up the wind around her feet, allowing her to almost glide as she ran down the hall, skittering around the corner, nearly crashing into the wall due to her speed. Someone yelled out to her to slow down as she took off again down the next passage way, but she wasn't listening, only finally coming to a sudden halt in front of a particular storage room. Giggling to herself, she opened it and picked up what she was looking for, it was a little heavier than she anticipated so she used a bit more wind magic to help it levitate, making it a little lighter as she held it with both arms. Leaving the door to the storage room open, she raced back to the springs at full speed, this time actually crashing into the wall as she turned, scrapping her arm a little bit, but she managed to push herself off and not fall over completely as she finally got back to the door to the male springs.

    Poko cracked the door open slightly, peeking around to check what Kalec was up to, hoping he would be distracted, although it didn't really matter to much. The blonde then made her way inside almost silently once she was certain that the blue-haired male wasn't watching the door and snuck her way around the locker room, carefully attaching one end of the long tube to the head of the tap before grabbing the other end and testing it a bit, letting some water spurt out. Perfect. Poko peered around the lockers, checking for Kalec's location, once she found him she slowly tiptoed across the stone floors, jumping out at the last second and attempted to spray him from head to toe with water. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She giggled triumphantly, "Who's cute now, buddy?"

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 17th April 2018, 8:22 am

    Kalec sat his cleaning supplies down on the left side of the room. He stood still for a moment scanning over the room as to find the first task to tackle. He noticed that some of the wicker made baskets were either out of their spot or just slightly crooked on a shelf. Poko yelled randomly as she went racing out of the room. He couldn't even get a word out, before she was already out of the room and racing down the hall. "O..oh ok I'll get started then." He would say a loud but only to himself. Kalec thought that she was just going to get something of hers, or maybe she need more cleaning supplies. He didn't think anything of it.

    Kalec began rearranging the baskets and checking them for any items that happened to be left behind. After fixing two of the baskets and moving onto the third one that was just laying in the floor. He found a hair band. He picked it up and looked at it confused, who knows why that was in the men's side but he didn't question it to much as he slid it into his right pocket of his track style pants. He tidied up the rest of containers and began to scrub the floor in front of the container shelf. which just happened to be on the left side of the room, behind the door.

    Kalec was muttering to himself as he found a piece melted gum attached to the floor. Who ever brought gum in here and left this mess, I'm going to kick their ass when I find them. He thought to himself as he grinded the bristles from the hand held brush against the gum in both clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations. Too involved in the task at hand to hear the crash of Poko crashing into the wall. The door slightly cracked open and a focused Kalec never noticed. Luckily for Poko the door was just a few inches away from hitting Kalec's foot and alerting him of her.

    While Poko made her way across the room and hooked up the hose, it couldn't have been anything more than perfect timing. He stood up and turned around just to be met with a cold blast of water drenching him from head to toe. He stood there and took it, exhaling a long sigh. He wiped the water droplets off from his face, he brought his hands around running them through his medium length blue hair. He pulled his hair back into ponytail, letting the soaked ends rest on his shoulder. While he was doing so Poko started giggling and asked him "Who's cute now." Kalec didn't know what she was thinking or where to even start thinking. He simply took off his now drenched sleeveless t-shirt. His peach colored upper body was now in full view. The water began to run down across his well toned build.

    "I really don't know what kind of question that is. You're still the cute one.I know i'm not the cute one." He would say as he slung his shirt over the back of the chair. Kalec then picked up the soaked sponge that was in the bucket and flung it at Poko. He intended for it to plop her in the forehead but his aim was slightly off. The wet sponge was now on a direct line straight for her body. Oh crap, that's going to miss the mark. He thought to himself when the sponge left his finger tips.

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 18th April 2018, 1:49 am

    Poko stared dumbfounded for a second as Kalec removed his shirt before quickly averting her gaze to the side as her eyes and cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink, "H-hey! Don't just start stripping in front of me!" she stuttered with conviction. The blonde beauty only becoming more furious and embarrassed as she continued to call her cute, as she turned her head to face him as she spoke, she noticed the sponge flying in her direction all too late to block it, taking straight to the chest. The weight of the saturated sponge and the force of the throw forcing her to take a step back in an attempt to balance herself, however, as she did her foot slipped on the soaked stone floors, causing her to fall backwards, "Ahhhhh!" Poko yelled, her butt and back slamming against the floor.

    Poko's anger was rising, her eyes a fearsome red as she rolled onto her side to pick herself up, "You'll pay for that..." she muttered under her breath as she stood, not even noticing that her clothes were fairly soaked now and clinging tightly to her body. Poko grabbed the sponge on her way up, seething as she spoke,"Don't..." Air began being sucked towards her hand, "Call..." the pressure of the air increasing dramatically, "Me..." it was almost like a small typhoon was forming in her fist,  "CUTE!" She bellowed before ditching the wet sponge with full force and incredible speed back towards Kalec's ridiculously well toned abdominal muscles.

    As soon as the cleaning utensil left her hand, Poko realised what she had done, her anger leaving her and was instantly replaced with regret. How could she have let her anger win and take over again...? Her eyes switched to a dark blue with silver flecks, as she was overcome with remorse and worry. Afraid she might have actually inujured a fellow guild member she dashed over towards Kalec, arriving next to him milliseconds after the sponge, concern on her face, as she tried to check if he was okay. "I-I'm so sorry..." She whispered sincerely, one of her hands covering her mouth as the other went to reach out to immediately heal him if necessary.

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 18th April 2018, 10:24 am

    Kalec cringed as the girl slipped and fell back on her butt. He reached out from where he was standing but it wasn't like he could grab a hold of her and catch her, it all happened too fast. "A..Are you alright." He asked out of pure concern for the girl. He knew just how bad it hurt to fall on those kind of stone surfaces, he's done it multiple times in the past.

    Kalec watched as the girl's eyes changed instantly to a red hue, he figured that this probably meant that he was about to die. While she stood up her clothes probably ever bit as soaked as his were. He gulped in fear that she was probably going to kill him now. While she slowly stood up, he noticed the sponge. He took a step toward her to get it, but it was to late she had already picked it up. He knew karma was about to bite him on the ass. He tilted his head slightly as she began to speak one word at a time.

    Suddenly the wind in the room began to pick up, Kalec looked around watching as things began to slowly slide and papers on the desk fluttered in the air going past Poko. Kalec's hair began flowing in the wind in her direction. It took him a few seconds till he put it together that Poko was a wind mage. However it was to late for him. while he was to busy paying attention to the objects in the room, Poko had launched the sponge back toward him with impressive speed and accuracy. The sponge spiraled through the air looking like a drill with the way the air went around it. Kalec just accepted his fate. He stood upright and prepared for impact.

    The strength from the wind and the sponge, not to mention he tried to hop back a little hoping that would help him. His movement didn't help at all, it only served as a bad move. The blow from the impact ended up knocking him into the wall. He held his stomach and leaned over in pain. Kalec tried both to catch what little air he could and was trying to toss up his cookies. Ah shit He thought to himself as he continued to draw in some deep breaths and exhaled slowly. He stood up and noticed that Poko was already beside him. Kalec was pissed but he hid it away from her. He removed the sponge from his abdominal area and looked down at the nice deep red mark the sponge had made. If one was to look close enough, they would be able to see pieces of peach colored skin through where the holes in the sponge were at.

    "Good..throw, Let's get back to work though so you can go eat your pancakes." He said coldly as he took the sponge and picked up the scrub brush and walked outside and began scrubbing the rocks. Kalec wasn't in the mood for conversation at this point, he just wanted to finish the job.

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 18th April 2018, 5:35 pm

    Poko opened her mouth to apologise again as he walked away, but she couldn't bring herself to find the words, instead she hung her head, hiding the shame written all over her face. Honestly, she felt awful about the whole thing, she wasn't sure if she should still heal him, but the blonde decided to do so anyway. Poko blew a gentle breeze in Kalec's direction, concentrating on where she had hit him, with the sponge and where his body had knocked into the wall allowing her magic to work at a molecular level, repairing any cells that had been damaged so he would at least not form any bruises. From experience she knew it would give a small half numbing, half tingling sensation, and would immediately make it less painful, but she didn't want to ask to make sure, instead she picked up her own scrubbing tool and began furiously rubbing away at a nearby stain on the floor.

    Poko's eyes were currently a dark blueish green, that was almost a black, as they swam with regret, she tried to come up with ways to lighten the mood again, they had just started to get along and she had to completely ruin it with her stupid emotions. After several attempts of thinking of ways to fix the situation, the young girl sighed, perhaps it would be best to just get the cleaning finished for now, she did have a way of speeding it up, maybe it would help. Poko stood, clenching her fists, she was definitely going to have to deal with another form of hatred, but it would be worth it to get this stupid cleaning job done and to let both herself and Kalec have their breakfast, maybe she could make amends then.

    The blonde girl sang so softly it was almost inaudiable, "Hold it together, birds of a feather, nothing but lies and crooked wings. Oh. Fly over me evil angel. Open your wings evil angel" however, once she was done, a large black puff of smoke formed in the air, as the smoke cleared in its place stood a fearsome creature with two huge dark, dirty wings, a black tattered dress, bright red eyes and a beautiful but evil smile. The creature looked around the room, displeased as usual, however, when it noticed its master's expression it softened a tiny bit. "What is it you wish from me master?" The winged beauty questioned, her red eyes hovered over the nearby cleaning supplies, and she clicked her tongue, "I swear if you're going to use me as a maid..." She snarled menacingly, narrowing her eyes at the young blonde girl.

    "Shut up Xiolan, I don't have time to play your stupid mind games today." Poko barked at the beautiful but evil angel before her. "Just clean the guild only springs while Kalec and I finish this one. It needs to be sparkly clean" she commanded gently, definitely not her usual up beat self. Upon realising something was amiss, Xiolan went to speak, however, because she had been told to 'shut up' she found herself unable to do so, causing her to frown slightly before giving her master a bow to show she accepted her wishes before heading to the other hot spring to clean up with super natural speed. Poko sighed in relief, she was certain Xiolan would have a few choice words for her when she was summoned next, but for now she could get to work in peace and know that the other springs would most likely be so clean it did indeed sparkle. The blonde girl then picked up a rag and began wiping down the benches in silence.

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 18th April 2018, 8:07 pm

    Kalec continued to scrub away at the rocks that lined the hot spring. Much like Poko he too was also lost in his own thoughts as he cleaned. Perhaps it was his fault with all the teasing he did. Kalec was very good at continuing to push peoples buttons with jokes, or just poking at them with stuff they didn't like to be called. He could defiantly feel that something was wrong, just by how the air felt. Kalec was normally really good with perceiving these kind of things. He got up and moved to other side of the spring and began cleaning those rocks. While he was switching sides, he walked past the open door just when Poko blew her healing winds toward him. He could instantly feel the pain subside, as a tingly numbing began to wash over his back and stomach area. He was shocked at how quick it went away. Kalec began to lift his knees up, causing his stomach to scrunch. He was amazed there was no pain.

    He turned his attention toward Poko and raised his brow. "I'm guessing that was you?"He would ask while walking to the other side of the sping. He couldn't see or hear Poko summon the "Evil angel" he just went about his business cleaning up the rest of the springs. He continued scrubbing the rocks for a few more minutes until they were completely clean. Kalec scanned over the spring to make sure there were no stains or trash in the water or stuck between the rocks. He nodded his head at his job well done and walked back into the room with Poko. He didn't speak a word to her as he grabbed his shirt off the chair and put it on. Kalec's shirt was still damp from being hit with the hose.

    He then remembered as soon as the cold shirt hit his skin. He made a mad dash out of the room and went into the common room, and grabbed his jacket that he had forgotten. He slipped it on and ran back into the men's room. "Come on slowpoke you done yet? We got one more room to go and then it's chow time." He would say in a friendly tone of voice as he stood in the door way with his back against the door frame.

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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Pokomon 18th April 2018, 8:47 pm

    When Kalec asked about the breeze, she looked in his direction, sadness in her eyes, "Yes... Sorry..." the blonde mumbled apologetically before turning back to her own work, hoping that he was at least feeling somewhat better. Just as she was about complete with the locker room, Kalec strolled in walking past without a word as he picked up his damn shirt, Poko glanced at him as he quickly left and she began packing up her cleaning supplies, careful to rinse the sponges out properly so they would not go grow mould in the storage cupboard. She was just about done with putting everything away when Kalec returned, now wearing his jacket, which she was somewhat grateful for, it was sort of embarrassing being so short when his chest was bare.

    When he mentioned the last room, Poko shook her head, "Actually Xiolan should be just about done in there, but I'll go check, you can come if you wish." she explained, before making her way to the last hot spring, most likely leaving Kalec somewhat confused. Sure enough as soon as she entered the place appeared to be literally sparkling, so shiny and clean. Her summoned creature had already disappeared, she could only stay so long in this world, so she must have left as soon as she finished the task Poko had given her. The blonde gave a quick nod to herself, glad to see her creature had done an immaculate job, she would be sure to give the angel her thanks the next time she summoned her.

    Happy that they had finally finished the task required of them, although, still somewhat upset with how she had lost her temper, Poko would leave the hot springs, cleaning supplies in hand, as she returned them all to the correct storage closets before returning to find Kalec. "Let's go eat now, I'm starving..." Poko muttered while avoiding eye contact, trying to lighten up, but still swimming in regret over everything. She hoped to maybe clear the air during breakfast but she would have to wait and see how that turned out.


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    Completed Re: Scrub till it Shines! [Job w/ Kalec]

    Post by Kalec 19th April 2018, 5:30 pm

    Kalec tilted his head in confusion at the mention of someone named Xiolan. Kalec had never heard of them before, not since his short time of being in the guild. Kalec just watched as Poko left to go check on Xiolan. He began to think of ways to apologize to Poko yet again, but he was also ok with the notion of just pretending that it never happened. While Poko was across the hall he dumped and rinsed out the bucket and cleaned the sponge of the dirty water they both contained.

    It was perfect timing on Poko's part as Kalec had just finished and was walking toward the door when she came back. He noticed that she avoided eye contact with him while she spoke. He nodded in agreeance to go get breakfast with her. Kalec first made a pit stop at the supply closet to return the supplies he used. He ran down the hall and caught up with Poko. "It's omelette time!"He would sing as if it was his cheer of victory. He glanced over at her and smiled. He was proud of their work and the fact that the two of them worked well together. He wanted to pitch the idea of forming a team with her. He then thought that perhaps that little water fight would hinder his idea. He wasn't sure but he would just have to wait and see how things played out.


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