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    Lesson in slavery

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

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    Lesson in slavery Empty Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Mon 9 Apr - 18:52

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The great city of Hargeon, it was as beautiful as it was terrifying at times. Leila was here pretty recently and even met an interesting person, but now she had to return for a much more serious reason. It appeared that the slavers have returned to this place and were preparing to do their vile acts again. Something that the girl wished to shut down as fast as possible. But she also realized that this could be a great learning experience for one of the new members that had joined her guild. Poko already showed promise with her magic, but it was important to practice her powers.

    And above all, the real-life experience was what mattered even more than training in most situations. So for right now, she was sitting in one of the many open cafés’ that were around the city. A beautiful view of the sea in front of her could only barely mask what things they would soon face. The guild master had also already taken on her completely human form, considering who would be with her. It was somewhat different from how she normally looked, as it wasn’t just removing her tail and ears. But at the same time, it was similar enough for Poko to recognize her with ease.

    She had also left Melon in the guild as well. It would be most unfortunate if the girl were to freeze up in the middle of a fight, especially against real blood thirsty opponents. Not that Leila would actually allow her member to be injured. If need be, she was even willing to use her own body to shield the blond-haired teen from an enemy attack. Hopefully it would not actually come to something like that, as no one enjoyed receiving pain that was avoidable, but she was still perfectly willing to protect those that were close to her if it came down to it.
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Tue 10 Apr - 5:39

    Poko looked around with eyes wide, while remaining close to Leila, she didn't want to get lost in this big city. While traveling with just Zephyr and herself she had wandered into the odd village or town here and there in order to complete work or gather necessary supplies, however, she had always avoided larger places. It wasn't so much that she disliked them, she just didn't know how to deal with crowds and was scared she'd get lost among all the people as she couldn't see over them. Yea, she probably could have just propelled herself up and over people, but she wanted to avoid attention, she hated being stared at by strangers. There was also the fact that were there were people, quite often you'd also find their pets, in many cases of the canine variety. So instead it was just simpler to avoid cities all together, that was until today.

    Yes, today Poko found herself in Hargeon, a port that was well known in the country and a brand new sight for her. She had followed Leila, her guild master, to help take care of some vile slavery issues. Poko was more than willing to help those that needed it when she could, even if it meant venturing into a place that felt a little terrifying. The blonde managed to stay strong though, with Leila by her side she didn't have to worry too much about getting lost along the way, she'd even been so kind as to keep her ears and tail removed to appear less wolf-like in her presence, which Poko was more than grateful for. She did feel a little bad though, she really just had to work on her fear, if for nothing else than to let her guild master be able to relax in her natural state.

    Poko began thinking about the job ahead of them, she only got a few details before they had headed off, and she was more than sure Leila could handle them on her own. Poko just hoped she wouldn't be a burden to be honest, she'd fought people before, but she was still considered rather weak compared to other mages she'd seen on her travels. No, she couldn't doubt herself, she needed to be as strong as she could be in order to not let her guild master down. She strode forwards with confidence, although still close enough to her guild master that she wouldn't get lost. Poko began to wonder how exactly Leila had planned to hunt them down in such a huge place, it's not like it was going to be easy to locate them, nor was it going to be easy to deal with them without drawing unwanted attention, but the latter was a concern for later. "So, how do you think we'll find them?" Poko asked in a hushed voice, so those passing by would not overhear, just in case, even though she had specifically left out any details it was still always better to be safe in these sorts of situations, that much she had learnt by herself over the years.

    [WC: 520 | Total: 520/3750]
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Tue 10 Apr - 8:20

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila wasn’t actually all that fond of giant crowds herself. It was not something that anyone could figure out from just observing her, as she appeared to be doing perfectly fine. But she definitely preferred more quiet places and company only of a handful of people. Larger groups were just a pain to deal with in these situations, and the girl was also used to being in a company of only one single person from her time of traveling the world. Back then, she was on the road only with the machine that adopted her for entire 17 years. Certainly enough time to develop a habit and preferences.

    So when it came to Poko, she was able to recognize her discomfort rather quickly. And by no means did she blame her. Unfortunately, they just had to get through it all if they wished to succeed with this mission. But to at least ease the other girl’s pain, Leila would stop and offer her a hand to hold while she thought about how to respond to the question asked. “This city has an unfortunate relationship to crime, as I have actually driven slavers out of here once in the past. That was a long, long time ago. But there are still several places that are being constantly monitored by the guards here thanks to that.

    Regardless of Poko grabbing her hand or not, she would lead the duo through the crowd toward some of the less populated roads and alleyways that could get them to where they had to be. “So when this request came in, I actually went ahead and send a message to the local rune knights, as well as royal guard. While they all usually keep the neutral status, they didn’t refuse a request from one of the Wizard Saints. So they scouted the entire city and pinpointed few locations where are slavers are most likely hiding.

    Abusing her status was not something Leila would do very often, or happily. But this time, it was actually for the sake of making this city better. Thus it all balanced out in the end. “Once I had these locations, I’ve also sent few spirits that answer to me to this place. And from their reports, I believe I know precisely where we should be going.” Poko probably did not yet know the full extent of Leia’s magic, but the summoning aspect of it came in rather useful in many different situations, this being one of them.

    There are several connected houses with a fairly big square of free space in the middle of them. I believe that is where we will be able to find the slaves, as well as their captors. It is almost like a small fort in the middle of this city, but I believe that with the power of us both, we will be able to successfully bring them to justice.” Arriving at an alley where there was pretty much no one besides the two girls, Leila would stop and look at Poko with a warm smile, making sure that she was following all of that and that she did not have any questions.
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Tue 10 Apr - 9:38

    Poko graciously took Leila's hand, happy to have that extra security making their way through the busy streets. While the silver-haired mage explained the situation, Poko simply nodded, not fully understanding all the details, but she was more than happy to know that they would not need to search fruitlessly in this vast city. The last thing she wanted was to spend more time than necessary in such a populated area. For the most part the blonde girl found Leila's explanation interesting, especially her influence as a Wizard Saint, Poko had never really thought about how such a position, she knew it meant someone was powerful, but she failed to properly contemplate how it would affect Leila's relationship with other parties.

    As fascinating as all the wizard poltics was, Poko's interest was only truly peeked at the mention of Leila's spirits, she hadn't even really seen Leila use them before and she wondered if they were similar to her guardians at all. Suddenly Poko was hit with the realisation she'd never told Leila about what happened with her and golden book, which not only explained Zephyr's origin, but also gave her the power to summon other guardians to aid Poko and her allies. That would have to wait for another time though, they had more important things to do right now, she was sure Leila would forgive her for her forgetfulness. Poko switched her focus to that of Leila's final statement to do with the actual location of the slavers. So, they were holding themselves up in the centre of a fort-like location were they? Poko guessed that made sense, it would certainly make it more difficult to notice anything from the outside after all, plus it would make it easier to defend if issues did arise.  

    However, when Leila led them into an empty alleyway, Poko was curious, it didn't seem like anyone was here, was she sure she got the right place? The blonde thought about asking, but instead shook the thought out of her mind, of course Leila would know what she was doing, she was a Wizard Saint after all. One did not simply get such a prestigious title and not know how to follow directions. Poko decided to instead give the alley a better look, carefully scanning the place up and down, perhaps there was something she was missing, maybe there was a door or pathway which lead to the slaver's hideout. Poko would then look to Leila for guidance on the situation still somewhat unsure what to do next, but ready to follow her orders.

    [WC 432 | Total 952/3750]
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Wed 11 Apr - 4:36

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    It was quite strange… the fact that she was able to bring ease into another’s mind by simply holding their hands. Was this how it felt to be truly part of something? While moving through the crowds, there was a single moment when the guild master actually completely spaced out thinking about it. When she first came to Fiore, she was completely alone. And that remained true for quite some time, until she had joined the Golden Phoenix. But even then, she retained a lot of her solitary traits. She wouldn’t let anyone truly enter into her life and never had anyone to comfort her.

    Naturally, there were both good and bad points to this. At the very least, she figured out how to get by even if she had no one else to rely on. But now? She actually quite liked this, being able to get closer to others, get to know them and tell them of her own past. Still, it would probably take a good bit of time before she would tell anyone everything. At this very moment, there was no one aside from her father who knew her whole story. But that was for another time, as they had a job to do here and she could not afford to be distracted in a situation like this.

    Once in the alley, she would smile at the girl’s gesture, as she seemingly understood everything. But mainly, the fact that she was looking around as if they had already arrived at the location. “Before we actually try to free the slaves, we need some kind of a plan. And since I took you along with me so you could learn, I’d like to hear… what would you do here? Tell me your plan so we can assure everyone’s safety! Don’t worry if you make mistakes, everyone does.” Leila wanted Poko to be as involved as she could be here. But at the same time, she tried to remove the fear of failure that could hold her back.

    She had already given the blond-haired female the location of their enemy forces as well as a very brief description of her own powers. What exactly could she cook up with that, Leila was looking forward to hearing. It was also a very important lesson that it was not wise to just jump into any situation without at least some sort of a plan. No matter how small and seemingly trivial, they were important and saved the wolf girl many times over. “And remember that people learn best from their mistakes, so hold nothing back.” They were also in an empty alley so no one could hear them and possibly report to the slavers.
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Fri 13 Apr - 6:20

    Poko was taken aback by Leila's request. Did her guild master really want her to come up with the plan? The blonde girl had assumed that the silvernette already had one, she hadn't even begun to formulate anything. Poko blinked a couple times, but shook her head, concentrating, if Leila wanted her to come up with the plan then that's exactly what she would do. Even though the alley was empty, Poko kept to a hushed tone, not wanting to draw any attention to the duo accidentally. "Well, we're not exactly sure who we're dealing with, so I guess our first step should be to sneak inside and see what we're up against." the blonde girl nodded to herself reassuringly, while she continued to attempt to formulate a plan. "Considering we're most likely more than outnumbered, it would be unwise for us to attempt to split up, in case either of us were to get cornered alone."

    Clearly Poko was referring to herself more than Leila, but it was still unwise for even a strong mage to attempt to take down a whole crowd of slavers by themselves when you don't know their true power. "I would suggest we try to be as sneaky as possible about the whole thing, the less attention we draw to ourselves the better. If we go in with all guns blazing it would be too dangerous." Yet again, Poko meant this in reference to herself, she was stronger than she appeared, but that didn't make her invincible. Ultimately, she didn't want to be a burden to her guild master and the best way for that would be if they slowly took them down silently. This plan of course did have a few holes in it, if they were spotted upon entry, the whole thing would disintegrate, so they would have to use some sort of secret way inside, perhaps there was a way under the building they could take?

    "Well I think the rest of the plan will have to sort of come together once we're inside, but firstly," Poko looked up at her guild master with hope in her eyes, "Do you know of a way inside where we could get in either without being noticed?" she asked seriously, "Or a way that only has a single guard who we could take out before he sees us?" Poko would wait for Leila's response, if she did know of a way in then the blonde would suggest they head for that spot first, and make their way inside the base, from there she would be able to create the rest of the plan once she knew of the enemy's positions and numbers.

    [WC: 448 | Total: 1400/3750]
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Mon 16 Apr - 17:18

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila listened to her young friend and guild member intently, carefully saving every single word she uttered into her memory. Overall, the plan most definitely sounded like a pretty sound one. Stealth was almost always a very good option, especially if the number and power of your enemy was unknown to you. It was a pretty quick and reliable way of confirming whether Poko had the ability to think tactically already, or if it where something she would have to learn. And the silver-haired maiden was happy to see that she already had some of it learned.

    Of course, it was also not the perfect plan and there were definitely things that could be improved. Though the older girl decided to point out only one of them. “It’s a good plan. But there is one thing you have not mentioned at all when explaining it that you must not forget. What exactly is our goal? While the job specifically says that it’s to capture the leaders of this slave trade, it is actually something different.” Employers were often interested in only one thing with their jobs. But work of a proper mage involved more than just that.

    The slaves. I’m sure there will be some present and we have to ensure their safety first and foremost. The bandits can be hunted down later if they run, but a lost life cannot be recovered under normal circumstances.” That was an important thing to remember. They were not here to just shut down the operation, they also had to free those that were already captured by the slavers so that they would not be subjected to a life of suffering and misfortune. But indeed, the rest would be solved as they went on. Improvisation was another skill a proper mage needed rather often.

    But when Poko asked about a possible way in, Leila suddenly blushed and averted her gaze as she scratched her cheek nervously. The question made her recall a certain something from the past. “Yes, I have a way… haha… haaa…” Now that she had shown this kind of reaction, there was no point in trying to play it off, was there? “I actually already drove off one such slaver operation from this city in the past. Back then, I was with a partner as well and in order to get in, we… well…

    Letting out a sigh, Leila scratched the back of her head and finally let it all out. “We actually ambushed some of the slavers approaching the site and took their clothes. Since my partner was a guy, he was able to dress up like one of them. Then we proceeded to tear my clothes to a point where they were rather embarrassingly revealing so that I could pretend to be one of the captured slaves.” It was a method that actually worked but at the cost of some humiliation that the girl had to suffer before they were able to attack them directly from inside.

    But we’re definitely not doing that. I already have a spirit nearby, observing them. With my connection to the spirit, I think I can create a warp gate to the part of the site where there is least of the guards. That way we can sneak in and I’ll get a good look at your skills in action.” She would wink in poko and point at a wall as the familiar blue and black portal slowly started forming. One last look was given to the young girl, along with one last sentence. “Whenever you’re ready.
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Tue 17 Apr - 6:50

    Damnit, Poko cursed internally, how could she have forgotten about the slaves themselves? They would need to ensure they were safe at all costs, it was more than just Leila or her own life on the line here after all. At least her guild master seemed happy with the rest of her plan, to stay quiet until they knew exactly what they were up against. As she listened to Leila's tale of what she had previously gone through the get in, Poko blushed slightly, she was not overly keen on that idea, that was for sure and she openly breathed a sigh of relief upon being told they had a simpler and less embarrassing way of entering the hideout. The blonde stepped back a bit as the portal opened up, preparing herself for the interesting warping sensation she always felt when traveling through them, it wasn't unpleasant, it was just strange.

    Taking a final breath to ease her nerves a little, Poko stepped through her mission partner's portal with confidence, there was no way she was going to let these awful people treat other women as slaves, not while she still stood. Upon entering she found herself in a small basement like room, it was fairly dark, but she could make out most of her surroundings. For the most part the room was completely empty, a couple of worn books laying on some shelves along the wall that were made of large bricks carefully placed upon the next. The floor was a hard white stone and the ceiling wooden floorboards. The species of tree used to form them was difficult to tell in the darkness, however mumbled voices could be heard above them, so someone was up there. The room smelt a little damp and dusty, almost it hadn't been in use for a long time, well this would definitely be a good place to start if no one ever came down here, but where exactly were they? Poko looked back to make sure her guild master had come through the portal before slowly creeping over to the wooden door that led out of the room. While she knew Leila could simply meld through the wood, Poko was not quite as fortunate, but she had other methods for moving quietly. Carefully she used her air magic to ease the door open silently, her feet barely touching the ground as she moved, making next to no sound.

    The blonde girl peered around, the hallway seemed clear for now, but there was a small stairway up to the floor above them where the voices had come from. If they went up that way they could be spotted before they even began properly infiltrating the base. Poko stepped back from the doorway, thinking carefully before making another move. Once she was sure of her plan she then turned to speak in a low whisper to Leila, "How many do you think are above us? If it's only a few, I think you could move your way through the floorboards if I lifted you up to deal with them before they know what's hit them. Meanwhile I'll sneak up the stairs in case you still require help in some way. What do you think?" the blonde asked, a serious expression on her face as she prepared to push her guild master up with a bit of a magical breeze from below. Focusing her magic around Leila's feet for the best boost possible without causing too much sound, ready to release her spell the moment her guild master gave her the okay to do so, which would cause Leila to slowly ascend towards the boards above the duo and give Poko time to noiselessly climb the staircase that led above.

    [WC: 625 | Total: 2025/3750]
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Fri 20 Apr - 8:51

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    It appeared that her faithful guild member had absolutely no questions about the situation and got herself ready to strike, whatever the cost. It was good to see such determination in action, certainly. It was also somewhat worrying, as it could mean that Poko would be capable of charging into trouble in the future. Hopefully not. Leila didn’t even want to think about the distant possibility of other people she cared about getting into trouble. She had gone through that few too many times at this point to be excited about such things. Thankfully, she would be able to protect everyone this time around.

    But it would not be like that always. Regardless, she watched the blond-haired female leaping through her portal and followed shortly after. It was actually kinda strange, not being fully in charge. Since she went on most jobs solo, not counting her own spirits, there was rarely anyone else leading the way. Not that she would mind this, but there was most definitely something almost new about it. It actually placed a faint smirk on her face as she thought about this. And even the moments after, Poko seemed to be doing quite a good job sneaking around.

    Using magic to make all of this easier on herself while also gaining an advantage, that was actually the essence of Silver Wolf she kinda wished to see in her members. After all, one of the goals her guild had was to develop magic itself, as well as magic-powered machinery. In other words, using magic to gain an advantage in certain situations that would possibly not be seen as conventional. Even if the young girl did not realize this, she was doing just that. And it made her guild master observe her quite happily, nodding to her that she was right behind and following.

    Eventually, they arrived at a point where they should start taking down their enemies. An interesting suggestion was made and Leila started thinking about it. “Above us should be another room that has doors leading out into the square between all these houses. From it, we should be able to get to any point, including where the slaves are. So taking it over is a good idea. As for how many… I sense few too many magical signatures for a single person. But no problem!” While speaking in a low voice, the girl stood up in a confident manner and swung her left hand to the side.

    With that, a blue light suddenly appeared in the room right next to her. It was clearly magical in nature and distorting the space all around it. A trans-dimensional gate. Similar to the warp gate they used to get here in some ways, but also different with others. But the result was most definitely always the same. A shape of a small girl quickly manifested as one jumped out. A young looking girl with short white hair, pale skin, and red eyes. Not to mention dragon-like horns and tail.


    She wore a short yukata as well, looking at Leila in a rather familiar manner. “Enemies on the floor above us. Let’s take them out, now!” Even though she didn’t really need it, she still let Poko use her magic as a small boost that allowed her to get to the ceiling. One of her hands going through it while her fingertips actually grabbed the floor after going through it. This allowed her to pull herself up and do a little flip, kicking a man who stood right above them right in the head, knocking him out quickly.

    The summoned spirit did not jump, instead, her body suddenly fell apart into a cold wind and particles of snow and ice, floating up and through the floorboards. Manifesting in the room above, she and her master moved quickly and used their bare hands and feet to knock the enemies out. If the young girl were to actually move up to where they were, she would enter a room with a good dozen of slavers on the floor, some simply knocked out by regular punches and kicks, while others having layers of snow and ice covering parts of their bodies. “And that’s that~.
    2,597 / 3,750 WC 



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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Fri 20 Apr - 10:15

    Poko blinked as the rift opened, a young girl like spirit appearing, so that's what Leila's summons looked like, the blonde thought to herself. She didn't have much time to observe as before long the duo disappeared through the ceiling, leaving her standing alone below them. Not wanting to get left behind she whipped up air around her feet, pushing herself at intense speed up to the next level via the stairs, however, before she got there they had already dealt with the slavers in the room. Poko gave a quick nod to her guild master and her spirit, they were indeed a force to be reckoned with, she only wished she got to see them at work. Although, more than likely she would get the chance to do so fairly soon, after all, there were still plenty of slavers to take down, but of course what they really needed was to find and arrest whoever was in charge of the whole operation, only then could they really put a stop to it.

    Poko glanced around the room they were in now, ignoring the moans coming from one of the wounded, semi-unconscious slavers. Her eyes lingered on Leila's spirit for a few seconds, finally having the chance to get a better look at her, Poko hadn't noticed earlier but she had a dragon like tail and two blue horns upon her head, honestly the blonde thought the white haired spirit was absolutely adorable and if they weren't in such a serious situation at the current moment she no doubt would have attempted to hug her. Alas this was neither the time nor the place for such behavior, instead she drew her eyes away from the ice and snow magic user, as she glanced around at the choices of doorways, one on each of the four walls, including the one she had just come from herself, she wasn't exactly sure where each of the others led or what would be the best option at this point in time.

    Pondering these thoughts she considered that while they hadn't seemed to make too much noise, there was still some shouts from the men before they were knocked out cold. Since they hadn't attracted the attention of anyone else, more than likely no one was directly behind the doors. This lead Poko to believe that they were most likely hallways, one in each of the three directions, continuing to speak in a low voice she would turn and ask her guild master in a serious tone, "Do you have any idea which way we should go next? I do not think it is wise to split up, but I also don't wish to waste too much time. Eventually someone will come here and notice these men piled on the ground and will alert everyone of our presence." She glanced once more at the spirit with a nod in an attempt to let her know the question was also directed at her.  Poko wished she knew its name, but introductions could come later. She wondered if they were capable of feeling the presence and magical energy of others as Zephyr was, it always came in handy in situations like this. Poko was still a novice with such skills, her limited magical ability did allow her to feel others energy but no where on the level that she was certain a wizard saint like Leila could. The blonde girl considered summoning Yuuto to do so, but she could only summon him for short periods of time and she didn't want to waste her magical energy doing so if there was an alternative option already available.

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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Wed 2 May - 9:49

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    They have successfully infiltrated the enemy base, that was for sure. Now they had to focus on their actual goal - rescuing the slaves and getting all of the slavers. But as Poko spoke out, Leila acknowledged with a nod that she was correct. At this point, they had to start moving a bit faster due to enemy patrols. Thankfully, this place was actually quite small and only made up of several connected houses and a square between them. And it was there where most of the slavers were. Outside, doing whatever they were doing. Whereas the slaves were most likely in one of the other buildings.

    This could work in their favor rather nicely, actually. A smile crept up the guild master’s face as her eyes darted over the room few more times. She would then nod to herself and cross her arms over her chest. “Alright, time for a little flash operation. If we go through this door, we will find for ourselves outside on the square. And right on the other side of there is another room, filled with people that possess little to no magical power. These are most likely the slaves. There seems to be a lot of them, too. Trying to get them out quietly would probably not work.

    Even if the two mages would be quiet, there was no way they could manage to smuggle an entire squad of slaves out of here. “We will split up, but not completely. Let us run out into the open. There, I will take care of all the slavers while you continue on ahead into the building with slaves and secure them. A commotion of that magnitude will surely also draw out the leaders of this operation. It will make it easy for us to take them all our with raw power. So get ready.

    This was also a little test for Poko, so that Leila could see how well the younger girl would perform in a more tense and stressful situation. Mages often had to work perfectly when under pressure, so this was important as well. Once the blonde said she was ready, her guild master gave the signal and broke the door to outside with a single rather powerful kick, leaping right out and into the middle of the square. “Good day~. Aria, you can join now!” Normally, a plan like this was pretty similar to a suicide. But Leila knew exactly what she was doing.

    And she was powerful on top of that. In her prior conversation with Poko, she had mentioned a spirit scouting this place out few times. Now was the time for that spirit to join them. From the top of one of the buildings leaped a dark-skinned beauty with dirty blond hair and possessing a pair of vixen ears and a tail. Her clothing was not exactly modest either, consisting only of a leotard and some cloth wrapped around her waist. “Everyone’s favorite spirit of Eden, Aria, has arrived! Fufufu~” She would announce after landing and saluting them the slavers.


    Yuki stood next to her summoner as well, ready for combat. Naturally, they were surrounded by the enemy forces immediately. But that also gave Poko some room to get where she had to. “Let us not waste too much time. You’ve already prepared something, right?” Aria would excitedly nod after hearing those words and clap her hands together. At that very moment, the ground shook violently, as if an earthquake was starting. But instead, all of the surrounding buildings started moving and ‘Rebuilding’ themselves.

    In no time at all, the arranged bricks no longer resembled homes for humans, but a rather tall golems instead. And they were pretty mean looking as well. The only house left properly alone was the one with slaves inside, as they obviously did not want to harm them in any way, or have them too exposed to attack from the slavers if things were to get desperate. And despite their numbers, the poor criminals started being rather intimidated after seeing all of that. “Now then, shall we dance?
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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Pokomon Fri 4 May - 1:50

    Poko let her guild master's words sink in, so she just had to ensure the safety of the slaves, that seemed simple enough, although she was certain there would still be one or two slavers watching over them in the room they were being held. After all what kind of kidnappers leave their captives all alone without a watchful eye to make sure they didn't attempt to escape themselves? Poko's fierce red eyes locked with Leila's crystal blue ones and she nodded to signal she was ready, immediately dashing at full speed towards her destination the moment the silver haired beauty knocked the door down, she heard her speak to someone, but didn't have time to turn to see who it was, but the way she spoke made her assume it was an ally of sorts, perhaps another spirit. Just before she reached the building she had been told to go to however, the earth started shaking, almost causing Poko to lose her footing as she quickly leapt to hover in the air, her red orbs scanning the area, suddenly all the bricks of the houses nearby were shifting and recreating something, however her objective location seemed unaffected.

    The blonde girl didn't have time to watch and wait to see what would happen, instead she gathered a large fist full of wind in her hand and used it with a punch to give it more force as she forced the wooden door to burst open at the hinges and come down with a small crash. Oops, she hoped no one had been hurt, but when the dust cleared she saw someone underneath the door, her eyes widening for a second, maybe she should have yelled some sort of warning. Luckily however, after closer inspection it was one of the male slavers that had been behind the door and they'd been knocked out by the force. Relief flushed over Poko's face as she let out a small sigh, glad she hadn't hurt any of those she'd come to help. Stepping gracefully over the enemy on the floor she glanced around ready to attack if there were anymore slavers, however, it seemed that it was just the one on guard, for which she was thankful for. The last thing she wanted was a close quarter's battle in a room full of innocent people.

    Her eyes changed from their aggressive red to a much calmer pale blue with silver flecks as she looked over each of the faces staring back at her. There were a lot more slaves than she had anticipated crammed into the room, each of their eyes filled with sadness and fear as they looked at the young girl. "I-It's okay," Poko attempted to reassure them, with a kind smile, "I'm here to help you." The blonde girl noticed that each of them was tied up with rope, making it difficult for them to move, it would take a while but she could easily free them as long as her guild master bought her enough time. "Hang on, I'll get you out of here." Poko whispered, moving towards the closest slave, a young girl maybe a couple years younger than herself with gorgeous dark brown hair to her waist. She looked a little scared and panic shuffled as Poko came close, but the blonde didn't blame her, who knows how long she'd been here or what they'd done to her in that time.

    Poko focused on the air inside her right hand, condensing it into a small dagger like shape with a blade that could easily slice through flesh and bone. However, she wasn't using it for such a task, instead she simply grabbed the rope as gently as she could so as not to hurt the brunette in any way as she sliced it open and freed her hands first, then moved onto her feet. The youn girl whispered a quiet "Thank you..." to which Poko smiled before quickly moving onto the next women, repeating the process till she had managed to cut them all free. Now the hard part was about to come, getting them all safely out. Poko hoped that Leila would be able to handle whatever was out there by herself, the blonde knew her guild master was strong, but even she would have her limits. Carefully she peered out of the doorway to see what was happening, before deciding on the best course of action.

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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

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    Lesson in slavery Empty Re: Lesson in slavery

    Post by Leila Vergious Thu 17 May - 11:11

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Despite how it looked, the situation was pretty well under control. Poko was freeing the prisoners from the building where they were being hold and Leila with her summons were ready to crush all of the slavers. Aria’s power also made it fairly easy to do some large scale actions, such as position one of the Golems created from nearby homes right in front of where the younger guild member was freeing the slaves. That way, even if some of the enemies were to discover her presence there, they would not be able to get past the Golem and to her.

    While doing that, the spirit actually joined the action herself, capable of controlling both her physical body and her creations at the same time. After all, she was one of the most powerful spirits Leila had, which quite possibly ranked her even above most mages in the world. Given her personality and values, it was also understandable that she was quite angry with the slavers, even if she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it behind a cheerful facade. Placing her hands on the ground, the earth itself would start moving and form two battle gauntlets around the spirit’s hands, making all of her punches exceptionally painful.

    Leila gave up on using her actual weapon to do this, as that would most likely end up in an accidental fatality. Instead, she showcased how she was doing things in the past when she lacked a weapon of any kind. Both her hands and legs would be covered in a bark-like layer of wood that hardened her body, allowing her to also deliver devastating attacks up close. She was a nimble and brutal fighter when it came to that style, her body flying between opponents and delivering punches along with kicks there were often powerful enough to break bones on impact.

    And finally, Yuki was also still present. Cold aura would envelop her entire body as she assumed a fighting stance, several grown men surrounding her and thinking her the weakest of the group due to her child-like appearance. But she was yet another S-ranked spirit of Leila’s, making her way faster than the slavers, her body easily moving around them while leaving behind a freezing trail that left most of the opponents stuck in place, most of their body completely encased in blocks of ice and frost, leaving them begging to be released.

    Those that somehow managed to avoid this fate were dealt with a swift kick to the chin and a knee to the stomach by the frost dragon. Finally, the commotion was great enough for the leaders of this operation to show. A tall woman wearing a proper pirate attire, as she was probably transporting slaves to this place via boat. And a man that was along with her, wielding two razor-sharp sabers. Normally, they would look intimidating and like a real threat. However, as they witnessed Leila’s personal army deal with every single slaver present, they were left speechless, fear in their eyes.

    Not even having enough time or guts to introduce themselves, they turned around immediately, trying to escape. Of course, that was futile as well. Leila had plenty of abilities up her sleeve, her body suddenly dissolving into the air and reappearing in front of the escaping due, her entire form suddenly glowing crimson red as the temperature in the area started rising. To finish this, she had merged with yet another one of her spirits, now possessing its abilities as her own. “I am afraid that I will have you pay for your crimes. Now…

    In a desperate attempt to get past her, the man dashed forward with his sabers and started slashing away. But his attacks were stopped by a flaming spear that appeared in the guild master’s hand. Using it, she forced him back and then promptly summoned a second spear in the air above her, shooting it right between the slaver masters to form a column of flames that reached all the way up to the skies. What was left behind were two unconscious bodies with clothes nearly completely burned away, the two having some real burn injuries but still very much alive. Sighing, she released her merge and looked toward Poko, wondering if she was okay as well.
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