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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]


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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 26th March 2018, 12:38 am

    Poko had found herself travelling alone with only her silent familiar for company once more; this wasn’t exactly an unusual thing, if anything it was probably more than norm than having companions. Truth be told while she did occasionally enjoy the company of fellow wizards she absolutely loved being able to travel through the forest in silence, feeling the wind blow and following wherever it led her, it may sound cliché but that’s just how it was for her and Zephyr.

    As Poko trudged along the leaf-ridden forest floor, she began to notice the trees thinning out a bit and the ground becoming rockier than it had been previously. She decided she should probably check her surroundings; she made her way to the closest tree, her purple and white creature drifting along the breeze as he followed her till he was hovering just above where she now stood. Before them was a large redwood tree, that seemed to have been here for at least a century, its trunk incredibly think around the base. Poko scanned it, looking for the most ideal way up its branches. Once she had decided upon the route, she simply pushed the air under her, propelling her up into the closest of the thick branches she had selected for this path, as soon as she landed Poko repeated the process till she found herself fairly close to the top of the old tree.

    From this position she had an ideal view; the tree she had selected had indeed been a great choice as it stood higher than the majority of others in the area. She scanned over the treetops noticing a large mountain range to one side of the forest, and a lake in the opposite direction. She sat down on the branch, allowing her legs to swing as they pleased while contemplating where she should go.

    Meanwhile Zephyr had followed his master upwards, simply skittering through, avoiding the branches and finding himself next to her. He brushed up against Poko, who pet his back without looking in his direction, her eyes transfixed on some movement coming from the direction of the mountains. She couldn’t quite tell what it was, but this only intrigued her more. Should she head to the mountains to check out what it was? Or go to the lake and maybe set up camp there? She tilted her head left and right trying to decide. She had gotten so used to her companions deciding the path for her lately that it seemed strange to have to make the choice herself.

    Zephyr in the interim had made himself quite comfortable on the branch, curling up and almost drifting off to sleep as the sun shone on his back. Suddenly his master leapt from the branch she had been sitting on and spiralled down towards the ground below them, Zephyr sulked, but forced himself up to follow Poko, he couldn’t very well leave his favourite being alone.

    Poko felt the air rush past her, she loved the feeling of falling, just before she hit the ground she forced a burst of air from her hand towards the forest floor, slowing her descent and landing almost silently upon her feet. She brushed a couple twigs and leaves that had got caught in her long, golden locks with her fingertips before heading off towards the mountains. She had decided that it would be best to investigate after all, just in case someone was in need of her help.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 30th March 2018, 3:55 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    It was no surprise that running things for a larger organization had been rather spiritually taxing. Setting it all up and finally being able to send the word out, Silver Wolf had finally become officially recognized as a guild and fully operational one at that. The rest would then follow naturally. But for now, the silver-haired maiden wished for a little bit of peace and quiet in her life. With a single soft sigh, she would stretch all of her limbs and wander toward the guild hall’s entrance. The snow was falling all around the area, as usual. The only thing preventing the building being buried beneath it was a set of runes.

    But it was only this area with such climate. The lower one would go the mountain, the more sunny and pleasant the weather would become. And that sounded like a very refreshing idea right now. And while the girl would usually take her faithful companion, Melon, along with her, she had noticed that the wolf was sleeping quietly just prior to finishing all of her work. Not wishing to wake her little darling up, she would just smile and head outside by foot. And as she walked, the snow storm would part in front of her as the guild mark on her body shined, its magic allowing her to leave as she pleased.

    Down the mountain, it was a fairly simple trip. Not only were there many paths already present and ready to be used, but Leila was also an experienced wanderer and her magic grew much more powerful with recent events. That allowed her to simple starting jumping of the steepest cliffs there were and landing at the bottom without as much as getting a scratch on herself. Though she still had to be careful with her attire. It was the usual midnight blue coat with crimson red insides, a short brown skirt, and thigh-high socks. She even donned her top hat and the Phoenix mask.

    Thankfully she managed to get all the way down to the forest that covered the base of these mountains without any causalities whatsoever. Once down there, she had looked around. The green all around, oh so different from the white on top, was truly refreshing to see. Not to mention that this was her true element. After all, she was still a nature mage above all, even if her magic now worked slightly different. She could already feel the energy of the Earth permeating and entering her body. She should really do this more often.

    Regardless, she would start aimlessly wandering about for a good bit, just observing the trees, flowers and all other forms of flora around. Along with the fauna that lived here, smaller birds and critters, sometimes even larger ones such as deer and rabbits moving about. Despite being so close to a completely rocky area, live thrived here. And not only regular one, but also magical. Though there was a certain magical signature that was far stronger than any animal in this place should have. Powerful enough to belong to a mage, even.

    Perhaps it was someone who was headed for the peak of these mountains? If so, then she probably should warn them of the possible dangers along this path. Easily jumping onto the higher branches of trees, she was able to cover a good distance in only a few seconds, until she would finally stop and look down. Almost directly beneath her was a young girl, or so it would seem. Even accompanied by some manner of a magical creature, it seemed that she was heading in the direction Leila herself came from. Forgetting that she still had her mask on, one that could be easily seen as creepy, she greeted the young lass.

    Good day! Heading for the mountains, miss?



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 4:43 am

    Poko jumped back a bit in surprise as she heard a voice from above. She'd been daydreaming in her own little world, thinking about what kind of berries they might find near the edge of the forest while she had been marching along that she hadn't even felt the presence of the obviously powerful mage approach. Poko blushed a bit, embarrassed about being startled so easily, as she turned to face the direction the voice had come from, her eyes flashed a pinkish silver as they caught sight of the mask, sending a small jolt of fear through the blonde girl.

    "Eep!" Poko squeaked out in surprise, before calming down when she realised it was just a mask and not the actual face of the person before her, her face flushing an even deeper crimson and her eyes changing to match her bright pink face, "S-Sorry, I didn’t sense you coming." She bowed slightly in the stranger’s direction before picking herself up; she always tried to show respect to those more powerful than she and while she was more than certain that the masked person in front of her was incredibly powerful just from her aura.

    Poko glanced around nervously, lifting one hand behind her head, "Yea, I’m heading that way, I thought I saw something happening near the edge of the forest and thought I should see if anyone was in trouble." She muttered just loud enough for it was audible as she shuffled her feet. Zephyr meanwhile had already decided that this stranger was going to be a new friend, as he usually did and bounded through the air towards the masked lady before prancing around her head in an excited fashion, causing the air around the stranger to swirl about.

    Poko hissed towards her companion, trying to calm him down, she still wasn't sure if this stranger was good or bad news, although Zephyr was usually correct, sometimes he was wrong and that had caused the duo many issues in the past. Last thing Poko wanted right now was to have to face off with this mage, she doubted she'd even last a second in battle against her.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 30th March 2018, 7:13 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila’s own body jolted slightly as well, as she did not expect the person she had just met to react in such a way. She had completely forgotten this was a possible reaction when she was wearing the mask she had. And if she was to remove it right now, a slightly flustered face would be revealed too because of that. But at least the young girl did not instinctively run away just because of that. The silver-haired maiden liked to think of herself as a bit of a guardian sometimes, so such action would be pretty much the opposite of what she wanted.

    Regardless, they managed to establish a friendly encounter and even started talking. Though this young girl mentioning that she saw something happen at the edge of the woods, well… she most likely saw Leila herself, which was a bit embarrassing. And even the little creature she already noticed before flew over to the nature mage, presumably to introduce itself. The girl would extend her hand toward it and keep it still like that, allowing it to approach if it felt like it. And if it did, few pats and pleasant rubs would follow. The girl knew quite well how to work with animals.

    Though this species was actually unknown to her. But it was still rather rude of her to be staying so high up. With a snap of her fingers, the tree branch she stood on started lowering itself, the entire tree bending slightly at the girl’s whim only to get her low enough to where a single step forward would get her on the ground. And once she was there, the tree would return to its original position as if nothing had happened. While doing so, Leila also went ahead and removed the mask from her face, putting it inside of her attire.

    What was revealed was a pair of sparkling blue eyes, deep as the ocean itself along with a welcoming smile and slightly rose-colored cheeks. Pretty much the opposite of how the mask with a wide black grin looked like. And now that she was on the ground, couple of other details became much more visible. Namely the pair of wolf ears on top of her head, as well as a fluffy tail. Though the latter was still pretty hidden between her legs and the coat she was wearing. “I’m glad that a young and cute girl such as yourself has her guardian when traveling.” She would glance at Zephyr and wink.

    But the path up the mountains can be quite rough and should not be attempted without preparation. That said, I believe you might have seen me coming down the mountain to enjoy the fresh air down here. It’s filled with nature magic, so it’s actually better than up there for me.” The girl would also explain while scratching one of her cheeks nervously. Hopefully this other girl would not think her someone weird for taking such a direct route down the cliffs. “Anyway, my name is Leila Vergious. A saint of Eden and a guild master of Silver Wolf. And you are?



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 8:03 am

    Zephyr was more than happy to nudge his face into the stranger's hand as he wriggled around allowing her to stroke his back as well, his large ears and tail accidentally whipping her mask a couple times in his excitement. Poko meanwhile sighed in relief that she at least seemed somewhat friendly, however she would still keep her guard up in case it was all a ploy, you could never really tell with people these days. Nevertheless the blonde maiden couldn’t help but stare with her mouth agape as the whole tree branch bent at the will of the mage and she prayed internally that she would not have to face off with this wizard ever, let alone while surrounded by forestry. Well even if she was a dark mage, which at this point she was having serious doubts about due to the way Zephyr was basically clinging to her.

    However, Poko completely froze as the woman removed her mask to reveal her face, while her eyes would have been what normally drew in Poko's attention, she couldn’t help but stare at her ears, not out of prejudice but because her fear of everything dog-like began to completely kick-in. She could feel cold sweat forming all over her soft skin, her eyes a vibrant silver in fear. Her breathing quickened to a point she was barely taking in any oxygen, she needed to find a way to calm herself, she knew this, but she couldn't.  When the woman spoke, Poko semi-snapped out of it, her eyes no longer fixed on the wolf ears as she stared at the ground. 'Stupid, it’s just ears; it’s not the real thing…' She whispered to herself as she attempted to calm herself while still listening so she wouldn’t seem rude.

    "O-Oh…I-I see." Poko stuttered as the woman explained how she had come down from the mountains and that the path could be treacherous. She took a deep breath in as her nerves finally calmed themselves and her eyes returned to their natural bright blue, mirroring the ones she stared into much more confidently now, "I am Poko, and that’s my friend, Zephyr, it’s a pleasure to meet you." She finished, hoping Leila would not be offended by her previous reaction. 'Wait…Did she say guild master?' Poko had come across some strong wizards in her time travelling through Earth Land by she had never personally met with a leader of a guild before. "The guild name Silver Wolf really suits you." Poko blurted out, before realising what she had said and letting her gold locks cover her red face, "I-I mean b-because of your silver hair…n-not because…ugh…" Poko mentally facepalmed as she questioned herself as to why she was such an idiot.

    Zephyr glanced over at his comrade, his purple eyes filled with caring as he watched her get nervous and flustered. Once he was certain she was actually coping properly he went back to attempting to perch on Leila’s shoulder so he could nuzzle into her hair and face some more.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 30th March 2018, 9:10 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The girl couldn’t help but chuckle and even let out a small laugh when the small creature started showing affection toward her in such intense manner, even accidentally making parts of its body hit the mask few times. A convenient protection of the girl’s pale-ish face, it seemed. At least the creepy thing was good for one thing aside from being an important heirloom to the one who was currently wearing it, though she still found not having it on better when conversing with people directly like this.

    Leila was a very observant mage, had to be in order to get where she was today. Not to mention her usual hobbies of wandering the land and hunting for treasures. A person just had to possess certain traits in order to do such things properly. The unfortunate fact was that such skills could not be just turned off, however. But in this situation, they might have proved to be present for the better. Not to mention that Leila was not only a summoner mixed with a nature mage, but also what was known in this world as a slayer. A dragon slayer, to be more precise.

    Though her magic was not yet ready to be used in any meaningful way, ever since she absorbed the lacrima with this magic, her senses were enhanced even further beyond what was brought about by the animal features of her body. Thanks to all of this, she was easily able to stop the sweat suddenly building up on this strange girl, as well as her rough breathing and even her heart starting to speed up rather dangerously. In return, this brought some nervousness to Leila herself, as she was unsure what was happening to the young female in front of her.

    H…hey! Are you feeling alright? If you’re unwell, just tell me, I can perform some healing magic or could even warp you out of here to the nearest hospital! Or if it was me what makes you uncomfortable, I can adjust to make you feel better!” She would make a single step toward the girl, but not get so close as to invade her personal space. She was also the type of person who could easily get concerned for others, so if there was a problem, she wanted it resolved as soon as possible in order to make the other person feel more comfortable.

    But it seemed that she was able to regain her senses to some degree at least, managing to introduce herself and her companion, who Leila did let sit down on her shoulder and nuzzled with him happily. “Poko… what an adorable name. And Zephyr, too. It is a great pleasure to meet you both.” The girl would reply and perform an elegant bow to Poko, one that was not too deep so that the magical flying bunny would not fall off from her shoulder. But this elegant nature that Leila sometimes showcased was soon broken by a burst of laughter.

    One that started the moment Poko said that the name Silver Wolf suited her rather well and then got quite embarrassed about it all. “Thank you, dear. I am indeed a silver wolf, through and through. But what about you? I can pretty clearly sense a magical energy from your body, so you must be a mage. But members of other guilds usually do not wander off to places like this. Not much out here aside from the empty forests and lakes, and there is a much more comfortable path up the mountains to our guild hall for those who wish to visit it on the other side of the mountains.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 30th March 2018, 4:14 pm

    "I-I’m fine." Poko reassured herself more than the concerned female before her. She didn’t really want to explain, it was her biggest downfall after all, but it would be rude not to, "I just have a fear of dogs….and dog-related," She glanced up at Leila’s two ears on her head, "things." Poko finished, glancing towards the ground, hoping she hadn’t offended her. Poko felt uneasy, her stomach churning a tiny bit, but it did sort of feel better to admit it and clear the air a little.

    Poko blushed as the mage called her name beautiful, she hardly ever spoke to anyone and when she did it was usually to argue about something, so she wasn't use to receiving compliments. Zephyr however only grew more ecstatic as he started playing with Leila's hair, careful not to hurt her with his small horn as he pawed at it in the breeze. Poko audibly breathed out a large sigh of relief when Leila didn't appear offended by her words, her nervousness dying off a tiny bit and her confidence returning once more. She was now more or less certain that the previously masked woman held no threat to herself or Zephyr so was able to keep herself calm.

    "Ah, yes, well," Poko began, a little surprised at being asked about why she was travelling, it was a pretty complicated story, she didn't want to go into too much detail, "I don't actually have a guild." Poko confessed, she twirled around one of her golden locks as she forced herself to smile a bit in Leila's direction before continuing and nervously glancing around, "Zephyr and I, we don't really have a place to call home so, we just sort of travel around from place to place." Why they were in this exact location, Poko couldn't exactly say, for she didn't really know herself, the duo just tended to follow wherever the wind was blowing, it always left for interested adventures. Honestly, Poko wouldn't have minded the opportunity to see inside a guild hall, she'd never been in one before, but she was afraid with a name like 'Silver Wolf' they'd be full of her biggest fear, while she can generally contain it with one or two around, a whole guild of them would be simply unbearable.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 31st March 2018, 1:50 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The silver-haired wolf girl only blinked few times in in realization as the words reached those canine ears, her irises moving up as if she wanted to take a look at those very dog-related things on top of her head and confirm that they were indeed there. She had heard of many different fears during her journeys, but this one was first. Not that she would think any less of the girl because of it, everyone had their own weaknesses they had to deal with, including the guild master herself. So instead of looking down at Poko, she would offer a kind smile instead.

    And not only that, she would clap her hands twice. In that very moment, those wolf ears, even her tail, would turn into white magical energy and dissolve into the air, leaving perfectly human-like Leila Vergious that no longer had any canine features at all that would cause fear and discomfort in the other girl. It was a little benefit of her shape-shifting ability. Or the outright fact that this body was but a mere vessel and the true form of Leila was in her own soul. Such matters were a bit complex, however. The main point was that they should be able to continue conversing without any difficulties now.

    So while the guild master listened to the explanation of Poko and Zephyr’s situation while patting the small creature, not minding it playing with her hair as long as it would not tug too hard on it. Leila’s hair was special in that it not only grew very long, but it would also become transparent if it reached her lower back. Not exactly the most flashy or fancy of special traits, but it was an oddity, to say the least. Though her greatest identifier was still Eden’s mark. Thankfully, her outfit hid pretty much all of it at this point, so none of the gray skin was showing.

    A wandering mage… I was actually one myself when I first came to Fiore. And I must admit, I do look at those times fondly. The true sense of freedom and ability to go wherever without having to worry that you are leaving someone behind. Not that I’m restricted at all now, but the nostalgia is there.” She would explain that she used to be the same, a guildless mage who would wander without a goal. “Well, the doors of Silver Wolf are open to anyone, if you would ever be interested. We are a guild that focuses on survival in this world, as well as research of magic and magical devices in short.

    Explaining what her guild was about, she would also wing toward the other girl. “And don’t worry, despite the name, the guild is not filled with fluffy dogs. While one of my companions is a wolf and there is one member who is a werewolf, that’s about it. And neither of those are permanent factors that you would have to be dealing with at all time. Instead, we provide a hot spring service to everyone!” A little benefit of their location in the mountains. The warm water flowing from the rocks was extremely pleasant and helping anyone in and out of the guild relax there.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 31st March 2018, 4:50 pm

    Poko had to blink a couple eyes, no they hadn't betrayed her, the woman before her no longer had wolf-ears on her head. She tilted her head curiously, she couldn't deny it she felt much more comfortable now and was more or less thankful as she released a small inaudible sigh. Poko brushed one side of her long blonde locks out of her face and behind her ear with her right hand, giving her a better view with it out of her eyes. She gave Leila all of her attention, not wanting to be rude while the woman spoke and she considered her words carefully.

    Poko's stomach churned a little bit as the woman mentioned not leaving anyone behind, but didn't let it show on her face. She had left her entire past behind, but not without good reason, although she knew deep down eventually her deeds would probably come back to haunt her, so for now she tried to enjoy her travels with her small, furry companion. As Poko continued to listen, it became clear that Leila was offering her a place for her in the guild, Silver Wolf. She had never set foot in, let alone been a part of one before, it filled her heart with both excitement and dread. Excitement in getting to finally call a place home again and dread in the fact that she might not fit in, or be able to continue her travels.

    Wait. Did she say werewolf? Poko's face drained of colour, she knew she couldn't avoid all dogs forever and nearly every guild would probably have one or two, but a werewolf? That'd make for something new and awful to deal with, even if it wasn't very often. The young girl glanced at her familiar, who was still playfully pawing and nuzzling Leila, causing Poko to sigh loudly and let the colour rush back to her face. Once Zephyr had decided on something, that little ball of fluff was stubborn and he evidently wanted to stay around this woman longer. Plus getting to deal with a wolf on occasion might actually help her in the long term, she had dealt with a few dogs and managed to put up with them after some time together, so it's not like it was completely impossible; it would just take time to get to that level of comfort.

    Poko swallowed the mass of saliva that had formed out of fear before saying, "If you'd have us, I think Zephyr and I would love to join Silver Wolf." She paused trying how best to phrase her next words, "We would still love to travel like we are though, if that's alright, it'd just be nice to have a place we could return to and call home." She waited patiently for a response, shuffling her feet in anticipation as anxiety hit in, hoping she wasn't demanding too much from the guild master.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 2:15 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    There was a moment when Leila was kinda worried, seeing how pale the other girl became. Really, would this one be fine? Dogs were rather common in this world, and what would she do if she by any chance ran into a wild werewolf that was actually hostile? But they would probably talk about that at some later point. Right now, there were other matters at hand. Such as Leila’s heart literally skipping a beat when she heard Poko say that she would like to join the Silver Wolf. Honestly, it wasn’t like she just confessed her love to the silver-haired maiden, so why was she getting so excited?

    But only shortly after, Leila would chuckle and then laugh. She felt little bad for having such reaction, but could not quite help herself. This girl, Poko, was just so precious. “Guilds are not that restrictive, dear. You’ll still be able to do whatever you want. Especially with Silver Wolf, we are what the magic council calls an independent guild. Not legal, nor dark. We go by our own rules. When I started this guild… I wanted to create a place where everyone could fit without being discriminated or laughed at. A place for everyone to call home. To survive.

    Saying that, she looked toward the skies, watching the beautiful blue between the leaves of trees surrounding them. Though in not too long, she would face Poko once more. “Ah, pardon me… got a little lost in my thoughts there. I got really happy when you said you would like to join, so pardon my behavior.” She would smile and scratch the back of her head nervously. This whole thing was still a very much new experience for her. “Say, how would you feel about a free trip to a hot spring?

    She would then suddenly offer. As she already mentioned, it was one of the things that the guild hall of Silver Wolf could offer. And, well… it would probably be only beneficial for Poko to actually see the guild hall and what it had to offer. After all, it would not be all that good if she made too hasty of a decision. And Leila would not refuse a pleasant bath for herself either. It seemed somewhat appropriate, for them to get along in such way. To tear down some of the barriers strangers had between them, so to say.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 4:30 am

    An independent guild huh? This sounded like the perfect place for her. She'd still be able to do what she'd always done, but get to have a place that she could happily call home.  She looked at Leila, her eyes swirling with emotions, the colours reflecting all those feelings in a hypnotic fashion. Poko giggled a little bit as the beautiful lady before her mentioned getting distracted, Poko was generally terrible at focusing. It took all her might to stop her imagination running completely wild so she could concentrate on Leila's words.

    Then hear ears were met with the wonderful words of 'hot spring'. Her eyes completely lit up a bright purplish-yellow, filled with excitement and happiness and she was practically bounding on the inside, though she kept her composure outwardly. The only springs she'd ever been to were with Quill in Paradise, she'd never been to them in this world before. She wanted to know if they were the same or different, if so just how different they could be. She clasped her hands together, "Please take me to the hot springs, I would love to go!" Poko gushed, unable to control herself as the wind picked up around her, ready to take off straight away. Zephyr rolled his purple orbs, humans and their hot springs, he would never understand. Poko had a million questions still for Leila about the guild, but if they were to start their journey to the guild hall she would limit herself to just a few for now.

    "How many members does Silver Wolf have?" Poko queried, she hadn't really heard much about this guild, most villagers only ever really talked about how Fairy Tail was either filled with great heros or troublesome pests, other guilds were hardly ever mentioned at all. "Is everyone as powerful as you?" Poko asked, not even giving much time for Leila to respond properly to the previous question, "Oh and would I get one of those fancy guild marks?" she finished, stopping herself from asking another, while she waited as patiently as she could.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 5:20 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila watched the other girl’s delight happily, now having an actual reason to spend a little bit more time with this young one and get to know her. She also noticed something else about Poko when she got excited. Wind, it reacted to her emotions. Was that her magic. Instantly, the silver-haired maiden’s mind displayed a certain black-haired canine girl who happened to be a goddess and also have control over wind. She had not seen Jiyu Kazehime in a long time, and honestly, her feelings about that girl were rather complicated at the moment. Thankfully, she was able to focus again after shaking her head some.

    Alright, then…” Stepping to the side, Leila moved one of her hands as if she wanted to present something. And sure enough, a blue portal opened right beside her. In the center, a building covered in snow could be seen, that was the guild hall. “This is one of my abilities. If you’re scared, take my hand and we’ll go through together.” She would wink at Poko to let her know that there was nothing dangerous about this and that she would make sure nothing bad would happen. Regardless of how they would get through the portal, they would get to the guild at the top of these mountains.

    The area was truly lying completely beneath a blanket of pristine white snow, even more gently falling from the sky. But Leila teleported them close enough to be inside of the protective field, meaning it was actually pretty warm around them despite the weather. In front of them stood a rather big building done in an oriental style, along with a garden of beautiful flowers and several animals running around. “This is the guild hall of Silver Wolf. Let us go inside.” Looking toward the blonde girl, she would make sure there was no problem.

    And as she checked on Zephyr on her shoulder as well, she would think over the questions that she was asked. It was quite nice, just how much this girl was curious. A good trait for a mage. “We are a very new guild, so there is not more than ten mages present as of right now. Though I hope we will be able to expand soon enough. As far as power goes, I am the strongest one in the guild for now. But everyone has the potential to grow as strong, or stronger than me in time. You included. And lastly, of course!

    With her last sentence, she would make a sharp turn and point toward her left outer thigh. A silver guild mark that represented a wolf head rested there and fully visible as the turn caused her skirt to fly up slightly, almost high enough to reveal little bit more than should have been. Right after this, she would lead Poko inside of the building, revealing a warm interior with atmospheric lighting. The floors were made out of older dark wood, as was the ceiling, while most of the walls were covered in paper painted with intricate shapes and paintings. She waited for a moment to see how the girl was doing with this new environment.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 6:00 am

    Poko was a little bit shocked as the portal opened up in front of her, seeing a ripple in space itself always had that affect even after travelling through on quite a few occasions, maybe she'd never truly get used to it. The blonde girl blushed slightly as the hand was offered to her, but she took it anyway, thinking it would be rude to just ignore it. Hand in hand, Leila and Poko travelled through the portal together. Zephyr gripped tightly onto the shoulder of the pale hair maiden as they went through, he never enjoyed portals, but he didn't want to get left behind.

    Once the trio were through Poko looked around in amazement, the snow was scattered around the mountain peak was beautiful. After a few seconds, Poko realised she wasn't feeling as cold as she should be, considering she wasn't exactly dressed for a snowy day, she would save asking about it later. The blonde girl's eyes shone a bright purple as they gazes over the guild hall, it was magnificent, even more so than she had anticipated, making her want to go inside and explore all the more. Zephyr sniffed the air, smelling the scents of the animals around the place, he would definitely enjoy running amuck with them, but for now he stayed put, he needed to make sure Poko would be okay, he was after all, as Leila put it, her 'guardian'.

    Poko thought carefully over Leila's answers, the guild was still small, which meant she wouldn't feel too out of place joining it, she may even be able to make a friend or two. Leila was the strongest, well that only made sense, she was guild leader and it was a new guild, so of course she'd be the most powerful for now. Poko nodded as she took all this information in as Leila twirled to reveal her guild mark, making Poko blush slightly, averting her eyes a bit, but still catching a glimpse of the wolf head emblem. She might not have been a fan of dogs, but Poko couldn't deny how pretty the symbol for the guild was, or the guild master for that matter. Wait what was Poko thinking about, she turned her head as she blushed, hoping Leila hadn't noticed, it was at that point Poko realised they were still holding hands, making her blush an even deeper crimson. 'Pull yourself together, Poko!' she internally screamed at herself as she tried to calm down her nerves as she followed Leila into the beautifully decorated guild hall. As soon as they entered she forgot all about being nervous and went back to excitedly glancing around, trying to take it all in at once.

    "It's amazing!" Poko exclaimed turning to finally face Leila again with a huge grin on her face. She couldn't believe her luck, earlier that day she had been wandering around aimlessly, now she had been given this wonderful opportunity, there was no way she was going to let it slip by her. "Y-you mentioned hot springs?" Poke stammered, a little embarrassed about being excited over something so insignificant. Meanwhile Zephyr had caught the scent of something interesting, his nose started twitching, it was familiar but strange and unusual at the same time.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 6:46 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila’s arsenal of abilities was rather broad, now more than ever before. Hopping between different worlds or just different places was fairly normal for her at this point. Though that in itself was not that good either, as she often wished she would be able to feel the same way she did when she experienced all of this for the very first time, her heart beating with excitement and mind trying to process it all. Was that why she was chasing after new adventures so much? Perhaps. She was hungry for more, to explore the unknown and to learn what she did not know anything about.

    Right now, Poko was the target of that desire. A lonesome girl with a companion that Leila did not recognize. Naturally, she would be curious about them. She just hoped that this would not come across as too forceful or even creepy. Though so far, it all seemed to be going just fine, and for that, she was glad. She even caught a small glimpse of the girl’s flustered face. Though she quickly connected that to the possible nervosity from visiting a new guild. So as a small response, she squeezed her hand just a little bit tighter. Not to the point of discomfort, but to reassure her that she was there still.

    When the place was praised as amazing, Leila couldn’t help herself but blush a little bit as well, wondering if making this place really was a success. All starts were slow and sometimes rough, so any bit of praise and support went a long way with her. She also saw a familiar face in the background, moving from one of the side hallways. It was Melon, the faithful green wolf. Though the silver-haired girl quickly made a gesture with her hand to let her companion know that it should retreat for a little bit. She figured it would be best to not have Poko scared any further right now.

    Yes, the spring is this way.” From the main hall, it was just a very short distance to several doors. Some baths for males only, others for females. And even mixed ones for couples and parties, it was all there. Though for now, she would lead the other girl to one of the private ones, reserved for members of the guild. A small magical sensor scanned for her guild mark and opened the door, revealing several lockers before the entrance to the outside bath. “There are several towels here, and your clothes will be perfectly safe wherever you leave them in this room. I’ll prepare the bath while you disrobe.

    With a wink, Leila would slip outside through the second door and started preparing everything. Whether Zephyr went with her or not didn’t really matter, as it was just a few simple things. Once Poko would enter the outside bath, she would feel the stone flooring beneath her feet and a large circular bath formed with natural stone in the middle. While there were walls of the building in every direction to prevent any spying, there was no roof and snow was slowly falling into the steaming water. Water that was crystal clear and very warm, as one would expect from a hot spring.

    Leila was standing nearby, looking at a thermometer to make sure everything was just fine. She would also speak without turning around, as she continued to fiddle with something for a little while longer. “The water here is infused with healing magic, so while you relax, your stamina will also be replenished and your wounds healed. The water is also filtered, so feel free to hop right in!



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 7:25 am

    Poko hurriedly followed after Leila, they hadn't gone very far before they reached a door where Leila scanned her guild mark, which Poko thought made for some interesting security. Leaving her to wonder if all guilds had similar secret places others couldn't enter without being accompanied, her mind running wild with possibilities. Poko quickly snapped back to reality as Leila began talking about, her eyes focusing on the towels. The blonde maiden nervously removed her clothing, neatly folding them as best she could. While she was used to bathing naked, she wasn't used to having company while doing so and she had always worn a swim suit if she shared a bath with someone. Poko didn't want to be rude though, so quickly wrapped herself in a towel, feeling a little less exposed this way as she waited for Leila to finish fidgeting around.

    Zephyr had left Leila's shoulder, but still hovered around, watching her curiously before deciding the room was uncomfortably stuffy for him with all this steam and floated over to where Poko was changing, curling up on her folded clothing. Poko found the whole healing properties thing rather interesting, but she wasn't about to hurt herself to test it out, that would be ridiculously unnecessary. She made her way over, feeling the hard stone beneath her feet while the snow tickled her face and got caught in her golden hair as it fell. The whole place just gave off such a magical feeling, Poko couldn't help but continue to smile as she dipped one toe in at first. It felt so warm and inviting, she made sure Leila was still busy with what she was doing, before removing the towel and quickly hoping in, feeling much more comfortable under the water. Poko could already feel it soothing her, she really did love a good bath, and it felt just as amazing as the ones in Paradise, maybe even more so.

    "I think I'm going to make it my goal to visit every hot spring in Earth Land." Poko sighed happily as she relaxed, closing her eyes. It just felt so damn good, she glanced over to see if Leila was going to join her soon or not.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 8:51 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    It wasn’t long before the spring owner would turn around again, ready to slip into the warm water as well. Though her eyes quickly trailed over to Poko who already managed to slip into the water, leaving her towel behind on the stones. This resulted in an… interesting scenario to say the least. Considering everything about Leila, her cheeks quickly flushed bright red and her gaze was swiftly redirected away from the beautiful young girl with a nervous laugh to what she had said. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it then. If you need to adjust the temperature at all, just tell me…

    It might have been a little awkward, speaking while being somewhat turned away like this. But, well… this place was a new home for Leila as well, so she probably should get used to seeing other girls without any clothes on. Not exactly the easiest thing for a young magician who wished to experience the wonders of love one day and gravitated more toward the feminine gender. In any case, she decided to stop standing there awkwardly and join her new companion in the bath, where they could perhaps converse some more. And she didn’t even really have to undress in a regular way, either.

    Since she was wearing her combat outfit, it was rather special. With just one snap of her fingers, the rather fancy outfit would dissolve into shadows that crept down her body and then into the ground. Just like that, the guild master found herself rather exposed as well, though unlike Poko, she very well might have had eyes pinned on her. And so she slipped into the water as quickly as she could, making sure to hide most of her body beneath the water’s surface. Though due to how clear it was, the water didn’t exactly provide much of a cover for either of them.

    Shaking her head, Leila would try to shift to a different train of thought. “Is Zephyr not gonna join us? I know that some, if not most, furry animals do not quite enjoy water and bathing, but he seemed quite unique. And, if you don’t mind, would you mind sharing what species he is part of? I have not seen a creature such as himself yet, it’s most curious!” Her thoughts of exploring and discovering new things overpowered other desires pretty well. And she was genuinely curious about the girl’s companion at this point, especially after having so much physical contact with him.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 9:55 am

    "T-the temperature is fine." Poko stuttered as she shifted uncomfortably, averting her gaze from Leila as soon as she realised she was actually removing her clothing with magic. However, not entirely quick enough to not see anything, leaving her face turning the tiniest bit pink, she just hoped Leila assumed it was due to the heat of the spring. Once Poko was certain that they were both most definitely under the water, she felt a little more comfortable facing her, although the water didn't do much, it did enough to make her feel that little bit more at ease. If she was going to become an aficionado of hot springs, she was going to have to learn to deal with at least seeing the female form and having hers on display.

    This wasn't the first time Poko had been asked about Zephyr, to be honest, most people were interested in him, including herself. However, truth be told, she had absolutely no clue what he was, where he came from, or even what he was doing in the forest that fateful day they met. Although, over the years she had come to somewhat understand him through his twitches and eyes, it's not like Zephyr could speak and answer the questions she had for him. Poko's calm blue eyes met with Leila's matching ones as she spoke, "Honestly, I'm not sure what kind of creature he is, if I had to guess a species I'd say he's most like a rabbit." she confessed, eyes glancing at the water before returning to Leila's face.

    "We met when I was younger, for some reason he followed me and since then we've just been sort of been together. Both of us were wandering all alone, maybe he knew that and just wanted a friend, I'm not sure." Poko continued, this time glancing in the direction of where Zephyr was currently resting, "It's not that he doesn't like water, he doesn't mind getting wet, he just isn't a fan of heat in general." she finished, looking up at the snow falling, lost in her own thoughts. Poko was pretty certain if anything he'd have to be native to a snowy region, from her experience that's the climate he always seemed the most energetic in.

    "Oh!" Poko suddenly exclaimed, turning her attention back at Leila, "When we met earlier, you mentioned you were wandering mage when you first came to Fiore. Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Poko stared at her curiously, tilting her head slightly as she waited for an answer.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 10:13 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    The girl nodded, glad that she managed to set everything just right the first time around. She knew full well that there were certain people that were just far too sensitive to heat and could not really submerge their bodies in a water like this without some adjustments first. Thankfully, magic was capable of fixing even problems like that. And it would come in useful later on for Zephyr, as she was about to learn. Although there was not much of information on the little curious creature, his owner knew at least his preferences, which was useful in its own way.

    Since he would be a member of Silver Wolf just as much as the girl was. And because of that, they would tend to his needs as well. But it was pretty strange that even Poko didn’t know what the creature really was, especially since they were together for so long. And seeing how curious the girl herself seemed to be, she probably tried to find out as well, right? Which did bring about a certain possibility, that Zephyr wasn’t quite from Earthland but some other world or planet? But that was something Leila would talk about later on, now they were here to relax rather than speculate.

    Sounds like the two of you were quite lucky, able to meet someone so caring that early in life. Sometimes there is nothing more important to have someone you can trust in this world, so I’m glad for you!” The guild master would clap her hands and smile warmly. She quite liked these kinds of stories, as they were rather heartwarming and they could remind a person that world was not just shrouded in darkness, that there was good and love as well. One just had to search for a bit sometimes. She had to as well, still was.

    Well, perhaps we can prepare a cold bath for him later, what do you say? While also treating you both to something good to ear and drink.” This place also had a section that functioned as a restaurant, feeding both customers and guild members that could not prepare their own food. But that was to be then. Right now, Poko actually asked where Leila was from. This question was somewhat… difficult to answer. Mostly because it depended on what version of “herself” she would talk about here. But in the end, she decided for her true self.

    You could say I was born in Stella. It’s a nation that is not exactly the most welcoming, however. I never had any parents to speak off, but a certain someone found me and took care of me. A machias - race of sentient machines. He was a Golem who was traveling the whole world, so he took me with him. In that sense, you could say I am simply from Earthland, as I was in all of the nations on this continent and never really stopped in one until I arrived in Fiore for the second time. That’s when I became a mage, too. What about you?



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 10:52 am

    Poko smiled as Leila offered to later give Zephyr a cold bath, he would love that, although she knew afterwards he would try to spray everyone nearby with the icy water when he shook out his fur. Zephyr may look cute and cuddly but he secretly loved nothing more than getting into mischief when he could. "I think he would absolutely love a bath of his own." Poko giggled, she wouldn't give away his little secret for now, Leila would learn soon enough for herself. Poko made sure to listen intently to Leila's story, it had similarities between her own history but it was far more interesting in the fact her guardian had not been a human. However, when asked about her own history, Poko's face fell, she had only ever really told people half the story, mostly avoiding the painful subject when she could, it wasn't exactly an easy thing to talk about after all. Poko took a deep breath, if this girl in front of her was going to be her guild master, she deserved to know the truth, the full truth.

    "Well, I was much like you, found without my parents in a small village located in a forest, although I was so young, I couldn't tell you the exact location." Poko started as she recounted the events, "The only thing that was left with me was a brass pocket watch, with an inscription about an evil angel. Unfortunately, the villagers thought that meant I was pure evil and despised my very existence, only one woman saw that as nonsense and raised me, much to the disgust of everyone else." Poko paused trying to figure out how to continue, "Needless to say I was bullied to a point where I hated and loathed everyone, except the woman I grew to call my mother." her eyes saddened as she looked down at the water. "Soon enough while alone I discovered the truth behind the pocket watch... I'm able to summon a fallen angel called Xiolan. I learnt of her history and how I was now her master and full of hatred I saw an opportunity to take revenge on the people that had tormented me for years. I commanded Xiolan to destroy the village and everyone in it." Poko hung her head in shame, letting her golden locks cover her face as a tear dripped from her eyes, "B-but I f-forgot about m-my m-mother." she stuttered as she started weeping, "T-The o-one p-person that h-had sh-shown me l-love and I k-killed h-her, I k-killed th-them a-all." Poko finished, trying to cover her face, the villagers had been right all along, she had brought doom upon them, perhaps not in the way they thought, but still.

    Zephyr had heard the crying and made his way over to comfort Poko by resting on top of her head. Poko wiped away her tears as she calmed herself down so she could continue, "After that, I vowed never to kill another being, unless absolutely necessary and went wandering around by myself. Eventually I met Zephyr and well, the rest is pretty self explanatory." Only after she was completely finished telling her tale did she turn to look at Leila, she had said this guild welcomed everyone, she truly hoped that was true.
    Leila Vergious
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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 11:40 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Nodding with a smile, the girl had already started planning where to prepare said cold bath for the lovable guardian that still rested in the other room. It was actually kinda funny, thinking about an animal that loved cold bath when humans pretty much universally hated such thing unless they got used to it prior. However, all smiles were soon enough wiped from this room as Poko decided to tell her everything about her past. Something that surely took a great amount of courage and even trust. It made Leila feel bad and honored at the same time, almost unsure of how to react.

    There were many things to it all, even one such that her first Earthly vessel shared the same blood as this young girl. The Evil Angel Xiolan… Leila remembered her very well. Far too well, one could say. The two girls never got along, not one bit. And there were moments when the angel even managed to break free of the girl’s control. That one time, when she was supposed to bring a certain item to her old guild master, she was nearly killed by Xiolan, only barely surviving. At that time, she didn’t even know of her true origin and thought she would actually die.

    Not very fond memories. The last act of Xiolan… it was actually connected to another thing that she and Poko seemed to have in common. Perhaps something that could bring her peace in some way, the knowledge that there were others like her. So as the girl started having trouble speaking, her new guild master would get up, uncaring if she was exposed or not at this moment. No, she just cared about this almost crying child. She would walk over and sit down right next to Poko, intently watching her and then, simply embrace her.

    It was slow and non-threatening, love-filled hug. She actually knew that very pain. So she would offer her warmth to the girl and the sense of protection. Of course, Poko had the option to simply slip out or shake the girl off, she would not force herself on the poor girl. Once she would calm down, she would form some distance between them again, but remain by her side while looking at the skies above them, but not before patting Zephyr who wanted to comfort his companion as well. “I see… you’ve gone through some bad times, I am truly sorry to hear that.

    Letting out a sigh, she would try to relax her body and speak up herself now. “People make many mistakes in their lives. Some can be fixed, some cannot. But regardless of that, we must accept them and grow. I made many mistakes myself. Until something happened to my body, I was actually also able to summon the Evil Angel. I have never told her to kill anyone, however. I did so myself. There was this man who wished to take my power. My magic is something you can call Lost Magic. A type of magic you can no longer learn by normal means.

    Pausing for a moment, she looked at Poko to see how she was doing. “We ended up fighting. And because of all his actions, I flew into a rage. At that moment, I have torn his body, limb from limb. Mutilated him beyond recognition. It was then that I grew disgusted with killing. Of course, it has to be still done sometimes. But I have sworn to never kill a creature that possesses sentience. And I believe that everyone deserves another chance, no matter how many chances they already got before.” Smiling at the other girl, she would try to wipe out any tears that she might still have flowing from her eyes.

    I cannot say that I know how it is to be bullied through your childhood. But I know many people are troubled by the past, present and even the future. This is why I made this guild, really. To provide shelter for people like you and more, so you could find comfort in here and people you could rely on. People that would understand you and not judge you for your actions. And I think you are very brave for telling me all of this. So I thank you, for trusting me enough to tell me your story like this.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 12:05 pm

    Poko had felt Leila hold her, at first she was a little shocked and taken aback, then nervous, but ultimately she was just grateful and honestly, enjoyed the embrace, albeit a little embarrassing given their current situation. Poko’s interest was piqued when she learnt that Leila actually knew Xiolan, she had thought she was the only one that could summon her. How naive to think that, after all it’s not like there would only be one single bloodline. Perhaps if she could find more people that could summon her she might actually be able to find exactly who here family actually was. She had tried to command the angel to tell her before, more than once actually, but every time Xiolan had simply said she couldn’t due to it being the final command given to her by Poko’s predecessor.

    She listened carefully as Leila explained her story, nodding in understanding, at least they both shared the same ideal of not killing unless necessary, although she couldn't imagine the memories she must endure due to being the one doing the killing first hand. She let the older girl wipe away her tears and gave her a small smile, happy to have made a new friend in someone so similar to herself. It felt relieving not to have to hide her past with someone and not be judged by actions she had made so many years ago. "Thanks for being so understanding, I'm really glad I met you." Poko muttered as she pet one of Zephyr's long ears that was currently swaying in front of her face. The creature simply nestled into her hair more, getting himself nice and comfy. Poko's stomach growled loudly, when was the last time she had eaten something. She blushed a bit in embarrassment over the sound, "I-I think I'm ready for some of that food now." Poko whispered shyly. It would still take her a little while to fully recover after recounting her past, but it wouldn't be too long before she was her usual relaxed and smiling self again.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st April 2018, 12:23 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Some people were rather alone. Honestly, Leila fell into that category as well. But in certain situations, having another person close to you and knowing that you could trust them was just about the best help you could get. Of course, Poko couldn’t completely trust Leila just yet. They have just met. But the silver-haired girl hoped to prove herself be properly trustworthy. And hopefully, the two of them could become great friends, if not more in the future. So the fact that Poko was able to smile after all that, even if just a little, pleased the guild master greatly.

    Yes, I am quite glad myself. So I’ll do my best to give you new and good memories that will balance this horrible past of yours.” Saying that, she would grin from ear to ear. How long has it been since she felt this much determination to help someone and make them happy? The universe truly did work in the strangest of ways, didn’t it? But she was glad for all of this, truly. And when the girl's stomach reminded everyone in the room that hunger was still present even in the most serious of situations, she couldn’t help but giggle as well.

    Of course. I’ll go ahead and let the chef know, so take your time getting out and dressing again.” With that, the girl would quickly leap out of the water, allowing only for the shortest glimpse onto the back of her body before the shadows would emerge from the ground again and dress her in the same outfit she had before. Going ahead, she would leave the room and do just as she said. At the moment, pretty much all of the members were out of the guild hall on jobs or doing their own business, so the chef had to be told that someone was going to order.

    Once Poko would get out of the locker room, Leila would already be waiting there for her, bowing elegantly to greet her. “Now then, my lady, this way please.” She would speak to her teasingly, as if she was talking to a princess of some kind. Just few doors away was a large hall that housed many tables, both regular and ones that were part of boxes next to the wall. There was also a bar where people could order alcoholic beverages, though that was probably not gonna be used today. “We should be able to prepare just about any food here, so feel free to order whatever you might want.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 1st April 2018, 4:28 pm

    Poko waited until she was sure the lovely Leila had left before getting out and grabbing her towel off of the stone floor. As soon as she exited she felt a bit of a chill after being so used to the warm water of the spring. She wrapped the towel around her and made her way to the pile of clothing in the locker room, Zephyr still atop her head. Poko shooed him off so she could dry herself and get dressed, once she was done they duo exited the room and found themselves back in the hallway full of doors and found themselves in front of a bowing Leila whose words made Poko blush and giggle. Zephyr had picked up on that weird scent again as soon as they entered the hall, nose twitching wildly, just what was it. While the girls left towards the kitchen, Zephyr stayed hovering on the spot a bit before bounding after them when Poko called out, occasionally glancing around nervously.

    Poko's face lit up at the idea of being able to order whatever she wanted, deep down she knew she should eat a proper meal, but she didn't know the names of very many of those, instead she ordered a stack of pancakes with maple syrup and a scoop of icecream, her sweet tooth getting the best of her. Poko also asked for a bowl of grass and berries for Zephyr, she wasn't sure what his favourite food was exactly, but he always enjoyed berries and grasses on their adventures. Poko waited patiently to see what Leila ordered, she would need to remember the name of it in case it looked good, so she could order it herself if necessary. Both the girl and rabbit-like creature prepared to chow down, as they waited impatiently for their meals. Poko taking this opportunity to ask another question.

    "What made you pick the mountains for the guild hall location?" she asked curiously, not that she minded the location, and Zephyr most certainly would love it but it seemed like an odd place to choose when there are so many other options. Secretly Poko hoped to learn a little bit more about Leila, she seemed so nice and kind. Poko honestly couldn't imagine her killing someone at all, just seemed out of character, but Poko probably seemed that way too and the blonde girl knew all too well that emotions could force you to do things against your own will.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Leila Vergious 2nd April 2018, 2:07 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila couldn’t quite help herself but giggle at the fact that Poko ordered such a sweet dish. It seemed that the fabled saying of Girls always liking sweets was holding up here. Happily putting in the order, the guild master decided to get something a bit more meaty for herself. To be precise, she ordered Cordon bleu, meat wrapped around cheese and ham along with croquettes to go with it. It’s actually been a while since she had a properly prepared meal like that, considering she usually ate on her travels and had to prepare all of her food over mere campfire.

    Then again, she also didn’t have to eat as much as most people due to how her body was. What was even rarer was the fact that she would get to spend some time with another person while eating. But it would be a little bit before their meals were prepared, so the two of them just sat down for now. Poko also had more questions, eager to learn more about this guild and perhaps even about Leila herself. It was only fair if she wanted to be part of the guild. And even more so far disclosing her own past.

    This location, it was actually somewhat tied to Leila’s own past as well. As a waiter employed by the Silver Wolf got them some water, the silver-haired maiden would trace her finger over the rim of her glass as she started formulating it all in her head. “The simple answer would be that this place is secure. It snows pretty much non-stop here, and the mountain is protected by spirits of wolves that can easily lead astray those with vile intentions toward the guild. But I wasn’t able to avoid being influenced by more when choosing the location.

    There was more silence as the girl took a sip and then let out a small sigh. “Depending on how new you are to this place, you might have heard about Golden Phoenix. It was a treasure hunting guild that resided on top of Phoenix Mountain. That is the mountain right next to the location where we currently are. I was… part of that guild. I already said that I used to be a guildless mage who was simply wandering all over the place, but then I met Elyx, one of the most powerful mages in this world and guild master of Golden Phoenix.

    Simply remembering those times made her eyes slightly glossy, her lips quivering. “Long story short, he showed me the essence of a guild and gave me a home. But at some point, he had to step down as a guild master due to his personal business. And with a new master in the lead, the guild started falling apart slowly. Eventually, a war of guilds came. And in the chaos, our guild master attacked another guild called Black Rose by herself, leaving Golden Phoenix alone. A dark guild took that chance.

    They have attacked when there was almost no one to defend the guild, me included as I was in a completely different place. What I came back to were ruins and the discovery that the guild had been completely destroyed and disbanded, the remaining members fleeing to someplace else.” A story of how the girl lost her home and eventually found motivation to build her own in the form of Silver Wolf. It was still rather fresh in her memory, but she had gotten over it mostly now. “I wanted my guild to be at least somewhat close to where my old home used to be.



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    Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila] Empty Re: Kindred Spirits [Poko and Leila]

    Post by Pokomon 2nd April 2018, 2:38 am

    Poko looked upwards, deep in thought, she had no idea guild politics could get so messy. She'd heard of guilds fighting other guilds, sure, but she'd never really considered the repercussions that would have on the members. Silver Wolf was still a fairly new guild, so she doubted anyone was going to target them given that it would probably take a lot to piss off an entire guild enough to start an all out war, but there was still the chance. It was a nice sentiment that Leila had made by placing her guild location where her old home used to be, it made sense after all. Wanting a place to belong, finding it, only to have it stripped away. Naturally you'd want to have something to remind you of the good times you had before and rebuild those friendships. She did have to wonder what happened to the rest of the guild members of Leila's old guild though, although she felt a little uncomfortable asking about it, she knew it would be best to clear the air before deciding to fully join.

    "The old members of Golden Phoenix. Did they all join other guilds or did some follow you to Silver Wolf?" Poko queried, eyes full of curiosity, "Also are there other guilds you would currently consider allies or enemies?" She figured both these questions were pretty important, she didn't want to join only to later find out she'd made herself enemies with someone she already thought of as a friend. Although her best friend wasn't even part of a guild, so she didn't need to worry too much about him. Zephyr's nose started twitching wildly again, this time Poko noticed, she cocked her head at her companion, "What's wrong, Zeph?" she asked, knowing he wouldn't answer with words, but maybe he'd show her whatever it was that was currently concerning him. Zephyr simply stayed put, sniffing the air, trying to decipher where the smell was coming from exactly.

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