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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

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    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting Empty Happy Happy City Is Disgusting

    Post by Musicalbunny 19th February 2018, 5:44 pm

    Rina was having a pleasant day out in the sun and breathing that magnolia air. It was so nice to be outside and experiencing new things. Rina had just visited a beautiful ice cream shop that had 100s of flavors. Magnolia Spritz, Berry Nut Blaster, Finna Nut, Thicc Coco Cream, and so on. She had gotten a cone that was dipped at the top with strawberry cream. Rina got served a Milky Way along with it. It was vanilla but yet had multiple types of other flavors to create a swirl at the center. It tasted like heaven and made Rina tingle all over. After that, she visited a flower shop to smell all of the beautiful flowers. Her favorite was the roses because of how beautiful and well scented they were. Never in the years of her childhood did she think she would feel this much joy in her lifetime. Now she was in the most beautiful restaurant with the nicest decorations, furniture, food, everything. She was so excited to eat her chicken alfredo mixed with a lot of other ingredients she couldn't name. She was sure it was good though so she just waited there for her food. It was awkward sitting there alone but she caught the eye of a hot guy. He winked and she just smiled awkwardly but then looked away in fear. When the food came back it smelled like heaven. As though the gods made it themselves with nothing but empty space. When she bit into it with a fork it melted in her mouth as if it was cotton candy. It wasn't like any other alfredo because it was spicy, creamy, cheesy, and rich. It was such a large plate of it as well and Rina savored every bite of it.

    As she finished her last bite she laid back in her chair as the guy who winked at her earlier was coming over. She wasn't sure what she should do, run, hide, stay? The guy there asked her "Why are you so lonely today pretty lady?" Rina listened to the language and thought he was a douche immediately. Rina then looked at him with a smile and said in a perky voice "No. Get out of my face before I make you. Hehe." He looked over at her and said in a surprised "You are not going to reject me." As he said this Rina pulled out of her heart a hammer. She then lifted it as if she was going to hit him and then brought it down. The guy then whimpered in fear as Rina stopped. With that, she said with a smile "Leave or this time I won't stop.." As he did this he ran back to his table with his friends and yelled out "Psycho. You're psychotic you hear me?" She rolled her eyes and called the waiter for a bill. When the waiter came with the bill she paid and then heard a scream. She then said to the waiter very quickly "Sorry for the commotion earlier but here's a 10% tip. Thank you!" She ran right out of the door and saw something in the alleyway next to the building.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting Empty Re: Happy Happy City Is Disgusting

    Post by Musicalbunny 23rd February 2018, 7:15 am

    Rina wasn't sure what she heard from outside but she knew this was her chance to be good in her new town. She didn't know where the screaming was coming from but she knew it was close. She looked to the alley next to the building but the screaming wasn't coming from there. She tried to run around the block but she still couldn't find the screaming until she heard a voice. The person said to someone they were hurting and said "You homeless people are so easy to hurt and kill. Glad no one cares about you pieces of dirt."

    She ran into the alleyway and saw some homeless people getting attacked by what looked like a gang. It was 3 females that all seemed to wear the same mark on some part of their clothes. It looked like a heart encased in flames. Rina felt like she recognized this mark before as though she saw it in an article or something. She tried to remember but couldn't think of anything on the spot. Before she could think anymore one of the girls shouted out to Rina. She had a bat in hand with sharp pieces of metal on it. She also wore a bandana on her head that covered most of her hair but still had some stray blond hairs coming out of it. She yelled to Rina and said "Huh, a guild member. I guess you're here to save the day. That is hilarious but we are the gang Flame's Heart and we won't let a pretty girl like you beat us." Rina searched her mind and remembered the tiny article in a newspaper that mentioned them. They were a gang that was persistent on finding treasure by any means possible. Rina knew these guys were trouble so she took out her Crocus Staff and glared them down. She yelled at them and said "Well this pretty girl was born homeless, so I won't let you bully these homeless people. They have had enough hard times for you to be trying to steal from them. So back off or I will make you back off. She was hoping her words would intimidate them to leave but it didn't. They just stood their ground stubbornly as Rina raised her staff. She was ready for them and knew it was her time to shine in this evil world. They both stood there waiting for someone to make a move. They were in a stalemate waiting to take advantage of the person who went in. Rina glared at one of them and they started to become frantic and then decided to charge in stupidly as the rest of their gang members yelled at them to stop, but she didn't. Rina pointed her staff at the girl running towards her and charged, ready to take her down.




    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting Empty Re: Happy Happy City Is Disgusting

    Post by Musicalbunny 23rd February 2018, 7:18 am

    Just gonna roll 3 times to see how the fights turn out



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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting Empty Re: Happy Happy City Is Disgusting

    Post by NPC 23rd February 2018, 7:18 am

    The member 'Musicalbunny' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting TV6mrb1 Happy Happy City Is Disgusting TV6mrb1 Happy Happy City Is Disgusting UtKyMUJ

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Player 
    Lineage : Defender of the Heavenly Gardens
    Position : None
    Posts : 459
    Guild : Fairytail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Royalty
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    Happy Happy City Is Disgusting Empty Re: Happy Happy City Is Disgusting

    Post by Musicalbunny 23rd February 2018, 5:23 pm

    The person coming after Rina was a girl with a ponytail. She had a tank top that contained the mark of the Flame's Heart. Along with her tank top, she wore shorts that seemed like they were easy to move in. She seemed to have no weapons but Rina could sense a strong magic within the girl. Rina was ready to fight and got in her combat form with the staff. The girl ran at Rina as though she was going to punch her so Rina lifted her staff up as she was about to parry her attack, but then to her surprise, the girl blasted out a fist of fire. It burned through Rina's shirt and she screamed in pain as 2 more hit her in the side. Rina clasped onto to it and groaned in pain. She lifted her hand from the wound and saw blood coming out of it. She felt a little light headed but that wasn't going to stop her from defeating this gang. She was determined to defend the homeless and she wasn't going to back down from the challenge. She ground her teeth and got prepared for the next dose of attacks from the girl called Jane.

    The girl's gang members cheered for her and said, "Go, Jane, destroy that loser people call a guild member." As Rina looked to her left she saw the girl and felt the magic power within her subtle down. Rina realized this was her chance and charged at the female. She hit once but missed as the girl dodged it but then hit her on the side of her stomach. The girl grabbed onto the wound and said: "You'll pay for that, just you wait." As the girl was talking Rina went up to her and jabbed her with the top of the staff. The girl got knocked into the wall and Rina then hit the girl in the head with her staff. She drooped down onto the ground, stunned. She was dazed and Rina decided that she had to completely knock her out before she got back up and attacked her later. She didn't want to hurt the defenseless person but she had to defend the homeless people. As she looked down she jabbed the girl in the stomach once more and she became limp. Rina checked the pulse and saw that she still had one. She made a breath of relief and yelled out to the other gang members and said "So, who wants to go next. Your friend isn't dead but she'll be locked up like the rest of y'all. You guys probably don't underestimate me now, do you?

    With a clap one of the girls walked forward and laughed at the comment from Rina. She said to her "If you thought Jane was hard just wait until you fight me. My underlings are trash so if they can hurt you that easily then I guess I will win." The other girl known as an underlying looked at her master in fear and said to Rina, "Look what you've done. now you're in real trouble." Rina got prepared by putting her staff away. She then put a hand on her heart and took out a sword. This sword was called the Gladiolus Sword. It was a sword created within Rina that spreads off toxins that poison the enemy. Rina knew this wasn't going to be too easy so she brought out her best weapon. The girl who was talking to Rina was the girl with a bat and the bandana. Her outfit was tied together with the badass leather jacket and the dark blue jeans. Rina wasn't that scared though because this girl didn't seem to smart. Rina didn't assume it though and she was right not to because after a few seconds of the stalemate Rina sensed a huge source of power coming from the female.

    As Rina noticed this the female farmed a ball of flames on her hand. Rina was surprised because she could feel the heat from the distance she was standing. Rina was a good length away from the female gang leader and the immense heat she was feeling was insane. Rina watched the movements of the girl as the leader threw the ball in the air and hit it with a bat. Rina dodged it and saw it zoom right past her leaving a dent in the wall near the body of the girl she defeated earlier. Rina yelled out and said "Don't you care about your people? You almost hit your member and you don't even seem to care." The girl then says back to Rina and says "She's just a stray I found a year ago begging for money. I only brought her in because I needed more people in my gang and she was disposable. The leader's underling looked at her with an awful look but then received a slap as the leader turned to see the face of the underling. The underling grasped her face and let a tear roll down her face. She put a hand over her mouth and began to keep quiet.

    In anger, Rina then slashed towards the leader of the gang and saw spores in the form of a scythe go towards the leader. Since the leader was distracted she got hit in the gut and cried out in pain. Rina saw the poison spreading through the body of the gang leader as she became weaker. Rina started to sense the decrease in power of the leader which gave Rina a good amount of confidence and she stood triumphantly. Rina thought that the leader wouldn't be able to move from the pain but she was wrong. The leader zoomed towards Rina and bashed her stomach with the bat. Rina was too slow to block it and felt the air knocked out of her. Right as this happened the leader whispered in the ear of Rina and said, "Bitch!" Rina smirked and then slashed at the side of the leader and inflicted poison on the arm with her bat. The leader then dropped it and grasped her hand in pain. Rina then slashed once more at the leader's arm and yelled "Don't," then she hit the leader again and said "You," then with one more slash she yelled more fiercely, "Call me bitch!" The leader yelled in pain and felt herself growing weaker and weaker. The last gang member looked at her master in fear as she passed out. Rina knew the poison wasn't going to kill the leader but that underling didn't.

    The underling yelped in terror but she knew she had to go after Rina or else her master would kill her. Rina felt sorry for the little girl who Rina didn't know the name of yet. She decided to put her sword away and formed to peony knuckles on her hands. Rina wanted to play fair since she saw the beating the girl took from her master. The girl ran towards Rina with her fist and Rina dodged it. She had to admit the girl was fast with her fist but she was not fast enough for Rina. Rina was able to predict every move the girl made and blocked or dodged it. Rina felt sorry for the girl but she knew this would go on for too long if Rina didn't stop it. Rina then hit the girl in the gut and Rina saw the breath go out of her the same way the breath got knocked out of Rina when the bat hit her in the gut. Rina said to the girl "Sorry, for that." It was surprising when Rina saw the girl get up. Rina got close to her and tried to get her up but then she began to charge at Rina again. With a lot of grunts and shouts, the girl said to Rina "Master picked me when I was young. I was always picked on when I was little but she saw something in me. She trained me with my fists for 2 years, so now its time to repay her and defeat you. I will not let master down!" Rina then felt a jab to her side as the girl made contact with her. It didn't hurt as much as the other wounds but Rina could still feel the power in the punch. Rina quickly recovered and began dodging and blocking once more. She knew she was going to feel so bad for this but she knew it was time. A tear rolled down Rina's face as she picked up her fist once more and hit the underling in the face. The girl seemed to be knocked out and Rina cried over the girl and said repeatedly "Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

    As she looked around she noticed something. She couldn't find the homeless people the girls were fighting from before. Rina searched around but still couldn't find them. She wanted to make sure those people were okay but she couldn't find out until she found them. She then heard a creak coming from the dumpster as 2 people came out of it. They were a guy and a girl between the ages of 15-17. They wore torn up and dirty clothes as though they were wearing the same clothes for months, maybe even years. Rina couldn't figure it out and she wasn't going to ask them anyways so she just decided to simply greet them. Rina waved at them and decided to move closer to them. Just then the boy seemed to get in front of the girl as if he was defending her. Rina then said to them gently "No please don't be scared I'm a good person. I know I just beat up those 3 girls but it was to defend you two. I swear I don't want to hurt you. I just get so mad whenever people hurt the homeless because I was homeless too believe it or not." The boy looked over at the girl and she nodded as if she was accepting Rina.

    She then walked over to the two and said to them "Hello." The girl then greeted Rina back and said to her, "Hello my name is Riley and this is my little brother Jack. We were so scared earlier but then you saved us like a superhero. How can we repay you?" Rina then said to them "You don't have to I promise. I know you two don't have the money for it so please just be more careful from now on." They then looked at each other and nodded. The guy then spoke and said to Rina "We are indebted to you so now we have to give you something. The other day we found this item in the alleyway. It was a beautiful flower that seemed to glow as though there was a ghost. My sister didn't want to touch it because she was scared it was haunted so I did it. As I took it out from the wall of the building it became a necklace. My sister wore it every single day admiring its beauty until that gang came and tried to take it. We believe it has mystical powers and we think you can use it." Rina picked it up and inspected it with great disbelief. It was a beautiful flower but Rina didn't know if it was magical. As she put it around her neck she felt some sort of tingle. It was as though the flower was made for her. It then began to grow into the skin of Rina and it invigorated her with a strange sensation. She felt stronger and more powerful but yet somehow still in control of the power. She wasn't sure how useful this will be later on but she was sure she was going to master the powers of this for the sake of the homeless.



      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am