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    Found Adrift the Burning City


    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Heaven's Traitor & Hell's Exile (W.I.P.)
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Lilim 26th October 2017, 4:32 pm

    Servant: Aera Tylidae. Servant Class: Caster/Assassin
    Caster: +50% Spell Damage. Takes +75% Damage Taken (x2), and physical attacks are 50%/2(25%) as effective as usual. Noble Phantasm: Take the Main element from the Servant's Magic, and a missile made of that element will shoot forth. This missile will deal 2 B-Ranked Damage. (Casters Deal spell damage with their physical attacks.)
    Assassin: Speed & Physical Damage Bonus: 50% Total. (Speed:20%/Physical: 30%) +50%x2 Damage Taken, and cannot double with the Rider Class type. Noble Phantasm: This one is up to the Assassin, but three requirements must be met: Cannot instant kill, must do up to A-Rank Damage AT MOST, and must be with a ranged weapon, or short melee weapons.
    Class Noble Phantasm: Assassin- Requiem della Morte: Migliaia di Blade Dance: This Noble Phantasm's name means: Requiem of Death: Thousand Blade Dance, and the name is rather misleading, as it does not mean there are a thousand blades (There are, but it doesn't necessarily mean so, though I'm now becoming paradoxical, so I'll stop.). However, it does mean there are a thousand undead standing with a thousand weapons, each dealing 1/1000 B-Rank Damage. This may not be the strongest Noble Phantasm, however, there is an upside to this Noble Phantasm: The Zombies are each wielding a short blade, and each zombie has 1/1000th B-Rank Health, and until struck, stay around and surround an enemy.
    Master: Chili Thompson
    Job: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t29486-war-of-the-holy-grail-episode-1-the-flaming-city-fuyuki-2004[/spoiler]

    The travel to Magnolia, well that was a story. I traveled over oceans blue, and through ash and azure skies, filled with clouds of storm and rain, and raging tempests that tore away clouds, before vanishing entirely into nothingness. My leggings carried me faithfully, though their color has faded into the Ash color, remembering nothing of their past radiance, though a dull glow still emanates from them, as to signal their ebbing force of life that passes eternally into shadow. I landed a half-league away from the cobble roads that signaled the beginning of the Main Roads that heralded passage from City to City, the first Vestige of Civilization's Master, long forgotten.

    I landed far from the base of the road, prepared for the long travel, in leather combat gear, and eyes in shadow kept good vision for sights unseen, and for beings unknown. I walked a good hour to the cobble path, cloaked in blood, swathed in the likeness of crimson cloth, and swaying to the light highland breeze to which my road was traveled through, bearing forth my unknown along with the sweet scent of the grass of the Mountain.

    I traveled for a great length of time, bearing the likeness of Ten days, before making first sight with Magnolia, several leagues from stone-borne Mountain-kin, their unmoving peaks rising high above the common plains and rolling green hills that dot the rugged countryside. I passed by humans, playing dominant over nature's bounty. I blame them not, but I hunt them. No trace will remain of those who preside to play at godhood, without the power of a predator behind it. Alas, I made my way from that place, and finally made it towards the mainstay of the city gate, the entrance that beckoned the masses to their inviting interior. However, the unnatural roar that shook the people close to the gate came crashing down the mountain, in the form of my servant dragon-corpse, Aemal the Voiceless. He nuzzled his massive head for a long while against my non-solid form, before bounding ahead, moving up the mountains like a goat long out of his habitat, reaching for the heights long remembered in naught but memories. At a half-leagues distance, I halted and waited against a sloping mountain, as I was to meet someone on this day. I waited for them, as the singing breeze danced lightly against my form, before wistfully swirling away.

    This is just the First post, sorry it took this long, but I suck at first posts. I'll endeavor to make them longer as they go on.
    TWC: 404/5000


    Found Adrift the Burning City Z8lAzQC
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Re: Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Chili Thompson 1st November 2017, 11:23 pm


    Chili was really not in the mood for this, out of all the times to be held up by a book return it had to be when he was on his way to meet a teammate. His mind went back to how he had gotten himself handcuffed to a pole with a library cop searching his pack. He wasn't even aware that library cops were even a thing. That didn't matter now as he tried his best to stand still resisting the urge to just slip the cuffs, knock out the cop, grab his bag, and run. Instead, he decided to go over what he did to get here in this current situation. Talking to himself in his head as he watched the cop search. The book wasn't even in the pack. "Let's see a week or two ago I  arrived at Magnolia to check out one of its many libraries to find a book depicting ancient cults the quote on quote gods they worship, hoping to find some clues however I had no such luck and ended up keeping the book past its due back date. Even though I gave them a fake name...I had planned on returning it after meeting up with Aera...or the other one....I didn't catch a name.... anyway what was I talking about oh yeah I was confronted and then arrested by the library's very own cop....Huh, he must be good I mean I library cop tracking down a fake name for a book."
    Chili needed to think of a way out of this or he was gonna be late and he didn't like the fact that he was starting to talk to himself like guys in those forth wall breaking movies.

    "So you just wanted to deprive people of learning about ancient legends and truths...is that it huh!" The very stereotypically library cop was dressed in a gray three-button trench coat paired with a black button collar shirt and black tie with white stripes going sideways. Light gray pants, a decently made black belt, and black...... wait.....tennis shoes and expensive ones? Chili's eyes froze for second on shoes his mind seems to go a million miles a minute. "Even none rip off comedy tv shoe detectives of any worth who were going for the whole dress shirt, trench coat, and gentlemen shoe vibe would wear tennis shoes unless they were going for more of casual or rouge vibe. It doesn't fit...or maybe he just felt like tennis shoes. Though they looked to be way above libraries pay grade" Chili hastily pondered to himself before deciding to see if his slight suspicion was worth a shot "So I thought dress shoes or some type of gentlemen shoe usually pair with the rest of your whole black and white movie detective vibe. Not to mention your a library cop and those shoes seem like they may be out of your price range, so who are you really and what's with the git up?"  

    The cop froze........and waited for a few seconds before his shoulders rose slightly and he sighed as they fell with a slight heave. "Well should have suspected that you would have noticed that...." he paused for a second as his appearance changed into that of an about eight foot tall dark green scaled skin half crocodile half human hybrid. He was wearing large blue jeans, no shoes, and a brown belt. A tattoo of a crying monkey skull holding its mouth shut was on his stomach. "Though since I got my human suit I like to manipulate it to take this form, you can probably guess what inspired me to do so."

    Chili was quick to give a response would up using his strength to grip his left thumb and dislocate it swiftly. Pulling his left hand out off the cuffs, Chili quickly cracked his own neck to the left before cracking back getting ready, his shoulder slightly stiff from the way he had been standing. "I don't really have time for this just gonna have to get my bag and run." Chili thought lazily to himself as he prepared to try and neutralize this shapeshifting hostile as fast as he could before either he was late or got demolished and ate.  Hunching over slightly as he dashed forward, barely dodging a leftward diagonal swing downward by slightly leaning more to the leaning more to the left as he moved right sideways a little. Taking aim for the crocodile man's inward left knee. Slamming home in the weak spot in the area, making the thing slightly pause giving Chili enough time to crouch and spinning winging out his right elbow going for the other side of the knee. Landing it knocking the other weak point on the side of the knee with enough force to almost make the big reptilian humanoid fall to one knee. "One more hit and I think he'll fall," Chili thought to himself as he quickly stood up, took two steps back and sent a quick door beaking straight kick at a downward angle. When this third hit landed the large creature went down with a loud "thud" against the stone sidewalk and slight cracking sound. Quickly spinning around on his heel and hunching low, Chili grabbed his dropped pack off the ground as he took sprinting down the city path to get to where he needed to go. The lizard hybrid taking a few seconds to stand up the force of Chili's hits must have bruised his bones a little even if the lizard guy had a healing factor it hurt enough to stop him for a couple seconds. By that time Chili was already aiming to make his way out of Magnolia and out into the rolling hills and sprawling fields that sat on its outskirts.

    "What was with that monkey tat?......I'll have to think about it later." Chili quickly brushed off the encounter, making sure to come back to it later as he finally came to the edge of Magnolia and was now on a stone path leading him up to a few more slopping one. He hoped he was going in the right direction. After about traveling for five minutes at a jogging pace he finally came into view of the base of the sloping hills he had been approaching Chili paused as he spotted a figure leaning against one of the hills bases. Nodding to himself a silent though went through Chili's mind "Welp cause old lobster breath didn't keep me too long."
    Walking forward Chili gave a semi-wave as approached, giving Aera a happy sounding greeting. "Hey, glad to see my business associate didn't keep me too long, you have any difficulty getting here yourself?"

    Post Word Count: 1122
    Total Word Count: 1122


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Heaven's Traitor & Hell's Exile (W.I.P.)
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Re: Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Lilim 2nd November 2017, 8:23 pm

    As I saw him approach, the length of time shot into seconds, with my other iris dyeing itself red, as a large lizard-man thing lumbered up behind him, bleeding from several points on the beasts body. As he made his way behind Chili, I pointed down the beast, and an inhuman scream loosed from up the mountain, as Aemal's fetid, disgustingly rotten form crashed into the lumbering lizard, dashing his body against a jagged rock, while we were thrust aside by the sheer speed of Aemal's form, and were pushed back, falling back, and back, and even further, until I, alongside Chili, fell down onto ourselves. I stood up again, to rather jarring resistance, which slammed my body unto the ground again. Seven Pentacles appeared upon either of my arms, and my body was solely and firmly under my own control, and just my own control, for the first time in the last few months, and it was a bit strange. However, a new addition was my skin, from my chest, to my feet were covered in armor, which is basically thousands of feathers from a raven attached to blackened leather, The feathers stretched from the lower shoulder bones on either side, down the arms, and ended at the wrists. Two long, thin blades found themselves in sheathes on either side of my legs, and wreathed in what seemed to be shadow, until it turned into a blackened metal that oozed unease to those that were unused to the unnatural, but they felt right to me. The last addition found its way onto my face, as a raven flew at my face, and upon collision, turned into a mask, adorned in Onyx, Jet, and Raven feathers. I stood up after long breaths of me laying flat on my back, pulling Chili onto his feet alongside, and for the first time in a long while, spoke to someone, who just happened to be a team member, of course: "Come on Ch-, Ch-!, M-master. We have a long way to go, it seems. First things first, however: Did Aemal hurt you? He's a big boy, I know, but he means well. Anyway, I have no idea where we are, or where we are to go, only that it is a long way. So if we are to get going, lets. Also, to answer your earlier question: I traveled for what I believe to be ten days past the mountains to make it there, not including the time I spent travelling there in the first place. Well, Shall we?" with that, I turned, and saw what seemed to Magnolia in flames. Not just a section, Entirely engulfed in flames, with craters along the main road. I shrugged, as it was no less then what I did usually, though it was after the fact, to hide my strange feeding habits that left thousands dead, and villages empty. I followed down the path of the main road, pulling Chili along by the arm, a sense of dread permeating the air with each step. Click, clack went our boots and shoes against the broken cobbles, pushing away the dread as we went, moving through the empty streets reminded me of things I did, and then subsequently blocked out, coming in flashes. I stumbled a bit, vomited up some blood, and put my hand against one of my temples, as my form shifted, losing its stable form momentarily. I righted myself before holding a hand to Chili, signalling him to stop before he asked. I pulled Chili along some more, a little rougher then usual, before we came to the square, where I sat on a bench, and waited for Chili's possible question.

    OOC Note: Aemal cannot and will not be able to participate in this thread anymore, so you'll be stuck with the plethora of other gadgets and bobs I have. Fun, huh?
    OOC Note #2: The weapons, armor, and mask are basically weak weapons with no abilities.

    WC: 612
    TWC: 1016/5000


    Found Adrift the Burning City Z8lAzQC
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Re: Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Chili Thompson 6th November 2017, 10:02 pm

    Chili was somewhat at a loss, the city was on fire, Aera had gotten a serious wardrobe change, and was coughing up blood. Deciding to start anywhere Chili answered her question about the dragon. "Aemal didn't damage me, he actually did a really good job hitting the shapeshifter all he did as collateral was send us flying to......where ever the hell it is we are currently. I mean it looks like Magnolia though I don't remember everything being on fire this morning."
    Scratching his head as he tilted his head downward, staring at his feet Chili silently cursed to himself "Great! The city is literally on fire......so is it an illusion or something else? Could be a split in time....maybe in reality though Ruz was more of an expert on this stuff than me.....All I got was a hasty explanation of all this mambo jumbo time reality dimensional garbage!" Pausing for a second as he lifted his gaze and scanned his surroundings. The best thing to do would probably keep moving and get out of here or search the city for answers. Chili preferred the latter and seeing as something had taken its time to dress Aera he was pretty sure that leaving might not be an option anymore. Though why his wardrobe hadn't changed as well was also something that interested him. Shrugging to himself Chili turned his attention back to Aera and proceeded to voice his thoughts aloud to her.
    "So you wanna find out what the hell is going on around here or would you like to rest a moment before we start moving?" Chili asked as he put his hands into his pockets, his voice soft, making it sound as if he was fine with either answer which he was. It was the only way he could address the blood coughing without actually addressing it since the hand gesture told him it might be a subject that she may want to not get into in the figurative middle of a literal burning city.

    As he listened for a response Chili had a silent conversation with himself as he also took in all the noises in the background. "I don't like how quiet it is....For a burning city, I don't hear a lot of people panicking and I don't see a whole lot of movement either. To add to that, what set the city ablaze in the first place is unknown, and there appears to be no threat from the outside of the city or anywhere for that matter."
    Chili's mouth had turned into a semi-concentrated looking flat line as he held his chin between his right thumb and index finger, slightly scratching it with his thumb. Even as he concentrated on listening to his surroundings now, trying his best to hear any sign of life but the flames Chili still kept a slight ear out for a response. After about fifteen seconds of intense listening, Chili was about to give up when he heard it "Clomp" and froze his hearing zoning in on the direction he could barely hear it echo from over the sound of the flames. "Clomp, Clomp, Clomp." They were definitely booted steps and they were getting closer. Not a sign of life in the immediate surroundings except for that and for that very reason Chili was now more than alert and mentally preparing for a fight or a single survivor with a horrifying tale either one seemed like a possibility. Turing his head to the left, Chili spoke up calmly with a slight smile appearing on his face. "It looks like my question doesn't matter seeing as we have some company arriving shortly."

    Post Word Count: 612
    Total Word Count: 1734


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Heaven's Traitor

    Heaven's Traitor

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 1,225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Takeover: Heaven's Traitor & Hell's Exile (W.I.P.)
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Shadow Dragon Slayer (W.I.P,)
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Re: Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Lilim 14th November 2017, 10:55 pm

    Following his gaze, I laid my eyes upon a dapper man, and a man in Robes, with what looked like some-sort of head piece, bejeweled in a manner I had yet to see in such a way. Their figures were hunched in an aggressive stance, one holding a staff, the other, more dapper figure was holding knives in either hand, chuckling at nothing, or at us. The Dapper one raised an arm into the air, and said: "Welcome, travelers! You clearly aren't from around here, and one can surmise from your worried look that this place is familiar. Well, we care not, as we were summoned here by those who wished to do battle for the Grail. If you wish to live, boy, leave the Servant behind and hide until the end of the Games. You, girl, must die, so the game can end. Know that I didn't care before you die." with that, the Dapper man rushed forth, blades in hands spinning, while the robed figure stood back, holding his staff aloft, and muttering under his breath. I released the seal over the Sword portion, and Reaper came forth, burning Red and vibrating violently. I almost lost grip of it, as it had been a long while since it last seen use, but I kept grip on it. I lunged forth, ducking past the Knife man, and headed straight towards the robed man. He saw my coming, and launched a myriad of magical blasts at me, fire, and more, until he flicked the ring, launching a plethora of light at me. I activated my ring, Nenya, and from it, I barely managed to step past the light and fire, and I barely danced past the lightning, though it was simpler then dodging the rest. I readied my blade, and let loose a barrage of slashes as time slowed further, lashing the hands, ankles, wrists, and neck of the man, before sliding the blade back into its sheath, returning time to its only slightly reduced form. I reached Hecate Prima up in front of me, and watched as the robed man fell to their knees gasping as they clutched their throat. I turned away from them, and readied Hecate, and activated the Mundus mode, and struck out, rapid firing each shot, against the dapper individual, riddling him with shellings, and he stood there, took the shellings without much movement, ignoring knock back from each shell and walking forth, and struck me with both daggers. I thought to block it with my weapon, but they snuck the blade underneath my guard with surprising deftness, stabbing me twice in my sides. Surprised, (aren't we all, when getting stabbed?) I gasped, leaving blood trails on either side of my mouth. I growled, and shifted backward, off the blade, but still in range of my assailant. I straightened, before walking slowly... slower still... until he looked confused, almost afraid when I stood next to him. I then  started vocalizing slowly, in harmonic frequencies, opening my jaw slowly, until I stopped vocalizing suddenly, mouth agape, when I I grinned menacingly, and ripped into my blood form, jaw extended to take in an entire skull. He knew the danger of getting in my range, but must've thought he'd seen my tricks and traps. He learned of his folly when my mouth clamped down on and through his neck, severing his head from his body. I turned to the gasping man beside me, and took his head in one swift motion, his hand still trying to resist me, raised pointlessly, and finger-less now. I turned to Chili, Eyes red, mind still whirring, and blood over my skin. "I'm glad Aemal didn't harm you back there. However, your question wasn't in vain, as we should figure out what is happening to the city currently. Right now, however, we should find a place to hide, as currently, I'd believe more to be coming after these two. Let's head east, as fast as can be. On the way, ask any questions you might have, as I get the feeling that there won't be much time for words after the fact." As I finished, clattering rose from the streets, distance unknown. I grabbed Chili, and pushed him down the road away from the sound, moving through the burning streets, and toward relative safety.


    Bird of Hermes Full Takeover Activated. (And accompanying partials.)
    Ju Surasshu Zandatsu Activated.(Reaper/Hecate Prima ability activated.)
    Reminder of Mortality: Infuego de Paradiso- The Burning of Heaven Activated. (Mundus Mode.)(Reaper/Hecate Prima ability activated.)
    Liquid Reality - Fluid Time (Nenya Ability.) Activated.


    Found Adrift the Burning City Z8lAzQC
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Found Adrift the Burning City Empty Re: Found Adrift the Burning City

    Post by Chili Thompson 19th December 2017, 2:45 am

    Chili was needless to say amused, that fancy dresser had gotten munched, literally. Dude was arrogant, to say the least. Sidestepping to the left as to get out of the way of Lynn's pushing, Chili made sure that she didn't stumble by overcompensating for his weight when she was no longer trying to move him by quickly catching her shoulder with his right hand. Upon making sure she was stable, Chili removed his hand as he now placed both in his pockets and began to walk with Lynn about an arm and a half lengths away to his right. Deciding to address something that was bothering him in a calm though slightly sheepish tone Chili began to speak as he walked. "I'm all for heading east, just please don't push me again.... Makes me feel like a piece of luggage if I'm being honest." Pausing for a second, Chili took four counts to gather his thoughts before deciding the best way to get an answer to his bigger question he would, in fact, have to start slow.  "Now as for any questions I have, the only thing that I'm curious about is the blood that you were dispensing earlier like you were planning on donating." He continued his tone still the same though maybe a little light-hearted. Listening to a response if she chose to give one, Chili also began to comb over the events of the fight as they walked deeper into the burning mass of rumble. It had been short and there was a good amount to go on, so Chili chose to ponder.
    "The guy who was dressed like some fancy English man said that they were summoned to fight for the Holy Grail and that for the game to end Lynn needs to die or all the other servants have to. Well, that doesn't give us a lot of options...... Sooo it's killed or be killed at this point which is fine, haven't been able to let loose in a bit! Now we just need to wander around until we find either more servants or clues to where their masters are. Though that is just an assumption based on what I know so far.....which is not a whole lot!"
    Chili came out of his thoughts as he took in his surroundings, he hadn't been thinking too long, however, he still had managed to wander further into the city in that short span of time than he thought it would take. With all the burning buildings around Chili would have been worried about the state that Magnolia was in if it were not for the fact that he was pretty sure this Magnolia was not the one from his world and along with the fact that he was unable to make out any sound of civilian life meaning either they were all dead or had fled. It was just Lynn, him and whoever was next in line to be fought.
    "I wonder what specialty our next opponent or opponents will have.... Though I'm not too worried." Chili commented aloud to himself as he came to one of the stone roads that should lead them in the right direction. There were houses and buildings on both sides, a lot of places to hide or wait to give an ambush.
    The clattering of at least one pair of footsteps was still echoing out behind them and with that, a plan brewed. Chili stopped walking abruptly and turned around as he leaned a little closer to his left and whispered an idea to Lynn one that he planned on following, regardless though her thoughts on it may cause him to change it. "Seeing as we are still being followed and that may not be the best thing at the moment since we could get ambushed. So I have a plan..... Since it seems that the servants are not as interested in killing me as they are you, I want you to get up on the roofs of the buildings and be ready in case more than one show up. As for me I'm gonna go introduce myself to our little tag along and see if I can get some context answers. I can handle it if things go bad, however, if things go from bad to downright hellish you come in and smite'em eh?"

    Turning around on his heels, Chili gave a small behind the shoulder wave. As he walked back in the direction they had been coming from as well as where the approaching sound footsteps were also resounding. Walking with his posture relaxed, Chili rounded the corner back onto the path they had come off of and continued down it.

    "So if whoever is following us just lashes out.....I'll kill them though if they have someone as back up that may be a different story. I'm fairly sure that I can get them to talk a little bit so it won't be a complete waste if I do end up killing them, which I have no choice in the matter from what I can tell it's us or them. However, I'm not supposed to fight from what the other masters appear to be doing, I should be hiding. Not that I doubt she could handle herself but I would get bored if I let Lynn have all the fun!" Chili rambled to himself as he walked straight, however about halfway down the path Chili stopped. The footsteps were just around the corner and in a few seconds, whoever it was would be face to face with Chili. Chili just stood stationary, his hands in his blazer pockets, his slacked posture, and his slightly goofy grin spread across his face. He looked absolutely out of place with all the roaring flames around him. Five seconds passed but it felt like more as a single person rounded the corner and paused as they saw Chili. It was a woman, maybe 5 "5 a little taller, she was wearing a white kimono which appeared to be blue and red on the inside though Chili couldn't really tell, and she was carrying a single-edged blade that was about six feet long including the hilt. She was a little surprised to see Chili from the expression on her face even if she made sure to hide it away quickly.
    "Not many Masters would be out alone on the battlefield of a Holy Grail War, I can sense that your servant is nearby though I'm not entirely sure where. So are you planning to face me yourself while your servant stands by for support? or is this a trap with you as the "helpless bait" " The woman asked her head slightly tilting to the side in questioning.  Chili shrugged putting a sheepish smile on his face.

    "Where's the fun in sitting back for the entirety of whatever the hell this Holy Grail War thing is. Sides, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions I have?" Chili said sounding calm as he watched the woman for the slightest micro-movement that would indicate she was going to attack. Though instead, she smiled as she raised her sword above her head slowly, taking up a stance to attack and spoke up in an amused tone. "Well, sadly for you, my master believes in controlling knowledge and seeing as you have no idea what the full picture is yet. They prefer I just kill you instead." With that sentence said he noticed her foot move the slightest out of his peripheral vision as she forced herself forward with amazing speed.

    Chili's eyes narrowed as his face become one of concentration within the second she went to close the gap, going to take his head off in one swoop with a high sideways swipe from the left. Barely ducking his head in time to make the attack miss, he almost didn't have enough time to sidestep a swift follow up downward slashing attack by stepping to the right. Turning as he went so he was still facing the swordswoman as he backed up while he quickly did the hand signs required to enter his T.Metal mode. His flame becoming a metallic gray as he threw his upper torso backward while taking a step in the same direction to avoid a swipe from the left. The tip of the blade grazed him across his chest as he dropped his arms to his side, effectively cutting his tie in half and giving him a minimum wound about six inches long and about an inch deep. It was already healing up nicely as she continued her assault, following the sideswipe with a diagonal upward slash from his right and then finishing the three combo move with a forward thrust that was aimed for his heart. After sidestepping it to the left only then was he able to get a long enough breather to focus and summon his mode's aura. Feeling his already strong will seem to get even more solidified as five cannonballs sized spheres that seemed to be pulsing with magical veins appeared around him. The swordswoman in front of him took up a different stance upon seeing the spheres appear rather than attacking any further to quickly reexamine her opponent.

    Opening his palms slightly Chili made two of the spheres fly to him, turning into what appeared to be basic roman gladiatorial short swords mid-air before reaching him. Both swords now in hand Chili took up a firm stance with one sword held out in front of him ready to defend while he flipped the one his left-hand upside down and held it ready to strike. They both moved at the same time, dashing forward to meet in the middle. He met a straight center swing with a quick flick of his right wrist and sent his upward facing sword into the path of her attack. Their blades rang out in harmony almost as they clashed and ground against one another quick flick of his right wrist and sent his upward facing sword into the path of her attack. Their blades rang out in harmony almost as they clashed and ground against one another. Chili took no time in sending the blade he held in his left hand into her lower abdomen with a swift follow up swipe. The women had seen him go to move and took a step back in time to minimize the damage though Chili still was able to cut her about two inches deep even if it wasn't that long. Chili took a step forward as he flipped his left blade back up and used it to send a diagonal strike at her. She was quick in blocking it though not quick enough to notice Chili was using his right blade to thrust into her left shoulder. He sent it all the way through, though the tip was just visible out the other side of her shoulder when the women grunted in pain as she took a step back. The blade came out with little resistance, stained red as a few droplets of blood dripped from it. In the second Chili went to keep following up his attack, knowing that eventually, his dual wielding would wear this single sword wielder down. Something happened all of sudden the area around her turned colorless as she took up a solid stance, one that a summon would find hard to budge someone out of. He narrowly brought his right sword up in time to block the attack he sensed coming before he saw it. Not that it mattered much as her sword was swung with enough force to shatter his sword in half, leaving him with a jagged two-foot-long knife more than blade as her sword, on the other hand, sent an about five inches diagonal gash that led from his lower right bottom of his rib cage up to underneath his left pectoral muscle. As a good amount of blood seemed to spurt out of him, he fell backward into a roll and landed on his feet just out of range of the colorless area.

    One wound was already closed, though the new skin was still tender and now he had a new one that made it look like someone had carved the number seven into his shirt and jacket. As he felt what he was pretty sure was his lower intestine begin to mend shut, Chili couldn't help but cough up a handful of the same ruby liquid onto the back of his hand as he went to cover his mouth. Scanning his target he started to think of what he could do. "So the colorless area appears to extend about fifteen feet from where she stands, she isn't advancing even though she had the upper hand, and finally her swing was definitely stronger than before. Hmm, so whatever this power of her's it is of stationary use, immense concentration, speed, and defense. So there is no way I can get within range without being torn to shreds unless.......I have a plan!"
    A smirk came to his lips as he called over to the still warrior in a light tone. "Ya know white is not the best color to wear if you are gonna get bloody, I usually go with red or black. Makes it hard to see all the blood that has soaked into my clothing."
    The swordswoman took a just quick glimpse of herself to survey that indeed her white kimono was now starting to stain a pinkish red before her gaze returned to him, however, she did not say anything in response to his comment. She did not need to though, her quick gaze at her self-had given Chili time to get his other three orbs into position around her level with the ground only hovering about four feet above it. Quickly changing them into spears mostly resembling those of Spartan generals. He sent them flying toward her giving them each a second head start before he dashed forward as fast as he could. His injury now about a three-fourths of the size it was when he got hit. His spears entered the colorless area before he did and she reacted, twisting to the right slightly before twirling the other direction as she cut the first spear that had been to her left. As Chili saw her split it in two he counted "One" He was maybe ten feet from her now. She cut the one that had been behind her still going to complete the circle. "Two" Chili was maybe four feet from her now. She cut the last one in two and was coming back around to where he was when he arrived within striking range. As her arms came around and sent her blade sinking into the center of the left side of his abdomen, about a few inches below his ribs. The warrior was on a path to rend him in two like she had his aura made spears. Dropping his sword Chili grabbed onto the handle of her blade, halting her blade about a good half a foot into him from where she started though having him complete impaled was half bad. Chili couldn't help but chuckle a little as some blood started to drip from the corner of his mouth. Like a cobra, he lashed out with the slowly fading broken blade that he still held to his right hand. The broken edge was still effective in slicing the woman's throat As a spurt of blood hit him in the face and caught his wrist a little. Chili watched the swordswoman's eyes widen as she felt him deal the death blow and as she got a close look at his mostly healed wounds.
    "H-how....You're wou_" She tried to speak up through her words failed her as the blood filled her throat and left them as nothing more than gurgling sounds lost in the roaring flames. She let go of her sword and fell to the ground as the colorless disappeared from the area around him.

    Chili coughed a few more times into his left hand as he dropped the broken blade from his right and continued to use his free hand to wrench the blade from his gut. Dropping it the ground with a loud "clatter" he stumbled backward a little as he let a breath of relief out. "Removing the weapons is always the worst part....though feeling your insides shift and pull themselves back together is well weird rather than unpleasant I guess. I didn't even get any answers....though she is dead so I guess that counts for something" Chili chuckled to himself a little deliriously. He started to slow his breathing as he looked around and that when he realized something. Seeing everything on fire paired with the sound of the roaring element was making him itch for a fight as if he was consumed by the aura of his hellfire mode. Sighing he massaged his temple and focused on his breathing till the count of five. "Never thought how the auras alter my mind would affect me out of them or even worse while a different one is active."
    Shaking his head one last time to clear it a bit more. He turned back to where he had left Lynn unsure if she had chosen to go onto the rooftops, simply follow him to the corner or any number of things. Either way, he hoped she was getting into less trouble than he had managed to.

    Post Word Count: 2907
    Total Word Count: 4641

    Health: 105/200
    Mana: 150/150
    Mode T.metal
    Aura Activated: 4 posts remaining: 1/5 orbs remaining.


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am