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    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid

    Shiori Saikawa

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    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid Empty STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 12th September 2017, 1:02 pm

    Job Description:
    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid Empty Re: STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 12th September 2017, 1:33 pm

    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The young witch had taken up the rather urgent request from the town of Toylaten, she didn’t really know what kind of job this was, not much information was given. Though it could potentially be very dangerous, apparently previous people sent on this job haven’t returned, and nobody has heard from them. This worried the nine year old, Toylaten was probably one of the main manufacturers and distributors of toys throughout the whole of Earthland. Being rather mature for her age, wasn’t one to play with any childish thing like that, but she appreciates them. Plus, she couldn’t stand the thought of hundreds, maybe thousands, of children that couldn’t get their playthings because no store had them. It was a very sad thought, a very sad thought indeed. And despite the lack of information, she tried to have an optimistic view, but her options for such were bleak. Perhaps nothing was to seriously wrong, maybe everybody in charge of transportation of the toys took a vacation. Well what about all the people that haven’t returned? They went on vacation too, maybe, who am I kidding. the girl sighed at her thoughts, at best they were kidnapped, and that was what the maiden was hoping for, if not something better.
    She sat on one of the train seats, her toes just barely scuffing the floor. She disliked being short, it made it a lot easier for other people to pick on her, and being petite girl and a child, most people often saw her as defenseless. Which she wasn't, she was a young girl that had great potential to be a powerful witch. That of which she casted her magic from, hung loose around her neck in the shape of a birdlike key. The book which acted as a case to safely hold her cards, rested within her backpack that sat beside her. Though slightly anxious about how this mission, she was excited to meet her job partner. Who happened to be one of the guildmasters of Golden Phoenix, and famously known as the previously first ranking Rising Star and now the seventh ranked Wizard Saint. So she was a bit of a celebrity, and even if Vesta didn't care much for famous people and their lives like some people. She was still ecstatic to meet her, hopefully she was nice, cause sometimes people who had the big titles didn't always act the nicest. Even if they were labeled as such.
    The train parked in it's station, the conductor said all planning to go to Toylaten should get off here. Vesta was probably one of the only people getting off, her nerves tightened. Swinging her backpack over her shoulder, she properly placed it on her back and hopped off. She took some deep breaths to try and ease her nerves, she tightened the red beaded hair ties in her light brown hair. Her soft green gaze looked off into the distance, she could the village quite a distance away, but at least it wasn't that far. She was supposed to meet up with the guildmaster at this train station, but she wasn't sure if she was already here or not. So she had to wait, sitting her small build onto a bench in front of the station just as the train started to move on, the sound of it's whistle and wheels running along the tracks were almost deafening when sitting right by it. She wasn't used to hearing such a noise, though she has been on many trains. Where the summoner lived tended to be rather peaceful, she passed time by cleaning or reading as her mother was most likely in her room reading or off she didn't know where. Since neither of them were very loud people, the little house was often quiet. Not that she was scared of loud noises, just not used to them, something that she probably would grow used to later on.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid Empty Re: STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid

    Post by Guest 16th September 2017, 9:21 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    At first she had expected her plan to work. But of course, this was Astrid. So in the end, none of her plans really worked.
    What was a dragon slayer's most damaging weakness? Some might say whatever their opposite element might be. But those people would be wrong.
    It was motion sickness.
    The guild master has been plagued by it ever since becoming a dragon slayer, causing her to be unable to ride any sort of vehicle that she did not personally dub as a friend. A strange rule really. Why did dragon slayers get this in the first place? No matter how much she tried to look up the reasoning there was no solid answer. Some say it is because most dragon are natural born flyers, meaning they never had to depend on anything else but themselves to get from place to place. Though Astrid found this hard to take seriously as she could not imagine some beast as great as a dragon getting motion sickness. It was a mystery indeed. An inconvenient one at that.
    Astrid has tried everything to get this to stop. Sally, her celestial key had done the job once a while back, but it seemed her illness had evolved and managed to prevent her healing magic from working. Then there was home remedies, but they never worked either. In the end, the slayer just figured as long as she didn't take transportation in the first place she wouldn't get it, meaning she'd have to run at the speed of light to get anywhere. But when you were literally that fast, it wasn't that much of an issue. Though using that much magic power some times ended up making things worse than better, as by the time she got to her destination her mana had taken quite the huge dip. A dilemma indeed, but Astrid found as long as she consumed enough energy from the light around her she could normally get there without taking too much of a hit.

    This time however, she had a plan. Surely her spiritual body would not get motion sickness, right? It wasn't even really in this world, it was a mere reflection of her soul. Of course it couldn't get sick.
    ... At least that was what she had thought before she bought the ticket.
    The blonde woman groaned, hanging loosely out the window of the train as it came to a stop next to the station. Her pale face was a sickly green, and yellow eyes watered behind silver framed glasses.
    ... It didn't work. In fact, she probably felt even worse than she had been in the past, may it be from the fact she was a hybrid dragon slayer or some sort of side effected from the body she was unaware of.
    She could feel the bile building in the back of her throat, making her drool slightly to try and get the horrible taste out. "I-It's too bright" she huffed out, feeling her mind grow more and more fuzzy with each passing second. "No Lulu turn the lights off it's beddy bye time."
    Clearly delusional and too wrapped up in trying not to throw up the girl didn't even notice when the train's whistle rang and the conductor began to retreat back into his carriage.
    Releasing a puff of smoke the train settled before moving forward slowly. Upon being thrust sideways due to her lack of balance and the train's momentum the slayer started to lean out the train more, and more, until the one finally push forward caused her to fall out. She slipped out and fell forward onto the ground next to the tracks, head first. She let out a cry of pain before swiftly falling onto her back, where she laid there completely limp in defeat, in too much pain from the combination of sickness in her body and the pain from the fall to do anything else but lay there and hope for death to take her.
    One might say her spirit had felt her body at that point, or it at least looked that way by the paleness of her skin and the horrid look upon her face. But seeing as how this was her spirit, that wouldn't even really be possible.
    715/6,000 ● @tag ● notes


    Shiori Saikawa

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid Empty Re: STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid

    Post by Shiori Saikawa 12th November 2017, 10:54 pm

    STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING TO ME ★ private, job, astrid WIjlryD

    Vesta Guildless C-Rank

    The little witch had been waiting a while for the Golden Phoenix to arrive, which was worrisome for the girl. She was probably busy with other work, of course a guildmaster and Wizard Saint was probably a very very busy person. So she was probably running late, the young girl was just worried that she wasn't going to end up making it and she would have to do this with someone else. Because in no way would anyone trust someone of her rank and age to handle this on her own. Which she could understand, at least her rank, she wasn't as experienced with magic. But she hated being underestimated because of her age. Which should have nothing to do with her abilities, what she can and can't do. Yeah she is young, but that just means that she has more possibilities to grow and learn. Restricting her from doing so is just plain idiotic, at least that's how Vesta thought.
    Upon hearing the train arrive the nine year old would leap to her feet, her petite figure standing tall, trying to look like she could handle herself and that she could help. The girl wanted to make a good first impression on the guildmaster, so maybe they could even go on a mission after this, if they succeeded in this one. Which she had confidence in that she would do just that, maybe she couldn't do it on her own, not while she is now, but that's what Astrid is here for right? The train stopped, she walked over, close but still some distance from the door so she didn't get in the way of anybody trying to get off. Then the first thing she saw then the doors opened, was a small figure, not much bigger then herself, and a head full of long silver hair, fall to the ground. Being a good person, always wanting to help anybody whenever she can, even if that makes her get in the way, without hesitation she ran over. Falling to her knees she looked at the body, the face the young woman was making was sort of scaring her, the frozen horror of falling on her head.
    Wait, she knew who this was, it was Astrid Foss. What was wrong with her? The girl wasn't sure, but she needed to help. Like I said, good impressions and plus she needed help in dealing with the issue that Toylaten has. She didn't know any healing spells, specializing in summoning, she didn't really know anything besides that. Vesta at this time wished she was more fluid in her magic as her mother is, there was a spell for almost anything, and she didn't bother learning anyone of them. How stupid she was, she thought. Quickly she removed her key from it's place around her neck, she held the back of it's head. She didn't know where to place it to at least try and help her heal, but it should work no matter where. So she pressed the beak of the key to the silvernette's forehead, the healing would spread through her body, hopefully giving her some relief. It wasn't a high ranked ability, due to Vesta not being a high ranked witch, but it should help some. "Are you alright?" she asked in a worried tone, clutching her key close to her chest, a gentle hand on the other girl's shoulder.

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