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    Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. Empty Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Post by Oras Auro 26th August 2017, 12:20 pm

    Oras was taking a train. This was the first time he had ever done so, and to be honest he didn't enjoy it all that much. He was the type to prefer to walk, however with his current assignment, the location, as well as the time limit, he had no choice but to choose a far more faster method of transportation. This task most likely wouldn't require magic, conflict, or other such tasks that would require effort that most wizards were used to. It was more of a strategy game. He was to be a third party in a negotiation between the rune knights and the business in question, and the employee who was recently fired. Most people would give the employee a lecture, or beat them up, but this particular employee had strapped multiple lacrima crystals to himself that, if activated, would cause an massive explosion.

    This would be a strategy game. His opponent was filled with either grief, pain, betrayal, anger, or perhaps a mix of all of them together. At any rate it was only a matter of calculations, choice words, understanding and accurate communication in order to persuade him to stop the reckless and utterly meaningless assault. If done incorrectly the employee would certainly activate the lacrima and destroy the building, as well as the surrounding area and the people in and around it. This was something that Oras would need to take his time to defuse. Even though he accepted the corruption and destruction of this world, and of humans, especially since most don't care about anyone but their own selfish desires and greedy thoughts, he wasn't about to let a large amount of lives perish because one man was having a rough day. Just another form of proof of mankind's selfish nature. Because this man had been fired, he was going to release his own revenge on the company.

    315 words. 1/5 posts


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. TEm5Pci

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. Empty Re: Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Post by Oras Auro 27th August 2017, 9:24 am

    Oras saw the town coming into view and began to pull his things together. He intended for this to be a quick mission. Walk in, convince the idiot to do otherwise, then go back to the next town on his list. While he adjusted to changes in schedules such as this, he would prefer crossing every name on the map off of his list. He was starting with towns at the moment, but pretty soon he intended to be crossing off forests, mountains, ruins, anything of importance. Then track down the rest. Until he had an actual mission besides random quests, he would simply focus on exploring every section of fiore. Gathering intel, and information about the landscape so that planning in the future would become easier for him.

    As he walked out of his section of the train, he noted that everyone else was waiting patiently. They would wait until the sound echoed through the train, signalling that they had arrived. Oras wasn't the type to wait until he was told it was time to get off. He had seen that they were coming towards the station. So he would be at the door. In fact, he ended up timing it so perfectly, that by the time he reached the doors, the train was beginning to slow down. The staff on the train began to walk down the path and noticed him, surprised that someone would be waiting at the door. Then again, they thought, this person was cloaked and masked, mysterious as could be. Oras paid them no mind and waited for the doors to open. Once they did, he stepped off of the train and began to make his way into the town.

    He knew where his destination was. He had studied the city's map on the way here to ensure that he would make it there swiftly. He didn't know the shortcuts, but he wouldn't be taking a car to get anywhere. He would be walking, which he believed to be the best option.

    338 Words. 2/5 posts


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. TEm5Pci

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. Empty Re: Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Post by Oras Auro 2nd September 2017, 12:36 pm

    Oras soon reached the assigned location. The scene was, quite disappointing. Guards lined the edge of the area, keeping people from getting too close to the building. If what he heard about the lacrima was true, the explosion would at least maim any of the onlookers at their current distance from the building. He walked over to the officer in charge who was calling out to the people. The man was about to call out to Oras two before the masked man interrupted him.
    "You want to increase the perimeter, or these people will die anyway. Or at the very least become seriously injured." The guard looked at him with frustration that a stranger was telling him what to do, but it became a mix of shock and anger when Oras broke through the perimeter.
    "Hey! Just what do you think your doing?" Oras stopped but didn't turn to look at him. "Do you want me to do the job you assigned me to do?" With that he walked into the building.

    Oras could hear the frustration and anger from the guards behind him as he walked into the building. What was interesting was that these soldiers were going to let any D rank wizard take on this job. A mission that either ended in victory, or the destruction of an entire building. If the wizard wasn't strong enough then they may be destroyed. Oras however wouldn't be on the losing end of this gamble. In fact it wasn't a gamble at all. This former employee wouldn't just stop the assault. He would be rethinking his entire life after this little chat. He saw two guards who noticed him as well.
    "You must be the wizard we hired." Oras nodded.
    "Verus. Please lead me to the objective."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. TEm5Pci

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. Empty Re: Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Post by Oras Auro 2nd September 2017, 1:58 pm

    Oras was lead to a single room with a wooden table and two chairs. Standing on the other side of the table was a man loaded with lacrima crystals. His eyes were narrowed and he clearly didn't like any of them. Even Oras. Of course Oras understood the man's distaste, as he was staring at a cloaked and masked man. Oras however, didn't need to reveal his face whatsoever.
    "You. Your the wizard they went crying to aren't they? It's funny to see them so desperate now isn't it?" Oras walked forward, waving a hand, signalling for the guards to depart. They looked at each other for a moment, hesitating, but then seeing Oras take a seat they listened. Oras sat straight and calm as if he were at a business meeting, placing his hands on the table and folding them together.

    "Let's avoid pointless insults shall we? We'll just be wasting our time. I am Verus." The man stood there, his eyes still narrow, but he made sense. This wizard was a third party and there was no point in insults. The man sat down, still stiff and on edge.
    "Henry. And there's nothing you say to me that will make me change my mind."
    "Correct. It will be what you say that changes it." The man growled in annoyance.
    "What on earth does that mean?"
    "Would you mind telling clarifying something for me? Why do you need a job?" The man was reaching his limits and stood up, slamming his hand on the table.
    "What kind of stupid question is that?! You know why, I need the money!!!"

    "And yet you could easily get jewel from other jobs, which means that either you have a strong connection to these people, and feel betrayed, or you have attempted looking for another job and have ultimately failed at finding one you can be successful at. Or perhaps both." The man was shocked at that analysis but also angered further.
    "Why you little-"
    "And I see by the ring on your finger that you have a family. Giving your current age you most likely have a child or two as well, am I correct?" The man stopped, his eyes wide.
    "H-how did you-"
    "I could understand your actions if you were being paid for this, which in this case would be given by dark wizards. Otherwise you wouldn't just die like this with a family. Am I wrong at all?" The man stood staring with wide eyes, tears beginning to flow from his eyes. "You destroy this building and your family is provided for. A cliché reason but a reason nonetheless."


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. TEm5Pci

    Oras Auro
    Oras Auro

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Legacy
    Position : None
    Posts : 750
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Izayuki
    Experience : 32,850

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fictitous Actuality
    Second Skill: W.I.P.
    Third Skill:

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. Empty Re: Reason, Fear, Insanity.

    Post by Oras Auro 2nd September 2017, 2:25 pm

    The man began to become tempted to just activate the crystals now, but that was part of the plan. "You, got all of that from researching me did you?!" Oras shrugged.
    "And what if I did? Do you really think killing yourself and destroying the building will change anything? You'll only delay their progress while at the same time ruining every employee's jobs here. I'm rather certain you have had friends here who will be jobless if you destroy this building. Are you truly willing to sacrifice their lives just so that your family has an easy solution? One which I doubt they'll receive." Oras was making points as well as exposing the man's reasons and thoughts. The bomber of course didn't see the reason... Yet.
    "And what makes you think they won't pay my family huh? Because they asked me to blow the building up?! What other option do I have?! I can't get any jobs!"
    "Because your holding onto your anger and grief." He shut the man up. "If you would place logic and reasoning above your emotions you may be able to get a job yet. Every human has the ability to do even the simplest of jobs without too much experience, especially since many of them teach you on the job anyways."

    Oras couldn't he was the one doing the talking. This guy was unable to speak reason so he had to speak it for him. He couldn't believe this man. It was rather pathetic. Due to being fired, he didn't like managers anymore. He couldn't adjust to his new coworkers and thus couldn't work as a team. With that he lost his job everywhere he went. Wife gets angry at him for not providing for the child. Suddenly a man appears that offers him not only the chance to get revenge, but also pay for his family. The easy way out.
    "You wonder why you never get promoted, or why you always get low salary. You wonder why people are so poor all the time. It's because people are lazy. They don't want to do the work and thus don't get the full reward. It's about time you get up and do the work you were given. Killing yourself and those around you only makes other's lives miserable, including your family's." The man stood there for a while, silent as the grave. Oras knew what he was about to do. He watched as the lacrima crystals fell to the floor.

    "I'm going to prison aren't I?" Oras shrugged.
    "If you apologize and explain the situation, including the man who gave you the assignment, they may just give you a warning and let you return to your family. They are probably worried about you." The man nodded and began walking towards the doorway.

    In the end Oras was visited by the employees who worked in the building who knew the man. They paid Oras two hundred jewel for helping them keep their friend from dying. Oras accepted the payment and took the next train back where he came, continuing the route he had taken before.


    "You think you know what is truth?  A world of facts? Right and wrong?  Universal Laws?  Soon I will show you.  Soon you will see.  You couldn't be more wrong, Guest."

    Reason, Fear, Insanity. TEm5Pci

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:19 pm