Fairy Tail RP

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    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 2nd August 2017, 10:30 am

    Job Details:Action Figures

    "So a village that specializes in making toys has gone quiet. Anyone who has gone to help hasn't returned.........Great, it's not even Christmas time and someone is are already being a grinch." Chili amusingly thought to himself as he followed the path he was currently on. It had been the middle of the afternoon when he had come across the request from Toylaten village a few hours before hand and having read the description, thought it would be an interesting job to take. Unlucky for him though the village was a day walk away meaning if he walked all night he'd make it by early morning and if he stopped to rest for a few hours he would get there near the afternoon more likely. Either the village had been attacked by the cult guild he was tracking or it was just a village in distress.

    "Ever since Chun gave me that information I've buried myself in occult research. So far I've narrowed it down to six beliefs with gods that ask for genocidal sacrifices on top of having guilds that practice those beliefs as well. Knowing they want magically strong recruits helps shorten the list of potential villages that could be attacked. However, the attacks still seem to happen at random. There's been two more since the tournament both in completely different regions of Fiore." Chili tiredly thought as he was reminded of the graphic events that came with each attack. He had spent so much time in the local library the last couple days reading what each cults gods ask for in return for power. It made him sick to his stomach a little bit, he felt convicted just for being a killer himself after reading what cults used to do for their beliefs. He hated himself a little more each time he did it even if he was justified in his actions. Blinking Chili looked up at the sky through the trees. Seeing that the sky was now a nice pink color as the sun began to set Chili kept walking.
    "I'll go a little longer, grab a few hours of sleep and be at the village before twelve tomorrow." Chili commented aloud as he stared up at the sky through the trees, not paying attention to where he was going yet somehow still walking on the path perfectly. Returning his gaze back to the ground Chili remained silent without any thoughts as he made his way down the dirt path.

    He had lost track of time before he knew it the stars were out and the moon was shining brightly. Chili paused for a second, he was hungry, and he knew how to take care of that. Setting his pack under a tree near the side of the road, he reached for the small hunting knife he kept within it. He never used the knife for anything else but killing and skinning whatever he caught. climbing up into the tree he was under, Chili, lept from one to another until he was about seven trees away from the path. Staying completely still Chili watched and listened for the smallest things. After a few minutes he heard the branch of a small bush being snapped about two meters away from his perch, Chili saw a decently plump rabbit. Taking aim Chili hurled his knife at the creature. Wincing slightly as he heard it let out the all too familiar crying baby sound they make when severely injured or scared, Chili dropped from the tree as quickly as he could. Approaching the squirming animal as he kept letting out that noise unable to move from where the knife had pierced its back side deep enough to immobilize it.

    Kneeling next to the creature Chili removed his knife, causing the sounds to increase in volume. Chili lowered his head and gave a small prayer for the animal he was about to kill. Jamming the knife cleanly into the rabbit's neck, Chili let out a sigh as the crying sound stopped. Why that sound always got to him so much he'd never know, however now was not the time to dwell on such things. Picking the thing up Chili got to work, walking back over to the path he set the dead animal down and began to look for kindling to start a fire. Once he accomplished that, he made a make shift spit to roast the rabbit on. After all, that was complete Chili skinned the animal as carefully as he could. Finally, he hung it from a tree for a bit to let all the blood seep out. Once there was no more blood left and the only thing remaining was bones, organs, and meat, Chili, pushed the pike through the innards of the thing and set it on the fire. Occasionally spinning it to make sure he cooked it evenly. Cutting off small pieces with his knife Chili slowly ate as he was reminded of the crying screams that the animal let off and how they reminded him of some of the other disturbing sounds he had heard over his short but hectic time in this world. He never really thought too much about it while inside towns, however for some reason while out in nature he was always pondering questions that no one would be able to answer. Sighing Chili pulled the rest of the rabbit's carcass that he didn't eat off the spit roast and tossed it about seven meters into the woods. Any animals that wanted the rest could have it.

    Putting out the fire, Chili picked up his pack and began walking again. To put some distance between himself and the remains so he wouldn't have to deal with any scavengers that did show up. He walked for another hour maybe before coming to a stop, the path had come to a small clearing in the woods. All around him were trees and above him, the beautiful star and moon lit sky. Sitting down in the soft grass, Chili leaned back from there and used his pack as a pillow. Chili was always paranoid about being killed in his sleep, so he kept himself in a state of alertness as he stared up at the sky. His eyes felt heavy like lead and as he finally let them close Chili couldn't help but fall into a light sleep. Thought the slightest noise could wake him, it was still a restful sleep one that he needed more than he thought.

    Word Count: 1073


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Guest 10th August 2017, 4:39 am

    “So… Toylaten has stopped shipping out toys?!” Summer grimaced upon seeing this, she loved toys! Why would someone stop shipping out what keeps the very kids of fiore entertained. “But I love toys!!!!!!” Summer crossed her arms, it seemed that the childish guild master was having a bit of a hissy fit. Then again, with the way the day has turned out, it seemed nothing was going to go well:

    Bao insulted her like always.

    The voices won’t STOP TALKING.

    Her guild was empty.

    She demanded attention, but not from the zodiac spirits.

    “This sucks! I’m going!” Summer demanded as she boomed her voice out to the dead guildhall, storming out as she decided to make her way to Toylaten. “Maybe someone can give me more attention somewhere else!”

    She wasn’t lying, the only company she has been getting as of late is from the chinese zodiac spirits that do nothing but keep chatting to her in her head. She enjoys some of their company, like the rabbit, for example… but the rooster, she cannot stand the rooster. He always spoke in a way that she never understood, it was like he was from a completely different world, a world that Summer will never be able to step on if that’s how they just spoke all the time.

    Heading out into the cities and villages of Fiore, the young Guiyang was starting to get tired… there was a little problem… she didn’t know where Toylaten was because she forgot a map. Well done, Summer. Well done.

    “Did you forget the map?? It seems I need to remind you some more, hehehe.”

    The Rabbit’s sweet voice filled the head of the fireworks expert. The rabbit was a truly swift spirit, one that had some intelligence behind her and one that is caring.

    “Yeah… I did…”

    “Do not worry… Why don’t you use your fireworks to signal to someone nearby… it’s dark, and someone might see it as a signal for help!”


    Allowing her hands to spark up to the way they usually would, Summer would throw one of her hands in the air, before letting off a multi-coloured firework that was beautiful but dangerous. The spark will fly right into the air before exploding it’s madness in the sky. Summer decided to send out a few more, just to make herself clear in the signal department.

    The signal was finally sent, so Summer decided to continue on with her expedition, trying to find someone or at least a clue to how to get into Toylaten. She had to find out if someone at least spotted her signal, it would be pretty nice if she was going to be honest.

    Suddenly, a presence could be felt… Someone must have spotted her signal for help! That, or she may have found them instead! Sensing the presence to her left, she dashed around until she made some progress, there seemed to be a campfire, and upon seeing the smoke of a campfire, she ran… that was until she made it to the campfire and tripped right next to what seemed to be a male, minding his own buisness.

    “Ouuuchh…” Summer grumbled as she bit her lower lip. “I didn’t expect to finally find someone! I sent signals and everything!” Finally getting up, she sat down next to the boy and waved. “Hello!!!” The black-haired female greeted the young man. “I hope I am not disturbing anything!”

    Words: 575
    Total Words: 575
    Word Count Goal: 9,000


    Lineage ability:
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 10th August 2017, 5:15 pm

    Chili didn't really know what was going on till it hit him, quite literally I may add. First, he was awoken from his slumber by the loud sound of an explosion up in the sky. Flying up into a sitting position he looked up, only to calm down once he saw that the explosion was just fireworks. Before he could fully lay back down, a thought stirred as he pushed himself back up again. "Who the hell would be lighting off fire works in the middle of the woods!?"
    As he started to try and stand up to go see, his question was answered as a raven haired lady came running out of the woods and tripped over his legs. Sending him back into a sitting position as the woman fell flat on her front. She quickly recovered from the tumble and proceeded to sit up to say hello in an excited manner followed by her asking him if she had disturbed anything.
    Standing up from his seated position on the ground Chili simply shook his head, offering a hand to the girl he had accidentally tripped and said as he observed this new arrival "No you're not disrupting anything, but are you alright? That was a little bit of a trip you just took."

    She was definitely pretty looking, long black hair adorned with flowers, her olive colored eyes seem to have a sparkle in them while what he had seen of her demeanor so far gave Chili an optimistic vibe. He took a whiff of the air and could have sworn she smelled like gunpowder. The scent of which reminded him of the days he spent in his uncle's lab helping him. It had become a comforting aroma to him along with the scent of spiced rum his uncle's favorite poison. Blinking a few times to clear the memories from his head, Chili went back to profiling.  She wore a green colored dress top that closely resembled a tank top paired with a tasseled corset and a red skirt that had gold embroidered into it in some areas. Chili had no idea who this person was but the magical energy he could sense from her, she had to be a mage.
    "It could be a trap. Pretty lass uses her charm to get me to lower my guard and then when she gets the chance I'm gonna be the firecracker flying to the afterlife or I'm just being paranoid and a peppy person just happens to trip over me while running through the woods at night. Both those sound like concoctions of my imagination though so I'm just gonna go with the flow and keep an eye on her just in case she tries something." Chili's mind raced through the thought in a matter of seconds.

    Not jumping to conclusions Chili decided to inquire in a polite manner "So were you the one who set off the works earlier? Also, why are you running through the woods as if you have no idea where you are going?"

    Words: 510
    Total Words: 1583


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Guest 11th August 2017, 5:26 pm

    Upon getting help (with the assistance of the young man) it seemed that he wanted to get acquainted with her, asking if she was okay. It also seemed that the man looked to be deep in thought. Well, she wouldn’t blame him! It was a bit odd for someone to pop in out of nowhere!

    “Oh! I am a-okay!” Summer admitted. “I usually have much worse problems than tripping… things include… torn hamstrings! That happened to me once when I was doing the cartwheel into the splits! Can you believe that?! It was shocking when it happened!” That was when Summer paused for a second… oh god, this guy must be thinking she was weird if she was to furnish him with her experiences about being quite flexible!

    Luckily, the man that has gotten her attention seemed to be more interested in how she got to the woods in the first place, and if she was the one that set off the fireworks.

    “Ah, yes! I was I was!” Summer tilted her head downwards before placing her hand on her chin, using one of her fingers and her thumb to clasp on that very chin lightly, making sure that what she was about to say wouldn’t screw up her chances of finding Toylaten… she was, well, very good at that kind of thing. “I decided to go to a village to find out why their toys aren’t being done anymore. Me being me however… I urm… didn’t bring a map… hahahaha… That sounds JUST like me! Forgetting stuff like that, I was never really good with remembering maps and such! As for the fireworks… My magic is controlling fireworks! It is really flashy and pretty and so colourful! It was the only thing I could use so I lit a signal!”

    Because it was all more or less said in one go, Summer then took a rather deep breath before grinning. “So, I must ask, do you know where Toylaten is?! I want to find out what is going on… toys are urm… fun after all!”

    If Summer was going to be honest, she didn’t expect this kind of encounter, she expected a man that would be rather hostile towards her due to her personality, but instead, she was greeted with a man that appeared to be an absolute gentleman. Oh, how she was so lucky. If all goes well, he may turn out to be good company too.

    “Oh, yeah!” Summer forgot something for a second there, but she grinned, jumping high into the air before then placing her hands on her hips in such a manner that could deem her to be hyperactive. “My name is Summer Guiyang! I am pleased to make your acquaintance!” Her tone also turned out to be rather sunny, and her giggles were only adding to the happiness that Summer well and truly harbored.

    “Ah, urm, sorry. I will try to calm down, I am just very excited to have finally found someone! Sorry!” She apologised before bowing down quickly, very much like a clumsy person would when they didn’t know what else to do. The moment she did stop bowing however, her smile turned away to the moon. It was pretty tonight in Summer’s opinion, despite being named after the sunniest and warmest season, she could always accept that the moon could make things insanely pretty too.

    Words: 565
    Total Words: 1,139
    Word Count Goal: 9,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%


    Lineage ability:
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 11th August 2017, 6:25 pm

    "So she can perform some gymnastic feets, probably used for dodging among other things," Chili noted in his thoughts taking her comment with a sense of humor. As the girl went on to explain why she was in the woods. Making sure to listen he noted as she said she was on her way to a town that fit Toylaten's description and what her magic was Chili went on to make another comment in his mind "Ok she was the one who fired off the fireworks, she's headed to the same location as me so she is either guildless or from one of them, and by the way she is acting with such earnest happiness I don't need to worry about her just faking to kill me, or she is a really good actor."
    Nodding his head at her reason for wanting to find out what happened to Toylaten, since toys are fun Chili tried not to chuckle as he felt himself relax a little even though he appeared so already.

    "Well, that confirms that she is no threat me and that we share the same destination. She's just a mage with a peppy hyperactive personality going to see what happened. Might as well tell her." Chili thought as she pronounced what her name was after springing into the air a little as she landed and put her hands on her hips. She was bright about it but then seemed to apologize for being that way.
    Shaking his head Chili said with a small smile as he reached for his pack. "No need to say sorry for being happy about running into a person while lost.......well a none murderous one at least....... Ha, that was a really bad joke."
    "Since we are heading in the same direction I might as well give my map to her, it's not like I can't just buy another and it's definitely not the first I've had to replace."Chili calmly thought as he lifted his pack up.

    "Well Summer, I'm Chili Thompson and it's nice to meet someone with such a positive attitude to them. It just so happens I'm heading to see what happened to Toylaten as well, so it seems we are heading for the same destination." Chili pointed out as he grabbed the zipper of his bag.
    Unzipping his pack he searched it for a few seconds before withdrawing a map with his right hand and then extended his arm, holding the map out towards her.
    "So taking that fact into account, you can be the one to hold the map and I'll just follow with the compass. Don't worry about it either, you can just hand it back to me later." Chili said with a small grin.

    Words: 452
    Total Words: 2035


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Guest 15th August 2017, 3:08 am

    The seemed to be very nice, he managed to listen to her and understood her outcomes somewhat. For that, she was very grateful. She was probably not going to get another chance like this if she didn’t stay around. Instead, she intended to stay next to the man and hoped that he would help her on her way at the very least.

    She will admit though, the man was indeed a bad joker, she giggled out of courtesy, but not because she found it funny. Not that it was an issue, he probably already knew, and she was sure that he would understand the nature as to why. Saying that though, Summer did almost die on one or two occasions, the first being when a firework struck her back at the festival in her home, now destroyed village. The second time, she could’ve very much died, a poison dragon slayer clawed her face and she pretty much had the scars to prove that endeavour. It didn’t matter much to her anymore, but she really didn’t want to keep them in plain sight either. However… that cannot be helped, they were on one of her cheeks.

    “It’s very nice to meet you, Chili! I must admit, it’s an unusual name! But I quite like it myself!” Summer was about to get into another long winded sentence in order to keep the conversation going, but instead, she watched a hand holding a map hovering over to her. Did this dude just give her a map?! Score! He was going to Toylaten too! Two birds with one stone, as the others will say!

    “Thanks! I will surely hand it back whenever it’s convenient to! I look forward to us both working together!” Summer grinned as she tilted her head ever so slightly, Summer of course, was starting to get more and more excited. It didn’t stop her aura from washing all around her, it was a calming aura that helped calmed creatures and and animals alike, while it wasn’t the most powerful thing around, it was indeed a rather nifty little trick to have around.

    Taking the map with her gentle touch, she took a good look at it before having a little think… now where were they… that would be a good start! If she found out where they were right now then she could ask Chili where the compass was pointing. Them two objects work very well together for that very reason, she hoped that her and Chili will work together like a map and a compass with all these directions, Summer… wasn’t very good with them, so to speak.

    “Ah!” Summer exclaimed, she found where they were! “Chili, what direction is the compass pointing??” She asked politely as her smiles became prominent once more. “I think I found where we are I think, and urm… haha… I don’t know if we’re north, east, south or west!” It was ironic that she didn’t know that, she wasn’t the one holding the compass after all.

    Words: 503
    Total Words: 1,642
    Word Count Goal: 9,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%


    Lineage ability:
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 16th August 2017, 10:27 pm

    Chili had already memorized the route he was taking to Toylaten so when Summer asked him which direction they needed to head in he simply pointed in the direction that he had been heading in and said, "We just need to keep heading in a southwest direction on this path. We should be there in a few hours."
    As he finished a thought went through his head "Welp no rest for the wicked so no rest for me. Though now I have company at least I guess. Things will probably go smoother with the help so I'm grateful for that."
    Letting Summer take the lead on the path that leads southwestward. Chili was following her in a second after zipping up his pack and standing up. Scratching his head Chili pondered over this turn of events.
    "Should probably ask if she's a part of a guild. Then kinda go from there until we get to the village. I don't have too many conversation topics when it comes to idle chatter. Most of the time I talk it's insulting an enemy or talking about food."
    Pausing mid thought Chili checked his compass and made sure they were still on the right dirt path and hadn't gotten on another one while he was dazed. Seeing that he was absent minding following Summer in the right direction he went back to his thought.
    "I wonder what happened to the village. I mean I've read about raids, kidnapping, of course, mass slaughter and demonic vegetables. Though one that makes toys going silent is mysterious, really why would some evil mage go after a place that makes toys? I mean it happens in children films but now it's actually something that someone's decided to do. Although now that I think of it........no taking over a place where their primary export is toys is not the best money making scheme or a good scheme at all."

    Coming back out of his thoughts with a shake of his head Chili saw Summer looking down at the map and back up making sure they were still going the right way on the map. Deciding to finally say something Chili decided to ask "So, you from a guild? Just curious as to where you showed up from. Not many people trip over me in the forest.....well there was that one time but that's not important. Anyway besides that when you said fireworks were your magic did you literally mean that shooting near deadly fireworks at people is your magic?"
    Still following behind her as she led the way to the village Chili went silent allowing time for Summer to respond as they continued going in the direction of the village, the moon light shining through the trees lighting their path dimly ahead.

    Words: 463
    Total Words: 2498


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Guest 17th August 2017, 5:45 am

    Ah! So that’s where the direction! Summer completely heeded his words and grinned before playfully saluting, turning around and walking in that direction. “Left… left… left right left!” Summer was being as playful as always, keeping herself to herself and trying her hardest to not bother the young man who was walking behind her. She didn’t bother herself either until Chili asked what guild she was from, and seemed that he simply wanted confirmation if firework magic really was indeed, her magic.

    Turning around, Summer grinned and placed both of her hands on her hips, it was clear she was quite the determined one. Her black hair swaying in the wind, and her skirt clearly blowing along in harmony with it, if Summer had to admit, she felt a little cliche, performing that move, but hey, as long as it put emphasis on the both of them then that's completely fine, she was always known as an attention seeker after all.

    “I am from the guild known as Golden Phoenix! It is a great guild, I will admit. I love all the members there! They are so cool and kind and very inspirational! To answer your other question… Yes, the very fireworks that can explode and can seriously harm someone, I love it’s explosive properties though, and it has helped me become the mage I am today!”

    Turning back around, Summer suddenly felt some ruffling in her hair before a fairy hopped out, her pink attire clearly stood out, and her wings fluttered all over as she looked around.

    “Summer, I do hope I have removed that tangle from your hair appropriately, it seemed really painful when you tried brushing it earli- mi’lady?? Where are we??”

    Summer suddenly stopped in her tracks, she forgot Priscilla was undoing the giant knot in her hair, in her defence, she left the place without letting anyone know, and Priscilla must not have heard her shouting it with all the concentration she was doing.

    “Awwh shoot! I am so sorry Priscilla!”

    “No, no, don’t be sorry, not your fault…” Priscilla yawned before flying over to the male. “I assume you will be accompanying her. I do not want to disturb her right now, I will just sit on your shoulder. I hope this does not bother you.”

    “No Priscilla, it’s fine honestly.”

    “Summer, do not worry about me. Besides, I got all sweaty trying to sort it, the wind will do me good and this young man’s hair won’t get in the way.”

    Priscilla was indeed the more polite ones out of the three of them, Stella was the more childish one while Laysha was the more pervy one.

    “Okay! Just stay safe if anything happens!”

    Words: 452
    Total Words: 2,094
    Word Count Goal: 9,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 20th August 2017, 11:02 am

    Chili blinked a few times, the pink fairy that had just appeared from his companion's hair was now sitting on his right shoulder and it seemed quite content on staying there. Chili didn't mind, he actually almost let a chuckle slip out seeing how the two conversed a few seconds before. The fairy did have a point his spiked up hair didn't block the nice breeze that was sweeping toward them in a northward direction. He heard the fairy sigh in relaxation as the wind cooled her off. Deciding not to say much else Chili remained quiet as they walked, he listened to the noises of the woods. Th crickets chirping a midnight orchestra, an owl off in the distance letting off the occasional who, the leaves of the trees rustling as the wind whistles through them slightly and the occasional howling that was coming from behind them ways away. Combined with the sight of the moon shining through the trees as it's light bounced across the ground. This was definitely a good night to be out on a stroll. Soaking in the view as he kept moving, Chili heard a yawn close to his ear, shifting his eyes to look at the fairy sitting on his shoulder. He could see she was, in fact, falling asleep, letting it happen, Chili stayed following Summer for about another hour and a half as the path led out of the woods and out into open fields before he saw a sign ways up ahead. Reading it, he saw that it was, in fact, the welcome to Toylaten sign. Pausing for a second, he lifted his right hand up to his chin and gave it a thoughtful scratch.

    "I see the sign, but I don't see the village. I am far enough away that the village could just be out of view maybe?" Chili thought as Summer made her way forward, she was now a bit ahead of him. Catching up, Chili couldn't help but feel a pit in his stomach warning him that something was up. As they passed underneath the sign, Chili was a little surprised to see that Toylaten was there but it was smaller than he expected. What that means is that the biggest building he could make out was only three meters tall. The whole village was now a smaller toy version of its self. Chili didn't really know how to react, however, one thought did go through his head as a small chuckle came out of his mouth.
    "Well, atleast the fairy will be right at home here. Though that's not that funny since this is kinda bad. Who turns an entire village into a toy version of its self and ironically it just happens to be the place that makes toys."
    Not sure what Summer was doing Chili himself heard a distant shout from somewhere. It sounded far away, yet it seemed like it was coming from right below him. Looking down at his feet, he narrowed his eyes as he saw a few small toy people gathering at them. Bending his knees, Chili knelt down without crushing anyone and tried to make out what they were saying. One of the toys came forward and started to talk.
    "We are some of the villagers. If you can hear us, please help!"
    Blinking a few times as he tried to decide what today, Chili opted to give them a nod and stood up from his position. He had been on the outer edge of the toy town for a moment but now it was time to wander around it. Very carefully as to not step on someone and find the source of this trouble.

    Words: 608
    Total Words: 3106


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Guest 25th August 2017, 11:09 am

    It took some time to reach the village sign, but before the female and Chili got to the actual sign. Summer would smile softly as she let the cool breeze hit her ebony black hair. It was indeed a chilly night, especially for someone who was wearing a skirt that was way above their knees, and their upper half showing their arms from the shoulder down. It wasn’t clear how Summer was enduring this, she just knows that she was used to this breeze due to enduring it when the village was still intact. The fact that she was able to train with people who she classed as close friends was insane, she missed them very much, but she felt that if she was indeed to see Jian again, she would tremble… the moment the village was destroyed by invaders, Jian went yandere for her and tried to kidnap her, there was no clue as to what would’ve happened, but Huang, her other friend, saved her and forced her to run.

    Now that she thought about it, she wondered how the both of them were doing, of course though, she didn’t at the same time. She didn’t want to re-open old scars, but that is what she had done exactly.

    She didn’t notice passing the sign due to herself being in deep thought, she just wished there was something she could’ve done to stop the invaders in the first place. Her mother was murdered there, and her father has gone missing. What would her father think of her now if he was watching over her? Would he be proud of her that she became a guild master?? She missed her parents very much… Maybe she could go to her realm later and have a little cry over it.

    “You are welcome to enter your realm any time you like… Summer.”

    The dragon spoke in her mind, hearing them words in her head comforted her somewhat. She was in luck, none of them seemed to be around, they were probably busy in the realm playing child-like games or whatever, they were good at that.

    “You’re sweet… but I have a job to do…” Summer mentioned slowly, speaking to the dragon in her head. “If you do indeed want to come, the offer is always open. Don’t hesitate to work hard, complete your work and sit on your throne, I am sure you will deserve it… your highness.”

    The voice faded away slowly, them comforting words always seemed to work…

    Turning her attention onto Chili, she noticed that he was circling around something… tiny… interesting.

    “Oh! Sorry! I got carried away with something!” Summer smiled softly as she looked down, oh my! She could see tiny people, how cute! Wait… “Chili… they’re… THEY’RE TINY!!!” Summer was shocked at this revelation, she didn’t expect to see tiny people do tiny things, so that was why Toylaten was messed up, they couldn’t do anything in the first place!

    Words: 494
    Total Words: 2,588
    Word Count Goal: 9,000

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    lineage ability:
    Chili Thompson
    Chili Thompson

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Reality Displacement
    Position : None
    Posts : 202
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Arsenal
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn) Empty Re: Being Toyed With (Job/Chili/Salrynn)

    Post by Chili Thompson 24th October 2017, 11:22 am

    Chili chuckled at Summer's reaction to the small people as he made a comment,  "I guess this job will end up being a 'short' order rather than a tall one eh?"
    Hearing what was probably complaints from the small people below about how his joke was not funny, Chili paused and started scratching his head a little out of thought before he turned to Summer. He went on to say "Well all jokes aside we should probably start to look around this toy sized town to see what caused this, though if it was a person we would be able to see them if they were our size.......so whoever caused this is either also toy sized or is long gone by now."
    As he finished a thought ran through his head, "Though why would the caster also turn himself into a toy as well......if there is one that is. Not to mention why turn people into toys out of everything you could turn them into?"
    Coming out of his head Chili looked around, seeing buildings that were about his height and smaller.
    Shrugging the shoulder that didn't have a fairy on it and turned to walk in one direction to check around one part of this medium toy playground-like area edge of the town content on whether Summer decided to follow him or not just as long as they thoroughly searched the town for any signs of what happened.

    He wasn't sure when he wandered past the edge of the town and actually walked into as a thought came to his mind Chili chuckled "Well I now know how giant monsters feel and the urge to not stomp stuff hard to fight." Brushing the destructive thought out of his head, Chili paused for a moment when the relative silence of the town was broken by what sounded like the laughter of children. Following the sound Chili for a moment, Chili quickly found himself in the center of town and no more than a few feet away were two kids, playing with the toy versions of people and other things. Crouching down so that the building he was peering from behind would cover him more, Chili analyzed the children as he felt a sinking feeling enter his gut. "Of course I thought it was weird that a grown mage would turn people into toys though if these two kids did it that would make a little more sense, however, I still don't know how they would do it or why for that matter." Chili grumbled to himself a little. He was unable to ponder much more when one of the little tikes saw him and froze and the other noticed this before turning his gaze in the same direction. Deciding it was best not to startle them Chili slowly stood up and gave them a small wave as well as the warmest smile he could muster. The sinking feeling just kept getting worse as to why Chili was about to find out.

    Words: 500
    Total Words: 3606


    Chili Thompson
    Primary Magic
    Chilling Under the Stars Theme

      Current date/time is 7th December 2024, 5:23 pm