Fairy Tail RP

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    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin


    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 3494
    Guild : ɢᴀʀᴏᴜ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛs
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
    Third Skill:

    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Empty Snowflake || Mirrored Twin

    Post by Hikachu 8th June 2017, 9:13 am

    Personal Information

    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Sh3Refg

    Name: Snowflake (Hikari Snow)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: August 12th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Brutal, Selfless, Sweet – are the three words to describe her personality. Snowflake is a clumsy and a bubbly person with lots of energy, always laughing and smiling and this is mainly due to a large consumption of sweets every day. Desserts, candies and cookies are her favourite and she eats nothing but sweets, unless forced to eat meals, which is why she has an extremely small figure as well. Despite being 19 years old, Snowflake acts like a child and she does not care about anything much, apart from her loved ones and herself. Growing up alone as a child, she did not have much friends due to her painful history and she is strangely unfamiliar to the concept of having a friend or a special someone. Once she befriends someone, they will become aware of how friendly and sweet she is, unlike how she may appear to them. Her outlook on life is very simple and all she wants to do is to satisfy herself and her loved ones. She only wants them to be happy even if it required drastic measures.

    As strange as it is, Snowflake has a split personality. Aside from her bubbly and innocent attitude, her true form is wicked and evil. Her desire for killing is strong and she loves seeing blood and the hurtful expressions on the victims’ faces. She could be considered as a sadistic since she enjoys torturing people to satisfice herself as well. This side of hers is almost uncontrollable and it was originally manifested into her body through numerous procedures. Most of the time, she struggles with the battles within herself due to her immensely different personalities. One side of hers does not wish to harm anyone, yet the other side is the complete opposite as if a switch has been turned on. Almost like a vampire, she loves seeing blood. It brings excitement to her and she would go so far to taste every drop of blood from the bodies of the people she has killed. Nevertheless, she still loves her friends as much as she enjoys killing and tries to retain the pure heart she originally had. Snowflake remembers everything that occurred to her, including the killing she has done during her split personality and the memories always seem to haunt her all the time.

    The pure side of Snowflake does not like battles but her other split personality loves them. The adrenaline rush and the excitement battles give is something she favours. She would always have a smug smile on her face during battle and the outcome of the fights does not matter to her. The only thing she desires is to enjoy herself and to kill as many people as she can. The albino has always been confident in her skills but she wishes her abilities to become flawless which is why she always find the need to hone her skills further. Due to her petite body, Snowflake is able to move fast rapidly and deal attacks just like an assassin. Even though she may be small, her strength is almost immense as her speed and is able to protect anyone as much as her body can withstand.

    Whatever it may be, Snowflake must not become a leader. The reason is simple. Her split personality causes nothing but trouble and chaos. If the title of a leader was given to her, all the achievements may come to ruin and there is nothing left to gain.


    Sweets: Humans are naturally drawn to the sweet flavour and so is the same for her. Her love for desserts and for sweet things are immense and she is not able to go through a day without them.

    Blood: Due to her split personality, she enjoys people suffer to an extent that seeing blood and the expressions of their agony on the features of the victims’ faces extremely excites her.

    Meeting New People: With Snowflake’s bubbly attitude, it is almost effortless to meet people and easily socialise with them. She enjoys the company of others which is the reason why she likes making friends.


    Being Bored: Being a really active person, Snow never likes doing nothing, apart from sleeping. She will always try to keep herself busy, whether it be walking around or just staring at the sky to keep her mind occupied.

    Dark Places: When Snowflake was younger, she was locked up in dark rooms and cages to go through certain procedures to transform her body. When she is in a dark, confined location, she is reminded of her past and becomes terrified.

    Violence: As much as her evil personality enjoys killing people and seeing blood, the good side of her hates violence. While she is in her bubbly mood, she tries not to expose her evil nature and harm innocent people.


    The One: This does not mean Snow seeks out for a lover or someone to get into a relationship but instead, she wishes to have someone to spend time with, share stories, make jokes – in other words, a best friend.

    Killing: Seeing blood makes her happy which is why she wishes to kill as many people as she can to satisfy herself. Snowflake also enjoy tasting the blood of other people after she has killed them. Delicious blood is a bonus for her.

    Protect Beloved Ones: Despite being corrupted and vicious, she still cares about her beloved ones and would even go out of her way to protect them. As long as her friends are safe and is in a good state of their well-being, she does not care if she has to sacrifice herself for them.


    Time: Time cannot be wasted, for one cannot stop and replenish it. One cannot go back to return and fix their mistakes again. This is why Snow wouldn't want to spend her life doing worthless activities.

    To Be Sad: Snowflake loathes the thought of being depressed or seeing an act of mourning. She dislikes seeing people crying as well. Even when she may be in dismal, she will never show the weak side of her to anyone else unless necessary, for she only wishes to be happy in her life.

    Horror: Although she may be a daring and a very bold person, she may sometimes be a coward too. For instance, she cannot bear watching horror movies or even bear the thought of seeing ghosts or evil witches.

    General Appearance

    Height: 4 ft. 8 inch.
    Weight: 90 lbs.
    Hair: Silver/White, Knee Length
    Eyes: Blood Red
    Skin Tone: Albino White


    The reason Snowflake has white hair, red eyes and extremely pale skin is due a rare genetic condition called albinism. This form of condition makes every strand of hair on her body white, including her eyelashes and eyebrows. With a petite figure, her height is considered shorter than average and is mostly mistaken as a child by the majority of the people. She has long silver hair that cascades down her back until her knees and a thick strand of hair hangs in front of her face, almost in the middle of the bridge of her nose.

    Fashion is non-existent to her and she does not give a care in the world about what is on trend, unlike the other girls. Her usual attire is a white bodysuit that wraps around her small physique tightly and is neatly decorated with an intricate design: red circles and stripes. Around her neck is a plastic collar that is connected to her bodysuit and is used to support her neck. Snowflake barely wears any shoes and only walks around barefoot.  


    Guild: Grim Heresy
    Tattoo: Red, On her left forehand
    Rank: D-Rank


    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin JhB4MAf

    Profile | Magic | History | Vault

    theme | battle theme

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Empty Re: Snowflake || Mirrored Twin

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 12th June 2017, 10:32 am

    Hikachu wrote:

    Personal Information

    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Sh3Refg

    Name: Snowflake (Hikari Snow)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: August 12th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Brutal, Selfless, Sweet – are the three words to describe her personality. Snowflake is a clumsy and a bubbly person with lots of energy, always laughing and smiling and this is mainly due to a large consumption of sweets every day. Desserts, candies and cookies are her favourite and she eats nothing but sweets, unless forced to eat meals, which is why she has an extremely small figure as well. Despite being 19 years old, Snowflake acts like a child and she does not care about anything much, apart from her loved ones and herself. Growing up alone as a child, she did not have much friends due to her painful history and she is strangely unfamiliar to the concept of having a friend or a special someone. Once she befriends someone, they will become aware of how friendly and sweet she is, unlike how she may appear to them. Her outlook on life is very simple and all she wants to do is to satisfy herself and her loved ones. She only wants them to be happy even if it required drastic measures.

    As strange as it is, Snowflake has a split personality. Aside from her bubbly and innocent attitude, her true form is wicked and evil. Her desire for killing is strong and she loves seeing blood and the hurtful expressions on the victims’ faces. She could be considered as a sadistic since she enjoys torturing people to satisfice herself as well. This side of hers is almost uncontrollable and it was originally manifested into her body through numerous procedures. Most of the time, she struggles with the battles within herself due to her immensely different personalities. One side of hers does not wish to harm anyone, yet the other side is the complete opposite as if a switch has been turned on. Almost like a vampire, she loves seeing blood. It brings excitement to her and she would go so far to taste every drop of blood from the bodies of the people she has killed. Nevertheless, she still loves her friends as much as she enjoys killing and tries to retain the pure heart she originally had. Snowflake remembers everything that occurred to her, including the killing she has done during her split personality and the memories always seem to haunt her all the time.

    The pure side of Snowflake does not like battles but her other split personality loves them. The adrenaline rush and the excitement battles give is something she favours. She would always have a smug smile on her face during battle and the outcome of the fights does not matter to her. The only thing she desires is to enjoy herself and to kill as many people as she can. The albino has always been confident in her skills but she wishes her abilities to become flawless which is why she always find the need to hone her skills further. Due to her petite body, Snowflake is able to move fast rapidly and deal attacks just like an assassin. Even though she may be small, her strength is almost immense as her speed and is able to protect anyone as much as her body can withstand.

    Whatever it may be, Snowflake must not become a leader. The reason is simple. Her split personality causes nothing but trouble and chaos. If the title of a leader was given to her, all the achievements may come to ruin and there is nothing left to gain.


    Sweets: Humans are naturally drawn to the sweet flavour and so is the same for her. Her love for desserts and for sweet things are immense and she is not able to go through a day without them.

    Blood: Due to her split personality, she enjoys people suffer to an extent that seeing blood and the expressions of their agony on the features of the victims’ faces extremely excites her.

    Meeting New People: With Snowflake’s bubbly attitude, it is almost effortless to meet people and easily socialise with them. She enjoys the company of others which is the reason why she likes making friends.


    Being Bored: Being a really active person, Snow never likes doing nothing, apart from sleeping. She will always try to keep herself busy, whether it be walking around or just staring at the sky to keep her mind occupied.

    Dark Places: When Snowflake was younger, she was locked up in dark rooms and cages to go through certain procedures to transform her body. When she is in a dark, confined location, she is reminded of her past and becomes terrified.

    Violence: As much as her evil personality enjoys killing people and seeing blood, the good side of her hates violence. While she is in her bubbly mood, she tries not to expose her evil nature and harm innocent people.


    The One: This does not mean Snow seeks out for a lover or someone to get into a relationship but instead, she wishes to have someone to spend time with, share stories, make jokes – in other words, a best friend.

    Killing: Seeing blood makes her happy which is why she wishes to kill as many people as she can to satisfy herself. Snowflake also enjoy tasting the blood of other people after she has killed them. Delicious blood is a bonus for her.

    Protect Beloved Ones: Despite being corrupted and vicious, she still cares about her beloved ones and would even go out of her way to protect them. As long as her friends are safe and is in a good state of their well-being, she does not care if she has to sacrifice herself for them.


    Time: Time cannot be wasted, for one cannot stop and replenish it. One cannot go back to return and fix their mistakes again. This is why Snow wouldn't want to spend her life doing worthless activities.

    To Be Sad: Snowflake loathes the thought of being depressed or seeing an act of mourning. She dislikes seeing people crying as well. Even when she may be in dismal, she will never show the weak side of her to anyone else unless necessary, for she only wishes to be happy in her life.

    Horror: Although she may be a daring and a very bold person, she may sometimes be a coward too. For instance, she cannot bear watching horror movies or even bear the thought of seeing ghosts or evil witches.

    General Appearance

    Height: 4 ft. 8 inch.
    Weight: 90 lbs.
    Hair: Silver/White, Knee Length
    Eyes: Blood Red
    Skin Tone: Albino White


    The reason Snowflake has white hair, red eyes and extremely pale skin is due a rare genetic condition called albinism. This form of condition makes every strand of hair on her body white, including her eyelashes and eyebrows. With a petite figure, her height is considered shorter than average and is mostly mistaken as a child by the majority of the people. She has long silver hair that cascades down her back until her knees and a thick strand of hair hangs in front of her face, almost in the middle of the bridge of her nose.

    Fashion is non-existent to her and she does not give a care in the world about what is on trend, unlike the other girls. Her usual attire is a white bodysuit that wraps around her small physique tightly and is neatly decorated with an intricate design: red circles and stripes. Around her neck is a plastic collar that is connected to her bodysuit and is used to support her neck. Snowflake barely wears any shoes and only walks around barefoot.  


    Guild: Grim Heresy
    Tattoo: Red, On her left forehand
    Rank: D-Rank

    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Kite_a18


    Snowflake || Mirrored Twin Gvf4gD8

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:41 pm