Fairy Tail RP

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    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 8th April 2017, 2:21 am

    mission info:
    WC Per Person: 3,225

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 8th April 2017, 8:14 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Having finished her standard wake up routine, Kaori had made her way down to the guild's armory. There were many tools there that she'd decided to begin utilizing, things that made fighting enemies easier and could provide to make excellent traps.  In there, Kaori had grabbed a trio of smoke balls to help her escape should she need to. A quad of items that created a painfully bright light would make for excellent use for moments when the masked warrior needed to disable a target. A pair of electrically charged items would make imobilizing specific targets particularly easy, and create valuable openings for her. Six rectangular prisms with knobs at the top were some type of minor explosive, and then there were two larger versions as well. The small things she tucked in different slots in her belt that each had a metal clasp at the top to keep them in place, and the mines were carried in her hand.

    Kaori walked from the armoury over to her bike, the MM900 as the manual called it, and opened up the spare compartments to store her weapons and the two large explosives. Looking over the metal horse, she found it to be truly amazing. It was faster than any steed she'd ever rode, consumed no food, and was infinitely quieter than them too. Mounting the saddle and taking the reins, Kaori pressed her hand to the scanner and watched the blue light pass her fingers. The soft whisper of the horse's whinney escaping its' tail pipes preceeded Kaori turning the throttle and slowly moving out the door to the guild. A slightly more exaggerated turn and the bike shot off, easily hitting 100 miles per hour in under a second, and Kaori was out of town in under a minute.

    Her destination was the Ancient Ruins. The reason she was heading there was because of a letter, not one that she received, but rather one of the members of the clan of magic users. The message had just appeared in front them, but they didn't want to go since it was lacking details and they'd slapped it to the notice board. Kaori had taken it off instantly and read it over, her instincts telling her to make an ally of this Lexa person compelled her to answer the call in her comrade's stead. To the best of Kaori's knowledge, this would be a solo endeavour so she wasn't anticipating company. However, if she'd come to find out that there were more than just her and Lexa then she wouldn't protest. In the end, more people meant more allies, which was good for someone who was hunting down a dangerous man and knew she needed help.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 455/3,225


    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 8th April 2017, 8:44 am

    How long had it been exactly? Could Naru even remember? Did she even care anymore? Who knew! It didn't seem like it after all. The kitsune would be lying in a rather peaceful field, relaxing on a large bale of hay as a herd of horses grazed around her. Narumi would be staring up at the bright blue sky with her almost glowing golden eyes, chewing a piece of straw. She was rather content, given the circumstances. Even though half her memory was gone and she didn't exactly know who she was really, it didn't seem to matter. Over the last few days, the fox girl had spent many of them traversing the wide wilds of Fiore. From the long beaches of it's northern shores to the seemingly endless forests it held. This new world was by far an absolute wonder to behold. Even if it wasn't home, Narumi still felt at peace here. Not that she really had any choice either. After all, she had no way to return to her home, so this place would have to do.

    As a cloud slowly covered the sun for a moment, Narumi would slowly sit up and yawn, stretching her arms as her ears flattened. She'd then almost acrobatically lean back and quickly jump to her feet. She'd do a few more stretches as she walked through the field, admiring the beauty of the wild. Even though nature had always been very relaxing, Narumi felt the need to return to what the natives call "civilization". It was even more interesting than the wild in her opinion. All the different people, sights, and sounds. She couldn't take it all in at once, and had to make repeating trips. After all, it's where she got her rather unique outfit. And her favorite long blue scarf. The clothes she wore consisted of a long black vest with white buttoned shirt underneath, concealing the parts of her new "humanoid" body that were apparently considered private. She never really understood why, but had a desire to blend in, so she cooperated with the laws of clothing. She also bore white short shorts, ending just a few inches from the top of her long black stalkings and black boots. She had to make a few adjustments however, as her long tail needed space to show itself through the pants.

    Only about an hour later, Narumi found herself back in a town. She hadn't learned its name, but recognized it easily enough by sight and smell.  The people here were always busy, and it seemed interesting to her that no one really thought she looked out of place. Sure a few people stared at her tall ears and fluffy tail, but no one ever seemed shocked by her appearance as a whole. Something she was relieved about. She was worried her differences would cause some unwanted attention. However the Kitsune's thoughts were suddenly shattered as she bumped into a man.

    "O- Oh Sor-"
    "Watch it Fox!" He sniped before Naru could finish. He didn't stop moving either, he just turned his head to yell at her and kept his pace, vanishing into the ever changing crowd of people. Naru's ears flattened with annoyance as she slumped slightly, sighing and looking towards the ground. However, something caught her eye. A single piece of paper lingered on the street. It looked like some sort of envelope. Curious, Naru leaned down to pick it up. She realized this must've dropped from the man who just bumped into her. She looked upwards with a worried expression and held it up. "S- Sir! I think you dropped this!" But Narumi was only met with the steady buzz of the passing crowd. The man was already long gone. "Hrmmm." She muttered silently to herself. Soon her curiousness got the better of her, and the kitsune opened the envelope to reveal a small letter inside.

    "Hey... um... Look, my name's Lexa and I need some help. I was checking around the Ancient Ruins after one of my jobs, and I found.... something. I can't go through the tunnels on my own because the enemies are a bit much. So if you'll assist me in taking them out I'd be sure to give you something!" ~Lexa Grimoire

    Raising an eyebrow, Narumi became interested. Who was this Lexa person? What kind of enemies? Could Narumi help? Sure she could! Ever since she awoke on the beach, Narumi had noticed she had strange magical powers. She was apparently something called a "Wizard." which was someone who was bestowed with magical powers! Smirking, she'd put the letter in her pocket and would continue walking towards the end of town. She didn't need a map to know where these ruins were. She had passed by them some time ago, and remembered where they were. Of course, she'd have to come up with an excuse for when this "Lexa" questioned her arrival, seeing as the wizard she had intended the letter to go to had lost it.

    836/3225 Words.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 8th April 2017, 7:41 pm

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    It was only a few hours of riding at top speed before she was at the only safe entrance to the Ancient Ruins that any map could display. Looking around Kaori didn't see anyone, but figured that the one who sent the letter would arrive eventually. Rather than setting up a camp site, with a tent and a big glowing fire to let every asshole from here to Hargeon and back know where she was, the masked ninja took refuge in a tree that was thick with leave while leaving her bike out in the open. Kaori wasn't afraid of someone stealing it since the thing required her hand scan; size, shape, and prints included to be activated. That, and if they wanted to take it, the thief would have to deal with an exceptionally dangerous masked ninja.

    When Narumi would arrive at the Ancient Ruins, if her sixth sense were strong, she would feel as though she were being watched as far as a mile out. This would be because Kaori was using the animals of the forest as her eyes and ears. Since birth she was always amazing with animals, able to communicate with them telepathically, and very few could resist her command. While there were a large number of ones that could, either through mental strength or physical prowess, the amount that couldn't vastly outnumbered them. Every bird in the sky, snake in the brush, and monkey in the tree was watching for people entering and exiting the area of the ruins entrance and reporting their presence directly to Kaori.

    Once Narumi had arrived at the entrance itself, she would have no troubles finding the MM900 that Kaori left propped up. Kaori would appear next to Narumi, not behind her but not exactly in front her at any angle, while tapping the tip of her index finger on one of Narumi's ears. The sound of her inhaling deeply with the pitch of her voice getting higher would be heard slightly muffled behind her cat-like mask as she began smiling from ear to ear. She'd then immediately wrap her arms around Narumi in a warm embrace while burying her masked face in Narumi's shoulder. If Narumi would be able to overlook the momentary ear tap, and the random hug, the latter would be over in only a few seconds. "Sorry about that miss, I just think you're super cute! I didn't think those were real and I wanted to find out but I didn't wanna be rude and ask so I decided to touch them and-" Kaori's voice became extremely high pitched in her excitement as she said "-And they're really real!" The level of happiness that Kaori was feeling could easily be sensed radiating off her. Kaori would take one of Narumi's hands in both of hers' while looking at the woman with glee filled eyes through the slits in her mask. "I'm Kaori!" she would say before relaxing herself just a bit and her voice becoming less excited as hell when she asked "Umm... would you happen to be Lexa?"

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 970/3,225

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 8th April 2017, 8:29 pm

    It only took a few hours longer, until Narumi's nose picked up the familiar scent of the ruins. When she had encountered the ruins a few weeks prior, she had spent a few hours exploring the outside of it. Completely consumed with curiosity and wonder from the ancient stone buildings. So much so, she made an effort to not forget them. She had their strange, old musty, stone scent locked away in her brain, and it was all coming back as she neared the edge of the forest to the rocky structures beyond. However, something was slightly off. She could feel as if something or someone was watching her... At first, she pretended not to notice. She didn't want to ward off her stalker if they thought she knew of their presence. Even if Narumi wasn't a very powerful mage, she liked to fight. And if someone was preparing to ambush her, she'd give them what they wanted. But that didn't seem the case...

    A few minutes later, she'd arrive just outside the ruins. Her ears twitched as she looked around and then noticed something out of place. Was that a machine? Narumi's curiosity once again got the better of her, and she silently walked up to the edge of the automobile. Gazing at it with wide eyes. She'd lean down to feel its metal surface, and grew surprised. She'd never seen anything like it before. Although she really shouldn't be shocked by this point. She'd been transported to a completely new world with new people, animals, and all sorts of strange contraptions just like this one! Although she still wanted to know what purpose it served... But that's when it happened.

    She felt a sudden presence near her, and then suddenly a hand touched her ear! Naru stood straight up and let out a small yelp from the sudden move. It had been a jump scare, but on top of that, her ears were extremely sensitive. She'd then hear a high pitched squeal and felt two arms wrap around her shoulders. Utterly confused, Narumi was flustered. "Oh... Uh.. h- Hi." She'd say nervously before spinning around to confront the woman. Her ears flattened and she slumped slightly with an irritated expression. She absolutely HATED when people touched her ears. Like she was some sort of pet. But this woman seemed to have little control over her actions and went through with it anyways. She'd take the time to observe her, but she couldn't get a good read since the girl wore a mask. Curious. Why did she feel the need to hide her face? However the tone of the woman's voice and her cheerful manner convinced Narumi that she didn't mean any harm. Sighing slightly, she figured this odd person was just a tourist.

    Her ear perked up however when she mentioned the name "Lexa." So this Lexa person had sent MULTIPLE people notes it seemed. This girl wasn't just a passerby after all. "Oh... No that's not me. But I came here looking for the same person." Narumi told her truthfully, her ears twitching slightly as she eyed her. She introduced herself as Kaori.

    "Oh.. I'm Narumi. But you can call me Naru if you'd like."

    1374/3225 Words.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 8th April 2017, 9:09 pm

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Kaori's cheeks turned flush red as the other woman gave her a name without honorifics. She knew that she introduced herself the same way, but Kaori didn't think she deserved them. She let her people die, she hadn't accomplished anything noteworthy, and she was freeloading off of a very kind clan. She was essentially a ronin, a servant without a master, useless trash without honor. For Narumi to give Kaori her first name was an overwhelming honor to the masked warrior. Still holding her hand, Kaori pulled Narumi in and slid her slender arms around Narumi's trunk and gently wrapped them around her in a very warm, loving hug that was unlike the one she'd given her before on many different levels. Kaori would press her cheek flat against Narumi's upper chest while embracing her if she didn't force her away and say "Thank you." in a soft, happy, gentle voice that also contained just a tinge of pain, sadness, and grieving in it, mixed with the joy.

    The masked ninja released the woman, taking a couple skips back with a large smile on her face beneath the mask. She quickly moved over to her metal horse and mounted the saddle. "Get on, we can clear some of the enemies out before Lexa gets here. My metal horse can help us cover ground faster."  She said with a confident tone more befitting of someone on a mission. Kaori flipped a switch and the high beams turned on, sending a bright light down the tunnel ahead. "There's also that." She said as though the light source was just a second thought and nothing more.

    If Narumi would push Kaori away during the embrace, she would apologize for misunderstanding her and explain that she thought Narumi giving the ninja her first name was a show of a desire to be friends. She would still offer Narumi to ride the MM900 with her, but her tone would be more hesitant, and unsure as though Kaori had no idea how to interact with Narumi after her epic blunder. After asking if Narumi wanted to ride with her in this situation, Kaori would flip the switch for the light to show her that she did have some form of utility, and she wasn't a useless dumbass; but she wouldn't speak afterwards, just sit on the bike with the slits in her mask angled to the ground in shame.

    If Narumi would opt not to ride with Kaori, she would ride alongside Narumi so the animal girl wouldn't have to be without light. She would ride slowly, the sound of her Nuclear Powered Motorcycle's engine no louder than her or Narumi's breath while they moved along. It was the benefit of not needing a combustion engine, which was also accompanied by the exhaust being pure air instead of some toxic gas. If Kaori and Narumi were on good terms, she would ask if Narumi had been here before, and if Narumi wouldn't mind if Kaori made a copy of her memories of the layout of the parts she'd explored if she told the ninja about her previous journey here. "I have the ability to take anything, or anyone, and learn the history of that thing or person. I don't make a habit of 'just taking the knowledge' since that's a bit messed up." she would explain. If Narumi said she couldn't copy the memory, then Kaori would respectfully say okay and apologize for asking since the ability made many people uneasy. If Narumi said she could, then Kaori would only take the information requested and Narumi would feel no change. However, if Kaori and Narumi were on bad terms because of the hug, Kaori would just stay quiet in an attempt not to further dishonor herself.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 1,601/3,225

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 8th April 2017, 9:50 pm

    Narumi would continue to stare at the woman with a curious expression, still unsure what the silence meant since she was unable to see her face. She just stood there staring at Narumi for a moments, and she couldn't help but blush in nervousness. And then she hugged the girl again! Leaning her head on her chest above her breasts, Naru looked down with a confused and surprised look. Were humans always THIS affectionate? What a strange woman! With the words that muttered from her mouth, Narumi shifted slightly, just waiting for the awkward hug to end. "Er... You're welcome..?" She said, not knowing exactly what she was being thanked for.

    After that awkward encounter, Narumi had her arms crossed and stared at Karoi as she got on her metal object. Which she called a metal horse. She stared at it a moment and then looked up at her. She then looked back at it again and a small grin would form on her face. "That's not what horses look like." She said. "Horses aren't metal." Narumi noted. Not entirely sure if what she was saying was even correct. She was still brand new to this world, so there was still a lot she had left to discover. Who knew, maybe metal horses DID exist! But that thing looked too different for Narumi to believe it actually held a connection to the animals she had gotten used to by now in her favorite fields near the edge of the town she spent most of her time in.

    However Karoi chose to respond to that, she'd simply follow. Carefully trying to mimic the same position the ninja was sitting in on the back of the motorcycle. Not exactly knowing how to go about it. It was all still new to her, and she was frankly nervous about the whole situation. It was obvious by their first encounter Karoi had no idea that the kitsune wasn't actually the one invited to this little fiasco. However, she knew Lexa would most likely spot her facade within an instant of seeing her. Not exactly something the kitsune was looking forward too. Hopefully she could some how convince the woman she was here for a similar purpose. After all, she didn't really want people to know that she had technically 'stolen' someone's spot by taking their letter and following the instructions on it. Did that make her a bad person? Of course not! Right? Did it? She had no idea. She did try to give the letter back to the original owner after all, but that yielded no success when she tried to return the property. But this girl needed help! So she was just filling the gap she had unintentionally created. Not that anyone needed to know that.

    Soon the pair reached a tunnel, and Narumi continued to hold tightly to the machine, for fear of falling off. Her partner, Karoi, than asked a rather odd question. One that prompted the Kitsune to tear her gaze from the fast moving ground beneath them to her. Her ear twitching curiously. "Oh... Err. Sure. Although I will say I only explored the outside of the ruins. I didn't go in." Narumi would answer truthfully. Not that she really had any reason to lie about it anyways. Karoi did have the apparent ability to find out if that was true or not anyways. She had no idea what lied in store for them, but she was hoping for a fight. It'd been a while since she had gotten into the thrill of conflict, and she needed to pump up her spirit soon. Probably the only reason for her choice to come here in the first place. The promise of battle and excitement was just too great.

    2003/3225 Words.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 9th April 2017, 5:32 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Kaori didn't pay Narumi's comment about her metal horse any mind. As far as the masked ninja was concerned, it was metal, it moved around, and she required a saddle to ride it- it was a metal horse. However, Kaori was the kind of person to rename things that already had a name just because she didn't think their original name made sense. Like planes, seriously, they're neither flat nor grassy, and they certainly are not land formations. They're metal, and the fly high in the sky like birds so steel bird sounds like a much more fitting name. That was only one of her renamed contraptions, the list of them is pretty long and will only get longer as Kaori lingered in this strange land of magic using clans. While riding, Narumi gave Kaori permission to access her knowledge of the Ancient Ruins with the warning that she actually doesn't know the insides. Kaori didn't mind that, knowing the outside of the place is still valuable information so she accessed the memory anyways so she could use that knowledge in the future. It's better to have a thing and never need it than to be caught needing something you don't have.

    The speed Kaori maintained in the cavernous expanses they passed was brisk. Not so fast that her hair crackled in the wind, but still fast enough for passing stalagmites and stalactites to make a low 'whoosh' sound as the two flew past them. Kaori had figured that for Lexa to know there were things within that were too much for him or her to handle, they'd have to have entered the place before. The right slit in Kaori's mask began producing a bright, brilliant purple glow as she began looking into the history of the ruins themselves. Kaori saw a strange figure that spoke in a broken tongue as though it only knew fragments of speech, not entire phrases to hold cohesive conversations with. It addressed the small, child like person with it as Lexa which answered Kaori's question about the target's gender. Kaori made a hard left at a fork in the road, following the path her historical clairvoyance was showing her and continued straight until she saw the silhouette of something up ahead.

    Coming into focus, it appeared to be a dog that was covered in magic circuits. It was huge, like a wolf and when Kaori tried to use her Beast Pride to control it to move out the way, it rejected her. She didn't like this at all. The animal was obviously not naturally born that way, and for someone like Kaori who adored all forms of life, it was both a pain and honor to be the one to put it out of its' misery. Narumi would hear in her mind Kaori's voice saying 'Hold on tight.' and nothing more. Then the speed of the MM900 would begin increasing rapidly as Kaori turned the throttle more, and the dog would finally begin charging at them. With the push of a button, an 8 foot diameter shield arranged like a hemisphere composed of hundreds of hexagons would appear in front the metal horse. After a second or two, the motorcycle jerked as the dog was hit by the barrier and turned into a bloody mist that stained the walls. Turning the corner they hit a few more bumps and made roadkill of a couple more dogs before a massive steel door that was extremely out of place showed up in the distance with no enemies to guard it. On the ground were the corpses of two spiders with the same circuits as the dogs lit up, but since they weren't moving it was safe to say they were dead.

    Kaori jerked the motorcycle sideways while applying the breaks, sliding as such for quite some distance before stopping just five yards from the door. "I guess this is the place." she said before getting off her horse, the barrier vanishing as the engine was cut. Kaori looked around, the door was obviously solid and her teleportation wouldn't just let her pop up on the other side of it since she didn't exactly know anything about what lay beyond the steel structure. "You're not the one I asked for help." a voice came from a set of boulders on the right, where a small girl was waiting. She was around 5 feet tall, wearing a black miniskirt and a grey sleeveless shirt, black fingerless gloves, and black boots that ran up to just under her knees. She looked to be between 14 and 16 years of age, but Kaori had a gut feeling she was just a bit older. "You're Lexa, the recipient of your letter sends her regards but she was unable to come so I was sent in her stead. My name's Kaori." the masked ninja said in a professional tone. Kaori didn't catch what Lexa said to Narumi, but she'd assumed the story was much the same as her own. The small blonde, who was smaller than Kaori which was an accomplishment, pulled out a small black strip and charged it with magic. Both her, and the strip began showing the same markings as the monsters both parties had already dealt with. "You people are all strange..." Kaori said in a thought consumed voice while staring at it.

    She couldn't understand why these people were obsessed with tainting something that didn't need to be messed with. They turned dogs into monsters, monster spiders into monsters compared to their former versions, and little girls into flashlights. But Kaori had assumed that the augmentation was more than just a light show, she just didn't know what it was. The masked warrior took the item from the girl, the pattern fading from it and tried looking into its' past. "There's magic preventing me from seeing how this item was made. You seem to be capable enough, how dangerous are the monsters on the other side kid?" Kaori stated, looking at the little girl before them. Lexa walked over to the door and touched it, a magic circuit expanding from her hand and covering the door to give way to an entire laboratory buried under the ruins. "More than I can handle." she said before walking in with Kaori not far behind, accepting the answer at face value.  

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: 2,663

    Enemies Killed:
    3 Dogs

    Enemies Remaining:
    7 Spiders
    6 Dogs
    1 Scientist
    1 Imoto

    Enemy Trade:
    3 Normal for 6 Weak

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 9th April 2017, 12:14 pm

    Now this was interesting wasn't it? The tunnel only continued to get darker and darker, until the "metal horse's" headlights turned up to light up the path ahead of them. Narumi peered over the edge curiously as the masked woman continued to drive. She was a curious one, that was to be sure. She wanted to ask why she wore a mask, but thought it may be rude. It was odd. People seemed to be offended so easily in this world. Narumi was still new here, and she had no idea when anything she did was considered "overstepping." Not like she had anyone with her to warn the kitsune when her moves were causing distress. Just the other day she spotted a cute little building next to the main street in the middle of town. It had a large window with racks of food all lined up inside! It was all just lying there ready to be eaten! How could Narumi possibly know that's not what they were meant for at all? Well... She soon found out the hard way as the armed guardsman were chasing her down the street as she held onto a box of very delicious doughnuts.

    Her mind snapped back to the present however as the vehicle suddenly made contact with a living object! Narumi's ears perked up with sudden surprise adn she held tighter, watching the mangled body of the augmented dog fade into the shadows behind them. She'd stare wide eyed before slowly turning to Karoi. "What in the hell was that?" She'd ask, but before long the bike made impact with another! Things were getting weird now, and the kitsune wasn't sure what exactly awaited them deeper in the ruins. But now understood why this Lexa person requested aid. Who knew what kind of monsters skulked in the ruins.

    Soon the pair arrived at a larger chamber, lit dimly with large torches hanging on the walls. At the end of it lied a MASSIVE stone door. Something Narumi couldn't help but look up and gaze in awe at the shear size of it. She'd get off the motorcycle and slowly meander her way towards it. Drawn in like a moth to light, Narumi was completely distracted and enthralled in the designs carved into its surface, snaking its way all along the entirety of the door. That was until her hears picked up a voice talking to her directly. With a slight twitch, Naru cringed slightly, remembering she wasn't actually supposed to be here... And it seemed they had found Lexa.

    "Oh... Err. That's right. I'm not the mage you requested..." She stuttered nervously, tapping a finger on her chin trying to think up a response as the girl stared up at the Kitsune with a gloomy, slightly irritated look. She then looked at Karoi and thought up an idea. She quickly slid next to the masked lady, grabbing her arm and holding it tight with both of hers. "I was sent here with her! Heh... Not sure where the others are though..." Narumi laughed nervously, gazing around to give off the illusion she was looking for someone who had yet to arrive. "Odd... Well, I guess you'll have to do. We can't wait for them any longer."

    That was surprisingly easy. The girl took Narumi's lie and swallowed it whole without so much as a second thought! Slightly relieved, she sighed a breath to match as Lexa turned towards the door. She realized she was still holding onto Karoi's arm. She'd let go and smile nervously, scratching the back of her head. "S- Sorry." She'd quickly say. It wasn't long after that, the chamber shook suddenly and Narumi's ears quickly cowered as she crouched and stared around. Her instinct kicked in, but relaxed when she realized it was the door. Lexa had somehow opened it? Well, it was good to know she had some magical ability. Karoi was right, she was skilled in some regard. As the massive doors opened, they revealed an even darker and longer hallway. Something that made Narumi's eyes flicker with awe once again. Lexa would begin walking into it. "Er... I'd leave your bike out here. There are a lot of baddies down this way, and they'd most likely be attracted to the sounds that thing makes." Lexa did have a point. These ruins were massive on the outside, but who knew how much larger they were underground. Glancing at Karoi once more, she shrugged and followed the girl. This mission seemed easy enough, right? Escort the helpless girl through the dangerous ruins and find whatever it was they were looking for? Piece of cake!

    After a few minutes of walking, the trio found themselves in a much larger hallway than previously. But something triggered Narumi's senses... She stopped suddenly. She'd hold up a hand and whisper to the others. "Quiet!" She'd then use her enhanced hearing to pierce the shadows... Silence. At first. Nothing but the echoes of distant rocks tumbling and the droplets of water nearby... But then that's when she heard something else. Scuttling? Suddenly, her hears perked up and she leaped backwards! Out of the darkness above them, a massive spider like monster landed on the stone where Narumi had been standing only seconds before! And it wasn't alone. Soon, 6 more spiders crawled down the walls around them. The massive creature had metal joints and electrical wire like the dogs they had encountered before! Gritting her teeth, the fox's aura would expand slightly. Finally! What she had been looking for! A fight! The massive bug would turn its attention to the kitsune, and released a high pitched screech that hurt the fox's extremely sensitive ears. It then charged her without warning, and with speed she wasn't expecting! Not having enough time to counter the sudden attack, Narumi would quickly roll out of the way as the creature plowed through a pillar of stone and would turn itself again, spitting webs in her direction! Narumi would leap up over the webs with sudden speed and height far greater than that of a regular human! She'd follow through with a roll, and that's when her golden gaze turned cyan... And the ends of her scarf began to glow as well. As the spider rushed in for another attack, she'd stay her ground. It lifted one of its metal legs to try and stab her, but she'd elegantly sidestep the blow and return with one of her own! her fist was enveloped in blue fire as she punched the cyborg's body. It screeched slightly, but before it could move again, Naru had already gone to work! Leaping upwards she'd land directly ontop of the giant, slamming her flaming fist into its back! The sudden impact caused the beast to rip apart completely as her spectral magic erupted a shock wave! With that she'd roll to her feet, eyeing the remaining spiders who had been focused on Lexa and Karoi. Seeing one rushing for the girl while she was distracted holding a beast back with a barrier, Narumi held out her hand and summoned a long, ghost like whip! Grunting, she'd swing it around and latch it onto the spider's leg! Pulling back as much as she could, the monster would trip and roll past Lexa. It'd get to its feet and then train its eight eyes on Narumi. Giving off a screech, it darted towards her with speed. Narumi simply smirked and then flashed! She had suddenly vanished from sight with a blue light. But she'd quickly reappear overtop of the creature. She'd land on its back, and grab onto one of the wires. The beast shrieked and ran around trying to shake her off, but Narumi held on for dear life...

    3299/3225 Words.
    Word Count Complete.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 10th April 2017, 4:26 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    It wasn't long before Narumi had shown a flawless example of something Kaori knew well. Even the weak can be powerful, and in this case, she'd shown it by using her animal senses to prove superiority over human senses. She'd called the group to halt, getting everyone on guard in time for an ambush of large abomination spider monsters. The first spider that attacked went straight for the fox girl, but when one came for Kaori the ninja had seemed like she was too slow. It dropepd on her head, sinking its' fangs deep in her skull to set loose a terrible scream and a massive pool of blood as it began tearing into it. Kaori erupted into smoke, and a trio of shuriken slammed down on the back of the spider, two red and one blue. The combination of fire and water made more steam, obstructing the view of those unable to access a type of second sight.

    Why didn't Kaori dodge? Why did she erupt into smoke suddenly? Because Kaori did dodge, and at the same time she left a copy of herself in place. It was one of her special tricks, something to keep her enemies focused on what they see and feel, and not on what's really happening. The masked ninja dropped from the ceiling and slammed her fist on the back of the spider, realizing quickly that it didn't die. She knew the exact reason why Narumi's did... Narumi was using magic, and that magic put force on the underside of the spider that reverberated throughout it to create internal pressure. That pressure wanted out, and it built rapidly, faster than the cells of the spider could adapt to, and even more pressure than they could withstand. Because of that, the spiders innards became its' outards. She vanished from the spiders' back when a second one came in trying to kill her and reappeared below the first one. She spun while drawing her katana and cut the spider's legs off in a single attempt, vanishing before it hit the floor. She would have to let it die of starvation, but at least it wouldn't suffer for much longer.

    Two more spiders came out of left and right, Kaori had anticipated it. This wasn't because she was psychic, able to break the confines of time and space to look into the future. No, she could only see the past. But she knew what they'd do because she was experience, and very intelligent. While she was in the air, Kaori watched all seven spiders make their entrance. One killed by Narumi quickly, another going for Lexa, one charging down the path, four moving down the walls. Their positioning told Kaori exactly who they were going for, and if Kaori was right, she was the best target. Lexa was obviously not natural, likely closer to the spiders than Kaori. Narumi was too aware, her senses far stronger than Kaori's even if Kaori could use a few more tricks than her to compensate. But Kaori was the least suspecting, and spiders always went for unweary prey.

    Kaori had reappeared above the two spiders dropping two items. The first was an explosive lacrima, the second was a shockwave bomb. The fire lacrima exploded, lightning the two spiders on fire and setting off the shockwave bomb that made the incendiary part of the bomb expand further to consume both spiders. A fourth spider had jumped from a position Kaori wasn't expecting. The shockwave bomb had cleared out the steam she'd created, but it didn't come without its' problem... It displaced one of the spiders, something the masked ninja didn't account for. The items weren't something she used much so she wasn't used to them, thus, unable to account for enemy position shifts because of them. The spider slammed down on Kaori, and opened its' jaw wide to take a bite of that sweet Lareci warrior ass. Within seconds, it's mouth was filled with ice as an arrow slammed into it and sealed it shut. The clone erupted into smoke, and Kaori put another three arrows in the spider, one in three of its' 7 eyes. The spider reeled back, standing on its' hind legs while kicking its' front ones wildly and trying to let out a pained sound. Kaori sent a lightning arrow straight into its' body, dead center of mass, that seemed to be much more effective as it was enough to kill it just by electrocution. Kaori turned to see how Lexa and her spider were faring, to find that Narumi was handling that. One of the spiders, the last one, had turned tail and started running down the halls to safety. Kaori didn't bother chasing, there was no need to kill it if it didn't want to fight. "Great work everyone. Especially you Narumi, I'm glad to know you're as dependable as you look." Kaori said in a friendly tone, not really trying to deliver reassurance but just a deserved compliment.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: Done

    Enemies Killed:
    3 Dogs
    6 Spiders

    Enemies Remaining:
    1 Spider
    6 Dogs
    1 Scientist
    1 Imoto

    Enemy Trade:
    3 Normal for 6 Weak

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 14th April 2017, 8:23 am

    Narumi kept holding on to the Spider as it ran around attempting to get the fox off of it, but she wouldn't let go. Instead she quickly re positioned herself into a standing position, keeping her balance by crouching and holding onto a group of wires. She'd tear back at them, causing the wires to spark and fizz with electricity! The blue sparks did little to sway Narumi from her current plan however, as she only felt the tiny jolts. Her adrenaline numbing the pain as her second hand dove into the spider's back and pulled out another handfull of wires. The monster would screech with pain, and Narumi would pull back on both of them, igniting her hands with a blue fire! The fire would spread down the wires, using the electrical charge to fuel its power directly into the spider! With that, Narumi would finally let go, backflipping off the beast and skidding on the ground behind it as its internal systems began to burst with flames.

    Within a few more seconds, it exploded in a ball of blue flame, Narumi having a dark grin on her face as it did. Stretching out her arms, she'd turn back to Karoi and Lexa, seeing they were both unharmed. She'd give a yawn as her ears flattened and smiled at Karoi, her canine pointed from her lip. "Eh, I learned a thing or too. I'm not entirely helpless." the fox bragged, not really caring if it showed. Because in truth that's what Narumi was. She was a bit self centered at times, and always loved showing off her magic. Even if it was considered weak compared to most. But it wouldn't stay that way! She was going to become so much more. The fox had to give her companions some credit. After all, Karoi seemed to be much more well versed in combat than Naru could hope to be. That of course was never something she'd admit openly to anyone. Her pride was too great.

    "Where to next squirt?" Narumi would question as Lexa turned towards her with an irritated expression at Naru's nickname for her. ".. Well, this is as far as I've come before, Vixen... But I'm sensing a faint source of magic deeper in. We should continue and keep our guard up."
    "Gotcha." Narumi would say with another stretch, catching up to walk beside Karoi.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 15th April 2017, 1:12 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Continuing ahead through the various halls in the building that was a bit out of time, meaning it was far too new-age for being in an old ruin; Kaori couldn't ignore the blood stains on the walls. There were ones on the floors that implied the corpses were dragged away. Pausing at a door that was half open, Kaori turned to try and look through the opening but found that all she could see was a large bloodstain. She grimaced at the door, she wanted to know what was inside but she didn't want to find more than she bargained for. While she was pretty damn fast, and had a great reaction time, she wasn't able to dodge if she was already dead. She let out a sigh before grabbing the edge of the door and tried pulling it aside, using her weight to pull it and managing to get it to move slowly.

    Stepping inside she found a lot more than she expected. It wasn't some cliche, massive, badass monster that would bash her brains in till it was water. It wasn't a room full of corpses, but rather, it was something that Kaori considered to be infinitely worse. She could fight a monster, she could look at a pile of corpses and not be phased. What she saw made her cover her mouth as tears began forming at the corner of her eyes. The hazel orbs grew wider as she looked on. The room was a bedroom of sorts. There was a sink across from the door, and a toilet literally attached to the back of it. A bed had tattered, generic looking sheets on it, and it was obvious that this place hadn't been touched in a while. The part of the room that made Kaori want to throw up, the part that shot straight through the 3,000+ people she'd killed in the past few years was on the wall. A skeleton, no bigger than Lexa, was chained to the wall with shackles. It had several needles stuck in the bones, not between them, inside them. One needle had a skeleton's hand wrapped around it and the rest of the skeleton was collapsed on the floor leaning against it with a metal pole through what would've been its' heart.

    Kaori quickly turned around and ran out the room, stopping several doors down and entering the fetal position. She was shivering, clutching her shoulders while water droplets rapidly fell from the bottom of her mask. There was a bright violet glow coming from the right side of her mask, the same one that happened when she tried to examine the strip that Lexa had shown earlier. Lexa had asked what she saw, the girl had remembered that Kaori mentioned the strip was blocking her ability to see how it was made, and figured that she saw how the corpse was made. "Th-they..." she said in a severely shaken tone, an exact inverse of how she'd been acting earlier. Hesitantly, her hands still shaking, Kaori stood back up and wrapped her arms around Lexa. "Please... don't look for the history of this place. There are some things worth not knowing." Her voice was dark, as though all the happiness was torn from her. Her eye had stopped glowing, and Kaori began walking in a more confident path as though she knew where she were going. Lexa continued pestering her to tell her what happened, where she was going, how she knew where to go, and enough questions to make Kaori happy she weren't a mother.

    The rooms they'd passed contained much of the same. Sometimes the larger skeleton was the one chained to the wall, other times it was the child's skeleton. Some rooms were completely empty, implying that whoever was in there had left when things went south. Kaori had stopped at a massive door, one that was absurdly large and had the same kind of scanner that the first one had. Lexa placed her hand to it, the same effect happening and causing the door to slide open. On the other side was a force of six of the dogs like the ones Kaori ran over earlier, and one guy in a lab coat behind them. Kaori used her right thumb to push up on the guard of her katana, revealing a small sliver of the blade. "Small favor, let me get the guy on the far end. I've got a score to settle." Kaori said with a cold tone, and waited for her companions' reactions. If they agreed to it, she would vanish and reappear engaging the scientist; if not, she would force herself to respect their desires.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: Done

    Enemies Killed:
    3 Dogs
    7 Spiders

    Enemies Remaining:
    6 Dogs
    1 Scientist
    1 Imoto

    Enemy Trade:
    3 Normal for 6 Weak

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 15th April 2017, 8:28 am

    Narumi followed the other two people closely as they ventured deeper into the ruins, but it wasn't long until the foul stench of blood hit her sensitive nose. And it seemed like she wasn't the only one who had noticed either. Her ears would flick and she'd look towards Karoi with a curious expression, wondering what she was studying, but then she saw. The blood stains wiped across the floors and walls looked rather fresh, and judging by their scent, the kitsune could confirm as much. She wrinkled her nose with disgust at the site of this unfortunate happenings, her mind already piecing together what had happened to the source of those blood stains. It wouldn't take a detective to figure that much out. Especially based off what the trio had just seen and dealt with merely minutes before.

    Soon they reached a door in their path, and Narumi could tell something different was inside it.Why else would there be a door in the first place? From what Narumi could remember about this strange world, they usually divided structures like this for specific reasons. At least she thought so. Back where she came from, they didn't HAVE any doors. Everything was wide open for everyone to see. Now that she thought about it more, they didn't exactly have any buildings either. Narumi's strayed mind however was brought back to the present when Karoi opened the door to witness what lied inside... And it wasn't pretty. The room looked like an old bedroom that had been abandoned for many years... And the only evidence of human activity was the lone skeleton chained to the wall. Seeing Karoi's reaction, Narumi realized this of course was not ethical, especially to a child. That's what the skeleton looked like anyways. Her ears drooped with depression as Karoi fell to her knees and began to mourn the lost soul. As if trying to comfort Karoi, Narumi would step forward and gently place a hand on the skeleton. She'd close her eyes and began searching for sings of the being's soul... And there it was.

    "He suffered, but his death... When it came.. Was swift. He is in a better place now." She said gently, not knowing exactly what the relationship was between the masked girl and this lone skeleton, if any existed. Sighing, Narumi would continue down the hallway with the others as they passed more and more skeletons. It was evident this place was being used as a base for some sort of cruel experimentation... When? Narumi couldn't guess, but it must've been a while ago. That's whent he trio reached another door, and then opened it to reveal a room that looked exactly like some sort of makeshift lab... And a scientist stood in front of a large screen, accompanied by more dogs that the two had encountered earlier. Gritting her teeth as the hounds noticed them and began to growl, Narumi would clench her fist. Anticipating a fight.

    "He's yours." Naru would say coldly as her fist ignited in blue fire. As if on cue, the monsters began to run towards the trio and Narumi would charge head first. Using her enhanced agility, the kitsune would run up a nearby broken column of rock to gain height and slam her fist into the stone floor, causing an eruption of flames, blowing back some of the hounds. She did this hoping that it would give Karoi a clear opening to the scientist...


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 16th April 2017, 2:56 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Kaori had gotten the confirmation that it was alright for her to take down the scientist. She didn't know him at all, she didn't need a reason to want his head to roll, she didn't care about whether it dishonored her or not that she wanted to make it roll. All she knew and cared about was the he was going to die, and she was gonna kill him. The exact second that Lexa nodded, Kaori was gone, out of sight and instantly appearing behind the scientist spinning. The top of her foot slammed into his head and sent him flying sideways, the man obviously not expecting to fight a speed based opponent.

    Kaori had switched from being an overly hyper, friendly person to being the cold hearted killer she was born to be. The scientist had quickly adapted to Kaori, knowing that an assassin will always try to attack from behind. Kaori's next attack was blocked by a bone saw that was oddly tough, and she vanished when the scientist tried to follow up with an attack with his scalpel. Three shuriken flew down from above, each bright red and exploding upon hitting the ground. The scientist looked around when the smoke cleared trying to find Kaori. Suddenly, she appeared in four different places almost at the same time with her sword drawn. The fifth time she appeared, the sword was running from his back, through his chest and out the other side. She ripped the blade out and looked around to see if Narumi and Lexa were finished with the dogs or not.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: Done

    Enemies Killed:
    1 Scientist
    3 Dogs
    7 Spiders

    Enemies Remaining:
    6 Dogs
    1 Imoto

    Enemy Trade:
    3 Normal for 6 Weak

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 21st April 2017, 11:03 am

    Well, it didn't take much to spark the fight in Karoi it seemed. The girl would simply nod, jumping over Narumi and began her assault on the apparently distracted scientist. But closer examination proved useful as the kitsune noticed the scientist's augmented body, and how quick he was to react to the masked girl's second attack. She almost thought about stepping into help, but thought better of it. It was obvious to the fox that this girl had some sort of personal grudge against the happenings, or previous happenings of the experiments that took place here. As a result, she chose to let her fight the battle on her own. She had her own baddies to worry about...

    With a quick duck, Narumi narrowly dodged a hounds jump for her throat before spinning around and tripping up another with her tail. It may not have looked like much, but Narumi's tail was as strong as a person's leg. With that move she'd quickly leap up onto the dog's body and slam her feet into its throat. An electrical shock surged through her foot, but like before her adrenaline helped numb the pain, and replaced most of it with the rush of battle! She'd somersault off the dead monster as another tried to bite her, halting in a crouch position as a large blue magic seal opened up behind her. Narumi's eyes turned a bright shade of blue as four massive ghost like hands burst from the seal behind her and lashed out towards incoming hounds. The hands managed to slam two of them against eachother, and Narumi would finish off the last one with a swift, but powerful kick to the body as a spectral fist held the. struggling creature suspended in the air, exposing its robotic body.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
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    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
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    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 25th April 2017, 1:15 pm

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Things had calmed down, and it seemed like all the enemies had been dealt with. Lexa had walked over to a door much like the ones they'd gone through before, and just like them, this one opened when she touched it. Within the room were several large, cylindrical vats filled with liquid. It seemed like their contractor had struck a small bit of luck when she found one that didn't have fluid, but rather, a girl suspended in fluid. Kaori had watched from a short distance, confused about the whole facility. The other girl looked exactly like Lexa, but it was obvious that she wasn't lexa. The girl suddenly appeared outside the vat, and had began speaking with her counterpart seemingly peacefully. Kaori's right eye began glowing violet as she tried to look into their past from the facility, but the same magic that blocked her earlier was doing it again. The conversation ended with the other Lexa announcing that the original was supposed to be killed, and she vanished.

    Kaori was a ninja, she knew the easiest place to attack from was behind. Just as the other Lexa vanished, Kaori did too and reappeared with her sword drawn behind the original Lexa, blocking the new one. And thus, the battle would begin.

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: Done

    Enemies Killed:
    1 Scientist
    9 Dogs
    7 Spiders

    Enemies Remaining:
    1 Imoto

    Enemy Trade:
    3 Normal for 6 Weak

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spectral Void
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by Narumi 27th April 2017, 4:45 pm

    As the final enemy dropped, Narumi's ears would twitch, and she'd let out a long sigh before crossing her arms and turning back to Karoi to see she had finished her work with the scientist. Sniffing the air, she smelt something unusual nearby, but it seemed the ninja girl had already found out and was approaching yet another door. Narumi said nothing but slowly walked over stretching her arms and yawning, seeing where this took the trio.

    Inside however, they were met with something the kitsune wasn't expecting. A vast row of liquid filled vats lay before them, they glowed with unseen light shining from the substance inside. Narumi had no idea what to think of this, and gazed awestruck... Before something even more unusual occurred.

    Suddenly the realization hit, and Narumi was faced with a difficult truth. THis Lexa wasn't the apparent girl they thought she was. No... A clone. A fake. And another lied in a vat in front of them. Or at least she did for a moment. The clone quickly appeared outside of the vat next to them and declared her hostile intentions... At this, her ears folded back and she growled slightly, clenching her fists as blue fire began to circle them. So... It was going to be like that? Very well... Narumi thought: Let's Play.


    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Request


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Vehicle- Ship- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Godess's Boon
    Position : Saint of Passion
    Posts : 763
    Guild : Lamia Scale - "Jizō"
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 1,444,887.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Assassin Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Crew
    Third Skill:

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Empty Re: Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private

    Post by ○Kaori 23rd May 2017, 2:59 am

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Ukar8e11

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private Nviajx11

    Right as the fight began, Kaori had dropped her sword and vanished to reappear in the air as she formed a set of shuriken between her fingers, throwing them to the ground and letting them explode. The one in the middle was bright red, signifying its' affinity for fire. The other two were dark blue, signifying they were composed of water. Upon hitting the floor, they all exploded and the fire evaporated the water and covered the field in a thick steam that made it difficult to see anything. The battle wasn't long, as when the steam cleared the clone of Lexa from the tank had no arms. Kaori saw Lexa with her sword in her hands and blood all over the blade. She wasn't sure if Lexa had removed both the clone's arms, or only one- either way she didn't care. The armless Lexa had said something peculiar. She said she guessed big sisters were made stronger, and then vanished. What caught Kaori's attention was the word 'made' instead of born. Instead of dwelling on it, Kaori simply turned to the other two and said "Well... that just happened." in a somewhat surprised voice.

    Lexa had walked over to the wall where some strange suits hung and retrieved a pair, presenting it to Kaori and Narumi as paymet of sorts. It wasn't really her style, so Kaori figured she'd leave it at the guild hall till she found something to do with it. She was about to turn to Lexa to ask her something, but she was already gone. Kaori then turned to Narumi and said "It's a pretty long way till the next town. I can give you a ride if you'd like?"

    Kaori, Narumi: Act i: Genesis: D Rank: Team: Private J6q08l11

    WC: Done

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:38 pm