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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Rong Yuen
    Rong Yuen

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 元素密封
    Second Skill: 靈魂密封
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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by Rong Yuen 21st March 2017, 4:17 pm

    Job Information:
    Rong had woken up with much more energy then normal, which may have something to do with her going to bed a little earlier the day before. Because of all the energy she had used up that day after the last contest she was in ended up in a tie even after there was like three sudden events to find out the winner. Due to both Anna Kozlov and Rong Yuen herself, their spirit and will of dancing that clashed head to head over an over till they both had ran out of stamina. Afterwards they had both smiled at one another witch had sealed the bond of rivals between the two. Very shorty after she got home from the intense contest, she had fall over on her own sofa an passed out within the a few moments.

    Rong got dressed and when over to Fin's place to see if she had any work to do today or not. She had ended up meeting him at his door, "Oh, hey Fin Fin!" Finbar Keefe turned around and had  smiled at her, "Hello Miss Yuen, I'm happy to say that you have the day all to your self." Rong blushed a bit and started bouncing up an down, then stop for a second to think about what Fin just said. "How did you know what I was gonna ask?" She was very confused at Fin had knew what she came there for. He laughed at her, "Because you ask that every morning Miss Yuen." Then Rong had blushed even harder, "I DO NOT!" "Okay, okay, it was just a joke. Sorry about that, why not let me make up for that? A friend of mine had told me about a dance party that is going down in 'Oak Town' today. Everyone is welcome and they should let you in once they see you. Due to most everyone there from people just dancing to the staff knows your name an face already." Rong squeaks as she runs over and hugs Fin, "Thank You! It sounds like the prefect thing to do today." Fin hands her a map and points to where they are now and where she needs to go.

    Rong had taken off in a hurry to get there in time to hopefully not miss any of the fun. It took her a good while to get to 'Oak Town' but lucky enough for her that the place was close to the train station. So it would most likely impossible for her to miss it or go to far. The closer she got the area of the map that Fin had pointed out, she could hear the sounds of trains. "Hehe, I most almost be there." Rong was extremely happy at this point so she began bouncing around while walking an making clanking sounds due to the two hook swords she uses for special dancing were hanging on her back. The out of no where all she hears is this extremely loud 'KA-BOOM' followed by the sounds of people screaming and blazing of flames.
    Word Count #513


    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons 83bad410
    Plot People:

    Bloodline Demon:

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nu Wa Force
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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by YoungBridge 22nd March 2017, 2:11 am

    Fei Fenghuang, ever jolly and chipper was cleaning up her room when she found an old box. The girl hums to herself as she pulls it out from under her bed and flips the lid open. It was filled with books containing teachings, combatting spirits and Fenghuang smiles brightly at the book on top, a photo album, slightly dusty and picks it up a whistle and coughs when she accidentally breathed in the dust on the book. The exorcist flips it open and sighs, suddenly looking tired. The first photo was a picture with the family, insertes nicely in the center with the caption written down in ink and written with just one word in her language "Family". The girl felt like tearing up but then hears something on the lacrima radio. Lots of screaming of cheering and music blaring in the background, the announcer spoke.

    "Exciting news for all you dancers! If you want a party to really sweep the floor, come on down to Oak- BOOM!"

    That alarmed the young mage. Fenghuang then smiled brightly and bounced happily. Either that party had really explosive fireworks (poor Summer) and that party went off with a bang, or something had gone wrong. Honestly she could not tell the difference when people are screaming in terror or screaming in enjoyment of the party. The girl threw the photo album on her bed and dashed out of the door, running past her guild members and literally jump through the window (gotta have to pay for that) and attaches a seal of her. Black and purple fire consume her and slowly shifted and change into proud black wings of fire before flying through the portal and making her way there through the skies, screaming and chanting the word party.

    Fenghuang fist pumped the air as she flew, and Galileo appeared before her, his spectral body passing through clouds. With an irritated groan, the spirit guardian spoke.

    "Fenghuang I advised that you should really really slow down, you might hit a- Aah!" A bird flew through the ghost's body and he patted his ghostly gut. "Oh yeah I'm dead..." Galileo then looks around, Fenghuang was gone. The magician gave himself a face palm and disappeared so he could return to Fenghuang.

    Fei Fenghuang was back on the ground, trying to rush past civilians running past her screaming in panic as fire was blasted through the air. A huge fireball came down on a crowd and the mage quickly blocks it with her wings and lands infront of them, commanding them to run in a less than serious tone, which frightened them more than being gracious. The girl removes her slip and makes it disappear. Oak Town was on fire, music still blaring in the background. The girl tapped her feet and went into a little cha cha prance. This was gonna be a blast, literally. Fenghuang dashed quickly through the streets, hoping to stop the mage causing this madness.

    So there Fenghuang was, in town square, with fire mages grabbed in red blasting fireballs and deadly flame throwers at the fleeing crowds. Her eyes were however on the abandoned lemonade stand made from cardboard. There was still some lemonade left and the girl could not help but feel a bit parched from the heat. Fenghuang bends over and picks up the jug, ice clinking inside as a fireball flew over her head and crashing down somewhere. The girl chugs down a cups worth of the drink and sets it down nicely, but then decides it would be wasteful and takes the jug with her. Never can fight on a thirsty throat they say! Fenghuang then scratches her chin, pondering whether she even said the phrase right.

    Word Count: 622 (Total:1135)


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nu Wa Force
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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by YoungBridge 22nd March 2017, 2:54 pm

    Just rollin\


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2017, 2:54 pm

    The member 'YoungBridge' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons StrongMonster Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons NormalMonster Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons WeakMonster
    Rong Yuen
    Rong Yuen

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 元素密封
    Second Skill: 靈魂密封
    Third Skill:

    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by Rong Yuen 23rd March 2017, 8:56 pm

    Rong had just stud there in amaze at such a loud nose that happened not that far in front of her, after a short whole she finally shock off the starling moment. Then hearing all the screaming once again of the people had made her rush there quickly. At the moment that she had arrived, she was shocked at that half a building was missing and flames all about the ground an the side of the building that was still standing. "Oh my, I do hope no one got badly hurt." That had to be her wishful thinking and caring for those that didn't deserve such a sad faith. Then right in the middle of flames and pieces of broken building around was a shadow like shape of a human. Rong dash to it as fast as she could because in her mind she thought it might be someone to scared to move. Once she had gotten close enough to see that it was a man standing there with flames coming off his coat. Something made her still want to think that it was someone in trouble but her mind kept trying to tell her to just attack all ready.

    After Rong had taken a few more steps close, she could hear that the man was making a very evil and insane laugh. This sent Rong into an a slight enraged state so she took off as fast as she could and jumped into the air. "HOW DARE YOU HURT ALL THESE PEOPLE!" While she had been in the air the ribbon tied around her right wrist had rolled up at the end to a ball an mimicked her first. Then she lands a punch on the back of the unknown man's rib cage as the balled of ribbon that feels like rock hard iron strikes the back of the man's shoulder. This didn't even seem to phase him in the slightest, all he did was turned his head around to see her with a wicked evil grin on his face. "Hahahah, what a worthless and weak mage you are. BE GONE!" He had quickly raised his arm and winged it with full force backwards to her and got her open side before she had even touched the ground from her jump before. She when flying to the left side of him right into a wall that was still not broken yet. As soon as Rong's body hit the wall all that could be heard was the sound of cracking from the wall and coughing her as she spat up some blood from her mouth.
    Word Count #435


    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons 83bad410
    Plot People:

    Bloodline Demon:

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nu Wa Force
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    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by YoungBridge 25th March 2017, 6:10 am

    Fenghuang sighed, her lemonade is all gone, bht at least she feels rejuvenated and refreshed by the taste. Sour has always been good, especially on pork. How she missed the days of sour pork in her mouth, and how she missed her family too. Fenghuang then spots a man in red running towards her, with a fireball in hand. Fenghuang blinks, was his hand on fire or was he trying to punch her. Fenghuang could not tell when he trips over and rolls to her feet, the fire gone. Galileo blinks before floating down and his ghost body sinking into the ground and pokes the guy in the cheek, not that he could feel it other than a icely cold sensation tingling on his cheek. The mage jumps to his feet and collapse on someone, another wearing red. Fenghuang throws aside the jug aside as she watches the man get up and get a scolding from the other before they face each other and start throwing fireballs at Fenghuang like maniacs, some fall short or too far. Fenghuang took her fans out and twirled them and cause the fireballs that do manage to be in the path of hitting her to disappear into thin air. Seeing the hostile threat she dashes forward and slaps both both with her fans and kicks them in their jaw, causing them to relocate their jaw back to their right place. Fenghuang giggles cause one, they were toothless and looking very stupid and two, she raised her hand and taunted them to hit her with a teasing smirk on her face. Enraged the less experienced one rushed towards her, clearing forgetting to use his magic and instead gets hit with the hilt of Fenghuang's fans and knocked to the ground.

    Bending over, she grins cheekily at the other mage before her. "Want to beat me up too? Well blegh!" Fenghuang's jolly expression changes to one of mockery as she sticks her tongue out and sprays saliva everywhere. The mage throws another fireball and Fenghuang creates paper to block it before making it ball into a fist and slam the fire mage flat. Fenghuang could hear him mutter as she stepped closer, and smiled as she skipped over his unconsious friend. "I know! It must suck that fire can't burn my paper! Well, too bad~" Fenghuang ended that sentence with a sing sung tone before creating paper and traps his body in a striaght position and covers his mouth. Proud of her work, she gives him a boop on the nose with her finger before skipping away.

    Fenghuang finds herself, staring at a fight scene, wishing she had popcorn with her. But something disturbed her, the mage fighting the other one with the fire, she looks familiar. An expression of concern grew on her face when she watched the other mage slam into a wall and laid there for a bit. Fenghuang quickly jumped in and throws her iron fan, hitting the fire mage square in the head and it spins in the air from the bounce back, before landing and its iron blades stuck into the ground, the sparrow shape of the fan visible. Fenghuang quickly rushes over and spins her other fan before flicking it and picking up her other fan quickly as the fan her had thrown hits the mage again. Fenghuang got his attention and quickly made her way away from the mage in the wall. Fenghuang needed to buy time for the other to recover from her head trauma, and prayed that she can. The girl could not help but feel something about her, and she needed answers.

    Word Count: 607(2177 total)


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah
    Rong Yuen
    Rong Yuen

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 元素密封
    Second Skill: 靈魂密封
    Third Skill:

    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by Rong Yuen 25th March 2017, 3:16 pm

    Rong had been hit with should force that it basically drove her a wall that she didn't fall out from freely. She even blacked out for a while, after a while she had finally started to come back from to a heavily dazed state. Her mind was racing at what had happen, why was she in pain, and how come she felt like she was stuck in or on something. Then she had remembered that she was in combat an let her blood run a little while which was why she had jumped an attacked much like a normal angry person would. Rong started wiggling about slowly while starting to be able to feel normal, as well as her sight finally had returned to normal. She freed her self from the wall after fully regaining all feeling an sight, now she has a clear and claim mind again she can return to the battle with this man. Rong then looked out in front of her to see that they was another person there fighting with the man she just happen been smacked into a wall by. But there was something... an unknown feeling that she had within her body that had began to ache in away of knowing the one before her. Before she had noticed it the fact that they man had just began to throw balls of fire at the other person, made her blood began to boil so she acted in away that someone would to protect those that they love. Rong had pulled out both of the hook swords that were on her back then got in a stance just like most dancers would before they start. Using her feet and gripping onto the hook sword that she used to spin her self like a wheel towards the man that was chasing and trying to her the one that she had these odd feeling towards.

    While rolling towards the man an had gotten close enough, Rong had pushed off of the ground a bit with her feet. Witch had made her air born an she had landed right on the mans foot but didn't stop there and just ran him completely over. Basically driving the man into the ground just like he had forcefully drove her into that wall earlier. Shockingly right before he was ran over by Rong, he had gotten one last fire ball off that had been targeted at the other one. So she kept rolling as a wheel but going faster now because she felt like she HAD to protect this person if it was the last thing she did. Rong was about to get passed the fireball yet not close enough to catch of with the other one. Knowing that there was no time to get the person out of the way she had one ribbon grab a big rock as she break free of her wheel like form. Now she had been running while twirling the other ribbon around as runes all along it began to glow. Causing a vortex that sucks in the flames of the fire ball into the ribbon and sealing into it that made the fire element rune to glow brightly. While quickly moving the large rock in front of her to block the pure magic energy like ball. On contact with the rock it exploded and while her still being so close to the blast sent her flying once more. But this time Rong had a plan, she swung both of the hook swords at full force into the ground to stop her self from being crashed into another wall.
    Word Count #605


    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons 83bad410
    Plot People:

    Bloodline Demon:

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nu Wa Force
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons Empty Re: Sealing Controlled Flames with Paper and Ribbons

    Post by YoungBridge 25th March 2017, 8:04 pm

    Fenghuang was both in amazement and in relief when she saw a human bowling ball run over the fire mage, with a lot of amusement as she watch the fire mage's shock expression as well. But she had let her guard down, as fireballs came towards her at rapidly speed. The girl raised her arms and braced for impact but it did not come. Fenghuang blinks and looks up, the girl before was stuck in the wall again, but this time it was not like before. Fenghuang spots the ribbon that wrapped itself around the girl, that rune, she recognizes it but memories of it were hazy. Slowly the girl approached the ribbon mage but was stopped by the sudden recovery of the fire mage, a crazed look in his eyes as he raised a fireball, a very large one no less and tries to throw it towards Rong. Fenghuang quickly throws a paper slip and puts her hands together.

    "Unleash my student! Bakeneko!" Fenghuang shouted as the paper slip burns up in green fire and a black cat, red eyes burning with green fire as it gets hit by the fireball and lands on its feet next to Rong. Its tail, with a lighted green flame at the end coils and uncoils in an entracing look. The cat's red eyes stare at Rong, and it smiles. Fenghuang rushes to its side with fans at ready. The sunlight bathed upon Fenghuang's hair, and reflecting light, was the Phoenix Pin and the Sun Band that Fenghuang used to tie her pony tail, her most signature physical feature.

    The fire mage laughed maniaclly before grasping his hands together and causing a rain of miniature fireballs to spur forth from his hands, all homed in on Fenghuang. Fenghuang quickly seala Bakeneko and attaches another slip to herself and icy cold winds bellowed from her, causing the fire to disappear as Fenghuang stood there, a huge horn in her hand and her hair looking icy. Shoulder pads resembling bull horns appeared on her lithe shoulders as she grins before facing Rong.

    "I don't know who you are... BUT THAT WHEEL THING WAS SO AWESOME!" Fenghuang bounced up and down before Galileo appeared next to Fenghuang. He spoke to the girl.

    "Fenghuang not is not the to admire this Elemental Sealing mage! Battle is still underway!" Fenghuang groans, to the normal outsider it looked like Fenghuang just rolled her eyes at a blank space. The girl turns around to face the fire mage and lifts her horn and blows, a large blizzard suddenly blowing up around her, causing burning buildings to become capped with snow and the fountain in the center froze in its dazzling display.

    Word Count: 452 (Total: 3234)


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:10 pm