Fairy Tail RP

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    Post by Raven 15th March 2017, 8:59 pm

    Lucie ♣ Fairy Tail ♣ D Rank

    Magnolia, the city that used to be the home of the guild of fairies. After the guild had taken the fall for her upon them discovering that she was a wanted criminal, they refused to hand her over to the Rune Knights, despite the warrant for her arrest. It was a beautiful act of kindness, but one that the small child could hardly perceive. She almost wanted to be grateful, but could not figure out what she was supposed to feel in the situation.

    Ren used his influence to tell her that it was a foolish choice, and the guild meant nothing. They were a tool to use; a device to get the supplies, food, shelter and jobs they needed in order to survive. The people in the guild meant nothing. ‘Family’ was a word fabricated by humans to bind one’s freedom. Other words, such as ‘love’, and ‘friendship’’, were quite similar. She was not to be caught in the emotional traps of the mortals.

    Fairy Tail was moving towards becoming legal again. At the very least, they did not associate themselves with the ‘dark’ alignment for guilds. Independent, was what they chose to call themselves. Lucie failed to really give much thought to the alignments, but accepted the supplies given to her by the guild in parting. Ren had used her body and voice to make quite a scene, when the Guild Master, Sorano, tried to speak with her, and offer her ‘help’. Lucie had not wanted it, and felt a bitterness upon experiencing the scene. Was this embarrassment? She did not know the word, but could at least feel the emotion.

    That led to yet another thing. When Ren revealed that the guild was only meant to be used, and had called all of her guildmates fools, it struck something else deep within the young girl. She left with a sour parting, but her resentment for the malevolent spirit was only fueled. What was this emotion? Guilt.

    Not that she could understand. After all, the girl could not even read or write. What did she understand about the meaning of any words? Besides, she could not speak words aloud. Only once in a great while did she have the courage to trigger her telepathy. She could understand simple speech and meaning to a fair degree, but did not know how.

    “Another existential crisis?” Ren asked with a snicker, piercing through Lucie’s thoughts and wonderings. “They’re becoming more and more frequent. Why is that? Can’t you trust me?”

    His voice was mocking, as usual, and Lucie doubted he was sincere. He had been with her for her entire ‘life’. She had little idea as to how she even came into existence, so of course she questioned it. “No. Shut up,” she replied softly in her thoughts, at least fully understanding the meaning of all three words she had said. She wanted him to be quiet, and ‘shut up’ was the phrase that most people used to tell others to silence themselves. Typically, if one did not listen, the only other option was to silence them herself, right? At least, this was the only way she had ever known.

    “Growing rebellious too, I see,” Ren commented with a chuckle, allowing Lucie to try to mentally force barriers between him and her mind. As she did so, it required all of her focus, and even when done, still was weak. Breaking the walls would not be a challenge, if he wished to do so. But why continue taunting her now? Magnolia was a busy city, and he was curious as to who the two of them could run into. The child was a wanted criminal, after all. Her face was known throughout Fiore, and who would miss it?


    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Post by Special Snowflake 24th March 2017, 1:44 am

    Erika hadn't visited Magnolia in a very long time, she simply didn't have any reason to with the moving of the guild of fairies and the lack of overall interesting locations. The area was filled with nothing but the recovery from the various attacks and the Rune Knights making sure security was fairly tight. This village almost seemed to be a taboo location, as if it had a certain stigmatism about it the very air felt heavy with guilt and the people moved with a distinct lack of focus. Erika knew this feeling, betrayal, they felt as if they had been controlled this entire time and abused, or at least that was Erika's best guess. This being Erika however, she wasn't wrong but merely others didn't see it correctly. To assume that Erika was wrong in her assumption was merely asserting an incorrect opinion, and being a dummy. Even if people looked happy Erika could feel what was within their hearts, their anger, their feeling of betrayal, their desire for revenge, their fear, all of it fed Erika in a sense. In a wicked way, she enjoyed feeling the suffering of others around her, it gave her comfort that the honest nature of humanity could finally show itself.

    Petty and jealous was their way, as she whisked her way around the town Erika could feel the pulsing heartbeat of the crowd turn more sour by the moment. it was a lovely presence but within it there beat a strong heart, one which pulsed with stronger purpose than just... aggression. it was malice incarnate, corruption and deception mixed together. While no one else could feel it, Erika was far too in tune with the environment and potential is and weres that she could feel it resonating within different realities. Everything else came to a halt as she searched for the presence, only to find that it was clouded, there was something wrong with it. It was there but also, missing, empty... it was as if someone had laid some bait for Erika without even knowing it.

    Such a pot of malice that didn't seem to have any shape to it, the future unknown and the break, in reality, made it seem powerful but unrefined. Erika simply must find it. It took a while as she didn't have much to go on but her own minor viewings of the nonsense of the potential realities and futures, but as she felt through the crowd, a hidden pulse sparked out, it was very minor but it was there. It seemed to steam from a little girl, wait... Erika knew this girl. She was one of those coming storms or something. Titles meant nothing to Erika but the knowledge of her face proved valuable in this instance as it made her believe her assumption was correct.

    "Excuse me little girl."

    Erika stated as she approached through the small crowd that had gathered around their location in magnolia for whatever trivial reason.

    "You appear lost... have a fight with your parents? Need any assistance in locating them?"

    The dual colored eyes of Erika tried to meet with Lucie's, and show a bit of mercy within them, even if Erika's ravenous hunger was deep within them. Compared to everyone else in this town, Lucie was the only one who seemed to have the same level of dark intentions within her, and Erika intended to find out why.

    [WC: 570]



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    Post by Raven 7th April 2017, 11:02 pm

    Lucie ♣ Fairy Tail ♣ D Rank

    Lucie continued in silence, attempting to weave through the crowd while blocking out the voice and presence of Ren. It was frustrating, and as the small girl walked, she almost did not hear the voice of a seemingly concerned older lady.

    ‘Little girl’ was a term that she had slowly forced herself to get used to. It was true from a physical standpoint, even though she had personally come to find the term to be rather demeaning. Nevertheless, here was yet another person to bother her. If Ren really wanted to come out and play, it would not bode well. She had to do everything in her power to keep his influence away from her mind.

    The question the woman asked was interesting, as people rarely assumed anything other than her being lost. Most inquired about where her parents were, which never received a good answer. It always brought about complications, whether she answered truthfully with her abilities, or chose not to answer at all. The latter was the easiest, seeing as physical speech was for the most part impossible for the child.

    What would this person’s reaction be? Such an interesting question, as Lucie forced herself to stop and gaze up at the person’s differently colored eyes; much like her own whenever Ren had taken control. Luckily, the woman had asked a straightforward, question, which could be answered with a yes or no. That made for easy nonverbal communication as Lucie shook her head, attempting to let the person know that she had not been in a fight with her nonexistent parents, and did not need assistance in finding them.

    As soon as the questions had been ‘answered’, Lucie turned around and continued on, with her expression as deadpan as usual. “So many ‘nice’ people here, hm? It’s too bad you had to force the city’s precious protector guild to a place far away,” Ren commented, as Lucie lowered her guard enough for him to speak again.

    “I told you to shut up,” the small child replied in her mind to the malevolent spirit.
    “Oh, you wish. But you see, my dear child-- I’m growing bored with just walking around. Have you anything against us livening the atmosphere here just a bit?” Ren continued in a singsongy voice. At the suggestion, Lucie clenched her fist as she felt her breathing quicken. The last thing she wanted was to hurt anyone here, or cause another scene. It would put her, and others, in danger, and was not worth the effort. Nobody was currently in their way.

    “Oops. Too bad,” Ren said as he forced his influence forward, taking control of the child’s body as her left crimson eye began to glow a pale blue. Unsheathing their shiny dagger, Crepundia, Ren spoke aloud, using the body’s much neglected, delicate voice. “Let’s have some fun, Lucie. There isn’t anything else to do~”

    [Total: 1107//7,000]


    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Post by Special Snowflake 24th April 2017, 12:20 am

    There was no reply from the little girl, only silence, or at least that is what a less educated person would believe. The eyes of the girl said it all, she had something inside of her, tormenting her. Erika knew this because of deep down, Erika was also tormented, she felt the soul pain of being torn apart due to her past and often lashed her mind with such horrible atrocities, and how best to deal with them. many nights were spent alone, dreaming about solving the problem that she felt, the emptiness in her soul, and that is why she knew this girl was being tormented. Actually, she knew because she had sort of cheated and peered around the area for the source of the disturbance and detected the presence of the one really big soul, that might have just been two people. As if Erika was actually emo, come on she already threw her emo out of her and told it to F*** off.

    The girl stated something... strange, about killing everyone in town? Well, she didn't say kill but she did say have fun and all of it was assumably in the third person. No one just randomly blurted out in the third person about having fun unless they had some kind of voice talking in their head, or were crazy, or were some kind of poorly written evil NPC. The little girl didn't look like an NPC and her eyes didn't seem crazy, so she must have had a voice in her head. With a bit of a swagger to her walk, Erika approached the little girl and made sure to give her a bit of a smile.

    "You can always have fun with me! I love having fun, as a matter of fact, one of my favorite games to play is at birthday parties. You know, where you take that thing... what is it? Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue... oh yes a Pinata, and you smack it with a bat! Doesn't that just... sound..."

    With a blink, Erika reached into the girl grasping "something" within her hand, and with a might tug she severed the connection between the two and dragged out the one that seemed to be covering up the source of malice Erika desired to examine. Manifesting what appeared to be a bat with a picture of a baby seal on it, Erika grinned wickedly as she made sure to toss the man? Spirit? It didn't matter really, to the ground.


    Freezing the rest of the town in that moment, Erika made sure that they were in a little pocket reality she had created, as to avoid anyone else seeing what was going on. She didn't wish for interference, she only wished to toy with whatever was going on here, and get to the bottom of it, so far even after touching the little girl she couldn't see into her past, and this guy was an enigma too. Oh well, if you can't understand something you might as well beat it up.

    "Though I must say I do agree with you that there isn't much to do here, but still this is my reality we are in, and I don't like strangers here so in essence... "

    Raising the bat over her head Erika's grin widened, all the while making sure to allow her threads to keep this man somewhat restrained.

    "Wrong Neighborhood MotherF*****"

    The bat came down with aboslute abbandon, Erika was going to have some fun with this one.

    [WC: 592]
    [total WC: 1162]



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    Post by Raven 5th May 2017, 8:52 pm

    Lucie ♣ Fairy Tail ♣ D Rank

    His speech was met with a response from the strange, pink and brown haired lady standing before them. While the two of them had never been to a birthday party before, Ren was at least aware of how they operated. Such a silly human concept. Why celebrate when somebody was born? It was a joke, really.
    At least in his case, he could celebrate each and every time he had been born, ever since the beginning. While Alice had managed to seal away a good portion of his memories, he at least had a fair idea of how many times he had been forced to reincarnate.

    Before Ren could make any movements to deliver harm to the lady and the others around them, the woman moved closer and reached into the small girl’s body. It was not something the spirit had anticipated, as as the pain from the connection being severed began to spark, he carefully attempted to redirect it towards the soul of the young girl. Just what sort of magic was this?

    As his soul was torn out of Lucie’s body, his spirit manifested around it, taking the form of a teen boy, with blonde hair. He had a green right eye, and heterochromic, ice blue left eye. The clothing choice of his form was a red shirt, black hoodie, and cargo pants, casual and comfortable as he attempted to physically phase his spirit. Upon finding his bearings after being thrown down, he frowned at the pink and brown haired lady, narrowing his eyes at her as she spoke. Fun? Like hell.

    His heterochromic gaze turned to Lucie’s body for a spare second. The girl had her control back, though clutched onto her chest, as if something from inside was causing her pain. Ren knew that her spirit was young and immature, with hardly enough strength to remain stable inside of a body, enough to keep it strong. Slowly, the spirit would begin to slip away without him tying it down with their bond, and the child’s body would take on the symptoms of one who was dying, as it shut down.

    It did not matter too much. The body was a stolen vessel, one he had claimed for himself and Lucie after ripping out the original spirit, and releasing it to be forever lost, wandering the worlds and heavens. If the body died, he would simply have to snag Lucie’s soul again and find another vessel, just like he had done before. He required the girl to be a weapon, to use against her, that one to have caused him so much strife. If only she had just allowed him to live in his first life… none of this would have happened.

    Flashbacks and reminiscing came to an alarming halt as he was brought back to see a new reality. Time frozen, and the woman holding a wooden bat with the picture of a baby seal nailed to it. He gritted his teeth as he recovered, sitting up. Before he could speak, she had continued on, telling him that the world he now saw around him was her own reality. He could not stand up, as threads began to approach, binding him down. Ren attempted to phase back into his spirit form to escape what appeared to be physical, but to no avail. The ice cream lady vulgarly announced that he was in the wrong neighborhood, and swung down hard with the bat.


    Pain ensued, and the agony from the blow of the bat was one that Ren attempted to channel towards Lucie. In the meantime, Lucie was having trouble of her own the instant the hand had entered her body. The pain felt by Ren had been directed towards her, and she screamed as her soul took the brunt of it. The sudden realization quickly hit afterwards; no longer was Ren’s presence prominent within her. At that moment, she no longer felt him, or could hear his voice.

    Upon falling to the ground, scared red eyes reopened to see the blonde boy on the ground, lying as if he had been thrown. Lucie herself clutched her chest, suffering from some unknown pain. Would she really be able to last in that body, without Ren?

    The pink-haired lady donned a large bat with an unseen picture nailed to it. She was speaking, but in her daze, Lucie could hardly hear it. Blinking once, then twice, the child recognized the boy as Ren, the malevolent spirit who dwelled in her for so long. So, that was what he looked like when his presence was not shrouded in darkness? The fear on his face was evident as the woman yelled out a nasty phrase with a wide grin on her face.

    Ren would attempt to channel the physical pain towards the little girl, refusing to allow the beating to affect him. If he could not avoid it, he would take it head-on. However, with the connection between the two severed by the strange lady, he was forced to bear the full impact from the bat. A painful experience, but one Lucie was able to watch without averting her gaze. Perhaps some time ago, she would have looked away, though after being so easily desensitized to the aspect of killing and hurting others.

    The child’s spirit was continuing to slip away from her youthful body. As it did so, however, Lucie felt something unexpected-- a deep rooted hunger. Starvation, even. But for what? With her connection to the vessel fading, the small girl’s mind grew hazy, and even thoughts were difficult to maintain. Darkness would soon ensue, even in this reality of stillness.

    Despite the mental selective mutism of the body, Lucie at least understood enough of basic language and communication to try something new. Utilizing her long neglected voice, the child murmured in a soft tone, her eyes pleading, focused on the woman who was beating up the malevolent spirit.


    Location;; Erika's Reality
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 2,101 / 7,000



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